HomeMy WebLinkAbout5787 of' gUFfO(' Office Location: t��d��p�S en% Mailing Address:cf, n` Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank y Z 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) ,F 0 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 *ta_ pp 01 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2005 ZB Files 5787 and 5801 as Amended—Simon Caudullo Property Location: 970 Seventh Street, Greenport CTM 48-2-19 (part of Lot 57, Greenport Driving Park) SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 2,470 square foot parcel has 45.07 feet along 7`h Street in Greenport, and is improved with a single-story frame building (non-habitable dwelling prior to as-built construction), shown on the November 19, 2003 survey prepared by Pat T. Seccafico and September 9, 2005 as-built elevation diagram prepared by Robert J. Higgins, Architect. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's August 24, 2005 Notice of Disapproval, amended September 13, 2005, citing Sections 100-230 and 100-244 in its denial of an application for a building permit for as-built alterations and construction. The reason stated by the Building Inspector in the denial of the application for a building permit is that the non-habitable structure contains as-built additions and new alterations which require a front yard setback of 22.6 feet after taking an average setback of existing buildings within 300 feet on the same side of the street. ADDITIONAL RELIEF: The Zoning Board of Appeals has noticed this application under Chapter 58 for additional zoning code relief under Section 100-244, involving total lot coverage exceeding the 20% code limitation, and for habitable area containing less than the code-required minimum 850 square feet, after as- built renovations, alterations, and deck enlargement. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on November 17, 2005 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant wishes to obtain variance relief for as-built construction with a setback at less than 35 feet from the front lot line (less than the average 22.6 ft. setback of other homes within 300 feet on the same side of the street) and for lot coverage at 23%, or 568 square feet (ref. John Metzger letter dated October 24, 2005. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: d. Page 2—December 1, 2005 ZB File Ref. 5787 and 5801 —S. Caudullo CTM 48-2-19 1. Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The as-built construction included an increased deck size and new alterations within the existing building for a single-family dwelling, from the former 335 square feet of non-habitable floor area (ref. Preexisting Certificate of Occupancy #Z-30069 dated 3/8/2004). It is necessary to increase the lot coverage for livable floor area as a minimum. The one-story building has existed for more than 60 years with less than 500 square feet of floor area and exceeding the code's limitation of 20% lot coverage. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The property is 2,470 square feet in size, having a width of only 45.07 feet and depth of 54.81 feet, which limits the size for a dwelling. If the home were enlarged to meet the code's 850 sq. ft. minimum requirement for a single-family dwelling, the lot coverage would increase to 35% or more. Adjacent homes are of comparable size to the existing, as-built construction requested in this application. 3. No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The neighborhood consists of homes that are comparable in size and with similar nonconforming setbacks. 4. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of an addition and alterations, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Simon, seconded by Member Dinizio, and duly carried, to GRANT the variances as applied for, as shown on the November 19, 2003 survey prepared by Pat T. Seccafico, October 24, 2005 letter certifying lot coverage at 23% by John Metzger, and September 9, 2005 as-built elevation diagram prepared by Robert J. Higgins, Architect. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Oliva (Chairwoman), Orlando, Goehringer, Dinizio, and Simon. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 11,406 Approved for Filing • r 1 t FLINT STREET 3urUi. o O iri LOT 58 Q w LOT 5 w U23 zA182'44'S5"W �Li ;54.81 ' �Lzw v e z M POST & RAIL N N FENCE a•• HEDGE� I'REaAR — tiR.R.�y ' REBAR 0.1'IY p P/O LOT 57 T I QTIESFz ;;t O W Lei1 20.6' LI ONE 8.8. I,t id STORY i WALK/HEDGE �U w FRAME w f C0�D. 2'w P/O LOT 57 O DWELLING o Y fo L W F O N) 4.7' 8.8' 30 e 2 ti f OCE 4 6.8' — 14.6' ,, 0.7'. CO IP LA J1 ~a in a 1 IN V I 1 C b 4U FENCE COR. REBAR IN ` 1- O.z"W 0.3W1. U f I _, D.5'W __ __ ,,REBAR 0.1W N82'44'55"W 54.81 ' „ D.1W \ LOT 56 \ yN, 1 oN \ 1 . N • PTIL. POLE. #2 AREA: 2,470 Sq. FL = 0.056 Ac. CLEARING AREA: 2,441 S.F. = 98.8 , SURVEY OF FILE NO. 50233 CERTIFIED TO: PART OF LOT 57 MAP NO. 369 MAP OF F: DEC. 1, 1909 GREENPORT DRIVING PARK REVISIONS: SITUATE AT GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PAT T. SECCAFICO . SCALE: 1" = 20' DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2003 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR, P.0 S.C.T.M. DIST. 1000 SEC. 48 BLK. 2 LOT 19 — SUCCESSOR TO — EASEMENTS AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUARANTEED UNLESS PHYSICALLY EVIDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE TIME OF DONALD TASE, L.S. THE SURVEY. RICHARD WILHELM AND ASSOCIATES GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON(S) FOR WHOM .sE of NeW Y PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS GOVERNMENTALTHE AGENCYIS ED, AND ON AND LENDING IS INSTITUALF TO THE TITLE TIONS LISTED HEREON,PAND TO THE co .c'SEC CA_o NORTHSTAR SURVEYING, P.C. ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO - I PAUL T. CANALI20, L.S., ROBERT A. KART, L.S. ADDITIONAL SHOWN HEREONITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT FROM THE STRUCTURES TO THERS. THE PROPERTYFSETS LINES(OR ARE FORNA/ON5) * QP Ai l, • * GOOD GROUND SURVEYORS, P.C. SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE THE ,Z'�i!:p.'it ERECTION OF FENCES, RETAINING WALLS, POOLS, PATIOS, PLANTING AREAS, 1�!#z; 107-5 W. Montauk Highway 328A Main ADOITIONS TO BUILDINGS AND ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION. 0"'i!!+ Hampton ton Boys, NY 11946 Center Moriches, NY ALL LOCATIONS OF AND DISTANCES TO WELLS AND CESSPOOLS ARE BY LOCATIONS - P FROM HOMEOWNERS, FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND/OR INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM F 648261p PHONE: (631) 728-5330 PHONE: (631) 878- OTHRES. SINCE MOST ARE NOT VISIBLE THESE LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS CANNOT .ti`4 FAX: (631) 728-6707 FAX: (631) 878- BE CERTIFIED, °I-AND St/it UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEYMAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVORS N. Y.S. LIC. NO. 049287 SEAL SHA NOT BE CONSIDERED AEY TRUEVALIDTURE COPY.ND RED INK OR EMBOSSED COPYRIGHT – 2003 PAT T. SECCAFICO P.L.S., P.0 1 S LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971- 0959, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,2005: 9:50 a.m. SIMON CAUDULLO #5787. Request for Variances under Sections 100-12 and 100- 244B, based on the Building Department's August 24, 2005 Notice of Disapproval, amended October 24, 2005, concerning as-built additions and alterations to a non-habitable building with nonconformities in the following areas: (a) less than 35 feet from the front yard line, (b) lot coverage exceeding the code limitation of 20% lot area, and (c) living area less than the code required minimum 850 square feet for dwelling use, at 970 Seventh Street, Greenport; CTM 48- 2-19. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular business hours. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: October 24, 2005. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN By Linda Kowalski • • FORM NO. 3 11 1,1Q NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 24, 2005 AMENDED: September 13, 2005 - lJ TO: Vicki Toth a/c Caudullo XI-.1- &Li- oW°Lov 425 Jacobs Lane Southold, NY 11971 Omit26 - d �,�� Please take notice that your application dated August 12, 2005 `�Q�t6�-Q /J P`" " For permit for as built additions and alterations to an to a non-habitable structure at Location of property 970 7th Street, Greenport, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 48 Block 2 Lot 19 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The as built construction on this 2,439 square foot parcel, in the R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-244, which states that nonconforming lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size, require a front yard setback of 35 feet. Following the proposed construction, the dwelling will have a front yard setback of 5.2 feet. Pursuant to Article XXIII, Section 100-230, which states, "... the front yard setback shall be the average setback of the existing buildings within 300 feet of the proposed building on the same side of the street..." The average setback is 22.6 feet. Please note that although the survey notes an average setback of 19.4 feet. That average was calculated using a structure that is beyond the 300-foot limit. In addition, the as built alterations, converting the non-habitable structure (as noted in the Building Department's Pre-CO dated 3/8/4) to a single family dwelling, is not permitted because the structure does not meet the town code's definition of a one family dwelling. "DWELLING, ONE FAMILY-A detached building containing one dwelling unit only consi iI II . :..ennui , area of 850 square feet." Damon Rallis, P. it Examiner CC: file, Z.B.A. • APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS —� For Office Use Only {' 7Fee:$ lel) FiledBy: (- .. / o"E�- Date Asaned/Assienmeet No . i 7 8 Ist $1 RECEIVED Office Notes: - I rr ra_ C Parcel Location: House No.Q 10 Street ! 4 _5J _ ,.rPS %APllet qtrea)poi+ SCTM 1000 Section ,44 Block Lot(s)iQ Lot Size,Q4 Zone District f -i4Q I (W APPEAL: 9THE r) � T DETERMINATION THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ED05 Applicant/Owner(s): c,i MD() L t � lt© 1 Mailing (� �ut Q,.�� Address: PC) I& X gull Qi'Y"ii1Q_c_k, N"J ` I QLO& Telephone: 5- -1- gQLll l `: NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant Is owner'sTattorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative: V j K,t l b Address:Lk36 Sa-COI S Lane OLL+t 1D(d, NJLt Hon n I Telephone: 256- - aaIf toc. ri(95-6/So2 Please specify who you wish corr spondence tb be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s) Authorized Representative ❑ Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 9 haul/O`J FOR: $Buiiding Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy XPre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Change of Use ❑ Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article,Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article 1' XX DI _ Section 100 a1+d )Subsection alto doe_ A 1 \Meei Atol\ozde de:C -et-6n of a cine i'ly clwe_11 Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: to Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ❑ A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ❑Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ❑Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 has.'has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year • I) • Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application 6 £ eirrAC6-r_iD Sift fy-S Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if granted, because: (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: (3) The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: (5) Has the variance been self-created? ( ) Yes, or (X)iNo. If not, is the construction existing, as built? (X) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserves and protects the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page to apply USE VARIANCg STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise ase proceed to the sianature and notary area below. Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent Sworn to b or me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) / day of L 200J. ` (Notary u Ilc) BONNIEJ.DOROSIO Notary Public,State Of Newtrk ZEA App 9/30/02 NTerm Expires Jury?Suffolk ey► • • AREA VARIANCE REASONS (1) This home has been on this property since the 1940's and is consistent with most lots in the area. The size was always the same and the home was structurally sound, so demolishing would have been an unneeded extra expense. (2)In February 2004 this Board granted an unmerger of this lot from the lot to the south, leaving this lot as a separate lot with an existing home with square footage of 364.89 not including the deck. The size of the lot and the placement of the home leaves no way possible for the home and deck not to be in violation. There was an existing deck on the home which was removed and replaced, but is now slightly larger. (3) The deck is now 4 feet wider on both sides and has moved it 4 feet closer to the road. It is approximately 175 square feet. It is no longer roofed over and is similar to the house directly to the north. The deck it built to code and is not visible from the street. (4)This home and deck have been in existence since the 1940's , many homes have front decks closer than the required 35 feet and the home to the north has a deck that is closer than the subject. There is also room for off street parking on the property. (5) This variance has not been self created, since the dwelling and any improvements can't meet code and would need a variance. The deck was enlarged, but there was a deck on the house that was partially roofed over, the existing deck uncovered with only one set of stairs,that are set on the driveway side of the home. The house was not self created since the house is existing and was unmerged from the lot to the south as granted by this Board in February 2004. (6)This home has existed on this property since the 1940's. All the surrounding lots are in separate ownership. The home is well maintained and has no negative impact on the neighborhood. The lot is 54.81'by 45.07' with a total area of 2,470 Sq. Ft. Due to the size of the lot there is no way that the owner can meet today's code requirements. The granting of this variance would not set a precedence since the adjoining property to the north has a front deck that is closer than the subject's and this is consistent with lots in the area. e • n • I) Page 3 of 3 - Appeal Application Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE Of requested): S Siff crr For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project Is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located, demonstrated by competent financial evidence. The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property is unique because: 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: 4, The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: 5. The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: 6. This is the minimum relief necessary, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the community. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be observed, public safety and welfare will be secured, and substantial justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) ( ) Check this box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page to apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the signature and notary area below. \Clic; yoc\_ Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent Sworn to bore me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) /SL y. of t 'r-300 5. BONNIE I.DOROSKI a Notary Public,State Of New York (Notary Pubc) No.01D06095328,Suffolk County ZBAApp 900/02 Term Expires July 7,20 rT J • • REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE 1. The applicant purchased this property on June 24, 2003, for the amount of$110,500.00. By not allowing him to obtain a Certiticate of Occupancy, he would not be allowed to either reside in the house or sell it as a habitable dwelling. This is a considerable financial hardship on the applicant. 2. The alleged hardship is unique since the Board grant the unmerger in February of 2004,that left this lot unmerged but not conforming to the town zoning. It is impossible to have the home or deck meet any zoning due to the size of the lot. There is no vacant land that can be purchased adjoining the subject parcel. All lots that adjoin the parcel are currently improved with a single family dwelling or are under construction. The home was not in such disrepair as to warrant the removal of the home. 3. This property had a dwelling on since before the start of zoning in 1957,this lot is consistent with lots in the area. The Board granted the unmerger and this is one of the lots that was unmerged. Majority of homes in the area are closer to the road than 35 feet. 4. The majority of homes in the area were built around the same time,they are similar in size. The home has been in the same spot since the 1940's. This home was and still is the character of this neighborhood. 5. The alleged hardship is notself created because the applicant bought the home,which has been in existence since the 1940's. The applicant did not enlarge the home or make it smaller. The home has been updated in the interior and the deck was reconstructed, but kept in the same location. 6. The property is well maintained. By granting the requested variances and relief the character of the neighborhood will be preserved and protected since this home has been in this location for over 50 years. It will allow the occupancy of the dwelling, this also allows for affordable housing. By leaving the home as non-habitable,the vacancy of the dwelling could become an attraction to local youths and could cause a negative impact on the neighborhood. 7. This is a pre-existing property that can not meet today's zoning. Public safety and welfare will be secured since the home will be occupied and not left vacant to become a run-down, dangerous property. The granting of the variance will avoid economic hardship on the applicant and will not deprive him of the reasonable use and enjoyment of his property. • PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicant(s): • A .. • , • I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed: A. Please give the dimensions and overall square footage of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size:o20. 3 x I(o.3' irreq rdwelhng - 1'4 x 1(odeck ,creel Square footage:Awe t; nQ = 361y,8'q 53 {f de. = I-15 s5 -F% +/- B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend beyond the existing building: Dimensions/size: A Square footage:_ h.1!{}- II. If land is vacant: jj / 4— Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction: Dimension/size: Square footage: Height: III. Purpose and use of new construction requested in this application: IV. Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): L67" t , :l ' x 0 ' , r Q fv,tct . . A I -f -rho- ex,.54-Iotas cLweIInq Q-nct clack C--C1ri '4- tjleef co "40 d�,=-e �o S t i-¢ 04- ' p l o+✓, V. Please submit seven (7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction. 7/02 Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) if you are not sure. Thank you. • • • QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A.APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? %Yes ❑No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes %No C. 1)Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? (OD 2)Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? AJ/-d 3)Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you.contactedthe office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? A I c\ Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: k)I A D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? Yl p E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? (101Ar? (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state "none"on the above line,if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? Yl 0 If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? 11 0 If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. r H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel Sk ng(A-}O�m (3 du.V-k(i ni Wt4V.Vn1- decK and proposed use Cno (e CO_nen'l • _ dl i , -Pi-•s. (exa : existing: single-family; proposed: same with gara:e.) `( 1 q las Io5 Authorized Signature and Date 2/05 0 iARD 0 A— / x /ood— y _ RTOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD C W catAclu.i lSTREET ( , VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT II nniumfomeaLand L*- a A , , t , 1 , , „DORMER OWNER N E V ACR. " 17eog& Frttrn(kh , c54-4 =rcin �4 . F, e(d �Ceoh' s w TYPE OF BUILDING 00-mm of SoCPAL reel) ices RES. lit SEAS. VL. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS 4, I, , l—iber eme 1 6 0 0 3-0 0 4 s l Sn' C .44-c4°t me 176 rLEecct 4r Ct} j}: SOC. Sev, S P f) Sec) 12 12 '77 So.. . 1/,2406 Co Soe, Set. to F F,r4D PJ. 49,376/83G7d t !r I lop 120. pMAHI ;€0- N.0 1 ' MN= ISG - 4. 7 .. -- Ilea I'It j -DC7 FYeeHlae4 518,000 MM. 7g ,_ - LTzi98,•$3a- yi o refereefaV en ' in Si AGE BUILDING CONIITION , U 03-L n-67.i72- E I tnnium ± Ca.ucl u/ia `Sl i[Soo NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre pp Tillable 1 3 k-H pct t o oaGilII— Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland . FRONTAGE ON WATER Brushland i FRONTAGE ON ROAD S ° T EPH House Plot DEPTH ....'"Q e c T, BULKHEAD ' f Total ' DOCK I ' C f w 1 1 `t4 _ - `S LOR r a `Y "� L ` , IM W ,a,4 - -� tli - vo s ��p �— 4iP_ I 48.2-19 10/04 tt! A. Bldg. oZ 64 I` • 3..„ 0 Foundation Bath / Dinette xtension7 x c ; 3a a s p p p Basement l h Floors ft L K. K. Extension 12.©o4\ to "y.D'S Ext. iris -rn' te.q,,,,� Interior Finish L'' LR. Extension Fire Place 171-0 Heat 400iii„.6_yezn‘ DR. „ 3y.8-= 440 ZPrin 2 C !gyp Type Roof 6-cil-6 Rooms 1st Floor BR. & Porch 8`(,15= ac Recreation Room Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. al Porch (k0/ ,4� { 1105 Dormer Breezeway Driveway ' Garage %f ti; I fr Patio i m O. B. glyyqqk .r Total UJ > CV W N IPt yp4 Mla CO C2 dtl ay 4. AV W 2 fr 0 IV 0 �,. —� ______--__ - ...._ . . V - - - � ASPHALT SHINGLES ■■■■■■■■■ iv; W W _ - _ _� �������������� ASPHALT SHINGLES O 2 W =MESS Win NOM i --...------iii ■■■■■■EEE nnunu _n MEMMINEWM Ulm. CIK Z 0 Thitl III: mLG�■■ III■ IIMMINUIIIIM II. WON= II■ nnnunnnnn• r DECK mumain� IIIA IIIARRE Imnnnnn■■■■ SO Z �— I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ O w ••••••••=.-1 CEDAR PERFECTION v T I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ EsILGO DOOR ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I I ...me PERFECTION WOOD SHINGLES \ ■■■■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■AILNA,_• SHINGLES LAR ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■n■ III 0i I EMI: I1 W �' i�=_ 3,11 ll RIGHT ELEVATION I SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" W U Z c' �l r ri L Lr I 0 J L L i J J Z �— IMIIIMI REAR ELEVATION. SCALE: 1/4" = I '-o" m z ~ __I C W ____ -- _____ ASPHALT SHINGLES I 1111111111111 NM.. � ) 1I 1I 1I 1I 1I 1 1I 111 II 1 11111 1I 1I 1I 1I 11 - '� u CED,4R PERFECTION - - _ AMNION .__.- n [WOOD SHINGLES IIII 0 i�ili . e�i�i�i ) III l l III, 0 "r ■nnnu■ AMMONIUM V 1111141 I111 11I �� 1111111111111 ..... 1...� lam p 0 a, roman mu ■■ ■■ nnfl IWMI Wvl p ■■■ �I ci z ■■ I 1 111111111111 1 1 1 I J 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ■■r■t I■■■■■ I NMI O Q 1■um■■ lnn■ ■■ ■■ ■�� WW ���� ■I MINIMUM MEM ■■ ■■ DECK [ non ■■■ InmOD ■■■ m 9 Q ■■ ra It l,l I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■■:n ��■ I■Wiii I ■■ N q rnunm //g TO CO DOOR I■■■■■n■■■ IN iii lir i 9 % TT 11111111111111111111f�111 I�I 111111 IIIIIIt 1111 DECK Q TO CELLAR CEDAR PERFECTLN L11 ■■■■■■■■■■ rWOOD SHINGLES I 111111 1 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 l ` 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -Innis■n■ r■■■■■■■■■n■ I I I III I I I I iiI 1 1 1 1 1 1 CD I Ple -I I I I 1 1 1 1 /n Ll J I U l J L IJ V N N- I I =-1- Uoilo I fn 4 �I W m r' T' TI 4 1 C' I ' 'j 5 U a Z L 1 L 1 FRONT ELEVATION 'a' w Y" LEFT ELEVATION t- a SCALE: 1/4" = I -O SCALE: 1/4" - 11-0" '. -- W U a °� o CO _ La ce Q S 12 I \ 1 / 1 2-° COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING February 23, 2006 Ms. Ruth Oliva, Chair Town of Southold ZBA 53085 Main Rd.,P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Sir: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File"Number(s) • Redman,Monte &Carolyn 5704 Raynor, Mary 5711 RQA Properties LLC* 5759 Montauk Bus Service 5778 Kosmynka/Tide Group 5779 Sznurkowski, Alexander 5786 Caudullo, Simon 5787/5801 Johnson,Pat &Barton 5788 Zevits, Michael 5789 Martin,James &Denise 5794/5742 Hansen, Cheryl 5796 Marron, Thomas &Mary 5797 Rodriguez,Roy 5798 Corcoran, Robert&Josephine 5803 Roses, Dennis 5806 Winter, John&Nina 5809 Hommel, Anna; Righi,Nancy .5812 Baker, Christine &Jonathan 5813 Ireland, George&Elizabeth 5814 Thermos, Barbara5825 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR ■ P.O.BOX 6100 (631)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER(631)853-4044 ®§ufFour Office Location: - i ®�. 0 � Mailing Address: is44 'yam Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank ; 53095 Main Road 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) •. ��� P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 #4,' . •ao. ,e Southold,NY 11971-0959 .� 149 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ' BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809 Fax(631) 765-9064 January 19, 2006 By Regular Mail (and Fax Transmission 1/12/06 765-9508) Mr. Simon Caudullo do Mrs. Vicky Toth 425 Jacobs Lane Southold, NY 11971 Re: ZBA Ref. 5787 and 5801 — Setback and Lot Coverage Variances (48-2-19) Dear Mrs. Toth and Mr. Caudullo: Please find enclosed a copy of the variance determination with condition, rendered by the Board of Appeals at its December 1, 2005 Meeting. Please be sure to include an extra copy of the enclosed variance determination when submitting other final documents, or amendments as may be required, with the Building Department. Thank you. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Encl. Copy of Decision 1/12/06 to: Building Department } \.. , LOT 58 LOT 5� Qi 2 W W W W lu ZU 2 3 0182'44'55"W`114 454.81 ' � W `-`t POST & RAIL N N FENCE r''' ''). HEDGE ^� - .. - 'REBAR T civ„R.R.y-i j�REBAR 0.1�Y k N W NTIESW - N Q P/O LOT 57 ^ �o �4 tiW Lri 20.6'+ 20 3' o ��15-1 �L'l V. j • ONE 6.e' 4_ Vi LI STORY rn w 'CO C. q WALK/HEDGE W Fb CE FRAME w` AWA K o.2'w P/O LOT 57 O DWELLING o l iu 4 L p 0 6.E' 14.6' �♦ 0.7' E .7 GE� O I PLAN c�Q Ik1-1) In Lri oz Q FENCE 05N ryaAR \�\ W�Cr 'N c 1.2'W 0 5'W __ c� \ N `C p REBAR ` 0.1'N N8744'55"W 54.81 ' '0 1,W N . LOT 56 `\ o I y-tN\ %,,,___ - - - 33 1 2 OCT 2�(4 2005 .,., N 66( '4" -tip (49 �3 - �1.14.-- -. . fe 41,E 5 I 0., �1 ,✓� �L I / 1' C ava.� 4, 2'Z-2' b AREA: 2,470 Sq. Ft.J= 0.056 Ac. CLEARING AREA: 2,441 S.F. = 98.8% SURVEY OF FILE NO. 50233 CERTIFIED TO: PART OF LOT 57 MAP NO. 369 MAP OF F.' DEC. 1, 1909 GREENPORT DRIVING PARK REVISIONS: SITUATE AT dry ' � _ SO- , 44 FORM NO. 3 i ito a.' NOTICE OF DISAPPROVALLa, Fr- DATE: August 24, 2005 TO: Vicki Toth a/c Caudullo A o 425 Jacobs Lane ' � �w= -�m N Southold,NY 11971 �— - Please take notice that your application dated August 12, 2005 For permit for additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling at Location of property 970 7th Street, Greenport,NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 48 Block 2 Lot 19 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction on this 2,439 square foot parcel, in the R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-244,which states that nonconforming lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size,require a front yard setback of 35 feet. Following the proposed construction, the dwelling will have a front yard setback of 5.2 feet. Pursuant to Article XXIII, Section 100-230, which states, "... the front yard setback shall be the average setback of the existing buildings within 300 feet of the proposed building on the same side of the street..." The average setback is 22.6 feet. Please note that although the survey notes an average setback of 19.4 feet. That average was calculated using a structure that is beyond the 300-foot limit. fogpop Damon Rallis, Pe i ` ,ammer CC: file, Z.B.A. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require additional review from the Southold Town Building Department. FORM NO. 4 • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector ' Town Hall Southold, N.Y. PRE FISTING • CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NO: Z- 30069 Date: 03/08/04 %MS CENWIES that the building STRUCTURE Location of Property 970 AJ1/ 305 ST. GREENPQRT ti (HSE• ED.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County TQC Sap Nb. 473809 Section 048 Block 0002 Lot 019 Subdivision Filed Nap No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Requirements for a' BUSINESS STRUCTURE built prior to APRIL 9 1957 pursuant to which CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY =ME Z" 30069 dated MARCH 8, 2004 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is NON-RABITABLE 335 ST.FT. STRUCTURE WITH VIOLATIONS TO BE CORRECTED* The certificate is issued to SIMON CAUDULLO (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL `-•th ECTRYCAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATE *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED INSPECTION R= -_•T � t1 x Lel • Authorized Si-; ature Rev. 1/81 Oef . .. 0 Pi. ' • , ,---, '46 '' •Niii,, s, . ,,,,,,V „.„),A, , A,..,,,, ,,,.‘, . FLINT Sri?..E , T k yam. I '3•0L BECK 1000-48-02-19 `.S HousE DEcK . MAP SHOWING .�v SETBACKS FoU�A�� z�� A T GREENPORT TOWN OFSOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. 1000-48-02-19 Z SCALE: 1"=50' JUL Y 28, 2005 'usE 39 1\ 11) IS e/°1 J vs0' LINNET S `� ,� 2 TREE �`3 VINEIM 3) '..\C.a...;" M7[/SE AV ' : ' ETBACKS = 19.4 , • .,. ... �9 � � �M� 1 ,_ __ • G11 VACANT ,��°F NEh{,� ,,, Cr.o,t‘l..."1.!%:÷, , t---cruirt, I. i M. ,A',.,,, 9' '618 li •ECON/C S ""• YORS, P.-".111. (631) 765 - 5020 FAX (63/) 765 - 1797 P. 0. BOX 909 /230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - BUILDING PF"lIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you ;or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11°71 4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form__ N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Examined ,20 Contact: i' Approved ,20 Mail to: i1 l�4 1—c3—r Disapproved a/c 2- /-3/ qpa 5"Tct.cc,19 So u-{kol d Phone: a3S as40, �q Expiration ,20 Buil•ing Inspector 1\ \ 200`'2 � APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT i 0,4ti Date b l l l (O'3 , 20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. \� (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) has - b-5 11A_+17-10(cL (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder (qe_a'1k- Name of owner of premises 1 Moll cit,vt. 1 0 (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street Hamlet( O\'+ County Tax Map No. 1000 Section /4b Block 0.2 ., Lp,t AF„4 Fl Subdivision Filed Map No. , ,; ;a.$r;tr; L+ot:�.#�l` IAir.11 (Name) Ri iLt "'n'i4i 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy S t'nye, kreG . .. J b. Intended use and occupancy % %in l(�, �a J -r e s 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) 4. Estimated Cost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front I Lo ,••'Ij ( Rear It, s 3 Depth c)0 , �j Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front . Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front '45.0-7 ( Rear ' f 5J • 07 • Depth 3-1-i. g/ r 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner , 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES / NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NOWill excess fill be removed from premises?YES NOL----- SCIcapon 14.Names of Owner of premisesS�M on `a-u..O t -i(0 AddressPO a x 6'iO '-d -Ph�on No.5 3 7 L/ % Name of Architect Address Phone No , , Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO `--- * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO `—' * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 6. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 7. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. ;TATE OF NEW YORK) QQ SS: ",OUNTY OFt+ (K) • Vt c.-Ki T 01(+ being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, S)He is the AG eIo-r- (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) f said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; -rat all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be erformed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. worn to before me this ' ( day of AU. 1- 20 Di `- ''\r /I/L- (r_i____. ili 1 4.- . C.X Notary Public _ Signature of Applicant LYNDA M BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York NO.01808020932,Suffolk Count Term Expires March 8,20/4y OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Office Location: Town Annex, NFB Building, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Ave. Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 fax (631) 765-9064 DATE: ?/..e7/65-- REPLY/FORM TO: CP j (_ 1 /R ,,,,oL rM C a-'•idu y ZB Ref# Mi sS a'brtJ - Lf a-- -/9 Date of Building inspector's Notice of Disapproval: aria -/o yJ, �, x) The application is incomplete for the reasons noted below. Please seven (7) sets of the followingsJ 4-0 S Ly'/•e„ L-J ( ) Please furnish seven (7) sets of the following (within about 7 days, if possible in order that the application can be advertised for the public hearing calendar date of : ). The advertising deadline is 22 days before the meeting date. You may forward the information by fax at 765-9064, however, please send the original and six sets by mail or by hand. Thank you: ( ) The map submitted does not match the information on the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval. Please submit the amendments dated directly to the Building Department for review, and if an amended Notice of Disapproval is issued, please furnish seven (7) copies with a cover letter confirming that the amended relief that is being added or revised in your request for variance(s). Thank you. -- ( ( Missing information- >41--(2-e. JQ Ln.iJ OTHER/INFORMATION REQUESTED when ossibl 7 sets wit cover/transmittal sheet): ( ) Filing fee$ ; Check amount was: $ . Please contact our office (or send new check). ( ) Available survey showing existing property/building details, with licensed surveyor information. ( ) Architectural map or updated survey showing dimensions of existing and proposed new construction areas, setbacks to property lines, and building lot coverage calculations. 4,'tit' (*Rough diagram or sketch with building height (# of stories and distance from ground to top/ridge detail (and mean height, if known); - _ . . . - . . - ,. . . - , . - _ , - - _ ( ) Letter confirming status and date of review by other involved agencies for presubmission comments, or copy of up-to-date agency action. ( ) Updated single-and-separate search dated back to April 23, 1957 (Zoning Section 100-23D-4), and copies of deeds dating back to creation of original lot lines for this property. ,) (x) /1 A_ Chk,/,;):� ii Ills ` �� iR1�.t.Q Thank you. 01`It° r INSTRU1T!ONS FOR VARIANCE APPLICA INS i SOL OLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEA / Phone: (631) 765-1809 Fax: (631) 765-9064 Please submit seven (7), collated sets with ORIGINAL FORMS, WITH SIGNATURES, on top with check: *NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL: from the Building Inspector dated within the last 60 days, together with copies of your entire submission to Building Department (permit application, letters, etc.). *APPLICATION: Typed or neatly written, signed by the property owner or representative and notarized. If you have a representative, please furnish a signed consent form stating he/she is authorized to sign and submit this application. *NEW SURVEY, or available survey of record attached to architect's site plan: Surveyor must show proposed and existing setbacks, patios/driveways, wetland buffers, high bank or bluff, square footage and dimensions of lot, dimensions of new construction, fences, tanks, overhangs, chimneys, cesspool locations, etc. (If your project involves total lot coverage exceeding 20% of the total area of the lot, surveyor must calculate square footage breakdown of all building areas.) Please give linear footage between new proposed construction and nearest wetland, bulkhead, top of the bank or bluff, and overhangs exceeding 18". *BUILDING LEVATION DIAGRAMS wits design details showing height from ground to top of roof ridg (s), mean height, new construction and step areas. (Photocopies of uncertified, rough sketches` also accepted_by-ZB.) *FLAG or STAKE outside corners of new construction areas for viewing; please provide seven (7) photos, labeled to identify areas of new construction or changes after it has been flagged or staked. (Photos to show the yard area under consideration: for example, distance between top of bluff and the staked area for new construction). *ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM: Necessary ONLY if your project is other than a setback, lot size, or dimensional variance. *TOWN PROPERTY CARD photocopies (Assessors Office,Town Hall, 765-1937). *CHECK payable to "SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK." (A copy of the code fee schedule is attached for reference.) After the Board has reviewed the application and calendared your application for a public hearing, we will confirm the date, place and time of the hearing, and provide a letter with the Town's Legal Notice, a yellow sign for your posting, an area map showing the surrounding lots (circled) that will require certified mail notice from you, and Affidavit forms for your use. Please note: (A) changes after submitting the above must be described in writing to the Board of Appeals with copies of map changes. Changes may also require review by the Building Department, or an amended Notice of Disapproval, after you submit the changes to the Building Department for review. If you are not sure, please contact the Appeals Office staff at 765-1809, or contact the Building Department's Plan Reviewer at 765-1802; (B) a copy of your application form, appealing a Notice of Disapproval, is necessary to be mailed or delivered to the Building Department under New York Town Law. Please keep copies of this proof for your records. Thank you. • ZB 10/04 �j CC: file,Z.B.A. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require additional review from the Southold Town Building Department. ECO IC SURVEYORS, P 0 P.O.Box 909 1230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD,N.Y. 11971 631-765-5020 • FAX 631-765-1797 John T.Metzger,L.S. OCTOBER 24, 2005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RE: S CTM # - 1000-4B-02-19 DEAR SIR OR MADAM: WITH REGARDS TO THE ABOVE NOTED PROPERTY LOCATED ON 7TH STREET IN GREENPORT, THE LOT COVERAGE IS EQUAL TO 23 PERCENT (23%). THANKING YOU, SINCE- bfSEW Y04•4. NIETZQ ,pA JO • . NF1 :i1\ No.a5 cFNSED LA ' c /7 r FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: August 24, 2005 AMENDED: September 13, 2005 AMENDED: October 24, 2005 TO: Vicki Toth a/c Caudullo 425 Jacobs Lane RECEIVED Southold,NY 11971 „ 4 J OCT 24200 (�`/ - v Please take notice that your application dated August 12, 2005 .4-F-5, l ZONINQ BOA/1D OF For permit for as built additions and alterations to an to a non-habitable structure at---�—Etilf(9 Location of property 970 7th Street, Greenport,NY „iv County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 48 Block 2 Lot 19 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The as built construction on this 2,439 square foot parcel, in the R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-244, which states that nonconforming lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size, require a front yard setback of 35 feet and a maximum lot coverage of 20 percent. Following the proposed construction, the dwelling will have a front yard setback of 5.2 feet and a total lot coverage of 23 percent. Pursuant to Article XXIII, Section 100-230, which states, "... the front yard setback shall be the average setback of the existing buildings within 300 feet of the proposed building on the same side of the street..." The average setback is 22.6 feet. Please note that although the survey notes an average setback of 19.4 feet. That average was calculated using a structure that is beyond the 300-foot limit. In addition, the as built alterations, converting the non-habitable structure (as noted in the Building Department's Pre-CO dated 3/8/41 to a single family dwelling, is not permitted because the structure does not meet the town code's definition of a one family dwelling. "DWELLING, ONE FAMILY–A detached building containing one dwelling unit only consisting of a minimum living area of 850 square feet." This)io`tiice is_appr- val was amended on September 13, 2005 and on October 24, 2005 to mage changes. r A Damo allis,Permit Ex miner ' - TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE F' VI APPLI1, .;LE TO OWNER, CONTRACT VENDLL..ND AGENT: The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. CaAA IBCA 0 man Lx.)-t ) (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Variance Special Exception *Other Approval or Exemption from plat or official map Change of Zone Tax Grievance 'If"Other"name the activity: Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant, agent or contract vendee) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director,partner, or employee of the applicant; or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submittedis q day of cio e_t_ ap9� Signature: ( �Y Print Name: \J-i —t— V-V" ��,�%OF SOU" , ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE 'lam l0 : Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 va Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS ‘ G � MARRIAGE OFFICER �� . ,I' Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER =d: ?;) ���� Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER UUNT`I, ,,1' southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: October 31, 2005 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5801 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5801 - of Simon Caudullo-Enclosed is the Application to the Southold Town Board of Appeals dated October 24,2005, a Notice of Disapproval, a Project Description, Zoning Board of Appeals Questionnaire, Transactional Disclosure Form, a letter from Peconic Surveyors regarding the lot coverage, and a copy of the survey of part of lot 57. Town Of Southold P 0 Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 10/26/05 Receipt#: 220 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1, 1 Application Fees 5801 $150.00 Check# 220 Total Paid: $150 00 Tr is Name: Caudullo, Simon Po Box 1470 Sagaponack, NY 11962 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID 5801 .p. ZBA TO TOWN CLERK CHECK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Application and Check for Processing) DATE: 10/25/05 ZBA# NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP 5798 Roy Rodriguez 7039 $400.00 (Fairweather-Brown) 5799 Mary M. McCabe 3666 $400.00 • 5800 Ellen J. McNeilly 2764 $150.00 RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2005 5801 Simon Caudullo ( Vicki 220 150.00 Toth) Southold Town Clerk TOTAL $1,100.00 Thank you. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS /1�i��OF soi _ tt . Mailing Address: Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman 11��!`� yQIO Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 Gerard P. Goehringer * * Southold,NY 11971-0959 James Dinizio,Jr. v, G �� Office Location: Michael A. Simon � ,������� Town Annex/First Floor,North Fork Bank Leslie Kanes Weisman '_�'1COU J ' C'id's 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) -- •'' Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631)765-1809•Fax(631)765-9064 February 14, 2006 Mr. Thomas Isles, Director Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Isles: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. 5787 and 5801 (Simon Caudullo) Action Requested: Setbck and Lot Coverage Variance Within 500 feet of: ( ) State or County Road ( )Waterway (Bay, Sound, or Estuary) ( x ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to'call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman By: Enclosures U.S. Postal Service,. ru CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) • For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms cO BI LE 19 Q. A L USE ru "NS) $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 0 `V Certified Fe'- ". 2.30 Postmark 911 `yno"°"e ? M Here O - ,'cted Delivery Fee-� Clerk: KCYZ9G D- ( do .-.meat Require,• co ni Total-.- :,. `5 $ 4.42 10/26/05 C7 weati-tur lrnaurie,ll/ r- -Stri ,Apt.No orPOBox No�3 esdat- ll 4lw/ City,State 4 • IICL PS Form 3800,June 2002 ll See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service,. Er CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT O (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) ▪ For delivery information visit our websitettat www.usps.coms G•,a4. , LI P11 - c L U S E ru Postage $ 0.37 CRIT ID: 0971 2.30 �,®m _Receipt Fee ement Required) _ Postmark 1.75 Here '.`� .i t» Clerk: KCYZ90 Er em equired) 03 ru o�j p. ,e ,,,9 4.42 10/26/05 US? rzi Sent To j • r 1.184 14 [r t t ifY1Sr. lti Sheet Apt No.; or PO Box No. -7 j - I t 4±- City, S f CIty,SYate,ZlP+br , lq 7 PS Form 3800,June 2002 'f See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM Ln CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT p (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com® oh`IoT001 5 LIA L USE ru e�O .�,_ • 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 1-9 O Certified Fee �. 2.30 O 0 ff { Postmark 'etuwl^ tr',� Here ( nrl•'-=ment u O ed Delivery MMEN Fee Clerk: KCYZ46 MEMQ^ (En orae t Requl=. Nm USES S -4.42 10/26/05 Total Po- - _- :es 0 Sent N -6R-a Alii-o.; orPOBox Noo�' -..._...y___,V City, iiZr i-ems 1196-- PS Form 3800,June 2002 It See Reverse for Instructions Siiili • •.i+. y ii...-Y Q .. •nl ; 0 Ins r:n e i6 Er For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com GRA }W [k101 DAL USE IL :..''$ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 Lp 4y•rtifled =: '7 2.30 m Receipt Fee Postmark o (_`T`l'WWI.; _ 'kw 1 1.75 Here - � I, `"� Kcn96 D . ed Delivery ee Clerk: q^ ( do--ment Required) 143 ti To , os�-;1 4.42 10/26/05 Q seer o te "sveef,apt:No.;-1 * Yl ''''1../114-Ja- r- or PO Box No. tc C) Cend.e►- 6-1—' cry! i (}rv'1— 1U- iiq /L( 9• "!0?1 R ,I EM,,, SAA!AII'!!lil mmirm ZII-': OMPLETE THIS SECTION 'u" • r'111•»417 ;• • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if RestrictedameaDelivery re is desired. X / `'_-❑Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse ❑ s.dressee so that we can return the card to you. Received by(Printed Name P7.7. pate of Delivery MIAttach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I ?-0)'t7) or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D.D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes � ,�,� C.,„ -� If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 3Ie--- ,--t on17e \err1a► 1�Z 5,9Q2l5Z YVlot_rh /Qd f (� �� 3. Service Type Certified Mail 0 Express Mail ❑Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7004 2890 0007 4288 9055 (Transfer from s'ervfce-i o PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail 1 II 11 1 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • j Ms Vicki Toth } 425 Jacobs La ,,., i Southold,NY 11971-3730 11 Itt!IIlttilltlltittilt!111311141!lli111141i11t111111111l114141 -E •. COMPLETE IS'SECTIONCOMPLETE THIS SEC DELIVER•-- ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signat re item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �(. ❑Agent ® X your our name and address on the reverse �` ..I , 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(-noted Name) C. Date of Delivery ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. �i D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: '.2LL If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No bar)ve'�cTqnn-e_. I a C.e r SM. 6r-eenpor4-- Vy 3. ServiceTypeCertified Mail ❑Express Mail I 19 //I j 0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise y`� 0 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number ' ----`' - ' - ` '- ' } - I 7004' 2890'-0001 '4288 9'048' `1 .(Transfer from se .. .-...,:,....c,„— �"„- ... PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 111111 i First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • 1;4i`4 Ms Viclo Toth ,,,, fi 425 Jacobs In 1 Southold,NY 11971-3730 `!!!Ill1lllli1!!it111t!lItt1tlt1111I1L611111tttilt1Ii!1!!11i!1 1 r i COMPLETE THIS SECTION r - . f:-- COMPLETE'THIS SECTION;.i s ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Sig at re item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. l& 0 Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse V i 1 , 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ) D. Is delivery address differe 'tem 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to. �( If YES,enter delive d ej s ebr. 0 No 253'5 ac1cuy atac -i cow_ � } 3. Service Type ¢$1A VL S0� 1(� U vy 1 71 'Certified Mail o E3�cpress IJl I 1 0 Registered 0 Return -eceipt for Merchandise 111 0 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Numbrfrom , 1 7004 , 2890 ;0001 4288 9062 (Transfer from service'latieq ' . PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 UNITED STATES POSTAL-SERVICE First-Class Mail 11111 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • 1 ,e Ms Vicki Toth •, 425 Jacobs Ln t` Southold,NY 11971-3730 1::lli,,,liltl:tltt►iti,fit;il:ltt,li�tttllStt,tl:ititl,ti,itl • �[j7���j��(�{!��.�' �(4(yl/9 11 E reJ 1, O ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOV 2005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK X ZONING D,CPmD Or 4PPEtt1.S In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT S\ mon Cc L8 nO OF MAILINGS (Name of Applicants) CTM Parcel#1000- - - X COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STA1E OF NEW YORK) I, v Cl t 1'O4+\ residing at 4 a 5 3-0,C y ) SCS LL-W) D I ,New York,being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the (p day of DC.- Ob ,d005, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in (') ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUES l'hD, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (Assessors, or( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or pri,e street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (Signature) Sworn to before me this - , day of ijovt ciaek, 2005 I DAPHNE V BOUKLAS Notary Public State of New York 'vim No 52-4733833 Suffolk County (Notary Public) Term Expires May 31 t�9001 PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed, Thank you, *?-a9- l -rave O (111('ter 5 -111 Fl��n+ s ere pah4-, J( /icqt/ \1-o H v \- e-a - 35-35 &dem &ack Sou-4oid) ti( ll °� - j R R --0 Main Rd Ori ev1ti r.J' 1057 bar)'tidi "rf(L0L. (--inn Ic90 C..e.,cst-e S &r-een poY-i/ Del f if 9 L/c/ ;II ,' NOV It 6 2005 ZONING BOARD,OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK r APPEALS X In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT \ N(.\0Y1 (�l,� LSO OF SIGN POSTING (Name of Applicants) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- Lig - (9- - 1q COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, \t le Act T residing at -5 1-1-auc�b 5 L o vL.-A-tfvn t tl, ,New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the day of WO V1f& &005, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten(10)feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance)— facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to that date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be.chs crot(.a_M ta005 . urJ6(- V (Signature) Sworn to before me this i5 day of 6v/2w, 200 5 DAPHNE V BOUKLAS 0410/0 Notary Public State of New York f.�� No 52-4733833 Suffolk County (Notary Public) Tenn Expires May 31 10 *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. k41 Notice approval,amended Sep- der Sections 100-32 an ,based / 1�1 S d�_tember )5 concerning a proposed on the Building Inspecto ;ust 23, \\ addition and alterations to an existing 2005'Notice-of Disapproval,for area, dwelling,creating a total side yard set- width and depth in this division of (\ '� \,\\ back area of less than the code required merged lands,conveyed by deeds after 35 feet (15 and 20 feet),at 710 West May 1983. The reasons stated in the Shore Drive,Southold;CTM 80-1-46.1. ' Notice of Disapproval are that the lots 9:45 a.m.RALPH PASSARO#5790. are merged,and no deed of record was Request for Variances under Sections found for separate lots 7.1 or 7.2(re- 100-33A.4 and 100-244, based on the quired for lot recognition under Section Building Inspector's August 31, 2005 100-24A-1).Location of Property:Cor- r' ' Notice of Disapproval,concerning as- ner of Horton Road and Bittersweet built additions at less than 50 feet-from Lane, Cutchogue; CTM 104-2-7.1 and the rear yard line,and as-built shed 10- 104-2-7.2. cated m a side yard instead of the code- 11:10 a.m.JOHN and JANE ANN required rear yard, at 875 Deerfoot INGRILLI #5734. Request for Vari- Path,Cutchogue;CTM 103-4-6. ances under Sections 100-33(100-30C) 9.50 a.m. SIMON CAUDULLO and 100-244B,based on the Building In- #5787 and as amended under#5801.Re- spector's Apri112,2005 Notice of Disap- quest for Variances under Sections 100- proval,amended October 24,2005,con- 12 and 100-244B;based on the Building cerning removal or the existing garage Department's August 24, 2005 Notice and-construction of a new accessory of Disapproval, amended October 24; building with garage and storage on the 2005,concerning as-built additions and first floor,and workshop on the second alterations to a non-habitable building floor and plumbing for a half-bathroom. with nonconformities in the following The reasons stated in the Building In- _ areas:(a)less than 35 feet from the front spector's Notice of Disapproval are that yard line,(b)lot coverage exceeding the the building is not permitted because code limitation of 20%lot area,and(c) the setback will be less than 50 feet from living area less than the code required the rear yard line and that the workshop minimum 850 square feet for dwelling use is not a permitted use.Location of use,at 970 Seventh Street,Greenport, Property 10375 Nassau Point Road,Cu- CTM 48-2-19. tchogue;CTM 119-1-15. 9:55 a.m.CHERYL HANSEN RE- 1:20 p m. RQA PROPERTIES VOCABLE TRUST#5796.Request for (RICH'S QUALITY AUTO BODY) Variances under Code Sections 100-33 #5759. Request for a Variance under and 100-239:4B concerning a proposed Section 100-241A,based on the Build- accessory garage located partly in a side ing Department's May 26,2005 Notice yard instead of the code-required front of Disapproval concerning a proposed or rear yard,and at less than 75 feet detached 1760+- square foot building from the bulkhead, at 445 Elizabeth for business activities related to the Lane,Southold;CTM 75-5-3. existing nonconforming auto body busi- 10:00 a m ELLEN J. McNEILLY ness.The reason stated in the Building #5800. Request for a Variance under Inspector's denial is that the property is Section 100-244,based on the Building zdned'Residential R-40'and a aoiicon- Inspector's October 18,2005 Notice of forming auto body shop use is not per- Disapproval concerning proposed ad- matted to lie enlarged,altered,extended, ditions/alterations to the existing dwell- reconstructed,or placed on a different ing,which will constitute an increase in portion of the lot or parcel of land occu- the degree of nonconformance when pied by such use on the effective date of located at less than 10 feet from'the this chapter,nor shall any external evi- code-required minimum side yaid,at 70 dence of such use.be increased by any Vincent Street,Orient;CTM 26-1-5. means whatsoever.'Location of Prop- 10:10 a.m.MONTAUK BUS SER- erty:29950 Main Road at intersection VICE,INC.#5778. Request for a Spe- with Fleets Neck Road(a/k/a Pequash cial Exception under Section 100-141(B- Avenue),Cutchogue;CTM 102-3-1. 6)concerning a proposed Bus Terminal The Board of Appeals-will hear all use and related building areas located persons,or their representatives,desir- at 115 Commerce Drive, Ciitchogue; ing to be heard at each hearing,and/or CTM 96-1-1.2.Zone District:LT Light desiring'to submit written statements Industrial. before the conclusion of each hearing. 10:20a.ni.BARTONandPATJOHN- Each hearing will not start earlier than 7 SON #5788 Request for a Vanahce designated above.Files are available for under Section 100-239.4B, concerning review during regular business hours at demolition of an existing dwelling and our new location at 54375 Main Road, proposed new dwelling at less than 75 Town Annex NFB Building,First Floor, feet from the bulkhead,at 860 Bayview Youngs Avenue and Mam Road,South- Drive,East Marion;CTM 37-5-7. old If you have questions,please do not 10:25 a m. MICHAEL ZEVITS hesitate to call(631)765-1809 #5789. Request for a Variance under Dated:October 31,2005. Section 100-244 concerning a proposed BY ORDER OF THE new dwelling;based on the Building ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Department's'June 22,2005 Notice of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Disapproval, amended-September 13, RUTH D.OLIVA,CHAIRWOMAN 2005,for the reason that the new con- By Linda Kowalski __ struction will be less than 35 feet from _7610-1T 11/3 - ' LEGAL NOTICE . the front yard line and less than 75 feet SOUTHOLD TOWN from the bulkhead,at 1450 West Lane, BOARD OF APPEALS Southold;CTM 88-6-18.5. THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 17,2005 10:30 a m. PREMIUM WINE PUBLIC HEARINGS GROUP LLC #5784. Request for a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,pur- Variance under Section 100-83C,based / p/Lib suant to Section 267 of the Town Law on the Building Department's'August 9, ' �(i7 and Chapter 100(Zoning),Code of the 2005 Notice of Disapproval concerning 61-' Town of Southold,the following public proposed additions and alterations con- hearings relative to Chapter 100(Zon- necting two existing buildings,resulting ing),will be held by the SOUTHOLD in a linear frontage'following the new L� - TOWN ZONING BOARD OF AP- construction of more'than the code PEALS at the Town Hall,53095 Main limitation of 60 feet on,one street.Lo- ' Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New cation of Property:35 Cox Neck Road York 11971-0959,on Thursday,Novem- at Sound Avenue,Mattituck;CTM'121- ber 17,2005,at the times noted below 06-01. (or-as soon-thereafter as possible): 10:40 a.m. JAMES and DENISE 9:30 a.m. JOHN"and'BARBARA MARTIN#5794.Request for Variances CONDON#5785. Request fora Vari- under Sections 100-33 and 100-2421, ance under Section'100-244,based on based on he Building Department's the Building Department's August 31, September'28,2005 Notice of'Disap- 2005 Notice of Disapproval concern- proval, concerning as-built accessory ing a proposed addition at less than 35 structures (trellis, hot tub structure, feet from front lot line,at 1755 Sigsbee shed),expansion of the swimming pool, -Road,Mattituck;CIM 144-2-12. and alterations of an existing shed to an 9:35 a.m. MARTIN KOSMYNKA outdoor shower and changing area re- (contract vendee) and TIDE GROUP, lated to use of the swimming.pool,and INC.#5779.Request for a Variance un- storage.The reasons stated in the Build- - der Section 100-43C,based on the Build- ing Inspector,'s Notice of Disapproval ing Inspector's August'2,2005 Notice of are that the new construction related to Disapproval,•to allow an Apartment the accessory buildings/strictures are unit for security/management purposes less than 60 feet from the front yard line, related to the proposed public storage and that the change of use of the exist- use,at 50 Commerce Drive,Cutchogue; mg nonconforming shed increases the Parcel 964-1.4.Zone District:LI Light nonconformity when the use is intensi- Industrial. fled to a different accessory use.Loca- 9:40 a.m. ALEXANDER don of Property:1695'Meadow Beach SZNURKOWSKI#5786.Request for a Road,Mattituck;CIM 116-4:31. Variance under Section 100-244,based 10:50 a.m. M. and H. REDDING- on the Building Inspector's 7uly 21,200 TON#5791.Request for Variances un- #7610 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Jean Burgon of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 weeks, successively, commencing on the 3rd day of November , 2005 - ncipal Clerk dayof A 1 Sworn to before me this 2005 (fig :- l CHRISTINA VOLINSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. O1-VO6105050 Qualified In Suffolk County CornmissICA 8xpire® PobrudrY 28, 2008 , Town of 1is-o-khold,ZBA (!) App. Name 0 Tax Ma' : 2 FpeNp, : ,,LE asE9RA, aat--7"t------11- i ,BOF 'ard Member:, James Dintzio SearChi- i ' r=--i ste Hearing time': ::. 351 PM -i ' I-J Other 1 File.Number: 5801 1 TaX,Map: 48.-2-19j , t- - ' ",`-';',t7- ': --, .„ _ --„---7--7.- _..,.„,......, , .: ...._ .,. . . App Name NaMedSimon Caudullo i. Received Date: 24/2005417ot..Fees 150:00'n ,,i ,- 1 i Hamletji. i Date forwarded to Town Clerk 1Greenport TypeP', ."Residential 1' ZOne 'IR-4r :Status New li-ActiOiT Meeting Dates' ,_ "Building Dept.. 1 rLocation 970 7th Street -f,: Meeting Date r"----1 ND Date 1724Wr .., •1, - Short ' ;- Hearing.Date- r----/[ ND Date--r-ii I 1 . Lot Coverage under 100-244; Part of Appeal No. 1, 4 t Desc--, , i- . 5787; amended to add lot coverage to disapproval. i , Hearing Date 'ND Date 0 - - , _____il , 013y1litill ', i'!, ' f - J. ;--Heaing Date,, , -i, ND Date ' I-1i', Hearing Date 1" '; ND:Date i'[Note ,-,,- ,- ' ., , ,Hearing Date .:1---.11\ID Date ActionDate: ' ) 1 ND Date 'jrniir ,1 .bevelop di) th 'iti Id T D ta'P'''' 'I 'De 'er'' e y e oti o . own a socestig partme .it: