HomeMy WebLinkAboutReeve AveARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR. STATE OF NEW YORK STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel. HObart 2-7511 1 1962 ¥ie3~ Signs 10 Suffolk County KLZ - '~:~'& ami 1226 Hon. William Co Bassette, Sapto Dive of Operation & Maintenance Department of publ~ Works Albany 1, Ne~ y~rk TRAFFIC CO~.ffSSION OR~ER Pursuam% to authority conferred by the New York S~ate Vehicle and TraFfic Law, the State T~affic Cow~sion hereby Designates imtersections on State highways in the Tow~ of Southo~d, Suffolk County, as YIELD intersections, and orders the installation of YIELD signs at entrances to s~h intersections, as follo~s: a. ~nterseo, tions of Route 25 with: 1. Bray Avenue (Station .E-439m on SH 8181) ~ith YIELD sign on Bray Avenus - entrance from southeast. 2o Marlene Drive (Station 473mcn SHS181) with YIELD sign on Marlene Drive - entrance from southeast. 3o Bay Avenue (Station 482* on sH 8181) with yT~.n sign on Bay Avenue - entrance from sou%heast~ 4. Legion Avenue (Station 483~ on SH 8181) wit~ yr~.~n sign o~ Legion Avenue - entrance from northwest. Reeve Avenue (~0ation 518~ on ~ 8181) with yT~.~.~ sig~ on Reeve Avenue ~ entr~nme ~em southeast~ Maple Avenue (Station wlm on SH 8229) with YIELD stga on ~,~ple AVenue - e~trmnoe from southeast. ?. Sanset Aven~e (Station 28~ on SH 8229) with YIEXD sign on Sunset Avenue - entrance from south. 8o Ml~zah ~_~ (Station 59* on SH 8~29) ~ith yl~zn sign on Elizah Lane - entrance ~om north~esto ~YFIC ¢O~ffSSION ORdeR (TC 7) I! Locust Avenue (Station 63* on SH ~229) with YIELD sign on Locust Avenue - entrance fi-om southeast o 10. St~lwat~r Ave~,e (S~ation 166* on St! 8229) with YIELD sign em Stillwate~. Avenue - entrance f~om southeast. 1~o l~ells Road (Station 295~ on SH 8229) with YIELD sign on We_~ ROs~ - entrance frem south. 12. ~ Bay View Road (Station 360* on SB 8229) ~.th YIELD sign on ¥~tn Bay ~iew Reed - entrance f~_om south. Sage Boulevard (Station 530~ on PSC 4110) with YIELD sign on Sage Boulevard - entrance f~om southeaeto ~4o Metres Lane (Station 620~ on 3H 8229) with YIELD sign on ~ores Lane - entrance fi-om northwest o 1~o O~3~ette Drive (Station 1LS* on SH 8380) vith YIELD sign on Gillette Drive - entr~nee from south° 16. Cemet~y Bead (Station 146~ on S~! 8380) with YIELD sign on Cemetery Road - endurance from south. 17o Oyster Ponds Lane (Station 272, on SH 8380) ~ith Y~LD sign on Oyster Ponds ~ne - entrance from aouth~ Dirncts the New York S~,ate Department of Public Works to ~,~tall and me~ain yrm~ signs in con£ormance uith the Yom,--] of Unifor~ Traffic Control Devices o~ the state Traffic Commission as ordered in !~m I above. Klndl~ advise the Traffic e~e~mlssion when this order has been complied with~ CAS ~OM oe~ Sup~. State Pelice Town Boerd~ SeUthold Suff,lk County p~]_tce D~partment Sec o of State STATE TR~FFIC CO~Z~SION WILLIAM S. HULTS chairman STATE O[:: [q~ YO~X DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHtCLES STATE TRAFFIC CO.'J. tJ, ISSIQN 1':0 ONTARIO ST,, ALE, ANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 433-4521 FEB 2 196 I~OTICE OF TP~FFTC CO~.~4ISSION ACTION File 8!81 KLI-1593 The State Traffic C~mmission has filed an order with.the Secretary of State. as section 1047.37 , subdivision ( & ),xF~L~c~.~Pl~ of its regulations, and dated JA~ ~ ~ 1985 for the follouing regulation: Description of Action Establishes a 35 MPH speed limit on Route 25, SH 8181, between Station 518± (Reeve Avenue) and Station ~82± (Bay Avenue), a distance of 0.7± miles. ,'~ action is to be effective when properly posted. :'bat~ Department of Public Works is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, _c-ccntrcZ devices in conformance ~ith the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices _ State Traffic Co~ission to co~aplete this action. It is essential that this office :...:ptl2~ advised of the date of completion. Copies of a completion notice have been Z;_~d for L.iis purpose.. One copy should be properly executed, sho~in~ date of comple- .~, ~d returned to this office. ~c,-',,~. Suffolk ~ To.~ : Southold~ _c~L!ty: unincorporated community of Matt±tuck ~nci: ~ ~ · . ~c~plet~on notices to N.Y.S. '~-3' (n/6~) STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS irman '~--~k ' By: ~LLOY~,'A. ~L~E~ER . -' OhieFdT~F~i~ Engineer STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Area Code 518 SEP 1 9 1982 Suffolk KLI ~ ~224 a~d 1226 State 'L~f'fic ..,~ mLou he~'eby Suff~ C~ty, as Y~ID ~nter:~'c:~.or~s,~ ~ orders the insta~tion of Y~ signs at e:~tr~neen ~ sv~h int~'~,io~s,~ as fo~.ows~ ~oN~ti ~n ~',~ ~ ~ 81'$1) wita' Y!I~Ill sign Bre~ Avenu*," -~ ~9 or: SP. 2. ~rle'ae '~cive (Station ff73~: on SH 81J1) ~ith YIELO sign on Marle~e D~Lve ~. ent:.~m~e from :~ou~he~.t o l,ccn~t A'venu~ ,.- snt'ranc~ from 10, Stilluat~w' A%~'~:e f~%at.i.on i66~'~ on SH d229) with ~I~h? sign (Station 295~ o~ SH 8.229) with YIELD gig~ on /2. P~in ]~y Vi~' Ro~D (Station 350:~ o~ SI~ :]229) with YIEID sign ]J~,, A!ber%son L~n~ (S'~a%ien ~43i' on $I1 8229) ~l%h ~YiELD nigh on Alber%gon ~-~ - ~ngra~=~ from north° 15~ Moorcs, I~n~ (S%~tion 620.+- ~m SH ~.229) with YIELD ~ign on MOores L~ - ~%ranee from nor%h~at~ 16. Gll!~tt~ Drive (Station ~15-+ on SH 8380) wf%h YIELD sign on Gi?.lstte D~ivo - ~ntram:e fromm sou%ho 17~. Cometary R~d (Station 33~6± on SH 83~) wi%h YIELD sign on gom~t~,~y R~d - ~mt?ance f:~.~ south. 18. Oyster' Pond. Lane (S~ation 272-+. ~n SH 8380) ~_th YIg~LD sign on ~s~,~r Ponds L~n~ - entrance, s from ~outh,, I)ireot~ the N~?M York Stat~ Dep~rt~en~ cf Public Workm to inmtall amd ~intain ~ELD ~ig~s in confo~ ~ith ~ M~ual of U~o~ ~fic ~b~o o Kindly adrise th~ Traffi~ OcmmJ. ssion ~b~n this order [ms, boon c~mplied ~lth~ STATE TR~Y~"IC COPlMISSION CAS co: I%. Bdo. Smrthold S~ffo::j~ Co~ WiLLZ~ S. H-0LTS~