HomeMy WebLinkAboutRail Road Crossing Signs NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION William C. Hennessy, Commissioner Region 10 Oflice: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 May 20, 1981 Honorable Albert Martocchia~ Town of Southold Town Hall~ Main Road Southold, NY 1197q Supvr. TOw. sOUSH0U / Dear Sir: Re: Contract D-96511, PIN 0930.47 Rail Road Crossing Advance Warning Signs Nassau & Suffolk Counties MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY The completed work on the above subject contract was accepted by this Department on April 27, 1981. As of April 27, 1981 the completed facility is hereby turned over to you for maintenance, as agreed upon in the Maintenance Agreement between your Department and the State of New York. Very truly yours, Regional Director NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION William C. Hennessy, Commissioner II.IJion 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 May 20, 1981 RECEIVED H~- Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall~ Main Road ~outhold, NY qq97q Iow~ ~l~ff ~utlf01~l pear Ms. Terry: Re: Contract D-96511, PIN 0930.47 Rail Road Crossing Advance Warning Signs Nassau & Suffolk Counties MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY the completed work on the above subject contract was accepted ~y this Department on April 27, 1981. As of April 27, 1981 ~he completed facility is hereby turned over to you for maintenance, as agreed upon in the Maintenance Agreement between ~our Department and the State of New York. Very truly yours, .~egional Director NEW YORK GI'AI'F DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 April 15, 1980 Honorable William Pell, Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Supervisor Dear Sir: Re: PIN 0930.47 Railroad-Highway Crossing Program Nassau/Suffolk Counties ADVANCE WARNING SIGNS The New York State Department of Transportation plans to continue the project to improve safety at all railroad crossings in Nassau and Suffolk Counties by installing advance warning signs. The project is to be funded under the Railroad-Highway Crossing Program (RRP), utilizing 90% Federal, and 10% State funds. We will send you a list of each railroad crossing receiving this improvement. Please offer your willingness to maintain these signs by reaffirming your previous agreement. Please inform us by May 1st whether or not you wish to maintain these signs. Very~truly yours, ~ ROBER~ ROSEND~HL, P.E. Liaison & Utilities Engineer NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION William C. Hennessy, Commissioner Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 January 17, 1979 Hon. Albert Martocchia S~ervisor Tovm of Southold Totem Hall, Main Road Southold, ~ 11971 Att: Topaz Engineer Re: Contract D95781, PINS S930.00.325 &326 Signing & Pavement Markings ~...,.._... Ail Counties~l~-~z. onx ~n R~gion 10 The completed work on the ab'ore contract was accepted by this Department on January 15, 1979. Effective on the above date, the completed pavement markings on those streets under your jurisdiction are turned over to your agency for maintenance. You are also hereby advised that the gai~_r_pad warning signs ~which were part of the above contract, h~e not been placed as originally contemplated. They will be erected at a future date under a ~te contract. You will be notified when this future C~]~-t~-J~ct is being prepared. Very truly ~D~rs, Regional Director R~CBVI SEP 1 E, 977 R.SOUTHOLD egion 10 Office: New ~'ork state office Buil~in§ ~ veterans Highway, Hauppa~ga, New York 11787 Septembe~ 13, 1977 Dear Sir: P~: Pfd.!L-HIGH"FAY GP~J)E CROSSING PPOgK~,r, STATEWIDE PROJECT FOR CPOSSIN3 r_f. PRDV~,.~NTS We wish to infor~ you that .the Federal Highway Administration (gE;iA) has placed special em.nhasis on a program to bring si=~aing and pave~nt markings at all public railroad-highv,~y grade crossings into conformance ~,~_~n the }~anual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In order toimplement this program, the Region will inspect each railroad- highway grade crossing and will make any changes necessary to update the crossing. , The following are the'areas which v~ill be emphasized during the iuspeetion: 1. The installation Of advance warnin5 signs and erossbueks where non presently exist or where the present signs do not conform to the manu~l (non reflectorized, improperly located, etc.) 2. The instalIation of the no passing pennant when centerline pavement markings exist a~d a no passing zone starts at the crossing. ~. The installation of pavement markings, to include the railroad advance warning symbol, crossbars, clearance line, centerline on roadways 16 foot wide or wider and edgelines on roads 20 foot wide or wider at all paved crossings not currently marked. Thermoplastic markings are to be used to upgrade present markings or at unmarked crossing where the paved surface is in good condition and resurfacing is not scheduled for at least 2 years after placement. Painted markings are to be used at all other unmarked paved crossings. If a municipality currently marks a crossing but fails to install all eligible markings, such as the edge- lines, the markings not currently installed should be installed with this project. The proje'ct-is to be funded under the Rail-Highway Crossing Program' (RRP) utilizing 90% Federal and lC% State fends. In the future, we will send you a descriptive list of the improvements con- templated at each crossiug within your jurisdiction. Also, at this time, the State will ask you to pass a %esolution permitting us to enter your highways and that you will maintain the improvements. The introductory explanation of ~he project will permit you to determine if you intend to participate in the program. If you need any additional infor- mation concerning the proposed project, please call %he undersigned at 516- 979-5104. Very truly yours, AUSTIN H. EI~ERY Regional Director ~,~.2.~ ~ !,, ,_ . PT'~¢ liais):7 Engineer