HomeMy WebLinkAboutRural Secondary ProgramHOL?.MACHER, McLENDON and MURRELL~ P.C. · CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ENVtRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS ,and PLANNERS 125 BAYLIS ROAD, SUITE 14~, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747 · 516-752-9060 RECEIVED. September 10, 1982 SEP 1_ 4. i982 Town Clerk Southold Supervisor William R. Town of Southold Town Hall Main Street Southold, NY 11971 Pell, III Re: Town of Southold Federal Aid Rural Secondary Program Dear Supervisor Pell: In June of 1981, we filed applications for h~g~way funds for two projects in the Town of Southold on the above-captioned federal aid program. Subsequently, on November 27, 1981, then Co~missioner R.M. Kam~erer, forwarded a tentative program indicating projects to be constructed using this aid to the New York State Departman: of Transportation. One of the projects selected is the AL~rlck Lane oroject in the Town of Southold at an estimated total cost of $530,000. We have recently learned that this program is taking another step forward. By now or in the near future, you should be receiving a letter from Mr. C. Roger Meeker, Chief Engineer for the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. This letter should indicate that the Aldrich Lane project has been recommended by SCDPN for federal aid rural secondary funding. It should also indicate that the next step in the process is the preparation of a project initiation report. I have also been advised that NYSDOT is anxious to initiate the projects under this program and, therefore, if the Town intends to continue to proceed with this aFplication, the project initiation report should be completed very quickly. We would be pleased to assist the Town in this effort. Please contact our office if we may be of any further assistance in this matter. Very truiy yours, DAS/dh cc: Town Board Raymond C. Dean, Supt. of Hwys. NURRELL, P.C. HOLZMACHER, McLENDON and ML~RRELL, P.C. · CONSULTING ENGI~,~EEF{S. ENVIRONMFN"i'AL SCIENTISTS and PLANNERS 125 ~AYL1S ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747 · 515-752-9960 Supt. Raymond C. Dean $outhold Highway Department Peconic Lane Southold, NY 11971 June 8, 1952 Re: Town of Southold Proposed Federal Aid Rural Secondary Program Aldrich Lane Project Dear Mr. Dean: We have contacted Charles Kildorf of NYSDOT and Frank Giordano of SCDPW regarding the proposed Aldrich Lane project. They inform us that a representative from NYSDOT, Albany, visited prospective projects in each of the six eastern towns on Friday, June 4,1982. Presently, work on the Aldrich Lane project is still being considered. Within the next month the county expects to be contacting and meeting with each town regarding the preparation of Project Initiation Reports for each proposed project. At this meeting the county will outline what information will be needed in these reports. At this time, they feel certain that traffic and accident data will be required. When these meetings are arranged, we would be happy to attend if you so desire. Regarding the CHIPS Program, we have obtained some additional information. The county will be conducting a CHIPS presentation for towns and villages on or about June 24, 1982. We would be happy to attend this meeting with you or as your representative if you so desire. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, WHS:deh cc: Supervisor William R. Pell, HOLZF~ACHER, McLENDON & MUKRELL, P.C. William H. Spitz Copies ~T.C. ~' T.B. ~ Adz. Dste File