HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoute 25 - Stormwater RunoffJAMES A. KUZLOSKI REGIONAL D[r ECTOr STATE O~F NEW YOrK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788 JOHN C. EGAN ComMisSIONER September 13, 1994 Mr. Thomas Wickham Supervisor, Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Wickham: Town of Southold Stormwater Runoff Mitigation Program on State Route 25 As part of the Stormwater Runoff Mitigation Program a meet'rog was held at the Region 10 Department of Transportation office on Wednesday, September 7, 1994. The purpose of this meeting was for the DOT regional groups to present their comments regarding this program and to formulate a set of criteria and guidelines to present to the Towns which would govern the design of the individual Town projects. The following points shall govern the design of each of the five east end Town drainage mnoff mitigation projects: 1. Right-of-Way Acquisition. The Towns will acquire the right-of-way. The State will fund the acquisitions and the property will be placed in the name of the Town. 2. Permits. The Towns will apply for and obtain all necessary Permits. Maintenance of Facilities. The State will maintain all drainage hardware within the existing highway Right-of-Way. The Towns will maintain all features outside the existing Right-of- Way. New construction features such as bio-filters, reed beds, i.e., shall be maintained by the Towns. A Table of Maintenance Responsibilities will be included in each of the projects. Page 2 4. All of the preliminary and final design work will be done by the Towns. This work will be reviewed by the State. The State shall let the projects out for bids. The final designs must conform to traditional DOT format in order to ensure fair lettings. All work will be in accordance with the following reference materials: 'Standard Specifications' of January 2, 1990 'Highway Design Manual' 'NYSDOT Design Procedure Manual' 'NYS Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices' DOT shall program a $1 million project for each Town. This programmed project shall contain a schedule with which the Town must adhere to. This information will be forwarded to the Towns shortly. 6. Each Town shall be prepared to substantiate the effectiveness of the various mitigation methods chosen. 7. All future correspondence shall be sent to Joseph Perricelli of the DOT Regional Office who has been designated as the coordinator for this runoff mitigation effort. 8. The following comments pertain to the specific Town of Southold proposals submitted to DOT on July 25, 1994: All of the Town of Southold locations appear reasonable and in accordance with the basic premise as described by DOT Commissioner Egan. The proposal as submitted represents a good preliminary plan. These plans should be refined to include details, tables, item numbers, etcetera. If you have any questions or desire any assistance, please call this office at (516) 952-6661. Very truly yours, J.,OSEPH L. PERRICELLI, P.E. "~Civil Engineer I1 cc: Kevin McDonald, Vice President, Group For The South Fork JAMES A. KUZLOSKI REGIONAL DIRECTOR May 2, 1994 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk - Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York Dear Ms. Terry: STATE OF NEW YOrK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VETeraNs MEmorial Highway HaUPPAUgE, N.Y. ]1788 RECEIVED MAY 4 1994 Souf~olr~ Tnwn Cl.,ri( 11971 D254439, PIN: 0041.92.321 Route 25, Drainaqe Imdrovements, 4 Locations Suffolk County Contract Acceptance 4/21/94 JOHN C EGAN COMMISSIONER The completed work on the subject contract was accepted by this Department on April 21, 1994. Effective this date, the elements of curb as designated on the contract plans are hereby turned over to your forces for maintenance and repair. Very truly yours, DONALD O'ROURKE, P.E. Suffolk County Construction Supervisor Lakeview Terrace Road Association P.O. Box 357 East Marion, NY 11939 October 14, 1993 RECFIVED 1993 To: Southold Town Trustees From: Lakeview Terrace Road Association P. O. Box 357 East Marion, NY 11939-0357 Ref: Road run-off drainage from Route 25, and Bay Avenue into Mariou Lake, East Marion, NY. We are writing to collectively express our grave concern regarding the re-surfacing program scheduled for next year for Route 25 from Greenport to Orient, and the resulting increase of drain-off into Marion Lake. In addition there is a continuing related problem with road run-off from Bay Avenue at the bridge directly into Marion Lake. The New York State Department of Transportation has told us that they Do Not plan to upgrade any existing catch basins or other drainage systems along this section of the road. Also, they do not plan to file an environmental impact statement for any of the proposed work. We think This is a Mistake. We feel Marion Lake will be dramatically impacted by this proposed road work, and Must Be Better Protected. Can you, our town trustees, assuage our fears? decrease the run-off? What can we do? Sinc~-y,~ Robert and Shirley B~ley President Lakeview Terrace Road Association. What will be done to SJB/lah Copies: Lakeview Terrace Road Assoc. members Rabbit Lane Association Department of Transportation, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Ray Jacobs, Superintendant of Highways - Southold Town Southold Town Board STATE Of NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ;UL_ TOW[.,I C,i': ' ~, .... - , JAMES b LaROCCA COMMISSiONEr Michael J. Cuddy Regtonal Director June 19, 1985 Honorable Francis J. Murphy Supervisor, Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Sir: PIN 0041.64 Greenport Enclosed herewith is a copy of the Wetlands Analysis Report for the above project. Very truly yours, ROBERT ROSENDAHL, P.E. Liaison & Utilities Engineer Enclosure Orig. Adg. D2te File WETIANDS ANALYSIS REPORT - GREENI'O~{T P.I.N. OOz~ 1.6~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This relatively small project involves the creation of a WB left turn lane to Main Road which will maintain WB through traffic on Route 25. It also provides for reconstruction to rehabilitate the drainage system, which will relieve flooding over Route 25 in ~ area east of Souzid Road. ENVIRONF~NTAL ISS%[ES: Greenport has a shallow ground water lense which is its' sole source of drinking water. The wetland into which drainage is to be broadcast is a designated wetland. The issue is whether or not changing the storm water flow will have a negative effect on the present situation of the wetland or ground water quality. SPECIFIC CONCERNS: A. Trace elements, salts, heavy metals or similar elements may be more concentrated at the out fall point, than they were before and may be more harmful. B. Spoil soils within the old dr&inage system can conceivably flush into the wetland once the old outfall is opened, unless preventive measures are taken. Co Construction activities in the vicinity of the wetland can misturb soils, destroy wetland vegetation, create erosion and ?mrbidity unless carefully programed and monitored. ~NALYTICAL PROCEIX/P~E: A~ Result of the 'Hornet and Mcr' Level I rapid screening method for investigating water pollution potential indicated a more detailed investigation should be performed. Bo Since road salt is generally considered to be the main pol>~tant from storm water runoff a Toler Analysis was performed. Results illustrate typical chloride concentrations of 20 PPM with a worst case concentration of 5~ PPM. These results are far below the State Health Standard of 250 PPM. See Appendix C. The Department of Environmental Conservation was contacted for assistance in locating the municipal water supply well point, for bio-chemical evaluation and for assistance in the preparation of permit applications. The following topics were discussed. The closest municipal well point to the out fall is ~OOI~F away and outside the wetland. Construction proced~tres and scheduling are under control of the State Engineer in Charge to assure containment of spoil soils, erosion ~d turbidity. Splash block rip rap should be in place before drainage flows to the out£all. Bio-chemical evaluations are an expertise of the DEC Wetland Regulations Unit ~d these studies will be part of the permit application review, which should result in the assurance of minimal negative impacts to wetland ecology or ground water quality. Page 2 Wetlands A~alysis Report Greenport P.I.B. 00/~1.66 5. Natural outflow from this wetland, should it ever occur, is toward Sterling Basin. This is a designated wetland which gives DEC legal jur- isdiction over any activities that may impact it, and over any conclusive judgements as to the potential of these impacts. A permit application and associated project description materials were submitted. The urgency of our need was expressed, however processing can take up to 30 days. RESULTS: A. Toler analysis indicates minimal potential for negative impact from storm water. B. Construction practices ~nd specifications for the project assu~e protection of the wetland from spoil soil contamination, erosion and turbidity. C. DEC bio-chemical analysis will assure this storm water adds minimal pollution to the wetland. CONCLUSION: This project was well designed with every reasonable engineering aspect incorporated to minimize contamination, pollution or erosion of the subject wetland. Permit approved by the DEC is e~ec~ted. Manley Crane, L.A. for the Regional Environmental Assessment Unit February 20, 1985 P.I.N. 0041.64.10'1 ROUTE 25 IN GREENPORT SUFFOLK COUNTY Ei~ESiFWATEi~ WETLAi~DS ANALYSIS Toler Analysis; Greenport Route 25 at County Route TxM Where Salt Consentration, C=K ~---~ K= Constant for equality, Chlorides = 8.5? Tons of Salt per lane mile per year for local roads & state highways = 6.48 Tons o£ Salt. Runoff (Annual inches o£ rain) .4 (40") assumes 40% rtmof£, typical case. Total Water shed area in square miles. As planimetered = 0.1684 square miles. Then C ( Chloride = ~.48 Tons ~4(60")(0.1684 sq. miles) x 8.37 Worst Case Scenario: assuming only 30% runof£ and twice as much salt application results in 53.67 PP~. Toler Analysis Data Development Where Salt Concentration, C = K I x~ Tons of Salt/Lane Mile/Year and ~= Lane miles. = Local Roads Town of Southold, Supervisor Ray Jacobs stated in phone inquiry of ~/4/85 that salt is added to sand only to prevent sand from £reezing : 400# salt for each cubo yard of sand. ~ Truck = 5 CY mix will sand 3 (two lane) miles Each Sanding 500# Salt/6 lane miles or 83.3# Salt/lane mile A worst Condition Estimate would be 20 applications/year Total Salt/year/lane mile = 20(83.3)# = ~666#/year/local roads or. TL = 0.83 Tons/year/lane mile local road = State Highway: Maintenance Dept. estimates a standard 500#Salt/ (two lane) mile/application or 250#Salt/lane mile/application. Estimate 20 storms/year,2 applications/storm or 40 applications/year. Dotal Salt/year/lane mile - 40 (250#) = ~O000#/year/State Hwy. or TS = 5.0 Tons/year/laue mile State Hwy.  = Lane miles; scaled of ~"-200' Suffolk County Sewer Maps, to include all paved areas within the watershed that are subject to road salt application as a regular function of snow storm maintenance. ~ethod: Water Shed was determined by t~erpendicular hachuring between adjacent contour intervsls I;o deter~nkne dSr'ection and limits oE flow bo the subject wetland. Sunset Tasker McCann YLiddleton Wilmarth See Appendix Item q. As scaled from Watershed 'Map. Local Roads: 20' width Average; Sotmd Drive 400 LF +250 Sound Road 2050 LF qflo0 LF 1300 1400 9oo z~ 150o Main St.(40'width) 600 LF Washington Ave. dO50 LF Booth 150 LF water Flow Total 11,600 LF x 2 lanes 23~200 LF MS =State Route 25 (40' width): 1500 I~ x 2 lanes = 3000 LF ~=23,200 LF/5280 LF/ Mile = 4.39 lane miles 00 LF/5280 I~/~ile = 0.568 l~ne miles = Tons of applied salt within the watershed. = (TL x ~n) + (~S × MS) = (0.85 x 4.39) + (5.o x o.5se) = 3.64 + 2.84 = 6.48 Tons NaC1 Ru_uoff (A_n_nual inches of times rain) ~3: for worst ease scenario ~: generally considered typical condition. (40" Typiaal for Area - Supplied by M/O Albany Env. Assess) To~al Dra[na~,~e (Watershed) Area including the wetland. (it rains there too!), units in square miles. Sc~led from q"-2OO' Suffolk County Sewer Map as in Appendix Item ~. Equality Constants: For Chloride Concentration use 8.37 For Sodium Chloride Concentration use ~3.79 = Concentration in P]~M = Milligrams/Liter x K; I (.4), K=8.37. Typical Condition: CT = T x M IxA * Analysis: = 6.48 Tons CT . ~(~0" ) (0. ~ 68~) Sq .Mi. illustrated x 8.~? = 2~.96 PPM. Worst Case Scenario: (2x) Salt ; z~(.~) C = ~2.96 Ton ~ 55.67 PPH (State Health Std.: 250 PPM) Taste Std.