HomeMy WebLinkAboutRocky Point RoadSUBIMAL CHAKRABORT[I P.E. REGIONAL DIRECTOR July 16, 2003 Ms. Elizabeth A, Neville Southold Town Clerk Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 STATE Of NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN ~ECEIVED JUL 2 2 2003 ~utbol~l T0vzn Cie. rE Speed Limit Reduction Request Rocky Point Road East Marion Our Case No. 029902TC Dear Ms. Neville: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter. Your request will be investigated as expeditiously as possible; we anticipate our response will be completed by the end of September. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, ~ o~' FRANK PEARSON, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer FP:BAM ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 591 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 10, 2002: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rermests the New York State Deoartment of Transoortation to conduct a traffic survey on Rocky Point Road, East Marion, New York for the puroose of lowerint the sneed limit. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk V - 591 RESOLUTION SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Devartment of Transoortation to conduct a traffic survey on Rock,/ Point Road, East Marion. New York for the Imrlmse of lowerin~ the soeed limit. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK R EG]~;~I'~L4£~ t IF VITAL ~q'ATLqTIC,q MA I;~I{IA(;E t ~FFICEI{ I~Et X~IiDS MANAG I~MENT t )Fi:I( ~EI{ FREEDOM t ~F INFO/%MATI()N OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Date: Neboysha Brashich, Chairman ' Southotd Town Transportation Cnmmission /~--~,~ ~lil]beilhf:"~:i)il~I ]~it:~:il~[)'t::],~l:~ik~d, F, ast Marion August 12, 2002 Please present this to your committee for review and recommendation to the Town Board. The recomlnendations of the Chief of Police and Supt. of }lighways are ntlached Thank you. Recommendations have been received from both Chief of Police and Supt. of Highways in agreement with the petition, I am awaitin9 recommendation from Transportation Committee. EAN TC POLICE DEPAi TMt:NT TO~N (DF ~,DUTIIOLD Telephone Emergency Dial 911 RECEIVED CARLISLE E. COCHRAN, JR. Chitf of Police AUG 6 2002 Soufhold l'own Clerl Memorandum To: From: Re: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Lt. Martin Fladey, Executive Officer/~ Rocky Point Road, East Marion Date: August 6, 2002 On behalf of Chief of Police Carlisle E. Cochran Jr., who is currendy out of town attending a Chief's Convention, I am replying to your request for input on lowering the speed limit on Rocky Point Road, East Marion. 1 concur with the residents of Rocky Point Road, East Marion in favor of lowering the speed limit to 30 mph. I believe that the character of the neighborhood for this roadway has changed since it was primarily a sparsely populated area used more for farming than residents. With the continued development along this roadway I feel that it would be satyr for the residents and vehicle operators if the speed limit was lowered to 30 mph bringing it more into line with other residential speed limits. 41405 Rontc 25 · P.O. Box 911 · P¢conic, N.Y. 11958 Administrative (631) 765-2600/2601 · Fax (631) 765-2715 RECEIVED PETER W HARRIS AUG 7 2OO2 Hi§hway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane · P,O. Box 17g Peconic. NY. 11958-0178 Fei (631) 765 04311 73,15211 %uthold Town Cler[ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Peter W. Harris, Superintendent Southold Town Highway Department Augus/ 7, 2002 SPEED LIMIT: ROCKY POINT ROAD/EAST MARION As Superintendent of Highways, I hereby recommend that the Southold Town Board members consider grantin9 the request of the residents of Rocky Point Road in East Marion and consider lowering the current speed limit ¢m.-t-~ls Town road from 40 MPH TO 30 MPH. PWH: Jes Attachment · ' r~.t~,~EI.¥ED ~ /- "-~ ~UL 30 ~00~peed Limit Lowered to 30mph from 40mph on Roc~ Point Road in East Marion, NY Southold Town Cler[ Name Address Signature NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t~e Town Board of the Town o'f Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the regular meeting ,hlfiereof, held on the 15. th ,day of ~u~y, 1969, adopted the following Ordinance: ~REAS,.. dooms it in thc public interest that the he ,Town of Southold be amended to restrict parking .~e~:$ain destgna,tcd~!0c, at;lens' tnthe to~ a~ hereinafter pro~ide ' BE IT ~SOLVED ~at~ public hearing be ~f July, 1969 at, 7. ~: o'clock P, ~eet~' Greenpor~,' New York In the of tho To~.of Southold as follm ]~C}lon~'~ 0f the T~fic OrdinanCe 0f-th htheret0, to wit: . ',~ )~ ~oth,~l~ of BayAvenue:at Mattit~ck~ from the ' ~ ~ly termtnu~ thereof at Pecomc Bay north0rly to ~outh ,. l~e~,of ~eco~c B~ B0ul~v~ ~ing the hburs~fr~m 10:00 - On tile west s~d~ of~Marratooka Lane f,o~e ~therly ,~,. '~;ter~!i~~ there0~ a~ ~c0nlo Bay~ northerly, to the ~outh curb line of. Park Avenue, - -~ , : ,. ,~ 9. On both aides of, Bay~ Av0nue at Cutchohn~e~ from the ~:,,[,r"easterly,terminus thereof at Peconic y westerly for a distance .'.,,..,,"~' ,°f. '150 ~eet, durin~ ~e h~urs, ~ from 10:0O. P.M. to ?:00, A. M. .... _.- .lO,. ,,- 'On both ~ide~ of Nas~au P~flnt Road at'Cutcho~c from wes~'-rlyte "" ' the . terminus thereo~ a~ P.c~mic Bay easlerly for a : ' distance of 170 fee~. durtn~ the hours from 10:00 ~. M. to 7:00 ~A M'. ..... 11. On beth sides of ~ayw~or8 Ro~d 8~ Cutcho~ue from the.~e~terly terminus thereot at Pecontc Bay easterly for a dist~ce ". ~ J..of 230 fe,h durk~ ~e hours f~om I0~00 ~. M. to 7~00 ~, M, 12. On both sides of North Bay View Road at Southold for a distance of 4S0 feet easterly and westerly from the center line of Goose Creek Bridge, 13. On both sides of Pine Neck Road at Southold from the easterly terminus thereof at Pecontc Bay westerly to the easterly curb line of North Bay yiew Road, during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to ?:00 A.M. -, . '., . t41 n both ~lde~ ~f B gh~houuo ~oad ~ 8ou~hold from ~ho ~ar~;~il~ a~'the' northerly terra,us thereof southerly f~r a distance of 200'feei, du~ing the hours ~rom. 10~00 P.M. to ~:00 A. M. 15. On both'sides ~f Town Harbo~ Lane at S0uthold from the southerly terminus th0~eof at Peco~tc'Bay northo~ly to the south ~urb ,~e~'~ du~ln~ the hours ~r0m 10:00 P.M. 16. :On both sides of So~d Avenue at Gte n rt from the gua~dra[1 a~ ~he n~. ~er y ~ermtnus th,reof southerly to tho north curb ltn~ of So,nd'Drip,' during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 1~. On both sid~ of Ma~an~et A~enue at Greonport from the southerly terminu~ thereof at Peconic Bay northerly to the south curb line of I~et Lane ~d the public parking lot adjacent thereto~ du~ng the hou,8 from 10~00 P. ~ ~o g~00 A. ~. 18. On both sides of Rocky Point Road at E~st Marion 'from the guardrail at the northerly terminus thereof southerly to the north curb line of Aquaview Road, during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. -2- -/ On both"~sides of Youngs Road at Orient from the guardrail at the northerly terminus thereof southerly for a distance of 265 feet, during the hours from I0:00 P.M. to 7:00 '~ 20. On both sides of Sound Drive at Greenport from ~the northerly terminus thereof southerly for a distance of 150 feeti 'during ~he hours ~from 10'-00 P.M, to 7:00 A,M. ,' 2i. On the north side of'Wistler Avenue at Fishers :,.,~ .. Islafid from the easterly terminus thereof westerly for a distance' of §00 feet, du~inlI th~ hours from 7130 P.M. to -~,~;, · ~ .,u}'IT IS FUttTHER RESO.LVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to post and publish public notics of satd bearing in accordance wit STATE TRAFFIC COMMIS$II~J-~ ~ Uj I ~ov~^-"'l"l' 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. AJb~y Tel. HObart 2-7511 Stop Signs 10 Suffolk County X-1225 ~on. Will~ C. Bassette, Supt. DAy. of Operation & ~intenanae Department of Pablie t. lorks Albany 1, Ne~ York T~IC COi~4I~oSION ORD~ Par~nt to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle Traffic L~w, the State Traffic O~ ~sion hereby Designates intersections on State highways in the Tow~ of Southcld, b~lffolk County, as STOP intersections, and ~ders the instn~ntion of STOP signs at entrances to such intersections as fo]lows: ac Interseetions of Route 25 with: 1o Laurel Lake Road (Station ~.* on ~H 8181) with STOp sign on La~el ~_~e Road - e~tranoe fr~ southeast. 2~ Cases Lane (Station 135~ on SH 8229) with STOP on Cases Lane- entrance from'southeast. Schoolhouse Ros~l (Station ~4' on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Schoolhouse Roa~ - entrance frc~ north. 4. Mooere Lane (Station 351, on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Mooers I~ne - entrance from north~ 5~ ~e~* Avenue (~ation 395s on SH 8229) with STOP siga o~ Wells Avenue - entrance f~om southeasta ~aple Avenue (Station 416* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on }~ple Avenu~ - entrance from northvesto Locust Lane (Station 428~ on SH ~29) with STOP sign on Locust ~T~s -- entrance from south~sta Nickles ~ane (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on l~ie~ies ~ - entrance from sou~h~Sto ~FFIC CO~MISSION ORDEr{ (~ ?) 9~ Arshamonaq~e Avenue (Station 4565 on SH 8~2.9) with STOP sign on Ax~h-mm~w~.ue Avenue - entrance ~om southeast. 10. Laurel Averrme (Station 458* ca SH 8229) ~th STOP sig~ on Laurel Ave~e - entramee fro~ northwest° 11. ~ilve~m~re Roezl (Station 593m on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Silvermere Roa~ - entrance from south. Eighth Street (Station 626* on SH ~29) ~ith STOP sign on Eighth Street - entrance ~om south. 13. Bailey Avenue (Station r~ on SH 83~0) with STOP sig~ on P~tey Avenue - entrar~e Erom north. 14o Rocky point Road (Station 123m o~ SH 8380) with STOp sign on Rocky point Road - entrance from northwest ~ 15o Stevenson Read (Station ~8* on SH g380) with StOP sign em Stevenson Road - entrance from northwest. 16. Tabor Read (Station 281~ on SH B350) with STOP siga om Tabor Road - entrance i~om south. 17o platt Road (Station 292m on SH 8380) with STOP sign on platt Road - entrance from southeast. Direets the New Y~k State Department of Public Works to install maintai~ STOP signs in eonfor~zauce with the ~nual of Unifor~ Traffic Control Devices of the State Traffic Commission as ~rdered in Item I ~bove o with° advise the Traffic 9ommission when this orde~ has been complied STATE ~AFFIC cc: Supt. State Poliae To~ B~rd, Southold Suffolk County police Dept o See° of State W?LLI~4 S. IIULTS C h~ ~ rman