HomeMy WebLinkAboutStop Signs Route 25WILLIAM C. EASSETTE
COMMISSl ~_~ ~ ~ ¢,1:[~ 'r.^,~.c
AlSany Teh HObart 2-7511
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Hono ~flli~ Co Bassettes 5upto
Div. of Operation & Mainter~nae
Department off Public }lorks
Alban~ 1, ~ew York
Pursuant to authority conferred by the New ¥~rk State Vehicle
T~affic Law, the State Traffio Comm~ ssion hereby
Desigmates intersections on State highways in the Town of Southcld,
~uffol~ County, as STOP intersections, and orders the installation of
STOP signs at entrances to such tnterseotions as follows:
ao Int~seetions of Route 25 with:
1o Laurel lake Road (Station 414- on aH 8181) with STOP
sign on Lall~el l_~a~e Road - entranoe frc~a southeast.
Oases Lane (Station 135- on SH _~__29) with STOP s~rn
on Oases lane - entranoe from'southeast.
3. Schoolhouse Rood (Station 14~* on SH 8229) with STOP
sign on ~ohoolhoase Road - enhance fr~, no, tho
4. Mooere Lane (Station 331- on SH 8229) with STOP sign
on Hooers ~ne - entrance from north,
5~ ~e]la Avenue (S~ation 395* on SH 8229) with STOP sign
on Wells Avenue - entrance frc~ southeast.
6. Eaple Avenue (Statio~ 416- on .aH 8229) with STOP sign on
~ple Avenu~ - entranoe from morthwesto
7. Looust Lane (Station ~28a on SH 8229) with STOP sign on
Locust ~T~e - entrance from southeast°
8. Niekles Lane (Station 456~ on aH 8229) with STOP sign on
Nickles Lane - entrance from southeast,
co :sslo ?)
9. Arsha~m~[me Avenue (Station 4~6- on SH 8~29) w~th STOP sign
on Areh~ue Avenue - entrance fi'om scaltheast.
Laurel Avenue (Station 458* ~n ~ 8229) with STOP sign on
Laurel Avenne - entranse fio~ nc~thwesto
~.1o Silvea-mere Ro~d (Station 593~ on ~t ~29) with STOP sign on
~tlver~ere Road - entramee from south,
12. Eighth ~reet (Station 62f~ on SH ~229) with STOP sign on
Eighth S~reet - entrunce fiom south.
13. Bailey Aven~e (Station 5~* on Sll 83S0) with STOP sign on
Bailey Avenue -
14o Reeky point Road (Station ~23, on SH 83~0) with STOp sigm
on Reeky point Road - ent~'anoe fi'om north~esto
Stevenson Road (Station ~48, on SH 8380) ~ith S~OP sign
on Stewe~on Road - entrance from n~rthwesto
TAbor Road (Station 281- on 8H 83~0) with STOP sign on
~ Road - en,~anee fiom south.
17. Platt Road (Station 292* on SN 8380) with STOP sign on
platt Road - entrance ~rom southeast.
Dix-eots the New Y~rk State Department of Public Works to install and
mainta~A~ STOP signs in conformance with the ~anual o£ Umifor~
Contr~l Devieea of the State ~raffic C~w~.sion as orde~e~ ia Ite~
a~ove o
advise the ~affie ~ommission vhen this order has been eomplted
Supt. s~ate Poliee
Town Beard, Southeld
Suffolk County PelVes Dept.
See. off State
Ww.~T~N S. I~LT$