HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS Manual of Traffic ControlWilliam C. Henne~y, Commi~ioner
1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12232
March 1, 1979
All Holders of the New York State Manual
of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Term C;erl~ Soutflold
Dear Sir or Madam:
Attached are copies of Authorization Nos. 78-1, 78-3 thru 78-11,
78-13 and 78-16 relating to the New York State Manual of Uniform
Traffic Control Devices. These are official changes in the
July 1, 1974 Manual.
Authorizations 78-2, 78-12, 78-14 and 78-15 do not relate to
general Manual provisions, and are not being distributed.
Holes are punched in the authorizations so that, in most cases,
they may be placed in the Manual facing the page (or previous
authorization) with which they are associated. Some of the
authorizations are printed back-to-back for the same reason.
Previous Authorizations 75-8, 76-15, 77-9 and 77-10 have been
reprinted in combination with the new authorizations. The old
copies of these authorizations maybe discarded.
On the reverse is a table listing all of the authorizations
distributed so far, and showing where they should be placed
in theManual for ease of reference.
Traffic and Safety Division
74-~ 209.10 44 AND 45 (9) 76-29 214.8 62 AND 63
7~-6 310.3 250 AND 251 76-30 214.8 62 AND 63
74-8 (1) 209.10 44 AND 45 (9) 76-31 236.10 112 AND 113 (12)
74-9 238.12 130 AND 131 [13) 76-32 237.7 1t6 AND 117
74-10 214.7. 214.8 60 AND 61 (10) 76-33 254.2 190 AND 191
74-11 209.11 44 AND 45 {9) 76-34 (2) PART 255 192 AND 193
74-12 209.6 42 AND 43 76-35 330.7 266 AND 267
74-15 211.2 46 AND 47 76-36 352.2 286 AND 28'?
75-2 352.4 288 AND 289 76-37 (3) 209,10 &4 AND 45
75-3 232.7 80 AND 81 76-39 260.1 194 AND 195
75-4 253.2 178 AND 179 76-40 261.5 198 AND 199
75-5 254.2 190 AND 191 76-41 262.11 208 AND 209
75-6 260.7 198 AND 199 76-42 310.7 252 AND 253
75-7 APPENDIX 9 426 AND 427 76-43 FIGURE P~-ll 36~ AND 363
75-8 290.10 236 AND 237 77-2 209.12 44 AND 45 (9)
75-9 2Q0,11 238 AND 239 77-3 290.3 232 AND 233
75-10 290.16 240 AND 241 77-4 290.8 234 AND 235
75-11 290.16 240 AND 241 77-6 236.11 112 AND 113 (12)
75-12 290.16 2~2 AND 243 77-7 (4) 238.2 124 AND 125
75-1~ 325.3 262 AND 263 77-8 262.4 204 AND 205
75-14 325.4 262 AND 263 77-9 290.9 236 AND 237
75-15 325.4 262 AND 263 77-10 290.9 236 AND 237
75-16 325.5 262 AND 263 77-11 240.3 132 AND 133
75-17 FIGURE TS-3 396 AND 397 77-12 240.3 132 AND 133
76-3 201.4 6 AND 7 77-13 240.3 132 AND 133
76-4 207.3 20 AND 21 77-14 fIGURE WS-14 330 AND 331
76-5 208.8 ~ 30 AND 31 77-15 FIGURE WS-15 330 AND 331
76-6 209,1 34 AND 3) 77~16 FIGURE WS-16 332 AND 333
76-7 209,2 36 AND 37 77-1' 209.7 42 AND 43
76-8 209.3 36 AND 37 77-18 {5) 209.10 44 AND 4~ (9)
76-9 209.5 40 AND 41 77-19 209.13 44 AND 4~ (9)
__ 76-10 209.6 42 AND 43 77-20 212.2 48 AND 49
76-11 209.7 42 AND 43 77-21 212.3 50 AND 51
76-12 211.1 46 AND 47 77-22 234.8 98 AND 99
76-13 232.2 76 AND 77 77-23 238.13 130 AND 131 (13)
76-14 233.1 82 AND 83 77-24 262.7 206 ~D 207
76-15 234.]. 92 AND 93 (11) 77-25 261.1 198 AND 199
76-16 234.2 9~ AND 95 78-1 234.1 92 AND 9~ (11)
76-1',' 234.3 94 AND 95 78-3 207.2 18 AND 19
76-18 234.4 94 AND 95 78-4 310,2 248 AND 249
76-19 236.5 108 AND 109 78-5 310.2 248 AND 249
76-20 238.2 124 AND 125 78-6 238.14 130 AND 131 (13)
7(,-21 2~1,18 154 AND 155 78-7 236.12 112 AND 113 (12)
76-22 335,3 268 AND 269 78-8 251.23 160 AND 161
76-24 209,.4 38 AND 39 78-9 (6) 251.24 TO 251.26 160 AND 161
76-25 262.I1 208 AND 209 78-10 FIGURE GS-21 352 AND 353
76-26 213.4 56 AND 57 78-11 (7) 238.12 130 AND 131 (13)
76-27 214,7 60 AND 61 (10) 78-13 290.9 236 AND 237
~¢~28 214.7 60 AND 61 (10) 78-16 (8) 234.1 92 AND 93 (11)
7'?-18, 74-5 (RIGHT (LEFT) TURN ON F~ED SIGN), 74-8, 74-11, 77-2, 77-19
76-27, 76-28
78-1, '78-16
77-6, '?8-7
76-15 Hereby amends Sign Nos. NTO and WTOA in section 234.1, and
subdivision (b) of section 234.1, to read es follows:
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border
WTO 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
WTOA 36" X 36" 5/8" 7/8"
(b) The W70 sign is standard. The W70A sign may be used where
greater emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby amends subdivision (c) of section 234.1 to read as
(c) Crosswalk markings (see section 261.8) should be
applied at crossings .where this sign is used. Use of the
markings at non-intersectional crossings is particularly
78-3 Hereby smends subdivision (d) of sectiOn 207.2 to read as follows:
(d) A YIELD or STOP sign should not be used for speed control.
78-4 Hereby amends paragraph ~4) of subdivision (b) of section 310.2
to read as follows:
(4) Flashing signals normally display only circular red and
circular yellow indications. HOwever~ a continuously
illuminated right-turn green arrow indication may be displayed
on a flashing red approach where right turnin~ traffic is not
subject to ar~ uncontrolled vehicular conflicts.
78-5 Hereby amends paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of section 310.2
to read as follows:
(2) Shall be supplemented with stop signs on the flashing
red approaches, except when a green arrow is displayed in
conjunction with the flashing red indication (see paragraph
(4) of'subdivision (b) of this section). When such green
arrOw is displayed, the stop sign shall not be used.
Hereby adds a new section 238.14 to read as follows:
238.14 Horsedrawn vehicle sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border
W 170 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
W 170A 36" X ~6'~ 5/8" 7/8"
(a) This sign is for use where a significant number of horsedrawn vehicles
regularly use the highway system. It is intended primarily for those highways
where the nature, volume and/or speed of mOtor vehicle tmzffic require that drivers
be warned of the possible presence of horsedrawu vehicles.
(b) The W 170 sign is standard. The W 170A sign may be used where greater
emphasis or visibility is required.
(c) These signs, where used, should be placed at the beginning of the
highway section to be signed, and at suitable locations within the section to
keep motorists on, or entering, the highway informed about the possibility of
encountering a horsedrawn vehicle.
(d) Each W 170 and W 170A sign should be supplemented with a W 162
auxiliary mileage panel (see section 238.3) indicating the distance to the end
of the section.
Hereby adds a new section 236.12 to read as follows:
236.12 Icy pavement zone sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mmr~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line
W 136 30'r x 30" 1/2'~ 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
W 136A 36'r x 36'~ 5/8~ 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D
W l~6B 48'~ x 48'~ ~/4't 1-1/4" 8"-D 8"-D 8"-D
(a) This sign may be used where, in the judgment of the authority
responsible for signing,, recurrent pavement icing within an isolated section
of an otherwise clear roadway constitutes an unusual hazard. When used, the
sign should be displayed only during periods when ic{ng is likely to occur
(see section 201.16).
(1) The sign shall be e~ected in advance of the beginning of the
zone and, when appropriate, at intervals of not greater than one-half
mile throughout the zone. Consideration should be given to the use
of a sign in each direction beyond intersections within the zone.
(2) In zones more than 1000 feet long, each W 136 sign should be
supplemented with a W 162 auxiliary mileage panel (see section
238.3) indicating the distance to the end of the zone. Distances
greater than one mile should be stated to the nearest one-half
mile. Distances less than one mile should be stated to the nearest
one-quarter mile.
and W 136B
The W 136B
The W 136 sign is standard for conventional hig~ays. The W 136A
signs may be used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
sign is standard for the main roadways of expressways and interstate
(d) The reference point for the advance posting of the first sign is
the beginning of the zone. Figure WS~3 (see Appendix 3) and section 230.2
should be used as a guide to determine the advance posting distance.
78-8 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 251.23 to read as follows:
(d) The M 65 sign is intended for use where trailer camping facilities
are available. The M 66 sign is intended for use where tent camping facilities
are available. If both types of camping facilities are available, both signs
may be used. A white-on-blue name panel (see section 251.25) may be mounted
above the camping marker. If used in conjunction with a campsite where signs
for both types of facilities are to be installed, the M 65 and M 66 signs
should be mounted side by side, and a single name panel should be centered
above them.
78-9 Hereby renumbers existing section 251.24 to be section 251.27, and adds
new sections 251.24 thru 251.26 to reed as follows:
251.24 Destination markers. (a) These markers are for use to provide
guidance to certain types of destinations, such as train stations, bus stations,
colleges, etc.
(b) These markers may be used only on conventional highways (see section
252.1). Destination signs on the main roadways of expressways and interstate
higtmays must be of the type described in section 252.3.
(c) On conventional highways, guidance information for these destinations
may be provided by either destination markers or destination signs as described
in section 252.2. However, destination markers have an advantage in that their
design facilitates motorist recognition, and their smaller size permits
installation in places where dest~ination signs cannot be ptrysically accommodated.
(d) Usually, $ motorist is adequately guided to the general area of his
desired destination by following NY, US or I touring routes, or other major
highways. Therefore, additional guidance is normally necessary only from the
point where the motorist would leave a numbered route (or major hig~ay) in the
immediate vicinity of his destination. Continuity of guidance must be prOvided.
Figure GS-21 (see Appendix 4) illustrates these concepts.
(e) Destination markers shall be installed similar to route markers
(see sections 251.2 thru 251.7, and section 251.10). In most cases, only
directional assemblies are necessary. Turn, confirmatory, and reassurance
assemblies are optional. Junction assemblies shall not be used. Figure GS-21
(see Appendix 4) shows a typical signing pattern.
(f) Destination marker turn and directional assemblies should be
positioned in advance of corresponding route marker assemblies. Destination
marker confirmatory and reassurance assemblies should be located beyond
corresponding route marker assemblies. All destination markers used at a
particular location should be installed in the same assembly. Where space is
limited, the destination markers may be included in route marker assemblies.
(g) Appropriate white-on-green M 41 thru M 44 auxiliary markers (see
section 251.17) shall be used with all destination markers.
(h) A name panel identifying the destination may be displayed above the
destination marker (see section 251.25).
(i) TranspOrtation terminal markers. These markers are for use in
providing guidance to passenger train stations, bus stations and commercial
Green backgrOund
White legend and border
M 68 M 69 M 70
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mmr~in Border Line 1 Line 2
M 68 24" x 24" None 1/2'~ Symbol 3"-B
M 69 24" x 24" None 1/2" Symbol 3"-C
M 70 24" x 24" None 1/2" Symbol 3"-E
(j) College marker. This marker is for use in providing guidance to
colleges and universities. It should be used only for institutions accredited
by the New York State Education Department.
Green background
White legend and border
~i~n No. Size Mm~rEin Border
M 7& 2A" x 2~" None 1/2"
(k) Ski center marker.
ski centers.
This marker is for use in providing guidance to
Green background
White legend and border
Letter Size and Series
~i~n No. Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2
M 76 2~~ x 2~'~ NOne 1/2" Symbol ~"-D
251.25 Name panels for markers.
Background: see text
Legend and border: see text
M 82-1
M 82-2
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2
M 82-1 24" x 12'~ None 1/2" 4'~-D
M 82-2 2/+" X 15'~ None 1/2" &"-D &"-D
(a) These panels are for use with certain markers to identify the name of
· i
the facll ty. The panels may be used only with those markers where the text
for the marker so indicates.
(b) These panels are intended for use where it is necessary to identify
the particular facility to which the marker refers. Name panels are generally
unnecessary where there is only one facility of the particular type, or where
the directional information is the same for all facilities of the particular
type (for example, where a right turn should be made to reach any of the colleges
in the vicinity).
(c) When used, the name panel shall be mounted immediately above the
destination marker, and shall be of the same color combination.
(d) Shortened names and/or abbreviations (UNIV, COMM COL, MTN, etc.)
should be employed, where necessary, to allow the name to be placed within the
standard panel size. If necessary, the width of the panel may be increased
(generally to no more than 30 inches) and/or Series C lettering may be
251.26 Historic site markers°
Brown background
White legend and border
Letter Size and Series
Sizn No. Size Margin Border Line 1 Line 2 Line
M 84-1 ~0'r x 24" None Variable 4"-D 2"-F
M8~-2 30'~ x 2~" None Variable A"-D 4"-D 2"-F
(a) These markers are for use in providing guidance to places of
recognized historic value which are operated and maintained in the public
interest as historic attractions. They should be used only in conjunction
with sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places published
by the United States Department of the Interior, or with other sites
endorsed by the New York State Education Department as having substantial
historic impOrtance.
(b) Historic site markers may be used only on conventional high,rays (see
section 252.1). Historic site guide signs on the main roadways of expressways
and interstate highways, where apprOpriate, must be of the type described in
section 252.7.
(c) Shortened names and/or abbreviations should be employed, where necessary,
to enable the historic site name to be placed within the marker. If necessary,
Series C lettering may be substituted.
(d) Usually, a motorist desiring to visit an historic site is adequately
guided to the general area of the site by following NY, US or I touring routes,
or other major highways. Therefore~ additional guidance is normally necessary only
frOm the pOint where the motorist would leave a numbered route (or major highway)
in the immediate vicinity of the historic location. Continuity of guidance must
be provided. These are the same coneepts applicable to the use
of destination markers (see section 251.24) as illustrated in Figure GS-21
(see Appendix 4).
(e) Historic site markers shall be installed in a manner similar to
rOute markers (see sections 251.2 thru 251.7, and section 251.10). In most
cases, only directional assemblies are necessary. Turn, confirmatory, and
reassurance assemblies are optional. Junction assemblies shall not be used.
(f) Historic site marker turn and directional assemblies should be
positioned in advance of corresponding route marker assemblies. Historic
site marker confirmatory and reassurance assemblies should be located beyond
corresponding route marker assemblies. Historic site markers should not be
included in route marker assemblies. If more than one historic site is signed
at a particular location, the markers should be grouped together in a common
(g) Appropriate white-on-brown M 41 thru M 44 auxiliary markers (see
section 251.17) shall be used with all historic site markers.
Hereby adds a new Figur to Appendix 4 to read as
Notes: 1.
See section 251.24.
*These sigr~ may be omitted if not necessary for continuity of guidance.
**Optional signs.
Figure GS-21
Hereby amends section 238.12 to read as follows:
238.12 Deaf child area sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Not reflectorized
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border Line I Line 2 Line
W 173 24" x 24" 3/8" 5/8'~ 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
W 173A 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
W 173B ~6" X 36" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D
(a) This sign is for use where it is considered necessary to advise
motorists of the need to be especially alert for a child who may not be
normally aware of the presence of traffic or who may be. incapable of
responding to audio warning signals. The sign shOuld not be installed
without the consent of the child's parents or legal guardian.
(b) Prudent and discriminate use of these signs is necessary to retain
their effectiveness. The authority having jurisdiction for the signs should
keep informed about the residences, areaS of activity, and ages of the children
involved so that the signs can be promptly removed when they are no longer
(c) The W 173 sign is standard. The W !73A and W 173B signs may be used
where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
(d) The sign shOuld normally be non-reflectorized. It may be reflectorized
in special situations where it is determined that nighttime visibility is
(e) Figure WS~3 (see Appendix 3) maybe used as a guide to determine the
advance posting distance. However, the appropriate sign locations, and the
extent of the area covered, may vary considerably with differing local
conditions. Competent traffic engineering evaluation on an individual basis
is reconmaended in determining sign locations.
(f) If used in a location in which a school sign (see section 235.6) is
also used, the deaf child area sign should be installed to follow the school
sign. If used in a location in which a playground sign (see section 238.5) is
also used, the deaf child area sign should be installed to follow the playground
Hereby re-numbers paragraphs (5), (6) snd (7) of subdivision (b) of
section 290.9 to be paragraphs (6), (7) and (8), respectively, snd
adds a new paragraph (5) to subdivision (b) of section 290.9 to
read as follows:
(5) A green arrow and its corresponding yellow arrow may be
displayed sequentially in the same signal lens. Circular indicstions
(all colors) and red arrow indications shsll each be displayed in e
separate signal lens.
Hereby ~mends paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of section 290.9
to read as follows:
(1) Each vehicular signal lens sh~ll he illuminated independently.
Hereby ~nends paragrep~s-~) and (3) of subdivision (e) of section
290.9 to read as follows:
(2) In a vertical array of signal lenses, each yellow arrow lens
shall be located immediately sbove the green arrow lens to which
it applies, except when the green and yellow arrows are displayed
sequentially in the same lens (see paragraph (5) of subdivision (b)
of this section).
(3) In a horizontal srrey of signal lenses, the yellow arrOw shall be
located immedistely to the left of the green arrow lens to which it
applies, except when the green and yellow arrows are displayed sequentially
in the same lens (see par~greph (5) of subdivision (b) of this. section).
75-8 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 290.10 to read as follows:
(d) The number of faces displayed toward a driveway entering an
intersection where there is a traffic control signal is a
function of the level of control deemed necessary for the
driveway (see section 290.16).
Where the driveway is uncontrolled, there shall be no
vehicular signal face directed toward, or readily visible
to, traffic entering from the driveway.
Where the driveway is controlled by a continuous red
flashing signal, at least one indication shall be directed
toward the driveway. The stop sign normally required on
a flashing red approach (see section 310.2) may be omitted.
Where the driveway is treated as an additional approach to
the signal, the minimum number of signal faces directed
toward the driveway shall be consistent with (a), (b) and
(c) above.
78-16 Hereby amends section 234.1 to read as follows:
Section 234.1
Pedestrian crossing signs.~
Yellow background
Black legend
W 68 W 70
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border
w 6~ 30,, x 30. 1/2. 3/4"
W 68A 36" x 36" 5/8" 7/8"
W 70 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
W 70A 36" X 36" 5/8" 7/8"
(a) These signs are intended for use where it is determined necessary
to warn motorists about pedestrians crossing the roadway and/or to pinpoint
crosswalk locations.
(1) The W 68 sign is used to provide advance warning of a location
or area where pedestrian crossing activity occurs.
(2) The W 70 sign is used to identify the exact location of a
defined crossing point.
(b) The W 68 sign:
(1) Should be used only for locations where pedestrian activity is
significant and would normally be unexpected, such as at non-
intersectional crossings, or at crossings in rural areas·
(2) Shall not be used where traffic on the approach is controlled
by a stop or yield sign at the crossing location.
(3) Should not be used in conjunction with crossings where traffic
is controlled by a traffic control signal.
(4) Should not be used on the same approach with an intersection
sign (see section 232.1).
(5) Nay or may not be followed by a W 70 sign at the crossing
(c) The W 70 sign:
(1) May be used to identify crossing locations where W 68 signs
are used.
(2) May be used to identify crossing locations in urbanized areas
where W 68 signs are not used.
(3) Shall not be used where traffic on the approach is controlled
by a stop or yield sign at the crossing location.
(4) Should not normally be necessary at crossings where traffic
is controlled by a traffic control signal.
(5) Should not be used in rural areas unless preceded by a W 68
sign, an intersection sign, or another W 70 sign at a nearby
upstream crossing location.
(d) Where the pedestrian activity occurs randO~y along a sectiOn of
roadway, a W 68 sign may be erected in advance of the beginning of the
sectiOn and, when appropriate, at intervals of not greater than one-half
mile throughout the section. For sections longer than 1000 feet, each
W 68sign should be supplemented with a W 162 auxiliary mileage panel
(see section 238.3) indicating distance to the end of the section.
Distances greater than one mile should be stated to the nearest one-half
mile. Distances less than one mile should be stated to the nearest one-
quarter mile.
(e) Crosswalk markings (see section 261.8) should be applied at
crossings where a W 70 sign is used. Use of the markings at nonintersectional
crossings is particularly recommended.
(f) The W 68 and W 70 size signs are standard. The W 68A and W 70A
sizes may be used where greater emphasis Or visibility is required.
(g) The reference point for the advance pOsting of the W 68 sign is
the near side of the pedestrian crosswalk or area of pedestrian activity.
Section 230.2 and Figure WS-3 (see Appendix 3) should be used as a guide
to determine the advance posting distance.
(h) The W 70 sign should be installed at, or immediately in advance of,
the crossing location.
(1) W 95 school crOssing and W 96 school signs are described in
sections 235.5 and 235.6.
William C. Hennessy, Commi~ioner
1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12232 ~
October 12, 1977
All Holders of the New york State Nsnual
of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Dear Sir or Madam:
Attached are copies of Authorization Nos. ?6-39 thru ?6-43, 77-2 thru
77-4, and 97-6 thru 77-25 relating to the New York State Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices. These are official changes in
the July l, 19?4Manual.
Authorizations 76-38, 76-44, 77-1 and ?7-5 do not relate to general
Manual provisions, and are therefore not being distributed.
Holes are punched in the authorizations so that, in ~ost cases, they
may be placed in the Manual facing the page (or previous authorization)
they are associated with. Some of the authorizations are printed
back-to-back for the same reason. Also, previous Authorization Nos.
74-9, 74-12, 75-6, 75-8, 76-10, 76-11, 76-20, 76-25 and 76-31 have
been reprinted in combination with the current authorizations. The
old copies of these authorizations may be discarded.
The Manual and authorizations will no lo~er fit in the original
binding. We suggest that you put them in a large, three-ringbinder
(two-inch capacity or greater).
On the reverse is a table listing all of the authorizations relating
to the July l, 197~ Manual, and where they should be inserted for
ease of reference.
Traffic and Safety Division
74-5 209.10 44 ANO 45'(6i
74-6 310,3 250 AND 251
74-8 (1) 209.10 44 AND 45 (6)
74-9 238.12 ._Sso Am}
'74-11 209.11 44 AND 45 (6)
74-12 209.6 42 AND 43
74-13 .... 211.2 .......... 46 ANO 47
75-2 352,4 288 AND 289
75-3 252.7 80 AND 81
75-4 255,2 178 AND 179
75-5 254.2 19__0_ AND 191
75-6 ~60. / 198 AND 199
75-7 APPENDIX 9 426 EJqD 42?
75-8 290,10 236 AND 237
75-9 290,11 258 AND 239
75-10 290.16 240 AND 241
75-11 290.16 240 AND 241
7~-12 290.16 242 AND 243
75-13 525,3 262 AND 263
75-14 325.4 262 AND 263
75-15 325.4 262 AND 263
75-16 325.5 262 AND 263
75-r7 FIGURE TS-3 j96 AND
76-3 201.4 6 AND 7
?6-4 2o%} 2o AN~ 21
76-5 2os.s }o AX~ 3~
76-6 209.1 54 AND 35
v6-s 209,5 56 AN~ )~
7~9 209.5 40 AND 41
7~10 ......... 209.6 42 AND
7~11 209.7 42 AND ~3
7~12 211,1 46 ~D 47
7~13 232,2 76 AND 77
7~1~ 233.1 82 AND 83
7~15 234,1 92 ~D 9~
7~16 ~.~ ....... 94 ~D 95
7~17 2}4.3 92 AND 95
76-18 23&.4 9~ AND 95
7~21 251.18 154 AND 155
76-22 335.3 ..... .~68 AND 269
~ !.6m~_2_4~ 209.4 38 AND 39 _
'/6-25 262.11 20~ AND 209
76-26 213.4 5~ AND 5'?
76-27 214.7 Fj~ A~ID 61
7~q 214.7 ~ ~D 61 }
76-29 214.8 ~ .... g~D 6~ .... ~
7~30 214.8 52 AND 63 q
-- 76-~3A ..... 236.10 I _11_~_ ._A~_D.__ll_~. '--t
237 7 ~ 116 AND lr/
.- 76-3_~(&). PART 25~ 192 AND ~93
_ '76-}~5_ )~30.7 266 AND 2E7
76-~ ...... ~52 2 28(, AND
'?6-3'? (3~ ...... 209.10 4~r~ AND 45 (6)
76-39 260.1 lip4 AND !9~
7640 261.5 .__~58 A~ 199
76-41 ......... 262.1~ .......
77-6 236.11 112 A~ 113
77-7 (~ .... ~8.2 ..... 124 AN~ 125
~. '7y.x~ ........ 262,4 2~D gp_~
.... i~!-_~ ........ 290.~ ......... l ~6 AND 237
77-10 290.9 236 ~D
_~ 77-11 ......... ~%0. } ........ 3~2 AND _%~
77-~2 240.~ ....... ~Z AND ~)~
7/-14 FIGU~ WS-14 }30 A~ ~}1
77-15 FIGU~ WS-15 330 AND 33i-
.... 17~3A ...... F~GU~ WS-16 1,~2 A~ 33} ~
77-17 209.7 ___ 42 ~D 43
i 77-18 (5) 209.10 .............. ~}_~ 45 ~]
77-20 212.2 ~_. ~8 AND %9 .....
. _ 77-21 .... 212,} ~.~ },0 AND 51
77-22 __ 2~.8_~. 98 ~D 99
77-23 ~.38.1p 10 A~ 1~1
77-24 262.7 206 AND 207
77-25 261.1 198 A~ 199
77-18, 74-5 (RlOh~f (LEFT) TURN ON RED SION), 74-8, 74-11, 77-2, 77-19
76-39 Hereby amends subdivision (b) of section 260.1 to read as follows:
(b) The following sections of such law are of particular importance
relative to the standards and specifications pertaining to pavement markings
set forth ~n this ~anua].:
~Section 1125. Further limitations on driving to left of center
of roadway. (a) No vehicle shall at any time be driven to the
left side of the roadway under the following conditions:
(10 When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in
the highway where the driver's view is obstructed within such
distance as to create a hazard in the event another vehicle
might approach from the opposite direction;
(2) When approaching within one hundred feet of or traversing
any railroad grade crossing;
(3) When the view is obstructed upon approaching within one
hundred feet of any bridge, viaduct, or tunnel.
(b) The foregoing limitations shall not apply upon a one-way
roadway nor to a vehicle in any lane which is at the time allocated
exclusively to traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is proceeding
and is marked to give notice of such allocation.
Section 1126. No-passing zones. (a) When official markings are in
place indicating those portions of ar~y highway where overtaking and
passing or driving to the left of such markings would be especially
hazardous~ no driver of a vehicle proceeding along such highway shall at
any time drive on the left side of such markings.
(b) The foregoing limitation shall not apply to the driver of a
vehicle turning left while entering or leaving such highway.
(c) Where a two-way left turn lane or a paved and clearly traversible
dividing section separates the travel lanes for traffic proceeding
in opposite directions, the foregoing limit@tion shall not apply to
the driver of a vehicle traveling within such lane or section for such
distance as is required for safety in preparing to turn left leaving
such highway or in completing a left turn entering such highway.
Section 1128. Driving on roadways laned for traffic. Whenever any
roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for
traffic the following rules in addition to all others consistent herewith
shall apply:
(b) . . .
(0) . . .
(d) When official markings are in place indicating those portions of
any roadway where crossing such markings would be especially hazardous,
no driver of a vehicle proceeding along such highway shall at any time
drive across such markings."
75-6 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 260.7 to read as follows:
Definition of traffic lanes is an important consideratiom
on maintenance and construction projects where traffic
is maintained within the work area. Sections 352.3 and
352.4 describe various devices that can be used for this
purpose. Before ar~ new highway, detour or temporary
route is opened to traffic, all necessary pavement
markings should be in place.
Hereby ~mends p~ragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 261.1
to read as follows:
(2) The broken line shall consist of line segments of uniform
length separated by longer uniform gaps. The standard cycle
(the combined length of one llne segment and one gap) is 40 feet.
Shorter cycl'es may be necessary to preserve the continuity or
meaning of the broken line at certain locations, or in urban
districts where speeds sre low and traffic is heavy. The line
length to gap rstio should be between 1/3 aud 3/5. This correspOnds
tO line segments which comprise between 1/4 and 3/8 of the cycle.
Cycle.leng~bsshould not be more than 40 feet or less than 20 feet.
Figure P~-l (see Appendix 5) illustrates broken lines having the
standard 40-foot cycle length with a 3/5 line to gap r~tio.
76- 40
Hereby amends paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of section 261.5
to read as follows:
(2) Yellow partial barrier line. The yellow partial barrier line is
the line which indicates a no-passing zone for traffic in one direction.
Vehicles progeeding along the highway in the direction which places
the solid line to the rightof the broken line shall not be driven on
the left side of the yellow partial barrier line. Vehicles proceeding
in the direction which places the solid line to the left of the broken
line may be driven to ~he left side of the yellow partial barrier line
at the discretion of the driver.for the purpOse of overtaking and
passiRg. Yellow partial barrier lines, in combination with R 23 and/or
R 24 lane use signs, are also used to identify a two-way left-turn
lane (see sections 209.4 End 262.11). Vehicles may be driven within
such a lane only for the purpose of preparing to make a left turn to
leave the highway or for the purpose of completing a left turn in
entering the highway.
Hereby amends subdivision (a) of section 262.11 and paragraph (3)
of subdivision (c) of section 262.11 to read as follows:
A twO~way left-turn lane is a lane which is provided for the
exclusive use of left-turning vehicles in either
direction and is not to be used as a thru-travel or
p~ssin~ lane. It permits left turns to be made with a
mininm~n of interference with traffic in the thru travel
lanes. R23 or B24 signs shall be used as specified in
section 209.4 wherever a two-way left-turn lane is marked.
Where a portion of the lane is allocated exclusively for
left turns in one direction, the use of R25 and R26 signs
should be considered. The use of word and symbol markings
within the lane should also be considered.
Hereby amends paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of section 262.11
to read as follows:
(1) The yellow partial barrier shall be marked along each edge of
the two-way left-turn lane with the broken line portion of the
partial barrier adjacent to the left-turn lane.
76-42 Hereby adds a new section 310.7 to read as follows:
School speed limit integrated unit.
White and yellow background
Black legend
Reflectorization optional
S 1-0
S 1-G
Unit No. Size MarEin Border
S 1-G 24"x 54" 3/8" 5/8"
S 1-0 48" x 36" 3/8" 5/8"
Letter Size and Series
(See text)
(See text)
(a) A school speed limit integrated unit may be used as an alternate to
the assembly of devices described in section 310.6. The S 1-G unit is for
roadside installation. The S 1-0 unit is for overhead installation.
(b) In both units, the background above the horizontal dividing line
shall be yellow and the background below it shall be white. The background
does not have to be reflectorized if the school speed limit (see subdivision
(a) of section 208.9) does not apply at night.
(c) In the S 1-G unit, the word "SCHOOL" shall be in four-inch Series D
letters. "SPEED" and "LIMIT" shall be in four-inch, Series E letters. The
numerals shall be ten-inch, Series E. The horizontal dividing line shall be
5/8 of an inch wide. The flashing yellow indications shall be at least
six inches in diameter.
(d) In the S 1-0 unit, the word "SCHOOL" shall be in six-inch, Series E
letters, "SPEED LIMIT" shall be in four-inch, Series E letters, and the numerals
shall be ten-inch, Series E. The horizontal dividing line shall be 5/8 of an
inch wide. The flashing yellow indications shall be a minimum of six inches in
(e) The application, variable message display, operation of the flashing
indications, and placement of the unit shall be consistent with section 310.6.
76- 43
Hereby amends Figure PM-liB in Appendix 5 by reversing the positions
of the solid and broke~ ~l~ments of the yellow partial barrier
lines adjacent to the two-way left-turn lane.
77- 2
Si~n Nq.
R 56-L
~ 56-R
Hereby adds e new section 209.12 to read es follows:
209.12 Left (right) 'burn signal signs.
White background
Black legend
R 56-L R 56-R
Letter Size and Series
Size -Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line
24" x 30" 3/8" 5/8" 5"-C 5"-C 5"-C
24" x ~0" ~/8', 5/8" 5"-C 5"-C 5"-C
(a) These signs may be used to identify signal faces that
control right- or left-turn movements exclusively. They shall not
be used with faces which control more than one movement.
(b) Section 290.8 prohibits the display of certain combinations
of indications unless appropriate means are taken to ensure that
motorists will not be confused or misled. Use of the R 56-L sign
is one means to clarify a prohibited display between indications in
a left-turn signal face and indications in other faces on the
approach. Use of the R 56-R sign is one means to clarify a
prohibited display between indications in a right-turn signal face
and indications in other faces on the approach.
(c) The signs shall be located immediately adjacent to the
left- or right-tumn signal face. At overhead signals, R 56-L
signs should be located immediately to the right of the left-turn
signal faces, and R 56-R signs should be located immediately to the
left of the right-turn signal faces. At post- or pedestal-mounted
signals, the signs should be located immediately below the signal faces.
(d) If these signs are associated with a turning movement that
is controlled by more than one signal face, a sign should be placed
at each of the faces controlling that turning movement. However, if
a sign cannot be used at one of the faces (for example, a face which
also includes an indication for thru movement), the signs should not
be used at any of the faces controlling that particular turning
Hereby adds a new section 209.13 to read as follows:
209.13 School bus passing prohibition sign.
White background
Black legend
Si~n No.
R 57
R 57A
R 57B
Letter Size and Series
Size Margin Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
24" x 30" 3/8" 5/8" 3"-D ~"-D 3"-D 3"-D 3"-D
36" x 48" 5/8" 7/8" 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
48" x 60" 7/4" 1-1/4" 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D
(a) This sign is for use where there is evidence that motorists
need to be reminded about the provisions of section 1174 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law. It is intended primarily for use near
county lines where traffic in the adjacent county is not required
t~f law to stop for stopped school buses.
(b) The sign, when used, should be placed at a location where
it will not interfere with, or detract from, other traffic control
(c) The R 57 sign is standard. The R 57A and R 57B signs may
be used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
77-3 Hereby amends subdivisions (b) and (c) of section 290.3 to read as
(b) A traffic signal indication should be readily visible
only to traffic on the roadway it is intended to control. Any
indications which would be misleading or confusing to traffic on
another roadway should be shielded, hooded, louvered, positionsd,
optically limited or otherwise obscured frOm the view of that
(c) Signal indications intended to control an intersection
approach (see section 270.3) should be oriented toward, and most readily
visible to, traffic on that intersection approach. A signal indication
intended to control an auxiliary lane (see section 270.3) should be
briented toward, and most readily visible to, traffic on that auxiliary
77- 4 Hereby amends section 290.8 to read as follows:
290.8 Prohibited traffic signal indication displays. (s) Certain
signal fndicetions shall not be simultaneously displayed in any one
signal face. Also, they shell not be simultaneously displayed in
different signel faces on any total approach (see section 2?0.3) uDless
appropriste signs are installed (see subdivision (b) of this section),
or the faces ere shielded, hooded, louvered, positioned, optically
limited, or otherwise designed so that none of the prohibited combinations
is readily visible to approaching traffic. The prohibited combinations
(1) Circular green and circular yellow
(2) Any circular indication and a vertical green arrow
(3) Circular red and circular yellow
(4) Circular green and circular red
(5) Circular green and a~y red arrow
(b) Where the prohibited combination appears as an indication in
an auxiliary vehicular signal face (see section 270.3) and an indication
in another face on the approach, use of the R 56 sign (see section 209.12)
is an acceptible alternative to preventing the prohibited combination
~rom being seen.
Hereby adds a new section 236.10 to read as follows:
236.10 Road flooded sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Si~n No.
Letter Size and Series
Size Mar~in Border Line I Line 2
30" X 30" 1/2" 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D
36" x 36" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D
48" x.48" 3/4" 1-1/4" 8"-D 8"-D
This sign is for use where water covering a roadway reqpires
greatly reduced travel speed or obscures a substantial length
of pavement, but where the roadway remains passable. The sign
should be displayed only while the condition exists or is
obviously imminent.
(b) The W134 sign is standard. The W134A end W134B signs may be
used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
The reference pOint for the advance posting of this sign is
the beginning of the flooded area. The upper curve in Figure
WS-3 Qsee Appendix 3).should be use~ as a guide to determine
the advance posting d~stance.
The installation of delineators, preferably on both sides
of the roadway, should be considered in areas where road
flooding occurs regularly.
Hereby adds a new section 236.11%o read as follows:
236.11 Limited sight distance sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Si~n No.
W 135
W 1354
W l~SB
Letter Size and Series
Size ~ar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line
30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4" 4"-0 4"-C ~'~"-C
36" x 36" 5/8" 7/8,, 5"-C 5"-C
48" x 48" 3/4" 1-1/4" 6"-C 6"-C 6"-C
(a) This sign may be used where stopping sight distance, as
defined and used for highway design purposes, is limited by vertical
highway a~ignment to a value considered less than adequate for the
prevailing speed along the highway. The sign should be used only at
locations where engineering judgment indicates that warning of such
limited stopping sight distance may be helpful in diminishing an
existing or potential problem. It is intended primarily for use
where re-surfacing or minor road improvements are likely to increase
speeds significantly above the design values associated with the
vertical higt~vay alignment.
(b) Where used, this sign should be supplemented with the appropriate
W 161 stated speed sign (see section 238.2) indicating the speed for which
the limited stopping sight distance is deemed adequate.
(c) Where this sign is used on a two- or three-lane two-way highway
which has pavement markings, a no-passing zone (see section 262.2) in
the appropriate direction of travel shall be marked through the entire
section where stopping sight distance is deemed inadequate. Where the
resulting no-passing zone would be less than 400 feet, it shall be extended
to 400 feet by adding the additional length at the beginning of the zone
(see section 262.4). Where an existing no-passing zone marking includes
part, but not all, of a limited sight distance section, such zone shall
be extended as necessary to include the entire section.
(d) The reference point for the advance postlr~ of this sign is the
beginning of the section in which stopping sight distance is deemed
inadequate. Figure WS-3 (see Appendix 3) and section 230.2 should be used
as a guide to determine the advance posting distance.
(e) The W 135 sign is standard. The W 1354 and W 135P signs may be
used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
76-20 Hereby amends Sign Nos. W161 and W161A in section 238.2, and
subdivisions (b) and (e) of section 238.2, to read as follows:
Si~n No.
Size Margin Border
Letter Size and Series
Line 1 Line.2
18. x 18. 3/8" 5/8. 8. - E 3" - E
24" x 24" 3/8" 5/8" 10" - E 4" - E
The W161 sign shall be used with "24-inch" and "30-inch"
signs. The W161A sign shall be used with "36-1nch" signs.
The W161B sign shall be used with signs larger than "36-inch.'
(e) This sign may only be used with the gollowing signs:
W 1 turn W 123 rough road
W 2 curve W 126 hill
W 4 reverse turn W 140 men working
W 5 reverse curve W 141 fresh oil
W 6 winding road W 142 loose gravel
W l0 - W 14 intersection W 145 road work
W 42 traffic circle W 146 detour
W 46 signal ahead W 148 lane closed
W 122 bump
77-7 Hereby amends subdivision (e) of section 238.2 to read as follows:
(e) This sign may only be used with the following signs:
W 1 turn
W 2 curve
W 4 reverse turn
W 5 reverse curve
W 6 windin~ road
W l0 - W 14 intersection
W 42 traffic circle
W 46 signal ahead
W 122 b~mD
W 123 rough road
W 126 hill
W 135 limited sight distance
W 140 men working
W 141 fresh oil
W 142 loose gravel
W 145 road work
W 146 detour
W 148 lane closed
Hereby amends paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 262.4 to
read as follows:
(2) Yellow barrier lines shall be marked along the center line for
the distance where sight distance is less than standard for the
prevailing speed as described and illustrated in Figures P~-2 and
P~-3 (see Appendix 5), on approaches to railroad crossings as
illustrated in Figure PM-33A (see Appendix 5), on approaches to
obstructions as illustrated in Figure P~-37A (see Appendix 5), and
where limited sight distance signs are used (see section 236.11).
They may also be marked on the approaches to intersections (see
section 262.16) and, where officially authorized, at locations where
a traffic engineering study indicates passing should be prohibited.
Hereby re-numbers paragraphs (5), (6) end (7) of subdivision (b) of
section 290.9 to be par~hs(6), (7) and (8), respectively, and
adds a new paragraph (5) to subdivision (b) of section 290.9 to
read as follows:
(5) A green arrOw and its corresponding yellow arrow may be
displayed sequentially in the smme signal lens. Circular indications
(all colors) and red arrow indications shall each be displayed in a
separate signal lens.
Herebyamends paragrap~--(i~)~ and (3) of subdivision (e) of section
290.9 to read as follows:
(2) In a vertical array of signal lenses, each yellow arrow lens
shall be located immediately above the green arrow lens to which
it applies, ~xcept when tHe green and yellow arrows are displayed
se~entially in the same lens(see paragraph (5) of subdivision (b)
of this sectlon).
(3) In a horizontal array of signal lenses, the yellow arrow shall be
located immediately to the left of the green arrow lens to which it
applies, except when the green and yellow arrows are displayed sequentially
in the same lens (see paragraph (5) of subdivision (b) of this. section).
75-8 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 290.10 to read as follows:
(d) The number of faces displayed toward a driveway entering an
intersection where there is a traffic control signal is a
function of the level of control deemed necessary for the
driveway (see section 290.16).
Where the driveway is uncontrolled, there shall be no
vehicular signal face directed toward, or readily visible
to, traffic entering from the driveway.
Where the driveway is controlled by a continuous red
flashing signal, at least one indication shall be directed
toward the driveway. The stop sign normally required on
a flashing red approach (see section 310.2) may be omitted.
Where the driveway is treated as an additional approach to
the signal, the minimum number of signal faces directed
toward the driveway shall be consistent with (a), (b) and
(c) above.
77- 11
Hereby deletes Delineator No. W 185R-2 in section 240.3; amends
Delineator Nos. W 185W~1, ~ 185R-1 and W 185Y-2, and adds
Delineator Nos. W 185Y-1 and W 185W-2 in section 240.3 to read
as follows:
Delineator No. Color No. of Units
W 185W-1 White 1
W 185Y-1 Yellow 1
W 185R-1 Red 1
W 185W-2 White 2
W 185Y-2 Yellow 2
Minimum dimension
of the individual
units shal~ be
approximately 3"
77- iL Hereby amends subdivisions (b) and (c) of section ~40.~ to read as
(b) Color.
(1) The W iSSW-1 single white delineator is for usa along the right o~
both sides of two-way roadways, and along the right side of one-way
roadways and ramps.
(2) The W lg5Y-1 single yellow delineator is for us~ ~long the left
(3) The W 185R-1 single red delineator is for use facini{ the wrong-wo.l
direction on one-way roadways and ramps.
(4) The ~ 185W-2 double white delineator is for use alon~ ac~eler~,tion and
deceleration lanes on the r'ight side of expressways and interstate hi~]hways.
(5) The W 155Y-2 douhle yellow delineator is for use at med~:n crossovers
(see paragraph (5) of subdivision (c) of this section) and ~!long
and deceleration lanes on the left sidle of expressways and ~nterstate
(c) Application.
(1) Delineators shall be orovided on th~ ri~ht side of tlc main roadways an,]
ramps of expressways and interstate highways. They ~i,ay aisc be provide~] alt>nS
the left side of these roadways and r~nps. Left-side ~elineatiorl on r~mp
curves to the right is recommended. Delineators along ~ntercl~nge acco!erosion
and deceleration lanes should be doub].e units (see par~lgraphs (~) and (~)of
subdivision (b) of this section).
(2) Delineators ~llay also be used on conventional highways. When used~ they
shall be placed either on the right side~ or on both sides, of the roadway.
Both-side deline~tlon is psrticular]y advantageous on curves to tb~ right.
Delineators may be installed along an entire highway, or their ,/se ~ay h~
limited to critical areas.
(3) Delineators used to identify a reduction in the number of travel lones
should be placed for 'the full length of the roadws~ convergence. Closer-than-
normal spacln~ for these delineatoz, s may be warranted. Both-side delineation
(4) Delineators used to identi±~ intersections should be placed as i!]ustrute~
in Figures WS-i~ and WS-15 (see Appendix 3).
()) Where a median crossover on a divided highway is to be identified, a W i~5Y-2
double yellow delineator shall be placed on the left side of tile ~hrough roadwa~
on the far sid,~ of the crossover.
(6) W 185R-1 single red delineators rosy be used facing in the wrong-way
direction on a one-way ro~dway or r~mp to alert motori,~ts who are trave]~n~
in the wrong diz, eet~on.
77- 1~; Hereby smends paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of section 240. ;~ and adds mew
paragraphs (4) and (5) to subdivision (e) of section 240.3 to read as follows:
(3) Delineators on the left si~}e et' a one-way roadway should not be spa,red
closer together than the delineatoz's on the right side of the roadway,
except along left-side lane tl'ansitions (see paragraph (3) of subdi¥isio}~
(c) of this section) and along left-turn lanes at intersections on divided
?~ighways (see paragraph (5) of this subdivision). Increased left-side spacing
i~ frequently used on tangents a~d on gentle curves. Left-side sl~acing
should not exceed 400 feet.
(4) Delineators along acceleration and deceleration lanes on expressways
and interstate highways shauld be installed at lOC-foot intervals (see
Figalre WS-16 in Appendix 3).
(5) Delineators used at intez, sections {see Figures WS-14 ond WS-i[, in
Appendix 3) may i~ave to be lo,}ate,1 quite close together to '~deq~lately ,J~fine
the intersection elements /corner radii, isl'~nds, turn l~r~es~ e~,,:'.).
Hereby amends Figure WS-14 in Appendix 3 to read as follows:
Notes: 1. See section 240.3.
2. Legend: {> W 185 W-1 single white delineator.
I~ W 185 Y-1 single yellow delineator.
· Mounting post.
Figure WS - 14
Hereby emends Figure WS-15 in Appendix 3 to read as follows:
Not~: 1. See ruction 240.3.
2. Legend: {> W 185 W-1 single white delineator.
b W 185 Y-1 single yellow delineator.
Figure WS - 15
Hereby amends Figure WS-16 in Appendix 3 to read as follows:
Notes: 1. See section 240.3.
2. See figure PM-31 for pavement markings.
3, Legend: i> W 185 W-1 single white delineator.
lb W 185 Y-1 single yellow delineator.
· W 185 R-1 single red delineator.
W 185 W-2 double white delinentor.
· Mounting post.
Figure WS - 16
74-12 Hereby adds new Sign Nos. R49-L and R49-R in section 209.6 as
209.6 One-way signs
White background
Black legend
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border , Line i Line 2 Line 3
R49-L: R49-R 18"X24" 3/8" 5/8" 5"-D 5"-D Arrow
76-10 Hereby emends Sign Nos. 950 end R5OA in section 209.6 ss follows:
Si~n No. Size Border
R50-L; R50-R 36" x 12" 3/8"
RSOA-L: RSOA-R 48" x 18" 1/2"
Letter Size and Series
4" - D
5" - D
76-11 Hereby amends Sign Nos..RS1 and RS1A in section 209.7, and
subdivision (b) of section 209.7, to read as follows:
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
RS1 30" x 30" 4" - D 5" bar 4" - D
RS1A 36" x 36" 5" - D 6" bar 5" - D
(b) The RS1 sign is standard. The RS1A and RS1B signs may be
used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby re-letters subdivisions (d) and (e) of section 209.7
to be subdivisions (e) and (f), respectively, and adds a new
subdivision (d) to section 209.7 to read as follows:
(d) When the one-way regulation is not in effect at all
times, one of the following methods may be used to post the
(1) The sign may be the variable message type
(see section 201.10).
~2) A supplemental panel stating the appropriate days
and/or hours may be used (see section 212.2).
(3) The sign may be installed as a portsble sign (see
section 201.16).
Hereby amends subdivisions (e) and (f) of section 209.10, and
adds s new subdivision (g) to section 209.10, to reed as
(e) The sign shell be pleced either at the near right
corner of the intersection or edjscent to the right-hsnd
signal face [or in both locstions). When used et sn overhead
signal, the sign should be positioned immediately to the right
of the signal face. When used at a post- or pedestsl-mounted signal,
it should be instslled immediately below the signal face.
Supplemental signs at other locations may also be used, as necessary.
(f) When the turn prohibition is not in effect at all times,
One of the following methods may be used to post the regulation:
(1) The sign may be the variable message type (see section
(2) A supplemental panel stating the appropriate days and/or
hours maybe used (see section 212.2).
(3) The sign may be installed as a porteble sign (see section
(g) The R 54 sign is standard. The R 54A sign may be used
where approach speeds are low and physical conditions make the use
of the standard size sign impractical. The R 54B sign may be used
where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
77-20 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of sectiOn 212.2 to reed as
(d) The R 110 sign may be used to post the effective
hours, days and/or months of certain regulations. Therefore,
this sign m~y be used only with certain regulstory signs.
The text relating to each of those signs indicates that the
use of the R ll0 sign iS appropriate. If desired, the R ll0
sign legend and the regulatory sign legend may be displayed
on a single~ approprietely sized, sign plete.
Hereby ~mends subdivision (a) of section 212.3 by adding a
new paragraph (3) to r~-as follows:
(3) This sign is not intended to prohibit traffic
from turning right on a red signal indication.
Hereby adds a new section 234.8 to read as follows:
234.8 Handicapped crossing sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
SiEn No. Size ~ar~ in Border
w 88 36" x 36" 5/8" 7/8.
W 88A 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
W 88B 48" x 48" 3/4" 1-1/4"
(a) This sign is intended for use at crossings regularly used by blind
persons, persons in wheelchairs, and/or other handicapped persOns.
(b) If used on an intersection approach on which an intersection sign is
also used, the handicapped crossing sign should be installed to follow the
intersection sign. A handicapped crossing sign and a pedestrian crossing sign
should not be used at the same crossing.
(c) Crosswalk markir~s (see section 261.8) should be applied at crossings
where this sign is used. Use of the markings at mid-block crossings is
particularly recommended.
(d) The W 88 sign is standard. The W 88A sign may be used where approach
speeds are low and physical conditions make the use of the standard size sign
i~Lpractical. The W 88B sign may be used where greater emphasis or visibility is
(e) The reference pOint for the advance posting of this sign is the near
side of the crossing. Figure WS-3 (s~e Appendix 3) and section 230.2 should be
used as a guide to determine the advance pOsting distance.
74-9 Hereby adds a new section 238.12 to read as follows:
238.12 Deaf child area sign
Yellow background
Black legend
Not reflectorized
Si~n No.
W 173
W 173A
W 173B
Letter Size and Series
Size . Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
30"X30" 1/2" 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
24"X24" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
~6"X96" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D 6"~D
This sign is intended for use on a residential street near the
home and play area of a deaf child. The purpose of the sign is
to advise motorists traveling in the area of the need to be
especially alert for a child who may not be normally aware of the
presence of traffic or who may be incapable of responding to
audio warning signals.
Prudent and discriminate use of this sign is necessary to retain
its effectiveness. The authority having jurisdiction for the
signs should keep informed on the residences and ages of deaf
children so tbat~hesign can be promptly removed when they are ~o
longer pertinent or needed. The desire of the deaf child's
parents is also an important consideration and this sign should
not be installed without the consent of the child's parents or
legal guardian.
Figure WS-3 (see Appendix 3) may be used as a guide to determine
the advance posting distance from the deaf child's residence.
However, the appropriate sign locations, and the extent of the
area around the child's residence the signing can be expec.ted
to cover, may vary considerably with differing local conditions.
Competent traffic engineering evaluation on an individual basis
is recommended in determining sign locations.
The W 173 sign is standard. The W 173 A sign may be used on
higl~ays having no more than one moving lane of traffic in each
direction where approach speeds are low and where physical
conditions make the use of standard size sign impractical as a
ground mounted sign. The W 173 B may be used where greater emphasis or
visibility is requ~ed.
Hereby adds a new section 238.13 to read as follows:
238.13 Children at play sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Not reflectorized
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line
W 174 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4" 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
W 17AA ~6" x ~6" 5/8" 7/8" 5"-D 5"-D
(a) This sign is intended for use where special or unusual conditions require
that motorists be warned of an area where children customarily play. It should
not be used on streets wDere obvious residential development, in itself, serves
to alert motorists to the possibility of playing children.
(b) Prudent and discriminate use of this sign is necessary to preserve its
effectiveness. Indiscriminate use, with attendant proliferation, could well
lead to a general disregard for all such signs, including those placed in areas
of real need.
(c) Figure WS-3 (see Appendix 3) and section 230.2 should be used as a
guide to determine the advance posting distance. However, the appropriate sign
locations and the extent of the area involved may vary considerably with differing
local conditions. Competent traffic engineering evaluation on an individual basis
is recommended in determining sign locations.
(d) The W 174 sign is standard. The W 174A sign may be used where greater
emphasis or visibility is required.
(e) This sign should normally be non-reflectorized. It may be reflectorized
in special situations where it is determined that nighttime visibility is necessary.
Hereby amends subdivision (c) of section 262.7 to read as follows:
(c) Yellow full barrier lines shall be marked where sight
distance, in the nOn-preferred direction, i~ less than standard
(see section 262.2), on approaches to railroad crossings (see
sect-ion 262.19), on approaches to obstructions (see section 262.22)~
and where limited sight distance signs are used (see section 236.11).
They may also be marked on the approaches to intersections where
it is desired to prohibit passing (see section 262.16).
1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226
September 15, 1976
Dear Sir or Madam:
Attached are copies of Authorization Nos. 76-3 thru 76-22 and 76-24
thru 76-36 relating to the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic
Control Devices. These are official changes in the July 1, 1974
Authorizations 76-1, 76-2 and 76-23 do not relate to general Manual
provisions, and are therefore not being distributed.
Holes are punched in the authorizations so that, in most cases, they
may be inserted in the Manual facing the page they are associated
with. Some of the authorizations are printed back-to-beck for the
same reason. Previous Authorization Nos. 74-12, 74-13 and 75-5
have been reprinted in combination with the current authorizations.
The old copies.of these authorizations may be discarded.
Authorization Nos. 74-5 (turn on red signs), 74-6, 74-8, 74-9, 74-10
and 74-11 were not previously distributed to all Manual holders.
Copies of these authorizstions are enclosed. (If you already have
copies, just discard the new ones.)
On the reverse is e table listing all of the currently effective
authorizations relating to the July 1, 1974 Manual. If you do not
have all of these authorizations, please circle the numbers of the
ones you sre missing, and write your name, address and Manual number
in the spaces provided. Return this information to us, and we will
send you the authorizations.
Sinc er ely,
Traffic and Safety Division
74 -10
75 -5
75 -8
75 - 13
75 -16
260.7 -'r-- ]98
APPENDIX 9 ! 426
290, l0 236
290. It 238
290.16 _.~ 240
~. 0.16 240
290.16 242
325.3 262
325.4 262
325.4 262
32~5.5 262
FIGURS TS-~ .... 396
2o?.~ ~o
209,6 42
209.7 42
211.1 46
232.2 76
23~.1 82
2~. 1 92
236,5 108
238.2 124
251.18 1
209.~ 38
262.H 2O8
214.7 60
214.7 60
214.8 62
214.8 62
236.10 ll2
~5~ · ~
209.10 44 AND 45 __
310.3 ..... ~- 250 AND 251
209.i0 44 A~O ~5
~_~38.12 -+ 128 A~ 129
214.7, 2!4.~[~_~ 60 AND 6!
209~]i ~ 44 AND 45
209.6 f 42 ~O 43
8o A~D 81
z78 A~ ]39
].90 AND
~ND Z99
A~ 2~7
AND 2~9
A~ 241
A~ 243
AND 263
A~ 263
A~ 2~
~ 2
A~ 7
AND 21
AND 35
A~ ~
~ 47
~ 77
A~ 83
A~ 95
A~ 109
A~ 125
~ 39
A~ 209
A~ 57
A~ 61
A~ 61
~ 63
~ 113
116 A~ 11~
190 ~ 19~
192 A~ 193
286 A~ 287
P~RT 255
76-3 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 201.4 to read as follows:
Many of the signs included in this manuel provide for more than
one size. The description accompanying the sign generally
recon~ends the preferred usage for each size. Signs with larger
letters or symbols are permitted and desirable where a proper
investigation shows that such signs sre needed for adequate
emphasis. High approach speeds, extremely h~zardous conditions,
snd very limited sight distances would be reasons for added
emphasis. Signs with smaller letters or symbols are not
permitted. For e number of signs the accompanying description
specifies that the smaller size "--may be use~ on highways
having no more than one moving lane of traffic in each direction
where approach speeds are low and where physical conditions make
the use of the standard size sign impractical ss a ground mounted
sign." That provision is intended to include typical two-lane,
twO-way streets in business and residentisl areas, as well as
low-speed rural highwsys with physically-limited roadside space
which makes the use of the larger size imprsctfcal.
76-4 Hereby amends Sign Nos. Ri and RIA in section 207.3, snd
subdivision (b) of section 207.3, to read as follows:
Sign No. Size Margin Border
Letter Size and Series
Ri 36" 3/4" 5" 3" - C
PlA 48" l" 6" 4" - C
(b) The Ri sign is standard. The R1A and RIB signs may be used
where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
76-7 Hereby amends Sign Nos. R19 and R19A in section 209.2, and
subdivision (b) of section 209.2, to read as follows:
Si~n No.
Size Mar~in Border
Let%er Size and Series
Line 1 Line 2
24" x 24" 3/8~' 5/8" 6" - D 5" - D
30" x 30" 3/8" 5/8" 8".- D 6" - D
The R19 sign is standard. The R19A and R19B signs maybe used where
greater emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby amends Sign Nos. R20 and R2OB, and adds a new Sign No.
in section 209.3, and amends subdivision (b) of section 209.3,
to read as follows:
gi~n No.
Si~e Margin Border
24" x 24" 3/8" ~/S'1
~6,, x 36" ~/s,,
~+8" X 48" 3/4" 1 - 1/4"
The R20 sign ii standard. The R20A and R20B signs may
be used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
The R20C sign is intended for use on .expressways, interstate
higl~ays, and other highways where greatest emphasis or
visibility is required.
74-12 Eereby adds new Sign Nos. RY+9-L and R49-R in section 209.6 as
209.6 One-way signs
White background
Black legend
Letter Size and Series
Sign No. Size Mar~in Border , Line 1' Line 2 Line 3
R49-L: .R49-R 18"x24" 3/8'r 5/8" 5"-D 5"-D Arrow
76-10 Hereby amends Sign Nos. ~50 and RSOA in section 209.6 as follows:
St~n No. Size BOrder
R50-L; R50-R 36" x 12" 3/8"
RSOA-L: RSOA-R 48" X 18" 1/2"
Letter Size and Series
4" - D
5" - D
76-11 Hereby emends Sign Nos..RS1 and RSIA in section 209.7~ and
subdivision (b) of section 209.7, to read as follows:
Si~n No. Size
RS1 30" x 30"
RS1A 36" x 36"
(b) The R51 sign is standard.
Letter Size and Series
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
4" - D 5" bar 4" - D
5" - D 6" bar 5" - D
The RS1A end RSIB signs may be
used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby amends Sign Nas. R70, R7OA, R71, R71A, R72, R72B, an~
adds new Sign Nos. R71B and R72C, in section 211.1, and amends
subdivision (g) of section 211.1, to read as follows:
Sign No. Size Mar~in Bo~der
Letter Size and Series
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4
'24'! z 30" 3/8" 5/8" 4" - D 4" - D 5" - E 5" - D
30" x 36" 1/2" 3/4" 5" - D 5" - D 6" - E 6" - D
24" × 30"
30" x 36"
36" X 48"
'3/8" 5/8" 4" - D 4" - D 4" - D 5" - D
1/2" '3/4" 5"- D 5"- D 5".- D 6" - D
5/8" 7/8" 6" - D 6" - D 6"- D 8" - D
24" x .24" 3/8"
36" x 36" 5/8"
48" X 48" 3/4"
(g) The?70, R71,
5/8" Symbol
7/8" Symbol
1' - l/t" S.~mboi
R72 and R73 signs are standard, The R70A, R7OB, R71A,
RT1B,-R72A, R72B and R73A signs may be used where greater emphasis
or V'isibili'ty iS ~equired-. The R72C sign is intended for use on
expressways, interstate highways end:other highw~ys.wh~re greatest
emphasis or visibtli~y iS required.
74-13 Hereby rerrambers existing section 211.2 to be section 211.3 and add~ a new
section 211.2 to read as follows:
211.2 Truck route signs
R 75 R 76
White background
Black legend
Si~n No.
R 75
R 75A
R 76
Letter Size and Series
Size MarFin Border Line i Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
36"x48" 3/8" 5/8" '5"-D 4"-C 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
24"x36" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-C 3 "-C~ 4"-C 4"-C 4"-C
24"x18" 3/8" 1/2" 5"-D 5"-D
(a) These signs shall be used in signing truck route systems established
in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
The R 75 or R 75A sign shall be placed on the right side of each
main public highway entering the area within which the truck route
system is in effect, at or near the point where the area boundary
crosses the highway. The R 75 sign is standard. The R 75A sign
maybe used on highways having no more than one moving lane of
traffic in each direction where approach speeds are low and where
physical conditions make the use of the standard size sign impractical
as a ground mounted sign.
The R 76 TRUCK ROUTE sign shall be erected tt~oughout the length
of the truck route system as necessary, with a maximum spacing
of 1,500 feet. The M-series 24 inches by 15 inches auxiliary
arrows shown in sections 251.13 and 251.14 may be used below this
sign to aid in directing truck traffic along the route.
The R 110 sign may also be used below this sign when the truck
route is not effective at all times.
76-16 Hereby amends Sign Nos. WT1, W71A, W73 and W73A in section 234.2,
and subdivision (c) of section 234.2, to read as follows:
Si~n No. Size ~ Nar~in Border
w?l 30" x 30" 1/2,, 3/~"
WT1A 36" X 36" 5/8" 7/8"
W73 30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
W73A 36" X 36" 5/8" 7/8"
(c) The W71 and W73 signs are standard. The W71A and W73A signs
may be used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
76-17 Hereby amends Sign Nos. W77 and W77A in section 234.3, and
subdivision (b) of section 234.3, to read as follows:
Si~n No. Size Mar~in Border
w?? 30" x 30" 1/2,, 3/4"
W77A 36" x ~6" 5/8" 7/8"
(b) The W77 sign is standard. The W77A sign may be used where
greater emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby amends Sign Nos. W78 and W78A, and adds a new Sign No.
W78B, in section 234.4, and amends subdivision (b) of section
234.4, to read as follows:
Si~n No. Size MarEin Border
w?8 jo,, x 3o" z/2,, 3/4"
WTSA 36" x 36" 5/S" 7/8,'
W78B ~8" X 48" 3/4" 1 - 1/~"
The W78 sign is standard. The W78A sign may be used where
greater emphasis or visibility is required. The W78B is
intended for use on expressways, interstate highways and other
highways where greatest emphasis or visibility is required.
Hereby amends Sign Nos. W125 and W125A, and adds a new Sign No.. W125B,
in section 236.5, and ameuds subdivision (c) of section 236.5,
to read as follows:
Si~n No. Size ~ar~in
30" x 30" 1/2" 3/4"
36" x 36" 5/8" 7/8"
48" X 48" 3/4" 1 - 1/4"
(c~ ' The W125 sign is standard. THmW125A sign may be used where
greater emphasis or visibility is required. 'The W125B sign
its intended for use on expressways, interstate highway~ and
other highways where greatest emphasis or visibility is required.
76-20 Hereby amends Sign Nos. W161 and W161A in section 238.2, and
subdivisions (b) and (e) of section 238.2, to read as follows:
Si~n No.
Si~e l~arEin Border
Letter Size and Series
Line 1 Line. 2
18" x 18" 3/8" 5/8" 8" - E 3" - E
24" x 24" 3/8" 5/8" 10" - E 4" - E
The W16i sign shall be used with "24-inch" and "30-inch"
signs. The W161A sign shell be used with "36-inch" signs.
The W161B sign shall be used with signs larger than
(e) This sign may only be used with the ~ollowing signs:
W 1 turn
W 2 curve
W 4 reverse turn
W 5 reverse curve
W 6 winding road
W 10 - W 14 intersection
W 42 traffic circle
W 46 signal ahead
W 122 bump
W 125 rough road
W 126 hill
W 140 men working
W 141 fresh oil
W 142 loose gravel
W 145 road work
W 146 detour
W 148 lane closed
Hereby amends subdivisions (e) and (£) of section 251.18 to
read as follows:
The M52-2 route markers are for route numbers with one or
two digits. They can also be used for route numbers with
thre~ digits, if the digits can be properly positioned and
spaced within the shield.
(f) The M52-3 route markers are for three-digit numbers that will
not fit within the M52-2 marker.
76-24 Hereby adds new Sign Nos. R23 and R23A, and amends Sign No. R24, in section 209.4, and amends subdivision (b)
of section 209.4 to read as follows:
Si~n No,
Letter Size and Series
Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
Legend Size Marzin BOrder Line i Line 6
CE~'fE~/LANE/( Line)/
LEFT/TURN/ONLY 24"x30" 3/8" 5/8" 3"-E 3"-E 5/8" line 3"-E 3"-E 3"-E
LEFT/TURN/ONLY 36"x48" 5/8" 7/8" 5"-E 5"-E 9/8" line 5"-E 5"-E 5"-E
(A trow)/(Arrow)/ONLY 30"x36" 1/2" 3/4" Arrow Arrow 6"-D
Two-way left-turn signs.
(1) R23 or R24 signs shall be used where a lane in the center of a higt~vay is designated and marked for the
exclusive use of left-turning vehicles in either direction and is not to be used as a thru-travel or passing
lane. These signs shall not be used without the two-way left-turn pavement markings prescribed in section 262.11.
(2) The R23 and R2~A signs are for roadside installations. The R23 sign is intended primarily for use in urban
areas and on three-lane highways. The R23A sign should be used on wider highways outside of urban areas,
and where greater emphasis or visibility is required. The R24 signs are for overhead installations. When
used, they shall be mounted over the two-way left-turn lane.
(3) The signs should be located beyond major intersections, at or near pOints where the two-way left-turn
operation begins, and at other locations as necessary. In each direction, the distance between signs,
in feet, should not be more than 100 times the legal speed limit, in miles per hour. Care should be
exercised in choosing the location of these signs (particularly the R24 sign) so that they will be
compatible with R25 and R26 sign installations.
(4) Figure PM ll-B (see Appendix 5) illustrates a typical application of the R24 signs. Section 262.11 describes
two-way left-turn pavement markings.
Hereby amends subdivision (a) of section £62.11 and paragraph (3)
of subdivision (c) of section 262.11 to read as follows:
A two~way left-turn lane is a lane which is provided for the
exclusive use of left-turnir~ vehicles in either
direction and is not to be used as a thru-travel or
passing lane. It permits left turns to be made with a
minin~nn of interferenc~ with traffic in the thru travel
lane~. R23 or R24 signs shall be .used as specified in
section 209.4 wherever a two-way left-turn lane is marked.
Where a portion of the lane is allocated exclusively for
left turns in one di~ection, t~e use of B25 and R26 signs
should be considered. The use Of word and symbol markings
within the lane should also be considered.
76- 26
Hereby adds a new section 213.4 to read as follows:
213.4 Seasonal limited use highway sign.
White backgro~mm
Black legend
Si~n No.
Letter Size end Series
Mar~in Border Line i Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 L~ne 6
1/2" 3/4" 4"-C 4"-C 4"-C 3/4" line 3"-C 3'-r
This sign shall be used to post highways which have been designated
as seasonal limited use highways in accordance with Section 205-~
of the Highway Law. Where road maintenance is officially discontinuea
after December 1, or resumed before April l, the legend on Line 6
should be modified to indicate the appropriate dates.
The sign should normally be erected on the right side of the highway
facing approaching traffic at each end of the designated section.
Additional signs should be installed in both directions on the
designated highway immediately beyond intersections with non-designated
Where the signs are installed on a seasonal basis, they should be
displayed for a reasonable period before maintenance is discontinued
and should remain in place until it is resumed.
76-27 Hereby adds new Sign Nos. PiOR and Pt0R-T in subdivision (g) of
section 214.7 as follows:
P10R P10R-T
Si~n No.
Letter Size and Series
Lezend Size Line 1 Line 2 Line
(See illustration) 12"x18" 3"-C/2"-B 3"-C 3"-C
(See illustration) 12"x18" 3"-C/2"-B 2"-B 2"-B
Line 4
76- 28 Hereby adds new Sign Nos. P30R and P30R-T in subdivision (h)
of section 214.7 as follows:
8:30 AM
TO 5:30 PM
Letter Size and Series
Si~n No. Legend Size Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
P30R (See illustration) 12"x18" 4"-C*/2"-C**/2"-B 2"-C 2"-C
P3OR-T (See illustration) 12"x18" 4"-C*/2"-C*~2"-B 2"-B 2"-B
* 3'~-B n~nerals should be used for two-digit numbers.
** 2"-B letters should be used for MIN.
Line 4
76- 29
Hereby amends paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (b) of
section 214.8 to readias follows:
The P 10, P ll and P 12 signs are intended for use where
parking, standing or stopping, respectively, is prohibited
by ordinance, order, rule or regulation for all vehicles
and the regulation applies at all times. The P lOR sign
is an alternate design for the P l0 sign.
The P 10-T, P ll-T and P 12-T sig~s are intended for use
where the regulation is not in effect at all times.
Lines 3 and 4 state the hours or days applicable. The
P 10R-T sign is an alternat~ design for the P 10-T sign.
Hereby amends paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (c) of
section 214.8 to read as follows:
The P 30 sign is intended for use to post time limitations
on parking where the regulation applies at all times. The
P 30R sign is an alternate design for the P 30 sign.
The P 30-T sign is intended for use to post time limitations
on parking where the regulation is not in effect at all
times. The P 30R-T sign is an alternate design for the
P 30-T sign.
76-31 Hereby adds a new section 236.10 to read as follows:
236.10 Road flooded sign.
Yellow background
Black legend
Sign No.
Letter Size and Series
Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2
30" X 30" 1/2" 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D
36" X 36" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D
48" 'X %8" 3/4" ' 1-1/4" 8"-D 8"-D
This sign is for.'use where water covering a roadway reqpires
greatly reduced travel'speed or obscures a substantial length
of pavement, 'but where the.roadway remains passable. The sign
should be displayed only while the condition exists or is
obviously imminent.
(b) The W134 sign is standard, The W134A and W134B signs may be
used where greater emphasis or visibility is required.
The reference ~oint for the advamce posting of this sign is
the beginning of the flooded area. The upper curve {n Figure
WS-3 (see Appendix 3) should be use~ ~s a guide to determine
the advance posting distance.
The installation of delineators, preferably on both sides
.of the roadway, should be considered in areas where road
flooding occurs regularly.
76- 3e
Hereby amends subdivision (a) of section 237.7 to read as £gllows:
(a) The W'145 sign is intended for use as a general warning in
advance of highway.maintenance or construction activities
tp alert motorists about obstructions or restrictions they
might encounter. Major highway construction projects ~re
than'two miles long requine D 100 signs (see section 25~.2)
in addition to the W .155 signs. When-the ~ork activity
occurs a short distance beyond a D.lO0 sign, the W 145 signs
should be positioned'in advance of the D 100 sign, es
illustrated in Figure MC-16 (see Appendix 7).
75-5 Hereby amends the legends of Sign Nos. DIOO and DIOOA in section 254.2
to read as follows:
Hereby amends paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 2~4.2
to read as follows:
(2) In addition to the D 100 signs, W 145 signs should be used
in advance of actual construction activity. D 100 and W 145
signs should not be intermixed. When the work site is near
the beginning of the projec~ the W 145 signs should be
positioned in advance Of the D 100 sign, ss illustrated in
Figure MC-16 (see Appendix 7).
76-34 Hereby adds a new Part 255 to read as follows:
~RT 255
Bicentennial symbol sign
Bicentennial signing on
conventional highways
Bicentennial signing on
expressways and interstate highways
Bicentennial community signs
Section 255.1 Purpose. Bicentennial signing is a unique type of guide
signing to provide motorists with information on how to reach activities and
locations that are related to the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration.
255.2 Limitations. (a) Bicentennial signing may be used only in
conjunction with activities that are approved by either the American
Revolution Bicentennial Administration or the New York State American
Revolution Bicentennial Commission. All Bicentennial signing shall be
temporary; it shall be removed at the end of the celebration. If there is
need for permanent destination information, it should be accomplished with
type of signing described in Part 252.
(b) The fact that s locality has been designated as a Bicentennial
community does not, in itself, qualify it for the type of signing descrlbe~
sections 255.5 and 255.6. Bicentennial community signing is described in
section 255.7.
255.3 General. Basically, Bicentennial signing can be accomplished in
two ways. One way is to highlight existing destination legends that are of
Bicentennial significance. The other is the installation of new signs with
Bicentennial destination information.
Bicentennial symbol sign.
White background
Outer loop - red
Center loop - white
Inner loop - blue
Star - white
Border: none
Si~n No.
B lB
B lC
6" x 6"
4-1/2" x 4-1/2"
12" x 12"
18'3 ~18"
Width of S.¥mbol
(a) The Bicentennial symbol sign shall appear on all Bicentennial
destination signs. The positioning of the B 1 sign relative 'to the
Bicentennial destination sign can vary, depending on the situation. In
some cases it is placed within the sign face, and in others it is placed
above the sign.
(b) The symbol must always be used in conjunction with a reflectorized
white background, as shown. Legend shall not be placed within the bsckground
area. The star shall always be oriented within the white background as shown.
The B 1 sign shall always be oriented so that its edges are parallel to the
edges of the destination sign it is associated with, and with two points of
the star pointing downward.
(c) The size of the B 1 sign to be used on a particular destination sign
is a function of the size of the principal legend on the destination sign.
Generally the B 1 sign should be no smaller than 3/4 of the height o£ the
upper case or capital letters in the principal legend. It should not be
larger than the height of the upper case or capital letters. However, in
a trail blazer assembly (see section 255.5) a sign as large as -the B lB
sign may be used.
(d) The B i sign shall not be placed on a route marker.
255.5 Bicentennial signing on conventional highways. (a) Bicentennial
destinations on existing signs. Where a Bicentennial destination is to be
identified on an existing D 1, D 2 or D 3 sig~, a B 1 sign shall be added to
the existing sign legend. A B 1 sign should be placed slightly above and
to the left of the initial letter of each Bicentennial destination to be
identified. The size of the B 1 sign should be as specified in subdivision (c)
of section 255.4.
(b) New destination signs for Bicentennial activities.
(1) Design. New destination signs for Bicentennial activities shall
be dimensionally similar to D 1, D 2 or D 3 signs (see section 252.2).
The Bicentennial versions shall have a white legend and a brown
background. The legend shall be reflectorized. Background
reflectorization is optional. There is no limit on the number of
destination names that can be displayed on each sign. If necessary to
conserve space, destination names may occupy two lines. Size of
legend, placing of objectives and use of arrows shall be ss specified
in section 252.2. A B 1 sign shall be placed above the Bicentennial
sign near its left edge. The size of the B 1 sign should be as
specified in subdivision (c) of section 255.4.
(2) Location. Where there is no D 1, D 2 or D 3 sign in place at
the location where the Bicentennial destination sign will be used.
the ~icentennia! sign should occupy the normal position of the D i,
!) 2 or D ~ sign (see section 252.2). If a D 1, D 2 or D 3 sign ts in
place, the Bicentennial sign should be located approximately 200 ~eet
in advance of Ct. However, if there are other signs (for instance, ~
route marker assembly) in advance of'the D 1, D 2 or D ? s~gn~ the
location may have to be ~¢~justed in order to maintain adequate ~!stance
between signs.
(c) Bicentennial trail blazer signs.
Brown background
White legend
Reflectorized legend
Background reflectorization optional
Msrgin: none
B 2-1
B 2-2
B 2-3
SiEn No. Size Border
B 2-1 Var. x 12" 1/2"
B 2-2 Var. x 18" 1/2"
B 2-3 Var. x 24" 1/2"
Letter Size and Series
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
4"-C* 4"-C*
4"-C* 4"-C* 4"-0*
* For long destination names, Series B lettering may be used.
(1) Purpose. The primary purpose of Bicentennial trail blazer signing
is to provide continuity in guidance from the NY, US or I touring
route systems to Bicentennial destinations. Therefore, the
trail blazer signing should generally not extend beyond the nearest
NY, US or I route. Additionally, the use of trail blazer markers
should be limited to highways in urban' areas, to low-speed, two-lane
rural hig~ays, and to highways with physically-limited roadside
space. For other situations, the type of destination signs described
in subdivision (b) of this section should be used.
(2) Design. A B 1 sign shall always be used in conjunction with the
B 2-1 thru B 2-3 trail blazer signs. A B i sign shall be placed at
the top of each trail blazer assembly and shall be centered
horizontally on the assembly. Only one B i sign is required for each
assembly. The size of the B i sign should be as indicated in
subdivision (c) of section 255.4. If desired, the height of the
B 2-1 thru B 2-3 signs may be increased to allow placement of the B 1
sign within the marker face itself. Appropriate white-on-brown M 41
thru M 44 auxiliary markers (see section 251.17) shall be displayed
on turn and directional marker assemblies. The use of a reflectorized
background on the auxiliary markers is optional. However, trail
blazer signs and auxiliary markers used in an assembly should all have
either reflectorized backgrounds or non-reflectorized backgrounds.
(3) Location. Bicentennial trail blazer signs shall be used in much
the same way as the M 3 route marker is used for NY nnmbered routes.
Junction assemblies shall not be used. The use of turn, confirmatory
marker and reassurance marker assemblies is optional. Bicentennial
trail blazer turn assemblies and directional marker assemblies shall
be positioned in advance of the corresponding route marker assemblies.
Bicentennial confirmatory and reassurance marker assemblies, if used,
shall be located beyond the corresponding route marker assemblies.
255.6 Bicentennial signing on expressways and interstate highways.
(s) Bicentennial destinations on existing signs. The identification of
Bicentennial destinations on existing guide signs shall be accomplished in a
manner similar to that prescribed for signs on conventional highways. A B 1
sign shall be placed to the left of and slightly above each ~icentennial
destination name to be identified. The B t signs maN be used only on D 4,
D 5, D6-O, D 7, D ~ and D 9 signs (see section 252.3). The size og the B 1
sign should be as specified in subdivision (c) of section 255.4.
(b) New destination signs for Bicentennial activities.
(1) Design. New Bicentennial destination signs on expressways end
interstate highways shall be dimensionally similar to D 7 signs (see
section 252.7). The Bicentennial signs shall have white legend on a
brown background. The legend shall be reflectorized. Background
reflectorization is optional. There is no limit on the a~nber of
destination names that can appear on each sign. If necessary to
conserve space, destination names may occupy two lines on the s~gn.
Legend sizes shall be as indicated in section 252.7. A B 1 sign
(see section 255.4) shall be place~ above the destination sign near
its left edge. The size of the B t sign should be as specified in
subdivision (c) of section 255.4.
(2) Location. The Bicentennial destination sign sboutd normally be
located approximately 800 feet beyond the D 4 sign. if a D '~ sign ~s
in place, the Bicentennial sign should be located between the ~ 4 sign
and the D 7 sign.
(3) Ramp signing. Necessary ramp signing should be accomplished
accordance with the stahdards in section 255.5.
Bicentennial co~sunity signs.
Brown background
White legend
Reflectorized legend
Background ref]ector~aation optional
Margin: none
Si~n No.
B 3-1
B 3A-t
B j~-2
B 3A-2
Size border
'-0" z 1'-6" 3/4"
6'-0" x 1.'-0" 1/2"
'-O" x ~'-0" 3/4"
3~-6" X 1'-6" l/2"
M IVi U Ni )
~, 3-2
~qtter Size and Series
Line ! Line 2
,4"-0 4"-0
(a) The American Revolution Bicentennial Administration designstes
certain local jurisdictions as Bicentennial communities. Bicentennial
community signing may be used only for such localities.
(b) A Bicentennial community may be identified by displaying a B 1 sign
(see section 255.4) above its community boundary information signs (see
section 253.9). The B 1 sign should be positioned near the left edge of the
information sign. The size of the B I sign should be as specified in
subdivision (c) of section 255.4.
(c) A B 3 sign may be displayed below th~ information sign. However, the
B 3 sign may not be used without the B i sign. The B 3-1 and B 3-2 signs are
intended for use with D 61, D 62 and D 72 signs. The choice between the
B 3-1 and B 3-2 sign should be made on the basis of the width of the D 61, D 6g
or D 72 sign (the B 3 sign should be no wider than the information sign).
The B 3A-1 and B 3A-2 signs are for use with the D 6lA and D 62^ signs.
(d) The mounting height requirements of section 201.14 do not apply to
B 3 signs. However, the B ~ sign shall be located immediately below the
information sign.
76-35 Hereby amends paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of section 330.7
to read as £ollows:
When mOunted over the roadway, be positioned so that there
is at least 15 feet between the roadway and the lowest
point of the assembly. Generally the bottom of the assembly
should be no more than 17 feet above the roadway. In no
case shall it be more than 19 feet above the roadway.
209.~O Right (left) tufa on red sign.
-' ~ White bsok4roond
LEFT RIGHT Black legend
ON REO ON R~O Reflectori~ed
R~-L ~4-R
Letter .~ae en~ ~eriea
R~4-L; RS~-R 24"x30" 3 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
R~4A-L; R~4A-R 18"~$" 3/8" ~/8" 3"-D 3"-D ]"-D 3"-D
(a) ~e a~ro~late R~4 ~ lign a~ll be us~ It ~ffto control .t~ls where
traffi~ faoi~ a sten~ olFaular r~ tn~loa~ la ~ris~ ~ o~er, ordinance,
~le or reg~att~ to t~n r~ht or lef~ a~ter a~i~.
stu~ of the location. ~.re enoh aut~lt~ la be~ 0~la~. ~or ~re t~n ~e
a~oh to a signal, enoh ~oh a~oach s~ bs a~sil~sd s~rate~.
aottvt~ and oroasi~ o~itto~ s~ld be e~ evlluate~ to as~e
~ r~ will not cause ~ue lnt~er~s or Safe~ p~bl~.
turn on r~ aut~rfzati~ e~ld also tnol~e other ~sid~ati~
(1) ~usual g~e~tos *~/or ~e~ o~lie~a at, 0r near, the intersection.
durl~ r~ intervals.
(3) ~ss~ble loss in effteten~ i~e ~ ~b~ed ~ ~ ~tilane
(~) ~t~ial b~its end deirdre tn all~i~
~v~t of trafflo pla~a is ess~ttal ~
intersecting high.
(5) ~tficati~ of sisal o~rati~ ~ el~tnate ~ee actuaries ~ vehicles
which have ~um~ ~ r~ fr~ an aetuat~ li~al
A ~urn on r~ shall not be aut~rtZed i~ ~ ef t~ foll~i~ comities
(1) Traffic ma~ing such turn w~mAld ~Ose a crosswalk controlled b~ stea4y
WALK pedestrian signal indications.
(2) In the case of a right turn, traffic approachi~ ~rcmthaoppostte
direction has a left green arrow stgnal in41oa%ion, or traffic sp~roaahing
from the left on the intersecting roadwa~ has a vertical green arrow signal
(3) In the ease of a left turn, traffic approaching frc~ the right on the
intersecting roadwa~ has · vertical green arrow signal indication.
(4) The only opportunity to make the turn would occur ~t~lng the
interval. (In other vord~, there must be a green interval during which
the turn can be mede.)
(d) Authorizations to turn right on red should generally be limited %o loeationa
which meet all of the £ollcavlng conditions:
(1) The volume of right turning traffic, together with other traffic
considerations, does not indicate that modification of the basic signal
operation is necessary for proper ecco~odation, or that permitting right
turns on red would unduly interfere with pedestrians or other traffic
lawfully entering the intersection,
(2) The capacity of the travel lane, or lanes, to the right on the intersecting
roadway Is adequate to sustain traffic flow away from the intersection if
right turns on red are permitted.
(3) The 85 percentile speed of traffic approaching the intersection from the
left on the intersecting roadway, as well as the legal speed limit for that
traffic, do not exceed 40 miles per hour.
(4) Sight distance for traffic approaching from the left on the intersecting
roadway is adequate with respect to vehicles which may enter from its right to
make the authorized turn. When plotted on Figure WS-5 (see Appendix 3), the point
representing 'that sight distance should be in the yellow or white portion.
(~) There is no signal interval when a red signal indication and s right green
arrow signal indication are displayed si~m~ltaneously on the approach being
(e) A left turn on red should be considered only where both the roadway from which
the turn would be made and the roadway into which it would be made are legally designated
~md properly sign-posted, for one-way traffic.
(f) Authorizations to turn left on red should generally be limited to locations
which meet all of the following conditions:
(1) The volume of left turning traffic) together with other traffic considerstfous.
does not indicate that modification of the basic signal operation is necessa~
for proper accommodation, or that permitting left turns on red would unduly
interfere w~th pedestrians or other traffic lawfully entering the intersectio~.
(2) The capacity of the travel lane, or lanes, to the left on the intersectlnE
roadway is adequate to Sustain traffic flow away from the intersection if
left turns on red are permitted.
(3) The 85 percentile speed of traffic approaching the intersection from the
right on the intersecting roadway, as well as the legal speed limit for that
traffic, do not exceed 40 miles per hour.
(4) Sight distance for traffic approaching from the right on the intersectin~
roadway is adequate with respect to vehicles which may enter from its left to
make the authorized turn. When plotted on Figure WS-5 (see Appendix ~), the point
representing that sight distance should be in the yellow or w~tte port,on.
(5) There is no signal interval when a red signal indication and s left green
arrow signal indication are displayed s~multaneouely om the approach being
(g) The H54 type sign shall be installed adjacent to the appropriate signal face
on each approach from which traffic is authorized to turn on red. For right turns, the
appropriste signs~ ~ace is the one furthest to the right and for left turns, the appropriate
signal fsce is the one furthest to the left. Additional signs may be installed adjacent
to other signal faces controlling the same approach. At an overhead signal, the sign
he installed i~edi~tely to the right of the signal face where a right turn on red ~s
~uthortzed, or ~mmedistely to the left of the signal face where a left turn on red ~s
suthorized. At ~ post or pedestal mop, ted signal, the sign shall be installed i~ediate~y
below the sig~ml face.
(h) ~e R54-R and H54-L signs are standard. The R54A-R and R54A-L signs may be used
where approach speeds ere low and pl~ysical conditions make the use of the standard size
aigns impractical, The H54B-H and R54B-L signs may be used where greater emphasis or
~isibi]fty is ~equ[red.
Hereby amends subparagraph (ii) o[ paragraph (1) of
subdivision (c) of section 310.3 to read as follows:
Shall have a minimum nominal diameter o£ 7 inches
and conform in other respects to "Standards for
FlashinE and Steady Burn Barricade Warnin$ Lights"
specified in this Nanual.
7428 Hereby amends subdivision (g) of section 209.10 to read as follows:
The R54 type sign should be installed adjacent to the appropriate
signal face on each approach from which traffic is authorized
to turn on red. For right turns, the appropriate signal face
is the one furthest to the right and for left turns, the
appropriate signal face is the one furthest to the left.
Additional signe may be installed adjacent to other signal
faces controlling the same approach. At an overhead signal,
the sign should be installed immediately to the right of the
signal face where a Tight turn on red is authorized, or
immediately to the left of the signal face where a left turn
on red is authorized. At a post or pedestal mounted signal, the
sign should be installed immediately below the signal face.
Where the sign is installed as a roadside sign, it should be
placed at the far right co~-~ of the intersection for right
turns and at the far left corner for left turns. An additional
roadside sign may be installed in~ediately in advance of the
74-11 Hereby adds a new Section 209.11 to read as follows:
209.11 Do not block side road sign
White background
Black legend
Si~n No.
H 55
R 55A
Letter Size a~d Series
Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
24"x30" 3/~' 5/8" 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
36"x~8" ~/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D
Line 4
This sign is intended for uae where traffic operation problems
result when motorists, unable to proceed because of congestion
ahead, block an intersection in violation of section 1175 of the
New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. DO NOT BLOCK CROSS ROAD
may be used as an alternate legend.
The sign should be placed at a suitable location, generally the
near right corner of the intersection involved, and at other
locations as necessary.
(c) The R 55 sign is standard. The R 55A sign may be used where greater
emphas~s or visability is required.
74-10 Hereby amends Sign No. P20 and adds a new Sign No. P20A in
subdivision (g) of Section 214.7, and amends paragraphs (8),
(9) and (10) of subdivision (b) of Section 214.8 to read as
SiEn No.
(g) Prohibition signs
Le~ end Size Line 1
(gee illustration) 48"x60" 9"C/6"C
(See illustration) 30"x~6" 6"C/4"C
P20 - 3/4"
P20A - 1/2"
P20 - 1-1/4"
P20A - 3/4"
Letter Size and Series
Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line
8"-C 6"-C 3"-D 6"-C
5"-C 4"-C 2"-D 4"-C
The P20 ~pe sign is intended for use by a city, village or t~wn
which has an ordinance, order, rule or regulation prohibiting the
parking of ALL vehicles on ALL public highways within its boundaries
during specified hours. Where state highways are involved, Department
of Transportation approval of city or village regulations is necessary.
In the case of a town, regulatory action by the Department of
Transportation with respect to state highways is required. Similar
parking regulations on the grounds of hospitals, schools, universities
and other institutions may also be posted with P20 typo signs, in
which case the name of the institution shall be substituted for the
name of the municipality.
The P20 type sign shall be placed on the right side of each
public highway entering the area at or near the point where the
boundary line crosses the highway. It shall not be installed
at the same longitudinal location as ar~ other sign. Where the
regulation is seasonal, the sign shall be removed or covered
so as not to be visible when the regulation is not in effect.
The P20 sign is standard. The P20A sign may be used on highways
where approach speeds are low and where physical conditions make
the use of the standard size sign impractical as a ground mounted
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R~mond T. Sdm~, ~m~or4r
1220WashlngtonAvenue, StateCampus, Albany, NewYork12226 ~
100-2-2, 100-2-3, 100-2-4,
100-2-5, 100-2-6, 100-2-7,
August 25, 1975
Dear Sir or Madam:
Attached is one copy each of Authorization Nos. 75-2 through 75-17
relating to the New York State Manual of Unifom Traffic Control
Devices. These are official changes in the July l, 1974 Manual.
On the reverse is a table briefly describing the purpose of each of
the Authorizations.
Authorization No. 75-1 does not involve a general Manual provision,
and is, therefore, not being distributed.
To make it easier to insert the Authorizations in the 'Manual,
No. 75-10 is printed back-to-back with No. 75-11 and Nos. 75-13
and 75-14 are printed back-to-back with Nos. 75-15 and 75-16.
xSincerely, ~ ~
Traffic and Safety Division
75-2 Hereby adds s new subdivision (e) to section 352.4 to reed as follows:
Where a pavement without pavement markings will be used by
traffic, it may be desirable to delineate ~he center line
and lane lines pending applicationof pavement markings.
White individual units (see Section 260.4) or white 2-foot
line segments may be used for this purpose. Where the
center line alone is so delineated, the units or segments
should be installed at 40-foot intervals. Where both center
line and lane line delineation is used, a 20-foot spacing
interval should be used for the center line. Lane line '
units or segments should be spaced at A0-foot intervals.
75-3 Hereby amends subdivision (e) of section 232.7 to read as follows:
This sign maybe supplemented by yellow flashing beacons
(see section 310.3). Such beacons should generally be
operated continuously. The beacons may be interconnected
with the traffic signal controller to operate only during
periods when drivers passing the sign at the legal speed
limit for the roadway would encounter a red indication
upon arrival at the signalized location. Where this sign
supplemented by flashing beacons is used in advance of a
part time signal (see section 290.16)~ the beacons should
be operated only when the signal is operated as a three
color device.
Hereby re-letters subdivisions (e), (f) and (g) of section 253.2
to be subdivisions (f), (g) and (h), respectively, and adds a
new subdivision (e) to section 253.2 to read as follows:
An emblem consisting of a symbol or letter designation may
be included on the sign to identify the government
jurisdiction. The length of the emblem shall not
exceed the height of the sign. There shall be a white
space at least as wide as the sign border separating
the green background of the street name portion of the sign
from the emblem. The emblem should preferably be positioned
to the l~t of the street name. The emblem to be used
within a particular jurisdiction must be approved by the
Department of Transportation.
75-5 Hereby amends the legends of Sign Nos. DIO0 and DiOOA in section 254.2
to read as follows:
75-6 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 260.7 to read as follows:
Definition of traffic lanes is an important consideration
on maintenance and construction projects where traffic
is maintained within the work area. Sections 352.3 and
352.4 describe various devices that can be used for this
purpose. Before any new highway, detour or temporary
route is opened to traffic, all necessary pavement
markings should be in place.
Hereby amends General Authorization 74-1 in Appendix 9 to read
as follows:
74-1 This manual includes new symbol signs to replace former word
message signs. To aid in educating the public during the transition
period from words to symbols, 24-inch by 18-inch educational plaques
as contained in the Federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices,
1971 edition, may be used to supplement the following symbol signs:
R 18, R 20, R 72, R~122, R 131, W 46. W 54, W 55, W 56, W 67, W 70, W 71,
W 77, W 78, W 87, W 125, and W 1~6. The use of such educational
plaques should be limited to a period of three years from the time
each particular symbol sign is first introduced in an area. After this
three-year period, installation or replacement of that particular
plaque ~hould be discontinued; however, existing plaques need not be
removed as long as they are in serviceable condition.
75-8 Hereby amends subdivision (d) of section 290.10 to read as follows:
(d) The number of faces displayed toward a driveway entering an
intersection where there is a traffic control signal is a
function of the level of control deemed necessary for the
driveway (see section 290.16).
Where the driveway is uncontrolled, there shall be no
vehicular signal face directed toward, or readily visible
to, traffic entering from the driveway.
Where the driveway is controlled by a continuous red
flashing signal, at least one indication shall be directed
toward the driveway. The stop sign normally required on
a flashing red approach (see section 310.2) may be omitted.
Where the driveway is treated as an additional approach to
the signal, the minimum number of signal faces directed
toward the driveway shall be consistent with (a), (b) and
(c) above.
75-9 Hereby amends paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of section 290.11 to
read as follows:
(1) Located longitudinally with respect to the intersection approach
they are intended to control within the following limitations:
(i) Both faces shall be at least 15 feet beyond the stop line.
(ii) Neither face shall be more than 120 feet beyond the stop line.
(iii) Neither face shall be more than 30 feet beyond the intersecting
When the center line of the intersecting roadway is 40 feet or more
beyond the stop line, one face shall be at least 40 feet beyond
the stop line. When the center line of the intersecting roadway
is less than 40 feet beyond the stop line, one face shall be at
or beyond that center line.
(v) If both faces are more than 80 feet beyond the stop line, 12-inch
lenses should be used for all indications in both faces.
75-10 Hereby amends subdivision (a) of section 290.16 to read as follows:
(a) All traffic control signals visible to motorists shall, at all
times, be in either three color operation or flashing operation,
(1) When a police officer is directing traffic.
(2) When a power or equipment failure, or other unforseen occurrence,
causes or requires the signal to be shut off.
(3) During installation, repair or modification of the signal
when the work being done requires the signal to be shut off.
75-11 Hereby smends subdivision (d) of section 290.16 ~o read as follows
Part time three color operation; Traffic co~ltro~ signals may
be placed in flashing~ operation~during light tr~flc vo].ume
periods. At certaTn locations (for example, som~ plant
entrances or school driveways) flashing operation may be
appropriate as th~ norma~ modem wi~h stop-and-g~ operation
limited tO~ periods of need.
75-12 Hereby amends subdivision (i) of section 290.16 by adding a new
paragraph (4) to read as follows:
Driveway approaches to traffic control signals. One of t?mee
different treatments may be employed where a driveway enters a
signal ized location. The driveway may be uncontrolled by the
signal, with driveway traffic governed by section 1143 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law; or the driveway may be controlled by
a continuous red flashing signal; or the driveway may be
treated Ss an additional approach to the signal. In the last
case, a flashing red indication may be used on the driveway
~n lieu ofthe steady red ind~ation. The choice of treatment
should take into consideration such things as the nature and
volume of driveway traffic, the volume of highway traffic.
s~ght distance and the geometry of the intersection.
75-13 Hereby amends paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a) of section
325.3 to read as follows:
(1) At least one of the two primary signal feces required on each
highway approach shall be suspended over the roadway.
An exclusive emergency vehicle approach may or may not be
controlled by signal indications. If not controlled, the driver
of an emergency vehicle must have a view of a tell tale (see
subdivision (b)), or other means of determining when the
signal is displaying emergency indications on the highway
approaches. If the exclusive emergency vehicle approach is
controlled, only one signal face directed toward that approach
is required.
75-14 Hereby amends paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of section 325.4 to
read as follows:
(1) The signal shall normally be in either £hree color operation
or flashing operation. If normally in flashing operation, an
automatic change to stop-and-go operation (see section 290.16)
followed by an artery green interval of at least 10 seconds
shall precede the preemption described in paragraphs (2)
through (5) which follow.
75-15 Herel~f amends subdivision (c) of section 325.4 to read as follows:
Intersections containing an exclusive emergency vehicle
approach. At intersections containing an exclusive emergency
vehicle approach, the operation of the emergency vehicle
signal shall conform to subdivision (b) except that during
normal operation the face, or faces, directed toward the
exclusive emergency vehicle approach, if provided, may display
a flashing red indication in lieu of a steady red indication.
If s steady red indication is used and non-emergency traffic
is permitted to use the emergency vehicle approach, vehicle
detection may be necessary.
75-16 Hereby amends subdivisions (b) and (c) of section 325.5 to read
as follows:
Normal operation. The signal shall normally either operate as
a three color device displaying green indications on the
highway or be in flashing operation displaying flashing yellow
indications on the highway. The face, or faces, d~rected
toward the exclusive emergency vehicle approach~ if provided,
may display a steady red indication, display a flashing red
indication, or be inoperative. A steady red indication may
be used on the exclusive emergency vehicle approach only
when neither highway approach is controlled by flashing yellow
indications. If the emergency vehicle approach faces display
steady red indications and non-emergency traffic is permitted
to use that approach, vehicle detection must be provided.
Emergency operation. Emergency operation shall be the same
as that prescribed in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of subdivision
(b) of section 325.4 except that the face or Faces on the
emergency vehicle approach, if provided, may display either
green or flashing yellow during the emergency interval.
75- 17 Hereby amends Figure TS-3 in Appendix 6 by moving the red line
from the center line of the intersection approach to the center
llne of the intersecting roadway and by changing the dimension
between the stop line and the red line to read "Min. 40' (or
center line of intersecting roadway)".
As defined in the 1974 New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
REGULATORY SIGNS (Pages 15-64 in Manual)
30, ,AHEAD,
~ WITH .~oL t~.~c
WE,C.T" rF .0 1
W10, PAGE 75 Wl I H, PAGE 75 W1 l-V. PAGE 75 PAGE 77 W42, PAGE 79
W44, PAGE 79 W45, PAGE 80 W4§, PAGE 81 W49, PAGE 83 W54, PAGE 84
W55, PAGE 85 W56, PAGE 86 W58- L, PAGE 87 W62, PAGE 88 W65, PAGE 90 W66, PAGE 91 wa7, PAGE 91
36" x 35" 36" x 36" 3G', · 30" 30" x 30" 36" · 36" 30- x 3G" 36. x 36"
W120. PAGE 105 W125, PAGE 108 W126, PAGE 109 W128, PAGE 110 WlaO, PAGE 123 W163, PAGE 125 W172, PAGE 129
W148R S, PAGE 119
48" x 24"
O100, PAGE 190 W145, PAGE 116 W148 R, PAGE 119 W7, PAGE 74 WIS0, PAGE 121
W140, PAGE 113 W141, PAGE 114 W142, PAGE 114 W149, PAGE 120 D102, PAGE 190
30" x 30' 30" x 30" 30" x 30" 48" x 48" 36" x 24"
The decision to use a particular traffic control device at a particular
location must be made on the basis of an engineering study at the location.
Both engineering judgment and sound application are essential to true
All dimensions shown are for standard size signs. For a complete listing of
signs and their proper application, see the New York State Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective July 1, 1974.
State Traffic Safety Council
23 East 26th Street
New York, N.Y. 10010
Joseph Kusaila,
Executive Director
This chart prepared with the assistance of a Federal Highway Safety grant by:
New York State Department of Transportation
Division of Traffic and Safety
1220 Washington Avenue
AJbeny, N.Y. 12226
MALCOLM WILSON Raymond T. Sahulet, Commissioner
1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226
January 21, 1974
Raymond T. Sd~ler, Commi~ioner
Attached for your information and records are one copy of each of six
special authorizations as follows:
74 - 8
Modifies section 209.10 (see Special Authorization 74-5,
effective 10-1-74) to allow roadside installations of
"turn on red" signs as an alternative to "adjacent to
the signal face."
74 - 9
Adds DEAF CHILD AREA warning sign as new section 238.12.
74 - 10
Modifies section 214.7 and 214.8 to change the P20 area
NO PARKING sign to a new design and to add a smaller size
P20A for use where conditions require it.
74 - 11
Adds DO NOT BLOCK SIDE ROAD sign as new section 209.11.
74 - 12
Modifies section 209.6 to add R49 ONE WAY sign as
alternative to RS0 type.
75 - 1~
Renumbers existing section 211.2 to be 211.3 and adds truck
route signs as new section 211.2.
These are official changes in the July 1, 1974 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices and should be kept with that manual until a manual revision is issued.
Initial distribution of the July 1 manual is still to be completed. Village
and town clerks who have not yet received their manuals should retain these
authorizations for incorporation when it is received.
Authorizations 74-8 and 74-11 have been printed back to back for easy insertion
in the manual.
Sincerely yours,
Traffic and Safety Division
74-8 Hereby amends subdivision (g) of section 209.10 to reed as follows:
The R54 type sign should be installed adjacent to the appropriate
signal face on each approach from which traffic is authorized
to turn on red. For right turns, the appropriate signal face
is the one furthest to the right and for left turns, the
appropriate signal face is the one furthest to the left.
Additional signs may be installed adjacent to other signal
faces controlling the same approach. At an overhead signal,
the sign should be installed immediately to the right of the
signal face where a right turn on red is authorized, or
immediately to the left of the signal face where a left turn
on red is authorized. At a post or pedestal mounted signal, the
sign should be installed immediately below the signal face.
Where the sign is installed as a roadside sign, it should be
placed at the far right corm~of the intersection for right
turns and at the far left corner for left turns. An additional
roadside sign may be installed immediately in advance of the
74-11 Hereby adds a new Section 209.11 to read as follows:
20'~.11 Do not block side road sign
White background
Black legend
Si~n No.
R 55
~ 55A
Letter Size and Series
Size Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
24"x30" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-D 4"~D 4"-D
36"x~8" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"~D 6"-D
This sign is intended for use where traffic operation problems
result when motorists, unable to proceed because of congestion
ahead, block an intersection in violation of section 1175 of the
New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. DO NOT BLOCK CROSS ROAD
may be used as an alternate legend.
The sign should be placed at a suitable location, generally the
near right corner of the intersection involved, and at other
locations as necessary.
(c) The R 55 sign is standard. The R 55A sign may be used where greater
emphasis or vlsability is required.
74-9 Hereby adds a new section 238.12 to read as follows:
238.12 Deaf child area sign
Yellow background
Black legend
Not refleotorized
Si~n No.
W 173
W 173A
W 173B
Letter Size and Series
Size · Mar~in Border Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
30"x30" 1/2" 3/4" 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
24"x24" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-D 4"-D 4"-D
36"x36" 5/8" 7/8" 6"-D 6"-D 6"-D
This sign is intended for use On a residential street near the
home and play area of a deaf child. The purpose of the sign is
to advise motorists traveling in the area of the need to be
especially alert for a child who may not be normally aware of the
presence of traffic or who may be incapable of responding to
audio warning signals.
Prudent and discriminate use of this sign is necessary to retain
its effectiveness. The authority having jurisdiction for the
signs should keep informed on the residences and ages of deaf
children so thattbes~n can be promptly removed when they are no
longer pertinent or needed. The desire of the deaf child's
pa~ents is also an important consideration and this sign should
not be installed without the consent of the child's parents or
legal guardian.
Figure WS-3 (see Appendix 3) may be used as a guide to determine
the advance posting distance from the deaf child's residence.
However, the appropriate sign locations, and the extent of the
area around the child's residence the signing can be expected
to cover, may vary considerably with differing local conditions.
Competent traffic engineering evaluation on an individual basis
is recommended in determining sign locations.
The W 173 sign is standard. The W 173 A sign may be used on
highways having no more than one moving lane of traffic in each
direction where approach speeds are low and where physical
conditions make the use of standard size sign impractical as e
ground mounted sign. The W 173 B may be ueed where greater emphasis or
visibility is required.
74-10 Hereby amends Sign No. P20 and adds a new Sign No. P20A in
subdivision (g) of Section 214.7, and amends paragraphs (8),
(9) and (10) of subdivision (b) of Section 214.8 to read as
(g) Prohibition signs
Si~n No. Legend Size Line 1
P20 (See illustration) 48"x60" 9"C/6"C
P20A (See illustration) 30"x36" 6"C/4"C
Margin: P20 - 3/4"
P20A - 1/2"
Border: P20 - 1-1/4"
P20A - 3/4"
Letter Size and Series
Line 2 Line J Line 4 Line
8"~C 6"-C 3"-D 6"-C
5"-C 4"-C 2"-D 4"-C
The P20 t2-pe sign is intended fo~ use by a city, village or town
which has an ordinance, order, rule or regulation prohibiting the
parking of ALL vehicles on ALL public highways within its boundaries
during specified hours. Where state highways are involved, Department
of Transportation approval of city or village regulations is necessary.
In the case of a town, regulatory action by the Department of
Transportation with respect to state ~highways is required. Similar
parking regulations on the grounds of hospitals, schools, universities
and other institutions may also be posted with P20 type signs, in
which case the name of the institution shall be substituted for the
name of the municipality.
The P20 type sign shall be placed on the right side of each
public highway entering the area at or near the point where the
boundary line crosses the highway. It shall not be installed
at the same longitudinal location as any other sign. Where the
regulation is seasonal, the sign shall be removed or covered
so as not to be visible when the regulation is not in effect.
The P20 sign is standard. The P20A sign may be used on highways
where approach speeds are low and where physical conditions make
the use of the standard size sign impractical as a ground mounted
74-12 Hereby adds new Sign Nos. RY+9-L and R%9-R in section 209.6 as
209.6 One-way signs
White background
Black legend
Si~n No. Size NIarf in
RY+9-L: R49-R 18"x24" 3/8'~
Letter Size and Series
Border .Line 1~ Line 2 Line 3
5/8" 5"-D 5"-D Arrow
74-13 Hereby renumbers existing section 211.2 to be section 211.3 and adds a new
section 211.2 to read as follows:
211.2 Truck route signs
R 75 R 76
White background
Black legend
Sign No.
R 75
R 75A
R 76
Letter Size and Series
Size Mar~in Border Line I Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5
36"x48" 3/8" 5/8" 5"-D 4"-C 5"-D 5"-D 5"-D
24"x36" 3/8" 5/8" 4"-0 3"-C 4"-0 4"-C 4"-0
24"x18" 3/8" 1/2" 5"-D 5"-D
(a) These signs shall be used in signing truck route systems established
in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
The R 75 or R 75A sign shall be placed on the right side of each
main public higlavsy entering the area within which the truck route
system is in effect, at or near the point where the area boundary
crosses the highwsy. The R 75 sign is standard. The R 75A sign
may be used on highways having no more than one moving lane of
traffic in esch direction where approach speeds are low and where
physical conditions make the use of the standard size sign impractiaal
as a ground mounted sign.
The R 76 TRUCK ROUTE sign shall be erected throughout the length
of the truck route system as necessary, with a maximum spacing
of 1,500 feet. The N-series 24 inches by 15 inches auxiliary
arrows shown in sections 251.13 and 25t.14 may be used below this
sign to aid in directing truck traffic along the route.
The R 110 sign may also be used below this sign when the truck
route is not effective at all times.