HomeMy WebLinkAboutYield SignsSTATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Azea Code 518 Yie~kl Si~e 10 Suffolk County KLI - 122A and 1226 Pbu'st~,nt to auth~ity oonfc~-red by the Now York Law., bhe State '~ffi~ C.omm/ssfon h~eby Deaig~tes int~sectior~ on State t~.~hw~$ in the To~n of Southo~d0 Suffolk Co~,~ty, as YI~LD [ntersee-cions~. ~-~ o~ders the installation of YIELD signs at entrauees a~, Lutersc~rbious of ~o~te 25 with: I. Bray Avem:e {Station E.~39~ on SH 81~1) with YIELD sign on P~'ay Avenu~ ~t..u~e from ~outheast ~ 2~ F~rlene b~rive (Station 473~ on SH 8131) with yTFID sigu on Marlene D~I.ve~ en~.:~nee* ~' £rom southeast o B~V Averse - ~n?,~-~n~e frc~ so%~['aeas~ 0 ~,, L~'ton Avemle (b%ation ~83~ on SM 81~1) wit~ Y~2 sign on Le~f~on Av~m/e :.~ en~an~e ~om nox'thwes~ 5o R~.~ve ^ve~l~e (S~ati~m :~.~8 on -~ 31gl) with ~IFLD sign on ilee~e Avenue ~ ?ntl~i~e l'r~rm :~ou~heas~c,, o~ H~pie Ave~mi$ (St~'tlo'n ri~- on oH 8229) ~lth Y~EiD sign ~n ~4apie i~'%u-~.v.e .~ ,.-.-n't~nce ~-ea, north° ~ '~- Sw J229) ~Fl%h YiP~Z~ ~ign ?, bA~-~set lve~.u~·. (Stab!on .~:8-- on .. Avenue (Station 63-~: oe SH 8229} with Y~'~ELD s.~gn on Avenue ~- eA,tranc~ ~rom sou~th~ast, 10o ~il.luater Avenue (Station i66~ on SH ~:~2~)~ with YIELD si~n on S~i!l~,a%e~ Ave~3ae ~ ~a%a~ar~e lyon ~-~theas~ o We/l~ Road (Station 295~ on SH 8229) with YIELD sig~ on wells Road - entrance ~¥om $outh~ View Road (Station 3~0,~ o~ ~l 8229) with YIELD sign 14, Alber%eom L~ne (S~ation ~48- on SH 8229'i with YIELD ~i~ on Albert~on !,m~:~ . emtrame~ fro~ north. 15. Moor~-s Lane {$tatio~ 620-+ em SH 8229) ~_th tIELD aigm em Moo~em Lame - entrance from north~st. 16. Gillette Drive (Station /15-+ om SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Gi!l®tte Drive - entr~e from sou~ 17,, Cemetery Read (Stetiom ]3~6~ om SH 8380) with ~IELD sign on C~met~ry Read - 18. Oyster Pond8 Lame (Station 272+ on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Oyster Ponds Lane - entrance from south~ Directs the New York State Dep~m~mment cf Public Workm to install and maintain YIELD miens in eonformar~ with the ~anual of Uniform Traffic Oontrel Devices of the State Traffic Co~ssion as ordered in Item I Kind~ advi~e th3 Traffic Commission ~h~n this order has been complied with, STATE TR3~!~IC CO~IISSION WILLZAM S. HULTS, WILLIAM C. BASS[TTE ARTHUR CORHEL]U$~ JR* NEW YORK ~ DEP ~ 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY I, N. Y. Albany Tel. HObart 2-7511 1 1952 Yield signs 10 Suffolk Count~ ELI - l~/~ az, i 1226 Hone WiLliam Co Baasette, S~pt. Div. of Operation & I,t~l. nte~aan~e Department of Pablte Works Alba~ 1, Ne~ york ~RAFFIO COl, II. fiSSION Pursuant to authcu'ity conferre¢l b~ the Ne~ York State Vehicle T~afffie Law, the State Traffic Comm_~esion hereby Designates i~tersections on State highw~vs in the To~n of Southold, S~,_¢'£olk County, as YIEID intersections, and orders the installation of Y~ELD signs at entrances to s~ch intersections, as £ollo~s= a. Datersections of Route 25 with= 1. Bra~ Avenue (Station E-439' on SH 8181) with yv~.J~ sign on BRay Avenue - entrance from southeast. 2. Marlene Drive (Station 473t on SH 8181) with ~IELD sign on Marlene Drive - entrance from southeast° Bay Avenue (Station 482* on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Ba~ Avenue - entrance from southeast° Legion Avenue ($tatiou 483* on SI~ 8181) wit~ ~ sign on Legion Avenue - entramce from nerthwesto Reeve Avenue (S~ation 518- on S~ 8181) ~ith yz~.~n sign on Reeve Avenue , entrance from southeast. 6. Maple Avenue (Station ~1- on SH 8229) with yTRLD sign on Maple Averse -entranee from BoutheaS~o 7. Sunset Avenue (Station 28* on SM 8229) with yT~Tn sign on S~nset Avenue - entrance from south. 8. Eltzah Lane (Station 59* on SH 8229) with YI~n sign on Elizah Lane - entrance from northwest. ~ co~ff~s~o~ o~r~ (~C ?) 9. ~oust Avenue (Statiou 6~* on SH 8~29) with YIELD _-~ on Lecust Avenue - entrance frc~ southeast o b~c~ater Avenue (S~at~n on Stillu~ter AVers - entranoe from southeast WeL~ Road (Station 295* on SH 822~) with IlEID sign on Wells ~oad - entrance from south° 12. ~I~ Bay View Road (S~ntion 360* on S~ 8229) with glELD sign o~ F~in ~LT 71ew Road - ent~a___.~e from south. 13. 8age ~oulevard (~ation 5~0~ on P~ 4110) with YIELD sign on Sage Boulevard - ent~anoe bom southeast. 24. Moeree r~me (Station ~0* on ~ 8229) with ~;~n sign on Moc~es Lane - entrance from no~hwesto 15o Oe~ette Drive (Station 115- on SH 8380) with gl~D sign on Gillette D~ive - engrave from south, 16. 0eaetery Road (S~ation 146. on SH 8380) ~Lth YIELD sign on C~aet~y Roa~ - entran0e ~m eoutho 17o Oynter Ponds Lane (Station 272* on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Oyster Ponds lane - entr~-~e from south. Direets the New York ~ate Department of Public works to i~tall and m~*~$ain yT~m~ si~a in cOn£erma~e ~ith the Fanual Control Devices of the state Traffic Commission as ordered in Ite~ above o Eindl~ advise the T~affio ,~aaaission when this order has been complied with, CAS sCM ee~ 8Upto ~tate Police To~n Ro~O~outhold, Suf£~lk S~. of S~te STA~E T~E~ COM~SSIO~ WILLIAM S. HUL~ chair~ STATE OF HEW YORK RTM OTO LES 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY T, N.Y. olv~s~o. Al~y Tel. HO~art 2-7511 S~op 8~ 10 ~o~ 0o~ ~-~5 Hon. William Oo Bassette, Supt° Div. of Operation & Maintenance Department of Public %forks Alba~ 1, lie~ ~ork THAFFIC C0~dISSION ORDER Pursuant to authority conferred by the Ne~ Y~rk State Vehicle amd Traffic Law, the State Traffic Cor--~iesion hereby I Designates intersections on State highways in the Towm of Southcld, ~uffolk County~ as STOP intersections, and orders the instn~tien of STOP signs at entrances to such interseetions aa fo~lows: ac Intersections of Route 25 ~ith: 1o Laurel Lake Road (Station 414, on ~ 8181) with STOP sign on Lal~rel Lake Road - entrance from southeast. CaseS Lane (Station 135- on SH ~229) with STOP on Cases lane - entrance from 'southeast. Sehoolhouse Eoa~ (Station 244* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on ~choolhouse Road - entrance frc~ n0~th. 4. Mooore Lane (Station 3~1- on SH ~229) with STOP sign on Mooers ~u~ne - entrance from ~orth, We~]a Avenue (S~ation 395* on 3H 822~) with STOP sign Wells Avenue - entrance from southeast. 6~ Naple Avenue (Station 416- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on }~ple Avenu~ - entrance from northvesto Locust ~ane (Station 428- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Locust T.~e - entrance from southeast o Niekles Lane (Station 456- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on l~ickles ~n~ - entrax~e from southeast~ ~AFF~G CO~SSIO~ OP~m (TO ?) 9. Arshamonuque Avenue (Station 4565 on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Arehamonaque Avenue - entrance F~om southeast. 10, I~urel Avenue (Stetion 4~8- ~ S~ 8229) with STOP ei~n on Laurel Avemae - entrance ffrc~ northwest. 11. Silvermere Road (Station 593· on SS 8229) with STOP sign on ~Llvermere Road - entrance from eoutho 12. Eighth S~reet (Station $2~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Eighth Street - entrance from south. 13. B~41~y Avenue (Station 5~ on SB 8380) ~ith STOP sign on Bailey Avenue - entrance from north. 14o l~:,ok'y* Poiut Ros~:l (Station ~23- os SH 8380) with STOP on Reeky ~lnt Roa~ - entrance from northwest o 15o Stevenson Road (Station 248* on SH 8380) with S1DP on Stevenson Road - entrance from northwest. 16. Tabor Road (st~t~on 281- on SS 8380) ~th STOP sign on ~bor Road - enfA'anee fr~a south. 17, Platt Road (Station 292* on SH 8380) ~ith STOp oign on P~tt Road - entrap~e from southeast, Direots the New York State Depa~tmen~ o~ Publio ~orks to in~all smd n~.~nta~.n STOP el~ns tn oonformnce ~ith the ~nu~l o~ U~o~ ~to Contel ~es of the ~ate ~e CA~4-si~ ~ ~d~ in lt~ I advise the T~affie ?,~mmission vhen this order has bee~ eomplied SUpto State Polioe Town Beard, $outhold S~ffelk C~unty Poliee Depto See. off State ~TT,r~T~I S. Ill. TS