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Minutes of Regular Meeting held
Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Members Present:
Ray Blum, Chairman John Sepenoski
Michelle Zaloom Eric Keil
Members Absent:
Ray Huntington
Craig Arm
Fred Lee
Also present:
Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator
Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary
Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison
The meeting began at 7:11 p.m. with four LPC members present.
Applications before Planning Board: SCTM #1000-75-6-3 and
SCTM #1000-53-4-44.1
Scott property
Re: – Applicant has proposed to Planning Board a three lot
subdivision on the parcel. Application, as proposed, does not show lots clustered.
LPC members feel that lots should be clustered at southerly portion of the parcel
keeping the remaining acreage closer to Route 25 as open space. Melissa to
advise Planning Board staff on comments.
Posillico property
Re: – Applicant has proposed a clustered subdivision with
residential homes being built toward northerly end of parcel leaving southerly
portion untouched. Applicant would like to include vacant buildable lot in August
Acres subdivision adjacent to recharge basin for determining yield, lot within
August Acres would remain as open space.
Peconic Land Trust (f/k/a Palmeri)
- Closing informally week of February 6
closing scheduled for Thursday, February 9, 2006, at 10:00 a.m.
The Members entered into
CARROLL PROPERTY (Pipes Cove area)
SCTM #: 1000-53-3-2
Location: Pipes Neck Road, Greenport
Total Acreage: ±10.8 acres (GIS = 10.89 acres)
Zoned: R-80
Subdividable: NZ
FWet: 0
MWet: 8.0
CPF: Yes
Reviewed appraisal. [executive session].
Melissa discussed County’s possible involvement in project and anticipated time
to close a deal. LPC members not favorable to waiting if landowner is ready and
willing to proceed.
made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to direct
Randy Parsons of The Nature Conservancy to negotiate with landowners for
purchase of fee title on entire parcel.
Motion carried 4/0.
WICKHAM PROPERTY (Abigail A. Wickham)
SCTM #: 1000-101-1-8.1
Location: 15325 County Rd 48, Cutchogue
Total Acreage: 31.9 acres (GIS 31.51 acres)
Subdividable: Yes
Zoned: AC
FWet: 0
CPF: Yes
Reviewed status of application.
Melissa received letter from Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. with request to reactivate
previous LPC application on her parents’ (now deceased) property.
More information is needed from landowner as to her anticipated plans for the
property before any further discussions can occur. Melissa and Tim Caufield to
contact Gail Wickham to arrange meeting.
SCTM #: 1000-69-3-10.1
Location: Ackerly Pond Road, Southold
Total Acreage: ±25.888 acres (26.66 acres GIS)
PDR Acreage: ±21.0 acres offered
Zoned: A-C and RO
FWet: 0
CPF: Yes
Update re: Status of Conservation Subdivision application.
Melissa informed LPC members of 20’ buffer between subject parcel and the
established affordable housing development that is to be recommended by
Planning staff to the Planning Board. LPC members not in favor of buffer as
presented, feeling that buffer violates “Farmers’ Bill of Rights”. Subdivision map
shows 10’ public water easement from the proposed cul-de-sac to the 5 building
envelope. Said water utility easement does not appear to be detrimental to
development rights easement as it is below ground and farming can still occur.
SCTM #: 1000-34-4-19.1
Location: 1100 County Rd 48, Greenport
Total Acreage: 17.62 acres (GIS 17.64 acres) (survey 17.569)
Zoned: R-80
Subdividable: Yes
FWet: 1.27 acres
CPF: Yes
Reviewed inquiry re: preservation. Property listed for sale.
The Nature Conservancy lists this property as being high priority for preservation.
More information is needed such as whether or not included in Greenport “halo
SCTM #: 1000-56-1-5.1
Location: 1825 Mill Path, Southold
Total Acreage: 7.3 acres (GIS 7.43 acres)
Zoned: R-80
Subdividable: Yes
FWet: 0.04 acre
MWet: 1.48 acres
CPF: Yes
Reviewed inquiry re: preservation. Property listed for sale.
Background information – Current property owner contacted Melissa about a
year ago as to LPC’s interest in purchasing property. He also contacted County
but felt County’s offer was too low. Property is accessed by crossing over LIRR
tracks and this will limit usage of parcel to a single residential dwelling. LPC
members willing to discuss further if landowner is willing to sell fee title to the
Town at a restricted price (one buildable lot).
SCTM #: 1000-51-2-4.1
Location: 3635 Old North Road, Southold
Total Acreage: 9.86 acres (GIS 9.67 acres)
Zoned: A-C
CPF: Yes
Reviewed potential for preservation. Property listed for sale.
Property not listed for sale. Information received inaccurate.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes:
Adoption of LPC meeting minutes from January 24, 2006
made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Eric Keil, to accept minutes of
the January 24, 2006 meeting.
Motion carried 4/0.
Melissa Spiro’s status report [executive session – status of offers]
Next Regular Meeting:
Tuesday, February 21, 2006,7:00
The next regular meeting will be held on at
in the Town Hall Conference Room. (Ray Huntington will not be attending
this meeting.)
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. by the four attending members.
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary