HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiddle RoadIuDrrH T. BOKEN TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 765-3783 April 20, 1976 Mr. V. G. Donnelly Senior Civil Engineer Department of Transportation Region 10 Office, N.Y.S. Office Building Veterans Highway Hauppauge, NeW York 11787 Dea~Mr. Donnelly: With reference to your letter of March 24, 1976 relative to unpublished notice of orders on roads in Southold Town, please be advised the necessary regulations were instituted in 1973 shortly after receipt of the original issuance by your office. We apologize for not having forwarded a notice of completion at that time, but hereby file said notice with your office my means of this letter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Boken Town Clerk cc: Chief Carl Cataldo Highway Superintendent Raymond Dean Region ~0 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway. Hauppauge, New York 11787 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler, Commi~oner March 24, 1976 Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Richmond: This is in reference to unpublished notice of orders on Town roads in your Town. Please be aware that we investigated and issued these orders at your request with the understanding that they would be instituted in a reason- able length of time. The enclosed orders have been outstanding much longer than we consider 'Treasonable." Please arrange to install the necessary regulations and send a completion notice to our Albany office with a copy to this office or a request that the unpublished orders be' cancelled. Your cooperation in these matters of highway safety is sincerely requested and will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, T. C. HOFFMAN Regional Traffic Engineer~ V..G. Oonneiiy . Senior Civil Engineer Region 10 VGD:JRL:JS STATE OF NEW YO2K ---DEPART,':~ENT OF T2ANS?O2TMION TRAFFIC tCd.N[~['RING AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE O5 ORDER DATE_ February 2, 1973 THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1247.37 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED [] REPEALED to read as follows: 0720315 1a0-47,- t6~ KLI- Suffolk Co. (a) PLEASE S~¢~. ATTACHED ~}'~T O he above order is to be effective COUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALiT~t,: Town of Southold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [] Regional Traffic Engineer ~:Other (Specify) Town of $outhold Extends the 30 !¢PH speed limit in the Nassau Point Area northerly as described on the attached sheet. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] cc: CITY SHERIFF VILLAGE x COUNTY P.D. x TOWN X STATE POLICE O' x couNTY SUPT. PERMITTEE A~/bs TE3 (6/70) X REGION X REGION OTHER (IDENTIFYJ 10 DIRECTOR 10 TRAFFIC ENGINEER (S~ECIFY) 1247 Subdiv~sion la! ~a) '30 MPH within the ~;assau Point area, th~ bnundaries of which are described tn para~-raph (l> Area descr~pt~.on: Beginnin~ at the ~ntersection of the northerly right- of-way linn of Lu?en i)rive extended westerly with the westerly right- of-way line of Bay Avenue; thenCe southerly along the westerly right- of-way llne of Bay Avenue to its ~ntersection witn the westerly right- of-way l~ne of Haywaters Drive; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way llne of ~{aywaters Drive to i~s ~ntersect~on wLth the northwesterly r~ght-of-w;~y Line oI ~iason Drive; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly r~ht~of-way line oI Zason Drive to its intersection w~th the nor%hcrly sr~orelLne of iiaywater Cove; thence southwesterly on a stra':]ht line t? its intersection with tha north- westerly tip o! the peninsula L~o~ as Nassau Point an t~e north- westerly terminus oi }{a~wat~rs ~o~d; tnence countercioc:~w!se the ma~n shoreline of thc p,~ni~su]a known as Nassau ~'o!nt to ~ts intersection with the s¢~uthwesterly cree'~ linc ,~f Little Cree~7; thence northwesterly a]rn~ the southwesterly cree~ line of Little Creek to its intersection with the nnrtherly riMht-o£-way line of i~ine ~free 2o~d extended easterly; thence westerly along the northerly right-of-way line of Pine 'l~ree Road as extended to ~ts intersection with the easterly r[cht-of-way llne of Billard Road$ thence northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Billard Road to its intersection w%th the northerly right-of-way l~ne of Lupen Drive$ thence westerly alon~ the northerly right-of- way line of Lupen Drive extended westerly to the point of beginning. STATE OF NEW YOI~I~ - U~'~'~l~'~',~ ur ~n~,.~, ,~.,,~, .... TRAF ~ENGINEERING AND SAFETY DIVlSIONm. NOTICE OF ORD_E_R IL// February 2, 1973 · DATE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION llh-7.37 / (b) SUBDIVISION PARAGRAPH FILE: 180-h7-13 KLI- Suffolk · OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~ REPEALED to read as follows:  he above order is to be effective COUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALITY: Town of SoutHold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [] Regional Traffic Engineer [] Other (Specify) County of Suffolk Repeals 30 I~H speed limit on New Suffolk Lane, subject highway will be included in New Suffolk area speed limit. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS cc: CITY VILLAGE x TOWN x COUNTY SUPT. TE3 [] NONE SHERIFF x COUNTY P.D. X STATE POLICE PERMIT'CEE Section 12~7.37(i) Same date · (IDENTIFY1 10 REGION REGION 10 DIRECTOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER OTHER (SPECIFY) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ,DER February 2, 1973 DATE Suffolk Cou THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1147.37 SUBDIVISION (e) (g) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~] ~ ' ' . ' The above order is to be effective QOUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALITY: Town of Southold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [] Regional Traffic Engineer [] Other (Specify) Town of Southold Repeals 30 MPH speed limits on Westpholia Road and Factory Avenue, subject highways will be included in the North ~mttituck area. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] Section 1247.37 (g) Same date (IDENTI~) cc: CITY SHERIFF X REGION VILLAGE X COUNTY P.D. X REGION X TOWN X STATE POLICE OTHER  X COUNTY SUPT. PERMI'rI'EE T~ (6/701 A~R: LO l0 DIRECTOR 10 TRAFFIC ENGINEER IS~ECIFYI STATI: OF NEW YORK -- DEPARTM, ENT OF TRANSPORTATION " TRA$ ENG1NE~4~ING AND SAF£TY DIVISIOI NOTICE OF ORD[R DATE February 2, 1973 THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER ~/.ITH THF~ECRETAR~Y ,O,F STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1247.37 SUBDIVISION (~- thz~ /~) ~.0' ~ ~ !~ ~ PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED [] REPEALED to read os follows: FILE:: 180-47-10 KLI- Suffolk Co PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SHEET oThe above order is to be effective COUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALITY: Town of Southold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM []Regional Traffic Engineer []Other(Specie) Town of Southold Establishes six area speed limits as described on the attached sheets. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] (IDENTIFYJ cc: CITY SHERIFF X REGION 10 DIRECTOR VILLAGE X COUNTY P.D. X REGION 10 TRAFFIC ENGINEER X TOWN X STATE POLICE OTHER x COUNTY SUPT. PERMITTEE (~) 35 MPH within the ~orth r~attituek area, the boundaries of which are described in para.apb (1) exclusive of the county road and town highway listed in paragraph {2). (1) Area description: ~eginntng at the intersection of the northerly right- of-way line cf Sound Avenue, ....... 7, with the Suthold - ~lverhead town l~ne; thence northerly alon~ the Southold - ~iverhead town line to its intersect[on with the southerly shoreline of Long Island Sound; thence easterly alon~- the southerly shoreline of Long Island Sound to its intersect%on with the westerly right-of-way line cf Mill Lane e×tend~ northerly: thence southerly along ~he westerly right-of-way line of Mill Lane as extended to its intersection w~tL the northerly right-of-way line of Route 25; thence westerly along the northerly right-of-way line of Route 25 to tis intersection whth the northwesterly right-of-way of ~.a~n~o~d, ~oute 25, extended northeasterly: thence southwesterly alon~ the northwesterly right- of-way line cf Ma~n Road, ~oute 2%, to its intersection with the ~= -~ - - Factory thence northerly westerly ~_~ht ~f w~y l~ne of along the westerly right-of-way l~ne of Factory Avenue extended northerly to its intersection with the northerly right-of-way line of Sound Avenue, C.2~. 2?: thence westerly alon5 the northerly right-of-way line of Sound Avenue, C.R.2?, to the point of beginning. {2) The following county road and town highway are excluded from the O adore 35 area speed (1) Middle Road and Hamilton Avenue, C.R. 27, between M~ll Lane and Factory Avenue. (ii) Bergen Avenue, a town highway, between Sound Avenue. and Cox Neck Road. (h) 35 MPH w~ thin the ~ast Zatti%uck area, the boundaries of which are described in paragraph {1). (1) Area description: Begznning at %ne intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue with the southeasterly right-of-way line of Route 25; thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeasterly and easterly right-of-way line of Route 25 to its intersection with the westerly right-of-way line of Locust Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Locust Avenue extended southerly to its intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue~ thence easterly along the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way ltne of Deep Hole Drive; thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Deep Hole Drive extended southerly to its intersection with the northerly shoreline of Great Peconic 3ay; thence westerly along the northerly shoreline of Great Peconic Bay to its intersection with the easterly creek line of James Creek: thence northerly along the easterly creek line of James Creek to its northerly terminus: thence due north on a straight line to its intersection with the southerly right-of- way line of ~ew Suffolk Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue to the ooint of beginning. · .Section 1247.37 S vision </~thru ~) 30 MFH within the New Suffolk: area, the boundaries of which are described In paragraph (1). (1) Area description: Becinn[ng at the intersection of the southeasterly richt-of-way line of ~oute 25 with the easterly right-of-way l~ne of Moore's Lane; thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Moore's Lane extendcd southerly to [ts intersection with the northerly shoreline of Great P~conic 3ay, thence easterly and northerly along the northerly shoreline of Great Peconic Bay and westerly shoreline of Cutchogue !{arbor to its intersection with the northeasterly right- of-way line of Old Harbor Road extended southeasterly; thence northwesterly alon~ the northeasterly right-of-way line of Old Harbor Road to its intersection with the easterly r~sht-of-way line of New Suffol%: Road; thence northerly along thc easterly right-of-way 'line of New Suffolk Road to a point due east of the northerly termlnus of the westerly right-of-way line of Grathwohl Hoad; thence due west on a straight line to its intersection with the westerly right-of~way line of ~eW Suffolk Eoad~ thence northerly alon~ tho westerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk koad to its.intersection with the southeasterly right-of-way line of ~oute 25~ thence south- westerly along the southeasterly rifh%-yf-way line of Route 2~ to the point of beginning. (J) 35 ~PH within the Southold area, the boundaries of which are described in paragraph (1), exclusive of the towu highway listed in paragraph (2). (1) Area description: ]eginnin5 at the intersection of the scutheasterly right-of-way line of Route 25 with the easterly right-of-way line of South Harbor Road; thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of South Harbor Eoad to its intersection with the no:theasterly shoreline oI' Hog Neck Bay; thence coun~ercloci:wlse along the north- easterly shoreline of Hog Nec~ Bay northwesterly shoreline of Little Peconic 3ay, and southwesterly and westerly shoreline of Soutnole 3ay, to its intersection w~th the southwesterly shoreline o~ Town Cree~; ~nenc~ northwesterly along the southwesterly shoreline of Town Creek to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of ~oun~'s Avenue$ thence northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of ¥oUng's Avenue to its intersection with the southeasterly right-of-way line of Rnute 255 thence southwesterly along the southeasterly right- of-way line of R ute 25 to the point .of beginning. (2) The following town highway is excluded from the above 35 MPH area speed limit. (i) Oaklawn Avenue, a town highway, between Route 25 and Pine Neck Road. 12! (k) 30 ~'~PH within the Founders L-mdtn;] and %onklin~] ~:bint sma, the boundaries of which are described in para~raph (1). Area description: Becinninc at the intersection of southerly right-of- way line of i{oute 25 with the westerly r~ht-of-way line of Hobart Avenues thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue exten~ed southerly to its intersection with the northwesterly shoreline of $~uthold bay: thence ~cnerally northe~sterly along the northwesterly shnrelincs of Zouthold Day and Pipes Cove to its intersection wir, h the westerly ~recnport Village line; thence northerly along the westerly Green?orr Village line to its intersection with the southerly right-of-w~y l~ne nf R,ute 25: thence generally westerly along the southerly r~ght-ef-w~y line of ~oute 25 to the point of be~inn~ny. (1) 35 :.~PH within the Greenport area, the boundaries of which are described ~n paragTaph (1). (1) Area desex:pt!on: 3eginnin~ at the intersection of the southerly right- of-way line cf C.i{.2? with the westerly r~ght-of-way line Df >~ddlntown Road: thence southerly alcn~ the westerly r!cht-of-way line of Hiddletow Road to ~ts intersection with the northerly Greenpcrt Villase line: thence e~sterly and southerly alcnl the northerly and easterly Green- port Village line to its ~ntersectlon with the northerly shoreline of Peconic Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shoreline of Pecon!c Bay to its intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25; thence westerly alon~ the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 extended westerly to its intersecuion with the southerly right-of-way line of C.R.2?: thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of C.R.2? to the point of besinning. STATE 'YORK-- DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATt TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER December 20, 1976 DATE CASE: 0760183 E~LE: 180--47--10 KLI- Suffolk Coun THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1647,37 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~ ADDED [] AMENDED to read as foltows: [] REPEALED 1647.37 Town of Southhold (a) 25 MPH on Oakland Avenue, a town highway, adjacent to the Southhold School, between a point 300+ fee~ north of the northerly building line of this school and a point ~00+_ feet south of the southerly huliding line of this school, a distance of 900+_.feet. The above order is to be effective [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: Town of Southhold THE ENCLOSED COMPLETION NOTICE MUST BE RETURNED BY ~ I~e§;onal Tr=ffle E~§incer '[--10thc~' (Spceify) AS SOON AS THE APPROPRIATE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE(S) ARE INSTALLED, SO THE REGULATION C BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL COMPILATION OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF NEW YORK ST~ Pursuant to Section 1180(c) of the vehicle and traffic law, this school speed limit is in effect during the school noon hour, school recess, or whilc children are going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours. 'OTHER RELATED ACTIONS ~NONE ~ (Identify) cc: __ CITY __ SHERIFF ~ REGION DIRECTOR /VILLAGE ~ COUNTY P.D. ~ REGION ~0 TRAFFIC ENGINE[ ~ TOWN X STATE POLICE OTHER __ COUNTY SUPT, __ PERMITTEE {Specify) AWR:cm TE 3b 112-74} DATE_June 26, 1993_ THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1147~7 ' SUBDIVISION (,~) PARAGRAPH OI~,THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED J~] REPEALED to read as follows: (j) "~ ~H O~L~ddle Road, CR 27, between Lipco Road and Mary's Road, a distance :O£ 0.7~ miles in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. 073)041 180-47-10 ELI Suffolk County The above order is to be effective [] IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: ToM of Southhold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [~]Regianal Traffic Engineer L~Other(Speci~) County of SufFolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NON[~ ' cc: :_ICJTY _ ISHE~IFF V!LLAGE ~ COUHTY P.D. TOWN STATE P ICE [~ COUblTY SUPT· _j PERMITTEc Section ll~?~4? (j) [] ,~-.t,..~ )i: I?E.GIO",I ..~_0~ DI2ECTOR ]0 TRAFFIC ENGINEER ©T'.!ER STATE OF NEW ¥ - DEPARTMENT O.F TRANSPORTATIO~I TRAFFIC L~I:G)NE[~I~N~:AND S'AFETY DIVISION '- NOTICE OF ORDER CASE: 0720167 FILE: 180-47-10 KLI - SUFFOIJ[ DAlE Dec~ber 12, 1972 THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION ll4?, ~7 ____ SUBDIVISION ( j ) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~ REPEALED ~.o read as follows: (j) .50 ~It on Middle Road, CR 27, between Lipco Road and ~-iary s Road, a distance of 0.72 miles in tho unincorpcrated community of }~]attituck. The above order is to be effective [] IMMEDIATELY COUNTY: SUF~OLK LOCALITY: SOU~HOLD COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [~Regional Traffic Engineer [] UPON COMPLETION [] Other (Specify) County of Suffc]J: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS cc: CITY VILLAGE/ X TOWN; X COUNTY SUPT. AWR: NK YE3 {6/70) [] NONE SHERIFF :( COUNTY P.D. X STATE POLICE PERMllq'EE (IDENTIFY) ~ REGION lO DIRECTOR X' REGION lO __TRAFFIC ENGINEER OTHER (SPECIFY~- YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region 10 Office: 325 West Ma{n Street, Babylon, Long Island, New York 11702 May 18, 1972 Mr. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Speed reduction on Middle Road between L[pco Road and Mary's Road in Ama~ansett Dear Mr. Richmond: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 25, 1972 bearing the above reference. As you request, we will survey conditions at the above location and take whatever action is appropriate. Sincerely youths, / c.. Ho n uq _ . Regional T~affic Engineer Region l0 TCH:JM:LDM CC: W. G. Galloway (0720167) State POLice file: Route Speed reduction 245 OFFICE OF TOWN {~LEF~K SOLITHI:3LDo L. I.. N. ¥. FROM THE MINUTES OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, APRIL 25, 1972: "Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Haman, it was RESOLVED, that Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to contact the State Traffic Commission to request a 45 MPH speed limit on Route 27 between Lipco Road and Marys Road, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Haman, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest." $'fATE OF NEW YORK ODUNTY OF SUFFOLK O~fice of the Clerk of the ss: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (SEAL) This is to certify that I, Albert W. Richmond, Clerk of the town of Southold, in the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and which was passed by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the ...?..5..t...h..,. day of ............... ..A.p..r...i..1. ......... 19..7..2...., and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. in Witness Whereof, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ,..3..,r..d. ....... day of .............. ..M~...~ ............... 19...7..2.... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of 5outhold, County of Suffolk, N. Y. Gentlemoni Th~ TOM1 [k~qd off the To~ of Southold , by a resolution adopted April 25, 197~, ~ t~ County Superints~ent off ~ays of t~ C~ of Suffffolk , ~reby ~queet the ~part~nt of ~e~ation~'~t to S~tion l~l,1 of tbs Ve~cle a~ Trifle ~v, to esta~ilh a l~ ~ e~g at whioh ~hiol~e ~ ~ on Route 27 , Mattituck, N.Y. ~ · 45 MPH speed limit, h~%¥ssn Lipco Road ~-]CountyRoad m~d Marys Road . Upon roooipt oF notioe that the~oSulationho~einrequested has boon establishedp tho County of Suffolk , sill provide, install and niin%ain signs in aeoordanoo ~lth the Vehicle and Traffflc I~v and oonformin~ to the Nnnual of Uniforu TraffFlo Control Devises of the D~lxt~tu~nt oT Transpo~t4tion. April 2.5, 1972 Dated: County Superintendent · tenants h~ County Superintondoutt ". ' .) '~ c ( COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK,]]g80 Raymond Dean, Superintemient To~m of Southold liighway Department Pe~onio ~ Peeonie, New York Dear Mr. Dean: The Boa~d of ~u~ezwteors authorized the trans£e~ of parts of Cmm~y Road 27 tn the To~ of Southold to the To~, ~t :o Resolution No. 2~0-1968 adopted on A~rtl 11. 1966 ~d ~p~ved by L. H. ~tck. O~er~ S~e~tsor of Hi,way Mainten~. ~York State Dep~tmen~ of ~e Works on ~e 6. 1966. This Is to advise you that maintenance by the Suffolk County Super/nten~ent of H/ghways will oease on June 20. 1966. Those port~lona of C.R. 27 which are to be abandoned include the section known as Love Lane fro~ Route 25 to the new seotton o£ aiddle Road; ~ckham Avenue from Route 25 to the new seutton o£ ~flfl~e Road; ~orth ~oad begilml~ at the ne~ section of Middle Roafl ~nming alon~ ~he o1~ aeotlan to its interseotion with the new seet£on of Middle ~oa~ 1100 feet east of E~i~h~s Lan~; ~d that section o£MtLt Lane be~dl~ at th~ old seo~ion of ~ol~th Ro~d (Hidd~e Road) ~md ~nnlhlgnort~lyto O~gonRo~l, all ae sho~n en the attached sketch in red. Michael Scott, Maintenanue Supervisor o£ this of£iee, will contact you to g,i. ve you definite limits. Very truly yours, ane. M~TTITUCg. FItLL~ ~ LOCATIOI~ MAP · 6C~LE. I I1,1.= 2,000 F-'r- APPROX- MATTITU W~.TE'I~VI L L ~'