HomeMy WebLinkAboutMain Street - GreenportOrient East Marion Greenport Southold Peconic R£C;IVED Town ¢lerl~ $o-tholcl February 7, 1985 Honorable George W. Hubbard Mayor of the Village of Greenport & Members of the Greenport Village 236 Third Street Greenport, New York 119~4 Board Gentlemen: The~reenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce consisting of a business membership of 250 businesses would like to offer the following recommendations and suggestions in regard to the propos- ed change of State Route 25 to by-pass Greenport Village by using Moores Lane as Route 25 instead of Front Street. The chamber of commerce through a poll of its membership has concluded that to do this would not be the answer to congestion in the Village, but may in tirn have a harmful effect on the businesses and tax paying residents of the Village. We list the following statements as examples: 1. Repairs and maintenance of Front Street and parts of Main Street (including some sidewalks) from Moores Lane would become the responsibility of Greenport Village and not the State. 2. The maintenance of the traffic light on Front and Third Streets would become Village responsibility. 3. Winter snow plowing and removal from Moores Lane to Main Street would be done by the Village not the State. (At the present State responsibility stops at Main Street, but we are informed that the snow plo~ continues to plow down Main Street enroute to Route 48. The chamber feels that Greenport resident taxpayers, local businesses and the Village itself cannot handle this added expense and work at this time. We as a chamber feel the following recommendations are a more viable and practical solution if a traffic problem exists in the Village. The elimination of Route 25 down Front Street is not the answer. Oreenport llage~ Jrd %~--~ ~'~_ \ Fe 1. LeaYe Route 25 to continue under its present jurisdi~on. Moores Lane has been a truck route for years and is so markeO. We suggest also marking it "Alternating Route 25 or non-business Route 25. With proper marking and directional signs, all traffic without business in Greenport or enroute to the Cross Sound Ferry would proceed down Moores Lane and not go through the Village. 2. Southold Town can also help by attempting to divert through traffic and ferry traffic to Route 48 by signs and markers at the approach to the town in Laurel. 3. The Village could test one side of the street parking on some of the Village streets during certain hours. 4. Some Village streets could be made one way to help traffic flow. ,~ 5. Better directional signs could be errected for Village public parking areas. 6. Providing spaces for tourist buses during peak season to unload and pick up passengers and also while waiting. We feel that the institution of the foregoing recommendations would be a more realistic approach to the problem of traffic congest- ion in the Village of Greenport. The changing of Route 25 would be an irreversible move while the options mentioned above would be more feasible, realistic, and would also be the most economical. The chamber of commerce is interested, concerned, and available for any further discussion, information and input on this community matter. Please feel free to call on us at anytime. Sincerely yours, ~Henry~,hairman Greenport Merchants Committee & Member of the Board of Directors Greenport-Southold Chamber of Commerce N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works N.Y.S. Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki Members~j~ Supervisor Murphy & Southold Town Board Merlon Wiggin, Pres., Peconic Associates The Suffolk Times The L.I. Traveler Watchamn Suffolk Life Newsday