HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocust LaneWILLIAM C. SASSETTE ARTHUR CORNEL]US, JR. STATE OF HEW YORK RTM OTO LES STATE TRAFFIC 95 WASHINGTON AV~., ALBANY 1, N.Y. DIVISION or AIb~y Tel. HObart 2-7511 S~op S~ ~o~ HOne W~llia~ Co Basaette, Supto Div. of Operation & ~1aintenanee Department off Public ~Iorks Alba~7 l, ~ev Yc~k TPJaVF IO CO~/dISSION Pursuant to authority conferred by the ]~e~ ¥~rk State Vehicle aud T~affie Law, the State Traffic Cc~m~ ssion hereby Designates intersections on State highways in the Town of Southcld, ~uffolk County, as STOP intersections, and orders the inst~ll~ticn of STOP signs at entrances to such intarseetions as fo]lows: a. Int~seetions of Route 25 with: 1o Laurel T~e Road (Station 414- on SH 8181) with STOP sig~ on La~el Lake Road - entrance from southeast. 2o Oases Lane (Station 135, on SH -~-~-9) with STOP on Oases Lane - entrance from southeast. Schoolhouse Road (~tatiom 144, on SH 8229) with S~DP sign on Schoolhouse Road - entrance from north. 4. Mncere lane (Station 321, on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Mooe~s lane - entrance from north, 5. ,,,,'el'l. Avenue (Station 395* on SH 822~) with STOP sign on ~ells Avenue - entrance from southeast. 6. ~aple Avenue (Station 416- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on }~ple Avenu~ - entrance from north~esto 7. Locust Lane (Station ~28- on SH 8229) with STOP signori Locust ~-a -entrance from southeast. Nick/es Lane (Station 456* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Nick/Les T--e- entraz~e from southeast° ORDER (TO ?) 9o Areha~enaque Avenue (Station 4~6- on SH 822~) with STOP sign on Areb~w~,~ue Avenue - entrance ~om southeast. Laurel Avenue (Station 458* on S~ 8229) with STOP eign on Laurel Average - entrance i~o~ northwest° il. Silvea-more Road (Station 593* on SH S229) with STOP sign on Silver, ere Road - entrance from south. 12. Eighth Street (Station 626~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Eighth Street - entranoe ~om south. 13. _u~?~y Aven~e (Station 5~* on S~I 83S0) with STOP sign on Bailey Avenue - entrance ~om north. 24. Reeky Point Road (Station ]23* on SH 8380) with STOP oigs on Reeky P~lnt R~ad - ent~'anoe bom northwest o 15. Stevenson Road (Station ~4~* on SH 8380) with S~OP sign on Stevenson Road - ontra~oe frc~ northwest. 16. Tab~ Road (Station 281, on SS 83~0) with STOP sign ~a~or Road - en~A-anee ~rcm south. 17o Platt Road (Station 292* on Sfl 8380) with STOP sign on P~att Road - entrance fx~m southeast. Dlreets the New York State Department of Public Works to install and maintal~ S~gP signs in conformance with the Manual of Umtfor~ ~in Control Deviees of the State ~raffic C~w~-sion as ordered in ~tem ~ above. advise the .~affie ~ommission ~ben this order has been STATE CAS~C~ Supto State Police Town Beard. Sou+.~ld S~ffclk 0~unty Poliee Depto See. e~ State l,lrr.v.'r~l S. IIIILTS