HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaurel Lake RoadARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR*
STATE OF HEW YORK ...~ ,.. ~::j.RTM r~OTO ~.ES
Albany Tel. HObart 2-7511
S~o~ ~ [0
~o~ Co~
Bon. willia~ Co Bassette. Supto
Div. of Operation & ,~intenanoe
Department of Pablic Horks
Albany 1, Ney York
P~rsuant to authority conferred by the New Yerk State Vehicle aad
T~afflc Law, the State Traffic C~ssion hereby
Designates intersections on State highways in the Town of Southo]d,
Sufffolk Oounty~ as S~OP intersections, and orders the inst-,~letion of
STOP signs at entranCes to such intersections as fo]lows=
ao Intersee+.ions of Route 25 with:
1o Laurel T-~e Road (Station 4~/;* on ~ 8181) with STOP
sign on Latlrel Lake Road - entrance ffrcan southeast.
Cases Lane (Station 135. on SH. 822~) with STOP
on Cases lane - entrance from southeast.
3. Schoolhouse Road (S~ation 1~4- on SH ~2~) with STOP
sign on Schoolhouse Road - entrance from nsrth.
4. Mooere ;-me (Station 351, on SH 8229) with S~0P sign
on Mooers l~me - entrance from north.
Wells Avenue (~tation 395* on SH 822~) with STOP sign
on ~ells Avenue - ~ntran~e fi. om southeast.
6~ Maple Avenue (Station ~16- on SH ~22~) with STOP sign on
Maple Avenue - entrance from northwest°
7. Locust l~,e (Station ~28* on SH 8~29) with STOP sign on
Locust T~.~ - entrance from southeast.
Nick. les ~a-e (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on
Nickles ~ame - entrance from southeast.
~O Oot~zor~ o~ (TO ?)
9, ~eb-_~ae Avenue (Station 456* on SE 8229) ~th STOP
on Areh~onaque Averse - e~tranoe f~on southeast,
Le~e~ Avenue (Station 4~8. ~ ~1 8229) ~d_th STOP mi[pa on
Laurel ~e - entre f~om northeest o
Llo 8~lv.er~e Reed (Station 59~ on ~ ~229) ~th STOP e~n on
~tlvsr~e Road - entrance fio~ south,
12, F~tghth Street (Station ~26- on SE 8~9) ~th STOP m~a on
E~hth Street - entranoe fio~ south,
BaLl~y Avenue (Station ~* on SE 8380) ~th STOP ~ on
Ba~l~y Avenue - entrance fiem north,
1~o ~oo~ Point ~oad (~tation 1~3- on Sff 8380) v~.th $~? ~
on Roek~ Point Road - ent~anea fl~m northwest o
1~o Ste~mson E~ad (Station ~/?* on SH 8~80) ~th STOP
on S~eveneon Eoed - entranoe f~c~ nor~sto
16. ?abo~ ~ (St~t~on 281. on SH 8380) ~4_th STOP s~n on
~ Eoed - enta~nee fi-on south.
platt Roud (station 292* on SE 8380) ~ith STOp m~n ca
platt Road - entranoe frc~ southeast,
D~eots the Ne~ ~o~k State Depart~nt of PobL~e Works to inet~Ll and
~nta~ STOP s~ns in eonformnee ~th the Femua! off Unifor~ ~ff~o
advise the ~affie ~mmtasion when this orde~ has be~ ecs~ed