HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeeton DriveSTATE 0¢ OF NEW YORK / DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE * STATE CAMPUS · ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 J. BURGH McMORRAN TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND SAFETY DIVISION October 3, 1968 Suffolk/Southold Town Board Town of Sout~old Suffolk Co'muty Gentlemen: This is in reference to two joint requests from the Town Board and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works for lower maximum speeds on Marlene Drive between Route 25 and Peconic Bay Boulevard and Leeton Drive between West Drive and Kenny Road. We ha~e initiated a study of traffic conditions at both of th~ above locations for the purpose of determining if a lower speed limit is warranted. The results of these investigatdons will be forwarded after the proper field information is obtained and evaluated. Very truly yours, ~~C'~~ctor RVA:jdn cc: Suffolk County, Comm. of Public Works COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBI_IC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK. NEW YORK. 11980 September 19, 1968 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk Town of South.old Southold, New York 11971 Re: Requests for lower maximum speed on Leeton Drive, Sou/hold, and Marlene Drive, Mattituek. Dear Mr. Richmond: We received the TC-9 requests - one on each of the above town highways - this morning; however, as you forwarded only one of each and we are unable to change the original TC-gs to conform with them, we are enelosing new TC-9 forms made out to cover your original requests. Please sign the original and carbon copy of each and return both to this office; the photostat copy of each may be ret--~ed for your files. A request for a supply of TC-9 forms is being for- warded to the New York State Department of Transportation; upon receipt of these forms, we will forward you a supply. ThaN< you for your cooperation. Yours very truly, R. M. Kammerer Commiss$oner of Public Works Senior Civil Enginee~ - Traffic RMK:GWR:lew Depart~nt of Transportation Division of' Traffic En~neering and Safety State Campus 1220 %dashin{~ton- Avenue Al~n~, New York 12226 Gentlemsn~ The Tow ~oard of the T~ of SOUTHOLD , by a resolution adopted Sept. 10 , 19 68, and the County Superintendent of }{lgbways of the Coun4fy of Suffolk , hereby request the Department of T~m~s@or%ation, pursuant to S~tion 1622.1 of the Vehicle and Traft'lo Law, to establish · lower max~auu speed at which vehicles may p~oe®ed on Leeton D:-ive, Southold [] Co~ty Ro~d [~To~ Highway hetwes, a.d Upon receipt of notice that the re~ulation herein requested has been established~ tbs ToM of Southold , will provide, install and maintain signs In accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming %o the Ma~uml of Uratform Traffic Con%tel D~vioes of the lkm~rtmant of Trans~rtation. Dated= Sep~ember 18. 1968 Dated: County Superintendent Comments by Cmmty Superintendent{ TC-9 D~part~ent of Transportation Divl,~lon o~ Traffic gn~in~ering ~ ~fety ~.20 Washington Avenus Albany, Nsw ~ork ~222~ C~ ntle me n; The Tote Boa~ of the Town of SOUTHOLD , by a resolution I,~opted Sep~ 10 , 19 68 , and t~ County Supertnte~ent of Nlg~ays of t~ C~n~ of Su~k , ~reby request the ~part~nt of ~anspo~ation, ~ant to S~tion 1~2.1 of tbs Vehicle a~ Trifle ~w, to establish a 1~ ~ s~ at which vehiolee ~y ~e~ on ~ ~ty Ro~ Marlene Drive, Mattituek ~ a ~To~ ~ghway between Route 25 ami Peconie Bay Blvd. Upon receipt of notice that th~ re~ulation herein requested has been established, the Town of Southold , will provide, install a~d ~aintain sig~e in accordance ~ith the Vehicle am/ Traffic Law and confor~Ang to the Ma~u~l of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation. Dated: September 18, 1968 Dated: County Superintendent Coe~nts by ~:ounty Superintemdentt !~iOLITHOLD L. I., N. Y. R E S O L U T ! O t,~ September 10, Moved by Councilman Valentine; Seconded by Councilman Demarest; RESOLVED: That Supervisor Lester M. Albertson be and he hereby is authorized to request the Department of Transportation to 1) survey for a lower rate of speed on Leeton Drive, Southold,, N.Y., a Town highway, and 2) survey for a lower rate of speed on Marlene Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. between Route 25 and Peconic Bay Blvd., a Town highway. Very truly yours, AWR/mr Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk a survey for a lower speed on Leeton Drive, Southo~d~.,L.I. I & b~two~n ....... ~ ......... ' Ilpon rmooipt or' n~ttec~ tl~t %h~ ref~:~latAon h,are~n ro,pm,,t~,4 h~t$ ba~u o~tabli~d~ t~ Town o~ Sou~Ld~ ...... , S~,ptember 18, 1968 ":'<:-<) Thn To~ £,,nrd of tho T~wn of SOUTHOLD by re,~ol,it, lon ~dop".¢d ~e~t~ ~0 , 19 ~ ~nd %ho County Suportnt~nd~a~. wh~oh vohiole~ tm~ ~O~ o~ lower spee~ survey for [~jj] COmity Marlene Drive, Mattituck ~ m Route 25 ~r.~ Peconic Bay Blvd. Ilpon renel[~t of not,%a, that t~J foliation horoin roqun.ted l~s I~c,u ..t~bl~nhod~ %~ Town O~ Southold Vehicle a~ ?raffto ~v m~ aonfo~n~ ~o tho H~nual of Trnfflc Control ~vlooW of t~ ~pa~t~n% of ~an.portat, ton. Tinted! September 18, 1968 Co%m%y ~upoz'tntm~dont