HomeMy WebLinkAboutLaurel Ave - - , ~//~# -- --,~¥]1~,..~ STUDYNO.: ,0810095 ] ~L~ F~'[/~ ' NOTICEOF ORDER FILE: THE DEPA~TMENT~ T~ANSPO~TATION HAS FILED AN O~DE~ WITH THE SECrETArY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION ~1~7.37 SUBDIVISION ( J ) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS E~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as foll'ows: [] REPEALED DP/TG - The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by ant conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (DATE) APPROVED BY:-- (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action repeals this speed limit as it is being E~w~m combined into one continuous Order, COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: Town of Southold [] NONE [] ']n47.3? (~) (identify) cc: [] CiTY [] Southold POLICE DEPARTMENT [] VILLAGE [-~ SHERIFF ~ REGION 10 .... TRAFFIC ENGINEER [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE I~ OTHER -' [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE {Specify) ~" ,,~ *'--/~/NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO[ ~'ON ~ ~ ' ' '· (~, ~._ ~, TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION ( ' ' -- ~/-//A ~- ' STUOY .o.: 0810095 F" NOTICE OF ORDER PILE: /+7.37-25 TROOP: THE DEPART F TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION [~7.~7 SUBDIVISION (h) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED [-~AMENDEDtore~ asfotl0ws: ~]REPEALED (h) (40 MPH on Main Street, Route 25, SH 8229, between Station 42~_+ (75±feet east of Cottage Place) and Station 458~ (Laurel Avenue), a distance of 0.6_+ miles in the unincorporated community of Southold. The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the rmce~W traffic c~ntrol device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 4/21/ 1 (DATE~ APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLEI DESCRIPTION: This action combines two continuous speed limits together into one Order. Suffolk COUNTY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE Town of Southold LOCA~.~TY: 1047.37 (j) (Identify) cc: [] CITY [] Southold [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF ~ REGION 10 ~ TOWN ~ STATE POLICE ,'~ OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e 18;~01 -1- ~/ TRAFFIC ENGIN~ND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OI~ ORDER CASe: 701930 XLZ- $0FFO X DA T E ----~'--.~- THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION ].0J$?.~'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~7 ___ SUBDiViSiON_(_~) t,h~ottg}~ (n) __PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [3 AMENDED [~-~ REPEALED to read as follows: (~) ~0 ~ on ~ute 2~, S~ 822~, bet~ Sta~on ~ (~0~ fe~ ~ of T~ ~ ~) of S~tho~. (k) ~ ~ on ~e 2~, ~H 8~9, ~t~en S~tion 11~ (~'s ~ne) and ~ 12~ (70~ f~t mt of ~see ~ne), a ~e of I~ ~le8 in ~e ~o~at~ o~ty of ~t~o~, (1) ~ ~ ~e 2~, 6H 8~, b~ S~on 1~ (~0~ feet ~ S~on 18~ (~rbc,r ~ne), a ~s~noe of 0.3~ males in ~e of ~h~. (~ A~), a die~e of 0.~ ~lee ~ the ~nco~t~ (a) ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~, SH 8229, be~e~ S~on ~ (~ple Ave~e) The above order is to be effective COUN'P¢: SUFFOT.~ LOCALITY: COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION TO~ OF ~OUT~OLD [] Regional [] Other (Specify) Traffic Engineer Orde~a ~0 ~ ~peed l~it zo~ee adJaoent to 35 ~PH speed ]~,~t zonea the lieted unineorporated OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE cc: CITY SHERIFF VILLAGE ,I[ COUNTY P.D. 3r TOWN ,~/ X STATE POLICE COUNTY SUPT, PERMI'I3'EE TE3 1~/70} REGION __1_O. DIRECTOR REGION 10 __TRAFFIC ENGINEER OTHER (SPECIFY) STATE OF HEW YORK RTM OTO LES 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel. HObart 2-751] ~o~ S~ ~0 l/on. Wtl'lta~ Co Baseette~ Supto Div. of Operation & Main%enanee Department of Pablic ~Iorks Albany 1, New York l~rsuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle amd T~affic ~aw, the State T~affic Commfssinn hereby Designates intersections on State highwa.vs in the Town of Southold, ~uffelk County, as STOP intersections, and orders the inst~etion of 8TOP signs at entrances to such intersections as follo~s: ao Intersections of Route 25 with: la I~urel Lake Road (Station 414- on SH 8181) with STOP sign on La~rel Lake Road - entrance frem southeast. Cases Lane (Station 135. on SH ~-29) with STOP sign on Cases lane - entrance from'southeast. 3. Sehoolhouse Road (Station 144* on Sfl 8229) with STOP sign on Schoolhouse Road - entrance fr~ nc~tho 4. Mooer~ Lane (Station 351* on SH ~229) with S~0P sign on Honers I~ne - entrance from ~orth, 5. Well. Avenue (Station 395~ on Sfl 8229) with STOP sigm on P~e~ls Avenue - entrance frc~ southeast. l~aple Avenue (Station 416* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Maple Aventle - entrance from northwest. 7. Locust Lane (Station ~28- on SH 8~29) with STOP sign on Locust ~n~ - entrance i~om southeast° Nick.les Lame (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Nicklee lane - entrance from southeast. ~A~¢ co~IssIo~ ORm~ (TO 7) 9, ~naque Avenue (Station 4~6' on SE 8~29) with STOP sign on Ar~w~etue Aver~s - entrance fi'om s~Atheast. Laurel Avenue (Station 458. ~n ~ 8229) with STOP sign on Laurel Avenue -entranee frc~ nc~thwesto ll, Silvermore Road (Station 593~ on S~ S229) with STOP sign on Silver~ere Road - entrance from south. 12. Eighth ~reet (Station ~ on SH ~22~) ~ith STOP sign on Eighth Street - entraps fi-om south. ~_tley Avers (Station 5~* on Stl 8380) with STOP sign on Bailey Avenue -entranee from north. 14. Rook~ point P~ad (Station 123. on SH 83~0) with STOP sign on Reeky P~iut Road - entl'anee from northwest o 15o Stevenson Road (Station ~48. on SH 8380) with SI~P sign on Ste~sr~on Road - entrance from northwest. 16. Tabor Road (Station 281. on S~ 83~0) with STOP sign on Ta~or Road - entrance fr~ south. 17o platt Road (Sta2ion 292* on Sfl 8380) with STOP sign on p~att Road - entrar~e from southeast. Direots the New York State Departmen~ of Publie ~orks to install and mainta~m STOP signs in conformance with the Nan~al of Umifor~ ~fTio Control Devises of the State Traffic C~-~-~ion as ordered in ~tem l ~l~oTe o with° advise the .~affie flommiesi~n ~hou this order has beou eomplAad STATE ~RAF~IC CAS~C~ Supt. State polioe Town Board, Southold Suffolk C~unty polioe Dept. See, of State V~,LIAM S. III~T~