HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegion AveSTATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF ~'RANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER 0860100 STUDY NO.: 47.37 - 25 FILE: TROOP: THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH (21) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (21) On the north side of Route 25, SH8181, between Station 482+15~ (60~ feet west of the west curb line of Legion Avenue) and Station 482+75+ (west curb line of Legion Avenue), a dietance of 60+_feet in the unincorpora~d community of Mattitnck. DP: JS , The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by end conforming to the State Manuel of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. · 11/20/86 APPROVED m Regional Traffic Engineer {DATE) (SIG,,~E) litTLE) DESCRIPTION: This action establishes a "No Stopping - Anytime" restriction as described above. COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: Town of Southold OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] (Identify) cc: [--][--] C~' [] $outhold Town LAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION L~TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTER TE 3e (8/80) - 1 - POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) STATE C YORK -- DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION File 8181 KLI-2067 Suffolk County AS OF JUL 2 7.1966 THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECTION _2~7 .~.7__ ___ SUSDIVISlO. _~(~) PARAGRAPH [] ADDED OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATI'- TRAFFIC COMMISSION IS [] AMENDED [] REPEALED To REA~ AS FOLLOWSt (62) Legion Avenue (Statio~ i~3! on SH 8181) with Stop sign on Legion Avenue - entrance frcm northwest. THE ADOVE ACTION IS TO BE EFFECTIVE [] IMMEDIATELY ~ UPON COMPLETION 3rdered a Stop sign on Legion Aw~nue at its intersection with Route 25 - entrBnce from northwest. THEN~ De~. of ~blie Noz~e iS TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC--CONTROL DEVICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH THI-- MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS OFFICE BE PROMPTLY ADVISED O- THE DATE OF COMPLETION. COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED FOR THIS PURPOSE. ONE COP SHOULD BE PROPERLY EXECUTED, SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION~ AND RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN: Soutbold LOCALITY: ENCL: COMPLETION NOTICES TO ~r~ D}~ aFC/Jo CC: SUPT. OF O. AND M. , SUPT. STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. ~ ~UFFOLK COUNTY POLICE DEPT. [~ CITY 31~ Town ~ V IL~GE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS CHAIRMAN TC--3., (lo/65) STATE OF YORK -- DEPARTMENT OF STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION File 8181 KI,I-;~67 Suffolk County JUL 27 1966 As OF ...... THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECTION ....... SUBDIVISION OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~ REPEALED TO READ AS FOLLOWS3 THE ABOVE ACTION IS TO SE EFFECTIVE [] IMMEDIATELY ~ UPON COMPLETION Repeals its order for a Yield ai~a (m Legiou Avenue at Route 25 (S%a~ion 683+_ on SH ,~181) - entrance fr~n northwest. THEN~S Dept. of I~blic Works Is TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC-CONTROL D~VICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFI, COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS OFFICE BE PROMPTLY ADVISED Of THE DATE OF COMPLETION. COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE SEEN ENCLOSEO FOR THIS PURPOSE. ONE COPe SHOULD SE PROPERLY EXECUTED, SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION, AND RETURNED TO T~-115 OFFICE. COUNTY :Suffolk TOWN :SOII~H oldL LOCALITY: ENCL: COMPLETION NOTICES TO ~.~ ]]~f~ c/jc E:C: SUPT, OF O. AND M. , SUPT. STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPTo ~ Town ~ V ILLA~[ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS CHAIRMAN H(EF TRAFFIC ENGINEER 're-3. i STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-452! Yie:~l Signs 10 Suffolk C,~ty KLI - 1224 az~ 1226 Hon~ William C Div. ?£ Operati.or: & D~c~ent, cf ~bii,m Works I~rmm,.nt to authority eonfel-red by the NeW York b~a~,te Vehicle aaa Traf£ic Law~ ~he State 'L~ffic Commission h~eby De~iguates t.nt~se~tior~9 on State high~,aym in the To~m of Southo~tp Suffolk Co,usry, aa '[]~LD L~ter.qeetious.. ar~ o~ders the instal]etlon of YIELD signs at entrances to ~ch inte~eetionm~ as fol].ows~ a,, Inters~.~'~io~ of .~o=te 25 la Bray Avenue (Station E~&39m on SH 81~1) with YI~LD sigu on P~ay Avenu~ .- ~nt:.~at~e ~ro~,~ ~outheast, 2. Marlene Drive (Station 473~-' on SH 8181) with yl~t~ sign on Marlene Drive ~ entranoe £rom ~outheast o Bay Avenue (Statio~A 4S~m ~n SH 8161) uith Y.TEI~ sig~ on B~V Avemue - entrance frc~a sot~bheast ~ 4., D~ion Avenue (.~0ation ~83- on SH 8181) wi~ YXELD sign on Le&~.on Avenue ,~ en~an~e ~rom northweOto Reeve Aven~e (S~atlon 518t on SH 8181) '~ith YII'J2D sign o::l Reeve Avenue ~- .,n'$~:~e Il-om .qoutheast.. 6, M~ple Ave~.e (Station ':.rl~ ,:,n SH ~229) ~lth YIELD sign '?~ baluset Aven=~ ($ta~i.~n 28.. on SH 8229) ',~%h Yi}iLD sign 8, EIizah b.~ ~ .~i,.Jn..~-.~ on ~I 8~,L~!9) with YIELD aig~ on ~lli'~J~ Lane ~ entrane~ :i~'o:n r~rt~eS~o L~ou~t Avenue (Station 6.}s~ o~ SH 8229) with yiELD ~ust Avenue ~n~ranc~ ~ ~ ,~. ~.rom sou. th~st ~ 10o ~iliu~ter Ave~:~e (Station.~-~' '"~ on SH ~229) uith YIELD sign on S~i!l~,ate~ Av~me - ent~ar~e from ~uthea~t ~ Well~ Road (Station 295~: on SH 8.229) with YIELD sign on wells Ho~d ~ entrar.~e f~om south° 12o I&~in B~y View Ro~d (Station 360~ on ~] 8229) ~ith YIELD sign 13~ S~ge B~uleva:rd (SLutish 5.~0~ *n PSC 14~ Alber%son L~e (Station 54S!' on Si{ 8229) with YIELD zigm on Alb~rtmmn L~n~ - entrane~ .from north. 15. Mooro~ Lame (Statio~ 620-* on SH 8229) with i~iELD sign om Meores Lar~ - e~%ranee from nor%hw~st. 16. Gillette Drive (Station 115-* on Stl 8380) with YIELD sign on Gillette Drive - entra~e fr~m south° 17~ ¢~et~ry R~:d (Station ~6~ om SN 8380) wi%h I~ELD eign om C~m~t~ry R~td - e~?anee frc~ ~uth. 18. Oyster Ponds L~ne (Station 272! on SH 83~O) with YIELD sign on Oyster Poz~s Lame . entranc~e from south. Direct~ the N~w York State Department cf Public ~'torks to im~tall and ~in~im ~D ~igas in confo~ ~th ~ M~ual of U~ ~fi~ Control D~i~es of -&he Sta~ Tr~fio OcCasion as ~de~d in I~m I Ki~tly advise tbs Traffic Com~ssion ~fnen this order has been so,plied with.. STATE TR~/~?'IC C0~LISSION CAS: lp ce: See° of Stat~ Supt. S~mte Polic~ Tn. Bd~, So~thold S~ffol'~: ¢o. Po!i~ D~p%~ WILLIAM S. HULTS, WILLIAM S. HULTS WILLIAM C. BASSETTE ARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR. STATE OF NEW YORK II~.~f DEP~R~ME_N.T OF MOTOR VEHIC~E~', ~ ~,// 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY I, N. Y. Albany Tal. HObart 2-7511 'J,qN ! 51962 Yield S~ 10 Suffolk Co~at~ KI~ - ~'~4 az~ ~_~6 Hon. William Co Baseette, S~pt. Div. of Operation & t~ainte~anse Dep~rtment of Public Works Albau~ 1, Ne~ York ~AFFIO CO~.rrSSION pu.r~nmnt to authority conferred by the Ne~ York State Vehiole Tra£fic Law, the State lMaffio Oo-~,*esion hereby Designates iaterscotions on ~ate highways in the Toun of So~ho~, SuffolM County, as YIELD intersections, and erdere the insta~letton of Y~ELD signs at entrances to svch int~sections, as £ollo~s: aa ~nterseetions of Route 25 with: 1. Bray Avenue (Station E-439* on SH 8181) ~rtth YIELD eign on Bray Avenue - entrance ~rom southeast. 2o F~rlene Drive (Station 473* on SH 8181) with [IEJ~D sign on Marlene Drive -entranee from southeast a Bay Avenue (Station 482* on SE 8181) with ?~l~.n s~? on Ba~ Avenue - enSran~e from southeast o 4. Le~ion Avenue (Station 483* on SH 8181) uit~ yT~__n si~n on Legion Avenue - entrance from northweeto 5a ~eeve Avenue (Station 518' on S~ 8181) with yr~.!~ sign on Reeve Avenue .,- entrance from eoutheas~. Maple Avenue (Station ~1~ on SH 8229) with yIELD eig~ on ~ple Averaze - eatran~e fro~ eoutheaS$o ?o Smoot Avemae (Station 28* on SH 8229) with YIELD sign on Sunset Avenue - entrance ~rom south. 80 Elizah Lane (Station 59* on 51t 8229) with Y~ sign on ~l~ah Lane - entrance from north~esto ~AFFlC CO~ffSSlO~ OR~R (TC 7) II ~o Locust Avenue (Station 6~ on SH ~229) ~ith ~IELD ~n o~ L~ust Avenue - ent~anee f~c~ southeast. oa St~ll~at~ Avenue - entr~noe from southeast o 1l. ~e~_- Roed (Station 295" on $~ 822~) with ~IELD sAWn on ~ells ~osd - entrance from south. 12o _I~ Ba~ View Road (S~a%ion 3~ on S~I 8229) with ~XELD s~gn au Fain ~ lrie~ ~ - ent~anoe f~om south. Sage Boulevard (~ation 5~0~ on ~ 4110) with YIELD sign on Sage Boulevard - entrance ~c~ southeast, 14. Mo~ree ~e (Station ~20a on ~ 822~) with YIELD sign on MOires L~ne - entrance fro~ northwest. 1~o OAllette Drive (Station 11~* on SH 8380) with ZIEL~ sign on G¢llette D~ive - en~ra~ee ~om s~utho 16. O~etery Road (~ation 146. on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on C~et~'y Road - entranoe from south. 17o Oyst~ Ponds Lane (Station 272* on SH 8380) ~ith ~IEID sign o~ Oyster l~nds lane - entr=~e from south. Directs the Ne~ York ~ate Department of Pub]to Warks to i~stall and m~_ ~utain YIELD signs in conformance ~ith the F~nual of Uniform T~ffic Control Devioes of the State T~afffie CC~mmission as ordered in l~e~ I Xindl~ advise the Traffio ~-~-4~sicn vhen this order has been o~lied with, CAS ~CM ee~ Supt. State police Town Boerd, SOuthold ~uffelk Couuty Police Departmen~ See° of State