HomeMy WebLinkAboutLeslie Road24 CRAIG 51RACUSA, PE. REGIONAL DIRECTOR September 21, 1999 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUgE, N.Y. 11788 JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN COMMISSIONER Honorable Jean W. Cochran Supervisor-Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 119'71 Speed Limit Reduction Request Leslie Road Town of Southold Our Case Nos. 999211TC and 989602TC Dear Ms. Cochran: We have completed our investigation to determine ifa reduction in speed limit would improve safety and traffic operations on Leslie Road in Cutchogue. Our investigation included an evaluation of roadside development and field observations of the area. Based on the results of our study, we feel reducing the speed limit to 30 MPH is appropriate for this roadway. Although we establish speed limits within the Town of Southold, the Town is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the signs posting these speed limits along Town highways. Attached are copies of the ordinance concerning the new regulations. Thank you for your interest in this traffic safety matter. Very truly yours, Origlr~l q~n~d By TH0.~I~S F flE!.ER!P, HI THOMAS F. OELERICH, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer TFO:JS:EK cc: ~Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk, Town of Southold Mr. Richard J. LaValle, P.E., Suffolk County Department of Public Works STATE OF NEYV YORK - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER Study No: File: Troop: 98~02 46.36-0NS L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION: t147.37 SUBDIVISION: (q) PARAGRAPH: OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS (q) Repealed [] ADDED ~AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED J$:EK The alxwe o~der will be effective upon the Installation, modification or removal of Ifm neceeeery traffic control device (e) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devlcee. ~[~ATE) APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (Tm.E) DESCRIPTION: This action repeals the 40 MPH speed limit on Leslie Road in Cufchogue. COUNT?: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of Southold [] 1147.37 (ao) cc: [] CITY [] Southo~l [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION 10 [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER ~ COUNTY SUPT. [~ PERMIT'rEE TE 3e (8/80) -1- (identify) POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~z '- (Spec~) STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER ~"UDY NO.: 989602 FILE: 47.37-NonSt TROOP.' L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1247.37 SUBDIVISION ( a ) PARAGRAPH ( 2 ) OF THE DEPARTMENT~ REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (a) 30 MPH within the East Cutchogue, Nassau Point and Indian Neck areas, the boundaries of which are described in paragraph (1), exclusive of the town and county highways listed in paragraph (2). (1} Area description: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly right of-way of Route 25 (main road) and the easterly right-of-way of Wells Road;then, south along the easterly right-of-way of Wells Road to Richmond Creek; thence southerly along the westerly shoreline of Richmond Creek to Hog Neck Bay; thenc southerly along the shoreline of Hog Neck Bay to Nassau Point; thence northerly along the shoreline of Cutchogue Harbor and East Creek to the west right-of-way of Barbor Lane; thence northerly along the west right-of-way of Harbor Lane to the intersection of thE! southerly right-of-way of Route 25 (main road); thence easterly along the southerly right-of-way of Route 25 (main road) to the point of beginning. (2) The following town and county highways are excluded from the above 30 MPH area speed limit: (i) Eugene's Road, between Route 25 (main road) and Skunk's Lane. (ii) Skunk's Lane, between Route 25 (main road) and Lupen Drive. (iii) Indian Neck Lane, between Route 25 (main road) and Leslie"s Road The above order will be effective upon ~te installation, modific=tion or removal of t~e necessary ~,.;;ic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Treffic Coflt~ol Devils. APPROVED S¥:~ Regional Traffic Engineer (SIGNATURE) (TIT/E) JS:EK DESCRIPTION: This action amends the existing 30 MPH area speed limit to include Leslie Road. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of Southold ~] 1147.37 (Identify) cc: [] CITY ~ Southold [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION ]0 [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER ~] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e ;8~80) - 1. RECEIVED 1 9 1999 Sa,dlad Tom tied, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE August10,1999 CHARLES J, BARTHA, P.E. COMMISSIONER Mr. Thomas Oelerich, Regional Traffic Engineer New York State Department of Transportation Region l 0 - State Office Building Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Re: Request to Establish Lower Maximum Speed (TE 9a) Town of Southold Dear Mr. Oelerich: Enclosed please find an executed request form (TE 9a) and an area map fur the evaluation of the speed limit on Leslie Road, Cutchogue in the Town of Southold. Also enclosed is a copy of the authorizing resolution adopted by the Town Board. RJL:WSS:mj enclosures cc: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold Very truly yours, Richard J, [10~alle, P.E. Chief Engineer SUFFOLK COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Regional Traffic Engineer Region No. 10 Department of Transportation Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Southold by a resolution adopted on July 21~ 1998 and the Commissioner of Suffolk County Department of Public Works hereby request the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 1622.1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to establish a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on County Road Leslie Road, Peconic Town Highways between Upon receipt of notice that the regulation herein requested has been established, the Town of Southold will provide, install and maintain signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation, Dated: 7/21/98 Dated - ~J ' Town (~lerk CYor~mis~io r~__~.~C. De~t.of Pubic Works Comments by County Commissioner Form Te 9a 40 4! PECONI( 119' 11958 5 Cf. RI~3 HOG NECK BAY LITTLE flOG NI';CK POINT ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JULY 21, 1998: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic survey on Leslie's Road, Cutchogue, for the purpose of lowering the speed limit from the currently posted q0 miles per hour. Southold Town Clerk July 22. 1998 S TAT EJEJE~F NEW YORK-OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT~I~i TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 08~0121 FILE: ~TJ7-Town of TROOP:Z. Southold THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 11~7J7 SUBDIVISION (q) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~'-~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: []REPEALED (q) 40 ~'[PH on Les!ie~s Road, a town highway, bet',~eer. Skumk~s Lane and Indian Neck Lane, a distance of 0.7+ miles in the unincorporated comm,Jmity of East Cutchogue. The above order will be effective upon tht' mstallation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming zo the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices./' DP/TR ~1~1~ COUNTY: Suf ffo!k LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [~ cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE r~i SHERIFF [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT ~ PERMITTEE Town of ScutholJ !2Z~.3 (Identify) [] Se~:~b,~!:! 7,-,w'n POLICE DEPARTMENT REGION ~' TRAFFIC ENGINEER [~ OTHER (S~clfy)