HomeMy WebLinkAboutLove LaneJEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 22, 2001 Craig Siracusa, P.E., Regional Director New York State Daparauent of Transportation 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788-5518 Dear Mr. Simcusa: Enclosed please find two certified resolutions from the January 16, 2001 meeting of the Southold Town Board. 1. We have received numerous picas for a pedestrian crosswalk in the middle of Southold Village on R,,ql!l&~ and request that you study the area to determine the need and the most effective place for it. 2. The Town Board recently adopted a Local Law prohibiting trucks in excess of 10,000 pounds from traveling on !dl.gg,J. ane in Mattituck (copy enclosed), and request that you install a sign at the most effective place on Route 25 notifying approaching motorists of this ban. As always, I appreciate your attention to these matters. /rbw Enclosures Sincerely yours, Supervisor · .A.. I AR 2 '1 1986' T.A,,,c A.D EA,ET¥ O,V,S,O. NOTICE OF ORDER STUOY NO,: 0860058 FILE: 6,7.37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047,37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS r~ADDED [] AMENDED to reed as follows: [] REPEALED '(.20~ On the south side of Route 25, SH 8181 between 499 + 70+ BK (300+ feet east of the east curb line of New Suffolk Avenue) and Station 5~4 + 50+ ~H (260+ feet east of the east curb line of Love Lane extended), a distance of 41~+ feet in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by end conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3/18/86 APPROVED aY: Regional Traffic Engineer {DATE) /y (SlGNATUREI (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This actiou establishes a "No Standing - Anytime" restriction on the south side of Route 25 at the Love Lane intersection as described above. Within the area of thin restriction, a bus stop may be designated. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of Southold ~ 30/~7.37 (a) (2) & 30/~7.37 (c) (2) (Identify) cc: [] C/ITY [] Southold Town []~/ILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION 10 [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT, [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) MAR 2 ! 1986 NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0860058 FILE: 47.37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (c) PARAGRAPH (2) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS []ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (2) On the south side of Route 25, SH 8181 between Station 504 + 50+ (260+ feet east of the east curb line of Love Lane extended) and Station 507 + 70_+ (130_+ feet w~8t of the west curb line of Wickham Avenue extended), a distance of 270+ feet for a period of longer than one hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the unincorporated community of Mattituek. DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (DATE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action reduces the "One Hour Parking - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m." to allow for a "No Standing" restriction at the Love Lane intersection, where aD eastbound left turn la~e was provided on Route 25 which eliminates the parking lane. COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: Townf,~) louthold OTHER RELATEDACTIONS [] NONE [] 3047,37 (b)"~l~& 30&7.37 (b) (1) (Identify) E] ~t~Ty [] Southold Towu [~VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] REGION [~J TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e (8/80J - 1 - .. YAE'2 1. NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0860058 FILE: 47.37--2.5 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH (19) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS I-~IADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (19) On the north side of Route 25, SH 8181 between Station 501 + 40+ BK (east curb line of Love Lane) and Station 503 + 30+ AH (160+ feet east of The east curb line of Love Lane), a distance of 160+~eet in ~-~e unincorporated community of Mattituck. DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the decessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the Stata Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3/18/86 (DATEI y/ (SIGNA:URE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action establishes a "No Standing" - Anytime" restriction on the north side of Route 25 as described above. Within the area of this restriction a bus stop may be designated. Suffolk COUNTY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LAG E ~ TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. [] NONE [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE Town of Southold LOCALITY: [] 3047.37 (c) (t) (Identify) ~]Southold Town [] REGION lO [-]OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e t8180! -1- )F NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR~N TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0860058 FILE= 47.37-2-5 TROOP: ~, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (c) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS F--~ADDED [] AMENDED to reed as follows: [] REPEALED (1) On the north side of Route 25, SH 8181, between Station 503 + 30+ (160+ feet east of the east curb line of Love Lane) and Station 507 + 90+ (70+ fe~t west of the west curb line of Wickham Avenue), a distance of 460+ feet for a period of longer than one hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. DP:BT The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (DATE) ~./(SIGNATURE) ' {TITLEI DESCRIPTION: This action expands this "One Hour Parking - 8 a.m, to 6 p.m." as described above. Suffolk Town of Southold COUNTY: LOCALITY: OTHERRELATEDACTIONS [] NONE [] 3047.37 (bi (~)~a 3047.37 (a) (3) (Identify) cc: [] CITY [] Southold Town TLLAG E [] SHERIFF 10 REGION WN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e (S/8OI - 1 ~ ~ w. cocm~.N SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O, B~x 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF ~ SLrPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 13, 1997 Mr. Edward J. Petrou Region 10 Director NYS Depar'anent of Transportation Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppange, NY 11788 Dear Mr. Petrou: Enclosed please find a copy ora Certified Resolution adopted by the Southold Town Board at their meedng of January 7, 1997, requesting an evaluation of the intersec6on of Love Lane and Route 25 in Mattituck. I would appreciate your assistance with having this study done as soon as possible as we are growing more concerned with safety at that intersection. Several months ago we requested a traffic study for County Road 58 and Wickham Avenue in Mai.ikuck. Could you please let me know the results as soon as they are determined; this is also a very dangerous intersection and is the scene of many automobile accidents. Thank you for your auention to these matters. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, lean W. Cochran Supervisor Enclosure cc: Superintendent ~ffHighways Raymond Jacobs Chief of Police Joseph Conway .JUDi'l'l:l T. TERRY TOWN C L~,RK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEM~_a"qT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CI.I~.RK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 7, 1997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a safety evaluation of the intersection of Love Lane and NYS Route 25, Mattituck, for the purpose of mitigating this dangerous intersection. Sour/hold Town Clerk January 8, 1997 cc: Supt. of Highways Jacobs Chief of Police Conway NORTH FORK []~YIRO~kI£HT~&L COUHCIL, INC. Route 25 at Love Lane, Po Box 799, Mattltuck, NY 11952 516-298-8880 December 23, 1996 Southoid Town Board Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 DEC .~ 0 1996 Dear Supervisor Cochran and Councilpersons: The North Fork Environmental Council is located on the south side of the intersection of Love Lane and Rt. 25 in Mattituck. It has become increasingly evident that this is a very dangerous intersection. The excessive speed at which vehicles travel along this stretch makes the sharp curve particularly dangerous. We have personally witnessed traffic accidents on numerous occasions. Freddie Wachsberger was struck and seriously injured by a motor vehicle right in front of our office. And all persons coming to the office have to dodge traffic constantly crossing from north to south on Rtl 25. we ask the Town to take this matter in hand as soon as possible. Safety must be increased before more and/or worse accidents. occur. Unfortunately, the yellow blinking light that is supposed to caution drivers to slow down is virtually ineffective. Please keep in mind that there are many pedestrians crossing this intersection daily. Thank you for ¥ou!~ immediate attent'ion to this matter. We realize'that the final decision must be made by NYS DOT and that your recommendations are vitally important. May we hear back from you on the progress of this matter. Sinc~ely, ~nne ~,owr¥ Pres£dent AL:dok a non-profit, organization for ~le prc:~----'rvatlon of land, sea, air and quality of life : : ' ,, ~: m:m~on'~oo~,recy~, p~r. 'ii:'. :';; ::' .: : ,/', ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 81 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 16~ 2001: ........................ RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold request the New York State Department of Transportation to do a survey for a crosswalk on Route 25 in the village of Southold. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLEHK REGISTP, A~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 82 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 16, 2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold request the New York State Department of Transportation to provide assistance and counsel on the most effective place for signage on Route 25 in order to notify approaching motorists of a ban on through truck traffic on Love Lane in the village of Mattituck. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk § 92-61 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-61 ARTICLE VII Truck Traffic 92-61. Restricted truck traffic. [Added 6-20-2000 by L.L. No. 14-2000] A. Purpose, The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that, with the increasing development and population of the Town of Southold, transportation activities are ......... incre~ing undimpacting the local stie~ts. Rv~ulatio~ of truck usage on local str~ i~ notary ~o :~tepro~de for the safety and welfare of the town's c~tizens and for the orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on busy local streets. There are numerous other alternate local streets ]inking state and county highways in the B. Trucks, tractors, tractor-trailer combinations, tractor- semitrailer combinations or tractor-trailer-semitrailer combinations in excess of a reg/stered weight of 10,000 pounds are prohibited from traveling upon the following streets. Such exclusion shall not be construed to prevent the delivery or pickup of merchandise or other property along the streets from which such vehicles or combinations are otherwise excluded: Name of Street Location Love Lane At the intersection of Love Lane and State Road 25 north to the intersection of Love Lane and County Route 48 9239 JEAN W. COCHRAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 22, 2001 Charles J. Bartha, P.E., Commissioner Department of Public Works 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980 Dear Commissioner Bartha: Enclosed please find Certified Resolution No. 83 from the January 16, 2001 meeting of the Southold Town Board. The Town Board recently adopted a Local Law prohibiting trucks in excess of 10,000 pounds from traveling on ~ in Mattituck (copy enclosed), and request that you install a sign at the most effective place on Route 48 notifying approaching motorists of this ban. As always, I appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely yours, Jean W. Cochran Supervisor /rbw Enclosures ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTB. AR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 83 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 16, 2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold request the Suffolk County Department of Public Works to provide assistance and counsel on the most effective place for signage on Route 25 in order to notify approaching motorists of a ban on through track traffic on Love Lane in the village of Mattituck. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk § 92-61 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 92-61 ARTICLE VII Truck Traffic § 92-61. Restricted truck traffic. [Added 6-20-2000 by LJ,. No. 14-2000] A. Purpose. The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that, with the increasing development and population of the Town of Southold, transportation activities are increasing and impacting the local streets. Regulation of truck usage on local streets is necessary so as to provide for the safety and welfare of the town's citizens and for the orderly t{ow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on busy local streets. There are numerous other alternate local streets linking state and county highways in the B. Trucks, tractors, tractor-trailer combinations, tractor- semitrailer combinations or tractor-trailer-semitrailer combinations in excess of a registered weight of 10,000 pounds are prohibited from traveling upon the following streets. Such exclusion shall not be construed to prevent the delivery or pickup of merchandise or other property along the streets from which such vehicles or combinations are otherwise excluded: Name of Street Location Love Lane At the intersection of Love Lane and State Road 25 north to the intersection of Love Lane and County Route 48 9239 s-~-zo~o : .~ i.: STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 989705 FILE: 47 ~ 37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3047.37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH (20) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS ~-JADOED [] AMENDED to reed as follows: [~REPEALED (20) repealed The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and eonformihg to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. / (~o~E/~ JS APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action repeals an existing "No Standing Anytime" restriction on the south side of Route 25, SH 8181, between a point 300~ feet east of the east curbline of New Suffolk Avenue and a point 260± feet east of the east curbline of Love Lane extended a distance of 415± feet in the unincorporated Community of Mattituck. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: [] NONE [~] cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE ~] SHERIFF [~ TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE Town of Southold (Identify) [] Southold []REGION lO []OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ANO SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER TROOP: THE OEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WiTH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 3 0 4~ 3 7 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH ( 3 3 ) OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS []ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (33) On the south side of Route 25, SH 8181, between a point 300± f east of the east curbline of New Suffolk Avenue and a point 260~ feet east of the east curbline of Love Lane extended a distance of 415± feet in the unincorporated community of Mattituck. The above oKler will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary t~affic contTol device (s} required by and eonforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic ContToI Devices, Traffic Enqinee~ (SIGNATURE) (TITLE} DESCRIPTION: This action ~[~[ establishe~ a "No Stopping Anytime" restriction as described above° COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: [] NONE [] Town of Southold cc: [] CITY [~ Sou~.hold [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [~REGION [~ TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] OTHER [] COUNTY SUPT. E] PERMITTEE (identify) POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Smcify) EDWARD J. PETROU, P.E. RE:OIONAL DIRECTOR February 3, 1997 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTNENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE E~UILDING ~50 V~-I~ANS MEMORIAl- HIOHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 JOHN B. DALY Jean W. Cochran, Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear SupenSsor Cochran: Your January 13. 1997 Letter Safety Concerns Route 25 at Love Lane Mattituck We will schedule an investigation of this location and notify you of our findings at the conclusion of our survey. Regrettably, there may be some delay in concluding our study since this office receives numerous requests for traffic controls in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Your request will be responded to as promptly as possible. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, THOMAS F. OELERICH Acting Regional Traffic Engineer TFO:JS:JS STATE OF ~IEW YORK ~ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION a00 NO. PEARL. STREET, AL.BAllY, N. Y. 12206 A.~ C~. Sla ~ ~3 8-~521 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES April 24, 1967 File 8181 Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Southold, L.I., New York Dear Mr. ~ichmond: We have your letter of April 19 which requests a survey for traffic control signals at the following intersections: Route 27 at Westphalia Avenue-Route 25 at Love Lane and New Suffo]~ Avenue. An ~vestigation of conditions has been initiated to determine the feasibility of the traffic control signals at each of the Route 25 intersections. We will let you know of our findings when the necessary field information can be obtained and evaluated. Our :Lnformation indicates that Route 27 is a Count2 Road and as such, this C~4asion has no jurisdiction over it. The inst~Llation of a signal at tbs i~t, ereection of~Route 2? with Westphalia Road and Wickham Avenue wou~d then be a matter for consideration by the Town Board and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION VINCENT L. TOFANY Chairman BY: LLOYD A. MAEDEa{ Chief Traffic Engineer CC/ Sup~. 0 & M Sup~. State Police STATE OF NEW YORK STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 800 NO. PEARL STREET, ALBANY, N. Y. 12206 ANo C~. S,S ~ ~3 8--~521 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES April 24, 1967 File 8229 Suffolk County Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Southold, L.I., New York Dear Mr. Richmond: We have your letter of April 19 which requests that parking be prohibited during the time that school is in session on the south side of Front Street from the Greenport Village line to Ninth Street in the Town of Southold. You also requested that One-Way traffic be established around the monument which is located on Route 27 at Village Lane in the unincorporated comm~in~ty of Orient. An investigation of conditions has been initiated with respect to the requested parking prohibition on Front Street, Route 25. We will let you kno~ of our findings when the necessary field information can be obtained and evaluated. Here again our information indicates that Route 27 is a County Road whereon this Cam~ission has no Jurisdiction. Posting of the One-Way traffic around the monument would be a matter for consideration by the Town Board and/or the Suffolk County Cammissioner of Public Works. Very truly yours, STATE TRAPFIC COMMISSION VINCENT L. TOFA~TY Chairman BY: LLOYD A. MAEDEH Chief Traffic ~gineer CAS/jc cc/ Supt. o & Supt. State Police April 17, 1967 State of New York Department of Motor Vehicles State 'Traffic Commission 130 Ontario Street Albany, New York 12206 Gentlemen The South~d Town Board of the Town of $outhold requests the State Traffic Commission to survey for traffic lights the following highways: Westphalia Road and Route 27, Mattituck Wickham Avenue and Route 27, " Love Lane andyRoute 25, Mattituck New Suffolk A enue and Route 25, Mattituck Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TEL, YAPHANK 4-$45! - 3452 June 10, 1966 :Il'. :{aymonc Dean. 5u~erintex~I~lt io~t ot Southol,~ Hi~ghway Department Peco~ic, i~w York Deer ~k-'. Dean'. The Boa~i of Supervisors authorized the tranefer of parts of Co, mtn, Road 27 in the To~n of $outhold to the Town, pursuant ro Kesolution No. 290-1956 adopted on April 11, 1966 and approved by a. H. Krick, General Supervisor of Highway Maintenance, ~ew York ,irate Department o£ Public korks on J',me 6. 1966. This is to advise you that ~utntenance by the Suffolk County Superintendent of Ni~hways will cease on June 20, 1966. Those poz'tions of C.R. 27 wb_tch are to be abandoned include th6 section k~nown as Love Lane fr~u Route 25 to the new section of Middle Rosa; Lickha~ Avenue from Route 25 to the ne~ section of M~[ddle Rosa; North Road be~inn~ng at the new section of Middle Koaa z~dnnlng along the old section to its intersectiun with the new section of ~ddle ~o~u ~00 feet east of Elij~'s L~e; ~d that section of ~ L~e be~ at the old see~i~ ~ ~orth Ro~ (~d~e R~d) ~ ~n~ sh~ ~ the attached sketch tn Michael Scott. Maintenance Supervtso~ of this office, will contact you to ~ive you definite li~ts. truly yours, · LOC~TIOI, I M~P · $C~,LE-. 1 Ikl-= 2,000 FT- APPP. OX- k~ATTITU . WATE!ZVJLL[~