HomeMy WebLinkAboutJockey Creek DriveSeptember 9, I970 Cc~mt~ of SUffolk ¥~phm~k, ~ York 11980 Attn, ~ir. Char~es .. lla~vard R£~ Oaklmm Ave. he.em Route a~d ~ockey Creek Drive Te.m of ~outhold Dear This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Se~te~er 4, t970 beaten9 the above r~felmenCe. AS Wu request, we will survey conditions mt this location ~nd take T. C. Hoffmaa Regional Traffic ~egion lO cc, J.F. ~orm (2) / J~t. H. J. tterklne/ To~ of ~outhold v TEL. YAPHANI< 4-3451 - 3452~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMI~IISSlONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK. WILLIAM S. MATSUNAYE. JR, CHIEF ENGINEER Sep~:~e~, ~, ZOTO Nnv ~ ~t&te ~S Wmt Na~n ~t~eet Baby3x~, ~ Yoz. k .15.702 photoeCa~ ~opy of map ~Lt~at~n~ Your usua~ pvo~t at~on to ~ z~quelC v~LT. be a~erely epp~e~ated. To~n o~ Sou~J~Ld NE~ YORK - DEPAR21~E:~ OF TR~0RTATION NOTICE OF ACTION File 8229 Na~uffolk County March 25, 1969 As of of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby Section 304?.3? Subdivision (b) paragraph (6) ~Added ['~Amended []Repealed C1Unchanged (6) Om the south side of Route 25, ~ 8229, between Station 295+20~- (200~ feet east of the east curb line of Jockey Creek Drive) smd Station 29~80~ (260~ feet east of the east curb line sf Jockey C~.eek Drive), a distaace of60~ feet. The above action is to Be effective ~']Immediately ~Upon Completion This action establishes a standing p~ohibition on Route 25 within the specified limits. The Dept. of Transportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-centre devices in conformanee with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It ia esaential thatthia office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy should be properly executed, showing date of completion, and 'returned to this office. County~ Suffolk Tovnt Southold Localityt Eacl, Completion Noti.eac to District - TLB/gr cc; District - 10 , gupt. State Police D County gupt. ~ ~ Suffolk County Police Dept. ~ Town [] Village 10 CHARLES E. BESA~tCENEY. Direc o~ Traffic Engineering and Safety 3-0 N~ YORK - DEPARTMENT. OF NOTICE OF ACTION ~-'~(~o~-f/'cf F~le 8229 XLI-2305 Na~ffolk County March 25, 1969 As of of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of 8tare whereby 8¢ctton 3047.3? Subdivision (b) ~aragraph ~Added ~lAmended ~lRepealed ~UnchanEed 0a the south side of ~oute 25~ ~ 8229, between Station 295.20~ (200~ feet east of the east curb line of Jockey C~eekDrlve) ~ud Station 29%*80~ (260~ feet east of the east cu~ line of Jockey ~£eek Drive), a distmace of 60~feet, The &hove action is to be effective ~lYm~ediately ~Upon Completion. This action establishes a standing p~ohibition on Route 25 within the specified limits. The Dept. of Tramsportation is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-centre devices in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Tr&ffic Control Devices to complete this action. ~t is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. · Copies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed 'for this purpose. One cody should be properly executed, showing date of completion, andreturned to this office. Cou~ty~ ~ffolk Town, Southold Locality: Eaol: Completion Notices to District - 10 cc: D/strict -10 , Supt. 8tats Police ~]County Supt. ~ S~ffolk County Police Dept. ~City ~o~ ~Village CH~L28 E. BESANCENE~, Direc~ Traffic EnEineerin~ and Safety 3-o ~nt~y 27. ~967' ~ar Hr. Clena~ Awa/~r &Ib~t W. Rtclm~ond To~r~ CIe~k STATE IEW YORK -- DEPARTMENT OF STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION IICLES File 8229 KLI-1933 Suffolk County As OF AUG 15 196B THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECTION ~4~?.~? SUBD,VlS,O. ~(a) OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION IS PARAGRAPH [:~ ADDED E] AMENDED r-] REPEALED (19), (2o), TO READ AS FOLLOWSI (19) Jockey Creek Drive (Station 363* on SH 8229) with Yield siam on Jockey Creek Drive - entrance from south. (20) 01dMainRoadWest (Station 489* on SH 8229) with Yield sAgn on 01d Main Road West - entrance from south. (21) 01d Main Road FAst (Station 499* on SH 8229) with Yield sign on 01d Main Roa~ East - entrance from south. ']'HE ASIOVE ACTION IS TO BE EFFECTIVE [] IMMEDIATELY [~ UI~¢)N COMPLETION Ordered Yield signs on Jockey Cx~ek Drive, 01d M~in Road West aad 01(t Main Road East at their intersections with Route 25. THE [~y~ Dept. 01~ ~flAb~io Works IS TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC--CONTROL DEVICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL. OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIB OFFICE BE PROMPTL.Y ADVISED DP THE DATE OF COMPS. ETlON, COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED FOR THIS PURPOSE. ONE COPY SHOULD BE PROPERLY EXECUTED~ SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION~ AND RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE. COUNTY ~ Suffolk TOWN = Southold LOCALITY~ ENCL~ COMPLETION NOTICES 11) NYSDPW JFC: e o CCI SUPT. OF-" O. AND M. , SUPT. STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] ~ Su£folk Co. Polioe Dept. [] CITY [] TOWN STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS CHAIRMAN CHIEF TRAFFIC ENGINEER TC--$. 1