HomeMy WebLinkAboutHaywaters RoadNOTICE IS ,EGAL NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Town Board of the Town Jf Southold, Suffolk County, New York, at the regular meeting ~hereof, held on the 15th ,day of ~uiy, 1969, adopted the following Ordinance: -Nn~' ,," WHEREAS, this board deems it in the public Interest that the '.)Traffic Ordinance ~Jf Zhe Town of Southold he amondo~ to ~estrict parking , .. vehicles in cec~a~ desi~ated lo~atlons in the to~l as hereinafter provide, "~'~'"~".~?"NOW~"T~EFO~E, BE IT ~SOLVED that a public hearing be' - ~'fiel~ b~ this board on the 15th :* _day of July, 1969 at ~ 7 o'clock P, ~ .~.'~t t~e Supervisor's Offl~oi 1~ South Street, Greenport, New York in the _. ~a[~or'of,mondtn ~ho. Traffte Ordtnaneo of ~he To~ of Southold as follm amending ~rttcle'V, Section g o~ the T~fic Ordinance of 'th thold,. ~7 adding tho following subd~vi~ion~.thereto, to wit: ~ .... '" : .-- 7,: On )oth sides of Bay Avenue.at Mattitgck from the termtnus..thereof;.. ~ ,..at Pocomc.. Bay~ northerlyt to ~e south southerly ~curb l~e of Pecoffic Bay Boulev~d, during the hOurs.from 10:00 '%.??' ,~ .C /8,' On tl~e west side of Marratooka Lane from .th ~therl~ ter~ thereof at Peconi~ Bay northerly to the '~outh curb line '~Of Park Avenue, . . 9. On both sides of Bay Avenue at Cutchogue frOnl the easterly.terminus thereof at Peconic Bay westerly for a distance of 150 feet, during the hours fr~m 10:~0 P. M, to 7:00 A. M, -I0. On both ~ide~ of ~a~.au Point ~oad at Cutcho~c from the westerly termlnufi thereo~ at P,,c:,ntc Bay easterly for a distance of 170 loeb. dur~ng the hours from 10:00 ~, M. to 7:00 11. On botk ~l}!,~.~ of llaywaters Road at Cutchogue from the weaterly terminus thereof at Peconic Bay easterly for a distance :.of 230 feet, durtn~ the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. -' 12. On both sides of North Bay View Road at Southold for a distance of 450 feet easterly and westerly from the center line of Goose Creek Bridge. 1.3. On both sides of Pine Neck Road at Southold from the easterly terminus thereof at Pecontc Bay westerly to the easterly curb line of North Bay View Road, during the hours from 10:00 P.M, to 7:00 A.M. :[4. On both sides Of Lighthouse Road at Southold from the guard~ail a~ the northerly terminus thereof southerly for a distance of 200 feet, during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A. M. 15. On both sides of Town Harbor Lane at Southold from the southerly terminus ~her~f at Peconic Bay northerly to the south curb line of Terry Lane~' during the hours ~rom 10:00 P.M. 16. On both sides of SoUnd Avenue at Greenport from the guardrail at the northerly terminus thereof southerly to the north curl) liue of Sound' Drive, during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to ",':0121 A.M. · -. ~ · · 17, On both sides of Manhanset ~¥enue at Greenport from the southerly terminu~ thereof at Peconic Bay northerly to the south Curb line of Inlet:Lane and the public parking lot adjacent thereto° during the hours from 10:00 1~. M. to 7:00 A, M. 18. On both J~ides of Rocky Point Road at E'ast Marlo~ from the guardrail at the northerly terminus thereof southerly to the north curb line of Aquaview B, oad~ during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. 10, On both sides of Youngs Road at Orient from thc guardrail at the nortiterly terminus thereof southerly for a dietemce of 265 feet, durinff the hours from 10:00 P, M. to 7:00 A. M, 20, On both sides of Sound Drive at Greenport from the 'northerly termknus thereof southerly for a distance of 150 feet~ ~urtng the h0u~s from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A, M. 21. On the north side of Wtstler Avenue at Fishers Island from the easterly torminu~ thereof westerly for a distance of 500 feet, during the hours from 7:30 P, M. to 11~30 , M. ~ iT ~B ~UFtTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to post and publish public notice of said hearing in accordance wit applicable provisions of -3-