HomeMy WebLinkAboutHobart Road,,,,,,E o, MEW ¥o. / DEPARTMENT OF TRAN. S.,P..ORTATION T. W, P.~K~°~ 11220 WASHINGTON AVENUE · STATE C~PUS ALSANY, NEW YORK 12226 ~ September 25, 1969 C.A,~. ~..~*A~C~ Suffolk/Soughold Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of a joint request from the Town Clerk and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works for reduced speed limits on six town highways in the Founders Landing area, Town of Southold. We are initiating an investigation of traffic conditions concerning your request, k~nen the inves- tigation is completed, we will advise you of the results. AWR:ec cc: Suffolk Co. Ve~y/~ruly yours, ~ CHAR_.. E. BESANCENET, DiVe,or Traffic Engineering and S~ty Commissioner of Public Works August 28, 1969 Charles E. Bezenceney. Director Traffic Engineering and Safety 12220 Washington Avenue State Campus Albany, New York Dear Mr. Besanceney~ At a meeting of the Southold Town Hoard held on August 26, 1969, the following resolution was apassed by the Boardl Moved by Councilman Valentine! seconded by Council- man Demarest~ RESOLVEDI That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to request the State Traffic Commission to ma~e a surv~for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Founders Estates are~consist- ing of the following roadsl Hobart Road, Founders Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyara Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Vote of Town Hoardl Ayes- Supervisor Martocchie Councilman Demarest Councilman Valentine Justice Clark Justice Surer Very truly yours, AWe/mr Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk RESOLUTION August 26, 1969- Supervisor's Office 16 South Street Greenport, L.I.,N.Y. RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to request the State Traffic Commission to make a survey for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Founders Estates Area consisting of the fo[l. owLng roads: Ilobart Road, 'Founch~rs Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyard Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK DEPA fl TMEtV T .OF TRAN. $POR TA TION 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 August 20, 1969 Suffolk/Southold Mr. Albert W. Eichmoud Towu Clerk Towu of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Richmeud: This will ackuowledge your letter dated August 15 requestiug 30 MPH speed limi~ou six towu highways in the Towu of Southold, Suffolk Couuty. Pursuaut to Sectiou 1622 of the Vehicle aud Traffic Law a joint request must be received from the Town Clerk aud Suffolk County Commissiouer of Public Works before reduced speed limits ou these roads cau be cousidered. Euclosed with this letter a~re TE-9 forms for this purpose. Upou receipt of a joint request for speed limits ou towu roads as listed iu your letter of August 15, we will be h~ppy to iuitiate au iuvestigation of traffic couditious to determiue if reduced speed limits are warrauted. Vezy tru]~v yours, W /ljo encl, &u~ust 150 1969 Charles B. Bo~incsney, Director Traffic Bng~neering snd Sa£sty 12220 Washington Avenue State Campus Albany,~ew¥ork Dear Mr. Besenceney~ The Sout~hold ~own Board requests a lurvey o£ traffic Conditions £or s speed limit of 30 miles per hottr on the £ollowinq ~n roads in the Town of SoutholA~ Su££olk County, New Yorkl Hobart Road Pounders Path ,Cottage Place Old Shipyard Lane ' Terry Lane Town Harbor lane AWn/mr Very truly yours. Albe~t W. Richmond Town Clerk Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Southold , by a resolution adopted Aug. 26 , 19 69, and the County Superintendent of Hlghw~vs of the County of Suffolk , hereby request the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 1622.1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to establish a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on the following town roads in the Founders Landing area: Hobart Road Founders Path Cottaq? Place Old SHipyard Lane Terry LaDe Town HarDer ~ane between and County Road Town Highway ~ -- Upon ~eceipt of the notice that the regulation herein requested has been established, the Town of Sou thold , will provide, install and maintain signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation, Dated: Sept. 15, 1969 .Town Clerk Dated: County Superintendent Comments by County Superintendent: TE 9 (1/68) STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY, N. Y., 12206 Albany Tel 438-4521 Ar~a Code 518 uffolk/ Southold August 17, 1965 Mr. Albert W. Ric~..~nd, Clerk To~m of Southold Office of the Town Clerk Southeld, New Zork Dear Mr. Richmond: We have your letter concerning a request from the To~n Board for a survey of traffic conditicms c~ six highways in the Founders ~-nding area. We ass,--e that your intemt is to have lower m~Y~..,m speed restrictions established on these toum Section 1622 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffin empowers this Cnmmtssion to establish lover maximum speed restric- tions on town highways and county roads ~ upon receipt of a Joint request from the town board and the county superintemdemt of highways of the tows and county involved~ respectively. Therefore, before we may take action in this case, we should have a Joint request frc~a the Town Board and the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. The normal vehicle for a Joint request is our form TC-9. Several copies are emclosed for your use. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC CO~ISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS chief Traffic Eagineer AOT/ em AUg. 11, 1965. Mr. Lloyd A. Maeder, Chief Traffic Engineer New York State Traffic Commission 130 Ontario S~reet Albany, New York Daar Mr. Maeder; At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on August 10, 1965, the Beard requested that a survey of traffic con- ditions be made on the following roads at Southold, L.I. all in the Founders Landing area~ Hobart Road Founders Path Cottage Place Old Shipyard Lane Terry Laae Town Harbor Lane Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk