HomeMy WebLinkAboutGillette Drive1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 J.BURCH McMORRAN TRAFFIC ENGIN~ERING AND SAFETY DIVISION January 30, 1968 Suffolk/Southold KLI - 2130 Town Board Town of Southold Suffolk County Gentlemen~ Some time ago the Town Board and the Suffolk County Co~ssioner of Public Works submitted a Joint request for a lower maximum speed on Gillette Drive, a town highway, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. An investigation has been conducted at this location. Along the 0.6~ miles of straight highway, 13 units of marginal development and 'four intersections were noted. The vehicular traffic volume was observed to J~e comparatively light with no pedestrian traffic. The factors involved do not meet the standards we would consider necessary to warrant a lower speed limit. Therefore, we regret to inform you that we do not find it proper to comply with your request. Very truly yours, CHARLES E. BESANCENEY, Dire~o~ Traffic Engineering and Saft~ RVA/ns cc: District-lO Supt. State Police Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works STATE OF NEW YORK ~ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY, No Y., 12206 Albany Tel 438-4521 Area Code 518 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES August 22, 1966 Suffolk/Southold Town Board Town of Southold Suffolk County Gentlemen: We have received the Joint request from the Town Board andthe Suffolk County Department of Public Works for a lower maximum speed restriction on Gillette Drive in the Community of East Marion. Our field personnel have been advised and will conduct an investigation of traffic conditions at this location. Upon completion of our field review, we will advise you of the Commission's conclusions. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WTT.T.IAM S. HULTS Chairman LLOYD A. MAED~ Chief Traffic Engineer ADT:CC cc: Suffolk County D.P.W. STATE OF NEW YORK ~ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY, N. Y., 12~6 AIImny To] 438-4S21 Aria Code 518 August 2, 1966 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Suffolk/Southold To~n Board To~ of $outhold Suffolk Cmmt~ We have the Tc~n Clerk's letter advising us of the T~n Board,s request for a lo, er ~axi~ma speed on ~illette Road. O~r files indicate that Gillette Read is a tc~n highway. Sectic~ 1622 of the Ne~ York State Vehicle Law mapowers this Cca~issic~ to establish lo, er max~a~ speed restrictions on term highways and county rc~ds ~ly upon receipt of a Joint request frc~ the town board and the county superintendent of highways of the tov~ and county involved, respectively. Therefore, before we may take action in this case, we should have a Jetnt request frc~ the Tc~n Beard and the Suffolk Co~zty Department of Public Works. The ncaa_al vehicle for a Joint request is o~r for~ TC-9. Several copies are enclosed for your use. Very truly y~Ars, STATE TRA~?'~C CC~ffSSIOE ~TT.LTAM S. HULTS Chairman Chief Traffic En_~weer CC/ Suffolk County Dept. of Public ~orks STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Area Code 518 Yield St~e 10 Suffo2k County KLI - ~224 amd 1226 ~r~rsl~.nt to authority eonfei-red by the NeM York $%e. te Vehicle and Traf£1c Law, the State ~Y~LCfic commission h~eby Designates int~see~ior~ on State t~.ghw~ys in the %b~m of S~uthold,~ Suffolk C~mty, as Y~ ~t~.s~tio~ ~ orders ghe i~talletion of Y~ sig~ at entrances ~ sv~ iut~*s~'~io~ as fo~.ows~ a,, intersec'~ions of .~ou~e 2!5 with: Bra? Avenue (,~tati)n E~Q39a on SH 81Sl) with Y1EI~) sig~ on P~-ey Avenu.~ ~- ~ntrar~e irom ~outheast, 2. Marlene ~rive (Station Z~3~' on SH 8151) with YIELD slgn on M~u~lene Drive ~ ent~nee £rom southeast o Bay Avenue (Statio:a 4~2~ an SH 81gl) with YIEIZ sign on B~V Avenue - entrance from ~ouLheas+~ L~ion Avemxe (Station 483* on S!i 8181) wit~ YIELD sign on Le~,~.~on Av~.m~e ~. ent~anee :i~"om Reeve Avenue (Sba'gi~n 5~8~ on ~ 8181) ,~th Y~J~D mtgn ~n Reeve Avenue - ,m'b~:~e i'rtta sougheasl',~, Maple Avem~.e (Statlon L,D.~ ,.:,n SH W~J29) with YIELD sigx~ V, ~muset Av*r,u~ {$ta~i.n ~.8. on SH 8229) '.~h Yil~ ~tgn G,., Ellzan DAme /oc~Di,~n ..~.x:~-' on ~[ ~.fbg) with YIELD sig~ on ~ilizah Lane -entranee fr, o:a nortb~;eS~a .Lo. cu~t Avenue (Station 63'~ on S}: 8229) wii;h ~VIELD sign on Locust Avenue -- entrance from southeast ~ ldo ~illwater Ave~e (~ation i66~; on S}l ~;229) with YIELD sign on S~itl~,ate~ Avenue - en~va~e ~om m~utheast o i,/ell~ Rend (Station 295~ on SH 8229) w~t,h YIELD sig~ on Wells Road - entrance from south° View Ro~d (Station 3501 ca ~I 8229) with YIELD sign Sage B~.m!evard (Shation 530~ on FSC Llt. O) with yI~]LD sign on Sa~e B~le~a~r] ~- entra~.e f~om so'a',~hea.'.~t. 1~, Alber%sem Lmm~ (S~%iom 548~ on SH 8229) ~Ith YIELD sig~ on Alb~rt~on L~ - en~ran~ from north. Lame (S%atio~ 620i o~ SH 8229) ~_th IIELD sign on Lams - entrance from north~ee%. 16. Gillett~ Drive (Station 115-* on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Gi!l~tte Drive - entrance from south° Cemetery Ro~d (Station 1~,6~ on SH 8380) wish TiELD sign on Com~tagry Road - entx-an~e fr~a south. 18. Oyster Ponds La~e (Station 272-+ on SH 8380) with YIELD sign on Oyster Po~ds Lane - entrance from south~ Directs the New York State Department cf Public Works to install and maintain I~ELD miens in eonformar~e with the }~nual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State Traffic Commission as order~ in Item I K]r~l~y advise the Traffic Co.~r~ssion ~hen this order has been complied with. STATE TR~?'IC COmmISSION CAS :lp co': See° of S~ts Supt, State Polic~ Tn. Bdo, Southold Suffolk Os. Poiic~ Depto WILLIAM S. ~JLTS, Cha~ WILLIAM S. HULTS WILLIAM C. BASSETTE ARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR. STATE OF NEW YORK DEP T OF MOTOR ,VEHICI" ES'', STATE TRA.,C kY_.Y 95 WASHINGTOH AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albmy Tel. HObe~ 2-7511 1 1962 Yield S~- ~0 ~f~olk coun~ ~on. ~ Co Bassette, ~pt. Div. o~ Operation & l~nte~-~e DeTert~ent o~ Pub~ ~/erke Alba~ 1, Ne~ York ~FFIC COI~LSSION OPJ~ ~Ul'~mnt to authority conferred by the N~ Yo~ ~te V~ ~ ~af~e ~w, ~e State ~fio C~esion h~e~ I Designates int~seotions on State highw~vs in the To~n of Southo~d, Suffolk County, as ¥IELQ intersections, and orders the installation of YIELD signs at entrances to svc. h intersections, as follo~s: a. ~nterseetions of Route 25 vith: 1. Bray Avenue (Station E-439- on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Bray Avenue - entrance ~om southeast, 2. Marlene Drive (Station 473* on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on Marle~e Drive - entrance from southeast. 3o Bay Avenue (Station 482* on SH 8181) with yv~n s~? on ~ay Avenue - entrance Erc~ eoutheaet o 4. Legion Avenue (Station 483* on SH 818~) with y~n sign on Legion Avenue - entrance frc~ northwest. Reeve Avenue (S~ation 518- on S~I 8181) with YIELD sign on Reeve Avenue - entrance from southeast, Maple Avenue (Station ~1" on SH 8229) with ZXE~D sign on ~aple Aventm - entranoe from $outhoasto 7, Sunset Avenue (Station 28* on SH 822~) with yT~.Tn sign on Sunset Avenue - entrance frc~ e~utho 8. l~zah T~M (Station 59- on SH 8229) with yT~zn sign on ~,ah Lane -entranee from northwest. ~P,A~;[C CO~ESSZOa 0~ (~C ?) ~ccust Avenue (Station 63* on S~ ~229) with YIELD sign on Lsoust Avenue - entr~z~e i~c~ southeast. S~tl~ater Avenue (Station 166* on al 8229) with yIELD on Still~ater Aven~e - entrance f~om southeast. ~elis Road (Station 295* on SH 822~) with YIELD sign on Wells ~oad - entrance f~m south. ~2. ~ Bevy View E~ad (Station 360* on S~ 8229) with YIELD sign on ~in ~y View Road - entrance fi, om south. 13o ~age Boulevard (~ation 530* on P~C 4110) with YIELD sign on Sage Bmtlevard -entranee i~c~ southeast. 14. ~ocree TA,e (Station 620* om SH 822~) with YIELD ~ on F~cres Lane - ent2.ance fr~ northwest. 15o G*~ette Drive (Station 115, on SH 8380) with ~IELD sig~ on Gillette D~ive - en~red~ee A~rom south. 16. Cemetery Road (S~ation 126* on SH 83~0) with YIELD sign on Cemetery P, oad - entrar~e fl~n south. 17o Oyster Ponds Lane (8~aticn 272* on SH 8380) with Z~ID sign on O~ster Ponds lane - entra-ee from south. D~ts the New york ~tate Department of Public Works to ~,~tall and m~tain yr~r~ si~m in conformance with the ~a~ off Unifox~ T~in Control Devices off the State ~-a~fic Commission as ordered in l~em I Xindl~ advise the Traffic e~zmlssion when this order has been complied with. ees Supt. ~tate Police Town Board, SCutheld i Suffolk County Police Deportment See. of State S ?A'~E TRAFFIC WILLIAM