HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport DATE SUBJECT FROM TO cc July 19, 1972 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF TRAi'~SPORTATION AMENDMENT TO COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM MAP G. M. Briggs, Highway Maintenance Subdivision, Room 423, Bldg. ~5/~/~ A. H. Emery, Regional Director, Region ~lO R. A. Pearce, Region1 Highway Maintenance Engineer, Region ~lO R. T~eedie, Data Sera,ices Bureau, Room 214, Bldg. ~4 W. J. Reid~ Program Planning Section, Room 214, Bldg. ~4 Clerk of the Cou~ty Legislature Co~m*ssioner of Pablic Works County Clerk Town Clerk - Town of Southampton Town Clerk - Town of Seuthold ~ Village Clerk - Village of Westhampton Beach An amendment to the County Road System Map of Suffolk County, approved by the Commissioner of Transportation is enclosed here~*ith. This amendment is to be filed in the office of the County Clerk and the Office of the Commissioner of P~blic Works in accordance with Section 115 and llS-b of GMB:JJS:ML Attachment NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 Amendment to County Road System Map Suffolk County l~krSl~t to Section 115 and llS-b of the Highway Law, The Commissioner of Transportation does hereby approve amendments to the County Road System Map of Smffolk County, which have been approved by the Suffolk Co~uby Legislature by resolutions No. 475-1972, ~76-1972~ and 477-1972 adopted on May 23, 1972, and which provide that the said Cotunty Road System Map be amended as follows; me Pursuant to Resolution 475-1972; remove a portion of County Road 31 - 01d HiverheadRoad between County Road 80 - Montauk Highwayand the now or former County Road 71 - Mill Road, a length of 0.53 miles in the Town of Southampton. Pursuant to Resolution 476-1972; remove County Road 26 - New Suffolk Avenue from the Mattituck - Greenport Road, State Route 25 at Suffolk P~ad to Street to Peconic Bay, a length of 1.74 miles in the Town of Southold. Pursuant to Resolution 477-1972; remove that portion of C.R. 71 - 01d County Road - Mill Road, lying ~ithin the Village of Westb~pton Beach, a length of 0.43 miles. G. M. BRIGGS Director of High~y Maintenance J~uly 19, 1972 DB~IGN~IION OF RESTRICTED Pursuant to Section 104A of the Highway Law the following described hi,h- which' is being reconstructed under Contract No, ~-~4 is hereby designated as a Restricted Highway. Pursuant to Section 16~8a of ~'he Vehicle and Traffic L=w all movement of vehicles0 persous or animals on such hlghwal, is hereby restricted and regu- lated in accordance with the determination of the Superintendent of ~uhlic Works as evidenced by ~o~ted ~igns, Signals or harriers placed along esi& highway ~d/orby directions by an authorized representative of the Super- intendent of ~'~lic Wo~e~~, Ar~y ac':!on tlke.,.~ by the supeTintendent cf P'ablic Works p'-"rsu~nt to Section i~28a of t.~.~e 'V,~k~icle ar, d Traffic Law shall ~upe~:sede -~-r?y o~kher provisions of tke Veh~.cle .~uid 'i'raff!c Law where "nco:,',?istent or in conflict with res.~:ect %o ti:e follcw!.ng enumerated subjects= 2. Weights and d. ime.~.st, cns cf veb./.ulas~ 4. Erectio:.?. of stqr~..~,, signals and barriers. animals 6. Pax~¢ing, standing, stepping and backing of vekicle~ 7. Control cf persons .and ecfa~.pment engaged in work on su¢~h highway., DATED:,.~ Dep'uty Chief Engineer County Clerk 'Town Clerk ~)~'~101d State Traffic State Pcilce~ AIL. any~ Contractor ~a Engine~r-in-.Ck~%rge File J. BURCH McMORP~Ai~ Superintendent of Pc~bll. c Works Metropolitan Distri-ct Engineer Form C-230 D~.SIGNA!ION OF RESTRICTED HI~tD;AY Pursuant to S~.=ct~on J04A of the Highway Law the following described which is b~ing reconstructed under Contract No. designated as a Restricted Highway. is hereby ': Pursuant to Section 1628a of t'he Vehicle and Traffic Law ali movement of vehicles° person~ or animals on such highway is hereby restr.~eted ~%d regu- lated in accordance with the determination of the Superintendent of' Puhlic Works as evidenced by po~ted ~Igns, signals or harriers plac~d along said highway a:~d/'or ~y dlrectloT, s by aF~ author~.,zed representative of the Su~er- ntendent-of P,~mlic Worke, ~ Any action take;,,: by the Superintendent cf Public Work~ pursuant to Section 1~28a of t~..e Vehicle and Traffic Law shall ~up~rsede ~:y o~hher prov£sions cf the Ve?.~.cle ~.nd ~'raffic Law where Incoltsi~tent or in conflict with resL:ect ';:o .~.l-!e fol'~cw!ng enumerated subJect~.. '1.' Establ~.~nt ~f ma~mum and n!,nlmum speed limi'h,~ at ~h~ch vehicles ~,a'i? ~roce~d' alc,.~.~ a.~y ~'uch Restricted Hlghway. 2. Weights and d. im~.~t, ons cf ve%~iole'~,, animals. 6. Parking, standxag, 8tc.~ptng ~d backing of vehtcle~. and 7. Control cf per£ons .a~d equipment engaged in work on such highway.. DATED: Deputy Chief Engineer County Clerk hffO},ll Town Cl~rk ~%~ ~ State Traffic Commission State Pcilce~ A]bany~ Contractor (~'~% Engineer-ln-Chazge ~' File ~.~ J. BURCH McMORRAN Superintendent of F'ublic Works Metropolit~,n District Engineer described high= which is being reconstructed under Contract N¢,o designated as a Restricted HlgnWayo is hereby Pursuant 'to Soction !628a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law all movement of vehicles~ persons or animals on such highway is hereby restricted and regu~ lated in accordance with the determination of the Muperintendeut of Public Works as evidenced by po~ted signs~ signals or barriers placed along said highway ~md/or by directions by sn authorized r~presentative of the Super~ Intendent of Public Any ao~ion taken by the Superintendent of Public Works pursuant to Section !628a of the Vehicle mud Traffic Law shall supersede any other provisions of the V~hicle and Traffic Law' where inconsistent or in conflict with respect: to ~he fo~lowin~ en~erate~ subj~ot~ 1o Es ~a.b~.~s,~e.~.,'~ ~ ~ o:~ ..... maxx.mum c~d mlni~am spe~d z].mzts" at which vehtcle~ m~y pr~c~ed along s~.y ~uch Restricted Highway° 20 Woi~hts and dimensions of vehicles Traffic .~o.~rcl devices 4.0 E_ec ~.,.,n of szgns~ szgnals ~d 'barriers 5o Us~, of such Restricted Hig~iway by pedestrl.ans., :~questrians~ and 6. rarz.ng~ stanaang~ stopping and backing of wenmcles 7o Control of persons and equioment engaged in work on such highway° Dat6d~ ~) cc; Deputy ,~h~eI ~ "~ ,T. BURCH MoMORRAN Superlnteod~t of Public Works Metropolitan Di~'~ict Engineer State Traffic Co~ission State Polio ~~ Contr~,~tor ~ine~Cnarg~ File