HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport Railroad ProjectC 230f {7/73)
Pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law the following described highway:
Project: locat:Lon J.s at t.he intezseat.:Lon o£ Route 25 ove=
Long Island Railroad M~L n L:Lne at. Greenport:
which is being reconstructed under Contract No.
designated as a Restricted Highway.
is hereby
Pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic law all movement of vehicles, persons Or
animals on such highway is hereby restricted and regulated in accordance with the determination of the
Commissioner of~Tr~ansportation as evidenced by posted signs, signals or barriers placed along said highway and/or
by directions by an authorized representative of the Commissioner of Transportation.
Any action taken by the Commissioner of Transportation pursuant to Section 1625 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law shall supersede any other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law where inconsistent
or in conflict with respect to the following enumerated'subjects:
1. Establishment of maximum and minimum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed along any
such restricted highway.
2. Weights and dimensions of vehicles.
3. Use of such restricted highway by pedestrians, equestrians, and animals.
4. Parking, standing, stopping and backing of vehicles.
5. Control of persons and equipment engaged in work on such highway.
The provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law with respect to registration shall not apply to
vehicles and equipment engaged in work on such restricted highways.
When used on such restricted highways, all traffic control devices shall be considered as official
traffic control devices and shall conform to the manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control
devices adopted by the Department of Transportation.
10, 1977
Commissioner of Transportation
Deputy Chief Engineer J. Sternbaoh
County Clerk
Town Clerk L, M. Albertson/
City Clerk A. W. R:Lchmond/
- ~'~ ~c~,"Alba n y, N.Y.
Contractor Wat.ezproo f:Lng
Reg ona Con [q il r. a. CO
Regional Traffic Engr.
By: A. H. Eme~t~
Regional Director
C 230f (7/73}
Pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the Commissioner of Transportation added the following
Rules and Regulations to Title 17 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York which
were filed and effective on June 26, 1673.
Part 41
Traffic Regulations on Restricted Highways
(Statutory authority: Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1625,)
Section 41,1 Definition. The term restricted highway when used in this port shall mean any highway or portion thereof
under construction or reconstruction under the supervision of the Commissioner of Transportation and which is designated by
him as a restricted highway pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law.
41.2 Traffic control devices. Unless otherwise posted traffic control devices used on restricted highways shall conform
to the requirements of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
41.3 Flagman. Operators of Oehicles on restricted highways shall follow the directions of any flagman with respect to
movement of such vehicles.
41.4 Control of persons and equipment. Construction personne~ and equipment engaged in work on such restricted
highway shall be afforded the widest latitude in operating within the restricted highway consistent with the safety of the traveling
public. This shall include, but not be limited to, the crossing of the highway and the n~g; the shutting-off of lanes of travel
consistent with the contract and the orders of the Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized agent; the loading,
unloading and manipulation of material; the movement and direction of vehicles and equipment; and, other similar operations
necessary to the reasonable and practical performance of the contract,
41.5 Other requirements. The other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to motor vehicles shall not apply
to special purpose construction equipment, such es described in section 401, subdivision 7, paragraph (fl of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law, while engaged in work on a restricted highway, except that alt such vehicles and equipment shall be kept in safe,
mechanical operating condition at all times and reasonable caution shall be used to protect the traveling public. However, such
other provisions shall apply to those vehicles that normally operate on public highways to transport persons and/or material and
are ordinarily considered commer~:ial vehicles.
41.6 Emergency or unusual conditions. The Commissioner of Transportation may by the erection of signs, signals or
other traffic control devices alter or modify the provisions of this Pe*t to adequately protect the puhllc et locations where
emergency or unusual conditions occur or exist as a result of the construction or reconstruction on a restricted highway. These
alterations or modifications shall have the same force and effect es though they were specifically set forth in this Part and shall
remain in force u~Jl the condition is considered by the Commissioner to be safe and the erected signs, signals or other traffic
control devices have been officially removed.
41.7 Effective date. The provisions of this Part shall be effective with respect to a specific restricted highway from the
date the highway is designated e restricted highway by an official designation of the Commissioner of Transportation until the
restriction is removed by a notice of cancellation of such designation issued by the Commissioner of Transportation. The
provisions of this Part shall also be effective with respect to all restricted highways which have heretofore been designated as
restricted highways by the Comr~issioner of Transportation and on which the restriction has not peen removed by a notice of
cancegation issued by the Commissioner of Transportation.
Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building
Veterans Highwav, Hauppau§e, New York 11787
January 4, 1977
PIN 0041.03.122
Greenport Bridge Reconstruction
Route 25 Over Long Island
Rail Road - k~ain Line - Greenport
Suffolk County
Dear Sir:
On July 2, 1976 we informed you that the State Department of Transportation
was seeking design approval frlm the Federal Highway Administretion (FHWA)
to reconstruct deteriorated elements of the bridge carrying the highway
over the rail road west of Greenport, in the Township of Southold, Suffolk
County. Also, the project provides for replacement of the bridge riding
surface and ~uide railing.
The accompanying notice of design approval will appear in the Suffolk
edition of Newsday and the Suffolk Times, a local newspaper on Thursday,
January 6, 1977.
Also, the public is invited to view all the maps, drawings, sketches and
other information submitted to the Federal Highway Administration in support
of our request for desing approval at the office of the Regional Director,
New York State Department of Transportation, State 0ffiee Building, Veterans
Memorial Highway, Hauppaug~ New York.
Very truly yours,
Regional Director
Liaison Engineer