HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island This f~rther concerns the Joint request from the Town Board and the Suffolk CountY Department of Public !4orks for an are~ speed restriction on Fishers I~land. 0~zv field personnel have ¢:ompleted an .i~v,~ti~ation of traffic conditfon~ at this locatio~o The factors involved indicate'that a 30 MPH area speed restrictlonwould bereaso~ablean~ co~sis%ent with traffic condTtions. We have therefore ~iled an order with the Secretary of State to establish a 30~Earea speed restrictionon all town highways and c~tu~ty roads on Fishers I~land, Copiem of a N~tice of Traffic ~ommis$ion ~ction are enclosed for the records of the Town. During the co~rse of investigation~ it wzs noted that highways to the ea~ of West ~arbor ~re private roadways. Section 1622 of the ~e~ Ztat~ Ved~i~le ar~dTr~ffic Law empowers this ~ommi~sioAx to'®e~abiish l~Wer ~mxim'~ speeds on town highways a~d'¢=untyromds. Prl~ate roadw%vs do not seem to be covered ~y this authorization. Proper signing of the area would include Bl~ signs, the specifications for which are found in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State Traffic Oommlssion~ at the followlr~ locations[ (i) On approaches ~othe area f~om the airport. (ii) Om, the ~adwayproceeding f~om the Ferry Dock. at the ~ '~ w~s~,e~ ay boundary of the ~"i~.shers Corporation, (iv) On the roadway Droceediug from th~, Addition.al interior posting may also be done w~!th and R~A sign~? at the di~oretion of the Very 'truly By = STATE TRAFFIC COM]<ISSION WILLIAM S. HULT$ Cha I rman Chief Traffic Engineer ADT/ns Eno. cc: Supt. O. & M. Supt, State Police SuffOlk County DePartment of Public Works STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION Suffolk/Southold KLI - 1866 As OF APR 1 9 1966 THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECTION 12~7 · 37 SUBDIVlSIO. (b) To R~D AS FOLLOWS: 30 MPH: within the Fishers of which are described in paragraph 1 J (1) Area description: The boundaries of the Fishers boundaries of Fishers Island. PARAGRAPH [] ADDED [] AMENDED [] REPEALED Island area~ the boundaries Island area are the physical THE ABOVE ACTION IS TO BE EFFECTIVE [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION T~E To%.~ of Southold is TO INSTALL, OPERATE AHD MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC--CONTROL DEVICES I~ CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIB OFFICE BE PROMPTLY ADVISED OF THE DATE OF COMPLETION. COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED FOR THIS PURPO~;E. ONE COPY SHOULD BE PROPERLY EXECUTED~ SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION, AND RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE. COUNTY:Suffolk TowN:Southold LOCALITY:Fishers Island area ENCL: COMPLETION NOTICES TO Southold Town Supt. ADT/ns of Highways CC: SUPT. OF O. AND M. , SUPT. STATE POLICE [] COUNTy SUPT. [] SHERIFF [] CITY BY= ~L~ TOWN [] VILLAGE ~-~. ~ (,0/65) STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS CHAIRMAN LLOYD A. MAEDER CHIEF TRAFFIC ENGINEER ALBANY, ~.Y, ~2206 NOTICE OF COMPLETIO~ Suffolk/Southold KLI - 1866 THE ACTION REQUIRED BY THE COMMISSION'S ORDER OF APR 1 9 1966 SECT ON ....~_2~7. 37 SUSQIV,SION Cb) OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WAS PARAGRAPH [] ADDED [] AMENDED [] REPEALED HAS BEEN COMPLETEDe FILED ORDER READS: 30 MPH within the Fishers Island area~ the boundaries of which are described in paragraph 1. (1) Area description: The boundaries of the Fishers Island area are the physical boundaries of Fishers Island. THE ASOVE ACTION WAS TO SE EFFECTIVE [] IMME01ATELY ~ UPON COMPLETION r.E To~m of Southold is TO INSTALL, OPERATE A~D MAINTAIN OR REMOVE SIGNS, AHD/OR MARKINGS REQUIRED TO COMPLI~TE THIS REGULATION. THE ACTION REQUIRED BY THE COMMIS~IONIS ORDER WAS COMPLETES AS OF '(COMPLETION [:)ATE) COUNt; Suffolk TOWN: Southold ~OCAL,T¥, Fishers Island area VERy TRULY YOURS, TNiS C.O_~_~L, ETION NOT,C~ FROM Sout. ho_.ld. Town Supt. (~ ,GNATURE)