HomeMy WebLinkAboutFounders Landing NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 January 15,1970 File: Suffolk/Southotd Case No. '?00351 KLI~ Town Board Town of Southold Suffolk County Gentlemen: Enclosed with this letter are Notice of Actions stating a 30 MPH speed limit in the Founders Landing area as described on a TE 9.1 form endorsed by the Town Clerk and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works. When this order is posted in conformance with the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, please be sure that the enclosed Completion Notice is endorsed and returned to this office. This is nec- essary so the order will be published by the Secretary of State's office. Sincerely yours, CHARLES E. BESANCENEY, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety ELLIS METZNER Senior Civil Engineer ~w~/dm NOTICE OF ACTION File: Suffolk/ Southold Case No. 700351 KL1- As of January 15. 1970 The Dept. o~ Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby SectiOn 1247;37 Subdivision (g) Paragraph -- ~Z~Added of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is ~Amended ~lRepealed D Unchanged It reads as follows: (g) 30 MPH within the Founders Landing area, the boundaries of which are described in Paragraph(l). (1) Area Description: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of Route 25with the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue ex- tended southerlyto its intersection with the northerly shore'line of Southold Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shore line of Southold Bay to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane; thence northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane to its inter- ~ection with the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25;. thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 to the point of beginning. ~Immediately The above action is.to be effective ~Upon Completion This action establishes a 30 MPH speed limit in the above described area. The Town of Southold is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-eontro~ devices in conformance with the Manual' of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Oopies of a Completion Notice have been enclosed for this purpose. One copy should be properly executed, showing date of completion, andreturned to this office. Oounty: Suffolk Town: Southold ' Locality: AWR/dm Encl: Completion Notices to Town of Southold cc: Region ~10 , Supt. State Police ~County 8uu~. ~ ----~-;/ Suffelk County Police Department U City / . ~Village OHARLE~ E. BE~ANCE~EY, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety 3-o (1~/67) NOTICE OF COMPLETION Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering and Safety Division 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 ~lle: Suffolk/ Southcld Case No. ?003~1 The action required by the Department's order of: January 15, 1970 whereby Section 1247.37 Subdivision (g) Paragraph -- ~Added of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation was U1Amended has been completed. ~lRepealed D Unchanged It reads as follows: (g) 30~PHwithin the Founders Landing area, the boundaries of which are described in Paragraph(i). (1) Area Description: Begimling at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line ef Route 25with the westerly right-ef-wayline of Hobart Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line cf Hobart Avenue ex- tended southerly to its intersectionwith the northerly shore line of Southold · ~; thence easterly along the northerly shoreline o~ Southold Bay to its , intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane; thence · northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Town H arbor Lane to its inter- section with the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25; thence westerly along the southerly right-uf-wayline of Route 25 to the point of beginning. The above action was to be effective ~qTmmediately ~Upon Completion This action establishes a 30 MPH speed limit in the above described area. The Town of Southold is to install, operate and maintain or remove signs, signals and/or markings required to complete this regulation. The action required by the Department's order was completed as of (Completion Date) County: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality: Very truly yours, This completion notice from Town of Southold (Signature) TE 3-1 (12/67) (Title) NOTICE OF ACTION File: Suffolk/ Southold Case No. 700351 KL1- As of January lS. 1970 The Dept. o~ Transportation has filed an Order with the Secretary of State whereby Section 1247;37 Subdivision ~ (g) Paragraph -- ~Added of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is DA mended fqRepealed [[]Unchanged It reads as follows: (g) 30 MPH within the Founders Landing area~ the boundarSes of which are described in Paragraph(l). (1) Area Description~ Beginning at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of Route 25 with the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue ex- tended southerly to its intersection with the northerly shore'line of Southeld Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shore line of Southold Bay to its intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane; thence northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Town Harbor Lane to its inter- ~ection with the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25; thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 to the point of beginning. [[]~,,,ediately The above aeti0n is.to he effective ~Upon Completion This action establishes a 30 MPH speed limit in the above described area. The Town of Southold is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic-contra devices in conformance with the Nanual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete this action. It is essential that .this office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion Notice have heen enclosed for this purpose. One copy should Be properly executed, showing date of completion, andreturned to this office. County: Suffolk Town: Southold Loce~lity: AWR/dm Encl: Completion Notices to Town of Southold cc: Region ~10 , Supt. State Police ~County Supt. · · ~..$~ S, ffelk County Police Department UClt~ ~Village 3-0 ONARLES E. BESANCENEY, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety TEL. YAPHANK 4.~451 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC: WORKS R. M. KAMMERER, COMMISSIONER YAPHANK, NEW YORK, tlg80 January 5, 1970 New York State Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering and Safety Division 1220 Washington Avenue State Campus Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemenz Re= Suffolk/So.hold Enclosed is a completed TE 9.1 form for Ge Founders Landing area as: reco~mmended in your letter to the Town Board dated November 26, 196~. Your usual prompt attention to this matter will be sincerely appreciated. Very truly yours, R. M. Kar~merer Commissioner of Public Works Gerard W. ~yn~s Senior Civil Engineer - Traffic RMK zGWR ~ ilk Enclo cc= Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk I DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,STATE OF NEW YORK / T. W.P.~K]~ J 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE · STATE CAMPUS · ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 ~ September 25, 1969 C.A.LE~ Suffolk/Soughold Town Board Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: This will acknowledge receipt of a joint request from the Town Clerk and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works for reduced speed limits on six town highways in the Founders Landing area, Town of Southold. We are initiating an investigation of traffic conditions concerning your request. When the inves- tigation is completed, we will advise you of the results. Very,~ruly yours, CHARLES E. BESANCENET, DiVe,or Traffic Engineering and S~Wety AWR:ec cc: Suffolk Co. Commissioner of Public Works August 28, 1969 Charles E. Beaenceney, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety 12220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York Dear Mr. Beaanceneyl At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on August 26, 1969, the following resolution was apaeaed by the Board: Moved by Councilmen Valentinel seconded by Council- man Dsm&rest; RF~OLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to re~ueet the State Traffic Commission to ma~e a aurv~,for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Founders Zltatel are~consiet- £ng of the following roads: Hobart Road, Founders Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyard Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Vote of Town Board~ Ayes- Supervisor Martocchia Councilman Demareat Councilman Valentine Justice Clerk Justice Surer Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond A~R/mr Town Clerk Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemen~ The Town Board of the Town of Southold , by a resolution ~dopt(,d Aug. 26 , 19 Gq, ~md t,h~Ti;,)unt,y :hAp~rintend~mt of tttghw*~s of thp County of Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section lbS[~.l of the Vehicle and Truffle Law, to establish which vehicles may proceed on the following to~l roads in the Founders Landing area: Hobart Road Founders Path Cottage Place Old Shipyard Lane Terry Lane Town Harbor Lane between County Road Town Highwa~v and Upon receipt ~,P l,he not[c* that the regul~l, ion herpin r~quested has will provide, inst~ll ~%nti m~[nt~[n signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Tr~ffio Lsw and ~onfo~lng to Lhe M~]u~l of Un~fo~m Traffic Control Devices of the bep~rtment of Tr~nsport~tion. Dated: Sept. 15, 1969 Town Clerk Dated: County [hlperintendent Comments by Co,sty Superintendent: T~ 9 (i/6a) RESOLUTION August 26, 1969- Supervisor's Office 16 South Street Greenport, L.I.,N.Y. RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to request the State Traffic Commission to make a survey for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Founders Estates Area consisting of the Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyard Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK /DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT/ON ~ 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE · STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 August 20, 1969 Suffolk/Southold Mar. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York ll9?l Dear Mr. Richmond: This will acknowledge your letter dated August 15 requesting 30 MPH speed limi~ou six town highways iu the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. Pursuant to Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic L~w a joint request must be received from the Town Clerk and Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works before reduced speed limits ou these roads can be considered. Enclosed with this letter are TE-9 forms for this purpose. Upon receipt of a joint request for speed limits ou town roads as listed iu your letter of August 15, we will be happy to initiate au investigation of traffic conditions to determine if reduced speed limits are warranted. Very truly yours, '~~CE~~, D~ or AWR/Ijc eucl. Auguot 15, 1969 Charlee B. Beoan~eney0 Director Traf£A~ Bngineoring and Safety 12230 Jtaehington Avenue Albany, lew York Dear Mr. Beo&n~eney; The Sou~hold Town Board re.cleero a eurvey of ~reffic ~onditione for · speed lluit of 30 malco per hour on the £ollowlng ~mm reade An the Tram of SoutholA~ Suffolk County, b York] Hobart Road i~undere l~th Cottage Pla~e Old ShApyard Lane Terry Lane Town Harbor Lane Albert M. Richmond AMR/ur Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 oNTARIO ST., ALBANY, N. Y., 12206 Albany Tel 438-4~21 Alee Cod* 518 DEPARTMEHT OF MOTOR VEHICLES 3outh~ld August ~7, '196~ Albert W. RichwaY, Olerk Te~e£ South~ld Offiee of the Te~ Clerk Seuth~ld~ ~ew Ze~k Dear I~-. ~ioh~ad~ ~e have your letter'oee~er~ & reque~% fre~ the To~ Beard for & em-ve~ of traffto om~liticaR ca .ix ~e ~ t~ ~ ~ a~ reatriott~a ~~ ~ t~e 3eettea 1A~ ef the New Zerk State Vehiele aad Traffie ~ t~ O~slm to ~ab~h ~ ~ a~ re~- t~ ~ t~ ~ ~d o~ty r~ ~ u~ r~' off a J~t r~t ~ t~ t~ b~d ~ t~' o~ty ~tmdmt of h~ ef t~ ~ ~d o~ty ~1~ ~ee~tiv~. ~efere~ ~e we ~ ~e ~ti~ ~ ~ cue, we The normal vehiole for a Joint request ia our form Several oopiee a~e e~elosed for your STATE ~AFFIC C~SSIO~ VI~J~XAH $. -,UA, TS Ohief ?~affio Eag~aeer l~no. AUg. 11,~ 1965. Mr. Llo~! A. MaC'er, Chlef Traffic Englneex~_ New Yc~rk St&re Traffic Co~u' ssicm 130 0ntm:io Street Albany, ]~w YO~k At a meeting of the ~outhold Town Board held on August 10, 1965, the Bg~rd requested that a survey *of traffic con- ditions ~e made on the fOllowtn~ Noad~ at Southold, L.I. all in the Founders Landing area~ Hohaxt Road Founders Path Cottage Place O~,d 8hipy~xd Lane TE=ry Lame T¢~n H~rbo~ Lane Very truly you~f, Albert Town