HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island - Ferry NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Region lODffice: New York State Office Building Veterans Highway, Hauppauge, New York 11787 Juno 26, 1979 ~Ir. Albert ~[artocchia, Supervisor To~n of Southold Main Road South01d, New York 11971 William C. Hennessy, Comm;ssloner Dear Mr. Martocchia: Attention: ~.[rs. Wells PIN 0950.01 Fishers Island Ferry District, Repair G Improvement of Ferry Landing and Dredgin~ at Fishers Island As per the attached memorandum, final inspection of ~e aforementioned project was made on June 5, 1978. Pa~vment of the remaininE 5% retainaEe ($6,226.65 + $155.00 in overage) should bc made by the To~n to the contractor, James H. Rambo, Inc. As this is the final contract payment, the necessary funds cannot be advanced by the State and must be carried by the To~m. Rcimbursement to the To~m of Southold will be made after forms FIN 190lb ~ 1902b (four (4) of each, all with original signatures) are filed with this Department and after a final audit of prpject records, by the State, has been completed. Please for~vard the aforementioned forms, with appropriate justification, to this office at your earliest convenience and we will advance them for further processing. Very truly y~rs, · I. SCHEINBART, Director Pl~_nninE a Development Attachment cc: A. John Gada, A. John Gada General Contracting, Inc. Raymond Doyen, chairman, Fishers Island Ferry District Thomas S~m~uels, J~mes H. R~nbo, Inc. A. H. Emery, Regional Director, ReEion 10 DATE SU BI ECT FROM CC: June 12, 1978 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT: PIN 0950.01 REPAIR & IMPROVEMENT OF FERRY LANDING & DREDGING AT FISREP~ ISLAND, N.Y. - FINAL INSPECTION S. Glass, Planning Group, Region 10 Files~ Sumner G. Hylaud John Appelt W. C. Sinclair Ray Doyen The final inspection was made on June 5, 1978 by Milan Jurich, employed by Eugene F. Gibbons, John Appelt inspector for the Ferry District and S. Glass. Mr. W. C. Sinclair, Secretary-Manager of the Ferry District was also present. Mr. Raymond F. Doyen, Chairman, and Stephen A. Morell of the Board of Ferry Commlssioners were also present during the physical inspection of the work. Mr. Samuels, President of James H. Rambo, Inc. was on the Job for a very brief time. A total of 22 dolphins of seven piles each had been constracted, ten on the east side of the clmnnel and twelve on the west side. This conforms to the 19 called for in the original contract and the 3 additional dolphins called for by Change Order No. 1 and f~nded by the Supplemental Grant Agreement. Ail of the dolphins except for the outermost one on the east side had been completed by September 2, 1977 so they had withstood one winter season. They appeared to be in excellent condition and the two wrappings of wire rope of seven turns each appeared to be tight and well secured by the staples. The two channel marker lights, battery operated, have been lust,lied on the dolphins on each side which are one in from the outermost dolphins. Tkis change in location from the outermost dolp~_ins was requested by Capt. A. Bicknell, who is in charge of operating the ferryboats for the District since these dolphins mark the channel entrance to the harbor. The outermost dolphins serve to prevent a vessel from hitting the end of the stone Jetty but lie outside of the channel width. These lights, according to Mr. Doyen, have operated very satisfactorily since they were installed in mid-November 1977 and are still using the original set of batteries. Add on Item #2, Dock Repairs, consisting of 5 fender piles and 84 ft. of cresoted 12" x 12" cap strip or backing logs had been completed satisfactorily. In addition, 3 chocks 10" x 10" x 10' long had been installed at the level of the backing log between the fender piles immediately north of the movable ferry ramp. The additional dock repair work in the amount of $5,250 which had been authorized verbally by Ray Doyen had been completed satisfactorily. This work is detailed in Rambo's letter to Ray Doyen of March 15, 1978. Nine replacement fender piles were installed, two north of the ramp used for the Files June 12, 1978 Page 2 old side loading ferry aud seven south of this ramp. Three replacement piles located 3'-3" inboard from the face of the backing log at the southerly end of the wharf had been installed. These piles extend about 4 ft. above the wharf deck and are used for the ferry mooring lines. Ten pieces of 10" x 10" x 10' creosoted timber chocks had been tnstalled just below the 4" timber deckingbetween the fender piles. This work is not included in any change order; however, an after-the-fact change order will be submitted since some money remains in the Grant and this work is within the scope of work as Dock Repairs. The tops of the 14 fender piles and the 3 mooring piles had been capped with fiber glass. The job records are in very poor shape. Material certifications are held by John Appelt. The only soundings recorded were taken on October 6, 1977 using the Olinda's fath~neter and these showed high spots On the west side. The dredge returned, the final day of dredging was October 13th; however, no s~bsequent soundings were recorded. Payroll records to Sept. 1977 have been left by Rambo at the Town Hall in Southold, I am told. The payroll records for the additional work done in M~y 1978 will have to be submitted. Pile records for the dolphins are held by John Appelt. These were mostly obtained from the contractor's forem~B, George Costello since Mr. Appelt was on the job only eight times to spot check it for the Ferry District. Records will have to be reviewed, completed and assembled in one place for a final audit. While not a part of the Rambo contract, it was observed that a section of the wharf deck about midway between the ferry ramp and the northerly property line (chain link fence) had broken through. The broken section was about 18" wide and 25' long. The deck consists of 4" x12" planks set on edge and topped by about 3" of bit,~nous paving. The planks are perpendicular to the edge of the wharf. SG/CG Region 10 Office: New York State Office Building Veterans Highwa¥, Hauppauge, New York 11787 DEPARTM OF TRANSPORTATION Raymond T. Schuler, Commissioner November 7, 1975 Hon. Albert ~artocchla Supervisor Town of Southold Town Hall, Main Road Southold~ New York 11971 Dear Sir: ham forwarding herewith a copy of a draft agreement to facilitate grant to Fishers Island Ferry District for improvements to the arbor at Silver Eel Cove. Please review the attached proposed agreement and provide me with any com~nts you may have. After the agreement has been approved as to for~ and language, our Department will secure the necessary approval from the Director of the Budget. The doc~nnent would then be executed after receiving Town and Ferry District resolutions of approval. Please accept ~ sincere congratulations on your re-election to another term. I look forward to continuing our good working relationship. Regional Director Attachment e .... r~EW YORK STATE ~. -__,,' ~r-dF TRANSPORTATION November 7, 1975 Mr. W. C. Sine!air . Manager Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Mr. SinclaiJ: I am forwarding h~rewith a copy of a draft agreement to faeilitate a grant to Fishers Island Ferry District for improvements to the harbor at Silver Eel Cove. Please review the attached proposed agreement and provide me with any comments you may have. After the agreement has been approved as to form and language, our Department will secure the necessary approval from the Director of the Budget. The document would then be executed after receiving Town and Ferry District resolutions of approval. Attachment * ~ NEW YORK STATE ' ,,' NT OF TRANSPORTATION April 30, 1975 Mr. W. C. Sinclair Manager Fishers Island Ferry Distrlct Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Mr. Sinclair: I have contacted the Corps of Engineers, New York District, to see what application forms would be needed for the work proposed at Fishers Island. They advise me that a permit was definitely necessary and are mailing the booklet and forms to this office. I have assigned Mr. Sherman Glass to work with you in getting the application submitted as expeditiously as possible. It was ~y hope that the work of driving piling would not require a permit but a parmit is required. The Corps of Engineers will also have to pre- pare an environmental assessment which I am sure will be expedited by Mr. Carl Boutilier who visited the site on April 14. It may also be necessary to apply for a dredging permit for harbor maintenance if you have not already done so. I believe that the two permits should be kept separate and distinct so that the dredging need not slow down the pro- cessing of the harbor protection work. We will proceed with bo%h the Orient Point and Fishers Island applications since it now appears that sufficient fllnds are available to cover the proposed work at both locations. We will still attempt to get the Corps of Engineers to remove the obstructions, however, should that effor fail, we may be able to include this work with the harbor protection. Very truly yours, Regional Director cc: Hon. Perry Duryea, Jr. Mr. S. Glass