HomeMy WebLinkAboutFounders PathSTATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF TM TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISI~ NOTICE OF ORDER :PORTATION STUDY N~.: ,~810G84 FILE: 4?.37-Town of TROOP: Southolc THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1247.3? SUBDIVISION (0.) PARAGRAPH OFTHE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: ['-]REPEALED (c) 30 MPH within the Eastern Shores and North Greenport area, the boundaries of which are described in paragraph (1), exclusive of the town and country highways listed in paragraph (' (1) Area description: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of C.R. 48 and the easterly right-of-way line of Greenport Park; thence northerly along the easterly right-of-way line of the Greenport Park to the southerly shore line of Long Island Sound; thence easterly along the southerly shore line of Long Island Sou_nd to the easterly right-of-way line of Sound Road; thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Sound Road extended to the southerly right-of-way line of C.R. 48; thence easterly along the southerly right-of-way line of C.R. 48 to the westerly right-of-way line of Manhasset Avenue thence southerly along the westerly right-of-way line of Manhasset Avenue to the Greenport Village line extended; thence westerly and northerly along the Greenpor~ Village line extend, to the northerly right-of-way line of C.R. 48; thence westerly along the northern right-of-w of C.R. 48 to the point of beginning. (2) The following town ~nd county highways are exclud from the above 30 MPH area speed.limit. (i) C.R. 48, a county highway, between'Moore Lane and Sound Road. (ii) Main Street, a town highway, between the Greenport Village line and State Route 25. DP/Ta The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary t~affic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (DATE) APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action amends the 30 MPH area speed limit to include both the Eastern Shores a~d the unincorporated North Greenport areas of the Town of Southold, except for C.R. 48 and Main Street. ~ .~_~.~ ~ ~ COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RE~TED ACTIONS [] NONE LOCALITY: Town of Southold (Identify) cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. [] SHERIFF [~] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE [] Sonthol d POLICE DEPARTMENT [] REGION 10 TRAFFIC ENGINEER ~('] OTHER ~g~ ~ ~ (Specify) STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '~ ~- TRAFFICANDSAFETY DIVISION ~. NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0810085 PILE: 47.37-Town ot TROOP: Southo[ THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION [247.37 SUBDIVISION (R) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~ADDED ~]AMENDEDtoreadasfollow$: [-']REPEALED (g) 30 HPH within the Founders Landing and Conkling Point area, the boundaries of which are described in parapgraph (1). (1) Area description: Beginning at he intersection of southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 with the westerly right-of-way line of HObart Avenue; thence southerly along the westerl~ right-of-way line of Hobart Avenue extended southerly to its intersection with the northwesterly shoreline of Southold bay; thence gnnerally northeasterly along the northwesterly shorelines of Southold Bay and Pipes Cove to its intersection with the westerly Greenport Village line; thence northerly along the westerly Greenport Village line to its intersection with the southerly ri{hi-of-way line of Route 25; thence generally westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of Route 25 to the point of beginning. DP:TG The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 4/16/81 (DATE) APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) ReRional Traffic EnRineer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action amends the 30 HPH area speed li~it to include both the Founders Landing and Conkling Point areas of the Town of Southold as described above. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: Town of Soutbold [] NONE [] (Identify) cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF TOWN STATE POL,CE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTER [] Southold ~]REGION. 10 OTHER~ POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e .-1 - August 28, 1969 Charles E. Besenceney, Director Traffic Engineering and Safety 12220 Washington Avenue State Campus Albany, New York Dear Mr. Beaanceney; At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on August 26, 1969, the following resolution was apassed by the Boardz Moved by Councilman Valentine; seconded by Council- man Demarest; RESOLVED~ That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to request the State Traffic Commiaaion to ma(e a surv~for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Pounders Estates are~consist- lng of the following roads~ Hobart B~ad, Pounders Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyard Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Vote of Town Boards Ayes- Supervisor Martocchia Councilman Demareet Councilman Valentine Justice Clark Justice Surer Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk RESOLUTION August 26, 1969- Supervisor's Office 16 South Street Greenport, L.I.,N.Y. RESOLVED: That Supervisor Albert Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to request the State Traffic Commission to make a survey for a 30 M.P.H. speed limit in the Founders Estates Area consisting of the followin~l roadn: Hobart Road, Foundor~ Path, Cottage Place, Old Shipyard Lane, Terry Lane and Town Harbor Lane. Albert W. Richmond Town Clark Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Engineering and Safety State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of $outhold , by a resolution adopted Aug. 26 , 19 69, and the CountM Superintendent of Blghwnys of the County of Suffolk , hero,by request the Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 1622.1 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to establish a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed on the following town roads in the Founders Landing area: Hobart Road Founders Path , a Cottage Place Old SSipyard Lane Terry Lane Town Harbor ~ane between and County Road Town Highway Upon-¢~cetpt of tile notic~> that the regulation herein requested has been established, the Towll o~ S(>ukl~old , will provide, install and maintain signs in accordance with the Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming to the Manual of Un~form Traffic Control Devices of the Department of Transportation. Dated: Sept. 15, 1969 Town Clerk Dated: County Superintendent Cc~nments by County Superintendent: T~ 9 (~/68) STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1220 WASHINGTON AVENUE · STATE CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12226 August 20, 1969 Suffolk/Southold Mr. Albert Wo Richmond Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Richmond: This will acknowledge your letter dated August 15 requesting 30 MPH speed limi~ ou six town highways iu the Town of Southold, Suffolk County. Pursuant to Section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law a joint request must be received from the Town Clerk and Suffolk County Commissioner of Public Works before reduced speed limits ou these roads can be considered. Enclosed with this letter are TE-9 forms for this purpose. Upon receipt of a joint request for speed limits ou town roads as listed iu your letter of August 15, we will be happy to initiate au investigation of traffic conditions to determine if reduced speed limits are warranted. Very truly yours, AW /lj¢ eucl. August 15, 1969 Charlea E. Besanceney, Direutor Traffic Engineering and Safety 12220 Washington Avenue S~ate Campus Albany, Hew York Dear M~. Seaanceney! The 8outhold ~k)wn Board requests a survey of traffic Conditions for a speed limit of 30 miles per hour on the following ~own roads in the Town of Southol~,~ Suffolk County, New York~ Hobart Boad Founders Path Cottage Place Old Shipyard Lane Terry Lane Town Harbor Lane Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond AWe/mr Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK ~ STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY, N. Y., 12206 Albany Tel 438-4521 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES Suffolk/ Southold August 17, 1965 Mr. Albert W. Richmond, Clerk To~ cf ~outheld Office of the To~ Clerk Southeld, ~ew York De~r Mr. Richmond: We have your letter concerning a request frc~ the To~n Board for a survey of traffic conditions on six highways ~n the Founders T~ding area. We acs~e that your intont is to have lower m~,.~m speed restrictions established on these to~n Section 1~22 of the New ~ork State Vehicle and T~affic Law empowers this 0c.~anission to establish lower m..~..., speed restric- tions on tows highways and county roads only upon receipt of a Joint request from the to~n board and the county superintendent of highways of the to~n and county involved~ respectively. Therefore, before we may take action in this case, we should have a Joint request from the Town Board nd the suffolk County Department of Public Works. The normal vehicle for a Joint request is our form TC-9. Several copies are enclosed for your use. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC C0~ISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS Chief ~affic ~hgineer Aug. 11, 1965. Mr. Lloyd A. Maeder, Chief ~raffic Engineer New York State Traffic Commission 130 Ontario Street Albany, New York Daar Mr. Maeder; At a meeting of the Southold Town Board held on August 10, 1965, the Bc~rd requested that a survey of traffic con- ditions be made on the following roads at Southold, L.I. all in the Founders Landing area~ Hobart Road Founders Path Cottage Place Old Shipyard Lane Terry Lame Town Harbor Lane Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk