HomeMy WebLinkAboutEighth StreetSTATE OF ~1~ YORK -- DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VI ST~'~'E TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION LES KLI-2263 Suffolk County ASOF JUN ? 1967 THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMIBSlON HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SECT,O._~_0/+?.3? ___ SUBD,V,S,O. (a) OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION IS IT READS AB FOLLOWSl PARAGRAPH [] ADDED [] AMENDED [] I~ EPE, ALED [] UNCHANGED THE ABOVE ACTION IS TO BE EFFECTIVE [] IMMEDIATELY ~] UPON COMPLETION This aetion repeals ~arM4-_~ l~ohibition ca the north side of Routs 25, ~ 8229, betweca the westerly Village line of Orecaport and a point 90 feet west of Eighth Street . ThiE sestion will be included in a Standing P~ohibitica. THE NYSDI~ IS TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC--CONTROL DEVICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS OFFICE BE PROMPTLY ADVISED OF THE DATE OF COMPLETION. COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED FOR THIS PURPOSE. ONE COPY SHOULD BE PROPERLY EXECUTEDt SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION, AND RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE. COUNTY 1 Sufffolk TOWN, 80utho~d LOCALITy t ENCLt COMPLETION NOTICES TO ~D~ CCi S~UPT. OF O. AND M., SUPT. STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] ~ Suffolk County ~lioe D~t. ~ c~ ~ Town STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION VINCENT L. TOFANY CHAIRMAN CHIEF TRAFFIC ENGINEER TC--3. I STATE C YORK -- DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR CLES TRAFFIC COMMISSION NOTICE OF ACTION KLI-2263 Suffolk County JUN ? 1967 As OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY SZCT,ON 30~_?. 37 ....... SUBD,V,S,ON OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION iS IT READS AS FOLLOWSI PARAGRAPH r'-I ADDED [] AMENDED [] R EPF-.ALED [] UNCHANGED (e) THE ABOVE ACTION IS TO BE EFFECTIVE [] UPON COMPLETION ~ie aetioa repeals ~ark4-E P~o~ibitioa un the nort~ side of Route 25, ~ 8229, betweea the westerly ~lllage liae of Greeapert sad a po~t 90 feet west of Eighth Street . This see%ion will be iaolude~ im a St~adiag Prohibition. THE ~F~SD~ is TO INSTALL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN, OR REMOVE, TRAFFIC--CONTROL DEVICES IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OF THE STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO COMPLETE THIS ACTION. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THIS OFFICE BE PROMPTLY ADVISED OF THE DATE OF COMPLETION. COPIES OF A COMPLETION NOTICE HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED FOR THIS PURPOSE. ONE COPY SHOULD BE PROPERLY EXECUTED, SHOWING DATE OF COMPLETION, AND RETURNED TO THIS OFFICE. COUNTY, Suffolk TOWN, Southo~d LOCALITYt ENCLI COMPLETION NOTICES TO N~D~ CCI SUPT. OF O, AND M, ~ SUPT, STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT, m ~ Suffolk COunty l~liee Dep~rt. [] Cl~Y [] TOWN STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION VINCENT L. TOFANY CHAIRMAN LLOYD A. MAEDER CHIEF TRAFFIC ENGINEER TC--3. I STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Area Code 518 Hon. William C. Bassette, Supt. Div. of Operation & Uatntenance Department of Public Works Albany 1, New York TRAFFIC CCIV~ISSION ORDER File 1719 KIg-137S Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby Pr~hibits the perking of vehicles on the north side ~f Route 2~ SE 1719, be~een Statian 62%+35+ (90~ feet ~st of the west cur~ line of §th Street) and Station 629+~_ (10~_ feet west of ~ ~t c~ l~e of 7th Steer)~ a distance ef ~52 feet ~ ~ ~- c~d C~ity of G~%, ~ ~ ~old, S~o~ Dire~Zs the New York S~ate Depar~t of 'ublic Work~ to e~ct and maintain s~,ns conform;n8 %o the Manual of Uniform Traffi~ Cantrol Devices of the S~ate Traffic Oo.~s~ission %o post th~ r~gulation established in Item 1 above° Kindly advise the Traffic Commission when this order has been complied with. STATE TRAFFIC CO~.~ISSION ADT/eg WILLIA~ S. HULTS Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK RTM OTO LES I Iii I \'/ STATE T~AFFIC 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel. HObart 2-7511 Stop ~fo~ Oo~ty Hon. Willia~ Co Basaette, Supt, Div. of Operation & Maintenance · Department off Public Works Albany 1, Be~ York TP~I~FIO OOMMISSION OREtoR P~rsua~t to authority conferred by the Ne~ Y~rk State Vehicle a~ TA'affic Law, the ~ate Traffic Cc~ asian hereby Desigmates intersections on State highways in the Tcmm of Sout~ol~, b~Affolk 0curry, as STOP inte~s~ctioas, ar~ orders the i~s~al)eti~n of STOP signs at e~tra~es to such intersections as follows~ ac Intersections of Route 25 with: 1. Laurel TaWS Read (Station 414- on SIt 8181) with STOP sig~ on La~el Lake Road - entrance ~-am s~theast. 2o Oaee~ La~e (Station 135- on SH 8229) with STOP sig~ on Oases Lane - ent~anoe from southeast. Schoolhouse Road (Station 144, on SH 8229) with sigm on ~ohoolhouee Road - entraps from 4. Mooers T_nne (Station 351, on SH 8~29) with 3~0P sig~ on Mooers ~e - emtrance i~om ~z~ho ~ells Avemae ($ation 395* on SH 822~) with STOP aig~ Wells Avez~Ae - en~a~e fr~a southeast. Maple Avenue (Station 416- on SH 8229) with STOP aign on ~ple Avenue - entrance from northwest. 7. L~aust ~ane (Station ~28~ on SH 8~29) with STOP sig~ on L~t T~ne - entrance from so~theasto 8. Nick. les Xa~e (station 456* on 8H 8229) with STOP sig~ on Nicklee L~ne - entrance from southeast. ~A~zo co~ss~o~ o~m~ (TO ?) on Arehamonaque Avenue - entrance fi-om southeast. Laurel Avenue (Station 458* ~n SH 8229) with STOP sign on Laurel Aven~e - ~tranee from ~a~hwesto ].Io ~ilvermere Road (Station 593' on 8~ ~29) with STOP sign om 8ilverlaere Roa~ - ent~-ance from south, 12. Eighth Street (Station 62~ ~n SN ~229) with STOP sl~n on Eighth Street - entrance fA'om south. ,~Lley Avenme (Station 5~* on SH 83~0) with STOP sign on Bailey Avenue - ent. rance ~rom north. 14. Roek~ P~i~t Road (Station ]23* on SH 8380) with STOp si&u on Reeky Point Road - entrance from ncrth~esto 15o Stevenson R~ad (Station 248* on SH $~80) '~,d. th S~OP sign on 8telethon Ro~d - entranoe from nor~hwesto 16. T~ber ~ (Station 281- on SH 8380) with STOP sign ~n ~hor Road - entrance fr~ sou~ho 17, Platt Road (Station 2921 on SH 8380) with STOp sign on platt Road - entrance from southeast, Direets the New York Stmte Departmen~ of P~blie Works to install and mainta~ STOP signs in oonfoA;~nce with the ~anual o~ Unifora Traffie Coatrol Devices of the State Traffic comz~ission as ordered in Item ai~OVeo advise the .~affio g~mmiasion vhen th~s order has been e~mlml~ed STATE ~RAFFIO aOM~SSION Supt. State polioe To~n Beard, 8outbeld Suffelk County pelves Depto See, of State W~ S. I~LT~ chairman