HomeMy WebLinkAboutEugene Road STATE Of NEW YORk DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION VETERans MeMORIal Highway Hauppauge, N.Y. 11788 JAMES A, KLJZLOSKI REGIONAL DIRECTOR October 25, 1994 Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE IVED OI T,2, 6 1994 Sauthold Town C'led~ JOhn C. EGAN COMMISSIONER Dear Mrs. Terry: Your September 22, 1994 Letter Speed Study Euqene Road, Cutcho~ue We will schedule an investigation of this location and notify you of our findings at the conclusion of our survey. Regrettably, there may be some delay in concluding our study since this office receives numerous requests for traffic controls in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Your request will be responded to as promptly as possible. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Very truly yours, REIN Regional Traffic Engineer JOF:DH:JS JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 22, 1994 James A. Kuzloski, Regional Director NYS Department of Transportation Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Attention: James O. Frein Regional Traffic Engineer Dear Mr. Frein: Transmitted herewith is certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on September 120, 1994, requesting you to conduct a study on the entire length of Eugene Road, Cutchogue, from NYS Route 25 to Skunk Lane, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit to 35 mph. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry $outhold Town Clerk Enclosure CC ~ Ed Baumann Supt. of Highways Jacobs Police Chief Droskoski JU])ITI'I T. TERI~Y TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765.1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 20. 199t1: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic study on the entire length of Eugene Road, Cutchogue, from NYS Route 25 to Skunk Lane, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit to 35 mph. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk September 21, 199q Seaside t~om'e'~ Property Maintenance Inc. 325 Wood Lane · Peconic, NY 11958 Ed Baumann 516-734-6708 ~ JAMES A. KUZLOSKI REGIONAL DIRECTOR January 12, 1990 STATE Of NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. N.Y. 11788 JAI'I 1 7 !990 FRANKLIN E. WHITE COMMISSIONER Mrs. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk, Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: Route 25 at Eugene Road and Cox's Lane, Cutcho~ue Your January 4the September 29th Letters We have recently completed an investigation at the subject location to determine if the installation of a traffic signal would significantly improve traffic safety and operations. Our investigation included an accident analysis, volume counts, a delay study, and field observations of the area. We reviewed the accident data to identify accident patterns such as right angle or left turns, which can be addressed with appropriate countermeasures. Some accident types, such as rear end, actually increase with the addition of a traffic signal. With this in mind, we conducted an accident analysis to review this tntersection's safety record. Copies of the original accident reports from the Department of Motor Vehicles were evaluated to d~termine if there were any problems not evident in our accident summaries. Continuous hourly traffic volume counts were taken on both side streets from August 1, 1989 to August 8, 1989. Our data showed low to moderate volume on Cox Lane and moderate to heavy volume on Eugene Road. We did note higher traffic volumes on Saturday and Sunday as compared with the weekday volumes. A delay study was taken during ~he morning and evening peak hours as well as during the midday. On Cox Lane, our data showed a predominance of right turning vehicles with some through vehicles and only an occasional left turning vehicle. The Eugene Road data showed a predominance of left turning vehicles with some through vehicles and very few right turning vehicles. Occasional delays for left turning vehicles and through vehicles of longer than one minute were observed. These delays approximate the criteria normally associated with the addition of a traffic signal and will probably increase as future development occurs in the community. Realizing that traffic volume along Route 25 is also increasing, we are recommending a traffic signal for this intersection. This will provide a more efficient use of assigning the right-of-way for both Eugene Road and Cox Lane traffic entering Route 25. However, with the present narrow width of Eugene Road we anticipate delays on these side roads ,as the majority of the signal's green time will be assigned AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Mrs. Judith T. Terry January 12, 1990 Page 2 The signal installation will be included in our 1991 Signal Requirements Contract. Unfortunately, the items in this contract will restrict roadway improvements. In the interim, we are asking the Town to consider roadway work on either Eugene Road or Cox Lane to bring these town roads into a better alignment. A contract has been awarded that will install new epoxy type pavement markings on Route 25 through Cutchogue. The passing zones by the King Kullen Shopping Center and through the subject intersection will be eliminated. The intersection warning sign for westbound Route 25 traffic east of the Cox Lane/Eugene Road intersection will be moved east to increase its visibility. We appreciate the Town's concerns in bringing this metter to our attention. Very truly yours, g ~ ~..gineer cc: Chief H. Daniel Winters TCH:DP:JS RECEIVED AUO 1 9 lg§2 Southold T ..... r'~d~ STATE OF NEW YORK - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 929421 FILE: 47.37-25 TROOP: L THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHERESY: SECTION 55/+7,37 SUBDIVISION (a) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'SREGULATIONSIS [~ ADDED [_7 AMENDED to read asfollows: [] REPEALED (a) Hain Road, Route 25, SH 8229, at its intersection with Eugene's Road and Cox Lane, in the unincorporated community of Cutchogue. (Signal No. $6) (1) Right turns by traffic from the east and west on Route 25. DP:AF The above order will be effective upon the Installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) · required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8/14/92 APPROVED BY: ~.~' p~---~ ~ ~ Regional Traffic Engr. (DATE) ~, / (SIGNATURE) (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action establishes '~No Turn On Red" restrictions as described above. COUNTY: SUFFOLK OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE LOCALITY: TO~N OF SOUTIIOLD (Identify) ~] Southold Town [] REGION 10 []OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) TE 3e (8/80) ~1- STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENTOF TRANSP~ TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISION STUDY NO.: 0830121 NOTICE OF ORDER FILE: 47.37-Town of THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FI LED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1]-47.37 SUBDIVISION (p) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS E~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: []REPEALED (P) 40 ~PH on Eugene's Road, a town highway, between Route 25 (Umin Road) and Skunk's Lane, a distance of 0.8+ miles in the unincorpora%ed community of East Cutchogue. The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device {s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control/Devi,c~/~. -- C/OQ/~3 APPROVED 13~.'-'~""~ ~'~/'~.~*~'~'-~'-'~. Regional T_a~ .... *'~ ~ En[lneer' (DATE) (S~G~A~RE) {TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This ac%ion es~ab!ishes a LO ,~,~H speed limit on Eugene's Road as described ~bO ye. COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF _, [] TOWN [] STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. C PERMITTEE Town of Southold 12~.7.37 (Identify) [] .-'In~+.hn],~, Tnwu POLICE DEPARTMENT [] REGION I ?, TRAFFIC ENGINEER [] OTHER (Specify)