HomeMy WebLinkAboutDam Pond TRUSTEES
John M. Bredemeyer, III, President
Henry P. Smith, Vice President
Albert J. Krupski, Jr.
John L. Bednoski, Jr.
John B. Tuthill
Telephone 1516) 765-1892
o-a ~ ~, SCOTT L. HARRIS
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Fax (516)765-1823
TOWN OF S OUTHOLD Telephone (516) 765-1800
October 1, 1990
Michael Gieger
Project Manager
NYS Dept. of Transportation
Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
RE: Dam Pond, NYSDOT PIN #0041.60.201, NYSDEC #10-89-1286
Rt 25 Dam Pond Channel, Orient, Suffolk County
Dear Mr. Gieger:
This letter is to inform you that the Southold Town Trustees are
no longer in a position to wait for your agency's response to
our numerous requests.
Although my recent conversations with you have been quite
positive there have been no confirmations in writing from you or
your superiors.
The Trustees have forestalled additional legal action in this
matter to permit the construction of the temporary bridge on the
This period is rapidly drawing to a close. I have taken the
liberty of copying individuals in a position of superior
authority who may help us directly in our simple needs. Your
cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
John M. Bredemeyer, III
President, Board of Trustees
JMB: jmt
cc: See Attached List
Supervisor Harris
Town Board ~/
Town Attorney
Regional Director, DOT
Regional Director, NYSDEC
NYS Senator Ken LaValle
NYS Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki
Suffolk County commissioner of Public Works
John M. Btedemeyer, III, President
Henry P. Smith, Vice President
Albert J. Kmpski, Jr.
John L. Bednoski, Jr.
John B. Tuthill
Telephone (516) 765-1892
~ P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Fax (516)765-1823
TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Telephone (516) 765-1800
April 18, 1990
Craig Siracusa, Regional Design Engineer
New York State Dept. of Transportation
State office Building, Veterans Highway
Hauppauge, New York 11787
RE: Dam Pond Bridge, Rt 25, East Marion
Dear Mr. Siracusa:
This letter is being sent to your office at the suggestion of
Michael Geiger and as confirmation of a phone conversation I had
with him this morning with respect to the Dam Pond, East Marion
Bridge Restoration.
The Southold Town Board of Trustees visited the site on April
17, 1990 with a set of plans your office had previously supplied
to our Highway Department. The following requests and concerns
were discussed by the five members of the Board on site at that
1. To change the "Stream Course" six feet to the east the
N.Y.S.D.O.T. must secure an easement from the Southold Town
Trustees for placement of the westerly bridge abutment on Town
Trustee Land. Title to all the lands under mean high water in
this portion of the creek are held by the Trustees under the
Andros Patent which dates to 1676.
2. The N.Y.S.D.O.T. must abandon and/or transfer to the
Trustees any rights previously acquired for that six foot
portion of former Trustee land where the current east abutment
sits which will once again become a flowing tidal stream.
3. The Trustees maintain that a permit is required under
Chapter 97 of the Town Code which is the Local Wetlands
4. The Trustees maintain that a permit is required for the
placement of any structure on Trustee land under Chapter 32 of
the Laws of Southold Town and the Laws of 1893 of the State of
New York. These codes specifically affirm our ownership of the
creek bottoms and our right to manage, lease or convey these
5. The Trustees want no highway surface drainage from this
project to be directly routed into the tidal stream or adjacent
wetlands. More specifically, they would like to see a minimum 2"
rainfall retention in the area of the temporary bridge approach
on the east side of the bridge abutment easterly to the first
main sea wall drain. This area is frequented by sight seers with
pets and we wish to minimize direct Coliform bacteria discharges
to the creek/bay.
6. The Trustees would like to see an amendment of to the
N.Y.S.D.E.C. permit application to permit dredging under the
temporary and permanent bridge site to four feet below mean low
water to facilitate public access with small boats and minimize
future dredging costs by the public sector. This channel affords
the only public access to this creek.
Enclosed please find a wetlands permit application. Our next
meeting is scheduled for April 25, 1990 at 6:00 p.m., should you
or your representative wish to attend our work session. Please
call our office at least one day in advance. Our Town Attorney
may be reached at 765-1939 and I may be reached at 323-2708
(home), 765-1892 (Town office).
The Trustees would encourage your participation in these minor
changes. Anything we can do to help facilitate these changes,
while keeping your project on track, will be done as promptly as
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
e ly,
John M. Bredemeyer, III
President, Board of Trustees
JMB: j mt
cc: Ray Jacobs
Town Board
Town Attorney
George Hamarth, NYSDEC
John M. Bredemeyer, III, Presidem
Henry P. Smith. Vice President
Albert J, Krupski. Jr,
John L. Bednoski, Jr.
John B. Tuthill
Telephone (516) 765-1892
Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
April 18, 1990
Craig Siracusa, Regional Design Engineer
New York State Dept. of Transportation
State office Building, Veterans Highway
Hauppauge, New York 11787
RE: Dam Pond Bridge, Rt 25, East Marion
., PR 1 9 1990
Dear Mr. Siracusa:
This letter is being sent to your office at the suggestion of
Michael Geiger and as confirmation of a phone conversation I had
with him this morning with respect to the Dam Pond, East Marion
Bridge Restoration.
The Southold Town Board of Trustees visited the site on April
17, 1990 with a set of plans your office had previously supplied
to our Highway Department. The following requests and concerns
were discussed by the five members of the Board on site at that
1. To change the "Stream Course: six feet to the east of the
N.Y.S.D.O.T. must secure an easement from the Southold Town
Trustees for placement of the westerly bridge abutment on Town
Trustee Land. Title to all the lands under mean high water in
this portion of the creek are held by the Trustees under the
Andros Patent which dates to 1676.
2. The N.Y.S.D.O.T. must abandon and/or transfer to the
Trustees any rights previously acquired for that six foot
portion of for~er Trustee land where the current east abutment
sits which will once again become a flowing Tidal Stream.
3. The Trustees maintain that a permit is required under
Chapter 97 of the Town Code which is the Local Wetlands
4. The Trustees maintain that a permit is required for the
placement of any structure on Trustee land under Chapter 32 of
the Laws of Southold Town and the Laws of 1893 of the State of
New York. These codes specifically affirm our ownership of the
creek bottoms and our right to manage, lease or convey these
5. The Trustees want no highway surface drainage from this
project to be directly routed into the Tidal Stream or adjacent
wetlands. More specifically, they would like to see a minimum 2"
rainfall retention in the area of the temporary bridge approach
on the east side of the bridge abutment easterly to the first
main sea wall drain. This area is frequented by sight seers with
pets and we wish to minimize direct Coliform Bacteria discharges
to the creek/bay.
6. The Trustees would like to see notification to the
N.Y.S.D.E.C. permit to permit dredging under the temporary and
permanent bridge site to four feet below mean low water to
facilitate public access with small boats and minimize future
dredging costs by the public sector.
Enclosed please find a wetlands permit application. Our next
meeting is scheduled for April 25, 1990 at 6:00 p.m., should you
or your representative wish to attend our work session. Please
call our office at least one day in advance. Our Town Attorney
may be reached at 765-1939 and I may be reached at 323-2708
(home), 765-1892 (Town office).
The Trustees would encourage your participation in these minor
changes. Anything we can do to help facilitate these changes,
while keeping your project on track, will be done as promptly as
Thank you for yo'ur cooperation in this matter.
John M. Bredemeyer, III
President, Board of Trustees
JMB: jmt
cc: Ray Jacobs
Town Board
Town Attorney
George Hamarth,
John M. Bredemeyer, III, President
Henry P. Smith, Vice President
Alber~ J. Kmpski, Jr.
John L. Bednoski, Jr.
John B. Tuthill
Telephone (516) 765-1892
Town Hall, 53095 Main Roa,
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1800
April 10, 1990
Michael Cuddy
State of New York
Dept. of Trans.
Veterans Memorial Highway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
RE: Dam Pond Bridge, Rt 25, East Marion
Dear Mr. Cuddy:
Please be advised that the Southold Town Trustees will be
required to review and approve activities surrounding the
proposed reconstruction of the Dam Pond Bridge prior to the
commencement of any work on that site. We are presently securing
copies of your work plan from our Highway Superintendent,
Raymond Jacobs for use at our April 25, 1990 meeting work
As the project crosses public lands held by the Southold Town
Trustees under the Andros Patent it will require Chapter 97
and 32 permissions.
Enclosed for your convenience is a permit application.
~ohn M. Bredemeyer, III .~
-~r'- ies dent, Board of Trustees
cc: Town Attorney
Town Board
Ray Jacobs
MARLO M. CUOMO, Governor FRANKLIN E. WHITE, Commissioner
Michael J. Cuddy
Regional Director
N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation
Veterans HiEhway
Hauppauge, NY 11788
A replacement o¢ the existing 2-lane structure
Route 25 over Dam Pond Channel, East Marion,
planned by the Department ¢,F Transportation. The
alignment and brid~e lengths are simi ar to the
Ceatures in this project.
is being
The project under consideration may nclude construction
which aCFects wetlands covered by Executive Order 11970 o{
the President o~ the United.States, dated Mty ~4, 1977,
"Protection o¢ Wet~ands".
Mips, drawings and other pertinent 'inFormation developed by
the State are available For public inspection at the OFFice
o~ the Regional Director, New York State OFFice Building,
Department o¢ Transportation, Re~ion 10, Haup~au~e, NY
Any c¢,mments concern i n3 the project ' s ef'f'ect on the wet I ands
should be sent to the Re3ional Director by March
Notice is als.:, giver, that the New York State Department oF
Transportation wi; ~ conduct a Publ ic InF,.-,rmation Center f'or
this project ~t the Oysterponds Public School, Main Road,
- .~,o betweer, the hours
Orier, t, NY, or, Thursday, M~r-ch .1E, 1..,.,T,
o¢ Z:OO p.m. and :~:00 p.m. Department personr, el will be
available to discuss a pre~erred alternative ¢,:,K this
project with intereste,J parties. The Department inter, ds to
approve this alternate under the authority granted by the
Federal Highway A,Jrnir, istration, in accordance with Section
11~ (Certi~icatior, Acceptance) ,:,~ Title ~3, United States
FRANKLIN E. WHITE, Commillioner
MICHEAL ~. CUDDY, Regional Director
Interest: [] Property Owner
[] Check here if additional comment
have been written on a separate she,
Additional comments may be mailed
Regional Director, NYSDOT
State Office Building
Veterans Memorial Highway
Houppouge, IV. Y 11788
H-E~7 --
Route 25 Bridge over Dam Pond
The New York State Department of Transportation has arranged to exhibit technical
· materials relating to Route 25 Bridge over Dam Pond Channel Replacement Project
at the Oyster Ponds Union Free School, Main Road, Orient, New York 11957 on March
12, 1987 between the hours of 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM. The public is invited to ex-
~mine the Prell~zinary E~lneering Report and associated technical drawings.
Representatives of the Department of Transportation will be available to respond
to any comments or questions.
T}~JRSDAY, M~RCH 12, 1987, 2:00 PM TO 8:00 PM
A replacement of the existing Route 25 Bridge over Dam Pond Channel in East
Marion, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, {s being.planned by the New York State
Department of Transportation.
The bridge was constructed in 1932 and carries a two-lane roadway and a sidewalk~
The structure, which has a 21 ft. long span and is made of reinforced concrete,
has deteriorated to a point that it cannot be effectively repaired. The Depart-
ment has concluded that the bridge should be replaced as soon as possible.
The proposed work consists of the demolition of the existing bridge and the con-
struction of a new structure at the same location. The waterway under the new
structure will remain unchanged. During the demolition and construction periods
of the project, Route 25 traffic will be detoured to a newly constructed tem-
porary roadway located immediately to the south side of the existing highway.
Average Daily Traffic
Design Speed - M.P.H.
West Approach
East Approach
Stopping Sight Distance - Ft.
Approaoh Roadway Width - Ft.
Bridge Roadway Width - Ft.
Numbers of Lanes
Shoulder Width - Ft.
Sidewalk Width - Ft.
Design Load - Tons
Estimated Construction Cost
Estimated Construction Time
Construction Easements
1 Year
(a) Traffic volume reflects year 2015 forecast.
(b) Posted speed.
1~,'..~. ~mrl( S~t~OId
Pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law, the following
described highway:
Located on Route 25 at Mill Creek which is 2.3 ~ miles west of Greenport,
Suffolk County, and on Route 25 beginning at the bridge at Dam Pond and
extending east 0.53 miles in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County.
which was reconstructed under Contract No. D96410 was
designated a Restricted Highway by the Commissioner of Transportation
on April 21,_1980 and movement of vehicles, persons and animals
was restricted and regulated thereon pursuant to Section 1625
of the vehicle and Traffic Law.
Such highway project having now been completed, it is hereby
determined that the designation of said state highway as a Restricted
Highway is hereby cancelled,
Dated: February 25, 1981
Deputy Chief Engineer
County Clerk, Arthur J. Felice, Suffolk /
Town Clerk, Judith T. Terry, Southold v
V~Ii-=~ C-k. Ak,
State Police, Albany, NY
Contractor, ......
hyon. ~ KeDOI%
Regional Construction EngIneer, H. Parks
Regional Traffic Engineer, T. Hoffman
Engineer-in-Charge, P. Belcher
effective immediately.
Regional Director
J. Sternbach, Construction Div. Room 424, Rld~. 5
C231f (2/78)
Pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law the following described highway:
Located on Route 25 at M111 Creek which ts 2.3+ wiles west of Greenpo~t,
Suffolk County, and on Route 2S beginning at rite brtdge at Dam Pond
and extending east 0.53 etles In the Tam of SOUthOlde Suffolk County.'
which is being reconstructed under Contract No.
designated as a Rsstricted Highway.
APR g.5 1980
Tow~ Clerk South'old
i~ hereby
Pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law all movement of vehicles, persons or
animals on such highway is hereby restricted and regulated in accordance with the determination of the
Commissioner of Transportation as evidenced by posted signs, signals or barriers placed along said highway and/or
by directions by an authorized representative of the Commissioner of Transportation
Any action taken by the Commissioner of Transportation pursuant to Section 1625 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law shall supersede any other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law where inconsistent
or in conflict with respect to the following enumerated subjects:
1. Establishment of maximum and minimum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed along any
such restricted highway.
2. Weights and dimensions of vehicles.
3. Use of such restricted highway by pedestrians, equestrians, and animals.
4. Parking, standing, stopping and backing of vehicles.
5. Control of persons and equipment engaged in work on such highway.
The provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law with respect to registration shall not apply to
vehicles and equipment engaged in work on such restricted highways.
When used on such restricted highways, all traffic control devices shall be considered as official
traffic control devices and shall conform to the manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control
devices adopted by the Department of Transportation.
Dated: Apr11 21, 1980
Deputy Chief Engineer(2)
County Clerk Suff01 k ,-'"
Town Clerk ...... ,'~
xfli~x~k 3outnol¢~ ',,"
State Pobce, Albany, N.Y.
Contractor L¥011 & I~h 14
Regional Const~Fu~'tlon E~F.0'' Pavtng Contrs.
Regional Traffic Engr.
Engineer-in-Charge Po Belcher
Ftle 22.2
ommlssloner OT I ransporla~lon
Pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the Commissioner of Transportation added the following
Rules and Regulations to Title 17 of the Officia~ Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York which
were filed and effective on June 26, 1973.
Part 41
Traffic Regulations on Restricted Highways
(Statutory authority: Vehicle end Traffic Law, Section 1625.)
Section 41.1 Definition. The term restricted highway when used in this part shall mean any highv~ay or portion thereof
under construction or reconstruction under the supervision of the Commissioner of Transportation and which is designated by
him as a restricted highway pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway {-aw.
41.2 Traffic ~ontrol devices. Unless otherwise posted traffic control devices used on restricted highways shall conform
to the requirements of the Vehicle and Traffic Law. ~
~ .~r.~:~Fl~iten. Operators of vehicles on restricted h~ghways shell follow the directions of any flagman with respect to
movement of such vehicles.
.~ 41.4 Control of per~ons and equipment. Construction personnel and equipment engaged in work on such restricted
highway sbeg be e~forded the widest latitude in operating within the restricted highway consistent with the ~afety of the traveling
public. This shall include, but not be limited to, the crossing of the highway and the mall; the shutting-off of lanes of travel
consisten~ ~ith thq contract and the orders of the Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized agent; the loading,
unloading and manipulation of material; the movement and direction of vehicles and equipment; and, other similar operations
necessary to the reasonable and practical performance of the contract.
41.5 Other requirements. The other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to motor vehicles shall not apply
to special purpose construction equipment, such as described in section 401, subdivision 7, paragraph (f) of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law, while engaged in work on a restricted highway, except that all such vehicles and equipment shall be kept in safe,
nlechanical operating condition at all times and reasonable caution shall be used to protect the traveling public. However, such
other provisions shall apply to those vehicles that normally operate on public highways to transport persons and/or material and
are ordinarily considered commercial vehicles.
41.6 Emergency or unusual conditions. The Commissioner of Transportation may by the erection of signs, signals or
other traffic control devices alter or modify the provisions of this Part to adequately protect the public at locations where
emergency or unusual conditions occur or exist as a result of the construction or reconstruction on a restricted highway. These
alterations or rnodifications shall have the same force and effect as though they were specifically set forth in this Part and shall
remain in force until the condition is considered by the Commissioner to be safe and the erected signs, signals or other traffic
control devices have b~en officially removed.
41.7 Effective date. The provisions of this Part shall be effective with respect to a specific restricted highway from the
date the highway is designated a restricted highway by an official designation of the Commissioner of Transportation until the
restriction is removed by a notice of cancellation of such designation issued by the Commissioner of Transportation. The
provisions of this Part shall also be effective with respect to all restricted highways which have heretofore been designated as
restricted highways by the Commissioner of Transportation and on which the restriction has not been removed by a notice of
cancellation issued by the Commissioner of Transportetion,
C 230f (7/73)
Pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law the following described highway:
~.TTITUCK-GREENP0~ - PTS. 1 & 3, ~H NO. 8229, 3~. 3P~ - Sra.
R~ati~ O~ ~e o~ ~ ~ lo~t~ on Rte. 2~ south of
Po~ ~ is a~te~ 2.3 ~lee west of Gre~ ~ ~ Co~ty.
which is being reconstructed under Contract No..O~.~'/q~
designated as a Restricted Highway.
is hereby
Pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law all movement of vehicles, persons or
animals on such highway is hereby restricted and regulated in accordance with the determination of the
Commissioner of~'_ransportation as evidenced by posted signs, signals or barriers placed along said highway and/or
by directions by an authorized representative of the Commissioner of Transportation.
Any action taken by the Commissioner of Transportation pursuant to Section 1625 of the
Vehicle and Traffic Law shall supersede any other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law where inconsistent
or in conflict with respect to the following enumerated subjects:
1. Establishment of maximum and minimum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed along any
such restricted highway.
2. Weights and dimensions of vehicles.
3. Use of such restricted highway-by pedestria~s,'e~i-ues~rians, and animals.
4. Parking, standing, stopping and backing of vehicles.'
5. Control of persons and equipment engaged in work on such highway.
The provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law with respect to registration shall not apply to
vehicles and equipment engaged in work on such restricted highways.
When used on such restricted highways, all traffic control devices shall be considered as official
traffic control devices and shall conform to the manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control
devices adopted by the Department of Transportation.
Oetober 6, 1976
County Clerk , Rm. 401, Bldg.
Town Clerk Sttffolk ~
City Clerk ~o%tthol([ ~/
S~'aYgFo"lTcl~ 7~ Iba n y, N.Y.
Regional ConstT~ L~.ustz':[es · [ne.
Regional Traffic Engr. [[' PSX~cS
Engineer-in-Charge T. HOf f~all
Commissioner of Transportation
C 230f (7/73)
pursuant to Section 1625 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the Commissioner of Transportation added the following
Rules and Regulations to Title 17 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New Yore which
were filed and effective on June 26, 1973.
Part 41
Traffic Regulations on Restricted Highways
(Statutory authority: Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 1625.)
~ectlon 41.1 Definition. The term restdctedhighwa¥ when used in this part shall mean any highway or portion thereof
under construction or reconstruction under the supervision of the Commissioner of Transportation and which is designated by
him as a restricted highway pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law.
41.2 Traffic control devlee~. Unless otherwise posted traffic control devices used on restricted highways shall conform
to the requirements of the Vehicle and Traffic Law.
41.3 Flagman. Operators of vehicles on restricted highways shall follow the directions of any flagman with respect to
movement of such vehicles.
41.4 Control of persons and equipment. Construction personnel and equipment engaged in work on such restricted
highway shall be afforded the widest latitude in operating within the restricted highway consistent with the safety of the travellng
public. This shall include, but not be )imited to, the crossing of the highway and the mall; the shutting-off of lanes of travel
consistent with th~ contract and the orders of the Commissioner of Transportation or his duly authorized agent; the toading,
unloedlng and manipulation of material; the movement and direction of vehicles and equipment; and, other similar operations
necessary to the reasonable and practical performance of the contract.
41.5 Other requirements. The other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic I. aw relating to motor vehicles shell not apply
to special purpose construction equipment, such as described in section 401, subdivision 7, paragraph (f) of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law, while engaged in work on a restricted highway, except that all such vehicles and equipment shal~ be kept in safe,
mechanical operating condition at all times and reasonable c~ufiqn shall be used to protect the traveling public. However, such
other provisions shall apply to those vehicles that normally operate on public highways to transport persons and/or material and
are ordinarily considered COTTers:iai vehicles.
41.6 Emergency or unusual conditions. The Commissioner of Transportation may by the erection of signs, signals or
other traffic control devices alter or modify the I~rovisions of this Pa ' to adequately protect the public at tocations where
emergency or unusuat conditions occur or exist as a result of the construction or reconstruction on a restricted highway. These
alterations or modifications shall have the same force and effect as though they were specifically set forth in this Part end shall
remain in force un~ the condition is considered by the Commissioner to be safe and the erected signs, signals or other traffic
control devices have been officially removed.
41.7 Effective date. The provisions of this Part shall be effective with respect to a specific restricted highway from the
date the highway is designated a restricted highway by an official designation of the Commissioner of Transportation until the
restriction is removed by a notice of cancellation of such designation i~sued by the Commissioner of Transportation. The
provisions of this Part shall also be effective with respect to all restricted highways which have heretofore been designated as
restricted highways by the Commissioner of Transportation and on which the restriction has not been removed by a notice of
cancellation issued by the Commissioner of Transportation.