HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 48 -Westphalia Road ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON AUGUST 31. 1999: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the Suffolk County Department of Public Works to conduct a study at the intersection of Westphalia Road and ~ounty Road 0,8 to determine if the blinking traffic signal light sho~JId be changed to a stopp|ng traffic signal light. Southold Town Clerk August 31, 1999 RECEIVED JLIL t 1998 $outhold Town C~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOIF~KS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK CHARLES J. BARTHA. P.E. COMMISSIONER July 9, 1998 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Lower Speed Limit on CR 48 ~) Westphalia Ave. & CR 48 ~? Cox Neck Road, Mattituck Dear Ms. Terry: Enclosed please find a Notice of Order from the NYSDOT to lower the speed limit to 45 MPH at the above-referenced locations. The County will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the speed limit signs. Very truly yours, t~cichard J. LaValle, P.E. hief Engineer RJL:WSS:mj Enclosure STATE OF NE3N YORK D~'PARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE~ OFFICE BIJtLOING ~'50 V~ERANS ~EMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 June 25, 199g Mr. Richard J. LaValle, P.E. Chief Engineer Suffolk County Department of Public Works 335 Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, NY 11980 Dear Mr. LaVaile: Speed Limit Request CR 48 at Wesq~halia Avenue CR 48 at Cox Neck Road Mattituek Our Case No. 979780 We have completed our investigation of the referenced locations, and based on the radar data collected, the current 45 mph speed limit was found to be appropriate. With the concurrence of Bill Shannon of your office, we expanded our speed study to the area between Cox Neek Road and Westphalia Avenue that is currently posted at 55 mph. We found that the posting of 55 mph speed limit for seven tenths of one mile was creating higher speeds within the 45 mph section near Cox Neck Road and Westphalia Avenue. Therefore, we feel it is appropriate at this time to lower the 55 mph speed limit to 45 mph between Cox Neck Road and Westphalia Avenue. Although we establish speed limits within the Town of Southold, the county is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the speed limit signs at this location. Attached for your referenced is a copy of the ordinance concerning the new regulation. Thank you for your interest in traffic safety. Very truly yours, THOMAS F. OELERICH, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer TFO:JS:JS STATE OF NEW YORK--DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY OlVI$10N NOTICE OF ORDER THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY SECTION 1147.37 SUBDIVISION STUdy #O.:979790 47.37 non-sta TROQ~: L OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS r-]ADDED []AMENDED toreada~ followt: REPEALED (t) 45 mph o~ Sour~ Avenue/CR 48, a town and county road, Southold town line and Marys Road, a distance of 2.8~ mile Cu,,,~nity of Mattituck. JS:bau The d~ove ord~ Nil b~ ~,~'tlv~ upon the irm~l;~u,t, modifk~flon ~r eo~formlng to ~fle S-.~;; Manu~l of Unlfomt Traffic Co~tI~e/ ISIGNATURE) Riverhead- unincorporated ~ng~nee~ DESCRIPTION: This actioa arm-_ntis the above ozdex by =~duc~ng the 55 Westphalia to (;ox Lane located wittLin the 45 mph speed described abow~.. zone frcm COUNTY: Suffolk LOCALITY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] Town of Southold [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT, [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE [] South. old [] REGION [] OTHER POLICE DEPARTMENT :lC ENGINEER JUDrYH T. TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL ST.~"ISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICF-R RECORDS iW-iNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Sou~hold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-I800 OFFICE OF ']'H ~' TOWN CLF. RK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 19, 1997 (~harles 8artha, Commissioner Department of Public Works County of Suffolk Yaphank Avenue Yaphank, New York 11980 Dear Mr. Bartha: Transmitted herewith is a certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on September 16, 1997, requesting you to conduct a traffic survey in the area of CR48 at Westphalia Avenue and CR48 at Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph. I am also enclosing pertinent correspondence. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry $outhold Town Clerk Enclosu res cc: Chief of Police Conway Supt. of Highways Jacobs Edward J. Petrou, PE, NYS-DOT Don Witschieben JUDITH T. T/~I~RY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CI.~,RK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERT1FY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1997: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the Suffolk County Department of Public Works and the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a traffic survey in the area of CR48 at Westphalia Avenue and CR48 at Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph. Judith T. Terry ~outhold Town Clerk September 17, 1997 West Mattituck Beach Association P.O. Box 1067 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 The Honorable Jean Cochran. Supervisor a~d Members o~ Sou~aold Towu Board Town Hall, Main Rd. Southold, N.Y. 11971 Juis., ~, 1997 Dear ~ Cochran and M=nbe~ of tho Town Board, In order to ob~in imme~,,~ mli~ we r, qu~st ~ae Town Board ~,,k~ the follo*/=g c~laS~ ~ speed limits: 1. Travet~ ea~ on Rou~e ¢$ Rea-,-~e ~peed ~ fi'mn ,*5 to 35 nnl,'~ per hour about lYg of a ~ west of Cox N~k Lane intcr~fion and con~m~ that limit m just past the 2. T~ west on Rou~ 48 p,.~,e~ ~peed limit from ,*5 to 35 nnles per hour abou~ 1/~h of a mile east of th~ W',s~pha~ia inlm~lion and c, omim~ ~ limiI to just past Cox N~k Lane. Th~ ~ would ~i~ your th~ opponn~ to ~ if it i~ ~ to pr~s the New York Sta~ 14"~ay Dep~ for thc im. tallafion ora ~ ~ light Wc ~ your ~unce in ~ maz~. cc: C~;~ I-fidd CNic ~'v~t. JEAN W. COCHI%AN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sq~t~mb~r 3, 1997 West Mattituck Beach Associates P.O. Box 1067 Mattituck, NY 1195:2 Attention: Don Wkschieben, President Nick Cyprus, V/ce President Stanley Sch/ider, Vke President Gentlemen: I am/n receipt of your letter of July 23 with regard to the/ntersecfions at Route 48 and Westphalia and Route 48 and Cox Neck. Others ~ve voiced concern about Route 48 ail through Mattituck. Recently I met with tJ~e NYS Department of Transpottation and d/scussed this section, requestiag double yellow lining throughout the ~ I will also br/ng your request/or reduaion of the speed 1/mit to the Town Board for their attemio~, I am hopeful that action can be taken to l~'o~ide those using Route 48 anti the roms leading to it with safe and secure travd. S/nc=ely yours, lean W. Coci~a~ Super~dsor /rbw JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CT,~IE~K TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 19, 1997 Edward J. Petrou, P.E. Regional Director Department of T~ansportation State of New York 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788-5518 Attention: Thomas F. Oelerich, P.E. Regional Traffic Engineer Dear. Mr. Oelerich: Transmitted herewith is form TEga requesting you to conduct a traffic survey in the area of CR48 at Westphalia Avenue and CR48 at Cox Neck Lane, Mattituck, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph. A certified resolution of the Southold Town Board, adopted on July 22, 1997, with regard to this request is enclosed, along with pertinent correspondence. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosures CC: Chief of Police Conway Supt. of Highways Jacobs Charles Bartha, Comm.,SCDPW Don Witschieben ~eEio~al Traffic P.~§io~ ~o. 10 Depar~men~ of ~le Tow~ ~oa={ oE the Te~m of Southold , by a =esolucio~ &dopce4 Sept. 16 , 1997., ~n6 cee Count7 Superlncendemc of ~t~hweys of cee Coum:y of Suffolk , hereby reA~esc Vehicle au4 Tcafflc Law, co escablis~ a lower ~u~ apee~ ac which vehicles ~ay proceed* on and County Route at Westhphalia Avenue County Route at Cox Neck Road , a County Road · a Town Righway , a County Road · a Town Highway h~$ bee~ esc&~ltshed, the Town of Southold will provide, ~s~&lZ and ~inc~i: si;ns in accordance ~-Ith ~he Vehicle and Traffic Law and conforming Co =he ~1 of Onifo~ Traffic Control Dated: September 17, 1997 ~'ew~ cie=k Judith T. Terror Dated: Co~gtty Superintendent TZ 9a JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN C I_,ERI~ REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 16, 1997: RESOLVED the Suf~lk Department that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests County Department of Public Works and the New York State of Transportation to conduct a traffic survey in the area of CR48 at Westphalia Avenue and CR48 at Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph. Judith T. Terry 5outhold Town Clerk September 17, 1997 West Mattituck Beach Association P.O. Box 1067 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Thc Honorable Jcaa Cochra~ Sup~v~r · ud Mcmbcrs of thc So.old Town Board Town H~ M~P~. Sou~holc~ N.Y. 11971 Dear M.s. CocIg~m ~ud Mcmbcr~ of thc Town Board, Thc ~o~c~4n? on Route 48 at Wcstphalia Avcnuc and Cox Ncck Lane are CXlrcme, ly da~,crous duc to ]aca~ franc on Route 48 co..:.g at hi~ sp~.As. We prier to h.wc a regular tra~c li~t installed at hhc Westphalia Av~u~ intersection but tmd~ataad thia ~ a long and difli~lt procedure to obtain thc approval of the New York Smc ~ Dcpamn~ - In order to obtain inane, dia~ reli~f, we request thc Town Board makc thc following cldlngea in spccd limita: 1. Trav~ ~ast on Route 48 Rcducc spced limit from 45 to 35 milcs pcr hour about Ug of a mile west of thc Cox Neck Linc immm, s~fion and continue that limit to just past thc 2. Travdi~g west on Route 48 Rcch;c~: speed limit f~om 45 t~ 35 miles pcr hour about l/gth of a mile cast of lhc Wcst~balia intcrsccfion md cominuc fha, ;;a~k to just past Cox Ncck Lane. These ctumgca would give you~ thc OplXmunity to d~ll~{'~'l,;il[l~ ifil York State I-raghway Dep~tmmt for thc installation of a regular tra~c l;~t We appreciate your amsta~ce in tiffs mall~r. cc: Captain Kidd Civic Association Mr. Pa3'. Jacobs, Supcndaor Southold I-flyway Dept. West Mattim~ Bcac, h ,Msoc~on Don W'~schiebcn, President ~¢k Cypm~ Vice i~'rcsidcn[ Sta~l~ $¢htld,r, Vim Pr~id~ JEAN W. COC~utAN SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD West Mattituck Beach A~sociates P.O. Box 1067 Mattituck, NY 11952 Attention: Don Wkschieben, President Nick Cyprus, Vice President Stanley Schilder, Vice President Gentlemen: September 3, 1997 I am in receipt of your letter of July 23 with regard to the intersections at Route 48 and Westphalia and Route 48 and Cox Neck Others have voiced concern about Route 48 all through Mattimck. Recently I met with the NYS Department of Tramportafion and discussed this se~ion, requesting double yellow lining throughout the area. I will also bring your request for reduction of the speed limit to the Town Board for their attemion. I am hopeful that action can be taken to provide those using Rome 48 and the roads leading to it with safe and secure travel. Sincerely yom, Jean W. Cochran Supervisor /rbw TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND SAFE NOTICE OF ORDER flVISION February 2, 1973 · DATE THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 11L~7'37 / (b) SUBDIVISION PARAGRAPH 180-47-10 KLI- Suffolk Coy OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~-~ REPEALED to read as follows:  he above order is to be effective COUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALITY: Town of SoutHold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM [] Regional Traffic Engineer [] Other (Specify) County of Suffolk Repeals 30 ]~H speed limit on New Suffolk Lane, subject highway will be included in New Suffolk area speed limit. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS cc: CITY - VILLAGE x TOWN ~,~ x COUNTY SUPT. ..... Section 12~7.37(i) [] NONE [] Same date · {iDENTIFY) SHERIFF X REGION l0 DIRECTOR x COUNTY P.D. X REGION lO TRAFFIC ENGINEER X STATE POLICE OTHER {SPECIFYJ PERMII~EE O i'RAFEIC ENGIh[EERING AND SAFETY DIVISION NOT,ICE OF ORDER February 2, 1973 DATE Suffolk Co THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1147.37 SUBDIVISION (e) (~) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [] ADDED [] AMENDED ~ ~ ~" . ' The above order is to be effective OOUNTY: Suffolk [] IMMEDIATELY [] UPON COMPLETION LOCALITY: Town of Southold COMPLETION NOTICE SENT TO AND REQUIRED FROM J-IRegional Traffic Engineer [] Other (Specify) Town of Southold Repeals 30 MPH speed limits on Westpholia Road and Factory Avenue, subject highways will be included in the North ]~ttituck area. OTHER RELATED ACTIONS [] NONE [] Section 1247.37 (g) Same date (IDENTJ~) cc: CITY SHERIFF X REGION VILLAGE X COUNTY P.D. X REGION × TOWN X STATE POLICE OTHER Q × COUNTY SUPT. PERMITTEE l0 _DIRECTOR l0 TRAFFIC ENGINEER