HomeMy WebLinkAboutBailey AveWILLIAM C. BASSETTE ARTHUR CORNELIUS, JR. STATE OF NEW YORK .... RTM LES STATE TRAF FIC COMMISS~,~ ~ 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Alb~y Tel. HObart 2-7511 Stop Signs lO Suffolk County l/on. William C. Bassette, Supt, EAr. of Operation & Maintenanae Department of Public Works Albany 1, Ne~ York TRAFFIC ¢OF~iI~ION OR~ER Pt~rsuant to authority eonferred by the New Y~rk State Vehicle amd T~affic Law, the State T~affie Comml ssion hereby Designates intersections on State highways in the Town of Southo]d, S~lffolk County, as STOP intersections, and orders the installation of STOP signs at entrances to such intersections as follows= ac Interseetions of Route 25 with: 1o Laurel Lake Road (Station 414, on SH 8181) with STOP sign on Laurel Lake Road - entrance from southeast. 2,, Cases lane (Station 135* on SH 8229) with STOP on Cases lane -entranoe from'southeast. 3. Schoolhouse Road (Station 144* on SH ~229) with STOP sign on ~hoalhouee Road - entrance from north. 4. Mooers lane (Station 351' on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Meccas Lane - entrsmce from 5o Wells Avenue (Station 395a on SH ~229) with STOP sign on Wells Avenue - entrance from southeast. 6. tiaple Avenue (Station 416* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on ~ple Avenu~ - entrance from northwest. 7. Locust Lane (Station 428* on SH 8~29) with STOP a!gn on Loo~lst ~ - entrance from southeast, 8. Niekles lane (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on Niekles Lane - entrance from southeast. ~.~¢ CO~XON omm~ (~c ?) 9. Arsha~m~mq~ Aven~e (Station J~6* on SH 8229) with STOP sign on A~h~w~2~e AVenUe - e~trance fl~om s~Atheast. 10o Laurel Avenue (Station 458* on ~ 8229) with STOP sign on Laurel Ave~ne -entranee from n~thwesto ]_~o Silvermere Reed (Station 593~ on ~ ~229) with STOP sign on Silver. ere Road - entrance from south. 12. Eighth Street (Station ~2~ cn SH ~229) with STOP sign on Eighth Street - entr~noe from south. 13. ~Aley Avenue (Station .54"- on SIt 83S0) with STOP sign on Bailey Avenue - entrance from r~rth. 14. Roek-y P~int Road (Station 123. on Sfl 8380) with STOP sig~ on Reeky Point Road - entranes from northwest. 15o Stevenson Road (Station 248* on SH 8380) with $~OP sign on Steve~on Road - entrance from northwest. 15o Tabor B~ad (Station 281. on S~ 8380) with STOP sign ~a~or Read -entranee from s~atho 17o platt Road (Station 292~ on SN 8380) with STOp sign on platt Roa~ - entrance from southeast. Direete the New York State Department of Public Works to install and maintain STOP signs in conformauee with the Manual of Unifor~ ~t'fio Control Devises of the State Traffic C~,~tssion as o~dere~ i~ Item above. advise the Trellis 0~mmiosi~n when this order has bee~ complied STATE ~RAFFIC CO~dlSSION SUpto state Police Town Beard, Southald Suffolk County pelves Dept. See. off State chsirmsm