HomeMy WebLinkAboutBay Ave - Cutchogue,~ $ NOTICE
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~tiAT the T~wn Board of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, at the regular meeting ~hereof, held on
the 15th day of ~uly, 1969, adopted the following Ordinance:
WHEREAS, this board deems it tn the public interest that the
Traffic_Ordinance 5f the To~n of Southold be amended to restrict parking o
vehicle8 in certain designated locations in the towa~ as hereinafter provided
?" .... ~, NOW0 '~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a public hearing be
held by thi~ bo~rd on the 15th day of July, 1969 a~ · 7 o'clock P. M,
'at the Supervisor,s Offi~:%, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York in the
matter of amending the Traffic Ordinance of the Town of Southold as follow
· L: :BY~:amending Article V. Section I1 o~' the Traffic Ordinanct~ of th~
Town o~'Scuthold, by adding tho ~ollowing subdivisions thereto, to wit:
?, *On bo~h ~lde~ of Bay ~venue at Ma~tituck from the ~
-: sou:herly ~erminus thereof at Peconic Bay northerly to th~'~south
curb line of Peconic Bay Boulevard, duriu~ the hours from 10:00
P. M, to '/el)0 A, M. ,
8,.'2 On tbs wes~ side of Alarratooka Lane i~om th~' ~outherllf
thereof at Pecotll~ Bay northerly to the .louth curt, lee
~of Pa~?k Avcnutl,
9. On both sides el Bay Avemie at Cutchl,g~,e from
easterly,terminus thereof at Peconic Bay westerly for a distance
of 150 feet, during tile hours fromm 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A, M.
iI0,~ On both siden of Nas-.au P~ial Road al Cntchcguc tree
the westerly terminus thereo! ec P.c,,ntc Bay easterly for a
distance of 1~0 feet,,, durinE the !tours from I0:00 P.M. to 7:00
I1. On both ~lt~¢a of Haywaters Road at Cutehogue from
the weoterly terminus thereof at Peconic Bay easterly for a distance
of ~30 fe~te during the hours from I0:00 P. ]VI., to "/:00 A. M.
12,, On both sides of North Bay View Road at Southold for
a distance of 450 feet easterly ~d westerly from the center line
of Goose Creek Bridge.
13. On both sides of Pine Neck Road at Southold from the
easterly terminus thereof at Peconic Bay westerly to the easterly
curb ii.ne of North Bay View Road, during the hours from 10:00
P.M, to 7:00 A.M.
:[4[, On both sides of Lighthouse Road at Southold from the
guar,:h.mil a~the north0rly terminus thereof southerly for a distance
of ~-0.0 feet~ during the hog's frgm 10:00 P,M~ to 7:00 A,M.
!5, On both sides of Town Harbor Lane at 8~uth01d front
the ~outherly terminus ther~of at Peeonie Bay northerly to the
~out:h Curb line of Te~ry Lane~. during the hours from 10:00 P, M,
'16.. On both 8ide~' 0~f soUnd Avenue at Greenport from the
gual~drail at the norther!y ~ermtnus thereof southerly to the north
curb line of Sound Drive~ during ~he hours from 10:00 P,M. to
7:00 ,A. M . '
i?, On both sides of Ma~'mnset Avenue at Greenport from
the southerly terminu~i thereof at Peconie Bay nortt~erly to the
aouth ~urb line of Inlet Lane and the public parking lot adjacent
thereto~ during the hours from I0:00 P,M, to 7:00 3..M,
1~1. Ou both sides of Rocky Point R(~ad at East Marion
frorn the guardrail at the northerly terminus thereof southerly
to the north curb line of .~quaview Road~ during the hours from
10::00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.
ltl. On both sides of Youngs l'{oad at Orient from thc
guar(lrail at the no~ therly terminus thereof southerly for a
dist~aee of 265 fec~, during the hours from l(~:(}(I P, M. to
?:00 A. M.
On both sides of Sound Drive at Greenport from
the northerly terminus thereof southerly for a distance of
150 ~eet, during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to '~:00 A. M.
21. On the north side of Wistler Avenue at Fishers
Island from the easterly torminus thereof westerly for a
distance of 500 feet. during the hours from 7:30 P.M. to
.IT I~ FU}'tTHER I{F!.SoLXrED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is
dtreeted to post and publish public no, ice o£ said hearing in accordance wit
applicable provisions of law. :