HomeMy WebLinkAboutBray AveJUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 25, 1985 Town Hall, 53095 Main Roac P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 T. C. Hoffman Regional Traffic Engineer N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11788 Dear Mr. Hoffman: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on September 24, 1985 authorized me to submit a request to you to conduct a speed survey on all roads between the southerly side of Route 25 and Peconic Bay, from Bray Avenue, Mattituck to the Town line in Laurel. Should you have any questions relative to this request, please contact Police Chief H. Daniel Winters at 765-2600, and he will be happy to assist you. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk cc: Chief Winters JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 _ THIS IS TO CERTIFY. THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AT A REGULAR MEE'YING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1985: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to submit a request to the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a speed survey on all roads between the southerly side of Route 25 and Peconic Bay, from Bray Avenue, Mattituck to the Town line in Laurel. ~' Judith T. Terry ~ ,,,, ~' Southold Town Clerk \,'" ~'~ NOTICE OF ORDER ION STUDY NO.: 0'790038 FILE: 47.3?-Town o: TROOP: South~ THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FII~ED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1147.37 SUBDIVISION (b) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS E~ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: [] REPEALED (b) 35 MPH on New Suffolk Lane, a town highway between State Route 25 and Brathwohl Road~ a distance of 0.6± miles in the unincorporated community of Cutchogue. DP/TG The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 4/ l/81 {DATE) APPROVED SY: {SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic Engineer {TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action amends this linea~speed limit from 30 ~PH to 35 MPH on the portion of New Suffolk Lane described above. Suffolk COUNTY: OTHER RELATED ACTIONS LOCALITY: NONE [] cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] SHERIFF ~'1 TOWN ~-1 STATE POLICE [] COUNTY SUPT. [] PERMITTEE Town of Southold [] Southold ~REGION 10 I'IOTHER (Identify) POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (Specify) NEW YORK-OEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC AND SAFETY DIVISIOI ,~ NOTICE OF ORDER STUDY NO.: 0810094 FILE: 47.37 Town o£ TROOP: Southo] THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HAS FILED AN ORDER WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE WHEREBY: SECTION 1147.37 SUBDIVISION (c) PARAGRAPH OF THE DEPARTMENT'S REGULATIONS IS [~]ADDED [] AMENDED to read as follows: []REPEALED (e) 40 MPH on Peconic Bay Boulevard, a town highway, between the Riverhead-Southold town line and the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue, a distance of 1.6! miles in the unincorporated communities of Laurel and Matt(tuck. The above order will be effective upon the installation, modification or removal of the necessary traffic control device (s) required by and conforming to the State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. April 24, 1981 (DATE) APPROVED BY: (SIGNATURE) Regional Traffic ~n~neer (TITLE) DESCRIPTION: This action amends this order to have the 40 MPH regular linear speed limit for Peconic Bay Boulevard. It had been seasonal from J~me 15 to September 15. COUNTY: Suffolk OTHER RELATED ACTIONS cc: [] CITY [] VILLAGE [] TOWN [] COUNTY SUPT. DP/~S TE 3e ~8/80) [] NONE [] SHERIFF [] STATE POLICE [] PERMITTEE LOCALITY: Town of Southold (Identify) [] POLICE DEPARTMENT [] REGION ~O. TRAFFIC ENGINEER [] OTHER Southold Police Department (Specify) C-230c (1/65) DESIGNATION OF RESTRICTED HIGHWAY Pursuant to Section 104a of the Highway Law the following described highway: which is being reconstructed under Contract No. ~ /~j,j.~ is hereby designated as a Restricted Highway. Pursuant to'Section 162J~ of the Vehicle and Traffic Law all movement of vehicles, persons or animals on such highway is hereby restricted and regulated in accordance with the determination of the Superintendent of Public Works as evidenced by posted signs, signals or barriers placed along said highway and/or by directions by an authorized representative of the Superintendent of Public Works. Any action taken by the Superintendent of Public Works pursuant to Section 162~ of the Vehicle and Traffic Law shall supersede any other provisions of theVehicJeand Traffic law where inconsistent or in conflict with respect to the. following enumerated subjects: 1. Establishment of maximum and minimum speed limits at which vehicles may proceed along any such Restricted Highway. 2. Weights and dimensions of vehicles. 3. Traffic con'lrol devices. 4. Erection of signs, signals and barriers. 5. Use of such Restricted Highway by pedestrians, equestrians, and animals. 6. Parking, standing, stopping and backing of vehicles. 7. Control of persons and equipment engaged in work on such highway. Dated: Deputy Chief Engineer (2) ~ J~,e De ll~llJ~'J~! By: County Cler~ J~J~JJJlJJJ, JJ Town Clerl(' ~i ~~ State Traffic Commission State Police, Albany, N.Y. Contractor~* ~ ~ ~j C- 230c (1/~S) (l~verse) Pursuant to Section 1628a of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the Superintendent of Public Works added the folio;v- Section 41.1 Definitions. (a) The term ~estricted highway when u~ed in this part shall mean any hlqh- way or portion thereof under construction or reconstruction under the supervision of the Superintendent o{ Public (b) The term work zone when used in this Part shall mean a portion of a restricted highway delineated ~s 41.2 Speed restrictior, s. (a) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a restricted highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the condlfions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing. (b) Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with subdivision (a) of this section, the limits specified or established in this section for restricted highwc, ys shall he the maximum law- Jul speeds, which are as follows: (1) No person shall drive a vehicle on a restricted highway within a work zone at a speed in excess of 25 miles per hour. (2) No person shall drive a vehicle on a restricted highway within any other area outside of a work intendent of Public Works or his duly authorized agent. 41.4 Plagmen. Operators of vehicles on restricted highways sh~ll obey the instructions aDd/or follow standing, stoppingL?aching or other movements of such vehicles. 41.5 Pedestrians, eqt~estrians and animals. The use of any restricted highway by pedestrians, eques- tritons an({ animals may be prohibited or limited by the erection of signs by the Superintendent of Public Works or 41.8 Control of persons and equipn%ent. Construction personnel and equipment engaged in work on such tion of ~ehicles and equipment and other similar operations necessary to the reasonable and practical performance 41.7 Registration of vehicles. The provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to registration shall 41.8 Other requirements. The other provisions of the Vehicle and Traffic Law relating to motor vehicles shall not apply to special p~rpose construction equipment, such as described in section 401, subdivision 7, para- hicles and equipment shall be kept in safe, mechanical operating condition ~t all times and reasonable caut/gn normally operate on public highways to transport persons and/or material and are normally considered commercial vehicles. 41.9 Emergency or unusual conditions. The Superintendent of Public Works m~y by the erection o~ signs, signals or other fraffic control devices alter or modify the provisions of the regulations in this Part to adequately protect the public at locations where emergency or unusual conditions occur or exist as a result of the construction or reconstruction on a restricted highway. These alterations or modifications shall have the same force ~nd effect as though fhey were specifically spelled out in the regulations of this Part ~nd shall remain in force until tke con- f~OT,[CE Of' COMPLi'/:'iOi~ Department of Trangporta ~ Traffic Engineering and Safety Division 1220 Waahlngton Avenue Albany, New York 12226 Suffolk/Southoid . KLI~- The action required by the Department's order of: May 13, 1969 whereb Section 1247.~7 Subdivision (f) of the Hegulations of the Dept. of Transportation was Par~graph [~Addcd ~nended has been completgd [] Repealed ~.' [[]Unchanged It reads as follows: (f) 30 MPHwithin the Mattituck area, the boundaries of which are described in Paragraph (1). (1) Area Description: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly right-of- 'way line of Main Road, Route 25, with the. southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue'~ud the southwesterly right-ofvway line of Bray Avenue extended southeasterly to its intersection with the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay; thence easterly along the northerly 'shore line of Great Peconic Bay to its intersection with the westerly shore li~ue of James Creek; thence northerly along the westerly shore line of James Creek to its northerly termAnus; thence northerly on a straight line to its intersection with the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue; thence westerly along~the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue to its intersection>~ith the southeasterly right- of-way line of Main Road, Route 25; thence pouthwesterly along the southeasterly right- of-way line of Main Road, Route 25, to the point of beginning. ? ~]Immediately The above action was to be effective ~Upon Completion Established a 30 MPH speed limit witkin the MattitUck area' which is described above. The Town of Southold is to install, operate and maintain or remove signs, signals and/or markings required to complete this regulation. Thc action required by the Department's order was completed as of (Completion Date) Comity: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality:Matt{tuck area Very truly yours~ This completion notice from Tow~ of Southold ~-ignatu~'e) (Title :i'A'k 0i' l,II,:'.t Yfllfi( -- TIC:I( ITAT Suffolk/South old KIJ_ - The Dept. of Transportatfen has filed an Order with the Secreta~'y of State whereby Section. 12~$7 Subdivision ~_fO. Paragraph · ~1 Added of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportatio:: is [JJAmended ~ ~epealed ~ Unchanged It reads as follows: (f) 30 ~H within the M~ttituck area, the boundaries of which ara described in Paragraph (1). (1) Area 'D~scription: Beginning at ~he intersection of ~e southeasterly ~ight-of- way line of ~in Road, Route 25, ~th the sou6hwssterly right-of-Way line of Bray Avenue; thence southeasgerly along the southwesterly right-of-way ~ne of Bray Avenue and the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue extended southeasterly to its intersection ~th the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay; %hence easterly along the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Day to its intersection ~th the westerly shore line James Creek~ thence northerly along the westerly shore line of James Creek to .its northerly tert~_nus; thence northerly .on a straight line to its intersection ~th southerly r~ght-of-way line of New ~ffolk Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way Dine of New Suffolk Avenue, to its intersection wi~ the southeasterly rigbt- of~-way line of Main Road, Route 25; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly right- of-way line of Main Road, Route 25, to the point of beginning. The above action is to be effective [] immediately' ~ Upon Completioa Established a 30 MPH speed li~it within the Mattituck area which is described above. The Town'of Southold is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffie-cont; devices in confor~.~snce with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete thf action. It Is essential that th~s office be promptly advised of the date of completion. Copies of a Completion I~ot~ce have bean enclosed for this purpose. One colby should be properly executed, showing date of eomptetiob, and rett~ned lo this office. County: Suffolk Town: Southold Locality: ~ttituck area Encl: Completion Notices to Town of Scuthold RVA/ns ~e: Distr~ct - i0, Supt. Stal. c Po]ice ~J Cot,nty Supt. ~3 ~z~ S~ffolk Co. Police Dept. El c~ ty [] VJ !ia:~: STA' ~ NEW YO~{K - .,,m""TrF~,,, OF AC ] ON Suffolk/Southold KLI - As of May 13, 1969 The Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the SecretaFy of State whereby Section 1247.37 Subdivision (f) of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is It reads as follows: (f) 30 P~H ~thin the Mattituck area, Paragraph (1). __Paragraph____ .~JAdded ~J&aended ~Repealed g Unchanged the boundaries of which are described in (1) Area'Description: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly right-of- way line of Main Road, Route 25, with the southwesterly right-of-way llne of Bray Avenue; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue and the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue extended southeasterly to its intersection with the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay to its intersection with the westerly shore line of James Creek; thence northerly along the westerly shore line of James Creek to.its northerly terminus; thence northerly ~n a straight line to its interkection with the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue; thence wegterly along the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenu% to its intersection ~th the southeasterly right- of-way line of Main Road, Route 25; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly right- of-way line of Mmin Road, Route 25, to the point of beginning. []Immediately' The above action is to be effective ~Upon Completion Established a 30 MPH speed limit ~thin'the Mattituck area which is described above. The Town 'of Southold is to install, operate and fimintain, or remove, traffic-cont~ devices in con£or~asnce with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices to complete th~ action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of comp].etion. Copies of a Completion llotice have ~een enclosed for this pnrpose. One copy should be properly executed} shouing date of completion, and ret%ucned to this office. Colmty: Suffo.~k ' Town: Southold Locality: Mmttituck area Encl: Completion Notices to Town of Southold RVA/ns ce: Distr~ct -. 10, Supt. State Police [~County Supt. ~J~ks~.~t~ Suffolk Co. Police Dept. [1City J~ Vill.a::o · " ' ~ Ti~'~ U'!II(TA'['IO[! NEW YOHK - I)EPAI('J'M!,iiiT Suffolk/Southold KLI - As of____ May_~, 1969 ~the Dept. of Transportation has filed an Order with the Secreta?y of State whereby Section 1247,37 Subdivision ~_ Paragraph .~JAddcd of the Regulations of the Dept. of Transportation is [J~tended ~Repealed [] Un.changed It reads as follows: (f) 30 MPH %~thin the Mattituck area. the boundaries of which are described in Paragraph (1). (1) Area 'Description: Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly right-of- way line of ~.~in Road, Route 25, with the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue and the southwesterly right-of-way line of Bray Avenue extended southeasterly to its intersection with the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay; thence easterly along the northerly shore line of Great Peconic Bay to its intersection ~ith the westerly shore line of James Creek; thence northerly along the westerly shore line of James Creek to.its · northerly terr~nus; thence northerly Dh a straight line to its intersection ~th the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue; thence westerly along the southerly right-of-way line of New Suffolk Avenue, to its intersection %~th the southeasterly right- of-way line of l~in Road. Route 25; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly right- of-way line of Nain Read, Route 25, to the point of beginning. Tl~e above action is to be effcctivc ~ ]5rmediat ely ' [] Upon Completion Established a 30 M~H speed limit within the Mattituck area which is described above. Tho Tov,~ 'of Southold is to install, operate and maintain, or remove, traffic--cont~ devices iu conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traf£ic Control Devices to octopi, ets th-; action. It is essential that this office be promptly advised of the date of eomplctio:~. Copies of a Completion IJotice have been enclosed for this purpose. One c¢,py should be properly cxecutcd~ shot,'ing date of completion~ and returned to this office. County: Suffo.ik Town: Southeld Locality: Mattituck area Enel: Completion Notices to Town of Southold RVA/ns cc: D]str~ct -- 10, Supt. State J'ol~:e ~ County Supt. ~] ~ ~ffolk Co. Po]ice Dept. [1 Citer STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 ONTARIO ST., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albany Tel 438-4521 Aria Code 518 SEP 1 g Yie~l Signs 10 Suffolk Oo,mt,7 XL~ - 1224 az~ 2226 Pursuant to authority conferred by the New York S~ate Vehicle ~raffic Law, the State ~affi~ Ccs~nimsion hereby Designates intersections on State h.igh~ays in the To~m of Suffolk C~ty, as YIELO intersections; ar~ orders the instell-tion of YIELD signs at entrances to sv~h interseetions~ as fellc~s: a,, Intersections of Route 25 with: 1~ Brs~Avenue (Station E~439m on SH 8151) with YIELD sign on Bray Aven~.9 - entrance f~om southeast., 2.~ Marlene D~ive (Station 473i on SM 8151) with Y~LD sign on Marlene Drive .- e~tranee i~rom ~outheast o Bay Avenue (Station 48~* on SE 8181) with YIELD sign on Baby Avenue - entrance ~*rom southeast :. 4o Le~ion Avenue (~tation ~83~- on $]I 8181) wit~ YIELD sig~ on Le~ion Ave~Ae ~, en~?anee ~om ne~thwesto 5o Reeve Avenue (Station 515~ on ~ 8181) with YIFLD sign on Reeve Aver~Ae - ~ntranse frcea southeast,, Maple Average (Station '~ on ~ 822~) with YIELD sig~ on Maple Avenue - entr~nce Frc~ north° 7~ ~et Aver~ (5~a~ion 28* on SH 8229) with YIF~T~ sig~ on SAnset Avemle - entrar~e ~om 8~, Elizah Z~ (Station 59* on ~[ 8~29) ~ith YIELD sign on E~izah ~ane - entrance from nort~r~eato 9,, LoCUst Avenue (Station 63~ on SH 8229) with YIELD sign on Locust Avenue ~- entrance f~om southeast,. 10o ~illwater Avenue (~cation 166~' on SH 8229) with YIELD sign on StiLlwater Avenue ~ entrance from southeast ~ WeLI.~ Road (Station 295~ on SH 8229) with YIELD sig~ on Wells Road - entrance from south., Main Ba~v View Road (Station 360~ on S~; 8229) with YIELD sign on M~dn B~v l~ew Road ~. e~tza~e fror~ ~mui, h~ Sage Bnulevard (Station 530~ on FSC Y~IlO) with yIELD sign on Sa~e Bou!e~.u~] -~ entrance from so_~thea~t 14. Alber%son Lane (Station 548! on SH 8229) with YIELD sign on Alber~mon Lan~ - en%ram~e fro~ north. 15. Moores Lame (Station 620+ ~a SH 8229) with I~IELD sign on Moires Lar~ - entrance from ncwthwest. 16. Gillet~ Drive (Station /~%-+ on SH 8380) with l~_~.n sig~ on Gillette D~ive - ®~%ra~e from seuth. 17. Ce~tery Road (Stahion 146! on Sll 838O) with HELD sign on 0o~t~y Road - entrance froa south. 18. Oyster P~ads La~e ($~ati~ 272-+ on SH 8380) with YIELD sign ea Oys$er Ponds Lane . entrance fr~m south. Directs the New ~erk State Department cf Publio Works ~ install a~d maintain XIELD signs in eonfermar~s with She Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Dewie®s of She State Traffie Oow~1 ssion as ~rder~ i~ Item I advise the Traffie Commission when Shis order has ~een oe~lied with. STATE TRAF~'IO COMMISSION See. of State Supt. Stat~ Police Tm. Bdo, Southold S~,ffolk Go. Polioe Depto WILLIAM S. HULTS, STATE TRAFFIC CO~AMI$$ION ~ 95 WAiHINGTO~ AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. Albeey Tel. HObart 2-7511 7J/ N ! 51962 Yield Sig~s 10 Suffolk Count~ ELI - 1224 and l_~& Hon. ~ Co Bassette, ~apt. Div. of Operation & F~inte--~e Department of public g~rks Alba~ 1, Nee York: ~AFFIO CON~XSSION OP~ P~r~ua~% to authority e~fe~re~ b~ the New ¥~rk S~ate Vehicle ~ ~ra~fi~ ~aw, ~be State ~affic O~m~ission bereb~ - 9esi~tes imterse~tions on S~ate higtM~s in the To~n of Sonthold, Sufffolk County, as YIELD intersections, and e~d~re the installatio~ of ~I~LD signs at entrances to such int~seotions, as follows: a. ~nterse~tions of Route 25 with= 1. Dra~ Avenue (Station E-439, on SH 8181) with YIELD sign on ~ray Avmme - entrance Erma eoutheast. 20 ~,~rle~e Drive (Station 473* on S~ 8181) with Z~D sign on Ms~lene Drive - entrance from southeast. 3o BaY AVenue (Station 482* on ~H 81_81) with yT~.n sign on I~V Avenue - entranoe from southeaet o 4. Legion Avenne (Station 4~* on aN 8181) ,it2a Zr~:~ sign on Legion Ave~Ae - entrance fron narthwesto Reeve Avenue (Sbation 5lB* on SH 8181) with YIEI~ sign on Reeve Avenue. entrance from smuthee~t, 6. Maple Avenue (Station ~1- on SH 8229) with ZIELD siga on ~ple Avenue - outranoe from ~outh~ast. 7. Sunset Avenue (Station 28* on SH 8229) with y~n sign on Sunset Avenue - e~tra~e from south. 8. ~*-~h Lane (Station 59* on SH 8~29) with yr~n sign on ELinsh Lane - entranoe from northeeat. ~V.O~ ~ZO~ O~ (~ ?) II ~l~ateT Arose (Stat~Lon 1A~ on ~! ~) ~th yIZLD on ~!!~atu~ Avenue - entranoo iYcm ~utheaot. Road - ent~noe ~ oou~h. 12. ~hi. Ib~ Vice Road (~tat~on 360* cu ~H 8~29) ~%h IIELD ~ on ]Mn l~y ~le~ ~ - entrance ~ south. Boulevard (ht~on ~0~ on PSC lllO) vlth YIELD sifn on ~tevard - eut~anoe iYom aoutheaet. l~z~rea Lane 15o Gtl~otte Efive ($tati~n LL~* on Sa 8~80) vlth XlKI~ o~n cu ~t~le~te ~ive - entreooe t~ou oouth, 16. Oemet~Y Road (~tation ~ on ~H 8~0) vith Im.~ si~n on Cemetea~ Roed - eu~an0e ~ south. 17o ~e~er ~onds I-M (Station ~7~6 on 8H 8~0) on ~Feter Ponda lane - entr~Me ~ south. Divots the Ne~ ~ork State De.M~tment of Publio ~orks to install meAnt~u YXKID signf in confc~anoe Mith the FAnual 9f Uniform lMe~fi~ Control Devioes off the State ~Faff~o Cmgnisaiml as arde~ed in 1~ ~ advice the ~affie ~tsaion b4Hm thio orde~ bas been ocgq~ied with. See. ~f State