HomeMy WebLinkAboutArshamomaque LaneSTATE OF NEW YORK STATE 95 WASHINGTON AVE., ALBANY 1, N. Y. AIb~my TeL HObart 2-7511 Stop S~ns 10 Suffolk County Hone William C. Baseette~ SUpto Div. of Operation & Main2enanee Department off Public Wo~ks Albamy 1, New York TP~FF/D COMMISSION Pursuant to authority conferred by the New Y~'k State Vehicle amd T~affie Law, the State T~afffio Commission hereby I Designates intersections on State high~ in the Town of Southold, ~uffolk ~ounty, as ST~Pintersections, and orders the installation of STOP signs at entranees to such intersections as follows: ac Intersections of Route 25 with: 1o laurel !~We Read (Station 414* on SwN 8181) with STOP stgn onLat~rel[~ke Road -entrance frem southeast. 2o Casea lane (Station 135* on SH ~9) with STOP sign on Cases Lane - entrance from'southeast. Seho~lheuso Eoad (Station 144- on SH 8229) with STOP sign on ~choolhouse Road - entrance from north. 4. Mooers Ta~e (Station 351~ on SH ~229) with STOP sign on Mooers Lane - entrance from ~orth. 5o Well- Avenue (Station 395~ on SH 822~) with STOP sign on Wells Avenue - ~ntran~e f~em southeast. Maple Avenue (Station 416~ on SH 8229) with STOP sign on ~ple Avenue - entrance from northwest. 7. Locust T~e (Station ~28* on SH ~29) with STOP sign on Lo,net T~,, - entrance from southeast° 8. Nick_les Lane (Station 456~ on SH 8229) with ST~P sign on Nicklee ~ - entrance from southeast. 9, ~ue Avenme (Station 4~6- on SH ~22~) with STOP sign on Ar~hamo~que AVerse - entrance fl~em southeast. Laurel Avenue (Station 458* ~n ~ 8229) with STOP sign on Laurel Avenne - entrance fi-o~ northwest° ~1o ~ilvermere Reed (Station 593* on ~ ,~2..29) with STOP sign on ~ilverme~e Roa~ - entr~mee from south. 12. Eighth ~treet (Station 626~ on SH 822~) with STOP sign on E~ghth Street - entrunce fi-om south. 13o Bailey Ave~Ae (Station 5~* on SN 83~0) with STOP sign on Bailey Avenue - entrance fi-om north. 14. Rook~ Point Road (Station 123, on SH 83~O) with STOP sig~ on Reek2 Peiut Road - entrance from north~et. 15o Stevenson Road (Station 248~ on SH 8380) with STOP sign on ~e~on Road - entrance from northwest. 16. Tabor Read (Station 281- on S~ 83~0) with STOP sign ~n Tabor Road -entranee from south. 17, Platt Road (Station 292~ on Sfl 8380) with STOP sign on platt Road - entrance from southeast. Directs the New York State Department of Public Works to instali and msinta~n STOP signs in conformance with the ~anual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices of the State ~raffic Cesamission as crderad in Item I ~b~Veo advise the ~affie f~mflesicn ~hen this order has beem eomp~ted STATE Supt. State Poltee Town Board, Sou+.~ld Suffe:Lk County poliee Dept, See, off State ~ILLIA~ S. I~LTS chairman