HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlbertson Drive1220 Washington Avenue, State Campus, Albany, New York 12226 March 31, 1975 Albert W, Richmond Tn. Clerk-Tn. of Southold Main Street Southold, New Tork 11971 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Reymond T. Sdtul~, Contmlmioner I, WilliamS. Dauchy, Director , Business Administration Bureau, Department of Transportation, State of New York, do HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of an official order of the Department of Transportation and the same has been compared with the original thereof filed in m~ office on the 31 day of ~b , 19 75 , and the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. In witness whereof, I have thereunto set mS' hand and affixed the seal of the Department of Transportation of the State of New York, this 31 day of ~arch , 19 75 S ADMINISTI{ATION BUB~AU DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION m) TO: OFFICIAL ORDER NEW YORK ETATj DEPARTMENT OF TRANEPORTATION Distribution: r-~ Department-wide r-'-] Speci al [--X---J Highways ['~ Waterway s SUBJECT: RESCISSION OF O~ICIAL OTc~L~ NO. 825 DA'£.mu ~ANUARY 20, 1975 ~ D~ION ~ ~A~ ~T~ ~S OR ~G~AYS ~ ~ Number Supersedes: Official Order No. 825 dated January 20, 1975 is hereby rescinded, and Pursuant to Section 42 of the Highway Law, it is ORD~2~: That the following roads or highways be designated as a Detour during the period of reconstruction of 911 Creek Bridge Mattituck- Greenport, ~ 8229 under P.I.N. 00Z~l.26 and they are hereby taken over by the State for maintenance and repairs as a Highway Detour, viz= From the intersection of State Route 25 and Boisseau Avenue northerly along Boisseau Avenue to the intersection of North Road, County Road 27, thence along North Road, County Road 27, to the intersection with Albertson Drive, thence southerly along Albertson Drive to Cassidy Lane (now part of Albertson Drive) to State Route 25. The entire traffic detour being a total length of 7900 feet or 1.5 miles in the Town of Southold, the County of Suffolk, and it is FURTHER ORDEP~D: That said sections of roads or highways are hereby designated as a Highway Detour for the period of necessity only, and it is FURTHER ORDerED: That a certified copy of this Official Order be filed with the County Clerk and with the Superintendent of Highways of Suffolk County, with the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold and also in the office of the State ComptroLler. This Official Order issued pursuant to the authorization delegated by Official Order number 766 dated April 26, 1974. FOR THE 00~ISSIONER.' Department Secretary NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1220 Washington Avenue, ~tate Campus, Albany, New York 12~26 January 27, 1975 ~lbert W. Richmond Tn Clerk Main Street Southold, New York 11971 I, William M. Dauchy, Director , Business Administration Bureau, Department of Transportation, State of New York, do HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of an official order of the Department of Transportation and the same has been compared with the original thereof filed in m~ office on the 27 8ay of January , 19 75 , and the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. In witness whereof, I have thereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Department of Transportation of the State of New York, this 27 day of January , 1975 DEPAi~TMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AD 153 (~/73) TO: Di stribution: J~J Department-wide J---J Speci aJ OFFICIAL ORDER NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBJECT: DIRECTION ~ ~SIGNATE CERTAIN ~)ADS OR HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE TOWN OF S~UT~DLD, ~3FFOLK 0OUNTY FOR MAINTENANCE AS A STATE HIGHWAY IETOUR. [-~ Highway s Number ---J Waterway s Super sede s: 825 Date '~A N 2 0 lgT~ Pursuant to Section 42 of the Highway Law, it is ORu~R: That the following roads or highways be designated as a Detour during the period of reconstruction of Mill Oreek Bridge Mattituck- Greenport, ~ 8229 under P.I.N. 00Z~1.26 and they are hereby taken over by the State for maintenance and repairs as a Highway Detour, viz: For eastbound traffic- From the intersection of State Route 25 and BClsseau Avenue northerly along Boisseau Avenue to the intersection of North Road, County Road 27. From the intersection of North Road~ County Road 27, and Albertson D~ive southerly along Albertson Drive to Cassidy T,nne (now part of Albertson Drive) to State Route 25. For westbound traffic follows the same route in the reverse order - The entire eastbound traffic detour being a total length of 7900 feet or 1.5 miles and the westbound traffic detour being the same, in the Town of Southold, the County of Suffolk, and it is FURTHER ORDERED: That said sections of roads or highways are hereby designated as a Highway Detour for the period of necessity only, and it is FURTHER ORal,tED: That a certified copy of tl~is Official Order be filed with the County ~lerk and with the Superintendent of Highways of Suffolk Oounty, with the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southoldandalso in the office of the State Comptroller. This Official Order issued pursuant to the authorization delegated by Official Order number 766 dated April 26, 1974. FOR THE O0~94ISSIONER: Department Secretary