HomeMy WebLinkAboutElizabeth Field Airport Apron ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN' CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS iYrARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~AGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 253 OF 2005 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 26, 2005: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Suoervisor Joshua Y. Horton to execute the necessary forms with reuard to the Elizabeth Field Airoort Aoron and Taxiwav FAA AlP No. 3-36-0029-11-04; NYS PIN 0913.09 Project for the Partial Payment Request No. TWO (Form 271), all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS CbS Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 www. cscos.com April 21, 2005 Mr. Joshua Y. Horton Town of Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southotd, NY 11971 Re: Elizabeth Field Airport Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) FAA AlP No. 3-36-0029-11-04 NYS PIN 0913.11 File: 211.008.003 Enclosed please find the following: Four copies of Partial Payment Request No. TWO (Form 271), with attached backup documentation, for your review and appropriate signature. Remarks: Please sign three copies of Form 271 and retum them to me for distribution. Keep one copy with backup documentation for your files. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, C&S ENGINEERS, INC. Kelli R. Walters Grants Administrator Enclosures CC: Thomas I. Doherty John Cushman (w/encl.) OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUES'I' FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM~ Name: Town of Soutt~d To~m Hall Addres~ PO Box 1 t 79 Soulhold, NY 11971 3.36-0029-11-04 PAYEE: Name: PAGE I OF I PAGES 2. BASTS OF REQUEST: [] CASH TWO FI;(Monlh, day, y~r)ll/1M)4 jTo: (~,.=,,,,,)04/13~5 CLASSIFICA~I1ON TaxJ~,ay Stub b. R~mtlve certifying to line TELEPHONE NO.: (631) 765-1889 DATE REPORT SUBMrFTED: TYPED OR PRINTI~ NAME AND TITLE: KELU R. WALTER8 GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR C&$ ENGINEERS, INC. TELEPHONE NO.: (315) 455.20~0 Thomas M. Greenfield Regional Vice President Home Office generol cosuolty One General Drive Sun Prairie, WI 53596 Phone (608) 837-4440 Fax (608) 837~0583 www.generalcasualty.com TOWN OF SOUTHHOLD, C&S ENDGINE ADMIN., & THE NEW YOP~K STATE DEPT O P 0 BOX 1179 SOUTHHOLD, NY 11971 Date: 12/02/2004 Important Information Regarding Your Insurance Policy Attached is a conditional renewal notice from your insurance company. Blue Ridge, telling you that your policy is being conditionally renewed. What does this mean to you? Most importantly, this means that your policy will be renewed with General Casualty. Who Is General Casualty? General Casualty has been writing insurance for individuals and businesses~nce~l 9_~5. Both Bb~e Ridge and General Casualty are subsidiaries of Winterthur Swiss Insurance Company. The Company believes in the regional approach to doing business, which means living and working among our agents and policyholders. As the Eastern Region of General Casualty, we will continue to be responsive, dependable, and accessible to you and your agent. You can find detailed information about General Casualty at www.generalcasualty.com. What should you do now? After receiving your conditional renewal from Blue Ridge, your agent will deliver to you your new insurance policies through General Casualty. We are very excited about working hard to deliver the quality insurance products and services that will make us your insurance provider of choice. If you have any questions about this process, please contact your agent who is listed below: ROY H P~EEVE AGENCY INC PO BOX 1422 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 0310761 Sincerely, Thomas M. Greenfield Regional Vice President ADDITIONAL INTEREST COPY General Casualty Company of Wisconsin Hoosier Insurance Company A Member of the General Casualty Company of Illinois Regent Insurance Company 'Winter thur' 5wiss Insurance Group OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 3. FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZA'FIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH TH~S REPORT IS SUBMITTED: Federal Aviation Administration - NYADO 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO.: 17. RECIPIENT ACCOUNT OR I OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER: 11-6003307 ~ N/A 9, RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION: Name: Town of Southold Town Hall Address PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Approved by Office of Management and Budget No. 80-R0181 1. TYPE OF REQUEST: ~'] P/~TIAL r-1 FINAL 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED BY FEDERAL AGENCY: 3-36-0029-11-04 PAYEE: PAGE 1 OF I PAGES 2. BASIS OF REQUEST: ~]CASH [~ACCRUAL 5. PARTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO.: TWO 8. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT FI; (Month, day, year) I TO: (Month, day, year) 11/18/04 ~ 04/13/05 (VVhere check should be sent if different than item s) Name: Address: CLASSIFICATION STATUS OF FUND8 PROGRAMS - FUNCTIONS - ACTIVITIES (b) (c) Taxiway Stub a. Administrative expense SO.CO b. Preliminary expense $0.00 c. Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d. Architectural engineering basic fees 50.00 e. Other architectural engineering fees $0.(30 f. Project inspection fees $23,296.67 g. Land development SO.CO h. Retocation expense $0.00 i. Relocation payments to individuals and businesses 50.00 j. Demolition and removal $0.00 k. Construction and project improvement cost $41,153.70 I. Equipment SO.CO m. Miscellaneous cost 50.00 n. Total cumulative to date (sum of lines a thru m) 564,450.37 o, Deductions for program income $0.00 p. Net cumulative to date (Line n minus line o) $64,450.37 q. Federal share to date 561,227.85 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbumement) SO.CO s. Tota~ Federal share (sum of lines q and r) $61,227.85 t. Federal payments previously requested $49,674.70 u. Amount requested for reimbursement $11,553 v. Percent of physical completion of project 12.81% 12. CERTIFICATION: I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs or disburse- ments are in accordance with the terms of the project and that the reimbursement represents the Federal share due which has not been previously requested and that an inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. TOTAL a. RECIPIENT b. Representstive certifying to line 11v. SO.CO $o,oo $o.oo SO.CO $0.oo So. CO SO,CO $0.00 SO.CO $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo 50.00 $0.00 SO.CO SO.CO $0.00 523,296.67 50.00 50.00 $0.00 ;O.CO $0.00 SO.CO ;0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 50.00 t0.00 50.00 $41,153.70 I0.00 SO.CO $0.00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 564,450.37 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO $0.00 $64,450.37 SO.CO SO.CO $61,227.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $61,227.85 $0.00 SO.CO $49,674.70 $0.00 $0.00 $1 i ,553 0.00% 0.00% 12.81% SI ~E~D (URE OF AUTHORIZED CERTI~IN¢ DATE REPORT SUBMITTED:  TITLE ~Y~ED OR PRINTED NAME AND : TELEPHONE NO.: I JOSHUA Y. HORTON TOWN SUPERVISOR (631) 765-1889 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL: DATE REPORT SUBMITTED: TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: KELLI R. WALTERS GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR C&S ENGINEERS, INC. TELEPHONE NO,: (315) 455-2000 271-102 STANDARD FROM 271 (7-76) Prescribed by Office of Management end Budget Ctr. A-Il0 OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 3 FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH THiS REPORT IS SUBMIT['ED: Federal Aviation Administration - NYADO 6. EMPLOYER IDENTiFiCATION NO.: 17. RECIPIENTACCOUNTOR I OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER: 11-6003307 I N/A 9. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION: Name: Town of Southold Town Hall Address PO Sox 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Approved by Office of Management and Budget No. 80-RO181 1. TYPE OF REQUEST: ~] PARTIAL D FINAL 4. FEDERAL GF~T OR OTHER IDEN~IFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED BY FEDERAL AGENCY: 3-36-0029-11-04 PAYEE: PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 2. BASIS OF REQUEST: F~CASH D ACCRUAL 5, PARTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO.: TWO 8. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT FF (Month, day, year) I TO: (Month, day, year) 11/18/04 ~ 04/13/05 (Where check should be sent if different than item 9) Name: Address: CLASSIFICATION STATUS OF FUNDS PROGRAMS - FUNCTIONS - ACTIVITIES (b) (c) Apron and Taxiway Stub a. Administrative expense $0.00 b, Preliminary expense $0.00 c. Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d. Architectural engineering basic fees $0.00 e. Other architectural engineering fees $0.00 f, Project inspection fees $23,296.67 g. Land development $0.00 h. Relocation expense $0.00 i Relocation payments to individuals and businesses $0.00 j. Demolition and removal $0.00 k. Construction and project improvement cost $41,153.70 L Equipment $0.00 m. Miscellaneous cost $0.00 n. Total cumulative to date (sum of lines a thru m) $64,450.37 o. Deductions for program income $0.00 p. Net cumulative to date (Line n minus line o) $64,450.37 q. Federal share to date $51,227.85 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbumement) $0.00 s. Total Federal share (sum of lines q and r) $61,227.85 t, Federal payments previously requested $49,674.70 u, Amount requested for reimbursement $11,553 v. Percent of physical completion of project 12.81% 12. CERTIFICATION: I certify that to the pest of my knowledge and belief the billed costs or disburse- ments are in accordance with the terms of the project end that the reimbumement represents the Federal share due which has not been previously requested and that an inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0,00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 ;0.00 $0.00 ;0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00% 0,00% SIGNATURE OF/~UTHORIZED CERTIFYIN( /3~fP OR RINTED ME AND TITLE: ,. JOSHUA Y. HORTON TOWN SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL: a. RECIPIENT b. Representative certifying to tine 11v. TOTAL TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: KELLI R. WALTERS GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR C&S ENGINEERS, INC. $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,296.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,153.70 $0.00 $0.00 $64,450.37 $0.00 $64,450.37 $61,227.85 $0.00 $61,227.85 $49,674.70 $11,553 12.81% DATE REPORT SUBMITTED: TELEPHONE NO.: (631) 765-1889 DATE REPORT SUBMI'CrED: TELEPHONE NO.: (315) 455-2000 271-102 STANDARD FROM 271 (7*76) Prescribed by Office of Management and Budget Cir. A-110 OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 3. FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH THIS REPORT IS SUBMI"CFED: Federal Aviation Administration - NYADO 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO.: 17. RECIPIENTACCOUNTOR I OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER: 11-6003307 NIA 9. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION: Name: Town of Southold Town Hall Address PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Approved by Office of Management and Budget No. 80-RO181 1. TYPE OF REQUEST: ~1 PARTIAL I--]FINAL 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED EY FEDERAL AGENCY: 3-364)029-114)4 PAYEE: PAGE I OF 1 PAGES 2. BASIS OF REQUEST: r~CASH D ACCRUAL 5. PART~L PAYMENT REQUE~ NO.: 'nNO 8. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT FI; (Month, day, year) [ TO: (Month, day, year) 11/18/04~ 04/13/05 (~Nbere check should be sent if different then item s) Name: Address: CLASSIFICATION STATUS OF FUNDS PROGRAMS - FUNCTIONS - ACTIVITIES (bi (c) Apron and Taxiway Stub a. Administrative expense $0.00 b. PreliminanJ expense $0.00 c. Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d. Architectural engineering basic fees $0,00 e, Other architectural engineering fees $0.00 f. Project inspection fees 423,296,67 g. Land development $0,00 h, Relocation expense $0.00 i. Relocation payments to individuals and businesses 40.00 j. Demolition and removal $0.00 k. Construction and project improvement cost $41,153.70 I. Equipment $0.00 m. Miscellaneous cost $0.00 n. Total cumulative to date (sum of lines a thru m) $64,450.37 o. Deductions for program income $0.00 p. Net cumulative to date (Line n minus line o) 464,450.37 q. Federal share to date $61,227.85 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbumement) 40.00 s. Total Federal share (sum of lines q and r) $61,227.85 t. Federal payments previously requested $49,674,70 u. Amount requested for reimbursement $11,553 v. Percent of physical completion of project 12.81% 12. CERTIFICATION: a. RECIPIENT b. Representative certifying to line 11v. I ce~fy that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs or disburse- ments are in accerdance with the terms of the project and that the reimbursement represents the Federal share due which has not been previously requested and that an inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. $0.00 40.00 40.00 40,00 40.00 40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 $0.00 40.00 $0.00 40.00 $0.00 40.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 [0.00 ~9.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 ~0.00 ;0.00 ;0.00 iO.O0 ~0.00 ;0.00 0.00% TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,296.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,153.70 $0.00 $0.00 $64,450.37 $0.00 $64,450.37 461,227.85 $0,00 $61,227.85 $49,674.70 411,553 12.81% SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYIN( DATE REPORT SUBMI'CI'ED: ~P~ED O~P~RINTED NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NO.: JOSHUA Y. HORTON TOWN SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CER~FIFYING OFFICIAL: TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: KELLI R. WALTERS GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR C&S ENGINEERS, INC. (631 ) ~6~-1889 DATE REPORT SUBMITTED: TELEPHONE NO.: (315) 455-2000 271-102 STANDARD FROM 271 (7-76) Prescfi~l by Office of Management and Budget Cir. A~110 OU fLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 3 FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH THIS REPORT IS SUBMI3~'ED: Federal Aviation Administration - NYADO 6, EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO,: 17. RECIPIENTACCOUNT OR I OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER: 9. REClP(ENT ORGANIZATION: Name,: Town of Southold Town Hall Address PO Box 1179 Southeld, NY 11971 Approved by Office of Management and Budget No. 80-RO181 1. TYPE OF REQUEST: ~-~ PARTIAL ..~ FINAL 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSIGNE[D BY FEDBRAL AGENCY: 3'36-0029'11-04 PAYEE: PAGE I OF I PAGES 2. BASIS OF REQUEST: ~]CASH D ACCRUAL 5. ~RTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO.: 'nNO 8. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT FI; (Month, day, year) I TO: (Month, day, year) 11/18/04 ~ 04/13/05 (Where check sbeuld be sent if different than item 9) Name: Address: CLASSIFICATION :BTA'RJ8 OF FUND8 PROGRAMS - FUNCTIONS - ACTIVITIES (b) (C) Apron and Taxiway Stub a. Administrative expense $0.00 b. Preliminary expense SO.CO c. Lard, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d. Architecturel engineering basic fees $0.00 e. Ot~er architectural engineering tees SO.CO f. Project inspection fees $23.296.67 g. Lard development SO.CO h. Rell)cation expense $0.00 Relocation payments to individuals and businesses $0.00 j. Demolition and removal SO.CO k. Cor~stmction and project improvement cost $41,153.70 I. Equipment SO.CO m, Mit~cellaneous cost $0,00 n. To[~l cumulative to date (sum of lines a thru m) $64,450.37 o. Deductions for program income $0,00 p. Net cumulative to date (Line n minus line o) $64,450.37 q. Federal share to date $51,227.85 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbursement) $0.00 s. Total Federal share (sum of lines q and r) $61,227.85 t. Federal payments previously requested $49,674.70 u, Amount requested for reimbursement $11,553 v. Pen;ent of physical completion of project 12.81% 12. CERTIFICATION: a. RECIPIENT b. Representative certifying to line 11v. I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs or disburse- ments are in accordance with the terms of the project and that the reimbursement represents the Federal share due which has n¢,t been previously requested and that ar~ inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. TOTAL 10.CO SO.CO $0.00 ~0.00 SO.CO $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ~0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ;O.CO $0.00 $0.00 10.00 SO.CO $23,296.67 ~0.00 SO.CO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO $41,t53.70 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO SO.CO $0.00 $64,450.37 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO $64,450.37 $0.00 SO.CO $61,227.85 SO.CO $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO.CO $61,227.85 SO.CO $0.00 $49,674.70 SO.CO $0.00 $11,553 0.00% 0.00% 12.8t% SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYIN( DATE REPORT SUSMI'I-rED: '~~ TELEPHONE NO.: TOWN SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL: TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE: KELLI R. WALTERS GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR C&S ENGINEERS, INC. (631) 765-1889 DATE REPORT SUBMITTED: TELEPHONE NO,: (315) 455-20O0 271-102 STANDARD FROM 271 (7-76) P~escnbed by Office of Mar~ageme~l and Budget Cir. A-110 Elizabeth Field Airport Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) Town of Southold F.A.A. AlP PROJECT NO. 3-36-0029-11-04 N.Y.S.D.O.T. PROJECT NO. 0913.11 04/18/05 211.008.003 SUMMARY OF FEDERAL ELIGIBLE PROJECT COSTS PROGRAM NO. 1 FEDERAL GRANT AGREEMENT PROJECT PHASE AMOUNTS a. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE ................... $3,934.00 b. PRELIMINARY EXPENSE ....................... $0,00 c. LAND, STRUCTURES, RIGHT-OF-WAY ...... $0.00 d. ARCH. ENGINEERING BASIC FEES .......... $0.00 e. OTHER ARCH. ENGINEERING FEES .......... $0.00 f. PROJECT INSPECTION FEES .................... $79,539.00 g. LAND DEVELOPMENT .......................... $0.00 h. RELOCATION EXPENSE ........................ $0.00 i. RELOC. PAYMENTS TO INDIV. AND BUS .... $0.00 j. DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL .................. $0.00 k, CONST. AND PROJECT IMP. COST ............ $419,527.00 I. EQUIPMENT ......................................... $0.00 m. MISCELLANEOUS COST ........................ $0.00 TOTAL FEDERAL COSTS $503,000.00 EST. TOTAL INCURRED COST COST FEDERAL FEDERAL NON- ELIGIBLE ELIGIBLE PARTICIPATING $3,934.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $79,539.00 $23,296.67 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $419,527.00 $41,153.70 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $503,000.00 $64,450.37 $0.00 Elizabeth Field Airport Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) Town of Southold PROJECT INSPECTION FEES PROGRAM NO. 1 DATE ELIGIBLE RETAINAGE AMOUNT WITHHELD 10/12/04 $3,976.95 11/10/04 $7,158.51 12/16/04 $6,887.94 04/13/05 $5,273.27 NON- PARTICIPATING AMOUNT FAA REIMB. REQ. NO. ONE ONE TWO TWO 04/18/05 211.008.003 NYSDOT REIMB. REQ. NO. ONE ONE TOTALS $23,296.67 $0.00 $0.00 COMPANIES ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIC)NS C&S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 TOM DOHERTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. BOX H FISHER'S ISLAND, NY 06390 Invoice #: 412176 Project: 211008003 Invoice Date: 12/16/2004 Est. Cost: 70,084.00 Fixed Fee: 9,455.00 Total: 79,539.00 For Professional Services Rendered from 11/6/2004 through 12/1012004 APRON & ACCESS TAXIWAY Analysis of Costs Direct Salaries Overhead % 145.00 Total Direct Personnel Total Other Direct Charges Total G & A % 0.00 Total Costs Fixed Fee Total This Invoice Amount Due This Invoice ** This Invoice 1,581.40 2,293.03 3,874.43 2,115.08 0.00 5,989.51 898.43 6,887.94 6,887.94 Contact Person: Susan Loewer, Account Manager Telephone: (315) 455-2000 Ext. No. 422 Net 30 Days I 1/2% Interest per Month COMPANIES ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURC. ES OPERATIONS Project: 211008003 -- APRON & ACCESS TAXIWAY Multiplier Labor Class / Employee Name Hours Cost ASSISTANT GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR SWEET. ELIZABETH K. 1.50 15.50 Total: ASSISTANT GRANTS 1.50 CHIEF INSPECTOR HOWE, STEVEN 46.00 25.20 Total: CHIEF INSPECTOR 46.00 CONST. RECORDS SPECIALIST REGAN, BARBARA E. 3.00 20.50 Total: CONST. RECORDS SPECIALIST 3,00 ENGINEER BRUBACH, CHRISTOPHE 1,00 22,75 Total: ENGINEER 1.00 GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR WALTERS, KELLI R. * 1.00 23.00 Total: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 1.00 INSPECTION SUPERVISOR CERRETANI, LAWRENCE 2.00 44.60 Total: INSPECTION SUPERVISOR 2.00 MANAGING ENGINEER CLARK, BRUCE W. 5.00 40.50 Total: MANAGING ENGINEER 5,00 Multiplier Labor Regular Expenses Vendor Name MILEAGE HOWE, STEVEN Total: MILEAGE TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE CERRETANI, LAWRENCE HOWE, STEVEN TotaL: TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MISCELLANEOUS OTHER DIRECT EXPENSE HOWE, STEVEN Total: MISCELLANEOUS OTHER DIRECT C&S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 313-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 www. cscos.com Invoice # :412176 Amount 23.25 23.25 1,159,20 1,159.20 61.50 61.50 22.75 22.75 23.00 23.00 89.20 89.20 202.50 202.50 1,581.40 Amount 516.00 516.00 289.43 1,299.98 1,589,41 9.67 9.67 Page 1 COMPANIES ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS C&S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 www. cscos.com Project: 211008003 -- APRON & ACCESS TAXIWAY Regular Expenses Invoice # :412176 2,1115.08 Page 2 0(:30 z UJ !ti! !!... ,: !~1t~ , X XXXx × ~O-AON~ IJ=l :tho qoeflO t~-^ON- L UOlN :Ul qoeqo vsn s~9o 10 e^v elll~UemueeJID OlISAIAI sellnslJem~ (slqS!u t~) t~O-^ON- I. uo~l ~ ~[JBtutun9 letOH DuPtomS-uoN 'O:l~ IDNIN L · peJouotl eq IIIM Slsenbej Jno~ lguA ee~ueJenD louueo eM lnq '~JedoJd eql Ol ~lsenbeJ JflO~ i:ug~Joj IIIM eN~ el~enb~ leUOl#ppy / .uolldo mooM lqSlu Jed iqSlu Jed O0'6L tS :t,/t L - eleEI le!oeds elPedx~l uofle~ueseJ im, oq JO& pe~Jeqo tuncxuy see} eo.uues ,~ sexeI eMOH ueAet$ mo~ pJ~pum,S llnp. ~ :leloH :eweu eql Jepun pe~JeseH ~JeUJ,,,ns JeleAeJ~, pue 15o0 SZ~t~-ggS (SIC) :euo~d euJoH eMOH ue~el$ ::lm~'UJOO UlgfJ 6S~O~OI. LLLI. :JequJnu ~JeJeUI~. uJoo'eIpedx~ · ~oleq pelsfl se!o!lod eSueqo pue uo.qelleOueo eql ol JejeJ eseeld 'eSJeqo ~oqs-ou e p!oAe O1 se!oflod uo!lelleOUeO leloq pu~ tuoo'e!pedxq eql ttl~ eouepJoooa u! eougApe u! uo.qe~JeseJ lelOq JnO/[ e§ueqo Jo leOUeO TsnuJ noX 'eSueqo Sueld Jno,~ Jl 'llnl u! pe§Jeqo ueeq seq pJ~o ~.pedo JnoA 'pe~Je~eJ lelOH O!lS/[I/~ :lelOH ~AG~g eMOt ~6'95 11ol ~ tSel~ weOO:g YO/gO/~ szgg~ 11o3 XgO euel AIXUOHIN¥ XVRN~HI G6'95 ~1ol ~ X;~ ezeld o~ X£a ezeld 6g~O ~o~ X~O eue~ 31¥1S ~Oh R3N 0Y'95 11ol b sse13 XL~ ezela o~ X~ tZ~ld ~LZ~O 11°3 X90 aueq AIX~OHIN¥ ~¥~N~,HI AII~OHIN¥ AV~NBHI ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS C&S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-4.55-9667 www. cscos.com TOM DOHERTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P,O. BOX H FISHER'S ISLAND, NY 06390 Invoice #: 504104 Project: 211008003 Invoice Date: 4/13/2005 Est. Cost: 70,084.00 Fixed Fee: 9,455.00 Total: 79,539.00 For Professional Services Rendered from 12/11/2004 through 4/812005 APRON & ACCESS TAXlWAY Analysis of Costs Direct Salaries Overhead % 145.00 Total Direct Personnel Total Other Direct Charges Total G & A % 0.00 Total Costs Fixed Fee Total This Invoice Amount Due This Invoice ** This Invoice 1,871.61 2,713.84 4,585.45 0.00 0.00 4,585.45 687.82 5,273.27 5,273.27 Contact Person: Susan Loewer, Account Manager Telephone: (315) 455-2000 Ext. No. 422 Net 30 Days I 112 Ye Interest I~er Month COMPANIES ENGINEERS DESIGN BUILD TECHNICAL RESOURCES OPERATIONS Project: 211008003 -- APRON & ACCESS TAXIWAY Multiplier Labor Class / Employee Name Hours CHIEF INSPECTOR HOWE, STEVEN 3.00 HOWE, STEVEN 48.00 SOPP, GEORGE M. 4.00 Total: CHIEF INSPECTOR 55.00 ENGINEER BRUBACH, CHRISTOPHE 4.00 Total: ENGINEER 4.00 GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR WALTERS, KELLI R. * 1.00 SWEET, ELIZABETH K. 1.00 SWEET, ELIZABETH K. 1.00 Total: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR 3.00 SR CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR CERRETANI, LAWRENCE Total: SR CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR 7.00 7.00 Multiplier Labor Cost 25.20 25.70 25.70 22.75 24.10 15.50 16.80 44.60 C&S Engineers, Inc. 499 Col. Eileen Collins Boulevard Syracuse, NY 13212 phone 315-455-2000 fax 315-455-9667 www. cscos.com Invoice # :504104 Amount 75.60 1,233.60 102.80 1,412.00 91.01 91.01 24.10 15.50 16.80 56.40 312.20 312.20 1,871.61 Page I Elizabeth Field Airport Apron and Taxiway Stub (Construction) Town of Southold CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT IMPROVEMENT COST PROGRAM NO. 1 DATE ELIGIBLE NON- AMOUNT PARTICIPATING AMOUNT 11/18/04 $41,153.70 CONTRACTOR Corazzini Asphalt, Inc. FAA REIMB. REQ. NO. ONE 04/18~05 211.008.003 NYSDOT REIMB. REQ. NO. ONE TOTALS $41,153.70 $0,00