HomeMy WebLinkAbout5768 /07 /03 O1 o-w-1_4_. J , D`r.-tt 1746 # S76S S e c , 2JEstetet , 0 • • AVIV 8595A Cox Lane • Unit #7 Cutchogue, NY 1 1935-1 124 Tel: 631 .734.4036 Fax: 631 .734.4030 Email: rlhLPS@optonline.net Website: www.rlhLPS.com Land Planning Services Via F2c.infile November 8, 2005 ( � t Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals CO-A--1/4) ,, -C44rato(ucn ) Southold Town Hall Annex (75 Y00134, Box Box 1179 NOV F 3 Jug Southold, New York 11971 re: Special Exception Hearing for Maria Trupia Residence D \\ 105 Brower Road ( 1 Mattituck, New York SCTM: 1000-107-8-34 Dear Members of the Board: With regard to the above referenced project, I would like to remove it from your 17Nov05 agenda. I make this request so that I might be better prepared for ultimate presentation to the Board. Attached please find a copy of the authorization form permitting me to ac in behalf of Maria Trupia. IR ectfull�c Req - .ted, m i , ., o nie Hill - for rlh Land Pla ning Services, Inc. cc: Maria Trupia William Gorman Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals File 11/10/2805 22:00 63174130 RLH LAND PLANNI, PAGE 02/02 w UM •w4 ii%ii.i 8595A Cox Lane • Unit#7 • Cutchogue, NY 11935-1124 Tel: 631.734.4036 • Fax: 631.734.4030 cams Email: rlhLPs@optonline.net • Website: www.rlhU'S.com Land Planning Services Authorization Form Date: /04763— re: //4 hSre: Site Development of TM #: 1000-107-08-34 Mattituck, New York I, Maria Truala owner of the property situate 105 Brower Rag Matltyck. New York; do hereby authorize rill Land Planning Services Incorporated, to act as agent in my behalf in applying for all of the necessary approvals regarding the site development of the above referenced property. Signed: Print Name 104- k4 'Muet,t FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: July 26, 2005 TO: New England Barns A/C Trypia 45805 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 J.4L . t,v-tLo Au Please take notice that your application dated July 15, 2005 ik 10 For permit for an "as built" accessory apartment at rile41✓-0 o em) E a-.ac( Location of property 105 Brower Road, Mattituck RI-wad County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 107 Block 8 Lot 34 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The "as built" accessory apartment is not permitted pursuant to Article III, Section 100-3IC. An accessory apartment is not a permitted accessory use. a LSI A!or' ed Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. • • `WeEA+�E® AUG - 82005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 1 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION 4219±to .-onpn op�,PPeAts Application No. Date Filed: TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: I (We) , "lYl.t..»- �J.ti-�--��— o f i c1.5 �c>�G (Residence, House No. and Street) • or) .Th �43 2 , - ia2hGr Hp' amlet, State, ZiC de, Telephone Number) hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE , SECTION ( pp = , SUBSECTION ( , a CC A000 i De -�Z L C St zg a Z Fel-#114_,( for the below-described proper or the following uses and purposes (and as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale): Tum I L-Y Ot,-J-rtL AX- E&E C4 R.f o F -RA- 'u &ic ( ori( 6#s 3H W L(4I LIOSL -'4.00E t OLZ taxi eX.) JLc`Z6 3 G -C LC Lc41-1 oN "4-,01:5 k5cyze A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. is(are) the owner(s) of� propertynowk n and referred to s ip �p (House No., Street, Hamlet) Pit .. 4 1 1`1.-5 at identified on the Suffolk County Tax gaps as District 1000, Section {d-7 , Block fs , Lot(s) , which is not (is) on a subdivision Map (Filed "Map of " Filed Map No. and has been approved by the Southold Town Planning Board on as a [Minor] [Major] Subdivision). The above-described property was acquired by the owner on / (09— . B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: TrXE�� wtrEst.b e'E ,VD C4''W gig C,U SRL& "too-4Ritear QR Act/Ott-If &ut ,t&wvt, n+ C. The property which is the subject of this application is zoned fLL5?.„_,a,.Z and [ ] is consistent with the use(s) described in the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith. [../) is not consistent with the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith for the following reason(s) : repbc„-, S� Cf L �K�EPlIdN 5 [ ] is vaunt land. WI 5L9E y4Et4k3Cf fes. T COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ��04[i i 1 t 1& iLiA96/ STATE OF NEW. YORK) ss. : (Sl gnatura r_ ; Swirn to befpre me this5 day of Gzf `otary 'u. is LINDkIgte 2/ /86) rYPuNm� of rNewyork No. Qualified in SuMolk County- Commission Expires March C AFFLIL:AIION 10 THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS • --_ . IV . Office Use Only — _- Fee: % Filet! By: _Date Assigned,!Assigumeut No. Office Notes: Parcel Location: House No. i 05 Street SFwER- kb Hamlet j inert 1-6TVC SCTDI 1000 Section (57 Block S Lot(s) 31 Lot Size Ye- /lag Zone DistrictRAD I (AVE) APPEAL THE R TTEN DETERMINATION OF TILE BUILDINI: INSPECTOR DATED: Bl( VS Applicant/Owner(s): WLf4RAA tFJ)ZI►4, Mailing Address: las t3 ZZ RD ) VAo4-TT CTtYC,K1 /01-i (l4 SZ Telephone: (t'03 t) a ela- 7LLeC2 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative: B l Lt.- (7e ..v t A.A.) Address: PD 1 O) 1-44r7 I VVL t4r(-i -roc g-_, 401/4-1 c Vt S Z Telephone: Cl..e 3 13 AAs_(4G. I Please specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑ Applicant/Owner(s) t9!\uthorized Representative ❑ Other: _ / WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN .APPLICATION DATED Ill 5- .0 s FOR: / O Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑Pre-Certificate of Occupancy O Change of Use 111-P"ertnit for As-Built Construction LI Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article -2.. Section 100- 31 Subsection lir S€c0Q1.Do- 32.- — Ltr 5l-t_E cow Z Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: ab(.11S{ t r 5PR-641, WWA Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. EKLCEP'l lQU t-6 Gi7413.1.)Tet. 0 3 Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. , nterpretation of the Town Code, Article Section EE Reversal or Other A prior appeal 0 has Q'has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year avz..-aava,a rvrl err£.rt>✓taUUItlOnar sneets may De Useu with applicant's signature): • AREA Ill HL-L•VCE RE-ISO VS: • (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CIIARAC TFR of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted, because: Tt4E[E (cilit- z E Are, gk.Th'Rla'it_ 41-7E7?-01frier 7 t0 71-U& [-EotySE e R_ rUE Pkoe'ere-r`{. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achiesed by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance, because: $ 5bIc4tb t sor4GiCe Qt��t3-e5 SQA t Kctcel,E/3) 64h S L,4Va)bR-'1 fr_Crl5 Few. ` 4C F4tf zri0-1. e't tie-Ran 5r, 734e-e 1'W18UE ctKttFlO4rltoo) tda5p Tb 2-skAt Y USE 44160Lts LSE -r RIMIPA-tee quo t r To C-v%i .0 Betz_ 't-b4f Pan (3) 'Che amount ot relief requested is not substantial because: /,RODEO LtovOLVe- /QC' CI44N6E r& -t74E rp-oretC'?/ T6IE eQ `r1 tt fF6eb. TAE A CClt/tff Lam'LEL 4{f L7L1LI� Arm A- 9Nb fl C fr(&OW LODt9Lb ,i-a''E - (d) 'the variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: 14E- &A-xi AL- -€1 4T1OOS ©CWR - CAS t46 7 8 6F er. (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes, or (Vico. This is the MINIDMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box WilF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUEST VIAND PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure [cons ' yuera o r ey.) gnature of At rc ir'or Authorized Agent (.agent must submi written Authorization front On net-) Sworn to before me this J' day ofLam/ Notary Public _US S TAGGART SP New Ibrky ago"Wins County 7 • 1 ) f ) • • Page 3 o13 - Appeal Application Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE (if requested); For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consul! your attorney before completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located, demonstrated by competent financial evidence. The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because (describe on a separate sheet). �r 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property Is unique because: M&D(c4rb (A)SOR X$- Kb'C,2t.91R S 5E'r4 tfar WAc.aung-s rmcz fie- parr eon 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a sujstantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: U.).5. 6k%Q CJD elk e 4,k " &t 2T6&R ,Of(tog sets. Vita. eet.)-0b - ntc• U-et-e /00R_S6- Cr4RZs" pALt TS y wket.k,c Lt,. 4. The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: T3 - w(Lt-- 2ion n e)ctE -Lobes Gla,occs 1-C) nEE RooSE" OR- 1-1,te 5. The alleged hardship h s not been self-created because: Tt Rut tileZZ (Pr�rtt=,0.6 (5 14 )94F4i?ttcb tG. 6. This Is the minimum relief necessary, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the community. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 5j q L.. OcEr7/eM co6 . A. -( t AWt\ bt,OEw1A9(& . AL5o , L,err 5 t)5 Vo4R1&A• c012._ A 't iss' egvM ftP? 1x9�(l �J Xv_�(i e SC€c(4L e trcerri be is cattaist. 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be o rved, public safety and welfare will be secured, d substantial Justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 'l1.6.E t S NOO c tt+lksc�>✓ Gita T 6Et: )4PPCAR.A,accq o - Aori v 'r y t.��� ti;� (tatll ltr Lvt� tt Tut c4VYi l L-Y ( ) Check this box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page to apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the signature and notary area below. ä%pthorized Agent Sworn to before me this 5 (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) day of a4 20 (Notary„ey}aaisART ' ZBA App 9/30/02 NOW/ � No. Steen.49 Qualified in suite&Conti 2 Commission Expires Mardi 20, L. ENGLAND Bib 6317sa71 09/07/: 09,05pm P. 001 f - LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on Thursday, September 29, 2005, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 1:00 p.m. MARIA TRUPIA #5768. Requests for: (a) Special Exception under Section 100- 31B, and(b) Lot Size Variance under Section 100-32, Bulk Schedule,for a two-family dwelling on this 28,713 sq. ft. lot. In the event a variance and special exception is not granted, authorization is requested for occupancy in a unit of the existing dwelling to care for family 1 rhember(s) altered and enlarged for separate living floor area. Location of Property: 105 Brower Road, Mattituck; CTM 107-8-34. s The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives,desiring to be heard or desiring to submit written statements, before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review at 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue), , ., Southold before the date of the hearing. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: September 2, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS h," TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN By Linda Kowalski • N E F rat ° \ + +v✓T.'. '—T.•1 a .- .... r.Ar .aa .+Mi44\,.•CJS e Li stc Ia uo ' it WIa –�— —�n • j ILIA Za .;)(76...,.7 4— I \l't / t 4 .. ` ILIA Of Stf'1r MEMEL LMgrY'e 3 Ll enterer.c.-- EINZIE IMA w•as-0. 00 1. 0. ,1-Rt t y,A ILII 6 4fi0L[ rz .a ITi • 3 3 e-ao 0 24.111e1 • t H . • • 1-{3• / , I=1n 1-11 .0.,... , , . ,.. 5 =i YI % , / ,ate ✓/ \` \ ie %t.ay+.e+ •,I , a\ \o>C / >' 17 t ! �`v• ••eSb \ `�s +1 \ ,. . / y 0 '\'.. : ice' \ �' t<- ci /ACy / '" t, . . e II ai 1 ......,'-',C-?‘`.. .,\' -j'"rC\. ,-:-j'"4,":\->-:;'%:\ • : '- JP aI \\t . ,f r% 1 \5..5r\V‘ • s C.`'- y( st \, d \-.-: _ .. 1 l _ 7'_ \xi.,/\ '•rl''Y'lt 1 -7''.\- '.\ (.3) . 4 ___—- \ \ 4 \S. O a\ a.Y __.--\e r.. !. il ';\V' 4,--,._ . _ %.•-\ .\— --,77--_, - - I \'(, ,. — :\t\.- \ . -_ -t• , •Sy "L. 'X `•• \ r' \s VS',✓ ::::A \ "a.? -' - - /'- , ! — -Lj'''� "\ a_ 14`, ,. .t A \y-. '' n\ .\ \_.`' '%cam• ' . . -. .. • . • ____ ._- - _...._ - - - ,.., -C'i ,ad v" / ..-_._._ is .y - - _ E. • • \ \ • h \ Z ,, 94- Town Town Hall,'53095 Main Road * . * Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G Q Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 ,kt, sb i BUILDING DEPARTMENT �r aljd°A )D fAft°1°' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD • 5"7 D RECEItjVED MEMORANDUM AUG - 1 2005 To: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals ,�i1J -- From: Damon Rallis,Building Permit Exami►7�� ZONING BOARD O 'Appl=AL S Date: July 29, 200,5 Re: 107-8-34 (Trupia) Cc: File,New England Barns, ZBA Regarding the"as built" construction on 105 Brower Road(SCTM#107-8-34),we have determined, after further review, that no disapproval is required from this office. Based on the plans submitted to this office,the as built additions/alterations to anexisting single-family dwelling with unfinished second floor, constitute a separate dwelling unit. Section 100-31B, of the Southold Town Code states, "Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals: (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one(1) such dwelling on each lot. (13) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling" Because a Notice of Disapproval is not required for a special exception and the building department does not comment on zoning requirements with respect to special exceptions, please accept the applicant's special exception application. Thank you. ' • y y �pF SO(/rp,- � t Town Hall,53095 Main Road 41Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 % G S Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 4 . irCOUNTi, ol'' oi .... s_S BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 27, 2005 RECEIVED JUL 2 8 2005 New England Barns A/C Trupia 6armo-A/ ` 45805 Main Road 1-row• Southold, NY 11972 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Lao— i s /1-0-4) GI Dear Mr. Gorman: /''6t-c'`-°-`z"".1., „gy . Please be aware that we are reversing our decision to issue a notice of disapproval for"as built"construction on 105 Brower Road(SCTM#107-8-34), dated July 26, 2005, as we have determined, after further review, that no disapproval is required from this office. Based on the plans you have submitted to this office, the as built additions/alterations to , 'an existing single-family dwelling with unfinished second floor, constitute,a separate dwelling unit. • Section 100-31B, Of the Southold Town Code states, "Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals: > (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one (1) such dwelling on each lot. • (13) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling" Because a Notice of Disapproval is not required for a special exception application to the Zoning Board of Appeals, you may apply to this agency directly. 4Pepf s, Pe,41itExamiI- lle le i,pfSO(/ Fax(631)765-9502 Town Hall,53095 Main Road % % P.O.Box 1179 % G Q ,� Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 : �� 11 �yCOUMY,� '''1 -.., BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLDRECEV D July 27, 2005 AUG - 8 2005 New England Barns A/C Trupia ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 45805 Main Road Southold,NY 11972 Dear Mr. Gorman: Please be aware that we are reversing our decision to issue a notice of disapproval for"as built" construction on 105 Brower Road (SCTM#107-8-34), dated July 26, 2005, as we have determined, after further review, that no disapproval is required from this office. Based on the plans you have submitted to this office, the as built additions/alterations to an existing single-family dwelling with unfinished second floor, constitute a separate dwelling unit. (Section 100-31B, &t-the Southold Town Code states, "Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals: (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one (1) such dwelling on each lot. (13) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling" Because a Notice of Disapproval is not required for a special exception application to the Zoning Board of Appeals, you may apply to this agency directly. Aecpf liTyal s, Pe,'{4itExamiI- ile 4 4„"\ To: Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 F:.. ECEIVED From: William Gorman PO Box 1447 AUG m 8 2005 Mattituck,NY 11952 Date: August 5, 2005 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Re: Maria Trupia, `Special Exception' Tax Map# 1000-107-8-34 To whom it may concern. Maria Trupia resides at 105 Brower Rd.,Mattituck. Maria's paraplegic mother resides with her. Her mother requires a full-time nurse. Medicaid has certified the need for a full-time nurse,but requires separate kitchen, bath and laundry facilities for other members of the family. The separation of facilities satisfies Medicaid's requirements for continued payment of nursing services. This is to assure that the nurse cooks,cleans and does laundry for the Medicaid patient only. We are requesting a Special Exception(Section 100-31B) for a Two Family Dwelling and, if that is granted,we would necessarily require a lot size variance as well (Section 100-32). The first floor of the house(2145 sq.ft.) is the Mother and the nurse quarters, and the second floor(1728 sq.ft.)is where Maria and her niece reside. Thank you for our kind consideration, William P. o an, Authorized Representative for Maria Trupia �/, 000A.,„ ,'',,li,p fSOu,- „`O 4 Town Hall,53095 Main Road i 411 41 \ Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G Q ,i Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 1, �O I q,COUNTI,�;;�.' --..i. .•• BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 27, 2005 New England Barns A/C Trupia 45805 Main Road Southold,NY 11972 Dear Mr. Gorman: Please be aware that we are reversing our decision to issue a notice of disapproval for"as built" construction on 105 Brower Road(SCTM#107-8-34), dated July 26, 2005, as we have determined, after further review, that no disapproval is required from this office. Based on the plans you have submitted to this office,the as built additions/alterations to an existing single-family dwelling with unfinished second floor, constitute a separate dwelling unit. Section 100-31B, . the Southold Town Code states, "Uses permitted by special C� exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals: (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one (1) such dwelling on each lot. (13) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling" Because a Notice of Disapproval is not required for a special exception application to the .:., Zoning Board of Appeals, you may apply to this agency directly. ljsPecpf ivilrf al s,Pe'4gitExamii- i 1 e I1vlitP..L► F 1✓4 P2-0905-6-1) : Tu.-t. -si A(LIQ t) 10-6l-L-ih9 - 23'4 — I I I T-T-- -- O 0 CL IJ 0 I -� MC i A /;- I / /En i _ ) T ' O- So t i I I 1 1 ! N NIN 1 _i-__ I 1 _ I I 1 I I k------3'2- - - 3'4 - 9'3 7'7--------- ---a I 23'4 ----"-I V3av Ownll 1 — S.9S t i—.- Q.C.I1----3. _______. 1� 1 ., 1.ibl(79:10M o I I � ? 1 i ii I ass 1 , L« - ilbicilY31" a N 30 1 ; �1 " N9Q + A-- d�-'0 n 1 9LSL I — 111 ' 1 111 1111 ' 1 II II I y 1 1.1-1-1-1-1-1-1-11 ! I! LID ,%fl G I ! l1i I I i 1 1 1 1 I1 Hrldiiviu ' e I 1 l c147)A73-0;t8,-) I � S\J I � I 1 I I LI 1 s.61 :I --3 I �I1 I [ .; 1 Shc4� I II 1 1 �` Ii ii_ �Ivinli II ,, r4C1 r ���1S II 1� d� �' h.r- ti 11 I i 9Sl `i.,i��3i..� I ' I sl�sm) H .1-' t�1 N"' Sohl H1V aa1SV 11 ri 1s L9JI • 111 � .�� i � R 1 6 >D9Q 01., cilk,A98 sail 1 �' 1 I IjL I('� _ ,1 I -il 9A I LEL LT i \\ _ vrJ9 Haas fN rg 0�Al I C-1 f \ • 1,..,e, 4,9 '4.91Z 1 ,sd--' -,E/9,C `i• 9.1.11 , `kb . / ses • _ / X, ,, I--' 40'4 — --'1 I --.. 5'3 77 " ---1816—— -- -- + • 1301 • iV ad1 -1 BEDROOM STUDY I 4 --, 1 — 0 H I ,_._. I I UP —...--,. ' I HALL 0 BEDROOM )DOR. ro 51, +-- r� • - _ ____L0 f 16'6 --i I P<<-<:.":?‹ ..‹....... ..„....j....„.46: LIVING AREA � •. 1727 sq n 2.--- L�6 — 23'10 - --- -- — V VA/ 0 —ii5t- ---/i.u:(4-) ---- -- -- 40'4 LOT AREA.. 26,713 .q. Jt. - .` F.F...' ELEV.. 25.5 �-� .- • -•- . ---- BROWER ROAD . N 78'42'40'E 110,00' , '`\R=59.00: 59.46' )1 \Rv 5 .00' } •I< • 1 1 1I A� L78.54' /sW:i 11 JY . 2 • 144. 1 r,.7' S �, 11.7' 1 d' o r� "i. �° sy. , r" k YA\744"34-5G-. No 4. 200usosit 'I' 0, rood +p' r `_. 15 7 .•l i 1^.1.K C',��INT/DEPARTMENT OF HEALTFI SBRVICE,9 1 S�*•I�! PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please include with Z.B.A. Application) Applicant(s): LAArAe * 'MR1 A I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed: A. Please give the dimensions and ove all square footage of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size: Square footage: /(' V4' B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend be and the existin buildin . Dimensions/size: Square footage: /t II. If land is vacant: Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction: Dimension/size: Square ijootage: Height( III. Puipose and usePvrt of new construction requested in this application: 5 P 413ATI4 141XCIA00 4 baktfrobR iekc_t Lr(l e s `ID wba-1dorfl eb.) ?ftT/$ior C��l vIc4,- i SIJ k"3 VJL-(;''D 1 c,4t IV. Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): /•I (A V. Please submit seven (7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction. 7/02 Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, please contact our office, or please check with Building Department(765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) ifyou are not sure. Thank you. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject remises listed on the real estate market for sale? D Yes To B. Are there anyproposals to change or alter land contours? DYes WRo C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? /id 2)Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? /00 3) Is the property bulkheaded between they wetlands area and the upland building area? D 4)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? A)`i4 Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: D. Is there a depression or sloping elation near the area of proposed constriction at or below five feet above mean sea level? p E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? /1)10 (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state "none"on the above line, if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? /vim If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? /L)p If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel 5l Jl}�L-� cA'M..LL`l 51be1x and proposed use (AL> ...r ,1 LAI S w,c�>;Lt,t/l9Cq (exampl- • e. '• 'ngle-family; proposed: same with garage.) f _ - r Ok thorized t're and Date 2/05 i . t ) t"-) ' P. PROJECT ID NUMBER SEQR ' 617 21 Appendix C State Environmenial Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—Project Information (To be complete by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1"Applicant!Sponsor 2. Project Name (AitiVakia, TEJJcwt4 fR P1r4 2- V44 4L51 3, Protect location: Municipality County W1A: ctut:r-- f /0 Li SO Cs9 4.Precise location(Street address and road intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.or provide map) - 1 o S 163?0(1. az U . . VV1,P%T Tt V 9 C..) i ,o Lti 5.Is proposed action: ( )NEW ( )EXPANSION ( V)MODIFICATION)ALTERATION , •y 6.Describe project briefly. Avip z--k-k v, ITGtkei- (.0-7t-566eR-/Dir-‘4 LL c6 Itt- /Ai- cslg.oti'c le V(,r-Wwtj's • l T.Amount of land affected: / Initially: acres; Ultimately: acres 1• 64 8"Will proposed action comply with existing or other existing land use restrictions:( )YES ( )NO If No,describe briefly: Z c•APNL I I-'t t u-G & "5-.:!:.'r rKziat tret, t.(.,c ttFevir- ` 17tC1A,L- E'Ye 019. 9.What Is present land use in vicinity of project:(describe): ( �esidenUal ( )Industrial ( )Commercial ( )Agricultural ( )Park/Forest/Open Space ( )Other 10.Does action Involve a permit approval or funding,now or ultimately from any other Governmental agency,(Federal,State or Local)? (� rtS ( )NO If Yes,list agency(s)and permit/approvals: 5 645cttt✓t_D 3 LDC9. b L'7. : 11.Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? ( )YES (141O If Yes,list agency(s)and permit/approvals: . 12.As a result of proposed action,will existing permltiapproval require modification? ( )YES (y) 0 1f Yes,list agency(s)and permit/approvals: I certify that the Information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge Applicant/Sponsor Name: ' ' ' ' tip ' Dale: �/i Signature: If the act".n Is I /Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, comp/ete the Coastal Assessment Form beforerocs p eding with this assa. • TR.ANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM APPLICAI TO OWNER, CONTRACT VENDEE. )AGENT: The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. vv l.L(.A VVI, 6e t -IlkaW otz/ (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Variance Special Exception *Other Approval or Exemption from plat or official map Change of Zone • Tax Grievance *If"Other"name the activity: LUT 5 IZZ V 00 'I/JCE Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. • / YES NO ✓ If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: N (4 Title or position of that person: /c)-/A- Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant, agent or contract vendee) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director,partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP N Submitted this ' '. of /106 VST— Signature: Print N. e. • �;, øM4 ,) August 4,2005 From: Maria Trupia 105 Brower Road Mattituck,NY 11952 To whom it may concern, William Gorman is authorized to act as my representative and/or agent for all Building, Planning and Zoning processes in the Town of Southold. Sincerely, Maria Trupi 1 'tom JULY 29, 2005 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST YOUR CONSIDERATION REGARDING THE ROOM INSTALLED RECENTLY OVER OUR GARAGE. MY MOTHER, BORN MAY 8, 1910, HAS BEEN A WHEELCHAIR BOUND PARAPLEGIC FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS. SHE ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES A LIVE-IN HOMECARE AID, PROVIDED BY MEDICAID. I PURCHASED THIS PARTICULAR HOME AFTER A YEAR LONG SEARCH BECAUSE SHE WOULD BE ABLE TO LIVE HERE ONCE I MADE SOME CRUCIAL CHANGES. I INSTALLED A HANDICAP TOILET, ADDED MANY GRAB BARS AND ELIMINATED ALL BARRIERS TO HER SHOWER AREA. THE FIRST FLOOR HAD TWO RAMPS INSTALLED TO ALLOW ACCESS TO THE DECK AND TO WHEEL HER IN AND/OR OUT. MY NIECE LIVES WITH ME ON THE, SECOND FLOOR. INITIALLY, OUR FLOOR CONSISTED SOLELY OF TWO SMALL BEDROOMS, ONE SMALL BATH, A HALLWAY, AND A BALCONY ROOM WHICH OPENED TO THE FLOOR BELOW. EARLY ON, WE KNEW WE NEEDED TO UTILIZE EVERY AVAILABLE SPACE. WE ADDED A KITCHENETTE, LAUNDRY SPACE AND SMALL SITTING AREA IN THE SPACE ABOVE THE GARAGE TO ALLOW US TO LIVE UPSTAIRS WITHOUT INFRINGING IN ANY WAY ON MOM'S SPACE. THIS WAS EXTREMELY NECESSARY NOT ONLY BECAUSE AS A MATURE WOMAN I WAS ACCUSTOMED TO SOME SEMBLANCE OF PRIVACY, AND NEEDED THE ABILITY TO HAVE A FRIEND VISIT FROM TIME TO TIME. . . BUT, MORE IMPORTANTLY, I SPENT THE CONSIDERABLE FUNDS NEEDED TO ADD THE SPACE, BECAUSE MEDICAID MIGHT REMOVE MOM' S AID IF WE SHARED THE SAME SPACES. THE REASONING BEING THAT MEDICAID FEARS THAT PEOPLE WILL USE THE HOME CARE AID FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS. I .E. WASHING THEIR CLOTHING, OR COOKING THEIR MEALS. DUE TO BUDGET RESTRAINTS MEDICAID IS CONSTANTLY 'RECERTIFYING" MOM IN AN ATTEMPT TO ELIMINATE HER NEED FOR AN AID. I HAVE HAD TO ALTER MY OWN LIFESTYLE CONSIDERABLY OVER THE YEARS, IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THEIR MANY DEMANDS. THIS CONSTANT STRUGGLE MADE THESE ADDITIONS JUST ONE MORE NECESSITY IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THEIR EVER-CHANGING AND EVER-PRESENT RULINGS. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED A PAGE FROM FORMS SENT TO THEM THIS PAST WEEK. IN DOING RESEARCH BEFORE MOVING MOM TO LONG ISLAND'S NORTH FORK SOME SIX YEARS AGO. . .I WAS REPEATEDLY WARNED THAT THE 2,4 HOUR HOME CARE MOM HAD HAD FOR OVER 15 YEARS WAS CRUCIAL HERE. NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF HER EXTREME MEDICAL NEEDS, BUT BECAUSE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULES DO NOT ALLOW AIDS TO TRAVEL TO AND FROM THEIR OWN HOMES AFTER 12 HR. WORK DAYS. MEDICAID WOULD ULTIMATELY USE THAT PROBLEM AS A REASON TO PUT PATIENTS IN NURSING HOMES. (--- PAGE —PAGE II THAT THOUGHT TERRIFIES MOM AND I HAVE GIVEN HER MY WORD THAT THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I 'VE DEVOTED MANY YEARS TO PROTECTING AND HELPING MOM AND PLAN TO CONTINUE MAKING HER LIFE AS INTERESTING AND JOYOUS AS I CAN. NOW. . .I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS ENDEAVOR. WITH SINCEREST THANKS, s / / �-- / / MARIA TRUPIA/ 4 , /f U MARIA TRUPIA 105 BROWER ROAD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 ENCLOSURES 2 r -r V KUJ(f'1 l�� ALO Int C'1 GVH a4 S�-F G SES • ,a Physician's Orders Medications!Diet T atments,Activities,Instructions L J b G� f Orders( F4•Co�l '�.� StJ. I�Yt V l.S[e w {c- -r 1 m tis • t S 1NC.0 rkT l vV p Cl/ OS 1 I TIS C . 5l? �1l CI413� -nen-ALS c/gRSE_ Yn`Io(I`r�S H h Date of Examination /. (5-- N ���IEr12C�1211� 5��I��YY1 I �� Prognosis 6...0 f p Therapeutic Goal• - Is home care appropriate Cgi Yes . ❑No Is .at •nt essential homebo yid RzYes ❑No - ,to e •1 0 AAArt(WV: Date h AIL_O(.5-- •rt :ssional Asse smen and Recommendations: 1 T T t e-0 T I P f912 ��. u��- I c_ `I�,l E_E,bS ass is NCC 6 1 it _ m P-RFot ri 1CTiv 1 I tES -O �F - ��Or) �© ��`}.� 1_� �I V t 111 - , .k ri'D COI 1-1 199 , C lgo R act 19- MA241 (Reytn71Y BENNARDO,M.D. I " t f 'l �y 485..8/97cg Physician Recommendation.Form 54075MainRoad P.O. Box 927 Southold,NY 11971 A Revisions 06-12-96iso ' 00-25-96 15Di� 5 r SEE SEC.NO.100 ii 03-29-99 N 219,000'" > , 4 A $ 2- k MATCH Z Z LINE 05-1 1-99 s Of s ,m 07-26-99 H QA 'Lo 23 In z A`' 09-10-99 z01 a a ' Co s ', e „ , 1.5 0E-30-00 2,2 '6 +u �, ° 10.1A 0' 10-11-00 2 27 - 13ALc1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 11-20-00 1.06 a q°° r iD .. 1.3 r'U (DEVELOPMENT RIGHTSI 12-01-00 "5 ai - n `i�° , Yo 10.5A 01-00-0 y�< Cx;, 09-17-0 :,,, 10-12-0 i 453P COUNTY OF SUFFOLK II -0 11-01.0 ' WV r 8 d: /• 3.7., , r- / .� �60EVELOPMENT NGNT51 {j0 , 12-IS13-0 09-09-02 "‘3 3 m 02-20-03 19% 06-03-05 , 03.03-04 1 3 7 r ' 11-04.04 t 24.30,1c1 / /1 ,As • 4/4. lo, 3 ,1' !: ,1° r J 3 lo °° 1 4,, - ',, 19"'c tc1 •12.`:4.'0 .:111t,14, gP zw+ pZ, z Y 23 kk ' , 1�Plcl ,:o. }9 HI f 15A1c1 r s.1 1� ID }3 ods + n q2 a ma , 9 1}P r Alf i + 2-qq pAµa F ASP ( r , so 02 1 " C 1 , tp+♦N„00 J IRECHaRGE ff 12 ,AF�c A 'N` 315 ipi` 0<Snu E o 2• o 1.1 Alcl "� ,� �, S 1 0 71 a5 }14 qy OPLG\ Z }5 s o A. W Iv s } 4� S.yPlc1 ,y pJ2cr' 1 'A10c� °13.1 ti ,3 wO'�+ nog Amo2.2Afc175i, 01 �o lot1 i w gtiPld ,OPD �, '�nww1111::::, n16 1 %-:,,,,,,,,a: 3la �' 1 ,e`a 's'i,' gyp. 1.OPle TOWN C X14.1 s,tib ,w° ,w SOUTH01 9 \o r O 1P`c1 +' 2 o+ •663a, 111 B 0AIdl 1c) 3- ' 0�,'' '''101111 ' '''' '' ,} ..."..."1:47,:,,,,,,,, ,cs ++ " Nlit7' 5 ♦L r + $2c JHnQ 1.941c1 a e' x +pi OR'+.p r 5 1 eAlcl ,�9 iiiii ('t ° ♦AP,L1 4:3°' ' +s ,A ® u N.\ w w , ,11 , O 4,99 . n 1.9 '® `sp A2 4 ''11 ,' e �`' ° les :ox S ': 9:1 . {J „,p dol gye o e.•5:: / � 9 E 1' l\ . mo r +H° p/ °we�Q� 'ty., sz, `D2A No 7C� A0%An. a O °O 's 'a „ vo 11-5 V 9 �j, , fn® 10 r zp C� \ ...1 ���5't,0„, 22 o °42 a ® ;,1A ,=a - „s ,, sy AIM a �' Q�® ♦ ®-®'S9ar S ry. C J� W hsNO FOR PC.NO4;°: : * i r 10-ii a 2D 4. is '. isial..7 L SEE SEC NO. 1!*11111114114,'SI• HOLD 1p 8 s:'AU ,e 2 �' 1 O+,A.1 iDEisaT N 285 200 7• _ , o So S 4'29 - 9O° it -,‘•C➢I`- -%, .9` fUNDE 0ATEfl MATCH 11 L LINE o® 0, P i F. }�2 e 0�p`11,F'� h f�\ o 6 L Properly or RA Line SAEivislon Lot No 02 Block Linin - SoWool0WtrIct Line ——SCH— Nytrmt 001Ac1 LIne —-H—- UNLESS DRAWN OTHERWISE, E OaneCoO es mmon m — — WNvlalwn 8000,009 No (21) „ro 01,9,1,1 ltre —-F—- P01,00 Dislrlct Une —-R—- ARE WITHIN THE POLL `. O Block N° 2 O - SCHOOL_ 9 SEW AENvIslon lot Lire and Ol eeaon tater(Astrid Lire -W—- 0sloricA0latricl It, —NST FIRE 30 WyO EN Strewn/Sora o 0 Scotto/ Cm/0y L e —� A,P1,tr01 UI, —- —- mo i, a rlct CIA. A—- —- LIGHT WB RAT G pveelxw BEN 23 Deed or., 12-1 ALAI or 12.IA 00.0 1°`° --- —- ,a,t,vmer 0.1,01 UA.—WW—- AMBULANCE Ts WAS Una P yam tv. .. ».__ - -oH'ln,.$^+_'"t3 Htloo.n '.orw./-4.0.9"'ie$OIL A. r.-. ifi.N+ -` levi$i0u$ \\--7 / 06-11-96 gl l SEE SEC.N0.101 FOR PCI rc ccr JULY 29, 2005 bb TO, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I RESPECTFULLY REQUEST YOUR CONSIDERATION REGARDING THE ROOM INSTALLED' RECENTLY OVER OUR GARAGE. MY MOTHER, BORN MAY 8,. 1910, HAS BEEN A WHEELCHAIR BOUND PARAPLEGIC FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS. SHE ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES A LIVE-IN HOMECARE AID, PROVIDED BY MEDICAID. I PURCHASED THIS PARTICULAR HOME AFTER A YEAR LONG SEARCH BECAUSE SHE WOULD BE ABLE TO LIVE HERE ONCE I MADE SOME CRUCIAL CHANGES. I INSTALLED A HANDICAP TOILET, ADDED MANY GRAB BARS AND ELIMINATED ALL BARRIERS TO HER SHOWER AREA. THE FIRST FLOOR HAD TWO RAMPS INSTALLED TO ALLOW ACCESS TO THE DECK AND TO WHEEL HER IN AND/OR OUT. MY NIECE LIVES WITH ME ON THE SECOND FLOOR. INITIALLY, OUR FLOOR CONSISTED SOLELY OF TWO SMALL BEDROOMS, ONE SMALL BATH, A HALLWAY, AND A, BALCONY ROOM WHICH OPENED , TO THE FLOOR BELOW. EARLY ON, WE KNEW WE NEEDED TO UTILIZE EVERY AVAILABLE SPACE. WE ADDED A' KITCHENETTE, LAUNDRY SPACE AND SMALL SITTING AREA IN THE SPACE ABOVE THE GARAGE ', TO ALLOW US TO LIVE UPSTAIRS WITHOUT INFRINGING IN ANY WAY ON MOM' S SPACE. THIS WAS EXTREMELY NECESSARY NOT ONLY BECAUSE AS A MATURE WOMAN I WAS ACCUSTOMED TO SOME SEMBLANCE OF PRIVACY, AND NEEDED THE ABILITY TO HAVE A FRIEND VISIT FROM TIME TO TIME. . . BUT, MORE IMPORTANTLY, I SPENT THE CONSIDERABLE FUNDS NEEDED " TO ADD THE SPACE, BECAUSE MEDICAID MIGHT REMOVE MOM' S AID IF WE SHARED THE SAME SPACES. THE REASONING BEING THAT MEDICAID FEARS THAT PEOPLE WILL USE THE HOME CARE AID FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS. I.E. WASHING THEIR CLOTHING, OR COOKING THEIR MEALS. DUE TO BUDGET RESTRAINTS MEDICAID IS CONSTANTLY 'RECERTIFYING'' MOM IN AN ATTEMPT TO ELIMINATE HER NEED FOR AN AID. I HAVE HAD TO ALTER MY OWN LIFESTYLE CONSIDERABLY OVER THE YEARS, IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE THEIR MANY DEMANDS. THIS CONSTANT STRUGGLE MADE THESE, ADDITIONS JUST ONE MORE NECESSITY IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THEIR EVER-CHANGING AND EVER-PRESENT RULINGS. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED A PAGE FROM FORMS SENT TO THEM THIS PAST WEEK. ' IN DOING RESEARCH BEFORE MOVING MOM TO LONG ISLAND'S NORTH FORK SOME SIX YEARS AGO. . .I WAS REPEATEDLY WARNED THAT THE 2,4 HOUR HOME CARE MOM HAD HAD FOR OVER 15 YEARS WAS CRUCIAL HERE. NOT ONLY BECAUSE OF HER EXTREME MEDICAL NEEDS, BUT BECAUSE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULES DO NOT ALLOW AIDS TO TRAVEL TO AND FROM THEIR OWN HOMES AFTER 12 HR. WORK DAYS. MEDICAID WOULD ,ULTIMATELY USE THAT PROBLEM AS A REASON TO. ' PUT PATIENTS IN NURSING HOMES. 7 \\ / C 1 PAGE II THAT THOUGHT TERRIFIES MOM AND I HAVE GIVEN 'HER .MY WORD THAT THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I 'VE DEVOTED MANY YEARS TO PROTECTING AND HELPING MOM ' AND PLAN TO CONTINUE MAKING HER LIFE AS INTERESTING AND JOYOUS AS I CAN. NOW. . .I_,ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN THIS ENDEAVOR. WITH SINCEREST THANKS, // MARIA TRUPIy 4 of MARIA TRUPIA 105 BROWER ROAD , MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952 ENCLOSURES 2 LOT AREA 28,713 Iii _' F.FL.' EIF.V.� 25.5 �.� --.. ..� -•- - - -- • BROWER ROAD Xt,1t^ice. N 78'42'40"E 110.00' r& 59.46' k I I 111 �R=50.00' g L-78.54' 1 b 1 I N o ( 141-6. t2.7' ti d' 3' -4.OS 93T-35. --` 4- ' v :„.2....:., R , rA ,d.., ?4\-cy1,0-6- ®s _ _ _ _ ._.- _—_..._ -�! -y' d.ok 15.7, 0.w� 40' - ' rr10 ' 1,K C.iUATY DCPARTMdFNT OP HEALTH SERVILE., _ _ 4, 4: s,:Co.i.!'tTPUr:M;T ,:'o;w?FON. -`.. F:'.r:51;: :yr'..:U!ci.'.i;V, C;(i`a_i, 2p1J?Ii.2.r r.l'Io,_•.. ..2_L..9.1�_I.—. - ,, ,.. ,•,r (.:Girl::, r1:1,'•:L, 1'- • 1•;,'^ •/ /:.....,..:„.4 .-- Cl k0 .,I. ,' , it CT'_Fii,1'.IL,1: iii /, 1-Ail c.r\7:1:.r ,',3 wr...^.;r,.,acr iti,tn.^j cmcut ..- /•�� • NOTE: CESSPOOL, SEPTIC TANK & WATER SERVICE LOCATIONS BY OTHERS. rn / 706' CC 10-22-2002 FINAL SURVEY k � 8-8-2002 FOUNDATION LOCATION 5-31-2001 TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ADDED. 0.,,- . DATUM N,O.V.D, \n+I COSTar a wort ff sat ANO pI vuOM , - \ Or Lam�'ta r.�,;tear n4o,e1 kl mar aeNwnm al-v, Eg cc MT - THE°Fra i(pi OMDIMOM)MOM MEN'PROW M IMMURES 10 Oa r O ;I POOPER Y uo Ng FOR A�A PURPOSE Mw LLE MO 11101170/111101170/1ME 11D' JOB No. 01-89 FILE N�``,y 59 '�-u DOTO TO MXiC .-UIOON d 1191010.RPRIMTAIMPO '. KM%PRIM ► ��'+ ^D0'r"'TO Lamm°!MK craw OOMs °� SURVEYED FOR ANTHONY do NORM•��yyp}IMA, ri UPUTFO l�M.SOMMON OR/COMM 10'M WRYLY b A WpATON Of=now ' '•�Z '3,ni 710.Of M Id'CRTC EDl1t IDUOQIOI LIT. .may Cq nr Q r� nrwwTm rca1TO Fowl*MU RIM cam 10 17E M1.ON.-wW THE fnpi C Ri MAY p PAFlARs.ANO ON M®Mil A M-mt WWI"oofl6aENW. SITUATED AT MATTITUCK O Y C�, POMP NO LOOM MlOIUDpI LOTTO HERM IND TO M ANDONEb Of THE 3': ^-{ WC"lirniUllaM•pwwnm Mg Nor 711"113W414,19 mm�ww-i,mvnow TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — SUFFOLK NO-O_ NT/7l.Y� COM Cr 111E SLIMY Tw NOT r41010 THC LNn TTUIra1aTL'E MI®.EAt.a SCALE 1" - 40' DATE 1-17-2001 0010E10J ICC DAL MOT PC COMM D m LTE A 1107 Mt COPY. FILED MAP No. DATE CERTIFIED ONLY TO: TAX MAP No.(REF ONLY) 1000-107-8-34 DISK 500 ANTHONY & NORMA ROMANO ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP, L HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. P.C. LAND SURVEYOR n r� p P.O, BOX 818 �! /EIwLo� 1868 WADING RIVER—MANOR RD. WADING RIVER, NEW YORK, 11792 N.Y. LIC, No. 048992 631-929-4695 HAROLD F. TRANCHON JR. PENN. LIC. No. 2115—E , . • ' '' -' ib C5-1SA r ± c: . 56'5 1 1 111.5 t 314\--t---TS/ `�. 771 1I 84 ��'I. 1 • II ( ` 1 gl____r ,,, , r io 01 , . ,,,, , . , -Be,R 00 fv\ •fid<' . , . MASTER BDRM , ( . \ '' ' . I ; 131 r 4'6 11 _1 G - ,a u m 1 185 IF /) TO bt-ctK rr> r 4I_ ( I j R?a0p1C-6P Il e- - i---7 Lid '' ( � l Ir 6•�,4----N E I MASTER BATH J1, MOM I; �{I -i. C. H d V4 a).--• -J.] LOS ' I 185 GO°65 S0 p/„1 I LIVING II j l IpIp'i.0 � 13E1 -MTS 111111111 `P I1b S I I j ►( t•J1eRCO(4) II 1 j� I I 1 6 i DINING I II lI III Iill { ° �©Rela I 111----1--111 11 I i I III I I ,1 I I I lli li— I I I 23'10 I- I Ii Rol to -It T O & WE " I 16.1 3- .I'I �R I J )1,00 ' 171 Is 170 I II i I II 6.41phG-E-, n u )1A10._EGI)nt II 11 ` Le -j4I i r 4 2710 f 56'6 l, �—r • LIVING AREA I R O I A '2792 SQ f1 P. 110 \) • ' e • 1 • livliVeitk Tr--UF 1 14 ,--. 234 I i I 1 I 1 I I 1 0 0 o i 1 I 0 i 1 )Ii - 1 1 l ) , - . 1- r tr) V... • /\ / - 'V- I 0. H v. // \ . I ' ' • . V i 1 i 1 9 . I , 1 1 I sci., ! co so 1- , , I? N 1 I , ._.... k--3'2- -, 3'4 i 9'3 --... I 77----------1 23'4 -. e' :31g , , . . . ' � ���� � � ` ��� ._ ^ f---. -, ww -- —+ | � / X �--- -- '- ---�� - --- ` nu %-.. 27 •-• 1813 -------. /� |�� 3 ' . ' | � ' T- '--- ---- ---' -- �� - | • „? ! / - ! / . ^ ` | � - . ��z � ' / L - BEDROOM STUDY | / � .... . O ' . r4 _ c _ _ ! | ` t_ ------ — J c� i ~ -- , —1 '1____1________-- � _--_� . / / . - . _-'� | . • - � | � HALL . . � � i • BEDROOM ./ � . Dook� / � . ' . | Ln ° r------ ( y ---� � , . � ' / . � | ,~ . ' i . ' 16'6 ----| . 1 ` . / � ' | / ' , | | / ' |. . F � � / . | ' / ' ss' | . k1��( ) .~~ ~ Tk�7FC ��L/ | i•5 %! / . � LIVING 1727 sq ft .. .. �____ ��� A�\ � _ ______ ______�_ _ _ .. _ � ...... � �- ( T�� /�^y�� _-_---_-- -~-~� j . ." ',_~ , ~~~ , ~ � " / . / -�--------------- -------- 40'4 ---' ------'__---__ ��-_ ' & '� APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN ROAPn OF APPEALS For Office Use Only a.., y- ir— ��� Fee: $ Filed By: Date Assigned/assignment No. 57� Office Notes: AUG ® 8 2005 ZONING BOAHU uF APPEALS Parcel Location: House No. ( 0 S Street 13 I%L' gb Hamlet 11u444X rtrid Gg SCTM 1000 Section (D`7 Block 8 Lot(s) 34/ Lot SizeY. ACM Zone District /2--4 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: Bl' ( - 5 Applicant/Owner(s): MAR.LA `rK ) la4 Mailing Address: as L-3 irsAC`Z t i VV1a4 Z'T'crocei , l Lq 52_ Telephone: ( ?3() C. - 7zLec2 NOTE: If applicant is not the owner,state if applicant is owner's attorney,agent,architect,builder,contract vendee,etc. Authorized Representative: B l u.- 6e' &kie,J Address: PO SSC V-64:7 1 I/V(,o4-7`C[ rOc ) J Li act S Z Telephone: CCQ 3 1) 4 4S-- 4 Gp. Please specify who you wish corresjondence to be mailed to, from the above listed names: ❑Applicant/Owner(s) C1uthorized Representative ❑ Other: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 7115,/D 5- FOR: ❑Building Permit ❑ Certificate of Occupancy ❑Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ❑Change of Use Di-Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article ,11,.L Section 100- 3 1. Subsection ttr Svc-CPQ l Bk)- 32- — LOT 5 L z coI>Z Z Type of�A.peal. An Appeal is made for: -EA�M.1 It= SpEa-b L [ A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. KC n,QL) Lb A&'G , ❑9..Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. nterpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ®'Reversal or Other A prior appeal❑has Qglas not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year REASONS FOR APPEAL(additional sheets may be used with a plicant's signature): AREA VARIANCE REAS . (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: 14•E'r &eu- l 6 ,c-O 'k.TZ.1D1Z- 4L-re-12-4r CA) To 7-14e te-01.75t; e5R_ T-ug. oetE&r'(. (2) The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: W Eb1Cittb t/51.r-o4h9CE" KRt,w- 5 5g?+4 cbleN) 134-Th L-4t'r)bg.(t41X,E-Pts o6z. T%k '4T ► &'r to G 5e, 7UEL? Roles( Gm-i viC'4 Ti oAJ T 2.'\ W.9 .5E 14,6o1-‘ B EZ�RI 11•ri'4 [� 1,074-0.06r- 00D c``74al tb'6- (3) The amount o relief est is not substantial becae: jeutab LiO uti-) /OD .4/i w & Piv-bt:• ?) .7- e- Mov / L6b41 OtM-et . TAE ACti tJ r-9 L•EVL_ (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: T ® ,4,x 411005 ©a-L,L7..- Lit9S Lg5. Taft— 6 oos9. (5) Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? ( )Yes, or (y)No. This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety, and welfare of the community. Check this box (V1IF A USE VARIANCE IS BEING REQUESTEDJAND PLEASE COMPLETE THE ATTACHED USE VARIANCE SHEET: (Please be sure leco s •if + a o r ey,) gnature of A s e'a or Authorized Agent (Agent must submit written Authorization from Owner) Sworn to before me this 5�� day of 2O RECEIVED Notary Public AUG ® 8 2005 NotatyUbDAic510 (5 9uetifted in Suffolk County 948506 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Comma—Expires March 20,- 7 ■ ate � } • Page 3 of 3 - Appeal Application PFnFIVED • AUG - 8 2005 Part B: REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE Crf requested): ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS For Each and Every Permitted Use under the Zoning Regulations for the Particular District Where the Project is Located (please consult your attorney before completing): 1. Applicant cannot realize a reasonable return for each and every permitted use under the zoning regulations for the particular district where the property is located, demonstrated by competent financial evidence. Thea plicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: (describe on a separate sheet). 'v64 2. The alleged hardship relating to the property is unique because: Wt6'Al.c4cb 1005c9f .J�Y,E' Rtla9t Es cA c ic-crj S Fee-. 'titer pr4ri A.97 3. The alleged hardship does not apply to a su istantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: uie" bks kv • 4,0 ( &)V V774-&-k ,06!,(vit treers. r_et rkfl • 1fr • ()RSi" G►4 pAL is 14) 4. The request will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood because: "l W(u_ 1SE GV'O e x o C. >'440&ES fie" t,5� D - `t"trte- LSP--DP�1�`Ct 5, The alleged hardship has not been self-created because: Ti-tom' IM,o`C b-4.e'k 674-rte-10-6 L 5 14 ?M be-C9 LG 1 6. This is the minimum relief necessary, while at the same time preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety and welfare of the community. (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) 'rgc4A,L 'E `7i6/V Volk. A T A I,Ii DLk9 [.LI47C& - AL5t , Lo-r s I VARwiocr c ow 4 Tum ANtit ILL? t_59e-uJ(t 5 ci d e Tce� is &aztucs�r&t. 7. The spirit of the ordinance will be ot3erved, public safety and welfare will be secured, ld substantial justice will be done because: (Please explain on a separate sheet if necessary.) -rt- - tS NO A710(9S— G/(.2 Z' APPEVik.44.5G6 ole" Arcrwery V cAvyt t iA) a(duettsbc� ( ) Check this box and complete PART A, Questions on previous page to apply AREA VARIANCE STANDARDS. (Please consult your attorney.) Otherwise, please proceed to the slgnature and notary area below. ure Ap t or Authorized A 5 9 nt Sworn to before me this (Agent must submit Authorization from Owner) day of , , 20p. ,e-,&e14 - c/ (Notary Mie3GART fbtary d Of NOW York ZBA App 9/30/0� Public,St 4jri ,oo.4948506 Qualid in Suffolk Co ,2 (1oa�issio RECEIVED , , 410 AUG - 8 2005' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION i. 2GeoARooJ Application No. 5764-11 Date Filed: TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK: I (We), 9Y10 -- `J of 10_5 (Residence, House No. and Street) y- 'or° ` �`(� , ' 1 ``'�S - _ I a-6 . -- -7_ 'am e , ' a e, I. •'e, e ep one `umser hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE. , SECTION ( Oc art , SUBSECTION a C`clo� L Do-? �t 51 �lr- 2... r-414411-(1 for the below-described proper y or the following uses and purposes (and as shown on the attached plan drawn to scale): TiA,D wl.l t—Le t uJ t i -E-6),R__ Cret-lam. FARA FL:E&I 64-s Ki t 64-( L 0E AX FOR_ (S/O7`-b13( 9 GSC `C l.Gset-rt o )4101 , 2_4- Dov ,40()- __Se . A. Statement of Ownership and Interest. is(are) the owner( ) of property known and referred (House No. , Street, Hamlet) row ISA:a identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section te,-j , Block $ , Lot(s) �`j , which is not (is) on a subdivision Map (Filed "Map of " Filed Map No. and has been approved by the Southold Town Planning Board on as a [Minor] [Major] Subdivision). The above-described property was acquired by the owner on / 65- w B. The applicant alleges that the approval of this exception would be in harmony with the intent and purpose of said zoning ordinance and that the proposed use conforms to the standards prescribed therefor in said ordinance and would not be detrimental to property or persons in the neighborhood for the following reasons: //leer ( C t-b zee z C66DW(q GrU e ki l4'ffro4.1 ' C.$' OR_ 4c11 UtT ' 1UL n ib i E PP . C. The property which is' the subject of this application is zoned and [ ] "i.s .con;intent with the use(s) described in the Certificate of Occupancy being L� furnisfied herewith. is not consistent with the Certificate of Occupancy being furnished herewith for thle following reason(s) : re eye /®/o [ ] is vacant land. 1,0-C 5 c90- 7— COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : v I fes- ,/ Sw�rn to bef+re me this gay of otezoG G d-©DS— / • TNotary 'uS is _---I$2_. (rev. 2/0/86) Notary Public.mud New York No.4948506 Qualified in Suffotk.CountYa� �7 Commission Expires March 20 / 1 „/ i:-) • PROJECT DESCRIPTION119 �, (!,6 (Please include with Z•B•A. Application) (�� Applicant(s). LAAA-gSto I. If building is existing and alterations/additions/renovations are proposed: • A. Please give the dimensions and ove all square footage of extensions beyond existing building: Dimensions/size: Square footage: A- B. Please give the dimensions and square footage of new proposed foundation areas which do not extend be and the existin buildin . Dimensions/size: Square footage: II. If land is vacant: _ Please give dimensions and overall square footage of new construction: Dimension/size: Square;footage: Heigh III. Puipose and use1of new construction requested in this application: .56')4e...Atre. 1 TI4 TG. elk9 lilot9A9.v. L E WlA►W 14-1. 4-ritriur C -U I tC41 10 3 ' vlJL-&D 1 C4L ►► . IV Additional information about the surrounding contours or nearby buildings that relate to the difficulty • in meeting the code requirement(s): ,J (A V. Please submit seven (7)photos/sets after staking corners of the proposed new construction. 7/02 • Please note:Further changes, after submitting the above information, must be placed in writing and may require a new Notice of Disapproval to show changes to the initial plans. If additional time is needed, • please contact our office, or please check with Building Department (765-1802) or Appeals Department (765-1809) ifyou are not sure. Thank you. r. ,�� iii i�� to 1 j,I,,� pc. SOiitj t0 'O l) Town Hall,53095 Main Road i Jig jig % Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 % co Q ,�` Telephone(631)765-1802 Southold,New York 11971-0959 . •i ... ._,g BUILDING DEPARTMENT �1 '-6 B TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Iii Pr ifi July 27, 2005 New England Barns AIC Trupia 45805 Main Road Southold,NY 11972 Dear Mr. Gorman: Please be aware that we are reversing our decision to issue a notice of disapproval for"as built" construction on 105 Brower Road(SCTM#107-8-34), dated July 26, 2005, as we have determined, after further review, that no disapproval is required from this office. Based on the plans you have submitted to this office, the as built additions/alterations to an existing single-family dwelling with unfinished second floor, constitute a separate dwelling unit. (Section 100-31B, the Southold Town Code states, "Uses permitted by special exception by`the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as special exception by the Board of Appeals: (1) Two-family dwellings not to exceed one (1) such dwelling on each lot. (13) One (1) accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling" Because a Notice of Disapproval is not required for a special exception application to the Zoning Board of Appeals, you may apply to this agency directly. Respec a41, liWal s,Pe,4gitExam'I- lle ' 4. - 1 To: Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 I 7,6 b b From: William Gorman RECEIVED PO Box 1447 Mattituck,NY 11952 AUG - 8 2005 Date: August 5,2005 n Otcok ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Re: Maria Trupia, `Special Exception' Tax Map# 1000-107-8-34 To whom it may concern. Maria Trupia resides at 105 Brower Rd.,Mattituck. Maria's paraplegic mother resides with her. Her mother requires a full-time nurse. Medicaid has certified the need for a full-time nurse,but requires separate kitchen,bath and laundry facilities for other members of the family. The separation of facilities satisfies Medicaid's requirements for continued payment of nursing services. This is to assure that the nurse cooks, cleans and does laundry for the Medicaid patient only. We are requesting a Special Exception(Section 100-31B) for a Two Family Dwelling and, if that is granted,we would necessarily require a lot size variance as well (Section 100-32). The first floor of the house(2145 sq.ft.)is the Mother and the nurse quarters, and the second floor(1728 sq.ft.) is where Maria and her niece reside. Thank you for our kind consideration, 7 William P. o an, Authorized Representative for Maria Trupia t= - ►D ../-.v7"-'�,n I� -,o m 5 . ri- -2- ,. it F- Saes ---15v ti-f--RSsi - P `Physician's Orders Mnsedicatioiet T aments Activities Instructions 0 rUbE 12 SVtelz V(-S tow 0.E.Et); A-ss Is-04-qc_,E_1 c T 1'� 13 - i 'ri ' )NOD JCS tV T I,((U 5-Yv = cv Os rE,43li-t2T+} err es Ci4�- .51 P IV co.B&- 1 1\15 �,.sE. MY t3 c-I-r Ls I4 t Y1 H VE...IZCA--)bI,E-S1"5 ..E VI I &, Date of Examination /, /-1- O S— Prognosis 6.0 iyi,k p b Therapeutic Goal Is home care appropriate C4 Yes ❑No Is .at -nt essential homebo id JYes ❑No --, .Dr.'_ ,toe AA/\ild ^,� Date Ail-, D O 'rt :ssional Asse smen and Recommendations �,�( ` 1719-T I E a)--r- I PARR pi. E6- ( L - `f\,)EE,b5 fSs i.S -A' 6 t CE I 19 Pe_Rr=otQrn nGTR) l j( c 6 MA241 (Re /�997ll -4+6 � n a G�' - �N�HONY BENNARDO,M.D. 11 �� 5.8/97cg_ Physician Recommendation Form C> 54075 Main Road - tt) 0 iRk . P.O. Box 927 Southold,NY 11971 ' / QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Is the subject remises listed on the real estate market for sale? ❑Yeso B. Are there anyproposals to change or alter land contours? ❑Yes o C. 1) Are there any areas that contain wetland grasses? /UV 2) Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? A)0 3) Is the property bulkheaded between thel wetlands area and the upland building area? O 4) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you/contacted the office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Al A- Please confirm status. of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed constriction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /(1O E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers,bulkheads or fences that exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? /10 (Please show area of these structures on a diagram if any exist. Or state"none"on the above line, if applicable.) F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? /v® If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department and describe: G. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? /)p If yes, please label the proximity of your lands on your map with this application. H. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel SLID' - cA*4.11,--4 51beL'C and proposed use Tait, V444,I Lam( U)i✓�,�,c�3& (example . e.._ '•_ 'ngle-family; proposed: same with garage) 1l uthorized . • re and Date 2/05 7 7Ab August 4, 2005 From: Maria Trupia 105 Brower Road Mattituck,NY 11952 To whom it may concern, William Gorman is authorized to act as my representative and/or agent for all Building, Planning and Zoning processes in the Town of Southold. Sincerely, Maria Tru i P ♦ � , TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOS! FORM (r A [CABLE TO OWNER, CONTRACT V .)EE AND AGENT: 51 The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interestnt� and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. vv USC (fi Avvl, e Le-Wl,w ® 1,14.4.g1+ `Tzo?1► - (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Variance Special Exception *Other Approval or Exemption from plat or official map Change of Zone Tax Grievance *If"Other"name the activity: LSC 5 iiE OPr$..l>9/J'CE Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: 14 Title or position of that person: A- 1,/} Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant, agent or contract vendee) and the • Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director,partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP N 14 Submitted this ' i. of /4(PG V°�T Signature: Print N. e.� �: AIWA) PROJECT!D NUMBER SEAR 617.21 Appendix C ley State Environmental Quality Review i Jj SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL 4SSESSMENT FORM V" For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I—Project Information(To be complete by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1.Applicant/Sponsor 2. Project Name Wl t-t. Te.U?I4 MOP 2— c•44141,L(-1 3.Project location: Municipality County d.Precise location(Street address and road Intersections,prominent landmarks,etc.or provide map) OS" lig.CLIP 5.Is proposed action: ( )NEW ( )EXPANSION ( V 1 0DIFICATION)ALTERATION 6.Describe project briefly: • ASVD � �Tct� �s w*s bt emit)t.‘P is_ I,t�s (->X4,0co r-viamtcs-ltvlimicfrs • T.Amount of land affected: Initially acres; Ultimately: acres /J(Pt 8_Will proposed action comply with existing or other existing land use restrictions:( )YES ( )NO If No,describe briefly: Z_ - -AaVVU 1--It Tj1 L[-t/'& / -s®`r r Lt, 1 Uy t ttt-Bt SPS.LCL E'Ycerfl6& . 9.What Is present land use in vicinity of project:(describe): (Nerfkresidential ( )Industrial ( )Commercial ( )Agricultural ( )Park/Forest/Open Space ( )Other • 10.Does action involve a permit approval or funding,now or ultimately from any other Governmental agency,(Federal,State or Local)? (v rtS ( ) NO If Yes,Ilst agency(s)and permit/approvals: S o- rclie/i.b 3 L . t tl 11.Does any aspect of the action have a currently valid permit or approval? ( /YES (14110 If Yes,Ilst agency(s)and permit/approvals: , 12.As a result of proposed action,will existing permit/approval require modification? ( )YES (vy60 If Yes,fist agency(s)and permit/approvals: I certify� that the Information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge [APPlicant/SPonsor Name: ///1f.1ey- 71}V`v-}- Date: 8 ' Ds Signature: // If the act'•n Is I `the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assess •1.0 SO(j • ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE e Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK , P.O. Box 1179 cn Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS G Q ,� MARRIAGE OFFICER Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER x441- �` � Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ouN►i,`�► ��� �� southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: August 9, 2005 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5768 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5768—Maria Trupia-Zoning Board of Appeals application for variance. Also included is a letter from William Gorman dated August 5, 2005; application for special exception; application to the Zoning Board of Appeals; reasons for 'appeal; reasons for use variance; letter from Town of Southold Building Department dated July 27, 2005; three pages building plans; survey of property; project description; ZBA questionnaire; Short environmental assessment form; Applicant transactional disclosure form; authorization letter; letter from Maria Trupia dated July 29, 2005 (two pages); Physician recommendation form dated May 24, 2005; Memo from Town of Southold Building Department dated July 29, 2005; copy of letter from Building Dept. dated July 27, 2005 and Notice of disapproval dated July 26, 2005. Town Of Southold POBox1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 08/09/05 Receipt#: 608 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees 5768 $600 00 Check#. 608 Total Paid: $600.00 a ' I Name: Trupia, Maria 105 Brower Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID 5768 ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Applications and Checks for Processing) DATE: 8/8/05 ZBA# NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP MARTIN, JAMES & 5742 DENISE by P. Moore, 4957 $50 Esq. Dye, D. and 5766 Segouin, S. by James 129 $600 Fitzgerald, Jr. 5767 Zeneski, Paul and Linda 126 $150 ®� Ai t� u�►®.. R1 y Trupia, Maria byNew 6 ON 5768 England Barns, Inc. 608 $600 ®�0113�3� TOTAL $1400.00 RECEIVED • By LK Thank you. AUG 92005 Southold Town Clerk ZBA TO TOWN CLERK TRANSMITTAL SHEET (Filing of Applications and Checks for Processing) DATE: 8/8/05 ZBA# NAME CHECK# AMOUNT TC DATE STAMP MARTIN, JAMES & 5742 DENISE by P. Moore, 4957 $50 Esq. Dye, D. and 5766 Segouin, S. by James 129 $600 Fitzgerald, Jr. 5767 Zeneski, Paul and Linda 126 $150 5768 (Trupia, Maria by New 608 $600 England Barns, Inc. TOTAL $1400.00 • By LK Thank you. NEW ENGLAND BARNS, INC. 6 0 8 45805 MAIN RD. SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 PAY sem' �,� I5 S 50-546-214 DATE ORDER CSC."y i� t t ORDER F eF DOLLARS 8 t SLC) THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK - MAIN ROAD • CUYCHOGUE NEW YORK 11935 FOR 1 �tJ (. R 67 - f NP II'00060all.+1:0 2 L4054641: 6 00 L 2 5 4 '" " 11 1 1 ,_ ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK X In the Matter of the Application of /2/41U4— 7:4.4470,{_a_ .#6740 g' AFFIDAVIT OF SIGN POSTING (Name of Applicants) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000-k7 - - 39 X COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, ' . _ �` _ _/ . residing at 7 s� a % ? • Sat., ,New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the day of ,_� I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and ature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten(10)feet or closer from the street or right-of-way(driveway entrance)— facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for sev n dayizior to that date of the subject hearing date,which hearing date was shown to be 9 4 6.Zioa_ 4-126 (Signature) Sworn to before me this EiS day of Wecc*se C 200 JENNIFER CASSIDY /, Notary Public,State of New York ll J,m,V A ,i O 1 t No.O1CA6118499 Qualified in Suffolk County (Notary Public) Cornmission Expires Nov 8,ZO *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK • X In the Matter of the Application of , - 7og;_/44td" AFFIDAVIT 57� ,- OF MAILINGS (Name'ofApplieants) • ' ,- •' . - ; ReAdLi.,..j.• CTM Parcel#1000=/p; - -'8' =�•9 . `'' „, X "� COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, /Le/P�c5A a7�5 residing at (515-OSSPpC Sol.../nes LI / 1/97/ ,New York,being duly sworn,depose and say that: On the XS—day of- -w• ,,-6)....S-17',"I personally i failed at the United States• Post Office in/4k_: ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT JREQUESTED, a true copy of the attached•Legal Notice in prepaid'envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the•thirrenf assessment roll verified from;the official records on file with the ( )Assessors,or( )County'Real Propeity Office • ' ,for every property which abuts'and is across a public or privfe street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. __Ti>6_, ` p , , \ _ (Signature) Sworn to before me this ,, ' /b" day of ,.200 ;1'” `'F ,> . ` -.limit P.MiOnM, Ptotarlr,P4ubl!o,Slate of New York �, � 'No,7738235 —� — Qualified In Suffolk Count otary Public] - . , , , Commission stori ,lan•Sty o� o 7 e a PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the -owner-names-and-addresses-forwhich-notiees-were dledd-Tha—ayou. -- — -- �-— - • ., ion- e- . 6.-72 a2.0/ife,,7921-o,c as maoa, ' , , 0)/UV �i7�a /67-833 B LRta4jt n.p /,iv,,af- /06 //L.-- -/ //-ij i/q6"" 62_ /07- 8-37 /f/ d//1/9e. // Vs- 44,a/redSite_ 199.aereY).146,Ary //9S<2_. /67-e 'r3 . / # 4,J0-4&Mezia/ Po d n7g Soie.i.Motgd, /vy7/ v7/ /o7-8-99 / adz), P. o B r f9(5- U.S. Postal ServiceTM m CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT r-9 (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Covera ovided) dor,delivery information visit our website at,www.usps.coms SOUTHOLD; NYS 11971g ] A lL U S 1 `° Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0752 ru Certified Fee 2.30 0173 Return Receipt Fee c Postmark (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Here 0 Restricted Delivery Fee Clergy n KVVSRW ..D (Endorsement Required) rq -- ra Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 09:15!`05 ul p Sent 112-7I-141_22....N -- N Street,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. • / City,State,ZIP+- � .-��' fir. L PS Form 3800,June 2002' /lee Reverse for Instructions U.S.'Postal ServiceTM . 0 Fu9 CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIP/7- ,-9 (D. estic Mail Only;No Insurance Coveral ,00vided) '' or delivery,information visit our website at www.usps:com® = MATTITU M, p? X1197? ! 1 N 1 �- iE , I `O Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 052 0 Certified Fee 2.30 I= Postmark Return Receipt,Fee (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Here I=1 Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: KKV RW ..D (Endorsement Required) r9 r9 Total Postage&Fees $ 4" ' OP?/15/05 Ui p Sent To , o '/ ! / l�Q r•• Street,Apt No.; . / or PO Box No °13a City,State,ZIP+4 f jAr4 ,,I7 PS-Form 3800,June 2602 wee)aeverse(Or Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM m CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPIT I-1 ; (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Covera •vided) For delivery information viSit our website at www.usps.come MASSAF'E tJ PARK, NYf 1176 .. -•) L� go Postage $ 0.37 UNIT Iii: 0952 ru Certified Fee CI `°30 Postmark I= Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) 1.75 Here 11 Restricted Delivery Fee Cleft: KKV5RW .11 (Endorsement Required) ° r9 r9 4 Total Postage&Fees °42 09/15/05 III I Sent To D f` Street,Apt. u„/ /AO____.ir �1.____lr or PO Box No. a� / ', e A T City,Sta- P • "��ff--�� �/1Jj/ //)/....4, A PS Form 3800,June 2;02 /if 7 See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service., `t' CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT �- l r9 (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Covera„ •vided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coma r 1 - /, L USE MATFTT)If K, WY 1 `13 Postage $ 0.7 UNIT ID: 0952 Certified Fee 0 Postmark Return Receipt Fee Her ( Endorsement Required) 1.75 0 Restricted Delivery Fee Clerk: VKV5RW ..0 (Endorsement Required) r9 r9 4 Total Postage&Fees $ •42 09115/05 is) p Sent To 0 # I .treet,Apt.No.; or PO Box No. // City Sta 4 ,e.741,„_. A / 5 I PS Form 31100,June 2002 v 7See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service,. Er CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIP/T--., rg (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Covera( 'vided) z For delivery information visit our w,{ebsitt3e at www.usps.coms .11 Postage $ 0.37 UNIT IDD 0952 ru Certified Fee 0 ��30 Postmark Return Receipt.Fee (Endorsement Required) 1.75 CI Restricted Delivery.Fee Clerk: VKV5RW .D (Endorsement Required) rd Total Postage&Fees $ 4.42 09/15/05 l41 Q Sent To dde `f / -- ---- ---- lti Street Ap.No.; or PO Box No. O City,Stat=‘f 4,4 i • ii 411. PS Form 3800,June 2002 U See Reverse for Instructions U.S.,Postal ServiceTM -' ' CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT p _`Domestic Mail,Only,No lnsuran'ce:Coffer jovided) ±:`. For delivery mforrnation visit:oui*efisite at www.usps.com® CO i1g.,,APEt�UA, a V 11762 EL. .; �-:) -', `oPostage 0.37 $ U f.71 Certified Fee 1=12.30 �' Postma''0' Return Receipt Feeoa C1 (Endorsement Required) 1.75 t�I SES'.-8 2635 ID Restricted Delivery Fee \ Clerk: KCY it ,..D (Endorsement Required) r9 r9 Total Postage&Fees 4.42 a 9/,b i' Ln Am p Sent ToII ,yC ;--- Iti Street,Apt.No; � Q%/�`G��fy�� or PO Box No. _�le l Cdy ZIP+4 Z 4I/ e / ,,A , / lo PSForm 38,OQ•June 2OO 4 .-. See Reverse for Instruction 1 U.S. Postal ServiceTM rn CERTIFIED' AILTMRECEIPr"" p f„9omestic Mail Only;No Insurance:covers,. ovided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com ;1 r , 5-....,,,:.Wz MAAITUC&`� W ;11 L\ i U ° t `° Postage $ 0.37 UNIT"iy 07)10, 0 Certified Fee 2.30 (41/4CO 0O Return Receipt Fee 1.75 co(Endorsement Required) CI Restricted DeliveryFee C e •� (Endorsement Required) 1-9 Total Postage&Fees 4.42 09 O8 PS. Lr) Gi Sent T r` Street,Apt.No. orO or POO Sox No � /45—V c.', . • Al -PS Form 3800 June 2002 c / , l See:• -r e for I. •a, U.S. Postal;Service . N CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEII�� p omestig Mail.Only;No.lnsurance Cover., rovided) "For delivery information visit our,website at ww;w.usps.comm .=- SOU HOLD NYS 119719 II `o Postage $ 0.37 UNIT}_T�1�0. i711b�- ruCertified Fee ?.30 �� 6� 0 0 Return Receipt Fee ® Postmark t� (Endorsement Required) 1.75 j co sEriere8 2065 "%El 0 Restricted Delivery,Fee C1er KCYZ9G ,1] (Endorsement Required) Total Postage&Fees _$ 4.42 09/0OY t.: SpS_ - I-n 0 0 �� _ 1,: !-, r f� or ox . --- //.."17, or PO Box No. City,Stat, +4/ / Jif PS Form 38002 June 2002 ; .0...4",, '� See„;Revers��efocr Instructions' CER IFIED MAILTM RE o cDomestic Mail Only;No Insurance Cover& Jove.e• For delive information visit our website a "" r .1.-/r. ri, CO 'MAT UCNY1� U `o Postage $ 0.37 UNIT ID: 0971 ru Certified Fee 0 2.30 ®�® � � Retum Receipt.Fee 1.75 �� P Here �� (Endorsement Required) CI Restricted Delivery Fee11111= tF' K i� % F ..D (Endorsement Required) �' i J, r I-ITotal Postage&Fees $ 4.42 09 /05 O Sent To 2 1- G ! ll ------ - ---- I`- or Apt. o.; / / or PO Box No. //J�'� ,0./. - -- -- _ City,St : ��_. Al //9c PS Form 3800,June 2002 See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM = CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIP(' p domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Covent fovided) For deliveryy information visit our website at www.usps.com® �o KATT1TUCK, NY 111952 FLA L t. Postage $ 0.37 7V401.1) T I0971 •_ 0 Certified Fee 2.30 ` �/ I- 1:3 Postm• Return Receipt Fee ,m • (Endorsement Required) L. ,,Hoere Restricted Delivery Fee C e Ka ' NI ...1:1 (Endorsement Required) v ra 15 Total Postage&Fees $ 4A2 '9/iS El uLr) St 14i4 N Street,Apt.No or PO Box lift " 4„ - .9C9,� l //- City Ste 4 f PS For 3800. ne 2002 See Reverse for Instructions • .py • ;" • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS : 'k TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK ,n . , X In the Matter of the Application of • - ' 57eog I AFFIDAVIT OF .. MAILINGS' (Name of Applicants) CTM Parcel#1000- /0 7 - 8' - fX1 • 1. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) , • I�- -tit.e�Gt ( a I ,residi4at', /5S" as.580�1. � .e:/ /f/ // 9 7/ ,New York,being duly sworn,depose and say that: I • On the I- day of !% :=- ,-0 ; I personally mailed at the United States Post Office inr` �y:c j ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL,-RETURN RECEIPT REQUES[ED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes;addressed to current own s shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (►Assessors,or( )County Real Property Office ,for every property which abuts and is across a public or priva to street;or vehicular right-of--Way a of record, surrounding the applicant's property. _ ' . �` .. ' - r • (Signature) Sworn to before me this g day of c \ze,�-2003 (Notary Public). Quarte°��611849 ' wnmissionEgHk connhy res °V 8.70,z, ' EASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. Thank you. Y a y -er...11_ ' i)(aa P„„„,,,/ * , . 70? , , , • -r-ffsfx , rfia,c,,, i, Q f/-,,vy 76, , /p7--e,. . /V��/jaQJ(Q ,e,„, „,,, , /-vy119,,_ /07. , eh ?///9 a4d, . iQ,,e7-`4, , ,a4Le._, ��,v- /195-a_,y /07-8.. q.3' l o ,e, 4e--t_SV,,,,e, 79 00-i-SLAy,/ . .i/(7 V ///y/ A7--gyy , sad,b__ ,, ..°. ,0 ef-46/Ji-f. 4,/,&._ . /72.44;7',„:95---- 72.44;7' ;may . i qs, _____. ,,,,,,,,,,,„.,.,„,,,,J,. , , 1!„, . . l'i srtsO �.E.2,1?1 U 11.31:, ,•1 0) „1, .e IfBARBARA A. REITER T,. .-` P.O. Box 1154 Marriruck, L.1., N.Y. 11952-0921 (631) 298.9543 .- J 16 NOVEMBER 2005 TOWN 'OF SOUTHOLD , •- SOUTHOLD TOWN ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS i; ei''F ,. 4 ,2 ''� 6 P. 0. BOX 1179 r' SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971-0959 NOV 1 7 2005 I a RE: APPLICANT: MARIA TROPIA #107-8-34 105 BROWER ROAD MM.; ai`.Ario of: MATTITUCK, NEW YORK DEAR MRS: OLIVA AND GENTLEMEN: HAVE JUST LEARNEI)THAT THE HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 17 NOVEMBER 2005 HAS BEEN POSTPONED INDEFINITELY. IT IS MY SUSPICION THAT SAID APPLICATION WILL EVENTUALLY BE WITHDRAWN AS IT SHOULD BE. TRAVESTY. MERRIAM WEBSTER DEFINES THE WORD AS "RIDICULOUS REPRESENTATION" AND THAT IS WHAT THIS APPLICATION IS. I RECEIVED SEVERAL ENVELOPES, VIA CERTIFIED MAIL, FROM THE APPLICANT CONTAINING FOUR (4) PAGES: (1) SHEET LISTING MY NAME AND ADDRESS, (2) COPY OF HEARING NOTICE, (3) TWO (2) COPIES OF A PLAT MAP. THE BALANCE OF THE PERTINENT INFORMATION WAS NOT MAILED; I OBTAINED IT FROM THE ZONING BOARD OFFICE. AS YOU ARE AWARE, THE APPLICANT HAS INTRODUCED A BATTERY OF EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL ABOUT WELFARE (MEDICAID) BENEFITS FOR HER MOTHER, MEDICAID HOUSING REQUIREMENTS, ETC. REPRESENTATIVES OF MEDICAID AS WELL AS FOUR (4) SOCIAL WORKERS NEVER HEARD OF 24 HOUR HOME HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS BEING PAID FOR BY MEDICAID. IN FACT, THE SIX (6) PEOPLE WITH WHOM I SPOKE NEVER HEARD OF ANY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS EITHER, AND YET AN UN— LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR PURPORTS TO BE SOMEWHAT OF AN AUTHORITY ON HOUSING REQUIRE— MENTS! I IMAGINE THAT THE INTRODUCTION OF THE MEDICAID (WELFARE) SUBJECT WAS MEANT TO EVOKE SYMPATHY, HOWEVER, IT INSPIRED ME TO CONTACT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, ELIOT SPITZER, FOR CLARIFICATION. ALTHOUGH THERE WERE AND ARE A NUMBER OF RESIDENCES ON THE MARKET THAT WOULD HAVE ACCOM— MODATED THE APPLICANT BETTER, SHE SELECTED THE EXTANT HOME WHEREIN COSTLY ALTERATIONS WERE MADE WITH OR WITHOUT TOWN APPROVAL. ECONOMICALLY SPEAKING, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LESS EXPENSIVE TO HAVE PAID FOR THE HOME HEALTH CARE PROVIDER THAN TO HAVE MADE THE ALTERATIONS. RETURNING TO THE FOCAL POINT: THE REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE AND A LEGAL TWO FAMILY RESI— DENCE, WE, WHO RESIDE IN THE AREA KNOWN AS BROWER'S WOODS, ARE ATTEMPTING TO UPHOLD OUR PROPERTY VALUES AND TO MAINTAIN OUR AREA OF SINGLE, ONE FAMILY HOMES. IN CONCLUSION, AS PETITION SUBMITTED CONTAINING 90+ SIGNATURES, WE VEHEMENTLY OPPOSE APPLICATION AND RESENT THE APPLICANT ATTEMPTING TO MAKE A MOCKERY OF OUR RULES, REGU— LATIONS AND/OR LAWS. SINCERELY, BARBARA A. REITER/( 1111/1A j1 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #7002 3150 0006-4350-7111 ---,/' ( za W e e Loi ; ) Pro\-- 11-"Aurp17 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK - to/Lb/6 y PAL x PS= i/' IAvii i ' , In the Matter of Appeal No.: 5768 MARIA TRUPIA 105 Brower Road Mattituck, New York SCTM#:1000/107/8/34 x PAUL MURPHY, being duly sworn deposes and says: 1. My wife and I reside at and own 1030 Westview Drive,Mattituck, New York which is down the street from 105 Brower Road,Mattituck, NY, the "subject property". I submit this affidavit in opposition to the application of Maria Trupia seeking a special exception and a variance so as to permit the conversion of the existing one family house to a two family house. BROWER'S WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD and ASSOCIATION 2. My residence and the subject property are both located in a residential neighborhood known as Brower's Woods. There is an homeowner's association known as the Brower's Woods Association, Inc. which was created and exists to protect the interests of the owners of property within the Brower's Woods neighborhood. I submit with this affidavit a copy of the Brower's Woods Association, Inc.'s Certificate of Incorporation. The geographical area that is the Brower's Woods neighborhood and the properties that are included in the Association are described in the Certificate of Incorporation. 3. I am a member of the Brower's Woods Association and a past President of that organization. I am currently a member of the Board of Directors. There are approximately 90 homes in the Browers Woods 4. The Board of Directors of the Brower's Woods Association met and voted to oppose the application of Maria Trupia for the reasons set forth below. NO TWO FAMILY HOMES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD 5. Upon information and belief after inquiring with numerous residents of the Brower's Woods neighborhood and with past and present Officers of the Association, I can state there are no legal two family homes in the Brower's Woods residential neighborhood which includes approximately ninety (90)homes. 6. To allow the conversion of the existing one family home to a two family home would change the character of the neighborhood. While the applicant claims there would be no change to appearance or activity upon the grant of the variance and special exception, the applicant is speaking only of the immediate future,if that. There would clearly be a change in the permitted use of this property and thus the potential for increased activity. The potential increase in activity is double. 7. The applicant seeks a special exception to permit a two family home in the R-40 zoning district within which the property is located. The applicant is not entitled to the special exception as the Southold Town Zoning Code's "Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Districts", copy attached,requires that a parcel be at least 80,000 square feet in order to be considered for a two family special exception in the R-40 Zone. According to the Legal Notice Ms. Trupia's lot is 28,713 square feet which is only 35% of the required 80,000 square foot lot size. In addition, I suggest a portion of the subject lot is saltwater wetland. 11. 41. 8. The applicant seeks to `bootstrap' herself into qualifying for the special exception by also seeking a variance from the 80,000 square foot requirement. The applicant is not entitled to the variance. It is the Association's position that the variance sought is a use variance and not an area variance. The use sought by the applicant,i.e., a two family use is not a permitted use in an R-40 Zone. The use sought by the applicant is not permitted on a lot of 28,713 square feet. The variance should be denied. The special exception should be denied. 9. The case Falkenbury vs. Schultz, 44 AD2d 827 (2d Dept. 1974) deals with the grant by a ZBA of a special exception in a residential neighborhood where the property at issue did not meet the special exception criteria. The Court reversed the ZBA in that case. A copy of the case is attached hereto for the Board's review. 10. As stated previously, the variance application should be treated as a use variance under Town Law section 267-b(2), copy attached. A two family use is not a permitted use in the R-40 district. As such the variance request should be measured by use variance standards one of which is whether an applicant can realize a reasonable return. The applicant does not allege that without the variance a reasonable return could not be made with respect to the property. Such allegation even if made would have no support in fact. 11. If the Board chooses to treat the variance application as an area variance, the application should still be denied inasmuch as it fails to meet the criteria set out in Town Law 267-b(3)(b). With respect to five criteria set forth therein: (1) An undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood would result in that multi-family housing would be present in the neighborhood where no multi- 41110 family housing previously existed. There is no requirement in the Code that would require the owner of the premises to reside at the premises. (2) The benefit purportedly sought by the applicant,i.e., to have a person live-in with the applicant's mother, could be sought thorough an application for an accessory apartment at the premises. (3) As previously noted, the requested variance is substantial. The area of the lot, 28,713 is only 35% of the required 80,000 required lot area. (4) If granted the variance would have an adverse effect on the physical and environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The property at issue is waterfront property located on the eastern branch,known as Long Creek, of the Mattituck Inlet. The additional sewerage usage that will result from a two family use will be detrimental to the fragile salt water marsh area that is located further east up the creek. (5) If is the Association's position that there is no 'difficulty' in this instance but if the Board fmds there is a `difficulty',it was self created. The Association submits that the regulations the applicant alleges are causing the difficulty either do not exist or do not and have the effect as alleged by the applicant. WHEREFORE,it is respectfully requested that the Board denies the application for a special exception and variance. /AY PA 1 MU.' 'H' Sworn to before me this alb'' Day of September, 2005. ?1,1 -7L----e7 JANET V.STE ART NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New Yoe< No.52-46633485 Quall'iti In SOFA County Cerftry n EDW NV.30,2.fl 0 CP .,A t { . . \....,.,../ ',.- .&.. . 0.: k .• •'..., .1.0;,. ''..4 • ' .. '.':'nl'i7=:4-,.y.: ,•••'s•-• .-t•.-411,,..d..,7.,: .9:z- ,,,,,', --',` 4t• , ,. . ..V f# . -"..' ---."- ''-' ‘`. '-'"...-"I'-"' .,•''""I'' ..'''`-"--.,'-•''.-=6,...;?4-z."1,",.,,,,„..'F4., ,,,, ...,,,,,b-4 ' '-, , - A& • , ::1;.E,..-, : :::::, , ,)r ':•:i:. ,,, , . .1, ,., ,,, - „ .,. • • ,'‘' , . ,...Y. ,VT.,4,10::tjt...,74.,' CERTIFICATE.OP INCORPORATION ., , ,, • ; --,,,,,' v.'t,-',;,-;t7 -.,„1. . , OP THE I _ SHOWER'S WOODS ASSOC IATION6INCORPORATEIV .t,',e,e,r,,„,ts_t;').-3. , ,....,:t Fur sue nt to the Member ship orporSt ions,UV.',.-.3-:,....,,-,:,.,;,t,,„ r;,,,„-i,rt,t,k•t:-,;!4., t1,--t-,„t-,..,=,....v..: ,J,e..,-1:,,At3/1 „, r•1.‘:.•,,,1,.:1:!•••• S r 4 ,Sr,: _.1 J . if-.., ,.._,,,t ‘5,_ '• ..,q.1. We, the under signed, of ital 1, ago, being df.slrOta,k,op.sonclasot 04 rse lv ea together for the purposed,et,bereirtAirtOrA10VIPOpujAll, .‘,,..• described, pursuant to and in ()conformity':witb thellageberehis y 4,.,'.T7f;_,.$,,,T`t•'” ... C dry,o ra t I ono Law of the State of,-New-York. ,4-4.1., - .;,,,,:-4,T-,', L-: 'f .., ' -•- .1,.',,.;-.14;„ " ,i!t`2..,• '0,;,,•`,11,,,,,,, !,;,,,, , , - _ :, ,-...-,•,,"-,-:4 , i 1 1;1' ''',,....e...1...4„.1.,,......,,,,, FI Rgy.. That the particular objeo ts-fors,Whiehqsa$4!.(.0orporatiderA i e formed are as follows, viz. , ,., . ---,,,.,:-.-t,.. ‘.''.',;c t•:,'t,'..,;,,t;rf./.,14,,.t-t:jitt%.-.- v , „ To promote,'soo Lib I I i ty and f riende140-414191)41,4,:At.,,,itgabliali4!,.,(4.; ,L11. 1/6,0 end to preserve property values-Ond' /nit la te 74,o,h,.,1041aan....:119,N.,,,,,,,,. ,-• .., .„. '.,.... ,• ,,,,- -1,v, ,„,, ,F,,..f;p4.,.; V-,:-'5%-t1,-1. t'-,,44,Ft,VJ:4,?,,o'ffe-.0;'44 ri':si' , j ...,.„ .,,,, _ ,„„ ,, .-.....'.'••.; -'4'e, 1.5-,,!,,...i4 ;,..,- ..i. necessary to guide 'the Asir*lopment Orlhe\eler#1:erilIliip„ 0e , - ,Pre,,,i-v!.; .0 , ,-.... ,...,. . v... ..-...- ra...r- e`A,oi6,....,"-'- ,4;;-,,•..41i,Itc;,, •01,,. Brower 1 a Woods st Misttituok Greek,, 'llattetautetylooweeeitewpirenuff4,,,;4,,,,14-4, .,,...,;, 4, - 4-,— 4,,,,,,,--0,,,,, -•=(,-,:ilt.i,-.4v,re--r,', to v'- .. t....4, . '-......7,..., -s.;,.„.,-`',..-,...q.--v-,?:',74.:4Fin.t.Y,-"1,,,,.,..s Suffolk'c oianti 'Nap',York's 'Ind 'idlioetit,'Afa‘ eittriht‘rell'fatVgirtlYnk,7=;,,,' • , ., ,-,,,;.1,,,?,i4,1,:,,,r,'f;•.-,4,-1‘,44-44-%-,m411,1,-:;-xty-i-sgt,.?-gska,,.. • rOcOltisr , t,4 •,,YR: -c",),..;...-,v,,C-7,./4._1,.,"'''NK 'IL, safe-14 ildenti IS 1,o bitILYi to isittliiikIspitIlid30J40,1kAhri,Zt7 --_, , p,,,,-4,;,%-4, ,4 `.. ir,,.--I'',•-'r'•"?..4' ,,..._.._ne'-f:it:SZY4'1"Vr'2.,......' ;..',.., it for purposes which 7111 benefit thraiherebe oVieA.050,004eekeemi ;3,,e ,g: kjte. ir,'',. i , 4...';',,,or-',,,V,sr-,,:)1-.:,,..t.f"V",vit.::Attltf,'TK'''` ..``;4-'''''. •' SECOND..'That the'.ohiporatafi, , hereby-to,be fornietz.She/1r be:AingiiAlnd,311-et1W44.11441104petve); ',-:4- ;' —t• be . BRONSR!5,i0X4DS'41113002iLT;01101)10-00011efil11-WAMNAV.:,..;11' r ..1,..',4X'•-,/ k4','4.. t''"e • _.r'' ',, 4 ,,i,. , '' ,, .;,,, ., .4' 1,ri r!PT..I.V; , k:it*.r.t.4.011. t. .',4' .-I TRIAD:. That the"territory t in'whielivAhLOPerletiOnp,IGt?-:,,setd,47.14.,21-=_Afb,." "6=1 corrorftion are to balpindips,117-qoaduhtedii* , it000ki,g_ th0111 ,,.. - : ,! -,-...,:-%,„;,..cr Y.,-. .k,11,, %, Town, auffolk county,:Nee•Yinek.` .:',:4'1•',.,,, ':,:t`:':43i,..'47"6,'D,ek;',,,,V„Vi. ei,,N,,,,:+11,4475. VV.,;,?,?,,Yr :,-?" to tql)-",-,' „,;',W --,,,-,- ,, •,..• "4,.z•'4-, :v.. ,.• ',T,,,-, FOURTH.. That the-prinolpe 1,offlok,,,er!,:1111147i, , , „.... , . ...„ l'43.4. loo&tad in the hamlet-:of.t itattituelt.,,WO/At 14 Olig.to.i'Nv.,7.- 7:,... ,- ',;•'.'.,,.,i.,•14I;44311,,;),;.'.."•.%'''.1.•,'.tf,,,. '1 qi'4444/ -'4,J,44.4'444.1 ....... ' 11w0-:of Suffolk add•,'Etat*'sr:. York,• 4,....„,,..e. , ,Nii:-.., • ' ,,':, '';,,";'4: 'r.,,:, •,•. '.,,_ , 7i'I':'.4:',!;',r:24,:giatt10-:`j2,7i;',:',A;II-r=4^',.4::'4'1::IL 01.07.;:tTIVetqlt;),.."-WP-.t.. Firtry. ,That,the:a:weber,of-;.D1robtbririlpfl:,'est1CQ,, Saffar be five. — ." . .",,,"' --, ,prpy.:-1--;-- v1PV,ipz_,;14,s,441,M6-, 14evo:Jeri,krIt 44,:, , , , . ,-...,,,„ i ; : .---,,,,...i.,-,:,',..:i.,,,,,,,,u,;:,:qr.,ziA,,,-.1,47.,.---;,--p,1,,,i,44'440',-.)" ' r --, ,---,.,-.Q,',-Frl,-;,:il''O/.441,4,,...,_,,,-....A.,,,t .,. r',,,, sIx211.- That,,,the,,2 issists and-1),10e.,,V.orNAstaiditICIls '''s610.0,111 v' ; .,.....s.,ioit , 1--,.. ,..!.. -..4,1 ,. , to be the Direator,c1 of i,,mai id:',..COrlIblit,14911,-, S,111,44 , 4• - 1,:- .; '''' meeting ere t,,-,,(Illeeaer'number Sistatio;s.'`A*3 . ' triTzlipep.,,,v11.-ro.,.., 4,... ,,... .:., , .,„.._.,, ,., :s,, ,, TA.,-;,,,-2,:;.,,.... .. ....., BUMPS - ' - L ' : ' ' 1'4,09441Fr . wmf-13L-AI ',,-Fq•'97. '•-•—. 't 4'.- 0 ,:l.,.‘ix=p•,,Alk James H. Klein , ,• ,:.„ :,-„....L.1--,,,„.4tz,,... iAlaito. F•A''.li• ' ,.•.'', IPP.10,NM014P1INIP:, ' -"' ‘'llt"'ii..? , 1, fitsossulor Gordon.J., Celle.,:' ' ' .,' - , •--1',- -- , Ruth .0. filth , , , , . ,..4i,,...?,.• -,,..y.,- "A':7- ''' 'Tr;'' '''''T. • ' , -:-tlilettiMitif444;\' Iip.,„,71,„.i , -40, v,;f._:, (€i,j'','• . 11' Paul V. murphy, • , --.:, -..:,-..1)10,tikitusi6?-411%,4 10440E-Nicit-,'li* =14 ,.,..g. ..„4,, ,,..,,,,,:7. '• ,,,.,_,..-,-,4---_ ,,,-1, re,-,, ,,, , it,eia. 1,, Edward Dlag,s,, . , ,..r. .n,•, v,w. aj ftive*gictib.,44, . ,. . , , .wiy,1r..t.,..01..t.A• t ' „ - - .1•!.:.•••••.-, •••-••••,, , .j-, +fooka• ... '1-?1, t.'''t";;;--;';', „;:-:".3,er ,9 .4t'vill' ilf.1"--' ' , ,...., -,,,, ,,2 ' , . , , , i'!;::',;,','.„:;'-,-,.•tiir, .! 1.--4- 210',".. ',,ii,-,16 4e:-•7..2.J.1..74;kiro, ':.1.1.... ',,,-?'!..1,,,A•,,-,,,;.-,...;"„",•'',- -.)4. .'..' -`' '' '‘.•:'‘`'''4:'!''''''r;..*.I'''- '0':''',-" j!....'%"4.;.''.. ,i'.''''.',.•-;ri-i';; '''"„!,',.+74:',.::::'4,:;:v-I'..-4,:frE't,t;,--kg1.;:.,t40.5„7-1,V41:,01.40:04..-;.:1.1 „,,.,,,,y.,.,,f, ,,....,,,,,' .., , ',,,,,,..- ....,' 2.,.......' :.','',y",..-',4:1';'•',,:'.;;'''.•:,"r41''i.,4'.4.*et-1,7'. .V4t-1.7.yRat.,. - t ..„, ., eg.,,,1-7•',.A "'..f.r• '..'4". I'V;!-..-'1.:1.:•',L'...;:j; ' ':'-''''•,'''....A 4,-T.1 '; ,v .- :,-,.F,f1-1),;,_ ._,..;k4j. .2-;5..,',.'---$.4., ......'•..;, 44',-1.4.1c.r.44-4,Tial.:11:4:f..tii 3.1 -V.irt. I-- ,•,.- .-,g., .',.5,,;,,,:,,,,,„,,,, ,,,.:,-.,.V.,;tL•f,.,11',,,,i",-,,,,-,..•„..ii,,t,f,t.„,.. ' -lijcf;,,,y,,-,kii,liztv ,'..,;?,V:1.!,- .,- p1 ,...1,VALIVAtz. -.?g•i„,- ,,,, .. ,t-...,,,....,...• ..,•• i---,-,-,-;‘,-..1...'''..-,..Zi.'".4'ti•-;12,-1.t,-•,,',Vkt,i...1,r4,--.-4-:;1,,,F.,,c1r-V.,a-likr'4,4-'4,1.t.z..!-,:mq -. '12...3...7-43g tt-.`3,14.:4"-4-.A rz4-..,-.. r ' ::,:-i,,-f,...,...r.-.1,.,„ ;,...,f,t,-,),:,_-.----,-„,,-;:-.-v,;(,siezic4,41r,-ili,',$.1.‘n,..1,,`Ar,e,'-',,stlig,,i-31,...%';•zrAtv4-17thoweir:t...),2,s•-:''.-14- ,,- ,',--,-,:Jill,:f,., '11.'''''''''''-'-'1''',F,i',"-",',',V v""4,'- ',,'-'-''''''''"-:"'"W:4`-',-`3,',',V'F-1;104-e.4•51-":D-'1',-4,.'il,,,,,,,,,.:0:,.5,7/4*,,f, „v,...,,vq., .vie4-0Y.;' ie. 'i,„ vf..H.,,.., ; .:,,..•!..- . :,;r,-..,,r.,,t,..7.,4,:_=...,;,.,,,,,,;,,,,,,:,r,,,?,...,5i r.,..?1.f.ifo4tyT•R-.4.,..t.14,‘,....,,,e,,,,i,-,,,,,,,4-11,,,--4,,,,,;14 .4,*.w. „F'",,r,t--,,,,,,. -140.4...A 4:P.i'''?,-L-'4.1-6.k-4'...4'..:14,Jtr...: ''. '441i4"-kiltr'4` r.r.-,,,4-A :,•!,,s'ell--1•:',tril,i-ic,,t,..-,,,f1:14_'..x./. 14-.e.,/..ci-50,,T2-A-:,-,,,-4,4,4ikti,k4,-,4..- '...<'ANF.j.AlqkV;;AIL;61:',Ntad .,64.X:,.;,.1:,•.7 .,.;,,h4:.:',- ,::.•':',',;t."-1. .,W,t_T,It--:.,-"NIT-nke.;:_,,,,,:v r-4-1, o-.-,--Abt, ..9,cc ,------,-.--:1,-,-4,Gs.2.--2.,..-1,:taz,,,,,,...-,!„ ,,,,L.-4.-.-,:;v0..,4:),,,,,..,;-,9,, _„/ , L „L„,.,...:,i,,,,,,,,„,„,,,„...,,,,,r4.,....4.,._„4,,,,,,,„,,,,,k,lhe,,,,,,c,Agi,-,„, -----'7,-;:, tt.., ...-1,,,,,,:tict.,,,,,,,Z•':Zigir 4 if,r,,,,,,?,-,,,,. „ ,...,„,,,..„,n,,, , 11.1...,,,,,-,2,-..v..,,q1,/„.11,----,--.. .4.,-,,-1.-r.s...,:,•----4----,14.4v--,:rt., le, • .ALLr-- •-.4 -'-- - "---4-'L-•-- LL' <,... . ,,,,,L:::..:•.? ..•••-„-i7,-;,;;;•,,,,,,Ltrts,„,,0-4-‘,,v1;,,, 4.i,. .,1,t,'LL„,?&V-AiL,,,,i,T;...c.i.L-1;-eies..L,Lp',kelicie-LL.,•Tpli,.,,r,li', If* ,t-4'1,,'.:•4' 4;14-e''+' .g7,:-.'',•-:c.'-',:1..,,,,',-L',-;e,-q,..:,<!..;i‘,4,41:,;.-',::4.:!`,1•tvt-4..g.11,;i'44 4:..,4 - +1,10^;fz,,,f,t,,,,',L -''',A 4.1'' ,, ,,,;,l'itcC7S1:';;,111;1:(41.nW10,1,P V. ',ti;- ' . „ .,,,.,,, , .„,,.,, '.. `,-, ,„,,i• ,,,,,,,,,,,L,-,,.., ,,,,,....., , ,,;-.. . k,LLL,If.;,',.4-,.y.tv•s.,,,,,,',..„44,',..L.fc;‘,,,?..-0-L.L4.L.V-",!,;;;;;LL,i!,'- ' , A',1 ''•fvfiLlik-..ik:,,t,v .... , , ,,,,, , ..,.„- , .,_ ,.,, ,, ,---,,... ,. ,, ,,,,,...:,:-„i,;:f „- - •‘ ' '. '''' '2' ts. „ :!.,-h.,,;•.;-','1,,,,IN',.,s•r,',.r's;',:-Al"-1:\'-:.-,t.1---eio.,- , .. , . .,-„ ; -- , ,,L,• ..,,•,,,=,:,„:',F-I.Y 11.-.-..:%.,'.d.,---,-, 4,,,,,,,! ;:,'J,,.2.1,7,',1,,,=4'v. . ..',":',-..',''..• ,•'-', 6';•,, ,- -',-Lt'ff- Yitv;-+L'' . . NEVITHpp,..Thet • 1,-or-the,,aruboorlb.ra_tofrthh,,,74i.o.tirt ,Iflosittilige.._1 ,.-yj,,„ ,... ,• 4 Imasisup- F,5mFspr q.'irl,' ..,- ' ,:.kull ege•-;•-,:tbit'-ht'''Ifisst'tool'tilir,411;-Ar,?th,W10,r1.-A, . ..,,t t.. , . . ,.,. • • 'j Orated States that at-leapt one, -441i,a5.-M140-en.,67..T,II2,4=7,, t#31klift41,14,:, of New York and that of'the persons'IdimadiieeDireotOrecek.liesLi,„ . one 18 a ottisen of the United States and a reaident of •th. , •,:t2'414'• - of New York. _ , , . , • L '.., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have made, subacribedi'aud, acloiow, 1Rd, , ,,,,t,' this certificate and have jUerounto set our handa'And ai'claedlitUW1::,,... • respective seals this grMday of SeP tenter , on.'thousand•••hina441. . • ,:'.:t hundred and flfty-nina. i.-4,' i , . ,,,_ ,.. ••••=--,Qt•-f, . —•_.''-';'T,,,e;.: 7 .ige 1 . --3' - ' , -'• ' fi,-; ,-.. 0T: . , ., ,, ,,y, , , • • • •..••4.•.•y••lp 4,,p,,..: IT," , , • • , .„, ,,,,,,,,,,,, . , . , ,..,,,, 44-114-7,,,,o, '-'°1-7-L•''/.. -6- ,-, •,•r-4•;,,- • „ -- f 4.,:,,:',,t.;71.?"-:''',3•Figir i,• , ......" )...,,,,\ • ..-...- 4.t , .4....., ' .•-.•,_,,_ .' -4'.;,',1!•,-;,,,,11-,,,,-,.,4 /7-,, . ,-,.','.V.-'.. .,-.;,,.,3i,4,,,,i;, •,',4;7..r:;R.:-.:;,e,s4' / --,' -- • ,• ,'',.r..,-`1/.1,,t.'1''e.'.:t 1 . . fs`.,* rq-". ..''-f.,-".4'.':31-'0.'0,,,,c STATE OF NEII YORKt ' • , - . , •'' . ."-"”:,-•,,-.s.., 1 . tfl COUNTY ,ClYz1LIPIPOLNE'' ' . -'. , :41 •,-_- ' ,‘„,",.. -•,,..'-'', ,...,;,-,': Lr,,:-..„.'•,,..L......,T,•,.-;•,-,L1=,,I,4 4, • -. - •%: !P: :. _.':{ _", ..... A ,„ :,-, ,. :, ; - .,..,i , 7,.„,,....,..:, ,<;, ;: I''.."1„L,'Ll On thi ',''46 r", day of September • in'-thickwierliiihilAkolagriri,-zyt` 0 - - " • ' ••• .•.,, ,. - Ice-4. ..,- e.,,, ....4__1.',- ,,,, nine'hundred and'fiftyanine•,,persona;ty,',:eppellraCirOfINOTRek;,,'M;,... i, Jarmo'H: Klein ' Gordon J. ,4,:i1111,12t,,larpii.',1,401211P, itlifill3i.; • Edward 'SIaga,, '''-''' ' ' ' ' _. , -,,1,,,,,,:,!;4...,,,,,It,-, .-,.;Int ti, , ,I 1,4, ' elz`l77,-.A '" ' '' -'' ,, ',' t :;'' ' , ,,,:,•,,, ,- .,,,....-,q....,1,,,,..„1.-.......it,,,,,14...„,..2;.„,40.441 7 4,g"-.,,,t;:i...-_..,,.."...', ,_,,,,,....1-.?.+Iniumial...,,..41, +$c.,4 iti. e' to Lir oovirolly,'knownand latown to sip • .I., in and 'who''Seraiohted'-the'-foregologliertifieet,,';'"k , R.;$#Off,;-.111* • ' i' cf severally duly aolalowledged befOtll'40.'Iblirt 440 OWSWOUNthkA,,,r '''-31: 1":'-:'.41f.,1%P.;,•,"•:;', 5 .1%tf.,'. SOSO* ' P''''?' vtrt, ..,,,,,-,0,7,t.w.„1 A t, '..'-,... „... , ,,„ ..-, --' .,-,.' P\-; • ' V,.'r. . ' ,,,,, ...,,, ,,,,v•.i.-.r.-1- , ,, .,. 1 ,. -.• . ,..4iAt.,;,..t',6,ii, T, ,. ,-, :I ••• , , „ ,,, ,,,,,,,, , •N•; ..: , .0 y =-• RN/104 '''..y', 4' •i• .,,, , . .,...‘ ,. ...._ ,, „ :, ,,,i'.-.•..,,,,,,,-- ..,,.., , vairair, ,..1..tf,,,t-,•,-,-,k;„,,gh:41.-„,i•-,_ .., - -- -, • .--•- -. - ., L-1-,..-0-v-r,'g't.fit-41,2t.v. —. .,-1.•1r,. ...-, t.,.. ,,, , 1, L. Barron Hill ' a•tatiitt.7p. ,ir , , ' . it ,w',,f3,;,4$,,,, ..4,..414,•--.110.4 the State or Now Yopk. of tile ""':•'' ''-itOlOtif /.‘"40-41'N': ,• 40E1 ',. :-.. ,',.'• . , do hereby approve'the foregoing oestifiroite •-;;; ' -.1"'Y'''"'st..,,, consent ''''' ','`z1"‘"':=R:!!!!'''',Xkit,1772-ffi-'1*774 that the 'Muse befiled.', ' „,--,--,.., „„t.k ....4strwi..,„,,-4..rz,,P•4-..,,,, ••,;,),, .; i4. 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Tbwn of Southold Density and Minimum Lot Size Schedule for Residential Distriets - [Added 1-10-89 by L.L No.1-1989] R40 R-80 R-120 R-200 R-400 HD AC Residential Resident'sI Residential Residential Residential Hamlet R$- RO Agricultural- Low-Density Low-Density Low-Density Low-Density Low-Density Density Resort Residential Districts Conserratian (One-Acre) (Two-Acre) (Three-Acre) (Ewe-Acre) (Ten-Acre) Residential 'Residential Office MINIMUM LOT SIZE(square leet)c 1-family detarhed dwelling • Ib identiad unit,without utilities 80,000 40,000 20,000 120,000 200,000 400,000 20,000(vii) 2(1,000(vii) 40,000 Residential unit with norniiunity water NA NA NA NA NA NA 20,000(vii) 20,000(vii) NA Residential unit with community water NA NA NANA NANA 10,000(xi) 12,000(xi) NA • and sewer • 24amily detached dwelling 2-family dwelling without utilities 160000(xii) 80.000(iii) 1.60,000(xii) 2€0,400(v) 400,000(vi) 800,000(vi) 40,000(ii) 40,000 (ii) 811,004(iii) •2-family dwelling with community water NA NA NA NA NA NA 40,000(ii) 40,000 (ii) NA 2-farn0y dwelling rOth community water NA NA NA NA NA NA 20,000(vii) 20.000(vii) NA and sewer - • Multiple dwelling unit or townhouse Multiple dwelling or townhouse without NA NA NA. NA NA NA 201,00 NM NA utilities - Multiple dwelling or townhouse with NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.000 NA? NA - - community water - Multiple dwelling or townhouse with NA NA NA NA NA NA 10,000 - NM NA community water and sewer Motel,hotel or conference center guest unit! Guest unit without utilities NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6,000 NA .0 Guest unit with oorr►rnunitg water GNA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6,004 NA Guest unit with community water and NA STA NA ATA NA NA NA 4,000 NA sewer - Nonresidential use(as permitted) - Use with or without utilities 80,000 40,000 80,000 12/,000 200,000 400,000 NA. 40,000 40,000 KEY: • N4.=Not applicable. • NOTES_ • • - 1 Roman numerals refer to applicable oolwnn in the Residential Bulk Schedule.Where no Raman numeral is indicated, refer to the district column in the Residential Bulk Schedule. 2 For multiple dwelling,hotel,motel and/or conference fuses(where permitted),this table refers to minimum lot area per unit_Refer to the Residential Bulk Schedule for total lot sizer yard and setback dimensions for the applicable district, unless moa restrictive requirements are indicated in the text at the chapter. [Amended 8-1.89 by L.L.No. 14-1989) _ 10 - 25-80 Results List: 44 A.D.2d 827 (1 d) • Page 1 of 1 Result List 1 found (1 -1 shown) Search:44 A.D.2d 827 Results sorted in reverse chronological order. #1 New York Appellate Division Reports .FALKERB Ltay..BCF1U1,7..44AA2d. 27..f d..Qspt.19Z41 • May 6,1974 Proceeding pursuant to article 78 of the CPLR to annul a determination of respondent Zoning Board of Appeals,made December 21, 1972,granting an application by respondent Maplewood Swimming Club,Inc.,for a special permit to construct two tennis courts less than 100 feet from adjacent lot lines.Petition granted and determination annulled,on the law,without costs.The Town of Greenburgh Zoning Ordinance provides for tennis courts and similar recreational facilities as special exception uses In residential neighborhoods.Such facilities cannot be located less than 100 feet from any adjacent lot line,unless,Inter ella,'the adjacent properties have not been substantially developed for residential purposes and are not reasonably susceptible of future residential development',in which case the courts may be located as near as 25 feet from such lot line(Town of Greenburgh Zoning Ordinance,§65-18B[2][a]).Respondent Maplewood Swimming Club,Inc.,sought and was granted a special exception permit to construct two tennis courts approximately 25 feet from the northerly lot lines of several of the petitioners herein(Falkenbury,McLean and Friess).The properties of these petitioners are relatively deep.All are improved with residences and,with the exception of some landscaping,the rear or northerly portions,located on rising terrain,remain in their natural wooded state.Maplewood has taken the position,in which the Board of Appeals joins,that the pertinent ordinance,as drawn,applies too broadly and places an unreasonable restriction upon the use of its property.Thus,for example, it is argued that the term'lot line'cannot reasonably refer to an adjoining lot of any size whatsoever,for then a tennis court would be disallowed within 100 feet of a lot line if the adjacent parcel consisted of 10 acres of which only one acre could be developed for residential purposes,a supposedly unreasonable result.The ordinance does,on its face,refer to adjacent parcels of any and all sizes,but whe • http://www.loislaw.com/pns/result.htp?SortSpec=Date+desc&ErrPage=/pns/search.htp&Page... 9/26/05 1\WWI.771. 1VGW 1 UI&L'1ppc iaLG Vision.K.r.yoilb -ri LriL1NJ U1(Y V. JI.riULIL, 44 A.... rage i or L • New York Appellate Division Reports FALKENBURY v. SCHULTZ, 44 A.D.2d 827 [2d Dept 1974] FRANCIS E. FALKENBURY et al., Petitioners, v. IRWIN SCHULTZ et al., Constituting the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Greenburgh, et al., Respondents. � Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York �-•= May 6, 1974 111.11.11 Proceeding pursuant to article 78 of the CPLR to annul a deEermination of respondent Zoning Board of Appeals, made December 21, 1972, granting an application by respondent Maplewood Swimming Club, Inc., for a special permit to construct two tennis courts less than 100 feet from adjacent lot lines. Petition granted and determination annulled, on the law, without costs. The Town of Greenburgh Zoning Ordinance provideso —1.-r-----\ - tennis courts and similar recreational facilities as special exception uses in residential neighborhoods. Such facilities cannot be located less than 100 feet from any adjacent lot line, unless, inter alia, "the adjacent properties have not been substantially developed for residential purposes and are not reasonably susceptible of future residential development", in which case the courts may be located as near as 25 feet from such lot line (Town of Greenbuigh Zoning Ordinance, § 65-18B [2] [a] Respondent Maplewood Swimming Club, Inc., sought and was grante a special exception permit to construct two tennis courts approximately 25 feet from the northerly lot lines of several of the petitioners herein (Falkenbury, McLean and Friess) . The properties of these petitioners are relatively deep. All are improved with residences and, with the exception of some landscaping, the rear or northerly portions, located on rising terrain, remain in their natural wooded state. Maplewood ha's " •i., taken the position, in which the Board of Appeals joins, that the 41'..a.www.www1"1"eig""w"." pertinent ordinance, as drawn, applies too broadly and places-an , unreasonable restriction upon the use of its property.'Thus, for example, it is argued that the term "lot line" cannot reasonably • refer to an adjoining lot of any size whatsoever, for then a tennis court would be disallowed within 100 feet of a lot line if the adjacent parcel consisted of 10 acres of which only one acre could be developed for residential purposes, a supposedly unreasonable result. The ordinance does, on its face, refer to adjacent parcels of any and all sizes, but whether it may be • reasonably construed to denominate a 10-acre parcel, of which' only one acre could be residentially developed, as "substantially developed for residential purposes" or "reasonably susceptible of such future development" is not only doubtful but totally irrelevant, for there are no huge adjacent parcels in this case, improved or unimproved. Maplewood also argues that the pertinent ordinance was not intended to protect adjacent lots which were already adequately buffered by tracts upon which no one lived or could construct future residences; and that its purpose would just as well be achieved by imposing the 100-foot setback requirement only where adjacent lots are or could be developed up to the lot line in question "or a reasonable distance therefrom", which is allegedly not the situation here. We disagree insofar as these specific adjacent properties are concerned. The onus of 1 providing a buffer zone here clearly rests upon Maplewood and its property, not petitioners and their properties. Hence, the Zoning Board of Appeals erred in granting this special exception'permit. The affected adjacent properties have been "substantially developed for residential purposes" within the meaning` of the , ordinance. Therefore, Maplewood has failed to meet the statutory conditions for relaxation of the 100-foot buffer rule. We also note that Special Term could and should have disposed of this proceeding in the first instance, rather Page 828 http://www.loislaw.com/pns/docview.htp?query=%28%28%3CWORD%3E44+A.D.2d+%3C... 9/26/05 Result#1: New York Appel ivision Reports -FALKENBURY vSHULTz,44 A.... Page 2 of 2 than transfer it to this court for determination (CPLR 2804, subd. [a]; Town Law, § 267, subd. 7; Matter of Little v. Richter, 277 App.Div.1119) . Culotta, P.J., Hopkins, Latham, Shapiro and Cohalan, JJ., concur. .\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\w\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\u\\\\\\\\\\\.\\va\\\\\.\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\va\\\\\\\.a\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\va\\\wa\\\\\\\\\va\\\wa\\.va\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\wvea\v.\\\\\w\\wa\vea\\\\\\w. Copyright®2005 Lolslaw corn.Inc.AMI Rights Reserved T\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M.S.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.vociv\\\\\\\\\\\\\VA\\\\\m.w.\\V.\\\\\\\\.vomeumoVIS\.m.sxv.w. .voc\\\WA\\\\wocooma\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.A\\\\\Va\\\\\Vl\\\\\\\\VM\`A\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V httn•/Axrutntr 1rr0 a r rnm/nnnc/rinr-view htn9nnerv-oI.�7Ro1.,7MgrWORT10k1Fdd.4.A Tl rl.i.. r Qnc/nc I' • § 267-b • TOWNLAW IP 1818 1819 necessarily preclude the -granting of- the area determining all questions which may be presented in the dis variance. for determination.. • A are jointly (c) The board of appeals, in' the granting of (Added L.1991, c. 692, § 4; amended L.1992, c. may instit area variances, shall grant the minimum variance 248, §§ 13, 14.) ing in like that it shall deem necessary and adequate and at § 268. Enforcement-and remedies • body of th the same time preserve and protect the character1. The town board may provide by local law or (L.1932 c of the neighborhood and the'health, safety-and ordinance for the enforcement of this article and C. 606, § welfare of the community•. " • of any local law, ordinance or regulation made L.1985, c. 4. 'Imposition of conditions: ''The board 'of thereunder. A'violation of this article'or of such 1998.) appeals shall,in the granting of both use variances local law, ordinance'or.:regulation is hereby de- § 269. C and area variances, have the authority'to impose dared to be an''offense, punishable by a fine not Where such reasonable conditions and restrictions as are exceeding three hundred`fifty dollars or'imprison- ty of this directly related to and incidental'to''the proposed ment for a period not to 'exceed six'months;'or yards or use of the property. Such'condition's 'shall be both for conviction of a first offense; for corivic- • building o consistent with the spirit'an'd;intent of the zoning tion of a second offense=,both of which were greater pe ordinance or local law, and'shall be imposed for committed within a period of five years, punisha- impose of the purpose of minimizing any adverse impact ble•.by a fine not less,than three hundred fifty in any oti such variance may'have on the neighborhood or dollars nor more than'seven ,hundred dollars or regulation community. +" imprisonment for a period not to exceed six , (Added L.1991, c. 692, § 3; amended L.1992, c. months, or both; and, upon conviction for a third under au 248, §§ 9 to 12; L.1993, c.208,'§ 9.) or subsequent offense all of which were commit- Whenever ted within a period of five years, punishable by a local law, § 267—c. Article seventy-eight proceeding fine not less than seven hundred dollars nor more er width c 1. Application to supreme court by'aggrieved than one thousand dollars or imprisonment for a lower hei persons. Any person or persons,jointly or sever- period not to exceed six months,or both. .Howev- stories,or ally aggrieved by any'decision of the,board 'of er,for the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon left unoccl appeals or any officer, department,' board Or courts and judicial officers generally,violations of than are r bureau of the town, may apply to' the supreme this article or of such,local law, ,ordinance or authority court for review by a proceeding under article regulation shall be deemed misdemeanors and for statute, or seventy-eight of the'civil practice law and rules. such purpose,only all provisions ()flaw relating to govern. Such proceeding shall be instituted•within thirty misdemeanors. shall apply to such violations. In town days after the filing of a decision of the'board in Each week's continued violation shall constitute a adopted a the office of the town clerk. separate additional violation. to the pro\ 2. Costs of appeal. Costs shall not be allowed 2. In case any building,or structure is erected, two of the against the board of appeals'unless it shall appear constructed, reconstructed, altered,'converted or or chapte to the court that it acted with gross negligence Or maintained,.or,any building, structure or land is seven hun in bad faith or with malice'in making the decision used, or any land is divided into lots, blocks, or hundred 1 appealed from. sites in violation of'this article or of any local law, required t. • i• . ordinance or other regulation made under'author- and all act 3. Preference of appeal to court, All issues,in • ity conferred'thereby;the proper local authorities town boa] any ,proceeding under this section shall have of the,town, in addition to other remedies, may provisions preference over all other,civil actions and pro- institute any appropriate action or proceedings to confirmed ceedings. prevent such unlawful erection, construction, re= All nee 4. Power of court. If upon the hearing at the construction, alteration, conversion, maintenance, board in supreme court, it shall appear to the court that use or division of land,to restrain,correct or abate forcement testimony is necessary!for the proper disposition such violation,'to prevent,the occupancy of said shall be a t of the matter, it may take evidence or appoint a building, structure;'or land 'or to prevent any (L.1932 c. referee to take such evidence as it may direct and illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about c. 458, § 2. report the same to the' court•.with his or•her such'preniises; and upon the failure or refusal of findings of fact and conclusions of law,which,shall the proper local officer,board or body of the town § 270. 0 constitute a part of the proceedings upon which to institute any•such appropriate action or pro- The tow the determination of the court shall' be made. seeding for a period of ten days after written that part The court may reverse or affirm,wholly or partly, request by;a resident taxpayer of the town so to incorporat or may modify the decision brought up for review proceed,Any three taxpayers of the town residing . highways • 18166: 1817 ZONING-AND PLANNING § 267—b blication in.a .;::; members then present, provided the board finds have the power to grant use variances, as defined town at least '_�' ,' that the rights vested in persons acting in good herein. n The cost of -; faith m reliance upon the reheard order, decision (b) No such•use variance shall be granted by a ating to such or determination will not be prejudiced thereby. board of appeals without a showing by the appli- thereto, shall `',;'1 ` 13. Voting requirements. (a) Decision of the cant that applicable zoning regulations and restric shall be paid ;9,. P providedtions have caused unnecessary hardship. In order ''=�: board. Except as otherwise in subdivi- such appeal. 1,,, =�. toprove,such unnecessary y appear in :�, j, sion twelve of this section, every motion or hardship the applicant -_•• }4. resolution of a board of appeals shall require for shall demonstrate to the board of appeals that for ' ,T: 41'. each and everypermitted use under the zoning adoption;the affirmative vote of a majority of i of appeals =' `t,, ` all the members of,the, board of appeals as fully regulations for,,the particular district where the e{ty-two days _>=':;: is located, (1) the applicant cannot ' ��'' ;� constituted regardless ,of vacancies or absences. property, pp ' e time within - ;.`y : Where an action is the subject of a referral to the realize a reasonable return, provided that lack of render 'its , Y%?F- county planning agency or regional planning coun- returnis substantial' as demonstrated by compe- 1 consent•of i i:, cil the voting provisions of,section two hundred tent financial evidence; (2) that the alleged hard- thirty-nine-m of the general municipal law shall ship relating to the property in question is unique, The decision `' '',? apply. and does not apply,.to•a substantial portion of the ;hall be filed ,, ,- district or neighborhood; (3) that the requested five business ;.' ,i (b) Default denial of appeal. In exercising its use variance, if granted,will not alter the essential _;I, appellate jurisdiction only,if an affirmative vote'of iered, and a t, ,, character of the neighborhood; and (4) that the :.,a a majority of all members of the board is 'not alleged hardship has not been self-created. and county `=�' a attained on a motion or resolution to 'grant a ., t" variance or reverse any order, requirement, deci- (c) The board of appeals,in the granting of use al planning3 variances,shall grant the minimum variance that it ch hearin nr sion or determination of the enforcement official g' within the time allowed by'subdivision eight of this shall deem necessary and adequate to address the s thereof to ,.. commission '='l r,= section, the appeal is 'denied. The••board •may atnthe same time precessary eserve and roven protecthe tthe chazaclicant, d :'f , amend the•failed motion'or'resolution and voteon or parkyvay �u ,.;;;, the amended motion or resolution"within the time ter,of the neighborhood and the health, safety and rty affected ren , welfare of the community. ining • board 4 ':$!.'1 allowed without being''subject to the-rehearing as required • Fa piocess as set forth in'subdivision twelve of this ,3. Area variances. •(a) The zoning board of f the gener- ' •sf section. appeals shall have-th .power,upon an appeal from e accompa- n{:` (Added L.199I, c. 692, § 2; amended L.1992, c. a decision or determination of the administrative used action 248 �§ 4 to 8 L.1993 c. 208 7 8 L.1996 c. official charged with the enforcement of such ection two 235, �§ 7, 10; L.1997, c. 458, §,18, eff E July 1 ordinance or local law, to grant area variances as y , defined herein. municipal1998; L.1999, c. 476, § 2, eff.Jan. I, 2000; L.2002, -, '. c.'662, § 7, eff.July 1, 2003.) -(b) In making its determination, the zoning '' board of appeals shall take into consideration the tronmental ''`°' peals shall i; § 267-b. Permitted action by board of appeals benefit to the applicant if the variance is granted, to environ- i,s1. Orders, requirements, decisions, interpreta- as weighed against the detriment to the health, , tions d safety and welfare of the neighborhood or com- ;ight of the =•• z; eterminations.• The board of appeals may munity by such grant. In making such determina- its imple- ;'._ :' reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may•modify tion tie board shall also consider: (1)whether an ;ix, part'six •-;4;'', the order, requirement, decision,interpretation or undesirable change will be•produced in the char- odes, rules y:7,,6 determination appealed from and shaU,.make such atter of the neighborhood or a detriment to • ,t, i '' order, requirement, decision, i• nterpretation. or t determination as,in its opinion ought to have been nearby properties will be created by the granting he zoning ;; ., hof•the area variance; (2) whether the benefit review any ,,.fi;r. •made in the matter by the administrative official "-' charged with the enforcement of such ordinance sought:by the applicant can be achieved by some board'not ;; method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other -•,--k.. or local law and to that-end' shall have'all 'the y member ,., : than an area variance; (3) whether the requested kc`• powers of the administrative official from whose I members - „ c! area variance is substantial; (4) whether the I for such r a,•; order, requirement,,•decision, _interpretation or K. 4` determination thea• eal is taken. proposed variance will have an adverse effect or subject.to ,- PP • • impact on the physical or environmental condi- LI hearing. ; ': ( ) PP g ;�. 2. Use variances. a The�board of appeals, tions in-the-neighborhood'or district; and (5) ✓ reverse, '''11- on appeal from the decision or determination of whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, �cision or .' ,,. ;Ir,_ the administrative official charged with the en- which consideration shall be relevant to the deci- )te of all ,r-• forcemeat of such ordinance or local•law, ,shall sion of the board of appeals, but shall not • RP-425 rev.(6104) �� 1�,'� Governor George E. Pataki , ' New York State Board of S !f Real Property Servi /191N" _OD 41� _ il ` . ..----. 15 SSS O :::\u-t , ENHA •:.• : on for School TAx Relief(STAR) Exe pti n • oil V:\Vr- SOOZ L Dear Property Owner, S \ \---------lir' 6i Ul You may be eligible for a School Property Tax Savings. If you own property • itcp y(�urpriar residence, you are probably eligible for a STAR school property tax exempt'slirw • - - . • er xemption all you have to do is complete the following sections, sign, date and return this form to your local assessor by taxable status date. The assessor may require proof of residency and ownership. Name and telephone number of owner(s) Mailing address of owner(s). /2'9R/� i/e r/flj9 ' , /2 9s S1 .5.py HO 14.041 1- 0 ?•fit)� 1 iii, Day Number ((,3/ ). . 77I 6 6702 Evening Number( ) E-Mail Address {ni9I2/IA?R/J /ik2 hey. 'C.Oi7 . a ijoiLocation of property r Street address I—iv . Village,(if any) c_3/9 SI9L) YHO./— /:) j NI ,- .J/`tIl ou -1-146 0 - . . City/town ��-• School district - _k I9x ,'- $BLit o , Tax map number or section/block/lot Property identification (see tax bill or assessment roll) You may be eligible for a larger school property tax savings if you meet these age and income requirements: 00 1. If you are applying for STAR for the 2005-2006 school year: Yes7Noo _ I a) Will all owners be at least 65 years of age as of December 31, 2005? b) Is the property owned by a husband and wife or by siblings, whereby at OR o least one spouse or sibling will be 65 years of age as of December 31, 2005? Yes D. No 0 r N 2. Is the total 2003 income of all the owners, and of any owners'spouses residing on the premises, O $64,650 or less? (See definition of income for STAR purposes on back of form.) Yes Q"Nop If the answer to both questions 1 and 2 Is yes,all owners, including non-resident owners, must attach a copy of either their 2003 federal or 2003 State income tax'return (if filed). (Tax schedules and tax form attachments are not routinely required.)Return this form to your local assessor by taxable status date.The assessor may require proof of age. Do not file this form with the State Board of Real Property Services. Caution: Anyone who misrepresents his or her primary residence,age or income shall be subject to a$100 penalty,shall be prohibited from receiving the STAR exemption for five years,and may be subject to criminal prosecution. I(we)certify that all of the above information is . All resident owne s must sign and date. correct and that the property listed above is , owned by and is my(our)primary / /t / `;„-D, residence. I(we)understand it is my(our) Sign! e v/' Date . obligation to notify the assessor iif I(we) relocate to another primary residence and to Signature Date provide any documentation of eligibility that is requested. Signature Date co . /CZ) • k> 0 , c , fr,tit-ep,„ii- 'w P61°1 D/601;„pe,,,d/44?-, - coy- pi, ' . . r k(n -- 'We the undersigned residents of the`Grower's Woods" section of Mattituck,in the . . Tom of Southold,New York do hereby wish to present our OPPOSITION to the application of MARIA TRUPIA#5768 that is before the Southold Town Board Of Appeals. Both requests: for a Special Exception under Section 100-31B Lot Size Variance under section 100-32 and for a Two Family Dwelling is not in character with the neighborhood.. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE ./Rata - 17271i I G r WU lio 1 -► ' 1/6/0: 4fiti/ ` ��9 ����� r � -10, " 3 ttrk4 �;y- -' i 'SladdtCa)f '77/6 ' U&--- .31/ 1,499 W1.�/C�� < r ,cies. Lfko /, ) D/2 711 £jO5 Lo/e%.9-iae.QNNew mz.-„ikanibileit 2i60W6 7`I1s,_zdD.e,mAn' 9'f/G,/Ga-- /all 04#13011w i6 J€: .AteL y cf flol.w' ,rso klesir.w, old*# /1 /s- /'14itk s. r'?`9r``f .Z44- 4 4/ . .?c Westview_ Moor- qi• r,•os -4°A-sur.- F - Fa 6'1Q.te.r y b"Tr6 Warr, lir evil a 2 f /7/6 oifi e -1 .`, % P t`,v 1- r ✓��^S- 4)`e' L V 14 .U2• it 1' 7(5 r (-)4rVig,4 i yr /0 as c' • A - ' i vun,xAi.I4c ,,v/ (. -lr�tv1.ew 124,5— , 1 ' . . . <� 1 ..iii.... 0 / f -9. 9-0 - ,- .- rA 1�7-'y I >h ' ' - % % i /os--- I - .1- �: 1 k,-til ,''' ‘fNNia ,4 .46 1 I ott4 3troIA. , kb : (1-i7. 8s'' . , � -; ,-. ,�*�! "!:I'll?10113 ti-3c kAtfRAusee. 'b ' 11-05 eAcleh,S' L. L/*. _ If Ac'6 /11.1 � - 41- g•/'�'K. 6.1 L . AQ. 09/81-- ; - �,r y1 , F111:1190,1-- 19 80 es r'�rl�nc' 9 )1 aS_ 4. ,-/ ii'< /7evwG9`"/red �jpA -'L7. tiP, :'. _�:4, , -.' -; , ktc /, ( 7 i. ' • 7 , lilt altt'W� S\GN � ! J E lb b t - 7I �� G.-/ Affs. L, / #1..< 6.;7A 6e. .. e`7 r_- ) 0'o .'�- /7._ 0, -. f DSi 7-41/-,4-Ncemii;b7- 1Fr All= /646erale#1)11)%/094 dart 1 eie / lied UI/.�`I' u-P� ;Ft5 r MIALAD Z ,4a- eitsm T `!► 1, Nae. . QQ: 1111°5 4 /fpnyac Cep y i ( r-ea B ' M.c 2o 71/ 7-, l)_©Jj kava, / , , , 2foor mead / ; 1435140144')( . 11.0S. 4 ' h 6 rAi n5 �:; . — ISIS rc,�r A t ?t1ci-lD5� k� l - • 41'/ '40.1%. f -/, ' • ,� �' -tiltANaA '- D.91-i,v� tDcr I -k' /- . 'oke (1;2P t e. -9fl•PfolL I � v 74Pit.A... P 4ioSW� � 7 / k / ,4401/ J �® ,/d .�,a,IX /or 4/tri.e� %I%f f(4)42)A E•22.A4 / r . " , lpowestv:eor q f()lDS— It HZ\SCC C./ 4' ' �- , Fj�L + (. o qj `notwyaferAre Arty , 4., fi f56b wei-vit'Wrl t(we e/d5 b'' 'a A , t& r® ` - ` ' 1:9c, -- 40 1 .. R k. at; �, / � • // 1��j -.77� � /lJ7�G�l-�O�Y �' , ►''�' � ill l� l/4- 1/ ',,e ' / cap -t/ - i' �r0=1 5:414 41740-475/ .yam iki Ord,'" 1 g ��4.� . . W //lr- it P ate►'��r►a if 1, ,i j �� ; tS C a/ ",fro-�i ; /-!'VA Yfo. ,� , ,. 1/7'35-- , 4*r ,• c/4ll o g ct) niii 9 i;W# tl, hire Jv I 'kinttii/n. < if / Ma-110a. (tLVAN i/W( 4([-C26'65 Pf, yUU,s ,4TA I,hJ SO d444„,; /q3, P 't kAtAr/ `7 a-O 6 4esepA in 01 C'G,./ - w. < (�J12 cr✓ l0, ► (-004g€11-1 A' kg Wart•?-•34'9.-c4S •j PR/ Nh1E S`G1\TURE kbDRES 5 DA`s`" 8r9n6t 4-5"1-1,154e-,1 (/ r " �/. , i, fa. 5-i- Poe,pC' Li/j� 5/01.61�'r' low4, A' iFF,ti ('4e, '_..- z'35- Ziear/c% /.- a 9 Via- ' Ae.6JPorc- 6corFa / - r i _ iliac wccdcf•i/ Or f-7,4, -O r- e$c e k 54-►-dv\ /apy/A ,tu�®', f--° ci s --a -P 2 o nci, 0 .4, 109sk),eNtvleu4 . 9-870-0S. ,.-cc... _e[ 4.4.6 ,- Ull zeeKV . 4 4 '. e%dill/A KM IN51 Y . - 75IJoode: $'r 1/66 to 5 1 :,, Doh/ �lA Srn th - - d►v► 74.5 GJ [ IQ op r(6 L it DOGFiM '�!�vmfo 1,000 LIFFbe. etm o5 1ri?a. C,ae s-ea . - -- s c1 Dr. 4/2,I/o =— L-kricla ®ConnedAli.o,d0'. . ., Pi- 1350Iq/�a,_ f rr q a/ 05 Ne 1)0134 ./:' ffistw�ids l t i 10.S- MARIf Yk.hDnpi o / e 'I, , /, / JSs/erId-., ,� ' A. 9/'1 06- ,4✓/L / fP1/1L 7£1/ ' � /." „; . O� i*on fole // . oC-- PFG k c e INC ,�>, ,/#L. 9 as Foo”- Kms- - regAit 6 RA- 445 1,1oo>cr - 7 I Z os 1,s›. 14ivr ZI}vC5/ci .. . Jf a GOoe',e�ccoi-bee , g�L S �j E &Del.,PO 5 A-P s /L- ' . ., sysax01.024 4-P `r/oa f os tC , Al / C71 ilhi.vr c1/42.- tir Vid , 7OW S &be{' A 900 )5te.c.r Mui LA 6 6 ':...n .J da?S ;roumr PA- 1la/cc emmer ' 3 144 �/ /®o £t/o rse/sf Ai< 9./2 3/0.x'` :A t " / /4/ wa c.i.4Li1. • 9/al/es' Sk t� S,em,Aw, 4 • _ ' /G.CrCc9 �. 9 2a fa - - kcetiittx-aut,o, (942 — J. r i S. �2.y -c t, 7P (Li. L ,5 lie(.1R 6vtt (.45/. • ,o l` , Aek..6 gig" in a lii„leV /i f76 , 0 ' -C- ' `' ( 6.>t( . E1 VI a I/ S1GJcTURE iskbDRESS TE- g. g. Ross Gw •atIS s 1'{6oWboktog brdu 0465 Malt-dipT T ec h r . ei/o Zeh . 044. rdam1v►-4,oy_arK4za ` ' 4 , , . Ad zoo , . // 0 S � f a + BARBARA A. REITER P.O. Box 1154 MArriruck, L.1., N.Y. 11952-0921 STo'8 (631) 298-9543 13 SEPTEMBER 2005 • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD °i SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS P. 0. BOX 1179 SEP 1 5 200(5, SOUTHOLD; NEW YORK 11971-0959 °\ k. RE: APPLICANT: MARIA TRUPIA #107-8-34 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS105 BROWER ROAD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK GENTLEMEN: THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ALREADY VOICED OBJECTIONS TO REFERENCED APPLICATION IN WRITING. SEE LETTER SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ON 12 SEPTEMBER 2005. I NEGLECTED TO OBJECT TO APPROVAL OF PROPOSED PARKING FACILITIES FOR 4 VEHICLES. SINCE THE EARLY PART OF THE YEAR, 4 TO 6 VEHICLES ARE USUALLY PARKED THERE EVERY DAY. FURTHER, APPLICATION APPEARS TO BE FOCUSED ON A"MEDICAID REQUIREMENT" FOR CONTINUED PAYMENTS FOR A 24 HOUR HOME HEALTH CARE AID. I HAVE SPOKEN TO NUMEROUS PERSONNEL IN MEDICAID OFFICES AND THE CONSENSUS OF OPINION IS THAT THERE ARE NO SPECIFIC HOUSING REQUIREMENTS TO CONTINUE THE MEDICAID PAYMENTS. CAN APPLICANT PRESENT A STATEMENT FROM A MEDICAID OFFICE STATING THAT A LEGAL TWO- FAMILY RESIDENCE IS REQUIRED FOR CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS? RESPECTIVELY SUBMITTED, /4010% BARBARA A_ REITER ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER 165 WESTVIEW DRIVE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK BAR/AP VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #7099-3400-0005-1993-7583 BARBARA A. REITER P.O. Box 1154 MArriTuck, 1.1., N.Y. 11952-0921 (631) 298.9543 13 SEPTEMBER 2005 QUERIES. (1) WHO IS BILL GORMAN WILLIAM GORMAN WILLIAM P. GORMAN THERE IS A WILLIAM GORMAN LISTED IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY WITH A RESIDENCE GIVEN AS ROUTE 25, VILLAGE OF SOUTHOLD. THERE IS A WILLIAM P. GORMAN LISTED IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY AS RESIDING ON ROUTE 25 IN ORIENT. NEITHER OF THE ABOVE IS LISTED AS A GENERAL CONTRACTOR, LICENSED OR OTHERWISE. IN ONE DOCUMENT MR. GORMAN IS LISTED AS A GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND IN ANOTHER REPRESENTA— TIVE. ?? IF WILLIAM P. GORMAN, ORIENT, IS THE "CONTRACTOR", WHY DOES HE HAD A POST OFFICE BOX IN MATTITUCK? DOES HE HAVE AN OFFICE IN MATTITUCK? IF SO, WHERE? (2) WHAT IS NEW ENGLAND BARNS, INC. ? WHAT IS THE DATE OF INCORPORATION AND IN WHAT STATE? WHAT IS THE ADDRESS? WHO ARE THE OFFICERS? WHAT IS THEIR PURPORTED BUSINESS? (3) WHAT IS THE RELEVANCY OF THESE DISTRACTIONS? 4116 OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Office Location; NFB Building, First Floor, 54375 Main Road at Youngs Avenue Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net (631) 765-1809 (ext. 5011 during recording) fax (631) 765-9064 TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: f�� / 10 Yryr FROM: DATE: 9 / 1 9 /2005 RE: q I 2-9 /05 Agenda (or OW 'J S 76,42 MESSAGE: �•) Correspondence or related attached regarding the above for your information, • Thank you. Pages attached: ----' ca<--cac.. "-- f -<- "- 0--------' C , ii1,11.1,::,,, , • • „' lEjakift40,41eff=,, 4 , -1444 -,34m,Tprecectirig,page i5:40s:cd,opattially in theo..8ide cerning deck eoristructiorV,c,Open, .5 PVTHOLP1-. , .- f.a-r• .'t _4'". yardifinstieddt-of the.1:,it ar7yaid7lat ',iorktb0-slEY--dnct-otit§ide;:addititiiis -, Bviw 0 Fe--P.-t,...s-----'.i '-6 --.r.- • , -, '-:-- .-.J- - • -- -Southold;' -ilt' , =.-:j'9.:-I5'a-m' ',...4RIC '' ' IR,4-14fid 3,65 asmine. ..Lane, , .. „wi 'shower stall,-asbuilt atle§s H, 1-- Msf4 , (31:,3 is';...,. 94 I .. "14.Aqz.1E- -,i fiSCIMKEN-i_ 5.--7,71,.. .0,04:39;,II,S,lacfg- -?T-,,‘,..:-;7--P..--:?- , .,:thaniflAtfeetnn §ingle• ide,:y4rd -1-if R2005 P.LIBE.,I. ...i1._,,f,'C.1,,,,,,,-u*,‘„,:--.} ,Ire-4116-4,,,foilg-Variaildetavar '`7,:p1-0:20,-,C'..`a.inCIP,Mi-F-Rti.4:?''/,:and. ,and less Tiliant15::,feet 1:'for:-`,Ciaint, - XOTT_Cal.,,,-Lt-77-2`,"Ir4,17„..91.1'H § tit.ii§7,1bo-F24=2.A0,ind;:looL:r Allkityt:NVP,01-6.111Kk4it:, ili:inela :fsiaq'f;eYdic.Isi.Tvritv-IT-05. GIYEI4i1S.Yrsua'.1''''''''-`144-:',,te':';' , d4-4f-966itee. '''-'1•O'OSeilEJadilf--,‘,fOr',Ya-',i-Valfaliee!nrider 5S'ec.itidti . VanSfoillRoad;iCilichogue;i0 au f,the ITOWitt atPa-rwOhapfer i ,, .s..,79 ?„,P.=,-,_ -,-- .,‘,. -Ton- gr-4-4,----d--:, ' -- ---,43'.-ildiff• - „--4,.- ---c-c,,.,, 4.,kkri ”,t",'''%.''s''.'• io', ,--. r,- ' - - ,.. '. --utonsLan ---,alterations.af,less-than..7;---. . -3.,. -5-1,,,as_c ,---on,the, 31 , g , 111- -.13. l*Wali':',:C.6-....4§,7 of l-F6:'Th".-at',: 4,0:Afet On'aliingle'f§Ve44't'd'-ag' a.. Ansiie,e..foi,.'s-M",:13_-;-'20,05N,itiee ,-,, 1:20,1p1._in;:,43T.,-,- /JAItyirt,T. ,pi'Z'•,,: -Southold 'f 11 xviiig-mu '- of .e''--9-9-u-----'--,ft-i'• ' 18-figr":3111ati'-25ileeti4TOP'eoitibined of DisaPtirOval,"for.a,rraccessotr, •-,#--5-71:72-0ReOnest,foraNkVartance •-ilielfeilnig§-9i1PVehel&byt,„„ e k . s. i :4itte- ardstbfalFtnii0-4`6t coVerlie-- '-'..carp,ort5prOpose&*atiffbntard-':',:ifildet,:s.'e-etibif,T00--3i,..based on -j ,,,S0111401-EiL16-WW?P9O.„„, ..,:: i iiili4uegaflliVeVde•N 20°AlirriE, „-,iii§tead of the'code-..reqUireduearf_. ,theBoittlipgjInsPOtotrkhly-- 9,, --1 OF.;,,,APP.,.....EAP*4f1-14`0,i,-T,0,*ii., Hall on' _ .4-40..66iprihfo*,48.cd,elffil..itit; --y0t1/-11'4t.':.,7.&,,,-,314th,,„=sogifoiew „200,5'clsiOtiee,..0,1)4.,4*-0a.Dkoft- 'A 53095 J.W4,111J2:1z101.,,;;-'-'1 -tt,tilq./(:'. ...06-4(6*:.!&thi&i.daffoyi,--Nr4.iip6isiff..* --Aientra-'Peaniiie;(TM.6.8V9.',,1,."--'eerli4ti,'74-.'41-614-6,&.4.4e.cek,g„Ory. =i 1179,• :SOtithbld,zi'Noirk;;,tOtIcy' ;v. :: ' "''§firiitef!-W9nelVY.litirlethifaiiaifde '1''40:2-5."'fa':illi'-if,'-ANDRFAV,i'ddc.1 (4:*i#144g-iffai9.4)01',aksOhal ---:11971;',090;':'tht-',fTHORsPA''''.4,1:... ,• a/Arit'eieseili'ektegTe'e OfreicstL ANN-'.-1-1VIONACO-'-,6,'4,57/69.•.;Jli.e. c.Ode,-foquired_-.40,-kfotifrOin 'Oe-TCIBERY26,-2005attliectif,0-, - iiiklgii&sfifoiiiihileFe:.:::.vob,aiiiiii,:: -It.q,pie!‘tcpfor,*'N744411-06'..'4iiiiier'',.tlie;*;frOntlot iiii6'Af.",zo-12;iffiraft- ,i eted"liel6W':(dr.,,iP,'§g,O;n:tbil.t,-;, -440435',f,116:6Siii'dll'.1/goille,V`id: Section4.0M39,4Ar.bad on '.4t.badPSgrithOlCdTM-:50:4;"2-ff ft8rigip6A§ili,16),:,°.-;„.g,,,,,,„. ,zIrl ,maiiitoxfcm44241\ ,t,- the,"'ai6414,,i''2'0.0.5 :.B.iiWif,ig ,A,..:y3q- pail:--..,,,ITTERt,,s...wr 1 9?ocoL'I;Inl'4';',,—.JuritN''''-a-PAI--': : .V.040-fariii: itlemktiTKEIBI: , ,-11.1§4iet.o,t,.7,,g,q.tk,,,,isrqfrce'Siii-i,,:.,vf-„itt5,70,-5ilt6qii4f;',foia'Variari4, --S -,ANTOINETT ,,Rq!,'ERT:(3,q. #45r4 ,7 80).'Itaz,e'-ii-defor--Melfet- Dig,P#11,0ValVV6iieeriiiiii;ai',E-pro-; kindeY8e,CtiOnf--100;144,i.bged* -I) W.,5716`;',.."Jk6440V:'1131.1%!„1.76i:44:41-' ' =faiii.q.ZBAiC-iii4fibigifi'ildeielf, , ti"iSed,41-eckidditidiDa-t-le§§kthan Ikeaii4i4t6-:'2.0.65;--=.N).09,6,- of- rii iirldeV3:Seetfifint61=3.3(,),-.:1?Ss'ec,1,-Lp '' ' ,-4,90,41908,,:liniaek,,TAiS,'4 Eal;N',cr:, '4,01:YfeetifloiretheI6P'Of the'l:ta.rik -bisaliff.ciMal7e6keipgib:ri4e.:4,, --P Ahetwiiidiigqii:kedides.Alwe _ ,-,,4:690.;,,,,,15.-..a.k.cp.ilow Section- 4vv061.7, or bluff thoLopg,:s9.0d-,i9A-exi,.tA.-...thr sKy,i.,....wi.th...tazelio ,-.1}.1T1001N-__Iiieel.._,..,6-t Dioppmt-1 13914B'IfirkillOrt 04r9'.1f;If()- '$01.944- 140:_alion:,:-.05,"AiinaiVieW' 4dditiOn„,to i *40(14_11k.f 049.7 -,94-A,11,gRst73.17", '''Aft,LO,',,,- ' „-alitibri2e,COriVeriiik?gee-g-Ji515f, ,,,.:AY0110-7iEail4:41•0,11:1.:VIM:'21)'''''fainiTirI*611itIgi-ag4buk*-4, ,TeVidw,dd-tc,rip 111-4vicR,--jhq:ra- ' , .,•affearizili'Vej'ekiVfing.i_-6-e&saeok -.g....:v,(Ptikepliditiolifr'ite'i:,`;a1o' :--lbeatio:if4e4:Aan.7,ilief.,,C4de, 'VolilgtatedY-for,diaa 0:9;.*,Iff* 1 ,-.1--,,,wiret-N-44---,Fopin - 50 4e46.i-iii'crei'ZI3A No 40h `Peciiiiien:57.feafriiiiitlieeifIdt' lniv-' application 1 1.-11..0.ya, 41.1)4-,1%.11187.area,;A ,, ' ..,,.. , -• -,.., ' -.. ..,, ,, ‘,. -..,•„,:•-, ,,>. 0.. Iiiikling.t,I*T111.1,P-;°' r,-..ii.,0,1 -ii Nito*IRdifitli**elSofi:tliolif; ' ATI tatkon§ikin,t,h :Nut rt,hac!,c, - Irge.6-at-q4$2,-__.5-1 l',1199 _ ,Pnre ,Aay dfrencc01. .."-,...et',2P-'0":-.!4!e - , ` "- ....i4b:',''11::dt., J--- ..fOil-atiOligrtO10-,--44 „--,:-.A, .,2'.;.,;:-,. BOnlevarit,-4.4.aurekgMR8,41- tPtititraog0T-addititdhWi:Ali,6.1.911= , -- 4,T0,14.1-hq,,F.,14.4/03ide45461. - ,-.4045.--,pa,:01-_,r",,;','MA,RGAABT-_,,..i:17r;!;;..,"2--',;A;;-,i';'.5,:,,.., etZegWilit. ' roir *.Y44D,.;t1IINTSICL#P1,0.. . ,r-14.0 4.-Iii., ;':.Jr..4t --0 °1--"-Y`!”.`,1).-t47.--- '1.--""':;--77 .'" ' :848-:-i''IlCr-'9:4,29 '.;'tatendars. 'Request fer,.--a:-Variance under DENISE,- mAgTIN:, #5742 -- iiii'dece§§6rY-garage(PieSentlY , Mileit iii-ra."-Varianee,15a§ed on Section 007244, 'based..:.on'the Request, for:,Variance§ 'nide in- lie cod&define&rear_Yard). 1 ti4-4;-"Building,• .Department's Building-In§Peetors August__11, Section's 100-33 and '106-231 'Location:' 1350 M'arlene,'Lane, ia--- ,-- "- 4ii:eiii2Z, 2005 Notice of 2005 Notice of DisapproVal, based ,on the Buildii4 ,, .. , ,, . Mattituck: CTM-144-237.;$.' - , , Dii.aiVrAval concerning an addi, Concernng deck additions to the ,Inspector's ,`August 3,, 290±. 9:05 a.iii: THOMAS.ANDER- tibittci-ad'ekisting dwelling. The existing&elling at less.tlian 40 -'ainended Notice Of Disapproval SON'' #5782. . "Request:Tor'a 1 reason for;disapproval is that feet fronythe front Jot-line and Concerning: 0 the proposec Variance under Sections 100- , Seetioni:100- 1-Ai states-that"no les,§thaii,30 feetfroin the rearlot ,location of a-temiis court at,les: 242A-and'190-244,based oir the building or premises i,§halI- be line,on this 21,484 sq.ft.corner than 60 feet from the-front-lo Blinding Inspector's Angtist-25, erected:.or altered ,which is lot. Location of Property: West line, ,and (2) proposed;tenni 2005Notice of Disapproval for airnifged;,intended_Ori.designed Side of.Sound-Road and 69435 curt fencing which will exceec proposed addition with alter- t6'-1.si, e,used, in Whole or,in part, C.R. 48 at intersection with the code's 4 ft.height limitatior Oen§ to the existing dwelling fee any uses except ... (1) One- NYS Route25;Greenport;CTM when Thcatedin d_frOnt yard ane which is less than 50 feet front fatinly detached-,dWellings,not 35-1-8. -' '-- - Will exceed 6.5 ft.height'Unita- the rear-lot line:" The proposed one dwelling each 10:45 ' a.m. THEODORE 'tion when loCated in a side yard to_Sexceed; ,on addition to add a partial-story lot:, .The new.,construction is HARRIS #5773.- ' Request for Location:-1695.-Meadew Bead will constitute an increase in the proPo§edbii,a hit:Winch:contains Variances under Sections100-32 Lane, Mattituck; CTM 116-4- degree of nOnconforniance. more . -than .',-,one ,dwelling. arid 100-242A, based On''the 3,1. Location: i 1240 /Love, Lane, Location of.'.ProPerty: _ 445 Building Ins'pector's April 2-7, 1:45; p.m. ,MARY- ;'''12. Mftitabk;' CTM" 140-1=23.1. _,Iciinogerior Point,.Road, New 2005,Notice of Disapproval, RAYNOR #5711. Requeit fo Zone District Marine H. -' _ - Suffolk; cTmip..;10.--1. ,. - concerning proposed ''additions Variances (plans amende( 9:10 amt. ROMAN WATRO- , _ . 9:40'ani. ,PAUL`MALONEY and alterations-with.an increase 9/28/05)' under 'Sections 100. BA' #5.774-; Request for-a #5,748. Request fo a Variance in the_,degree of,nonconfor- 242A and-100-244,based on thf Variance under Section 100,244, under_Section- 190:33, based on mance when located 'than 60 Building-,Departmerit's amender based on ' the Building [lie Building Department's June feet from the front lot line, .at July, 14, 2005 Notice 'o Inspector's- August '9, 2005 , 6i„.2005 Notice of Disapproval 3805 Alvah§,Lane, Cutchogue; Disapproval, concerning nem Notice of Disapproval„for a pro- - ' concerning ,a nCTM 101-2-24A. -ew accessory first poor foundation construe posed addition at les,s than 35 garage Proposed in ja. front yard 10:55' a.in:,, ALBERT-Tand non',-new seCond-story'a.clditiOn feet from the front lot-line, at af less than 40 feet from the BARBARA It EIBLING,#57„75. and, new deck increasing tht 775 Midwood Road (a/k/a .79 cbde-required front,lot line 'at Request -for Variances under degree of nonconformance at Pinewood Road),.Cutchcigue; 1020Goose - Creek' Li-ie, Sections 100-30A.3 and 100- propased with side yard set CTM 110-247. '' :-: -- , „ '"Southold: ('TM 78.'8 3 ' 244, based, on the Building backs at less than 10 feet, 'les: '1\ 10:00. ,. a.m.--:. - ..THOMA8 Inspectors August, 3,i:2005: than_ 15, feet;.6n:-the,r emainin,,1 --IkS ee.Legalls next'pa gel • .\ Pe-K4QQ10 #5758.2, Request Notice Disapprovalof, :concern,- side, and ,with lot coverage ,,_ - for,'a-Varianee-;„under Sections ink'a„proposed_;addition,and exceeding the code limitation o 1.00242A and 100-244, 'based alterations -,to4,-,the ,existing 20%, at 575 Beachwood Road, oric,the Building',-Department's dwelling on-,this .712 sq.It lot, Clitchogue:-C,TM 11,6:4-21. -, Itine,. 30, ..26(J5i Notice,' ,of which will increase the degree 2:25 PM._ RE-,HEARING (to I)iSr9PPri;val.coileerning- a,new of setback nonconformance reconsider,ZB.A2 decision'ren- addition whichWillCreate a new when located_less than 35..feet dered may 11;2005),;in 'the ii.OlicenfannanCe.OA/Of increase from therear property;line,.,and Matter-of the ApPlication of W. the degree of nonconformance under Section,. 100-239.411 for -.BRUCE. ' arid, MARY .ANN When located at less than_10-feet ne*constructiOn at lessthan75 BOLLMAN45680. Request for on,a-single-side yard, -at 735 feet . ,from ,, the,. bulkhead. Variances under Section 100.7 Sinith-Road,Peconic;'CTM 98- Loeationi of prOperty:, 75-Island 244, -based on .the-I Blinding 4-8. - - ' . View Drive, Crreenport;.'CTM DePartmene§ February 3, 2005 , 10:05„a.m.,:ANTHONY and 57-2-32. . • i,.,__-,, Notice of,pisa,pproval, concern- 'JOANNE' KROPP #5760. 1:10 p.m. MAgiA I'EA.IPIA Mg anaPplication for a'building Requit-:for --yariances,, un,d,er #578.— Requests for .(a) perrilit ,to substantially remove Su tions''100-33 'and 100-244, Special- Exception for a.two- or demolish,,existing dwelling, based-t on. , the ,,‘ Building family.dWelling,under Section and to construct a neW-,sitigle- *Insf?ecter",s. ',Ally . 12, 2005 100-31B,, and - (b)-Lot Size family dwelling: (1) at less-than ended Notice.of Disapproval Variance.under Section 100-32, 10 feet on a single .side,'(2),:at ,conperning: (ai-proposed.addi- Bulk Schedule,for a two-family less than.25 feet combined side tions and alterations at les§than dwellin&on a lot containing less yards, '(3), With lot coverage 15,,feet On 'i,kingleside yard; than 80,000,squarefeet,,.Inthe exceeding the code limitation of (b).proposed construction of a event a -variance and _special 20 percent,-and,(4) at less than new,_accessory-shed,with new eXceptionis,not granted,author- 75,,•feet ,from:the btilkhead. height, -replacing- the.-existing ization is,requested for,occupan- Location .-.of-Property: 1755 shed;and construction of a new cy in_a unit ,of the existing Trumans .Path, :East. Marion: aceessoiygarage/shed in a loca- dwelling t6-,care _for, family ,CTM,31-134. ,-_ _ ton,at les§;-,than ,the,code- member(s) altered,and_enlarged , 2:50, On' IENNIPER I3 required five (5) feet. Location for.,separate Jiving floor .area GOULD #5781 , concerning Of Property:, 360,Riley Avenue, ,accessory to- the singlefamily premises-owed,by W. BRUCE Maitituck;CTM 143-5-8. dwelling.i Location: 1,05BroWer and MARY ANN BOLLMAN. <10:15 a.m. PAUL and LINDA Road, Mattituck;,CTM 107-8- This is an Appeal-torevokethe ZENESKI#5.767. .Request for a 34. Zone:,-.111-40.ResidentiaL. Decisions , of. the. .Building Variance under Section 100-33; 1:15 p.m, PETER -IZZO Inspector ,to' issue _Building base& ''on the' building #5765. ., Request rfor,Variances Permit No.• '3132-Z datedline Inspectorls July 13.20.05 Nntirte under Secrinn inn.1 A A 1.___a . - - oG Of... - I .C.O'- /}-''-w c •-fry i -- - J ;F ,:i,;6-• ° Y;'»F 'mow distance from the. (:dwelling`- -ad 'uji se.�':anyiiandr;all:la.,0*W°of 110ifeet,ii stead;ittherequired' '=t111 i�!it�n}..qc�� as r�� ,,.;..'r= �-�/���•�•s•''�20::feet:=�=.,''�tt_ �<r _ lE�'s' �s>r�:..,-' ..i't'�/� 3F` ... "4e',+r.���';=, ( '.'r'`v1`..i:n<: USNYS;:desi'"gnated�;-as age�}t;,;if;.; =8:11;5,�p m.;,-.,•pr'evail'ing:;time.._ -,� �4�P,Yvi �C't upoi;`.,:whom. process, '''Appeal No:-05-1,0=1; ;Appeal;5f,-;'.,lit COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ..1*,:.lit may be=se%ued ;SS Daniel C ilibro;f�705'=:•Roanoke iti ll�iriail�u;op3;.oi��iioce�sxftpa:��;t�rr'Avenug:•4Ri,iierhead-;New�York=.-� STATE OF NEW YORK ss: 6cCarlet3*-Ii ehi a„' . r .- €or:a'variaticer�to',Chapter;-108,_ _2( ` � Nancy M. Mclaughlin, being duly sastIslip; ':X1730 ,,x Ar ;';".,:;'iSection 1,0$-51 of;the;:Code,of: e ke.6 ``9/29:1°0/6 .10113 1'0720+_ the�To',wn of R verhead.request- a! sworn, says that she is the Legal i w ' :?<; k10/27,1`'y1�/3-i05 (:1=17),r" in*.:.periiission_tto.aeinstate`the -fa Advertising Coordinator, of the Traveler "; puB C e-v,, .•;,:,,, ..,,..food m. r nor,�'tk,iise��';x:€of;,��:`sa Pi ' ` ' market/.deli/ oce c -stor .; ' st Watchman, a public newspaper printed iirsuaiirto'8ectiori�2G7�of:the': �-':' D'-'=. - ,:� = :;= 4, } H' e ,_ =,,5A1,1-3a ea-1-adjourned.to.this'i_ :b at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that wnt�.�iv-'w11 �uhlic: pp „ ' earmg :hate',willwtie-}ieard*tor,to:those ,S Abe^'t.- ?by..the K oniiig;' ,.. the notice of which the annexed is a and of ppeal's=ot the. 'own--of: ,ii'sted,aliove:j ;' ;,, :o= _ '::: r _C = . 4-An,`,.person%desiring tox'be stprinted co has been published in said ve lieadi.'Si,9,,i ourLty;.NeYt 1;,' y g''''' copy, rk' i _ , heard�sdri:''tlie;_ab'ove r'mentioned. i� -ion;Octo�er��;,'2605�at='tlie�.�-',4 • ,z• �:._._ - Trave er Watchman once each week !erheacl`''�Town-iOltifr 200i`„'.'aPPea'Is� §11001d`tappear at':-tl e" } f . = } ' . '`specified'-tm e;aind;;place.x y zG':�,,w,:-;�,='':el for week(s) successively, ►yeh Areiiue;-';;wlti erlieadr '...:t1V1'A 2f-L 1Y`^hLL"!K:P ;f-r.':_ w o�` � 3a `"'` '� . � -a,..,, co ��-s•cin on the.... day of ��'rlsn:ff'ot�e oe�:the>"tune' �.- r E ?vin'below'on each;of the-,fo1=';,:,- `: ;`ZONING;~BOARD7,Or = ,•,l•-4,' 5•. - .§�,�.,4,- i:,µ '�-�' t1 .;40.µi:= 1.APtt?E° is ... O .. ......... 2005. ving,appeals: =:F'; -:R- .s ,-= ,F, ,. s, ,.,: �: - ;.-,. ..,.'''.- 4-..17--'-'. - -Z'.:,::-:1.-t-,'':,---,;2'.---_ 'IX'10/6to5:X119) ! }5.:p-in";,4ieYailYu, ;ti e;; cat.. �,., t,:., ipal No°0$-9'S;�App`ei1 o f�, =',':NOTIC,E,,;OF FOI IMATION. t � =Joain-':Caruso _3. ,OF�r',IIMITED"t•'- IABILITY`- i,.2g-W--;!..9(4,er ourt River eao New';'`'CO PANY x NAME':J 'RGrJ = i�,'• c ,:o•, -_• ,'RE "T. LLC... _Articls_`"of x irk:,""fox,�a•-s%arX'ance":to"`Cha�Yer�; Y;y;,,; h. ,._." - i Section?E 108-20't of tlie.;":' Org,nization vc�erel liLdPwilli=; ie. •-_ I'•e of:the Town o R verhesd�;`,,,'S;eeretai'o''f fSta`te of^,Nev�t:;Yor`k'- j`iiesti xperm1ssion to rLct;*a_= .,(SS onj,a09/22%05 Office._ j o se ire me this.. day of ng:pogls liavi zg..a, side locati'on--;1;iitolk?Co ty SSNY c; '�J,I r 7+ t S -.+ha=t"x-?i,�'. s ,�,f ?+.x•r t,n'xr-i..+,< ..'vs• x, • 7r s _ i 005 rdMcaabuttmg„i side street of 20, i is'lbeen�'designated s agent of 2 s`iiis`tL'd=of he`-riquired` ; ;.'I `"up n;, m t e f0'c�,,the_, ZC.upon�:_wlioiri�--�lroc'e`ss z�,,: •: .:,_,'.= ., .. r , °againstlit"' be-ser�%ed;°.S�SNX�•, 1 � a., �y3���«;','z -r:: '"sir,' e �• r3<=�'�ar:;.�,c'�ri � L-,s ,S0 p m,;�preevarlin fi(ime; alliinai :'i copy°of_process to ` ,� ;ei1 No w,05-96'Y A peal of;.- 1111.itt's'`f cto' " John:,_R.,-.:::,1 G' �L-. '' '-�+x a; @«I3 t cY� n Y;>. t r . t' - rsa •' p.� 'f;��_a'��r 7�, _z-,"" n fiZiinaY�La.Valle'_4: l itttle,'. ontecal;0 'Post_:,z®ffice.?.Box- t, a h - �,. ,F. Notary Public i Road ?Vailiti'T ir6V14-0 ;4(91,-,§0-ocisg Ne,'::Y '119,72: ��tl�, 1 `C§Y_.4. t"�fiy �o�,�"Y{;J„, �'NL%-,�r. r µe_.,,.i`a� 4.�J+;" r!«i4•"n� 0 or vafi(a ces;;�to ,£;,hapte Purpos Vr1--�any` 1awfiil=>>pur- - el wf'i i ft t ,-s' -n.g.4';..+*,'de .a�'�";.0 �cS=.�zY' '.x.1::;'7^`�'''N' 8 ction:l08L1= oftlie-Cdcie' , o e.; , >;';- _- , t stbe;flown f Rverliead� {~' 6X.10/6;{1'0`/,1`3;:10/20;-10/.27; Emily Hamill v r p rx^i^c 4,%--;,,,: .,.--;',/,;-- -- .,iE M_ „w.a<<w, •4„°L' ( , r ' -.i r" .'.'-r-'. t C. ,�tleStl�lg„�erl�1lD ,eeci;�''� ;z �_ il T�1/3,`.l-1'.1.0((1'5' L20 NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York ���• -71 s, .�' s ice' 6riliavinguaTear:yard.,depth,of'; NO ICE, No.01HA5059984 r et''mstead o iiia:equiredLO:' `,- '-, '-'lei ' ':;''''�4 `';, e Qualified in Suffolk County �r r, Pebble,- f i`eacli`:Farms:.:Lot: � i"y {:'' til� 3.fir... ,'1J. � Se`n.i its and;;Ya°.'shedwhaymg,a?rea.r;,, Association-- •:East'` ' Commission expires May 06,2006 rdE crept �}of,':10 feeet`'and a side ''r-� ion, '`' - rd-=widthi`of'S';feet .iristea:dt odf:•;"1VIa_i}on,<•NEw Ifnrk=;.:11939;:will' .` n,;.2,_-,-!-:....,'.,o.. •itsi;.oads-,r fromi:_Tuesday ;.re uired'2,0''-feet`each,an ., 1 h ,ctober...l,1= at-.-8.00_�''a.iii' 'lint}l 1tR,`Irom =`a='proposed" pgo'f'r'We esday;October..r12,2005=at' ;teadof;the.require'd:l0 feet. ., do 7::5'S=��p'in..--,iiievailiii�'fiine:, ?B O.9,44,aThp ip". d'_closmg:;wil1 • e4' • "'"O =97 g` be-.su e"rvised. - 'Apeat:='of p={' ppa- � b , ' P,,_ -- = .�:SX"10%6/2005(121) stiert 47-!-Toni,'_Falhsi,,'°'32;1 - .'.,;<; ;: -__.• Pit:. - 7"'� - ►11ia�nsv.Way, Baiting'Hollow, 'NOTICE"OF•:YPUBLIC-• ' ;w" or'le'for. a; variance{.to ,,`HEARING `. ;•`� lapter�`1;08.'Section.1,08-26.2 ''`,-,'TOWN"OF=RIVERHEAD," - -the cox;`of the;tTown�"o`f'. COMMIJNITY'DEVEL'OP ' vcr`l ead reegu'estxi" :'`'`'eriri`s= :`:MENT AGENCY "-' g-"�;P ri;°jto=alter ta.;dWe'111i y �_ - TOWN,OFRIVERIIEAD',;: I frontryard%'depth'''.i'll_be;':3'S, SUFFOLK''COPJNTY,NEW.; � $insfeadt�rOT §.x - .. �'4 -._i,;.i ,w.,-',.' -1,'�,';; • I �.ttie_;requi�eil=4,0� _ 'YOR&`:''�. ,k:tg ,ica,._. , ,., ; . ' $NOT:ICEYIS HER"EBY°GIVEN' ''I 31100 p m"'-' prevailing time, -'Yliat{atliee'I,Vleitibers�`of the Town*of,- �,p'e 1 No `05 98-'.Nl eatt of C . Rtiveea -' =f= Communi �nl1IIuxeefnVgnte9Te 'Dvepmen=Agncy Town'�o f : .1 inea imesportNw�York for ,RivehedtSuifolkCoun ,Ne .iLi ' > a ter4199eYcik.(tlie' A310w1g=;.zne P) onk08 4= of eeo .'=athe`Tovni'ofAivehead'Twn ow:nof;RRiverieade et=',,,= Hall;,.20I owwe1i°Avenue3^Kin ` Ppnm;i� riy'_'ode >~ .;11yeiie,adY"Nre.w, ,�Yo lii,said; I lstm,gr sinee!anlerecte To. n; ozn •October18;:2005;'at wd whs;i'A 7.20 p:M=.`Prevailingtr rTiiric„=foi,;) rq +s' r t.Ssae.•..-..,s x4� t - -b'•, s`,+5 feetrand,7y3-c t" 4 ,• .- ��r,r�s ,.,;f e -ginst�adrof-.°;`tlie=puzpose"of'coriductiiig:a�pul:=;� „regwrec� 0`Ieet=,anc 1.5i�.`fect_. ;lic'hea" ingon wlietlierCuliiiar '' 4 t 3 `SMpK+C. 5 d8N Y ,F T"<.Z1a',;.x "i[�?" ' §•'ATS-. <� � ectifase andyhiv ngfwu!}dear;`.; Aires Rayerhead°iLLC',;shoiild��'lie • rd.dr" t 'of'} n p,• C -� �y,-«...,, r^cc, s ep�ti 3`lt�fe'et_u>Vsfead.bf .de�igriated�`�t)ie-:�:,quali'fieii�'and requir ''40 f0,0: z;t <,-fx :elf ble•'sponsor-:fkr,t 'el-1 a le- .1 eedd�, 1 rac.,.,c:e ;�:,, k.'w4;'p:'hi: prevailin £ti`iric ':�velgpmeut of-the-follovv',ing`four. I kihtlt� s'�' ,�: srt{s: r:,'•' rr4 .-x•..ct, .r.r'; �' -r;, 5peal=Ng: 05'=99-a Appeal ofr :,properties`;located-on:East Maid•- -------- ivid•?c Mary,,i F fe Y'SY '1,"7' trey}' + dru zkiew-'ioz , �S eetuxand`Ro`aiibke;'=Avenue'"•in � 'r�,� 5s�pt n4. rt "'$w,� tw,�tti•.'n_ x,,� +r;,:sx.,t, u,'�•. 4 �". „ I ashington Ave ue, esport; :`�'tlie Townkof Riverhead: { r� >«,i �= fi-�'arn•,-::�t_�'d,. =�.�.. t<s.. 1?xQperty. ' 4Xork for:,in,' iterpretation.l' formally,known is 1°4Eastmain ; CIaapter,'�108;Sectio. I08 . `Street`,,:(S`C:TIiCc)60'041}28:00„: finiiti'o�ns= `' D n`g; wo;. `'06:00-5.3:000 'roe -formal 1 imil . ,tli,,,,,,,I.._,„„ ,;_:„,,,,,:...„,,„,.),_.f4sfio ,,' eing., ly, art o iwi:.Rive.dread=,Parking ietrhe two, mi( dvvel7iri DistrictOI o 1'h. S'1 M;^:0600= i be dctached•- ::r,- ;128 00"0'6:00-66 003 ;,'-property"'-! 00 a'rva"riance'to`S'ection 'for;rally:Wilow ijr,Is'.the':Riinland=; • 1.2.iB°regiiestingperrnissionBu•1 - (SGTIVI''';.'006600-i28:00= i.-4%;.'7.yau` partinent«.ov$i.) an,,', 06'00-50.00,1)aril irop a i for= isti ;de?t ech` '. e . e _- : F-t7 _. p P rtur r,, eif?garage tigk.-.v malty ( own"_as the,,,Suliuitiau creating ttvq.single.family' ':'furnitiiie.13i il`diii l 0600- iidcnecs.on.Ithe:.$pbject,prcni (, 1'28f00 30600-51; 00' i; (h'cre- �` ,Y°F,F,-. = � waftercollectively_zefeiiezi,to�as. 3("tl -,.pp in r,,pr evailing •ti r�e,{ lythe 4 Prope� ") list`'-ii*ir,4 een ! J e l'"'No..-O C' .�s e�'e pSao' �iK`e�T,^.�b...'.✓ #M: i he 1 a(:,t• 5= t).0;-Aii0eal kof'.'�'41i,iiec Ad!!i i0ii[bled by'_ilie i �;< ce„ i �t�§'<<.� � s;�, iirlckLe imgg 109` Sound Ageney,for transfer to''Swezey l' S' difi ' ver i New ork "Rivarrrllcad luip din `:`L trill-c•n- �af?°.�,`. �, � sn ^:rw�` '.x.^o-R�+c.. va� f"'p,�_;,�,g�.r'-, l�ia Q E_4ia iepa,:to Cfiafter- �08 t ;rection itfi- proposed Durban 08='20. tr e o i 3�.,,.,.-,r>~.,.. .,. �ti'Q °+of�tlf'e`(�Q�ezof�. :renews>��pro�ect�'known�as`-the. w°n ofsli24;tiWe'ilifi;•P:aii ct i_^t%tvg.e`v' i-Prii'igi'v_rani(',in�cnn= U.S. Postal ServiceTM r- CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT m iL (Domestic Mail.Only;:No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com® E CI , '' i.` ? E `O Postage $ 0.60 UNIT ID: 0971 Certified Fee1=1 4 (s+ I= ce30 r' IAlem p Return Receipt Fee 11 (Endorsement Required) ' Cl Restricted Delivery Fee Clen.a KW2JC ...p (Endorsement Required) 6' 4,`'PO r9 ▪ Total Postage&Fees 4 o b5 1 10/17/05 vv c) _l Irl f >N.C\ p Sent To ' T NCI Street,Apt ,.,©` - ' 0C, � ! 'yr. orPOB.0;.y SLS T� \. Y�-� City,State,ZIP-IK 1 l a- PS Form 3800une'002 U ;,J - .See Reverse for.Instructions US. Postal Service. m CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIPT fu (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coms = NE Y�RK NY 1)00il 20 li I i r 4—�4J e' `O Postage $ Q 11IT 0971 0 Certified Fee / �+0 • ce c' 0 Return Receipt Fee \1?75 �; Po ere mark (Endorsement Required) .• -� II Restricted Delivery.Fee 111111t 1" 4e 2JC4 � (Endorsement Required) ®-; II Total Postage&Fees 7/05 U C O Sent To �n n1A-� tf;tce9"kr. O C Y 11JMd!10. 11 I N Street,Apt.l I • ^1 }1 or PO Box No. I !___ _( A . I ca . City,State,ZIP+4 000 U.S. Postal ServiceTM D CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT ru ru (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.come t:0i1 O I 4 f.ry - L3 - rg! .- SOUTHI3LD, NY 1L9/ ,..k.)3 S (1.--, `OPostage $ 0.60 "'tr.-1H 971 0 Certified Fee `° f Nr �t�_ ►.� ,...,,, Po `a CI 0 R"tum Receipt Fee 1° �u r H'-re (Endor.�ment Required) = Restricted DeliveryFee l ClerRt<W-.IC ..p (Endorsement Required) ��"".yy�yyrr, Total Postage&Fees 4°� •� MI f1 7 ul O Sent ii)�n (m _ N Street,Ap orPOt8oxNo. ip,0_804 176 City,State —- 4 , t 0,_,111.IkAje_ kPS Form 3800,June 2002 u (I 1See Reverse for Instructions t. • ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK X In the Matter of the Application.of al_Q)LLo T: #57(406 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS (Name of Applicants) • CTM Parcel#1000- 10 rj - - 341 X COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, T€J J1 L 1 ±! residing at y1 064:20 1 1 ��- 3 ,New York,being duly sworn,depose and say that: On theI3dy I1'(�� '&l�11 ..• ♦ I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in i ,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current o ers shown on the current assessment roll verified fre s,the.o I ficial records on file with the(Assessors, or( )County Real Property Offic, �' ! %�� 4 ,for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. kg/LeZa eC9-(- 4C (Signature) Sworn to before me this / '0e..-t day of ,2003 JAYNE P.MARTIN Notary Public,State of New York • 014- No.7738235 • No. In Suffolk County Commission Expires Jan.31,20 0 otary Public) 7 PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper the lot numbers next to the owner-names-and-addresses-for-which-notices-we e- ed Thank you. -" - 107-g-3a Thstfea-Qci • as & , .� Yylcw61 , i dif . 117k N / / 76 as... 07-e-a5 B Cazaft._ 4.4 j:LL, P. a / isy Vhac_k, , ,U 11.95c . lo 7-Et 3`7 ichaud • 114s aucd 107-8-413. I `Tsu�,c. �<` au�-cd 107- 8, 44 . I aide& 4 R-06-ed MALL P. oLqq5 ma by { i. I )- .-<;----::::-*- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ' PI STATE OF NEW YORK ss:,;'t ` � `✓ Fars Nancy M. Mclaughlin, being duly w 4 '�-r� ��� says that she is the Legal _ t sworn, Y w t l \._,. .-_,...---\\ \. A ` 434 Advertising Coordinator, of the Traveler ' f 4,„: �,1� - Nell IceAat-4,. , \\ ,.`\ Su$ Watchman, a public newspaper printed \\, \--\\ ` ` 126, at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that f :.. `.• �-� of a the notice of which the annexed is a 1, %\ gran printed copy, has been published in said __ �"�� fron Traveler Watchman once each week µz ``z, D) essivel strict r t ;, :�xfi : ; ```� Ri for week(s) su y, ( '``.�" �`_'. `£ B commenc'ng on e day of \• � B P� 2005. "����y dF ,„..::.--;c:;?„, YA {h1: g gip"« �� p i f J ',it'il c ' ' ) t .Y B Sworn to before me this..../. ..day of \---,., - the 971-M./9-72005. Parti in fii forty � I - ---- races � t AN • Notary Public �- �� � 1 dates ,%,„ 77-------- , ,---..... ------- , .__-- Land Emily Hamill /#�� Rad \,�� said NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York fw r, ; h No.01HA5059984 �; t lOOlC Qualified in Suffolk County oc s r i ,� their Commission expires May 06,2006 '* s i `\ _ - affect *?e',• t41s be a - i-1,‘,,,, ,, belie Yc,; , shove "` ,:. ' � clout f ? �.,� t. �C� antics; -> Ise D'Strict w a i, ,,i�' At" Dui* 6�� -40) �Z? 3✓, t r � „, , ' ,Olt ' Dens, boarg, t6 PC: �� De ,;. -i o , est d ,f ,'-s �`" taken --- ----- �` } —spoke — ----- ---- -- --------- ) focus \._ town- - own - indep 1 Rid Cardi .1, lb You 709 . which;is less,t1i4ii,5,0,feet?from Aill',constittite;an increase in the LOcatiroli::—1240, Love Lane, ' ' ''thal145''*et4P-r-col:Oig.e1;40.4' :line;on thia 21;4841,sq.ft.'coiner ;line, enti';(2)C.'propoeed'fencing; . .new.Egaistruchon,will constitute /?\''):97 i iniiic,MifOridaimMA,'".ZoOtion: ,HARR:1St-07,78-.1:ft:equest1'for?f-1C.111'116-4:31.'?;`.,' • • ..1 ..1 .` ',. /i''' -10:00', a'.m, ... 'THOMAS alterations, to sfthe.:,',Ciiiting- _and.--(4)at-leis than 75.fept fnlial • : for a:‘,Triance bider Sections „i,(1-No...$0tAtitockgminitt,s71 ..‘ya/Vdrehte;'a:11.6",w7 iionebnfe.r;'_construction at”less thaM 75'feet'.'and,,IVIARYOLChlkhl-1,-' . itpk,nol,,95001alsgi,,,i-, wil4y;ry.,:and,,,alteration_sot,,W41,1k;..,,,...granterl;iatithorization-is,Eeq_uest-,:ipxopylty;;;-1,•...,/,,t9titiatl.1,,.n,, ....- . '''ANILITVW4t0=1"10'''''cRICIRlign":94P91109F.1-sP:,..-nr'''et,"adecisory,:;tii;t14.,sin"gle.tfaink,,,.;'.'d_e_sirin$,,to,-a_ub,,,,,trwittei nistatp., '4,.' k.e7°'614:16473i406alt°itb","Ile'e4rA'=Y!..466''''"13xWRI'-'119Wiv-144•4491(?-WI''''1".eac,k4lear9g:*:'•di"'-edarlPg—tee----- " - taiatt'itlikliigifar0712-7,_4110'"4;.:j*tOgieniltCsnibiilittilfaiid 3:elision Ree,FL;,CillehePe.;.qm.„,4„.,,-'; ,• ,,, vd,i,i-aaadwaid,,,., ,. .. � � � _— — -___ .. —'_ -___-_ —__ ., /�� '� ymcuo-.^'n — — -- - _ ' __ ,.arsatd—ti ,30 BARBARA A. REITER �-, ; Q� P.O. Box 1154Ir ` MATTiruck, L.I., N.Y. 11952-0921es- _ (631) 298.9543 RE,C7:1 ED SEP .b. 2005 12 SEPTEMBER 2005 C3/4-°LtLAI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ONING BOARD 05 APPEALS 54375 MAIN ROAD....P. 0. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971-0959 RE: APPLICANT: MARIA TRUPIA #107-8-33 105 BROWER ROAD MATTITUCK, NEW YORK GENTLEMEN►:I OBJECTION IS MADE TO REFERENCED APPLICATION SUBMITTED FOR A VARIANCE AND SPECIAL EX— CEPTION FOR A LEGAL TWO—FAMILY RESIDENCE ON 6/10 OF AN ACRE PARCEL WHEREIN THE TOWN ZONING REQUIREMENT IS 2 ACRES. REASONS FOR OBJECTION: (1) MARIA TRUPIA IS AN ASTUTE BUSINESS WOMAN WHO HAS SUBSTANTIAL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS IN THE VILLAGE OF SOUTHOLD AND ELSEWHERE, APPLICANT IS EXPENDING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BUILDING A FIELDSTONE PATIO AND COVERING FOUNDATION WITH FIELDSTONE. (2) THE ALTERATIONS "PROPOSED" TO REFERENCED DWELLING HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE AS IS STATED IN "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN" DOCUMENT ATTACHED TO APPLICATION. TWO—FAMILY RESIDENCES ARE GENERALLY APPROVED IN GREENPORT BECAUSE THE VILLAGE HAS A "CITY" SEWAGE SYSTEM. WE HAVE SCEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS IN THIS AREA. ALTERATION PLAN DID NOT DISCLOSE OUTSIDE ACCESS TO SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT; BELIEVE INTERIOR ACCESS MUST BE SEALED OFF. (3) THE BROWER'S WOODS ASSOCIATION CONTAINS AT LEAST 90 HOMES. TO MY KNOWLEDGE, THERE ARE NO OTHER LEGAL TWO—FAMILY RESIDENCES IN BROWER'S WOODS ALTHOUGH THERE ARE MEM— BERS OF THIS ASSOCIATION WHO ARE CARING FOR INCAPACITATED AND/OR PHYSICALLY LIMITED PARENTS OR OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS. TO GRANT A VARIANCE WOULD CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. (4) THE PATIENT (PARENT) DWELLING ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF REFERENCED HOME IS ALREADY 95 YEARS OLD. I DON'T BELIEVE THAT MEDICAID REQUIRES A VARIANCE TO VALIDATE A TWO— FAMILY RESIDENCE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE PAYMENTS TO A HEALTH—CARE GIVER. (5) IT WOULD BE LESS EXPENSIVE TO PAY FOR HOME HEALTH—CARE SERVICES THAN TO HAVE MADE ALL THE ALTERATIONS IN THE EXISTING DWELLING. (6) QUERY. WHAT IS THE ULTERIOR MOTIVE ? SINCERELY, /4/ • • 4/44 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #7002-3150-0006-4350-7074 BARBARA A. TER 4 r,Y+ y LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959, on Thursday, September 29, 2005, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 1:00 p.m. MARIA TRUPIA #5768. Requests for: (a) Special Exception under Section 100- 31 B, and (b) Lot Size Variance under Section 100-32, Bulk Schedule, for a two-family dwelling on this 28,713 sq. ft. lot. In the event a variance and special exception is not granted, authorization is requested for occupancy in a unit of the existing dwelling to care for family member(s) altered and enlarged for separate living floor area. Location of Property: 105 Brower Road, Mattituck; CTM 107-8-34. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard or desiring to submit written statements, before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review at 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue), Southold before the date of the hearing. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631,) 765-1809. Dated: September 2, 2005. BY ORDER OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RUTH D. OLIVA, CHAIRWOMAN By Linda Kowalski ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MAILING ADDRESS and PLACE OF HEARINGS: 53095 Main Road, Town Hall Building, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (631) 765-1809 Fax 765-9064 LOCATION OF ZBA OFFICE: North Fork Bank Building, 1st Floor 54375 Main Road and Youngs Avenue, Southold °' website: http://southtown.northfork.net August 31, 2005 Re: Town Code Chapter 58 — Public Notices for Thursday, September 29, 2005 Hearings Dear Sir or Madam: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your recent application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the Long Island Traveler newspaper. 1) Before September 15th: Please send the enclosed Legal Notice, with both a Cover Letter including your telephone number and a copy of your Survey or Site Plan (filed with this application) which shows the new construction area or other request, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed), vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Use the current owner name and addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office located at Southold Town Hall, or Real Property Office at the County Center, Riverhead. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that_address as well. If any letter is returned to you undeliverable, you are requested to make other attempts to obtain a mailing address or to deliver the letter to the current owner, to the best of your ability and to confirm this in either a written statement, or at the hearing, with the returned letter. AND before SEPTEMBER 15th: please either mail or deliver to our office your Affidavit of Mailing (form enclosed) with parcel numbers, names and addresses noted, and furnish it to our office with the white receipts postmarked by the Post Office. When the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us before the scheduled hearing. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing and return it when available. These will be kept in the permanent record as proof of all Notices. 2) Before SEPTEMBER 20th: Please make arrangements to place the enclosed Poster on a signboard such as cardboard, plywood or other material, posting it at your property for at least seven (7) days and kept in place till the hearing date. Securely place the sign on your property facing the street, no more than 10 feet from the front property line bordering the street. If you border more than one street or roadway, an extra sue n is available for the additional front yard. Please deliver your Affidavit of Posting at the meeting, or mail it to us by September 20th. If you are not able to meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Zoning Appeals Board and Staff Encls. NuTkiE ur LEA1NS T le following application will be heard by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold: . 'AME : TROPIA, MARIA #5768 lIAP #: 107-8-34 APPEAL: Variance & Special Exception REQUEST: Two-Family Use, Lot Size DATE : THURS . , SEPT. 29 , 1 : 00 PM If you are interested in this project, you may review the file(s) prior to the hearing during normal business days between 8 AM and 3 PM . IONING BOARD-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 765- 1809 . , ,. i._ . . . 4.-"1 iri; 7s--.JA.H-141-72 ...L1; '[.6-1- ---141,- '7-2 -- ---- , 'town oLf-SjouthOld ZOA . l'\_A i., . „ . I 1[6:-App. Name ' 0 Tax Ma 0 file'No. 1E1 'II SCIRA i- [ Board Member Vincent Orlando 0-1-UnlisteSearch : Other l' ' Hearing Time ', -- 941AM ._.„ ....__ .-Fila NUmber:T576713 - Tax Map:1107.73 :. '' _ 1- , ,tt &cry .,07.) Gbek fielezr 1 1- • , ,„ _ __ ,.• __,__,_ „___ _ , , _ „, ,„,_, ,„,,„ „._. • • 1 , 1 App.,Natne: s Trupia, Maria 1 ;1Hamlet Ftia1Type 'Residential .A. Zone FR-4o ' ! ;-- ---:-- — - i I 1,Status New - i' ACtion r"------1. H Location; 1105 Brower Road 1[1 r L . , . 2.1- 1 I Short:" Special Exception and variance for two-family (100- 11 1 1 jpesc. 31B) residence on undersized parcel (100-32) I 1 H - ,. ' 1 2 I i Notes, ' r 1 1 i 7-1,, i LI EV10/200-5 '-i[1246-P4%11 Ci!fl) '-'[NOI M:' ' , ... . 'Developed by theSouiholdtOrn Data Processing Eqa#91-.2prttll- - i L. e i w 'evlslons 06-12-96 0:1'11 la 5 SEE SEC.NO.100 06-23-96 HT So 05-29 -99 N 289,000'" n A MATCH z Z LINE 05-11-99 n 2• "8 ,y. z 07-26-99 ' 6A 23 "8 ' N: 09-10-99 x°' ,,S 0 ; 00 CI' g 0 0 LS oe-3o-od ne 24 10.1A $' 10-11-0023 1.35(01" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I I-26-00 LOA o ,0°° p a� 1.3 {' (DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS/ 12-01-00 4.•4.• h,r ,a `tO•• ¢ 10.55 01-06-01 M� ,, 09-17-01 h,�C 10-12-01 ` 2' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t: 11-01-01 t 0 ,v I I e 1 a 6- 3a, 15;SP ljl•�l-/� •' 1�`OEVElOP1AENT RIGHTS/ {+° y�' 11-07-01 i 8 12-13-0I 99-09-02 `8 02-20-03 '� ' 06-03-03 4 c 00-03-05 1 8 7 ' II-05.05 y 24.35101 11 3. / 8 $ In yy1 i ,,25 ' m ' r� p H,', 1-, ...• ° 4. 2gP 4,40 .. 111 ,sY • \• fi " y ' a 1.. _, 25p�01 ,2p n .1. n, t• Y• " 151p1c1 n1 33 +� 0 , to Y 2.45 b0.51 P'S:tA p101 1 PLS 5„01110.0 ROE l''''.1 - 12 p" V • 8 1 n` Sod Basun 1.75(01 % ,e 2\ , .1'0" % *_' 00 �`t -.1". 1 0 �ZPLc11 4' Jtaoo Ag f u., \03 J '12 s - ° \' s ,P 00Is iii 'L ' ° 13.1ible, nil 2c • �, 2.25(41 '6 '`„ g O .eon °t • e s0Y \\Plp1 s .:i \opal ,� $ g1p101 ..' 1 2�p N 1 \\ vm M116 Lcl \ . .I •0_S .\ gyp. 1‘:;,I OP TOWN C 14.1 3\6 „p ` '6 SOUTHOI Y �k p •• `oF pp °111‘.,:°- 1pa1 2 c. o w �„ \ a 8 OAIdI i a,w `'f 'F�p� 's• °5 5.91101 S * ® 5 '. 0 \ NE61 2 0 N ,c s\1� n `B , 1,1,0 1P2 ,sW1Q` 1941c1 ', 4.1 O •S 2 `o,\\.\ ,° s 5 185101 r. .F2 .a 6 \,.e 1FF 2 8 my 2.15(01 'X 3 Ll n o 2• 41. 0 or'' .T, e ` ,5% ® L5p1 ® ° O Eaa v ) - imik tae ° E ' 0 `,�ix ox. 14111W 111\'' °50249�� 5 O 4+e'O' + "� o 11.5n 9A \ 'S$`O '8l2.05+01 / . u'°i \ �`C*5„ 22 la o e 27's.11 00s \4 •s .y S�� ° s a h1AN a 7 . �, 5f -40... x ' sfy� .2 O T , W '< 1100111", \' °2''58 ®�o ,s` n 3. r FOR PCL.NO. 1.14,:.., 245 y . 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