HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA Contract THIS AGREEMENT made this ZZ~'day of ~,,,~7/ 1997, between the TO~,~ OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereina.Rer called the "TOWN" and the C.S.E.A. Inc. Local 1000 Al:SC,vIE AFL-CIO, South. oM Unit 8785, a membership corporation of the State of New York, with offic~ located at 14.3 Washin~on Avenue, Albany, New Yor~ hereinafter called "CSEA". WI-IEREAS, CSEA has heretofore been duly reco?iTed a~ the employee organization to represent all persons holding a position by appointment or employment in the Town except elected officiah of the Town, the Town Attorney, Assistant Town Attorney, Assistant Superintendent of Highways, secretary to the Town Supervisor, secretary to the Town Attorney, comptroller of the Town and uniformed police offic~'~ of the police department of the Town, herein,~er refen'ed to as "employees" for the purpose of negotiating collectively with the Town in a determination of the terms and conditions of employment and to enter into written ageements with respect thereto. SEC. t. RECOGNT'fION. 1.1 The Town does hereby reco~iTe C.S.E.A. Inc. LOC,-LL !000 A.FSCME .KFL-CIO, $outhold umt 8785 ~s the exclnsive emp{oyee organiTation to represent the employees and extend C.S.E.A. the following rigdats: a. To represent the employees ~ negotiations and in the settlement of ~_o_~<evances; b. To membe~l-dp dues deducdorg upon presentation ofdu~ deduction authorization cards si=oned by i~dividual employees; and ¢. To unchallenged representation status tmtil seven months prior to the expiration date of this a~eement, as per the Tayior Law. SEC. 2. MANAGEMENT RIGhtS 2.1 Not contrary, or inconsistent with the terms of this agreement, the Town rese~wes the r/g_ht to de,,e,,'mine the standards of service to 5e offered by its various departments; to set standards of se!<~on for empioymenu to direc: its employem; :o regulate work schedules; to take disciplinary action; to abolish positions; to mamrnin the efficiency o f gove,,-mmental operations; to ciere.,-m/ne the methods, means and :~ersomae! by which mtmicipal operations are to be conducted: to determine the content of job classifications subject to Civil Service commassion approval, to take all ac~ons nec~saz7 :o carry, out its mission m emergencies; and the reeknoio~t of performing its works. SEC. 3. AGENCY SHOP FEE 3.i The CSEA shall have the following security: a. Every. employee who is a member of the CSEA shall remain a member of the CSEA in good standing for the term of'dzis Agreement or pay to the CSEA a service fee as hereinafter set forth. b. Every employee hired dm'lng the term of this Agreement shall, no later than the fi. pst pay day at, er the date of such hiring, either:. 1. Become a member of the CSEA and remain a member in good standing for the term of this Agreement:; or 2. Pay the CSEA service fee hereinafter set forth. c. The CSEA se.vice fee re~krred to herein is a fee equal to the biweekly dues of the CSEA, to be paid to the CSF_.A bythe employees who do not became membe.~ of the CSEA. Such amount shall be deducted ~om the employee's bi-weekly pay check, or shall be paid directly to the CSEA on each bi-weekly pay day. SEC. 4. GOOD F:M-D-t AGREEN[EN'T 4.1 'Fac parties agree that they w-ill ~ach conduct grievance hearings and contract negotiations in good faith, exchange viewpoints, make propo, sals and counter-proposals, make available to each other all relevant .~:ords, dam and informauon in the possession of the other to the end that mutual understanding and a.m'eement may be reached with respec..r ro ~e rems and conditions of employment and the ~u'tmln5~-a. iotl of_grievances of the employees. SEC. 5. NEGOTIATING CO~L-'vETTE£ 5.1 The C.$.E.A. aegotiating committee shall e.,omsiil of'no more than i~1¥e employees who are negotiating on Town time. No more than five negotiation sessions will be held during the normal work day without the consent of both parties. SEC. 6. DEFEqlTIONS. For the purposes ofthi_q Agr~ent, the following definitions shall apply:. 6.1. ~'Full-rime employee" me. as those employe~ who re_.~larty work twelve month.s per year, five days per week and not less then seven hours per day. 6.2 "Part-me employee" mean~ those e~. loye~ who re~alady work less than ~ve[ve months per year, or who work tess rh,'m a. ,.~ve day week, or who ;vola, r :.ess r.b. an a seven hour day. SEC. 7. CIVIL SERVICE PROTECTION 7. l Employees appointed ~-om a valid Civil Service list shall be granted the proration afforded to them by the applicable provision of Article 5 of the Civil Service Law. 7.2 Full-time employees ha the non-competitive class who shall have rendered twelve (12) months of cominuons service shall be granted the protection of the applicable provisions of Article 5 of the Civil Semzke Law. 7.3 Employees shall have the fight to be represented by pe~ons of thief choke, including representatives of C.S~E_i., in all proceedin~ relative to grievmc~, disciplinary pmceedin~ and the terms and conditions of employment. 7.4 Notice ofatl positions of employment to be filled shall be posted on available bullet'in boards and all employees sM.il be Wen adequate oppommity to make applic~on thereo£ 7.5 Prior to creating a new position and rate, the Town shall notify, the .~ss~ciation President in writing. The Association and Town will confer within 15 days to discuss the aew rifle. If no a~reement is reached, the new position may go into effect at the expiraion of the i5 days. SEC. 8. SENIORITY 8.1 Seniority shall be determined on the basis ofcoutinuons employment Lu the se:','ke of the Town and each depa~uuent of the Town shall establish and maintain a seniority ~ of the ~il- time employe~ in such department. Unless otherwise provided by law, seniority for fulI-t;a-ne employees shall include full credit for ~,ch year of full-.'.ime employment in the se.vice of:he Town, and ~ year credit for ~acb. year of any pan-tkne services with the Town. 8.2 Unless otherwise provided by law, and subject to the provisions of Sec. 7. (I_-~Y OFFS). In cases of promotion, u-ansfer fi'om one position to a~other, filling new or vacant ~sitions, or :he assignment of employe~ to overome work on a rotating basis, the Town agjees to accomplish abe same on the basis of seniority within job classificat/ous within e-ach deparan~t, pray/deal the employee, in the opinion of the department he, d, is competent by reason of ap/lity, training, exper/ence and fitness to properly perform the duties of such position. SEC. 9. LAYOFFS 9.[ During the :erms of riffs _a~eement, the Town qhall not [ay offemp, loy~ h/md ?/or to December 3 [, I980, unless there is reasonable cause the.tarot. 9.2 In the event that it is necessary, to hy off full-time employees, the Town a~s r2har :he same will be accomplished on the basis of seniority wiu'-fin job c~assifications within ~cb. d~ar~ent (i.e. employees, with ~e least seniority will be fl_~ laid offi. 9._3 When it is necessary to employ additional emptoye~, such positions shall be offered first to ~brmer qualified employees of the department in question, who have been laid off as provided in the preceding section. Not/ce of such employment shall be sent to each such employee by registered mail directed to the employee's last known address advising of same. 9.4 In the event of lay offs the Town shall make evea~ reasonable effort to notify in writing both the CSEA Unit President md the employee effected at le~t forty five (45) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff. SEC. 10. LEGAL SERVICES 10. I The Town shall provide.legal servic~ to au employee against whom au action or proceeding bas been commenced inVOlVing ally matter occurring wirh{n the scope of emplo.vment as an officer or employee of the Town. SEC. I 1. ~N'JLrR.~S SUSTAANED EN' TI--IE COURSE OF ENfPLOY'M]E:xFI' 1 !.1 Employees who sustain physical injuries in the course of their empioyraent with the Town may, in the discretion of the Towu Boar~ continue to r~eive ~11 salary during the period of LncapaciW or until eti~bie tbr a disabilky pension, or deaub, whichever shall first occur. If au employee receives salary, during such period of incapacity, any ~ums received by such employees under the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Law for lost earnings as a resuk of suck injury shall be paid by such employe-~ to the Towm Any absence of an employee by reason of such injuries shall not be deducted fi:om any sick leave to which suck employee may be entitled. SEC. 12. PERSON~'EL KECORDS t2.1 Any employee,, not more than trace yearly, shall be endded to examine their official personnel file upon making request therefor to the person ~ving custody of said records. i2.2 Upon reque,:, any employee shall be furnished with a copy ofauy matcfi~ in their personnel file. i2.3 Only one employee personnel file shall be rna/nta~ed which shall contain all material with respect to such employs. 12.4 No mater/~ derogatory to any employee, his or her conduct., character or servme shall be placed in the~ personnel file unless he or she bas be'an ~ven the opportunity to ex,umine the same and affix their signature thereon, which si_maamre shall not be de~med to indicate that the employee in any way coments co or a,._,~:~ with the contents thereof. The empioyee may place in such personnel file a ,mitten answer ro any derogatory mater/al in said tiles. SEC. 13. L,~FOP~MS 13. i Uniforms supplied to Public Safety Dispamhers will be cleaned at Town Expense, by the Town selected cleaning serv/ce. SEC. 14. VACATIONS 14.1 Effective Ianuary I, 1997 all full-t/me employees h/red prior to October 15, 1996 shall be entitled to vacation time in accordance with the following schedule: Lenb~h of Service After 6 months Start of 2nd year through the 3rd year Start of 4th year thro _ugh the 6th year Start of 7th year thro _ugh the 9th year Start of 10th year ~2a'ough the 1 lth year Start of 12th year tlx,-oug2h the 14th year Start of 15th year throug_b, the 19th year Start of 20th year 'd~'ough the 22nd year Start of 23rd year and thereafter Vacation Credit 5days 10 days 12 days 15 days I$ days 20 days ~ days ~5 days 30 days 14.2 Employees hired after October 15, I996 will r~eive the vacation entitlements sp~/fied above, except that, for the "ARer 6 months" category they shall only receive 3 days vacation. 14.3 Advanced payment for earned vacation shall be paid to such employee pr/or to commencement of such vacation provided that the employees gves written notice of the time of the commencement thereof to the Supervisor at least three (3) weeks pr/or thereto. 14.4 Itte head of each deparunent shall approve the vacation schedules for the employees in the respective departments. i4.5 Not more then twelve (12) days of unused vacation time may be caned over into the succeeding year. 14.6 subject to the prior ~proval of the Department Head, vacanon may be taken tn mczemenm of one (1) day at a time, so long as it does not interfere with ~e day to day operation to the Town. SEC. 15. YC,-RY DU-Df 15. i Employe~ who are .mqu. ired to serve on jut/duty, shall :eceive ~11 salary dnring the period of such service, subj~t m rhe~ pa.vmenr ro the Towu of all amounm receiv~ tbr such duE/, exclusive of expenses of travel and meals, and shall receive full excusal for the day of such jury duty, regardless of shif~ SEC. 16. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 16.1 Full-time employe~ shall be entitled to three (3) days leave off absence with pay for the purpose of arranging and attending the funeral of the spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, parent- mm-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law of such employee. A full-time employee shall be .~anted one working day with pay to attend the funeral on the employ~'s wofldng day of the employee's .m'andparents, brothers-in-law, sksrers-in-law, half-brothers or half-s~ers, or other relatives Living in the household of the employee unless additional time ks author/zed by the Supervisor. The leave of absence for funeral purposes qhall be in addition to any other leave of absence to which such employee is entitled under any other pmvksion of this agre~ment. SEC. I7. U~'NAUTHORIZED ABSENCE 17.1 .~m employee who shall be absent w/thom authorization therefor, which no satisfactory. explanation is ~ven, shall not be compensamd for such period of absence, and if such absence shall continue for ten (10) continuous working days, such unauthor~,ved absence shall be deemed to constitute just cause for dismissal in accordance with applicable roles of the Suffolk Coun~ Civil Se~ice Kales and Kegulations. SEC. 18. LEAVE OF ABSENCE 18. i Upon request, full-t/me empioyees may be granted a leave of absence not exc~ding two (2) years without pay by reason of p~_mmncy of the employee. Such ~.~mployee, upon ~e expiration of such period of Ieeve of absence, shall be restored to same or comparable position of employment, if the same is avail~le. Part-me employees may be _m'amed a leave of a0sence without pay for reasons ofpre~ancy at the discretion of the Town Board. 18.2 Upon request, full-time employe~ may be granted a leave ~ ,f ::,?~, :~,, ..,itl ,, ,~,~,, ,z. exceeding one (It year for reasons ofheelth of him or herself or the~ immec[iate ~armly, provided, however, that the necessity therefor is certified in writing to the Tow}~ l;o.n d I-,~ .~ physician. SEC. 19. SICK LEAVE 19. i Upon completion of one year of service, full-dine employe~ shall be entitled to fifteen (I 5) days sick leave with pay. Fall-me employe~ with less man one year of service shall be enmied to one (it day of sick leave with pay for ~ach month of service. ?-~-t-dme employees w~o work at least five days in each week shall be entitled to one (it day sick leave '~ith pay for each month after the first month of work. 6 I9.2 Full-time employees hired after October 15, 1996 shall be entitled to tweIve (12) days sick leave during their first year of employment, thirteen (13) days during their second year of employment, fourteen (14) days during their third year of employment and fifteen (15) days sick leave thereafter. 19.3 Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to ama, dmum of 280 days. 19.4 An employee who shall become sick while on vacation may have such period of illness charged against any unused sick leave, provided that a physician c~-~/d~es to such illness and the duration thereof in writing and the vacation period of such employee shall be extended accordingly. 19.5 An employee who becomes sick wh/le at work, who is required to leave work will be charge for one half day of sick [cave if ha worked ar least 50% of the normal work day, otherxvise he will be charged for a full day of sick leave. 19.6 Employees who are required to attend a doctors appointment during normal working hours, and cannot reschedule said appointment after work/ag hours, shall have said sick leave t/me deducted in the same manner as in Sec, zion 19.5. 19.7 A department head may request a written physician's ce~ficate in all cases where an employee is absent by reason of illness for more than three consecul:ive work days. 19.8 Upon retkement, a full-time -'employee shall be entitled to payment for the first '40 days of accumulated unused sick leave. For days ~cumulated over 40, additional payment wilI be made at the rate of one day for each 3 accumulated over'f0. In no event shall the grand total payment exceed 120 days. SEC. 20. HOLIDAYS 20.1 Full-time employees shal! be eatided to the following holidays offwith pay, to wit: the first day of January, lmown as New Year's Day the rlm-d Monday of January, knovra as Martin Lather King Day the twelfth day of February, known as Lincoln's Bit,day the third Monday in Febnmry, known as ('President's Day) Wa.qh/n~on'~ Birthday the last Monday i~ May, known as Memorial Day the fourth day of July, known as Independence Day the tLrst Monday ;.n Septem'oer, known as Labor Day the second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day the Tuesday next succe~-~.ng the 5m Monday in November, ~nown as Election Day the eleventh day of November, known as Veteran's Day the fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgving Day the twenty-fifth day of December, known as Christmas Day the eve of Thank~g/ving Day, ½ day the eve of Christmas Day, ½ day the eve of New Year's Day, ½ day 20.2 Where a federally observed holiday diff-~ f~m the foregoing list of holidays, the federal holiday will be observed in.stead of the day listed in the foregoing. 20.2a Holidays for Public Safety Dispatchem and Bay Constables shall be observed on the day of the actual holiday. _0..~ In the event that any of the above specified holidays occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Fr/day shall be observed as a holiday, and if any of the above specified holidays acorns on a Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as a holiday. 20.4 In the event, however, that ir may be deemed n~essary by the head of a department that certain employees are required to be on duty on such days, such employees so requested to work on the above named holidays agree to do so and shall be compensated therefor in accordance with Section 29.2 hereof. SEC. 21. PERSONAL LEAVE 21.1 Full-t/me employees shall be entitled to four (4) days personal leave of absence with pay in each calendar year for persona/business reasons (personal leave days), and effecsve October 15, 1996 new employe~ shall r~eive (t) day ofpe,~onal leave of absence per quarter during the first calendar year of their employment, provided that the time for talcing such leave be subjmt to pr/or approval by the department head. SEC. 22. CO~v~ENSATORY T~IE 22. I Whenever, under any provision liereofi an employ~ is entitled to compensato~ time off. the same shall be taken at such time and for such duration as shall be mutually _a_.~ed to by the employee and the department head of the department m which he is employed. 22.2 Ail Town employe~ asked to report or remain on dray during ~ weather emergency when normal Town services are suspended will r~c~ve compensatory time at the strai~t time rote for all hours ac~,ally worked during r.b. ek normal shift.. 22.3 Stralo~ht-dme compensatory time will be granted :o ?',zbl. ic Safew Dispatch. ets and Bay Constables who actually work on Easter Sunday. SEC. 23. I-IEALTH hNSD-R~aNCE ~ND HOSPITALIZATION 23.1 Effective October 15, 1996, there shall be a six (6) mouth waiting eligibility period for inclusion into the Town of Southold Employe~ Health Benefit Plan fi'om the employes date of hire. 23.2 The Towa shall continue to pay its 100% premium conm'bution towards the cost of medical and hospitn!~',ntlon benefits in acco~ia"ce with the teams and conditions as set forth in the Town of Sour. hold Employees Health Benefit Plan "Deacription Booklet" dated :May 1989, except as to the identity of the ad/mnlS~or, md, except tt~ effective october 15, 1996 those enrolled in the plan are required to pay a five dollar (55.00) co-payment for ea"h and every office visit to a participating provider and for each and every visit to a lab or clinic for all diagnostic testing. Additionally, effective October 15, 1996, there shall be a five dollar ($5.00) co-payment for every, non-generic drug prescription and a four dollar (54.00) co-payment for every, generic drug prescription so received up to a maximum of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($17~ per year at which rime co-payment will revert to two doilars ($2.00) for every non-generic drug prescription and a one dollar ($1.00) co-payment for every, generic drug prescription ~5,lleck 23.3 The hospitalization program may be subj,: to _m'ieva"c= only with .~-esp. eot to the applicarion of the terms of the hospitalization program to individtml claim and not with respect to the terms of the plan itself. SEC. 2'4-. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FU~'D 24.1 The benefits provided by the I994-1995 %~'eement shall be continued. (The C.S.E.A. Employee Benefit Fund Package 7 Pla-) 24.2 Tae Town will ma~e payments to the CS=~A Employ~ Benefit Fund for the benefit of ~ll- time employe~. Such payments shall be made m advance on a bimonthly basis. The amount of each payment shall be based on the number of zhll-time employees shown on the las~ payroll prec~'~ding such payment. Aa adjustment shall be made ax the end of each b/monthly pe~od in increase payments (on a daffy basis) for employeea added to the payroll dm-rog the two month period subsequent to the payment date to d~e payments (on a dai~y basis) for employees who lave been removed ~-om the payroll during the two month period subsequent to the payment date. 24.3 The Town will make payments to the fund La the amount of whatever charge is made against each employ~ by the tired. Eff-'e~ve ~'a"uary I, 1996 the Town ~ha!! continue :o pay seventy, (70) pement of any increase~ 'in the cost of the land 4m-rog ~e term of this agre,'~ment. Tae difference between this amount and :he cosz of the fund ~hall be deduc:~ for the employee's pay ch~ic 24.4 CSEA represents that the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund is a legally constituted enti~; that such entity may legally receive funds paid to it by the Town for the benefit of the employees of the Town; and that the employees of the Town are eligible to participate in the benefits provided by such entity.. CSEA also represents that it will obtain and provide to the Town such assurance from the Trustees of said Benefit Fund as will satisfy the representations set forth in the preceding paragraph hereofi 24.5 It is under~tood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the Town as~.anes no liability or responsibility for the disposition of the funds paid by it to the CSEA Benefit Fund after the same are paid to such fund pursuant to the provisions of thi~ Section. Nor does the Town assume any liability or re~ponsfoility whatsoever for the acts or om/~ionq of the CSEA Benefit Fund in the administration ofit~ affairs, againq all of tach the CSEA doe~.hereby hold the Town harmless, SEC. 25. KETIX~'v[ENT BENEFITS 25.i Subject to .:he applicable provisions of law the Town shall pm,fide to Tier I and 2 employees a noncontributory. "Improved Career Retirement Pl~u" in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 75-I of the Retirement and Social Security Law and to pay the entire cost thereof to the New York Stare Employ~'s Retirement System. 25.2 Subject to the applicable provisions of the law the Town shall provide to Tier 3 and Tier 4 employees a retirement plan in accordance with the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law. 25.3 Unused sick leave will be applied as additional serv/ce credk upon retirement of an employee in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 41J of the Ke~ement and Social Secu_dry Law. SEC. 26. DUES 26.1 Dues deduction shall be made ~miformty and consistently by the Town ou each payroll period and promptly paid over to the Trmmrer of 26.2 The Town shall continue to make deductions from the salary of each ~mployee who has authorized the same in writing until author/zed in writing by such employ~ to discontinue, change, or amend such deductions. 26.3 :-kay employee authorization to discontinue dues deduction~ shall be in duplicate signed by suctx employee and submitted to the Supervisor, who shall pmmpdy mail one copy thereof to the Treasurer of C.S.E.A. t0 26.4 The Town shall assume no [iabili~ or respormibiliry for the disposition of dues deductiorm aRer the same are paid over to the Treasurer of C.S.E.A. SEC. 27. SAL,~ZES 27.1 Effective January l, 1996, and for the life of the conu-act, all entry level salaries for each job title listed as part of the employee salary structure will be fi:ozen at the December 31, 1995 entry, level rate of pay. 27.2 Effective July 1, 1996, all full-time employees shall receive the base salary or wages received by them on June 30, 1996, increased, however, by four (4) percent. 27.3 Effective January 1, 1996, eli~ble employe~ with at le~ twelve monttm of continuous service fi:om the last date of hire will move on step and will receive increments due under the 1996 schedule. 27.4 Effective January. 1, I997, al/full-time employees shall receive the base rate of pay received by them on December 3 I, 1996, increased, however, by two (2) pement. 27.5 Effective January i, 1997, eti~ble employees with at least six (6) montks ofcominuous service from .'.he last date of hire will move on step and will receive incr,oments due under the 1997 schedule. 27.6 Effective July i, 1997, all full-time employees shall receive the base salary or wages receivect by ',hem on June 30, I997, increased, however, by three (3) pement. 27.7 Effective January. 1, 1998, eiig'/ble employees with at leaxt six (6) months of continuous service fi:om the last dare of hire will move a step and Mil receive increments due under the 1998 schedule. 27.8 Effective January. l, [998, ail full-time employee~ shall receive the base salary, or wages received by them on December 3 I, 1997, increased, however, by fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400.) 27.9 gm employee who is promoted shall be placed ou the ~ep in the aew position which '~11 enable said employee to b_ave an increase equal to at least five (5) pem~t of the employees ,--ate before promotion. In no event shall any increase exceed Step 5 of the new position. 27.10 Tae Town shall prepare a salary, schedule of employees as provided herein zed the same shall be annexed hereto. 27. i i Employees assigned to work as "Acting Foreman" for more than three (3) coasecutive days shall be paid foreman's pay. 11 SEC. 28. RECALL 28.1 Employees who are required to report to work due to fl~ods, storms or other emergency shall be deemed for all purposes to have commenced work when notified to report for work. When possible, in such events,.such employees will be given a period of 45 minutes within which to report to work. 28.2 Such employees, when required to work, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours compensation at their regular salary scale. 28.3 Except in the case of a foreman, not less then two employees shall be called out for eme~ency work. SEC. 29. OVERT~IE 29. i 5:mployees who shall be required ro wod¢ in excess of ei~t (8) hours in any one day shall be compensated therefor at the r~e of one and one-tmif (i-1/2) time the normal rote of salary or wages, or at the option of the employ~ shall be given compensatory lime offat the same rate subject to law. Tae provisions of th/s para~aph shall not, however, apply to work pertbrmed on any holiday set forth in this a~m'eement. 29.2 Full-time employees who shall be required to work (during the hours be~-,veen 7:30 AM and 4:00 P'-'vD on any holiday set tbrth in ds a~eement, shall receive compensation thereof ar the regular rote of salary or wages (in addition to receiving the rc~_ !!ar salary or wages for such holiday) and shall also be given compensatory time offwith pay, equal to the time worked on any such holiday. If any such employ~ is ~quired to work on any such holiday between 4:00 PM and 7:30 .&M he shall be compensated for hours worked at double the rate of salary or wages. 29.3 On or about the I0th of each month, the depmm.~ent head of every depaxtment of the Town shall post in a compicuotm place adtlim the department, a ~ conrain/n ~ ~-h~ ~.~me~ ~,?, ~1,~. number of hours of overtime worked by each emptoy~ of the departmea~ month. SEC. 30. LONGEVITY 30.1 Full-lime employees shall receive adai~omal compensation (applied to the straight-rime ba~e rate of pay) based upon length of ser,'ice in the Town a~ foilows: m ~:mploy~s with ar ie'~ ten years but less than tiffin (15) years ofse~ice shall receive a salary, Lucremse of 5%. 12 b. Employees with at least fift~n (l~ years hut less than twenty (20) year~ of se,--vice shall receive a salary, increase of 6%. c. Employees with twenty (20) years but less than twenty-five (25) years of service shall receive a salm'y increase of 7%. d. Employees with twenty five (25) years of service or more shall receive a salary. increase of 8°4. e. Additional compensation as provided in this section shall commence on the f~st day of the month in which an employee becomes eti~ble therefor. SEC. 3 I. SI-EFT D~ 31. i Effective January i, 1996, a shift differential of six hundred (600) dollars per year shall be granted to each Public Safety Dispatcher who works 'd~.ree shifts around the clock on a r%q~larly scheduled basis. 31.2 Effective January 1, 1997, a shift dirt%r,mtial of seven hundred (7C0) dollars per year shall be granted to each Public Safety Dispatcher who worts three si~,~ around the ciock on a regularly scheduled basis. 31.3 Effective January 1, 1998, a shift differential of eight hundred (800) dollars per ye,<.~: ;h~I be granted to each Public Safety Dispatcher who works three shifts around the clock on a reTalarly scheduled basis. 21 .~* The above shift differentials shall apply as well Lo any custoa:an workin= the ragnt shift. more than one (1) custodian rotates onto the ni~t shift the skift diff~'ential wiil be pm-rated between those employees. SEC. 32. NffLEAGE ALLOW.MN'CE 32.1 Employees who shall be required to use their private automobile ;m the p .e. formmxcs of official Town business shall be compensated theretbr at a rate to be set by the Town Board ','pon the presentation ora voucher therefor to the Town Board. SEC. 33. ELECTRICIAN'S LICENSE 33.1 Employe~s t~iuired to have a Suffolk County. m ·; ,- - .... · ..ectmc.an ~ ~_;cense tot employment the Town shall Imve the f~ paid by ,,he Town up. to $100 per year. 13 SEC. 34. HOURS OF WORK (The normal work week of ail full-time employees shall be as follows:) 34.1 Clerical employees shall work seven (7) hours per day with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of thirty-five (35) hours per week. The Town has the option to re=malady schedule clerical employees between 8:00 :&M and 4:00 PM on any day Monday to Friday but without an increase in weekly hours. Employee qualifications, being equal, the choice of hours slmll be ~ven on seniority basi~. Five days notice shall be ~ven for such change in the regular schedule. 34.2 Building Inspectors shall work seven hours per day (8:00gaM to 4:00 PM) with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of th/rty-five hours per week- 34.3 Hi,way Deparunent and Public Works employees shall work eight houm per day (7:00 .~M to 3:30 PM) with one-haLf hour lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of low/hours per week. 34.4 Public Safety Dispatchers shall work eight hour rotating sh/fts with one-haLf trout for lunch, tbr a total of thirty. -seven and one-half hours per week. 34.5 Full-time Human Resourc~ Department employees may work one of the follow/ng shifm now utilized: 5:30 .~M to [:00 ?M, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, or 9:00 ,~M to 4:00 PM, baseci upon the needs of thax depmuuent. 34.6 Employees assi~ed to work the Collection Center shall work ten hours per day (6:45 AM to 5:15 PM, four days per week (with one~half hour for lunch), for a total of forty, hours per week. Collection c~ter employees h/red after July 1, 1996 may be scheduled to work a five (5) day workweek at the discretion of Supervision. Any employee required to eat lunch on the sire shall be gven a paid lunch period. 34.7 Bay Con..qablm and Maintenance employees in Building and Grounds shall work eight hours per day with one-hal/hour for lunch, for a total of forty hours per 34.8 Part. time employe~ shall be required to work at such times artd on such schedules as kheir se,'wices may be required by the head of the department in which employed, provided that such schedules shall conform to the rules of the Suffolk County Civil S~wice Commission, and do not infi-inge upon the work schedules of the full-fi.me employees. 34.9 The Collection Center shall be closed to the public on New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Tnanks~ving Day and Chr/srm~ Day and the employe~ assigned to work at smd disposal area shall nor be requ. ired ro work on said days. However, the Town may close the areas on other SEC. 35. GRIEV.~N'CE PR. OCEDL~E 35.1 "GEVANCE' means any dispute between the employee and the Town with respect only to the meaning or interpretation of a specific provision of this agreement. It shall not include disciplinary proceedin~ or any other matters wkich are reviewable under aclmlni~t~ml:ive procedures established by law or the rules of the Suffolk County Civil Service Commission. 35.2 All grievances of employees havolvi~g the interpretation ofthi~ Agreement shal! be resolved in accordance with the following proc~ure: Step 1. Within ten days agrer an employ~ knows or should have knowu of an occurrence which allegedly violates the contract with respect to tha~ employee, the employee may submit a ~-ievaxlce in writ~lg to their !mmediate supe'rv~sor. The immediate supervisor shal! issue a written reply to said grievance within ten days of its receipt. Step 2. [fthe employee is not satisfied with said reply, within ten days of receipt of the reply, the employee may appeal the decision to a Grievance Board made up of the Towu Attorney, the Town Clerk, and the CSEA Unit President or h/s/her desi~azed respresentarive. Tae Gr/evance Board shall consider such grievance within ,'wenty (20) wor~,' g days after receipt o f said gr/evance and s ha![ issue a written reply wirkin ten (10) working days after said meeting. Step 3. lithe employee is not satisfied with the Step 2 answer, the employ~ may request in writing to the Towu Clerk, a hearing within thirty (30) working days before az [udependent advisory, arbitrator chosen in alphabe6cal order fi-om a mutually ~ ~on ~ of five (5) arbitrators, whose advisory, recommendations(s) shall be forwarded to the Town Board and CSEA Unit President within twenty (20) working days following the Step 3 heating. The cost for said arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. Step 4. The Town Board shall consider the said recommenclat/on(s) of the advisory arbitrator at the next scheduled Board meeting and shall make a fi. ua[ and binding decision within thirty (30) days following said meeting and communicate said decision in writing to the CSEA Unit President. SEC. 36. CSEA RIGHTS 36.1 There shall be a Labor/Management Committee composed ofs£x (6) members, rtzr~ of whom shall be selected by the C.S~E_4.., the Superintendent of Hi,ways, and two (2) non- bargaining unit Town employees set~:~ by the Town Board. Such Commirt~ wqi meet upon the written request of eith~ party tbr :he pm'po, se of discussing working cond/dons md such ocher matters as affect the Towu and its employees. The Committee, ~ m~t wirh/n twenty (20) days of receipt of a written request by either parry...-~uy decision made by this committee shall not be binding upon either parry until ratified or ~?mved by the CSF_.A Unit and the Town Board. This committee will be established as of January [st of each year and ~..ch party will not be binding upon either par:y until ratified or approved by the CSEA Unit and the Town Board. This committee will be established as of January 1st of each year and each parry will si~bmir names of its members to the other party,. 36.2 It is contemplated by the parties hereto that, notwithstauding the starting wages set forth in Salary Schedules hereof, it may be nec~mr7 from time to t/me, to employ pemons ar a starting wage above the amount set forth in such Schedules. In such event, it is _agreed by the parties hereto that a Committee to consist of five members shall be established to authorize such employment. Such committee shall consist of the department head of the department in wh/ch such person is to be emptoyed; two members to be selected by CSEA; and two members to be selected by the Town Board. 36.3 The Town ~ ro proVide a bulletin board at a conveniem location for the posting of notices relative to the business and a_flairs of CSE~. 36.4 The officem and members of CSEA shall have the right to use Town building, when available, tbr m~tm~ of its members and committees, provided that such use does not interfere with the use thereof by the Town for ~gular Town business. 36.5 Officers of the CSF_-k shall, when possible, be given ?r/oriry. over other employees in the scheduling of vacation time. 36.60fficem and authorized representatives of C.S.E.A. shall be Chi/tied to a leave of absence with pay to attend C.S.E_~. conferences and author/zed m~tm~ provided that ao more than two emptoyees of the Town, nor more than one emp. ioyee from euc,h deparunent of the Town shall be absent at the same time, and .~-ther proVided, mat the total number of days of absence of all employees for such purposes shall ao[ exc~'~x~ thirteen (I_3) days in any caiendar 5'ear. 36.7 Employees who shall be assigned to the duties of resolving employee disputes and grievances arising during the work day shall be authorized time offwith pay not to exceed one- half hour with respect to each such incident.. SEC. 37. ,~X,I~'DMENTS 37.1 .-kay chareS, es or amendments to thi~ agreement shall not b~ome effective unless the same are in writing signed by the parties here-~o. SEC. 38. NO STRIXE ?~.EDC-E 38.1 'Cae CSEA does hereby al~irm that it does not assert the right to strike _against any goverzanent nor to assi~ or participate in tach su-i.ke, or to impose any obligation to conduct, assist or particip, ate in stroh a strike. SEC. 39. LEGISLATIVE APPROV,~L 39.1 It is agreed by and between the parties that any provisions of this agreement requiring le~slative action to permit its implementation by amendment of law or providing the additional fund therefor, shall not become effective until the appropriate legislative body Ms ~ven approval. 39.2 It is agreed by and between the parties that any provision or'his ag'cement requiring approval by federal authorities shall not become effective urail such approval h~u been granted. SEC. 40. TERM~'A~ONB~F~S 40.1 In the event that the'employment of any employ~ is ~{nated by reason ofretireme~ resignation or other cause, all benefits prov/ded herein shall be prorated up. to the date of tach termination. 40.2 in the event of death all time and leave accrued by employees shall be paid to the legal estate, [e~s any time owed to the Town, as ffsaid employee would have received such remuneration upon retirement, resi~ation or other cause, all benefits he:~,in shall be prorated up to the date of death. SEC. 41. WAiVER-ZiPPER 4I. i Tae town and the CSE& for the life of this A__~eement each voluntarily and unquali~Sedly agree that the other shall not be obligated to negotiate collectively with r~spect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement. It is bereby agreed that salaries and benefits already agreed upon cannot be modified or amended except by mutual a=._omement. This shall not be construed to apply to negotiations for future coll~svely negotiated a_m-eements between r~he parties. SEC. 42. SEVERABILiTY 42.1 N'otwithxtanding anything to the contrary, contained here.n, if one or more of the provisions of this contract are fotmd to be illegal, all other ~owisions are :o remain ;.n fi.ill force and effect. SEC. 43. PUBLIC SAFETY DISPA!CI-I~RS 43.1 Tae relief Dispatcher is to be the least senior ,5~ll-fime d/spatcher, unless a more senior Dispatcher volunt~rs for said relief assignment. 43.2 Public Safety Dispatche~ shall not be ,~ to perform ma_n'on duties. I7 SEC. '44. PAYROLL CHECKS 44.1 P~yroll checks are to be delivered to employees in sealed envelopes. SEC. 45. EMPLOYEE TRA2NING 45.1 Insofar as practicable, employee seniority shall be considered by supervision wh{m Izalning oppommities become available. SEC. 46. TIMECLOCKS ~6.1 The Town shall ~mve ~e unfettered dght to install time clocks to be utilized by ail employees. 46.2 The Town and the CSEA agree that any problems which may arise pea'raining to the use of the time clock~ shall be dealt with in the Labor-Management Committee forll~l. SEC. 47. EMMLOYEE LEAVE R.EQUESTS 47.1 Employee requests to utilize leave ~ritlements shall be responded to by their immediate ~upervision within five (5) calendar da,vi, or prior to the date of the requested leave, whichever is sooner. SEC. 48. HIGHWAY DEPA_R.TN~N~I' 48.1 Except in emergency situations, employees shall be ~ven at least forty-eight (48) hours amice of the cancellation of special volunteer work assi__o, anents which would alter their existL. J:, work schedules. 48.2 The in-tov~out-of-rown smms of I-Iighway employees shall only be revealed on time-off reque~ slips betw~-a November 15 and April 15 of any gveu y~ar. '!- ~:~ -~ :,1 ~ '~., ,:: ,~, :,,, I, in no way be used as a basis for approving or denying such lime. SEC. 49. EMPLOYEE DRUG Aa'CD A. LCOHOL TESTING 49.1 Effective January l, 1996, Deparm2ent of Transpommon regular/oas with regard to drag amd alcohol testing of employees ut/li~ing municipal vehicles and ~iuipment will be knpl,memed and SEC. 50. TEi~M OF AGREEMENT 50.1 Except where otherwise provided, this a_oreement and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall become effective oa ~'anuary 1, 1996, and shall continue in full force through December 3 I, 1998. of WITNESS W'HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals th/s ZZ-Day .~.,~'~..~/ , 1997. TOWN OF SOUTItOLD' C.S.E.A. [N'C. LOCAL i00 Al:SC,ME AFL-CIO, SOLrI~OLD LrNI'r 8785 Southo[d Town Super,isor Lois A~dc/nson ?r~sident jarne~ Flenck' L~bor Relations Sp~ialist 19 Creav Labor Lender Cook Entry ~ I ~ ~ _4 5_ 13.05 14.34 14.82 15.29 1175 16.26 13.05 1434 14.82 15.29 I$.78 16.26 13.05 14.34 14.82 15.29 15.78 16.26 15.21 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.73 16.09 [7.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 17.69 16.2.5 17.85 [7.85 17.$5 17.85 17.85 13.g0 15.18 15.73 16.24 16.78 17.32 17.24 18,94 18.94 18.94 18.94 I8.94 g.$9 9.45 10.10 10.~2 11.57 ! 2.39 18,792.63 20,657.36 21,I29.16 21.60234 23.114.03 24,731.62 25,002.26 27,494.74 28,381.69 29.211,37 30,098.32 30,985.24 32,719.01 35,967.18 38,101.54 38.793.20 39,524.46 40,292.63 34.115.02 37,501,g0 38,410.83 39,289.66 40,200.38 41,077.54 36,258.98 39,1162.22 40,77[.41 41.648.99 42.559.28 43,435,78 38,307.52 42,223.95 43.133.17 44,010.73 44,920.94 45,797 53 22,65R.42 24,907.84 25,488.11 26,221.05 26,616.89 · 27, I66.98 21,128.64 23,259. t7 23,839.44 24.572.39 24,969 ~6 2.5,518.32 22,658.42 24.907.84 25,488.11 26,22t.05 26.616.89 27,166.98 23,791.34 26,153.23 26,762.5 [ 27,532.10 27.947.74 28,522.33 SALARY STRUCTURE AS OF JULY 1, 1~97 14.77 15.26 15.75 16.26 16.75 14.77 15.26 15.75 16.26 16.75 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.67 17.67 17.67 17.67 17.67 18.22 18.22 18.22 18.22 18.22 18..39 18.39 18.39 18.39 18.39 1564 16.20 16,73 17.29 17.84 18.39 18.39 18.39 18..19 18.39 21,2T'/.0~ 21,763.04 22.2.q0.41 2~.807.45 37,046.19 39,244.59 39,957.00 40.710.20 41,501.41 41,0.n8.08 41,994.56 42,898.46 43,836.36 44,738.85 43,400.67 44,427.17 45,331.05 46.2¢d1.~ 47,171.46 38.626.85 39,563.15 40.4~8.35 41,406.39 42..109.~17 SALARY STRUCTURE A,5 OF SANUAR¥ I. 1998 Tid~e Scale Opcratot CEO Mainm~ ~c ~ C~r~ C~k ~niof ~etk-Ty~ S~ior A~t ~ 13.05 16.09 13.80 13.80 17.24 17.24 17.24 8.59 18,792,63 25,002.26 27,294.40 34,115.02 38,207.$2 29,941.43 21,158.64 22,658.42 26,472.70 28,761.28 30,8TL88 33,184.88 15.4407 15,9323 {6.4238 16,9271 17.4187 15.4407 {5.9323 16.4238 16.9271 17.4187 15.4407 15.9323 16.4238 16.9271 17.4187 17.8986 17.8986 17.8986 17.8986 17.8986 18.3433 18.3432 18.2433 18.3433 18.3433 18.8934 18.8934 18.8934 i8.8934 18.8934 16.3068 16.868~ 17.3952 {7,957! 18.5072 19.0573 19.0573 19,0573 19.0573 19.0573 16.3068 16.8686 t7.3953 17.9571 18.5072 19.0:573 ' 19.0573 19.0573 19.0573 19.0573 20. I809 20. ! 809 20.1809 20.1809 20.1809 20.1)109 20.1~09 20.1809 20.1809 20,1809 20. [P,09 20.1809 20.1809 20.11109 20.1809 10.4079 l 1.0750 l l.g 124 12.5849 13.4276 22,677.08 2.1,163.04 23,6~0.41 - 2~,207.45 26,873.57 29,719.58 30,633.14 31,48'7.71 32,401.27 33,3 [4.79 32,326.28 34,464.10 35,200.82 35,996.47 36,733.20 38,446.19 40,644.59 41,257.00 42,] 10.20 42,901.4l SAL?,RY S .TRUCTURE Ag OF {ANUARy 1. 1996 Cook Data proce~ial Equipment Openltor 13.05 13.52 13.97 14.42 14.~.~ 15.33 13.05 1332 13.97 14.42 14.~ 15.33 13.05 13.52 13.97 14..42 14.88 15.33 15.21 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.77 15.60 16.18 16.18 16.18 16.18 I6.1R 16.09 16.65 16.65 16.68 16.65 16.68 13,80 14.31 14.83 15.31 15.$2 16.33 16,25 16.83 16.83 16.83 16.83 16.83 13.gO 14.31 14.83 15.31 15.82 16.33 16.25 16.113 16.113 16.83 ' 16.83 16,83 17.24 17.~6 17.~6 17.86 17.86 17.86 17.24 17.86 17.~6 17.86 17.86 17.g6 17.24 17.~6 17.~6 17.~6 17.86 17.86 8.59 &91 9.52 10.20 10.90 I 1.68 18,792.63 19.473.38 19,9111.14 20,364.20 21,7R9.25 23.314.12 SALARY S'I'RUL-'Iq./RE AS OF JULY I. 199d F. xemp~ ,Sec'm'etnt7 (Io ZB^) 21,50"/.00 { 640 16.40 i6.40 16.40 16.40 {6.82 16.82 16.82 16.$2 16.82 14.88 15.42 15.92 16.45 16.98 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 14.R8 15.42 15.92 16.45 16.98 17.50 17.50 17.50 {7.50 17.50 9.27 9.90 10.61 { i.34 12.14 20,2~2.31 20,714.~6 21,178.77' 22,660.82 24,246.69