HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA Contractq~.CEIVED 1 .I 1979 THIS AGREEMENT made this // day of "'g//'/ ~/ , 1979, between the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York [ having its principal office at 50395 Main Street, South'old, Suffolk County, New York, [ hereinafter called the "Town" and THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOyEEs ASSOCIATION, INC., SUFFOLK CHAPTER, SOUTHOLD TOWN UNIT, a membership corporation of the State of New York, having its office and principal place of business at 350 .Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called "CSEA", WHEREAS, CSEA has heretofore been duly recognized as the employee organization to represent all persons holding a position by appointment or employ- ment in the Town except uniformed members of the police department of the Town, hereinafter refe.rred to as "employees" for the purpose of negotiating collectively with the Town in the determination of the terms and conditions of employment and to enter into written agreements with respect thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I RECOGNITION Section 1. The Town does hereby recognize CSEA as the exclusive employee organization to represent the employees and extends to CSEA the following rights: To represent the employees in negotiations and in the settle- (a) ment of grievances; (b) To membership dues deduction, upon presentation of dues deduction authorization cards signed by individual empIoyees; and · (c) To unchallenged representation status until seven months prior to the expiration date of this agreement. Section 2. Seven months prior to the termination of this agreement, the Town shall determine the employees choice of the employee organization to there- after represent them on the basis of dues deduction authorization and other evidence, or, if necessary by conducting an election in accordance with Article 14 of the Civil Service Law and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. Section 3. The parties agree that they will each conduct negotiations in good faith, exchange viewpoints, make proposals and counter-proposals, make available to each other all relevant records, data and information in the possession of the other to the end that mutual understanding and agreement may be reached with respect to the terms and conditions of employment and the administration of grievances of the employees. ARTICLE II PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. Employees appointed from a valid Civil Service list shall be granted the protection afforded to them by the applicable provisions of Article 5 of the Civil Service Law. Section 2. The term "full-time employee", when used herein shall mean those employees of the Town of Southold who regularly work twelve months per year, five days per week and not less than six hours per day. Section 3. The term "part-time employee", when used herein shall mean those employees .of the Town of Southol~i who regularly work less than twelve months per )'ear, or who work less than a five da)- ,.veek, or who work less than a six hour day. Section 4. Full-time employees in the non-competitive class xvho shall have rendered twelve (12) months of continuous service to the Town shall be granted the protection of the applicable provisions of Article 5 of the Civil Service Law. Section 5. Employees shall have the right to be represented by persons of their choice, including representatives of CSEA, in all proceedings relative to grievances, disciplinary proceedings and the terms and conditions of employment. Section 6. Seniority shall be determined on the basis of continuous full- time employment in the service of the Town and Each department of the Town shall establish and maintain a seniority list of the full-time employees in such department. Section 7. During the term of this agreement, the Town shall not lay-off employees hired prior to December 31, 1978 unless there is reasonable cause there- for. Section 8. In the event that it is necessary to lay-off full-time employees, the Town agrees that the same will be accomplished on the basis of seniority within job classifications within each department (i. e. employees with the least seniority will be the first laid off). Section 9. When it is necessary to employ additional employees, such positions shall be offered first to former qualified employees of the department in question, who have been laid-off as provided in the preceding section. Notice of such employment shall be sent to each such employee by registered mail directed to his last known address advising him of such position. Such employee shall accept or reject such offer within five (5~ days of the receipt of the notice and shall be gi~'en at least five (5/ days from the receipt of such notice to report for work. Section 10. Unless otherwise provided by law, and subject to the provisions of Sections 8 and 9 of this Article, in cases of promotion, transfer from one position to another, filling new or vacant positions, or the assignment of empl.)yees to overtime work on a rotating basis, the Town agrees to accomplish the same on the basis of seniority within job classifications within each department, provided that the employee, in the opinion of the department head, is competent by reason of ability, training, experience and fitness to properly perform the duties of such position. On or about the 10th day of each month, the department head of every department of the Town shall post in a conspicuous place within the department, a list containing the names and the number of h~urs of overtime worked by each employee of the department during the preceding month. Section 11. The Town shall provide legal services to an employee against whom an action or proceeding has been commenced involving any matter occuring xvithin the scope of his employment as an officer or employee of the Town of Southold. Section 12. Employees ~vho sustain physical injuries in the co~.r'se of their employment with the Town, may, in the discretion of the department head, continue to receive full salary during the period of incapacity or until eligible for a disability pension, or death, whichever shall first occur. If an employee receives his salary during such period of incapacity, any sums received b3' such employee under the provisions of the \~ orkmen's Compensation Law for lost earnings as a result of such injury shall be paid by such emplos-ee to the Town. An3- absence of an employee by reason of suchinjm'ies shall not be deducted from any sick leave to which such employee may be entitled. Section 13. Personnel Records (a) Any employee shall be entitled to examine his official personnel file upon making request therefor to the person having custody of said records. (b) Upon request, any employee shall be furnished with a copy of any material in his personnel file. (c) Only one employee personnel file shall be maintained which shall contain all material with respect to such employee. (d) No material derogatory to an employee, his conduct, character or service shall be placed in his personnel file unless he has been given the opportunity to examine the same and affix his signature thereon, which signature shall indicate that the employee has examined the same and shall not be deemed to indicate that the employee in any way consents to or agrees with the contents thereof. The employee may place in such personnel file a written answer to any derogatory material in said file. Section 14. Notice of all positions of employmeut to be filled shall be posted on available bulletin boards and all employees shall he given adequate opportunity to make application therefor. Section 15. The Town agrees to provide suitable uniforms for School Crossing Guards. ARTICLE HI Vfi, CATIONS AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 1. All full-time employees s!;~!! be entitled to vacation time in accordance with the following schedulc: Length of Service After 6 months Start of the 2nd year through the 3rd year Start of the 4th year through the 6th year Start of the 7th year through the 9th year Start of the 10th year through the llth year Start of the 12th year through the 14th year Start of the 15th year through the 19th year Start of the 20th year and thereafter Vacation Credit 5 days I0 days 12 days 15 days 18 days 20 days 23 days 25 days (a) payment for earned vacation shall be paid to such employee prior to commencement of such vacation provided that the employee gives written notice of the time of the commencement thereof to the Supervisor at least three (3) weeks prior thereto. (b) The head of each department shall approve the vacation schedules for the employees in the respective departments. Section 2. Not more than ten (10) days of unused vacation time may be carried over into the succeeding year. Section 3. Employees who are required to serve on jury duty shall receive full salary during the period of such service, subject to their payment to the Town of all amounts received for such duty, exclusive of expenses of travel and meals. Section 4. Full-time employees shall be entitled to three (3) days leave of absence with pay for the purpose of ~:'ranging fo,' and attending the funeral of the -6- spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, parent-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in- law of such employee. Section 5. Full-time employees shall be entitled to one-half (1/2) day leave of absence with pay in order to attend the funeral of a friend or relative of such employee unless additional time is authorized by the Supervisor. The leave of absence for funeral purposes shall be in addition to any other leave of absence to which such employee is entitled under any other provision of this agreement. Section 6. An employee who shall be absent without authorization therefor, for which no satisfactory explanation is gi~en, shall not be compensated for such period of absence, and if such absence shall continue for three (3) continuous working days, such unauthorized absence shall be deemed to constitute a resignation in accordance with applicable rules of the Suffolk County Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Section 7. Officers and authorized representatives of CSEA shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay to attend CSEA conferences and authorized meetings provided that not more than two employees of the Town, nor more than one employee from each department of the Town shall be absent at the same time, and further provided that the total number of days of absence of all employees for such purpose shall not exceed ten (10) days in any calendar year. Section 8. Employees who shall be assigned to the duties of resolving employee disputes and grievances arising during the work day shall be authorized time-off with pay not to exceed one-hal£ hour' with respect to each such inci¢le~]t. -7- Section 9. Upon request, full-time employees may be granted a leave of absence not exceeding two (2) years without pay by reason of pregnancy of the employee. Such employee upon the expiration of such~ period of leave of absence shall be restored to the same or comparable position of employment, if the same is available. Part-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for reasons of pregnancy at the discretion of the Town Board. Section 10. Upon request, full-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay not exceeding one (1) year for reasons of health of himself or his immediate family, provided hoxvever, that the necessity therefor is certified in ~vriting to the Town Board by a physician. Section 11. Upon completion of one year of service, full-time employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay. Full-time employees with less than one year of service shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave with pay for each month of service. Part-time employees who work at least five days in each week shall be entitled to one (1) day sick leave with pay for each month after the first month of work. Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 165 days. An employee who shall become sick while on vacation may have such period of illness charged against any unused sick leave, provided that a physician certifies to such illness and the duration thereof in writing and the vacation period of such employee shall be extended accordingly. Any employee who becomes sick while at work, who is required to lea. ye work will be charged for one-half day of sick leave if he worked at least 50~ of ~he normal work day, otherwise he will be charged for a full day of sick le?_ve. A depmrtn~cnt head n~:~y request a written -3- physician's certificate in all cases where an employee is absent by reason of illness for more than three consecutive work days, Upon the retirement of a full-time employe~, he shall be entitled to payment for his accumulated unused sick leave not exceeding, however, 30 days. Section 12. Full-time employees shall be entitled to the follox~'ing holidays off with pay, to wit: the first day of January, known as New Year's Day; the twelfth day of February, known as Lincoln's Birthday; the third Monday in February, known as ~,'ashington's Birthday; the thirtieth day of May, known as Memorial Day; the fourth day of July, known as Independence Day; the first Monday in September, known as Labor Day; the second ~R~onday in October, known as Columbus Day; the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, known as Election Day; the eleventh day of November known as Veterans's Day; the fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving day; and the twenty-fifth day of December, known as Christmas Day. In the event that any of the above specified holidays occurs on a Saturday~ the preceding Friday shall be obser~ed as a holiday, and if any of the above specified holidays occurs on a Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as a holiday. In the event, however, that it may be deemed necessary by the head of a department that certain employees are required to be on duty on such days, such employees so requested to work on any of the above named holidays agree to do so and shall be compensated therefor in accordance with Section 4 of Article VII hereof. Section 13. Full-time e~nployees shall be entitled to three (3) d~ys personal leave of absence with pay in the 1979 calendar year and four (4) days -9- personal leave of absence with pay in the 1980 calendar year for personal business reasons, (personal leave days) provided that the time for taking such leave shall be subject to prior approval by the department head. Section 14. Each full-time employee shall be entitled to one-half of a day off in 1979 and one (1) day off in 1980 on the day of his birthday, provided that the same occurs on a scheduled working day. ARTICLE IV HOSPITALIZATION Section 1. The Town agrees to make available to the employees, the Group Health and Blue Cross Health insurance plans provided by the State of New York, whichever each employee shall desire. The Town shall pay 100% of the premiums applicable to benefits afforded to both the employee and his dependents. ARTICLE V RETIREMENT, DEATH AND OTKER EMPLOYEE BElkrEFITS " Section 1. Subject to the applicable provisions of law, the Town agrees to continue to provide a 25 year non-contributary retirement plan for the benefit of the employees and to pay the entire cost Thereof. Section 2. The Town agrees to take the necessary action whereby unused sick leave will be applied as additional service credit upon retirement of an employee in accordance with and subjec: zo the provisions of Section 41J of the Retirement and Social Security Law. Section 3. The Town agree_= :o ,~ake the necessary action to provide an improved career retirement plan for :kc benefit of the employees in accordance -10 - with and subject to the provisions of Section 75-i of the Retirement and Social Security La%v. Section 4. The Town agrees to adopt the plan whereby employees are granted a minimum ordinary death benefit of three times the employees annual compensation, but limited to $20, 000.00 in accordance v~'ith and subject to the provisions of Section 60-b of the Retirement and Social Security Law. ARTICLE VI DUES DEDUCTION Section 1. Dues deduction shall be made uniformly and consistently by the To~vn on each payroll period and promptly paid over to the Treasurer of CSEA. Section 2. The Town shall continue to make dues deductions from the salary of each employee who has authorized the same in %vriting until authorized in writing by such employee to discontinue, change or amend such deductions. Section 3. Any employee authorization to discontinue dues deductions shall be 'in duplicate signed by such employee and submitted to the Supervisor, who shall promptly mail one copy thereof to the Treasurer of CSEA. Section 4. The To%vn shall assume no liability or responsibility for the disposition of dues deductions after the same are paid over to the Treasurer of CSEA ARTICLE VII SALARIES, CO~IPENSATION A~D JOB CLASSIFICATIONS Section 1. shall receive the base salary or wages ."eceivcd by them on December 31, (a) During the 1979 calendar )'ear, all full-tinge employees 1978, -11- ~ncreased, however, by the hourly wage rate of $. 40. In addition to [he foregoing hourly wage increase, For emen employed in the High~vay Department 'shall receive an additional hourly wage increase of $. 15 in calendar year 1979. (b) During the 1980 calendar year, all full-time employees shall receive the base ~alary or wages received by them on December 31, 1979, increased, however, by the hourly wage rate of $. 30. In addition to the foregoing hourly wage increase, Foremen employed in the Highway Department shall re- ceive an additional hourly wage increase of $.15 in calendar year 1980. Section 2. Employees who are required to report to work due to floods, storms or other emergency shall be deemed for all purposes to have commenced work when notified to report for work. When possible in such events, such em- ployees will be given a period of 45 minutes within which to report to work. Such employees, when required to work, shall receive a minimum of three hours com- pensation at their regular salary scale. Except in the case of a foreman, not less than two employees shall be called out for emergency work. Section 3. Employees who shall be required to work in excess of eight (8) hours in any one day shall be compensated therefor at the rate of one and one- half (1-1/2) times the normal rate of salary or wages, or at the option of the em- ployee shall be given compensatory time off at the same rate. The provisions of this paragraph shall not , however, apply to work performed on any holiday set forth in Article IIio Section 12 hereof. Section 4. Full-time employees who shall be required to work (during the hours between 7:30A.M. and 4:00 P.M.) on any holiday set forth in Ar[icle III, Section 12 hereof, shall receive compep, sation therefor at the regular rate of -12- salary or wages (in addition to receiving the regular salary or wage for such holiday) and shall also be given compensatory time off with pay, equal to the time worked on any such holiday. If any such employee is required to work on any such holiday, l%e shall receive doubt~ t.~ine pay fo~ hob;rs preceding 7:30 a.m. 'e~. f~llc~wing . 4:00 p.M~. Section 5. Full-time employees shall receive additional compensation based upon length of service in the Town as follows: (a) Employees with at least ten (10) years but less than fifteen (15) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 4%. (b) Employees with at least fifteen (15) years but less than twenty (20) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 5%. (c) Employees with more than twenty (20) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 6%. (d) Additional compensation ~s provided in this section shall comm~ nce on the first day of the month in which an employee becomes eligible therefor. Section 6. Employees who shall be required to use their private auto- mobile in the performance of official Town business shall be compensated there- for at the rate of seventeen- cen~sper mile upon the presentation of a voucher there- for to the Town Board. Section 7. The Town shall prepare a salary schedule of employees by departments as provided herein and the same shall be annexed hereto. Section 8, Whenever under an)- provision hereof, an employee is en- titled to compensatory time-off, the same shall be taken at such time and for such duration as shall be mutually agreed [o by tre employee and hhe department head of the departrre nt in which he is employed. follows: Section 1. ARTICLE VIII HOURS OF WORK The normal work week of all full-time employees shall be as (a) Clerical employees shall %york six hours per day (9:00 A. Ai. to 4:00 P.M. ) with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of thirty hours per week. (b) Building Inspectors shall work seven hours per day (8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.) with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for s total of thirty-five hours per week. (c) Highway Department and public works employees shall work eight hours per day (7:30 A.M, to 4:00 P. M. ) with one-half hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of forty hours per week. (d) Radio operators shall work eight hour rotating shifts with one-half hour for lunch, for a total of thirty-seven and one-half hours per week. (e) Employees assigned to work at the land-fill site shall work ten hours per day, four days per week, for a total of forty hours per week. Section 2. Part-time employees shall be required to work at such times and on such schedules as their services may be required by the head of the department in which employed, provided that such schedules shall conform to the rules of [}]e Suffolk County Civil Service Commission, and do not infringe upon thc work schedules of thc full~time employees. Section 3. The Town agrees that the Town Refuse Disposal Area shall be closed to the public on Easter and Christmas days and the employees assigned to work at said disposal srea shall not be required to work on said days, ARTICLE IX GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. All grievances of employees shall be settled in accordance with the existing grievance procedures established by the Town Board. ARTICLE i~ CSEA RIGHTS Section 1. The Town agrees to establish a Committee of six (6) members, three from the CSEA unit, the Superintendent of Highways, and two Town Board members. Such committee will meet upon the written request of either p~rty for the purpose of dealing with employee grievances, working conditions, snd such other matters as affect the Town and its employees. Any decisions made by this committee shall not be binding upon either party until ratified or approved by the CSEA Unit and the Town Board. This committee will be established as of January 1st of each year and each party will submit names of its members to the other party. Section 2. It is contemplated by the parties hereto that, not,.¥ithstanding the starting wages set forth in Article VII, Section 1 hereof, it may be necessary from tin~ to timc, to employ persons at a starting wage above the amount set forth in such Section. In such event, it is agreed by the parties hereto that a con~n~ittee to consist of five members shall be established to authorize such em- ploy~nent. Such committee shall consist of the department head of thc departinent ~n which such person is to be employed; :u-o members to be selected by CSEA; and txvo members to be selected by the Tox,:,-n Board. Section 3. The Town agrees to provide a bulletin board at a convenient location for the posting of notices relative to the business and affairs of CSEA. Section 4. The officers and members of CSEA shall have the right to use Town buildings, when available, for meetings of its members and cornrnittees, pro- vided that such use does not interfere with the use thereof by the Town for regular Town business. Section 5. Officers of CSEA shall, when possible, be given priority over other employees in the scheduling of vacation time. ARTICLE XI A1VHENDAIENTS Section 1. Any changes or amendments to this agreement shall not be- come effective unless the same are in writing signed by the parties hereto. ARTICLE XII I.IO STRIKE PLEDGE Section 1. The CSEA does hereby affirrrl that it does not assert the right to strike against any government nor assist or participate in any such strike, or to impose any obligation to conduct, assist or participate in such a strike. ARTICLE XIII APPROVAL Sectionl. It is agreed by and betxveen the parties that any provision of this agreement requiring legislative action to permit its implementation by amend- ment of law or providing the additional funds therefor, shall not become effective until the appropriate legislative body has given approval. Section 2. It is agreed by and between the parties that any provision of this agreement requiring approval by federal authorities ~~xt4~xx~a~c~<xmM~ ~r~L~'~~g~~l~ shall not become effective until such approval has been granted. ARTICLE XIV APPORTIONMENT OF BENEFITS In the event that the employment of any employee is terminated by reason of retirement, resignation or other cause, all benefits provided herein shall be pro- rated up to the date of such termination. ARTICLE XV V.:E LFARE FUND Section 1. In the calendar year 1980, the Town will make pay .ments to the Suffolk County CSEA V,'elfare Fund for the benefit of full-time employees in the amoun: of $250.00 for each full-time employee of the Town. Such payments shall be made in advance on a bi-monthly basis. The amount of each such payment shall be based on the number of full-time employees shown on the last payroll preceding such payment. An adjustment shall be made at the end of each bi-monthly period in increase pay- ments (on a daily basis) for employees added to the payroll during the two month !period subsequent to the payment date and to decrease payments (on a daily basis) fo_,' employees who have been removed from the payroll during the two month period subsequent to the payment date. Section 2. CSEA represents that the Saffolk Cc~n~y CSEA \¥c]fare Fund its a legally constituted entity; that such e:~ity may legally rcccive funds paid to it by the Town for the benefit of the employees of the To~vn; and that the employees of the Town are eligible to participate in the benefits provided by such entity. CS]IA also represents H~t it wiIYobtain and provide to the Town such assurances from the Trustees of said Welfare Fund as will satisfy the representations set forth in the preceding paragraph hereof. Section 3o It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the Town assumes no liability or responsibility for the disposition of the funds I paid by it to the Suffolk County CS]iA Welfare Fund after the same ~u~e paid to such fund pursuant to the provisions of this Article, nor does the Town assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the acts or omissions of the Suffolk County CSEA Welfare Fund in the adm~.nistration of its affairs, against all of which the CSEA does hereby hold the To~m harmless. ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT This agreement and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall become effective on Janus,'3 i; 1979, and shall terminate on December 31, 1980. IN \VITNESS "~.~-I,~£~.~ EOF~ *.he parties hereto have set their hands and THE TOWN (DF SOUTHOLD Albert M. Martocchia, Supervisor THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCL%TIOX, INC., SUFFOLK CHA?/ER, SOUTIIOLD'[OWN UNIT ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT DATED bbkY , 1979 BETUEEN THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, INC., SUFFOLK CHAPiER, SOUTHOLD TOWN UNIT and the TOWN OF 8OUTHOL ARTICLE XVII JOB CLASSIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE WAGE RATES Fulltime employees in the Highway and Public Works Departments in the fo%lowing job classifications shall be paid the basic hourly wage rates set opposite each such classification for th~ 1979 calendar year~ to wit: Hourly Wages Position Probationary Labore~' (1~ ~han one year service) lst-Year Laborer (one year or more service) 2nd-Year Laborer (two years or more service) Automotive Equipment Operator Heavy Equipment Operator (Tradesman) 2nd-Class Mechanic lst-Class Mechanic 2nd-Class Foreman lst-Class Foreman For. For 1979 1980 $s.35 $5.65 $5.60 $5.9£ $5.95 $6.25 ~6.12 $6.42 $6.33 $6.63 $6.54 $6.84 $6.48 $6.76 $6.80 $7.1C Fulltime P~ JANUARY 7 C$~k 12/31/78 ~ loyee. Base Salary. AiVRADE, B. $7,009.00 K0~kLSKI, L. $6,500.00 P, :HTER, J. 11~235.~0 SC{NEI'DER ~ J. 6~800.00 ;G, J. ~ 10,299.45 SE~ S. 10,073.70 ~'ERWOOD, J. 9 ~ 500.00 ~ILLE, E. 9 ~500.00 8,900 & 600) P~RCZEWSKI, A. 5,830.00 tEZX II) ERODZIK, J. 10,265.00 ~:OBS, R. 18,000.00 CONIS, E. 13,679.25 C-~OBIANCO, E. 5.45 ph C~-.9WIN, J. 5.72 ph ]:(Z~iAM, H. '5.72 ph L~EN, D. 5.55 ph iLLIN, T. 5.72 ph W~ZTE, S.R. 5.72 ph HFLF, J. 8,506.25 Y]LLAS, L. 8,506.25 ~.DDIS, F. 9,345.00 NiIPP, J. 8,190.00 A~qJICK, W. 13,335.00 ~ISHER, G. 14,700.00 qSNDEE>!ANN,E. 13,681.00 ORTON, C. 10,000.00 ~anent Employees 1979 S..~ARY INCREASES PER CSE; DNTP. AC~ # of Hours Yearly Weekl~ and Increase Rate Rate 27 @ 40¢ $561.60 30 @ 40¢ ph $624.00 30 @ 40¢ ph $624.00 30 @ 40¢ ph $624.00 30 @ 40¢ $624.00 30 @ 40¢ $624.00 30 @ 40¢ $624.00 30 @ 40¢ $624.00 Longevity or + Other 1/1/79 $5oo.oo 1/1/79 $500.00 4%L $436.94 30 @ 40¢ $624.00 1/1/79 $500.00 _ 40 @ 49¢ $832.00 37-1/2 @40¢ $780.00 40 @ 40¢ $832.00 40 @ 40¢ $832.00 40 $832.00 40 $832.00 40 $832.00 40 $832.00 40 $832.00 40 $832.00 30 $624.00 30 $624.00 40 $832.00 35 $725.00 35 $72~.00 35 $728.00 + /1/79 47.L $547.17 4%L 2~¢ 4ZL 2'~C 4%L 47.L $398.76 47. $566.6f 47. $617. ~ 1/1/79 $500.00 Total 1/1/79 $7,570.60 $7,624.00 11,859.00 7,924.00 11,360.39 10~697.70 10,124.00 10,124.00 6,954.00 11,097.00 19,000.00 14,226.42 5.85 ph 6.3~ ph 6.36 ph 5.95 ph 6.35 ph 6.3~ ph 9,338.25 9,338.25 10,367.76 . 8,814.00 14,733.~8 16,045.1-2 14,409.00 ].].,228,00 %SEA ~ !oye___e %ONROY, B. BRUSH, M. 9,765.00 ($9,265 ~ 5OO) CU~LNINGHA~[, L. 9,665.00 KUMJIAN, C. 11~504.00 RACKETT ~ F. 12,500.00 REEVES, R. 10,973.00 Base Hourly BOND~ W. 5.93 CAPON, G. 5.93 FOLTS, M. 6.25 ~OLDSMITH ~ R. 5.72 SP~ATTAN, C. 5.55 SR.~TTAN, P. 6 · 25 HUBBARD, R. 5.93 JAhVJSKEWICZ, S. 6.25 KING, C. 5.93 KLIPP, J. 5.72 KING, Roscoe 5.93 ~E LLAS, P. 5.72 >~ILDEN, L. 5.72 NEUDECK ~ R. 5.55 RUROEDE ~ A. 5.72 STEWART, B. 5.55 STP=INGE, H. 5.72 FHIBODF~\U~ P. 5 0-5 fILSON, A. 5.72 ~IS~':IEWSKI, F. 6.14 12/31/78 Weekly and Base Salad, + Rate $6,500.00 30 @ 40¢ 30 @ 40c 40 @ 40¢ 4O @ 40¢ 40 @ 40¢ 4O @ 4O¢ Increase ~ourly 40¢ 40¢ 40¢ & 15¢ 40¢ 4O¢ 40¢ & 15¢ 40¢ 40¢ & 15¢ 40¢ 40¢ 40¢ 4O¢ 40¢ 40¢ 40¢ 4O¢ 40¢ 40¢ 40¢ 40¢ 40~ Yearly Increase Rate $624.0o $624.00 $832.00 $832.00 $832.00 $832.00 Longevi -Other 1/1179 $5oo.oo 5~L $666.66 Lang. Hourly .= 47. 25¢ 47. 47. 27¢ 47. 47. 27¢ 47* 25¢ 67.. 41¢ 47. 47. 24¢ 47. 26¢ 4°/° 25¢ Total 1/1179 7,624.00 10,389.00 10,497.00 12,336.00 13,998.6~' '11,805.00 ~o~riy 6.58 ph 6,58 ph 7.07 ph 6,36 ph 5.95 ph .-7t07 ph 6.5g ph 7.21 ph 6.33 ph 6.36 ph 6.33 ph 6.12 ph 6.12 ph 5.95 ph 6.12 ph 5.95 ph 6.12 ph 5.55 ph 6.3 6 ph 6.80 ph 6.58 ph 12/31/78 ~ployee Base Salary ol Hours Yearly Longevi~j' Weekl.y and Increase or Rate Rate + Other Total 1/1/79 AANESTAD, D. 6.14 KEHL, A. 6.14 STEPNOWSKI, C. 5.93 ~YLER, G. 6.14 4O @ 40¢ 4O @ 40¢ 40 @ 40¢ 40 @ 4O¢ 5% 33¢ 47. 26¢ 6.54 ph 6.87 ph 6.33 ph 6.80 ph Kew employees hired after 1/1/79: ~ILKINSON, R. 2/1/79 ~ R ~HAR%E S, G. 3/16/79 RAYNOR, J. 3/16/79 6. 12 ph $8,000.00 $8,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their respective hands and seals the day and year first above written. THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: ~ ; ~, Supervisor THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIOn'S, SUFFOLK CHAPTER, SOUTHO35D TQWN UNIT Donald Leden, Preside'nj INC., SUFFOLK COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WELFARE FUND Chairman ~ . BY~ V~ice~rustoe