HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA Contract AGREEMENT made as of this 8th day of January 19S0, by and among SUFFOLK COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WELFARE FU~D, having its principal office at 350 Vanderbitt Motor Park- way, Hauppauge, New York (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Welfare Fund"); THE TO%~N OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at 50395 Main Street, Southold, Suffolk County, New York (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Town"); and THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC., SUFFOLK CHAPTER, SOUTHOLD TO%'rN UNIT (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Unit"), W I TN E S S E TH : WHEREAS, an ~nendment to the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the Welfare Fund provides that coverage may be extended to employees of towns, villages, school districts, and other governmental bodies "covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement with Units of the Association, for ~vhom the trustees agroe to extend coverage and for whom the employer agrees to make contributions to the Welfare Fund;" and %~HEREAS, by Agreement bet%.;een the To%¢n of Southold and The Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., Suffolk Chapter, Southold Town Unit, it was agreed that effective January 1, 1980, the Town will make appropriate contributions to the %~elfare Fund for the employees covered by t21at agreement; and WHEREAS, the Trustees of the Welfare Fund on the day of December 3 , 1979 agreed to extend coverage to t]~e employees represented by the Unit, subject to the ezecution of an appropriate agreement by and between the Town,, the Unit and the Welfare Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. Effective as of January 1, 1980, the Town agrees to make contributions to the Welfare Fund on behalf of employees repre- sented by the Unit, as more fully described in an appendix to this Agree- ment, in an amount equivalent to contributions made on behalf of employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the County and the SUFFOLK CHAPTER CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATIOL~, INC. as follows: $250.00 PER COVERED EMPLOYEE FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1980. 2. Tho Welfare Fund agrees to provide covered employees and eligible dependents represented by the Unit with any and all bene- fits provided all other covered members of the Welfare Fund and the eligible dependents of said members, under the same terms and conditions. 3. It is also understood and neither the officials of the Town nor the officers and members of the Unit will place any demand on the County of Suffolk, The Suffolk Chapter Civil Service Employees Association and/or the Welfare Fund to have their representatives placed on the Board of Trustees of said Welfare Fund. Further, the officials of thc Town and the officers and members of the Unit will have no right to involve themselves in po]icy, administration and/or benefits other than the rights given to covered members of the Welfare Fund. Notwithstanding the above, it is understood and agreed that the Welfare Fund shall establish a co~nittee, to be co-chaired by two of its Trustees, known as the Advisory Committee, members of which shall be selected from and be comprised of, representatives from various groups representing non-county employees. This Advisory Committee would have as its role, among other things, the right to advise the Board of Trustees with regard to additional benefits, upgrading of services and needs of the particular Unit or Units of non-county employees represented thereby. under Town-provided dental plans, the Town and the Unit agree upon the payover of same to 4. Any and all reserves attributable to the Unit, whether the control of an insurance carrier or otherwise, arising from Unit agree to use their best efforts to effectuate reserves to the ~elfare Fund. shall be paid over to the Welfare Fund and that their rights to same shall terminate the Welfare Fund; further, the Town and the the payover of said 5. This contract shall terminate on December 31, 1980. 6. Payment to the Welfare Fund by the Town of Southold shall be made in advance on a bi-monthly basis. It is understood that the amount of such pre-payment shall be based on the number of employees on the last payroll preceding such pre-payment. It is further understood that there shall be a reconciliation at the conclusion of each ~o month period whereby additional payments shall be made for employees added to the payroll during the t%~o month period but after the payment date, and whereby deductions shall be made in an amount equivalent of one month's contributions for employees who are terminated during the first month of the payment period. The payments to the Welfare Fund shall be accompanied by such payroll reports as required by the Welfare Fund to verify eligi- bility for benefits under the Welfare Fund's plan of benefits and shall be in a form satisfactory to the Welfare Fund for those purposes. The Town shall be responsible for notifying the Welfare Fund of the termination of employees for whom contributions had been made to the Welfare Fund, so that the Welfare Fund shall be in the position to appropriately determine eligibility for benefits payable to such em- ployees. It is understood that the failure to properly notify the L~elf_~re Fund of such terminations will render the Town responsible for the inap- propriate benefit payments made by the Welfare Fund and the Town agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Welfare Fund in such event. 7. The Town and thc Unit agree to abide by and be absolutely bound by the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of Suffolk County Civil Service Employees Association Welfare Fund and the Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the Suffolk County Civil Service Employees Association Legal Services Fund and any modifications and amendments that may be adopted to said Trust Agreement during the term of this Agreement. 8. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this Agreement, it is understood by and between the parties hereto, that the provisions hereof shall be subject to the }>revisions of the contract between the Town and the Unit dated -~.~ay 11, 1979. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their respective hands and seals the day and year first above written. THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: BY:william R. Pell III, Superviso~ THE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC., SUFFOLK CHAPTER, SOUTHQLD TOWN UNIT SUFFOLK COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE E~.IPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WELFARE FUND V~ce-Ct~a~n Or irustee