HomeMy WebLinkAboutKOA - 1976TOURIST CAMP PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 51 units (increasing the original permit on Section I, dated August 12, 1976, from 73 sites to 124 sites) on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by land of the Village of Greenport; and westerly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. THIS LICENSE is issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on November 9, 1976, a copy of which is attached hereto and this license is subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution. JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK WHEREAS, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest corner of Queen Street and County Route 27 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this Board with respect to said application on the 9th day of November, 1976, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard with respect to said application, and WHEREAS, the applicant has obtained the approval of the Southold Town Planning Board of the site plan, and special exception approval of the Southold Town Board of Appeals, all in accordance with Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, this Board has examined said plan of the proposed tourist camp which consists of 51 units (Section II) and 73 units (Section I); an administration building with a swimming pool adjacent thereto and a parking field comprising 20,000 square feet likewise adjacent to said administration building and two satellite buildings which said plan appears to be in compliance with the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: A tourist camp permit is hereby granted to Eastern Long Islanc Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 124 units on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County'Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by land of the Village of Greenport; and west- erly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski, and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to issue such permit, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions, to wit: a. That the public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises for which said permit is issued shall be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the applicant which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. b. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet Of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for campgrounds or trailer sites, a six foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. That prior to April 1, 1977 the applicant shall erect and maintain a similar type fence along the entire boundary line of applicant's premises abutting the lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. c. That the portion of applicant's premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever except au identification sign shall be erected or maintained therein. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone shall be of the type hereto- fore approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from said highway. d. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turnoff or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided and constructed prior to the use of any portion of the premises for tourist camp uses. -2- e. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet along its entire length. Prior to the occupancy of the premises for tourist camp purposes, the applicant shall at its own expense improve ~nd pave a 17 foot strip along the entire westerly boundary of ~ueen Street in accord- ance with the present town highway requirements snd when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. f. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 shall be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures erected thereon. The term "structures" when used herein is intended and construed as not to prohibit the erection and maintenance in said open recreational area of suitable fences, facilities and equipment necessary and incidental to the open recreational activities to be conducted thereon. g. That the premises for which a permit is hereby authorized shall be used only for the purpose of operating thereon camp- grounds franchised by Kampgrounds of Americsn, Inc., in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction there- of and no buildings or structures shall be erected or maintained on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. h. That a parking lot of at least 20,000 square feet in area to be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town highway specifications located adjacent to the main administration build- ing shall be completed prior to the use of the premises for touris~ camp purposes. i. That except as otherwise provided herein, said tourist camp shall be constructed, maintained and operated in compliance with the site plan approval granted by the Southold Town Pl~uning Board on June 21, 1976; the special exception use granted by the -3- Southold Town Board of Appeals on July 22, 1976; aud the terms and conditions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold. j. That the fee for such license authorized hereby shall be $510.00 for Section II, and any and all sums in excess thereof heretofore paid by the applicant to the Town Clerk are hereby directed to be refunded to the applicant. -4- EASTERN LONG ISLAND KOA - PUBLIC HEARING - NOVEMBER 9, 1976 Public hearing was held on November 9th, were present: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin Suter Justice Louis M. Demarest Justice Francis Doyen 1976 at 3:30 p.m. The following Justice Demarest read the notice of hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3:30 o'clock p.m., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen street, Greenport, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated: October 26, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Justice Demarest presented proofs of publication in the Suffolk Times and the Long Island Traveler/Watchman. He also presented proof that it was placed on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Southold. Supervisor: You have heard the judge read the legal notice, the proper advertising in the official paper and one other~ posting of the same on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. Is there anyone that would like to speak in favor of granting this application? Richard Wilton: We have made application to the Town Board to increase the number of sites from 73 presently approved, to 124 sites which is an increase of 51 sites. As this application is in conformance with all ordinances and regulations of the Town of Southold, we are requesting a speedy approval so that we may incorporate certain parts of Section II in the construction that is presently being done. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak on this application? Sherley Katz: What was the exchange between Sections I and II? Mr. Wilton: We gave up one site in Section I and picked up one site in Section II. It would be something like 72 sites in Section I and 52 sites additional. It is complicated how it was worded by the Board of Appeals. Mrs. Katz: How many sites will you have? Mr. Wilton: 124 total. Supervisor: Anyone else? Anyone wish to speak in opposition? Anyone wish to speak in either direction? Hearing none, we will call the hearing to a close and the Board will make a decision shortly. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush, Secretary EASTERN LONG ISLAND KOA - PUBLIC HEARING - NOVEMBER 9, 1976 Public hearing was held on November 9th, 1976 at 3:30 p.m. were present: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Martin Suter Justice Louis M. Demarest Justice Francis Doyen The following Justice Demarest read the notice of hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3:30 o'clock p.m., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. Ail persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated: October 26~ 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Justice Demarest presented proofs of publication in the Suffolk Times and the Long Island Traveler/Watchman. He also presented proof that it was placed on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board at the Town Clerk's Office, Southold. Supervisor: You have heard the judge read the legal notice, the proper advertising in the official paper and one other, posting of the same on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. Is there anyone that would like to speak in favor of granting this application? Richard Wilton: We have made application to the Town Board to increase the number of sites from 73 presently approved, to 124 sites which is an increase of 51 sites. As this application is in conformance with all ordinances and regulations of the Town of Southold, we are requesting a speedy approval so that we may incorporate certain parts of Section II in the construction that is presently being done. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak on this application? Sherley Katz: What was the exchange between Sections I and II? Mr. Wilton: We gave up one site in Section I and picked up one site in Section II. It would be something like 72 sites in Section I and 52 sites additional. It is complicated how it was worded by the Board of Appeals. Mrs. Katz: How many sites will you have? Mr. Wilton: 124 total. Supervisor: Anyone else? Anyone wish to speak in opposition? Anyone wish to speak in either direction? Hearing none, we will call the hearing to a close and the Board will make a decision shortly. Respectfully submitted, Muriel B~u sh,/~ecretary LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of thc Town of Southold at the office of thc Supervisor. 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. on Tuts day, November 9, 1076 al 3:30 o'clock P.M,, in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Is- laud Kampgrounds, Inc. t~)r per- mission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on thc westerly side of Qneen Street, Greenporh New York. All pcrsons interested in said matter shall appear at the time a~ld place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: October 20, 1'47~ BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1T-10/28 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK Sher[ey KarT, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at £outhold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, ?,as been published in said Long island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ......... ! .............................. weeks successively, commencin~ on the ...-,~.,~ ................................ 19..~...t.. Sworn to before me this ....... :;}...~. .......... doy o, .............. ................. Jz ....... I~'rHEL PALtADINO NOTARY PUBLIC, State et New Y~rk No. 52-4628953 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, i978 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of thc Town ot Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport. New York, on Tues- day, November 9. 1976 at 3:30 o'clock P.M.. in the matter of the application of Eastern Long ls~ land Kampgrounds. Inc. for per- mission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 21 on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and ph~ce above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: October 2t~. 1~Th BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK IT-10/28 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, ss: STATE OF NEW YORK I Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Lonrq Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ........ ~( .............................. weeks successively, commencing on the ...fl.,.~. ............................. ~ay of ..... ,,.,, ........................... 19...J.~:... .................. t: ............. t. ........... '. .......................... *: ........ Sworn to before me this ....:¥.:./ .............. ~c:y o, ...j,::.'...:.:..;,~d ................ 19..t..~ . ETHEL PALLADINo LEGAL ~O'rlCE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenpert, New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3: 30 o'clock P.M., in the matter o! the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgroands, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specCled and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: October 26, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1TO28--2495 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: .............................. bein u Sworn. says that ' is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~rt Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is ~ printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly/ Times once in each week, tor '; ~- ' . .......... weeks successively commencing on t~e .......................... Sworn to before jm~ this . ,.~..~ ...... LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of SouthoId at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgroands, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. All per~ons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above s~lfied and will be given an Ol~ity to be heard. · · DATED: October 26, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1TO28--2495 COUIqTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF I~EW YORK, ~ ss: ~ :::... ~. .... ~ being duly Sworn, says that .... : :~: is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES. a newspaper published ~xt Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is u printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ........................... weeks successively oommencing on the ~-,,: :,: --c. ,~ ~ , day of ..... -.~..%: .... ¥-, ..... 19..... '- Sworn to before me this . ..~.~. ..... ! day o,.. ..... 10y..z.:. } ....... .~..~..~ ......... . .~. ¥.? ..... .~ .......... LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenpor~ New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, .G ~r~r~ort, New York. All p~ol~.~;t~terested in said matter s~ll~p~ 9_t the time and place' ab~e ~tfied and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: October 26, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK 1TO28--2495 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF IVEW YORK, ~ ss: ........ '' ~'~' :~'~:'~ being duly Sworn, says that .. :~... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published ~rt Greenport, in said county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is u printed copy, has been published in the s~id Suffolk Weekly Times once in each week, for ~ ~ ) weeks successively commencing on the ..... .),?:.. 7~..~,~: .~j: ...... day of "' !:~ .'~Ji~'. ....... 19.~i .. Sworn to before me this . day ,of . .(./'~ ~..~.~..'~.. ...... 19~..~.. ! LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Towu o] Sot~thold at the office of thc Supervisor. 16 South Street. Greenport. New York. on Tues- day, November q, 1970 at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Is- land Kampgrounds, Inc. for per- mission to establish and operate a tourist camp Isection 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street. Greenport, New York. All persons interested b said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DA]ED: October 26. 1~71~ BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK IT-I0/28 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ ss SFATE OF NEW YORK J Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- / man once each week for .......... /. ............................ weeks successively, commencing on the ./.(:.:.~ ................................ 19.;:.: .... day of ..... ,.~;.,...:,,.,,'.~,:.:.., .............. , Sworn to before me this , "/ day or T z ....... 19..,~..,.,. STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. TERRY, Towm Southold, New York, being duly sworn, age of twenty-one years; that on the 1976 she affixed a notice of which notice is a true copy, most public place York, Clerk of the Town of says that she is over the 26th day of 0ctober the annexed printed in a proper and subs,tantial manner, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Main Road, Southold, Town Clerk Office N.Y. 11971 in a New Notice of Hearing - in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. - 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, November 9, 1976, office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. Sworn to before me this 26th day of October Public [I. IZAB~TH ANN N[VILL~ NOTARY P~J9%IC, Stat~ of New York Ttrm Expires March 30, 19 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, November 9, 1976 at 3:30 o'clock P.M.~ in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp (section 2) on the westerly side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York. Ail persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: October 26, 1976 BY ORD~ OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OCTOBER 28, 1976, AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. AND FORWARD THREE (3) TERRY, TOWN CLERK, MAIN Copies to ~he following: Long Island Traveler, The Suffolk Times Richard C. Wilton Ino · Eastern Long Island KOA Franchisee of Kampgrounds of America, Inc. October 18, 1976 Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mrs. Terry: Attached you will find the Tourist Camp Permit and S~te Plans revised per your request of October 1~, 1976. £ have indicated ~1 sites on line six for section 2 which brings the total for sections one and two to 12~ sites. The site plans have been color coded with the section 1 sites colored BLUE. The sites remaining uncolored on the plan are those included in section 2. Richard C. Wilton RCW/jw JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK PoEGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE 765-3783 October 15, 1976 Eastern Long Isl~md Kampgrounds, p. o. Box 89 Greenport, New York ll9h& Dear Mr. Wilton: I am returning herewith your application, in duplicate, and two maps describing your touris~ camp application. The application should indicate only 51 sites you are now applying £or in part 2, a~d the map should indicate the original sites approved under part 1, and those now being applied £or in part 2. Very truly yours, ith T. Terry~ Town Clerk APPLICATION FOR TOURIST CAMP PERMIT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. Name of Applicant EASTERN LONG ]ISLAND K~GROUNDS, INC. 2. Address of Applicant PO Box 89, Greenport, New York 3. Location of Proposed Tourist Camp 690 Queerd~ Street, Greenpnrt, N. Y. 4. Total Area of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established 22 ACRES 5. Zoning District of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established "B" Light Business District ~.13 acres; "M-l" General Multiple Residence District 18.87 Acres 6. Total number of sites to be provided within the Tourist Camp ~1 7. Type of surfacing of all streets within the Tourist Camp Asphslt or oil & stone 8. Sources of water supply (when water supply is from a source other than that of a municipal supply system, applicant must submit with application approval of such water supply system by the Suffolk County Department of Health. ) Village of Greenport will supply water 9. Method of sewage disposal (If other than municipal sewer system, applicant must submit with application approval of appropriate Suffolk County agency having jur- isdiction thereof. ) Village of Greenpnrt will dispose of sewage 10. Method of surface water draiuage Combination of regrading and percolation into ground 11. Method of collection and disposal of garbage from tourist camp and frequency thereof colle~te~ in dumpsters and carted away by ]aec1 g~rb~g~ ~m~y ~ requested 12. Name and address of person to have direct management and supervision of the tourist camp Richard C. Wilton, RR#1 Box 9lA, Mattituck~ N. Y. llgg? 13. Type and location of lighting system See lighting plan submitted with Section I 14. Type of screening to be provided See planting schedule submitted with Section I. Applicant must submit with his application the required fee and a complete plan of the proposed tourist camp, which shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer, together with a metes and bounds description of the property upon which the tourist camp is to be established. The plan must be drawn to scale and show thereon all proposed roadways and/or driveways; the proposed sewage disposal system; the proposed water supply system; the proposed lighting system; the location and dimensions of all sites; the location of all screening; and the size, location and dimensions of all present and proposed buildings and structures within the tourist camp. Dated: A ppli c ant ATTATCHMENTS: K0A site plan dated 8/23,/76 NOTE : This application is being submitted to increase the number of sites from 73 to 12h. APPLICATION FOR TOURIST CAMP PERMIT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. Name of Applicant EASTERN LONG ISLAND KAMPGR0~NDS, INC. 2. Address of Applicant PO Box 89~ Greenport, New York llghh 3. Location of Proposed Tourist Camp 690 Queen Street, Greenport, N. Y. llghh 4. Total Area of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established 2h ACRES 10. 11. Zoning District of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established "B" Light Business District 5.13 acres; "M-l" General Multiple Residence, District 18.87 acres. Total number of sites to be provided within the Tourist Camp Type of surfacing of all streets within the Tourist Camp Asphalt or oil 5 stone Sources of w&ter supply (when water supply is from a source other than that of a municipal supply system, applicant must submit with application approval of such water supply system by the Suffolk County Department of Health. ) Village of Greenport will mupplywater. Method of sewage disposal (If other than municipal sewer system, applicant must submit with application approval of appropriate Suffolk County agency having jur- isdiction thereof. ) Village of Greenoort will dispose of sewage Method of surface water drainageCombination of regrading and percolation into ground Method of collection and disposal of garbage from tourist camp and frequency thereof Collected in dumpsters and carted away by local ~arbage comparkv as raq. i~. 12. Name and address of person to have direct management and supervision of the tourist camp Richard C. Wilton: RR~i Box 9lA, Mattituck, N. Y. ll9g2 13. Type and location of lighting system see lighting plan submitted with Section I 14. Type of screening to be provided see planting schedule submitted with Section I. Applicant must submit with his application the required fee and a complete plan of the proposed tourist camp, which shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer, together with a metes and bounds description of the property upon which the tourist camp is to be established. The plan must be drawn to scale and show thereon all proposed roadways and/or driveways; the proposed sewage disposal system; the proposed water supply system; the proposed lighting system; the location and dimensions of all sites; the location of all screening; and the size, location and dimensions of all present and proposed buildings and structures within the tourist camp. Dated: ~/~/~ ATTATCHMENTS: KOA Site Plan dated 8/23/76 ~OTE: This application is being submitted to increase the number of sites from 73 to TOURIST CAMP PERMIT PERMIT is hereby issued to Eastern Long Islaud Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 73 units on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by land of the Village of Greenport; and westerly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. THIS LICENSE is issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on August 12, 1976, a copy of which is attached hereto and this license is subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution. J-JDITH T. TERRY~ Town Clerk WHEREAS, Eastern Long lsland Kampgrounds. Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest corner of Queen Street and County Route 27 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this Board with respect to said application on the 10th day of August, 1976, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard with respect to said application, and WITEREAS, the applicant has obtained lhe approval of the Southold Town Planning Board of the site plan, and special exception approval of the Southold Town Board of Appeals, all in accordance with Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WITEREAS, this Board has examined said plan of the proposed tourist camp which consists of 73 units; an administration building with a swimming pool adjacent thereto and a parking field comprising 20,000 square feet likewise adjacent to said administration building and two satellite build- ings which said plan appears to be in compliance with the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: A tourist camp permit is hereby granted to Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 73 units on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by ]and of the Village of Greenport; and westerly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski, and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to issue such permit, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions, to wit: a. That the public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to.the premises for which said permit is issued shall be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the applicant which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. b. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of GreenPort is utilized for camp- grounds or trailer sites, a six foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. That prior to April 1, 1977 the applicant shall erect and maintain a similar type fence along the entire boundary line of applicant's premises abutting the lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. c. That the portion of applicant's premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever except an identification sign shall be erected or maintained therein. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone shall be of the type heretofore approved by the Planning ]Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from said highway. d. Thai to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turnoff or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided and construct- ed prior to the use of any portion of the premises for tourist camp uses. -2- e. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet along its entire length. Prior to the occupancy of the premises for tourist camp purposes, the applicant shall at its own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the entire westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the present town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. f. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 shall be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures erected thereon. The term "structures" when used herein is intended and construed as not to pro- hibit the erection and maintenance in said open recreational area of suitable fences, facilities and equipment necessary and incidental to the open recreational activities to be conducted lhereon. g. That the premises for which a permit is hereby authorized shall be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc., in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southotd and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof and no buildings or structures shall be erected or maintained on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. h. That a parking lot of at least 20, 000 square feet in area to be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town highway specifications located adjacent to the main administration building shall be completed prior to the use of the premises for tourist camp purposes. i. That except as otherwise provided herein, said tourist camp shall be constructed, maintained and operated in compliance with the site plan approval granted by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 21, 1976; -3- the special exception use granted by the Southold Town Board of Appeal.s on · July 22, 1976; and the terms and conditions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town o~ Southold. j. That the fee for such license authorized hereby shall be $730.00 and any and all sums in excess thereof heretofore paid by the applicant paid to the Town Clerk are hereby directed to be refunded to the applicant. -4- ROBERT W. TASK. ER TOWN ATTO R N E,Y OFFIO~F~NEY TO__LO 425 MAIN ST. BREENPrIRT, L. I., N.Y. 11944 August 16, 1976 Hon. Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York 11971 Re: K.O.A. Tourist Camp License Dear Judy: Enclosed herewith is the formal resolution authorizing the issuance of a tourist camp license to K.O.A. which resolution was adopted by the Town Board at its meeting of August 12, 1976. In issuing the license, I would suggest that you insert a clause as follow s: "This license is issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold on August 12, 1976, a copy of which is attached hereto and this license is subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in said resolution." You will also note that the last paragraph of the resolution directs that any excess fees paid by the applicant be refunded to him. If you have any questions with respect to this matter, please call me. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosure WHEREAS, Eastern Long lsland Kampgrounds, Inc. has filed an application and plan with the Town Clerk for a permit to operate a tourist camp to be located at the southwest corner of Queen Street and County Route 27 near the Village of Greenport, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this Board with respect to said application on the 10th day of August, 1976, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard with respect to said application, and WHEREAS, the applicant has obtained the approval of the Southold Town Planning Board of the site plan, and special exception approval of the Southold Town Board of Appeals, all in accordance with Chapter 100 of the Code of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, this Board has examined said plan of the proposed tourist camp which consists of 73 units; an administration building with a swimming pool adjacent thereto and a parking field comprising 20,000 square feet likewise adjacent to said administration building and two satellite build- ings which said plan appears to be in compliance with the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: A tourist camp permit is hereby granted to Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for the establishment, maintenance and operation of a tourist camp to contain not more than 73 units on premises located on the south side of County Route 27 and generally bounded northerly by County Route 27; easterly by Queen Street and land of Bolling; southerly by ]and of the Village of Greenport; and westerly by lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski, and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to issue such permit, subject, however, to the following terms and conditions, to wit: a. That the public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises for which said permit is issued shall be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the applicant which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agencies having jurisdiction thereof, and said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purposes whatsoever. b. That in the event that any portion of the premises located within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for camp- grounds or trailer sites, a six foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. That prior to April 1, 1977 the applicant shall erect and maintain a similar type fence along the entire boundary line of applicant's premises abutting the lands of Fenno, Francisco and Sledjeski. c. That the portion of applicant's premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall at all times be maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever except an identification sign shall be erected or maintained therein. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone shall be of the type heretofore approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated said buffer zone shall be extended so that said buffer zone shall at all times extend 100 feet from said highway. d. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by reason of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said premises, suitable turnoff or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having jurisdiction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be provided and construct- ed prior to the use of any portion of the premises for tourist camp uses. -2- e. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet along its entire length, l~rior to the occupancy of the premises for tourist camp purposes, the applicant shall at its own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the entire westerly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the present town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. f. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 shall be restricted to open recreational uses with no structures erected thereon. The term "structures" when used herein is intended and construed as not to pro- hibit the erection and maintenance in said open recreational area of suitable fences, facilities and equipment necessary and incidental to the open recreational activities to be conducted thereon. g. That the premises for which a permit is hereby authorized shall be used only for the purpose of operating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc., in accordance with all of the ordinances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other governmental agencies having jurisdiction thereof and no buildings or structures shall be erected or maintained on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use except the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. h. That a parking lot of at least 20, 000 square feet in area to be constructed in accordance with the Southold Town highway specifications located adjacent to the main administration building shall be completed prior to the use of the premises for tourist camp purposes. i. That except as otherwise provided herein, said tourist camp shall be constructed, maintained and operated in compliance with the site plan approval granted by the Southold Town l~Ianning Board on June 21, 1976; -3- the special exception use granted by the Southold Town Board of Appeals on July 22, 1976; and the terms and conditions of Chapter 88 of the Code of the Town of Southold. j. That the fee for such license authorized hereby shall be $730,00 and any and all sums in excess thereof heretofore paid by the applicant paid to the Town Clerk are hereby directed to be refunded to the applicant. -4- APPLICATION TO OPERATE TOURIST CAMP - E.L.I.KAMPGROUNDS, INC. Public Hearing was held August 10, 1976. Present wore: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Surer Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James F. Homan Justice Demarest read the Notice of Hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, August 10, 1976, at 4:30 p.m., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp on Queen Street, Greenport, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: July 27, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD, JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Proofs of publication were presented from the Suffolk Times aud the Long Island Traveler - Watchman and an affidavit of posting on the Town Clerk's bulletin board signed by the Town Clerk was presented. Supervisor: You have heard the judge read the legal notice of the hearing today at 4:30 at this location, the legal advertising in the official paper which is the Traveler of Southold and the alternate paper, the Suffolk Times, and also the posting on the bulletin board in the Town Clerk's Office. At this time, the hearing is open to anyone that would like to speak in behalf of the applicant for this application. Richard Lark, Main Road, Mattituck, New York, speaking on behalf of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. I will speak from the presentation here. When the Board granted the change of zone back on March 29th of this year, they had before it, this is the proposed layout of the K0A campgrounds and the Board has also had at prior public hearings an aerial photograph of the area showing the 24 acres which is on the left panel and a smaller aerial photograph showing the relationship of the property with every- thing else. I thought for the purposes of the presentation since we are for a use permit, we are applying for one, from the Town Board for permission to operate a transient trailer campground, I thought I would cover, more or less, the conditions required in that specialized ordinance. However, since the time of granting of the change of zone, which was on March 29th, the applicant has obtained from the Planning Board site plan approval, which is necessary because in order to use this land, even though it has been zoned for multiple and business, you had to obtain a special exception from the Board of Appeals so I will be handing for the KOA -2- A~st 10, 1976 record a copy of the Planning Board resolution on June 21, 1976 granting site plan approval and a copy of the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals resolution under date of July 22nd granting the special exception. Now, both of these agencies as well as the Town Board when they adopted the change of zone, imposed certain conditions over and above the normal zoning requirements for the use of this property. As I run through the ordinance, I will try to touch the bases of what the applicant is proposing to do. Basically, he has site plan approval and special exception approval for 73 units. The initial application which was approved by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and the Town Board called for 161 units but he is going in on a Section I or Phase I for 73 units. I will be referring to these various exhibits and then I will try to put them straight so the rest of the crowd can see them. Part of your conditions is to have Suffolk County Health Department approval. He has received Suffolk County Health Department approval for Section I. They have approved of his water and sewer layout and the general scheme of things that he does have. One of the things that the Board is going to have to determine and it is in the ordinance and I will cover it in a moment, the Tourist Ordinance, is his planting schedule, what he has planted and whether it provides suitabl® screening. That, the PlanningBoard has approved, on a planting schedule, on the perimeter of the property. I will refer back to that. In order to design the sewer, the road layout, which are required by the regulations, he had to see, these are permanent fixtures, how it would fit in to the overall scheme of things. You saw the road layout for the 161 sites and he proposes a Section 2 which he hopes to get started next year and he will have to come back for further approvals, it will be 145 sites, but before you today is 73 sites which is this one here. This is the one I will be speaking from. I believe the application complies with all the requirements and fees have been paid. The site, I think the Board is familiar with the change of zone, is a 24 acre parcel formerly known as the Sledjeski farm which is basically on the easterly side, the westerly side of Queen Street and the southerly side of Middle Road CR 27. The site, due to its geographical layout and the topography, does lend itself to this type of use. It is surrounded by woods which is part of the Greenport watershed, vacant property to the west and we have a migrant camp to the east and there are some single family residences along Queen Street. I think after the rain we have just experienced, the property isn't experiencing any undue puddles or anything like that at the present time. Because of the underlying clay, cesspools are not feasible and the applicant has entered into a contract with the Greenport Village for sewage and also for water so that is covered, which is one of the require- ments of your tourist ordinance. We will have an adequate supply of water of.~sanitary quality and, of course, the Board of Health has looked at his plans which have been prepared by McLendon, Holzmacher and Morrel and they have given approval for this hookup and the sewer loop and the water loop. Removal of garbage is covered by, in the application, will be removed during the season which will be April 1st to November 30th, which is one of the prior conditions for the change of zone, on a daily basis by a local contractor. There will be suitable containers around KOA -3- 10, 1976 the convenience store or the main administration building which is located 600 feet back from the roadway which is also another requirement of the Board and it is located 600 feet back. In the parking area, which has been worked out with the Building Inspector, and found to be suitable because this is a new first for the Town, we can't use the normal square footage for a parking area, that he feels that adequate parking spaces have been provided so the garbage disposal will be provided in that area and over in the areas by the satellite buildings. Two brown buildings which you saw on the first map of 162, stay in the same spot. They are the wash house and bathrooms for the use and convenience of the camper and they are hooked directly into the sewage lines, also. I might cover that because it is important for later on. As I indicated, the sewage lines and everything, once they are put in, then that's it. The sewage lines are in on a permanent basis and as the Board can see, the main building and the two satellite buildings will be hooked. The waterworks people in Greenport tell me there is no problem for future expansion in continuing these loops of water down and around and out that way. The sewage lines pretty much are fixed, are a fixed situation. Although, the Section I is for 73 units, a lot of the permanent things are being built for the overall thing so there wouldn't have to be any change. One of the requirements of your ordinance is that each one of the trailer or recreational vehicles shall be not less, shall be parked on an area overnight where they will be sleeping, on an area 50 feet by 100 feet. Each one of these scaled blocks that you see here is more or less rectangular or a parallelagram, are 50 by 100 feet and that 50 by 100 feet requirement also requires that none of the trailers be more than 30 feet from any property line or more than 20 feet from any interior roadway. So, any recreational vehicle parking on here, there will be ample space to have it more than 30 feet away from the property and, also, more than 20 feet from any of the interior roads. Also,auother requirement in your ordinance is that no two vehicles at the present time may be parked closer than 30 feet from one another. This also does provide ample space for that and the applicant will comply with that. The roadways which4y°u2 see in brown and in the paving for the parking, have to be feet wide and that is what the scale is there and will be built to the Southold Town specifications as required by the ordinance. The management of the tourist camp since you are issuing a tourist camp permit or license will be under the direct management of Mr. Wilton who will be managing the place directly. He is the principle stockholder and president of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. and he will speak a little bit later as to how he intends to run it. The compliance in your ordinance for notification to the police, his phone number and registration will be made available to the Police Department if the permit is granted by the Board. The ordinance also provides for fire extinguishers in at least five pound oapacity COo. They will be attached to the administration building and spread throughout the site. I think at this time I would like to make one point to the Board. There has been a lot of confusion on this. If an aerial photograph were to be taken of this when it is built, the only thing that will be seen will be the pool and the three buildings and the roads. All of those KOA ~st 10, 1976 squares will be underground lighting, underground wires for lighting, underground water and electrical connections, as well as underground sewage. It will be, basically, an open field, the way it is today. There is not going to be any clearing required for this first phase at all. We are not going to touch any of the woodland because it is not required. You can see in the aerial, it is all open farmland and, basically, it will be the same except for the three buildings and the road which I referred to. The screening, which is required by your regulation, he has received site plan approval for his planting schedule. As I understand it, he has consulted with the Soil Conservation District in Riverhead, for types of plautings such as the Japanese black pine, very desiduous trees. This is one of the things the Board is going to have to approve, what he has done, and what he proposes to do to provide a screening buffer or a scenic buffer to keep the campground self-contained. He has provided one on the chart which the Board has in its record, has received approval of the Planning Board. That basically, unless the Board has some questions on it, I have covered the main requirements of the Tourist and Trailer Camp Ordinance. However, in addition to that, over and above that, the Board did require certain conditions if he was going to apply for a KOA permit to operate it as a camp- ground, in the zone change in the spring. I will run through those briefly so the Board has them in front of them. He was to supply public water and sewage. I have covered that. He has a contract with the Village of Greenport and they will be providing it. That any portion of premises located within 100 foot, and we are not too much involved in this in phase one as we will be in the later phases, anything within 100 feet of the Village of Greenport public property, he is to provide a six-foot chain link fence. Phase I will require in certain areas on the easterly side, but since he will be beyond 100 feet on the southerly and westerly side, there won't be going in at the present time. That requirement will be met as required by the Board in the change of zone. The Board also required, as did the Suffolk County Planning Commission, a 100 foot buffer on CR 27 which will be used as nothing more than a landscape buffer. That has been provided. The only thing that would ever be allowed in there would be a directional sign with approval of the Board of Appeals. That has be~ provided for. He is to provide a single-lane turnoff. In other words, a deceleration lane, which will be on County property. That has received the approval of the Suffolk County Department of Public Works for that so that a widening of CR 27 would take effect in front of his property so the vehicles turning in would have an opportunity to get off the two lane, the travel lane. The Queen Street, he has presented plans to both the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals for the widening and to eliminate that sharp acuteness of that angular curve going into Queen Street. That will be complied with and Queen Street will be, as a condition of this, widened an additional seventeen feet and that seventeen feet will then be dedicated to the Town to coincide with its existing 33 feet. The 600 feet as the Board knows because of the interpretation of the Building Zone Ordinance by the Building Inspector, in order to have a convenience store and administration building, required a business zone on the front. The applicant didn't want a business zone per se. The only thing he is going K0A -5- 10, 1976 to put in there will be the check-in building. The board, to insure that, requested a requirement that for 600 feet from the road, there are to be no buildings. The site plan, as approved, provides for that. The building will be located back 600 feet and there will be no other structures, building structures, located thereon. The applicant has proposed, as part of his conditions, that he run it from April 1st to November 30th, which will be a requirement for the use permit, and as the Board also knows, the applicant also holds a XOA franchise. The Board of Appeals, in granting the special exception, on July 2nd and I will hand this up to the Clerk, adopted all the conditions of the Suffolk County Planning Commission which the Town Board adopted, adopted all the Town Board conditions that I have just covered, and in addition to the conditions of the transient trailer ordinance. And, in addition, added two conditions which I will have to bring to the Board's attention, that are over and above everything we have talked about. The first one I have alluded to is that all conditions of the tourist and trailer camp ordinance be complied with. The second one is that and I covered it because it is more than ample, that the parking area be at least 20,000 square feet. In my introductory remarks, I mentioned that this is kind of an oddball parking situation because you have trailer vehicles and larger vehicles than you normally figure on for retail shopping area which was already provided for in the existing ordinance. Other than that, those were the two conditions put on, and this site plan does comply with them. Unless there are any questions from the Board or anybody, I have covered the compliance aspects of the application with our Tourist and Trailer Ordinance, the zoning conditions imposed, the special exception conditions imposed, and the site plan conditions imposed. Mr. Wilton would like to take just a few minutes of the Board's time of what he intends to do and how he intends to operate because we are here for the permit. Justice Surer: You said Phase I was 73? Mr. Lark: That's correct. Justice Suter: And Phase 2 is 1457 Mr. Lark: Total, it would be a total of 145. Richard Wilton: This particular piece of property has several natural plantings around it which tend to enhance the campground. For example, this whole back portion is wooded. Along this portion of the campground is a row of trees and shrubs. (He showed a picture.? That picture was about this portion of the boundary line here. Along the road here is a row of locusts and go pretty much down all of Queen Street. The only place where there is no screening at this time is along the back of Leo Sledjeski's property and along this leg and across the front of the property. Today, without that planting you can stand anywhere along this road here and you cannot see these 12 foot storage trailers that are parked there right now. Once this campground is populated with the travel trailers, the KOA -6- 10, 1976 maximum height of those is about eight feet, so it will be virtually impossible to see anything back in this property. Today, we have planted several thousand Japanese black pine seedlings. We are going to plant some large shrubs as indicated on this plan on the back of Leo Sledjeski's house and along the side road here to give him some more buffer. The plantings were suggested by a fellow named Barnett in Riverhead, with the Soil Conservation District. We chose Japanese black pine mainly because of the rapid growth. They are suitable for poor soil conditions and they are suitable for near the seashore which is where the property is. The interior of the campground will be populated with desiduous trees and pine trees,at about every other site there will be a tree. There will be sporadic planting to break up the view. This was worked out with the Planning Board and ultimately approved by them. This campground when it is completed will be a big asset to the community. It will promote the tourism which Greenport, Southold is desparately needing. It will preserve the open spaces. The only thing you will see is the three buildings if you take an aerial. The rest is grass and trees. We will pay taxes, probably more than if it was converted to a residential area and we will add no children to the school system as they will not be full-time residents. We will increase local employment. Most of our construction will be done by local people, Southold people, Greenport people. It will be operated by myself and my family. It will be full-time. I think I am capable. I have a business degree and eighteen years experience in business. Maintenance, we will hire local people to maintain it and keep the grass cut and the trees trimmed and the gardens clean. Another benefit, there are several homes and a migrant labor camp which at the present time dump their raw sewage into cesspools. Traces of this have been found back in Moore's Woods. Once the campground has put in their sewer line, it will come down Queen Street, the migrant camp will be forced to hook in and the other people in a reasonable amount of time will also have to hook into it. Another benefit would be the use of the campground in the closed season, with the Board's approval, for youth groups - boy scouts, girl scouts and people like that. It would stop them from having to use park areas and importing portable stations. My timetable for this, assuming Board approval, is to begin the construction almost immediately. The buildings are on the premises now and stored in storage trailers. Our first step would be the founda- tions and roads and put the buildings up rather quickly. We are really surprised at the amount of support that we have received from local service groups, the Rotary and Chamber of Commerce and people like that. Some of our early opposition we learn now is not really against the campground or that type of business but the fact that we were successful in having the piece of real estate zoning changed. I think that's what the main objection was. Now, that that's out of the way, I think almost everybody in the town is for the pro~ect. I would like to refer you to a letter in the Suffolk Times that Mrs. Csajko sent to Mrs. Dorman. I think she makes that point too that the association is not necessarily against the KOA campground but they were against the spot zoning that they originally thought it was. Another thing KOA -7- [st 10, 1976 that was in the paper was an editorial "Breakfast with Charlie". I think that I might be Charlie. Mr. Lark: I would like to hand up to the Board, I have a certified copy of the Town Planning Board resolution approving the site plan for the 73 sites and also I have an original signed by the Chairman of the Board of Appeals signed August 10th today of the special exception. There were two other conditions that the Board of Appeals added and I think the Town Board should be aware of them. The first one is that Queens Street, there was a little ambiguity in the Town Board's original resolution, and they in their wisdom decided that Queen Street should be improved. In other words, it should be a 50 foot road just south of the entrance which would be about six hundred and some odd feet as shown on the site plan. The Queen Street widening would be just south of where the entranceway is here and the reason for that is that on the maps it was determined that they are just not sure just how far that dedication went, the original dedication, because it disappears into an unknown owner and the road is nothing more than a driveway. That was one condition they put in and the other condition that they put in is in the 600 feet prohibition that they interpreted after consulting with the Town Board and the Town Attorney, that recreational structures such as fencing, or tennis or baseball or other recreational uses, could be permitted since the Building Inspector, believe it or not, requires a building permit for a backstop. That the westerly border of the applicant's property shall be fenced with a six-foot as far south as the Village of Greenport and that would be this westerly border. There was some objection at the Board of Appeals and the only real objection was that the Town Board required fencing where the Village of Greenport was concerned but did not require fencing where this vacant land was concerned, so the Board of Appeals felt, they insisted that the same requirement where if you build within 100 feet over here, you should also put fencing over here to be consistent, so eventually the entire property would probably be self-contained and have a chain link fence around it. That is, basically, the only thing added by the Board of Appeals and I will hand up the original of the Board of Appeals, so the Town Board now has before it the site plan, the special exception approval and the Suffolk County Department of Planning on July 6th, since it did involve a special exception, since it was within so many feet of the County highway, it was sent back to them and they sent it back for local determination as of the letter of July 6th, subject to their original conditions which I referred to before. That pretty much concludes. Mr. Martocchia asked if any of the Board members had any questions and the answer was in the negative. Supervisor: At this time, is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak in favor of granting this application to operate this camp? Mr. Bouffard: I would like to know why it has taken so long, four years, for this plan to go through. Number two, why are we KOA -8- A~st 10, 1976 talking in terms of 73 instead of 160 at this time? Supervisor: Seeing this is the first project of this mature, I wouldn't exactly say the Town Board was dragging their feet, they wanted to make sure that the citizens of Southold Town were being given every opportunity for their protection, that the community should develop p~operly. Between the Planning Board and the Appeals Board, there are many, many conditions considered that the proper agencies should apply to this project so it would be a good project, if the Town Board went the final route. There many changes to it in the beginning that, perhaps, the applications were not good enough to satisfy the County of Suffolk as sewage conditions were not met. On re-application to the Suffolk County Plauning Commission, there were indications that they had arrived at an agreement with the Village of Greenport for water and sewage. The Planning Board, at that time, of Suffolk County left it to local determination. Some of the considerations were 162 units, I believe. The Town Board, in their wisdom, and advice of counsel and study of our own ordinances, indicated that that many units couldn't come out of approximately 24 acres, with certain areas being restricted. We came down to an area somewhere of l~O some. Other meetings were held and between the Planning Board and the Appeals Board, who shoved it back and forth many times, and it touched us when the zone change hearing was involved which was about May or June of last year. That is the reason for some of the delays. At this point, the applicant being late in the season, late spring, he knew he could not get the full project going due to lack of time. So, they discussed the possibility of doing it in stages and proposal number one is for seventy some odd units. They worked with the Planning Board and the Appeals Board and got it to this stage where we are today. They say the wheels of government move slowly. I hope my answer is satisfactory. Is there anyone else? Mr. Gehring: My name is Robert Gehring. Actually, I was quite startled that the parking areas are 50 by 100. I have stayed in a lot of K0A campsites and I don't think the areas have ever been this large. However, I was quite pleased to hear that they wanted to go along with this. I, myself, am all for this camp- ground. I would like to see it go through. Leo Tillinghast: The hurricane just chased me back from Chincoteague, Virginia, trailing my trailer behind me. I left 4 o'clock yesterday morning. When I was in Chincoteague, I stayed in Bals Cove Campground. It has 650 sites. You talk about your parking around the main building, the store and so forth. I looked. I never saw more than six vehicles parked around the site around the building and some of those were checking in. People don't drive a car or a trailer or what have you to buy a loaf of bread. They walk. There has been a lot of arguments over the water that was going to be used by all these people. The site I stayed in was 20 feet wide and 40 feet long. We had water. We had electricity. Each trailer has its own tank which holds body waste and it also holds sink and shower waste. Where we were they had the showers as he will have. We didn't use it. I don't, after four days, I would say I had about 12 gallons of water in my KOA -9- 10, 1976 tank from my sink. The last meeting we had, I heard 200 gallons of water a person. I don't know what they would ever do with it. Down there in those small spaces, everyone was happy. The Village of Chincoteague, I hadn't been there for five years. Every house is painted. They all have flower gardens out. They are prosperous where they certainly weren't before and they are getting this from tourists. We went away. We stayed on the road. Let's see, we went the second of August. We got chased home and it cost me about $300. That $300 was spent away from here and it was spent where these campgrounds are and it was all spent in these villages and towns and stores. Somebody has to benefit. Mrs. Hulse: I am all for these csmpgrounds. We are tent people. We are not trailer people. We are a family of six and we can't afford to take our kids to a hotel or motel. We like camping. We enjoy it very much. We have been married 15 years and we have camped the biggest part of that 15 years. There has been a lot of talk about campgrounds and camping in this area. This has been going on for a long time. Now, this man has finally gotten through to the people around here to bring in this campground. When we go camping, we look for KOA because they are the best campgrounds, they are the cleanest campgrounds. They have to meet an awful lot of requirements in order to get their franchise. It's not just a dump that is going to be run by somebody that doesn't really care, that is just out for a fast buck. These men are trying to bring money in to our area. Right now, we have shops that open up and close down within one season. That doesn't bring that much money into this area. I feel KOA will. Betty Capon, Greenport: I am a taxpayer. I have been to your meetings many times and I've always been in favor and I am reiterating the same thing. Ethel Quillin, Greenport: I don't have a camper but I think it is about time we brought some more business into our town. It's been going down, let's start building it up. Dianne Gehring, Greenport: I would like to say that I am all for the campsite and if I tell you why, I'll be here a long time. Melvin Leden: (16 Main Street, Greenport) I don't own a camper but I have been acquainted with a lot of them. I have seen what happened in McCann's Trailer Park here in Greenport. They wish they could have had a little better place than they have there, near the water where they could enjoy the beach and so forth. They tried but the Village couldn't do it so they finally ended up in the woods which turned out to be a beautiful spot. People come down here from the other end and they love it. They stay there a lot longer than they are supposed to and a lot of different things changed. I would like to go down as being in favor of this KOA. Dorothy Christiansen, Greenport: I am a camper and Bob and I go for many, many trips. KOA is clean. The people are friendly. When you get to a campsite and park next to someone, they come over and converse and it's a family get-together all the way around. I am in favor of this. KOA -10- Au 10, 1976 Richard Hulse, Greenport: I just want to add to what my wife says. They are beautiful places to go and I like them. In fact, we try to get to them as often as we can and I am in favor of this campsite. Margaret Bush: I have camped many, many, many years, Girl Scouts and otherwise. I am a tent camper and, locally, there is no place for tent campers. We really need the KOA. Rod Wells, Greenport: I have stayed in KOA's all over the country and in Canada and I think it will be an asset to the town and I am definitely in favor of it. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak in favor? Hearing none, is there anyone who wishes to speak in opposition? Hearing none, is there anyone wishing to speak in either direction? Or for information? Mrs. Wiggin: I am Mrs. Wiggin of the North Fork Environmental Council. I have given a copy of the letter to the clerk that we wrote to you on May 21st of 1975. Our feelings are still the same as they were expressed in that letter. I do, however, have a question. Is this the appropriate time? Supervisor: This hearing is for the purpose of you telling us if you are for or against it or no opinion. Mrs. Wiggiu: My only question was I wanted to know how long this chain link fence was going to be in the Phase I area. Supervisor: I believe there was an agreement arrived at at one of the most recent hearings that the property to the west of it and I am not sure if I know the correct name of the owner. They had two points they raised and one was they thought it was spot zoning. The other was they thought they would like to have a fence for protection, and something has been worked out. I think Mr. Terry, the attorney, represented them. Supervisor: Has everyone had the opportunity to speak that wishes to speak? Hearing none, the Board will close this hearing and make a determination in the very near future. Thank you for coming. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush, g~ecretary LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervisor's Of- rice, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, August 10, 1976, at 4:30 p.m., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island Kamp- grounds, Inc., for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp on Queen Street, Green- port, New York. Al1 persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will he given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: July 27., 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK IT-7/29 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK /. ss: STATE OF NEW YORK j Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, soys that she is an Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of wbich the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- man once each week for ............ ~'i .......................... weeks ~uccessivel~, commencing on the ...... -5.'.'/. ............................. day of ..... ~ ~/~.:i . ....................... Sworn to before me this ...... ~,~...~....'~...~... Gay o, ............ ......... , fg..7, g LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Sup~'visor's Office, 16 South l~'~et, Green- port, New Y~ on .~l'uesday, August 10, 1~/6, at 4:3~ P.M., in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Island~ Kam- pgrotmd~ Inc. for 'perr~ion to establish and operate ~ tourist camp o~q~m S~, 'Green- matte~' ~[' ~-'?~ the time and pla~/~e ~S~ified and will be gl~i~ opportunity to be heard. DATED: July 27, 1~'/6. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK ~TJ29-24N COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, | STATE OF NEW YORK, ? ss: ~'~ ~' being duly Sworn, soys that ....... is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county: and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the soid Suffolk Weekly Times once in eoch week, for ............. :.. i .'~ .........weeks s~ccessively commencing on the ... i'. ..................... day of .. ........ . ~ .... .~ ...... 19.. Sworn to belore me this . day of .... ~.c~ ........ 19...~ I .-../..Z STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: SS: JUDITH T. TERRY, Southold, New York, being duly sworn, age of 19 76 notice most public place York, Townn Clerk of the Town of says that she is over the twenty-one years; that on the 29th day of July she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed is a true copy, in a proper and subs,tantial manner, Suffolk County, Town Clerk Office N.Y. 11971 in the Town of Southold, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Main Road, Southold, in a Notice of Hearing on application of Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp on Queen Street, Greenport, N.Y. - Hearing date- August 10, 1976, 4:30 P.M. ~J~dith T. Terry, TQ~ Clerk Sworn to before me this 29th day of July 19 76 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervisor's Office, South Street, at 4:30 P.M., Island Kampgrounds, Inc. for permission to establish and operate a tourist camp on Queen Street, Greenport, New York. 16 Greenport, New York, on Tuesday, August 10, 1976, in the matter of the application of Eastern Long Ail persons interested in said matter and place above specified and will be heard. shall appear at the time given an opportunity to be DATED: July 27, 1976. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. NEW YORK 11971. JULY 29, 1976 AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS TERRY, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, Copies: July 27, 1976-- Long Island Traveler, The Suffolk Times Richard C. Wilton C NORTH FORK ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL, INC. Box 311, Sou~rhold, New Yorl~ 11971 August 10, 1976 Mr. Albert Martoccl~is Supervisor - Southold Town 16 South Street Greenport, L. Z. New York - 1194.4 Dear Mr. Martocchi~: Re: ~st~blishment of K. O. A. Campground in Greenporto The feelings of the N~th Fork Envirommentsl Co~ncil remain the sa~e ss expressed in our letter to the Town Board, dated May 21~ 1975. Copy attached. Thank you. Sincerely, NORTH FORK FJ~'VIRONMFNTAL COUh~C IL, INC. Merlon E. W~ggt~ Pre ~ i5 e nt MEW/iw Attachment (!) May 2l, 1975 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Gentlemen: The North Fork Environmental Council wishes to go on record with the Town Board as being opposed to thc establishment of a K.O.A. Campground in Greenport as has been ~'ecent]y [)~opos~d, ad]actmt to Moore's Wood~:, and being pat'ticul~r]y cc)m~rm,d wi lb th~ a,lv.'~'~a, im[)aet ~-h,tt ~hc, cam})- ground would have on [:be area. W(, [)rosel)t thi:; ~;l:al.~,m(u~t rt.,luctantl,' because we are not in principle,()[)})osod ~o th(~ concept of camping buh we feel this statement must be made because real and irreparable damage will be done to the properties and resources of the people of the Town if approval is granted as proposed. Wa oppose this development for the following reasons: ~ ':':'q' 1-. Damage to Moore's Woods will inevitably occur. This is a project ~,,~,,~,,, that received a presideutSal citation and was the result of the very hard work and support of many, many people. Tr;tnsients will not treat the area with the sam~, respect and seuse of responsibility that permanent resS dtmts would. Dama(le wS]l resull From tho followJ~(~ ~;ot~rcc~s: a. V h~cles such ns bicy~']{,s, moto~- bik~,s and al] terrain w~hicles. b. Overuse by pedestrians, both walk-through and woods visitors. c. Vandalism. d. Unintentional damage by picking plants, trampling and disturbing habitat. e. Trash. f. Fire. Noise and disturban<-c ups(*ttinq anSmals and bird.~;. 2. Down-zoning a. Once the property i~; ,]~wn-zone,l it will nr)t have to remaLn Southo] d Town Board -2- May 21, ]975 ,1. Thi~ is a major incr~Mse in density 1or no majo[' benefit' for' t, ho Town [n Ut,knl'D . '['his Js spot zollin~I dq,lillS;k 1h¢2 'l'owB Ma:;leu Plan and could Lead to further down-zoning. d. A large multiple zoned parcel already exists still un- developed in the Creenport area. This project would crowd the nearby I;own beach. At 162 sites with a conservative estimate of 4 persons per site, ther(~ will be at least 648 new people wanting to use tile town beach constantly throughout thc, entire bathing season. The heavy population den:;iky will inevJtaldy destroy fragile oco]ogy o[ rle;~rby rnlet pond, which is pre::ent being maintained [n it s natural ,:Olt(li I ion. 5. Water Usage One hundred sixty-two camp sites X 200 gallons per camp site per day = 32,400 gallons per day of fresh water consumed and sewage to be disposed of according to Suffolk County Health Department estimates. This is a consorvaLive figure, espe- cially if assunlcd to i~c]ude the laundromat flow. It does not include swimming pool drainage and backwash flow. This is especially conserw~tiv~, considt, rinq th,~t the of~ficial figure that the Ileu]lh l~,partmenk u:;os for d~,termining waste flow from trailer parks i:; 450 qdllon~; pe~' trailer per day. This llSago Will, ol:: (/OtltD:{,t oecltc dtn'inq Lbo warm hall eaeb year, which is thf~ I ime of h¢'avit~sl- demand on water and sewer services by tho prr,:;ent popula~ ion of Lhe Town. Wate~ will be supplied by the (;~-eenpol t Waker Dk~;trict and revenno will go to the Village bu[ the water will probably be coming from the district wells located in Southold Town, since the Village wells are nearly developed ~o capacity. ALlowing an increased density on this site will in effect be taking water from Southold Tom that could provide for service to a much S~uthold Town Board -1- May 2], 1975 larger area of normal one ,~cre der, lodgment. In addition, all this water will be wast.ed l~y discharg~ te lhe Sound through the Greenport sewage treatment ~lant ~he~'eas wii'h one acre develop- ment it would be recharg~cl. Sewage Sewage will go to the Greenport sewage treatment plant and out to Long Island Sound with only minimal primary treatment until a new plant is built. There is no d~e iu ~,~ight for new plant const]-uction. No acld~t~iona] wast~,s :;boule] b,~ allow(~d ~nt~ th,~ Greenport sewage treatmen[ plant unti~ ~ n~w plant ~s constructed and completed. Ew~n then, [~he ef~[iue~I will probably not be recharged and I~he water will 7. Police Prot(~ction Another potentially bad trouble spot wi. ll be created by the camp site and will require greater coverage during the heavy summer season both of the campgrounds and thr~ beaches than would be caused by normal one acrt, development, and will there- fore be an additional expense to the '['own taxpayers. For giving away some of its precious low density land and allowing use of a]r~ady crowded Towt~ b dch ~,, V~llage woods and County park land, the Town will. g,,t nolhing in return: a. No open space is proposed by the development to be dedicated to Town use; just a scenic easement. No significant r(~venu~,s will ¥c~sull: 1o towilslCr¢ople from camp residents. All lees will go to the camp owners, all sales in the stores will go to camp owners and all laundromat sales will go to camp owners. Campers tradi- tionally spend as little money as possible. They are camping usually because it is the cheapest way to travel. The only foresee,bi, signi£icant [~urchases made by campers outside of the campqrounds will b~-[or gas and auto repairs and those will be mostly in Greenport Village, not in the Town. Southold Town Board --4- May 21, 1975 Instead of following: q3he land will not rew,rt to single one family residential[ 7. oning if the camp si~,~ fnil~; et- if the owners want to There is no way to .li. lnil tht~ typo el mi.~lht be made in I:hc I rtl-ute, el I he >arcel. The ~ finaucial ~?~>turn thitt ['tu~ Town can expect l:; in the term of taxes and they will probably not be as groa~ in total for a seasonal camp sst, as they would bc for normal, permanent house site development. approving the project as submitted, we wSsh to propose the Allow only the density, which present zonkng will permit, per- haps allowing 2 sites per acre instead of 1 because of the 6 months seasonal use and then protect Moore's Woods with chain link fence surrounding the woods, at the developer's expense. If it can be demonstrated that a need doe,~; exist in the East~ End of Suffolk County fei' additioni/l camp sites, provide fo]' thom on public parkland a] t'cady dedic~Lcd fei- this which can be properly control]ed and which will bring revenue to the public rather than to a few individuals and then strictly limit the number of sites to what the arcs can support, not to what the tourist market w.i]l bear. If the Town feels such a need exists they can work closely Ju con ira]etlon w'[th Count5, and ,qtate park offScJal~; ~o son tha~ such sci-vices are oxpanJed. Provide several dispersed smaller camp sites, which will lessen the adverse impact on one locality. Large camp sites should be located in non-sensitive areas of the Island such as interior sections of Riverhead or Brook- haven Towns. AIl campers are mobile and primarily require a central place to camp with adequale [utilities So that all points of interest can be e;~sil, y reechoed, l't is not necessary for the camp site to b(~ ]oc,tted immed[~tto]y adjactmt to the points of interest. Eastern Long Island KOA Franchisee of Kampgrounds of America, lnc, GREENPORT, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR TOURIST CAMP PERMIT TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. Name of Applicant ~"~i~i~--~~,~-_~.~.~) 2. Address of Applicant ~, ~X ~, ~~, ~ F' I1~ 3. Location of Proposed Tourist Camp ~ 4. Total Area of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established e o 10. Zoning District of land upon which Tourist Camp is to be established"B Total number of sites to be prodded within the Tourist Camp Type of surfacing of all streets within the Tourist Camp ~.~z~ ~ ~p3& ~.~,~er~ Sources of water supply (when water supply is from a source other than that of a municipal supply system, applicant must submit with application approval of such water supply system by the Suffolk County Department of Health. ) Method of sewage disposal ~If other than municipal sewer system, applicant must submit with application approval of appropriate Suffolk County agency having jur- isdiction thereof. ) 11. Method of collection and disposal of garbage from tourist camp and frequency 12. Name and address of person to have direct management and supervisio,n of the tourist camp ~]~}/-r/ ~.~) ~'~,~1 ,~.e ~/,~ ~t-//~/~._~/~. /1~,,~.~ 13. Type and location of lighting system 14. Type of screening to be provided .~:~ ~Z~,~,,,~C~ ~qC~/~.~e , Applicant must submit with his application the required fee and a complete plan of the proposed tourist camp, which shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer, together with a metes and bounds description of the property upon which the tourist camp is to be established. The plan must be drawn to scale and show thereon all proposed roadways and/or driveways; the proposed sewage disposal system; the proposed water supply system; the proposed lighting system; the location and dimensions of all sites; the location of all screening; and the size, location and dimensions of all present and proposed buildings and structures within the tourist camp. Dated: ~/~ Applicant TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD, NEW YORK ACTION OF THE zONENG BOAI~D OF &PPEAL$ Appeal No. 2147 Dated May 25, 1976 ACTION OF TITE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOVfN OF SOUTHOLD To Richard C. Wilton, President (Wickham & Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. 600 Queen Street, Greenport, N.Y. at a irleeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on July 22, 1976 %vas considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of acces~ to property (X) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( ) Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) DATE..~.~....~.2, 1976 Lark, Att. ) Appellant the appeal 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board H was determined that a special exception ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph .................... of the Zon~g Ordinance and ~e decision of the Building I~pector ( ) be reversed ( ) co~irmed because 9:15 P.M. (E.D.S,T.) recessed hearing upon application of Eastern Lon9 Island Kampgrounds, Inc. by Richard C. Wilton, President, P.O. Box 89, 600 Queen Street, Greenport, New York (Nickham & Lark, Attorneys) for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article V, Section 100-50 B (5) and Article VI, Section 100-60 B (1) for permission to construct campground and trailer park. Location of property: south side North Road (CR27) and Queen Street, Greenport, New York, bounded on the north by CR27 (North Road); east by Queen Street; west by Village of Greenport, now or formerly Fenno, now or formerly Sledjeski, now or formerly Francisco; south by Village ~f G~eenport .... 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined lhat (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship because SEE ATTACHED (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by aL1 properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE ATTACHED (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) change the character of the district because (would not) SEE ATTACHED and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. SEE ATTACHED FORM ZB4 OF APPEALS ) be denied and ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc. After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant own approximately 24 acres on the south side of CR27. On March 28, 1976, the southerly 18.87 acres was zoned "M-l" and the northerly portion of approximately 5.12 acres was zoned "B" (Light Business) by the Southold Town Bo~d, after referral to the Planning Board and the Suffolk County Planning Commission, which deemed the change of zone a matter of local determination subject to compliance with the following conditions Public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal will be supplied by the Inc. Village of Greenport. The number of campsites will be limited to 162 in com- pliance with "M-l" District requirements. 3. The buildings erected on Parcel II will be only those used in connection with transient travel campgrounds. A 100 ft. landscaped buffer zone comprising 0.4732 acres will be provided on the northerly portion of premises as it fronts on Middle Road (CR27). the 5. Queen Street is to be widened and improved as per Town of Southold specifications. The Suffolk County Planning Department has again on July 2, 1976, approved the revised plan as presented to the Board of Appeals and as approved by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 21, 1976, stating that the current proposed Special Excep- tion by the Board of Appeals is a matter for .local determination since the current proposed action of the Appeals Board is more restrictive than the conditions set forth in the Planning Com- mission letter of April 10, 1975. In summary as of this date, the Board finds that the fol- lowing agencies of County and Town government have acted as fol- lows in this matter: Suffolk County Planning Commission - the Commission has reviewed this application several times and has deemed it a matter for local determination subject to the con- ditions set forth in their letter of April 10, 1975. o Suffolk County Department of Health the Health Depart- ment approval has been received and copies of approved drawings have been sent to the Southold Town Planning Board and Building Department as per letter dated June 9, 1976, from Richard C. Wilton for Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc.. Suffolk County Department of Public Works - a permit been granted for a deceleration lane subject only to bonding. has Southold Town Board - after the public hearing of May 27, 1975, the Board changed the zoning to "M-l" and "B" as previously noted subject to eight conditions enumerated later in this action. -2- Southold Town Planning Board - the Board made recommen- dations on the Change of zone and also made reviews of the site plans, including the final June 19, 1976, site plan of Part I, action dated June 21, 1976. o Village of Greenport - the Village has signed a sewage contract with the applicant and agrees to furnish water. The Board of Appeals - the Board held a hearing on June 10, 1976, for a Special Exception and recessed the hearing until further notice. Pages 16-36 of the Board minutes of June 10, 1976, record the hearing. A public notice of the continuation of the recessed hearing is given in the current Town newspapers. The Board further finds that in addition to the above actions the following individuals or organizations have contributed an understanding of this project for the establishment of 73 camp- sites at the present time known as Section I: Building Inspector - assistance in all aspects of plan- ning including parking requirements estimated at 20,000 sq. ft. adjacent to administration building. Southold Town Planning Board - initial recommendations for change of zone, review of site plans, overall re- quirements as to water, sewage, buildings, etc. 3. Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, Consulting Engineers - water and sewage layout. John Jacobsen, Traffic Engineer - traffic count of ap- proximately 400 or less per hour on CR27 between 4:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. on Memorial Day Weekend. K.O.A. studies indicate a vehicular trip total of three (3) per day per occupant of the campsite. Usual check-in time is between 4:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.. 5. Richard Koopman - prepared a 36-page environmental study for the applicant. Richard C. Wilton - a soil study noted by Mr. Wilton in- dicates clay under a portion of the site, which will re- quire sewer arrangements. The Board finds that the public convenience and welfare and justice will be served and the legally established or permitted use of neighborhood property and adjoining use districts will not be permanently or substantially injured and the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed. THEREFORE IT WAS RESOLVED, Richard C. Wilton, President, Eastern Long Island Kampgrounds, Inc., P.O. Box 89, 600 Queen Street, Greenport, New York be GRANTED permission to construct a campground and trailer park on the south side of CR27 and the west side of Queen Street, Greenport, New York, subject to the following conditions, which include the eight conditions origi- nally outlined by the Town Board as well as additional conditions and interpretations of the Board of Appeals: That public water supply and sanitary sewage disposal to the premises which are the subject of this -3- Sa. 6a. resolution be supplied by the Incorporated Village of Greenport at the sole cost and expense of the petition- ers which said water supply and sewage disposal systems shall comply with all of the requirements of all agen- cies having jurisdiction thereof, and that said water supply and sewage disposal systems be installed and in operation prior to the occupancy of the premises for any purpose whatsoever. That in the event that any portion of the premises lo- cated within 100 feet of the land owned by the Village of Greenport is utilized for campgrounds or trailer sites, a 6 foot chain link or equivalent type fence shall be erected and maintained along the boundary line of said land of the Village of Greenport. That the portion of the premises adjacent to County Route 27 to a distance of 100 feet therefrom shall be at all times maintained as a landscaped buffer zone and that no buildings or structures of any type whatsoever shall be erected or maintained thereon. That the type and location of landscaping within said buffer zone be approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold; that in the event that County Route 27 shall be widened, altered or relocated that said buffer zone shall be ex- tended so that said buffer zone shall at all times ex- tend 100 feet from the said highway. That to minimize traffic hazards that may occur by rea- son of trailer vehicles entering and leaving said prem- ises, suitable turn-off or deceleration lanes or such other highway facilities as the agency having juris- diction of County Route 27 shall prescribe shall be pro- vided. That in order to provide suitable access to the premises over Queen Street, a 33 foot wide Town highway, the same will be required to be widened to 50 feet. Prior to oc- cupancy of the rezoned premises by the owners thereof for trailer park purposes, the owners shall at their own expense improve and pave a 17 foot strip along the west- erly boundary of Queen Street in accordance with the Town highway requirements and when so improved and paved, dedicate the same to the Town of Southold. (added by Board of Appeals) Queen Street shall be im- proved as far south as the southerly side of the en- trance to the K.O.A. campground but not beyond. That the portion of the premises extending from a point 100 feet south of County Route 27 to a point 600 feet south of County Route 27 be restricted to open recrea- tional uses with no structures constructed thereon. The Board of Appeals, after consultation with the Town Board, construes the prohibition against structures to not prohibit fencing such as fencing which may bound the property; suitable fencing for recreational facilities such as tennis, baseball, and other recreational uses; small storage structures for recreational equipment. The westerly border of the applicant's property shall be fenced with a 6 foot, chain link fence or equivalent as far south as land of Village of Greenport, at which point Condition ~2 becomes applicable. -4- That any use of said premises as a campground as pro- posed by Petitioners shall be on a seasonal basis only for the period from April 1st to November 30th of each year. That said premises be used only for the purpose of op- erating thereon campgrounds franchised by Kampgrounds of America, Inc. in accordance with all of the ordi- nances, laws and regulations of the Town of Southold and other authorities having jurisdiction thereof and that no buildings or structures shall be erected on the premises nor shall the premises be used for any use ex- cept the uses specified herein and uses accessory and incidental thereto. CONDITIONS ADDED BY THE BOARD OF APPEALS A condition of granting this special exception is that the applicant's site plan shall meet all requirements of the Tourist and Trailer camp ordinance, which in- cludes the requirement of a permit issued by the Town Board. Among other things, minimum requirements under this ordinance require camp sites shall be not less than 50 x 100 feet in area located so as to be readily accessible from roadways or driveways; constructed to a minimum width of 24 feet; constructed in accord with Southold Town Highway specifications. No building per- mits may be issued until all requirements of Town or- dinances have been met. 10. A parking lot of at least 20,000 sq. ft. built to Town Highway Department specifications adjacent to the main administration building shall be provided. Vote of the Board: Ayes: - Messrs: Gillispie, Bergen, Hulse, Doyen. Suffolk County Department of Planning H. Lee Dennison Executive Office-Building Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, New York 11787 To~ of $outhold Board of Appeals July 6, 1976 Petitioner: Kampgrounds of America, Inc. ~{un. File No.: 2147 S.C.P.D. File No.: SD-76-9 Gentlemen: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections 1323 to 1332 of the Suffolk County Charter, the above captioned application which has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Con~ission is considered to be a matter for local determination. ~]e decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Co~ents: Subject to conditions satforth b~ the Suffoil: County Planning Cor~nission in letter of April 10, 1975 on change of zone application SD-75-3. GG~:: fp Enci:/(1) Letter o~ ~'.?~11 10, ~ Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppe!man Director of Planning -: -'; -:':: ::: ": ':7 --: .--,': '--: ~?- .: :;:-: :.: , .... - April 10, 1975 -:' 7.: ,--'-_; .... .~'.:.4'-.:,'>: · -..~-~[: ~ ~ad._ - : . ,~ ' .~':_- - ~ '~: ~ &~. :~_.: '~' .:":~:g..'~--'.':_~.~: ;.-:.:-~ 1%'-. ::';5~' "' .' : :--: --,:-_.---, :ou~o~, 11971 · .. _~ _ - .... . : .-, -~ .: .~...~,_::_~,.,,.,.~.:*-_.-:~_ :.-:-;..,.~ ..... [' ;~- ~J':"~:>:}:~-(~ ! :, 7~2~?'-').-:::- John J. Cl~ton for propos~ c~nge, --.~r:;~i~iTr; :' ~ :- :. : ~/:,:~-17C?~.:.~:::~ ~,::-_-" of =o~ fro= "A" A~i~,,Z~Z ~ ~t-, . .-:--.::::..:_ :::- ~ .:-: ..... : ::: : _~-:: ~-~ :. -:::<:?.<::: .. ':-..~?:',.::.15:::-: j:~.--: ~::'~-~': ~:~.~::;: :.'.: '/ dence D~trtct nnd '~" Light B~ines* : &;';}?:.': :?J-:": :'::':;'~':i::'-: '"j:::: ::~:. :: District, T~ of Southold (S~7~3) : .' .~..;-}: :' .-:? ::- :~:::::::13-;'::3' : ~rsu~t to the raq~r~ents of Sectl~ 1323 to 1332 of'th~ Suffolk ~ ~'' -~" ~ '~ · ' ,, ~ ~'~ ...... April 9, 1975 re~e6 the :: :-..:~},: ,. ::::'.t~a~ said c~ges of zor~ ~re to be approved for lo~ dete~nati~ s~JecCtO --:: ::12 :- L :-.:::.~-::'- . - - . · ' - _" :' : ~.." 'i' ' -' :,-':- ::::?' '2. 5e n:Ber of ~:~.t~ ~].1 be t~ited to 162 In 'c~lian~e' ~ ?-': ~.'~-:-..:.i"~- " D__t.ic~,~ ~ ': - ~' :' ~- -, ' ;/'' '>: ::::~': . -:: 3;. ~:e 5~3dings ercztnfl on Parcel II ~11 be 0~y ~se ~ed fa c~L'f~:'' .' -' " ~ · ' n~ct%~ ~th transient tray-z! trailer c~o~ds; ' · ' : ' ~ : · " :::'::.:::¢-':-::: :. o - - -:'/ : - prcx~ded on tha ~orther!y p:rtton of the pr~g~ as it front* on Hiddla Roid :=~- - ' ~- 5. ~aen Street Is to h= ~den~d ~d ~pro~d ~ par T~ Of Southold:~:-- -:-- Planning Board -8- June 21~, 1976 Bayview, on map of minor subdivision, shown as lots numbered 4 and 5. If it meets with your approval my brother, G. H. Smith and myself who are the owners of this property, would like to use this property as one single lot, with the following stipulations: that we have permission to sell to the adjoining owner Mr. Howard Brown a small portion to enlarge his property, approximately 20' to 30' leaving a 20' or 30' right of way to the one lot, also removing the restriction that we have to have public water. Thanking you for your consideration in this matter, I am /s/ Daniel T. Smith The Planning Board is in agreement with the above proposals. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Gordon, it was RESOLVED to approve the revised map of Kampgrounds of America dated June 19, 1976 as presented with the exception that the lot protruding into the parking lot be converted to additional parking which will reduce the total number of sites to 73 as shown on map and initialled. Th~ P]~mm~ ~r~ wm]ld au~es~ ±hat the mooi and recrestlonai structures should be north of the administration building. in the opinion of the Planning Board, the 600 foot depth of the buffer zone has been reconsidered and has been found to be inconsisteh6 with the sKape and use of the property. Therefore, we feel 325 feet is sufficient for a buffer zone. In our opinion, these changes ~ould be made for Section 2. This ~ _ . . n is subject to resolving problems with the appropriat~ ~c~z~ [odies and town attorney. Vote o' -:.. :~,ard: Ayes: Wick_ham, Raynor, Coyie, Grebe, Gordon. Notion -.c~=s z:ale by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Gordon and carried that c:.~ ~eeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Muriel~rush ,~ Secretary Jo},n WI hairman C. EDMONDS ALLEN June 22, 1975~ Albert Martoaahia Tov,m Supervisor Southold Tov~ Board Greenport, [few York Dear ~,:r. 1.Tartocchia, It is hard to conceive that the Southold Town ~oard would seriosly consider the spot zonin~ proposal proposed by KOA for the 18 acres at the corner of Forth ](oad a~d Queen street.. Suffolk County is in the process of spending millions of dollars to purchase development rights to land in an effort to maintain the rural ataosphere of this area. The ]OA project would vi,~ate the well conceived ideals of the County 8oard. One has only to drive eround P!orida to see how such a project can down grade a residential .o. ~munl ty. ±ne current 'i'lme i.a~az_~ne has an anal};sis ~hich rates campers, such as v. ould inhebit bhis i~OA, as %he lo¥,est grade of tourists. Don't we have enou{h orouol~ with our crov,.oed roads and beaches, v, ith our problems of v. ater supply and se~aged~s,~osst/?.,' 'f ~' f ~' 'ouch a project would c om!.-~ound them. Our community doesn't need or ~..~.n~ this ~y~e of =.~plo1 ~a olon. it is to be fervently hoped that the Southold To~,e Board will bury this yroposed project quick and deep. S~ncerely, C. Ed:t~onds Allen