HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSEA - ContractRESOLUTION JUNE 21, 2005 v - 402 RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ratifies and al~oroves the terms and conditions of the tentative aereement with CSEA, Local 1000, AFSCME AFL- CIO, Town of Southold Unit 8785 of Suffolk Local 852 (CSEA) dated June 7, 2005 and be it further RESOLVED that Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton is hereby authorized and directed to execute a successor Collective Bargaining Agreement with CSEA subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. S:\Town_Clerk\Resolutions\2005\v373 - v410 June 21, 2005\v402.doc £ AGREEMENT by and between the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD and the CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, INC. Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO CSEA Town of Southold Unit Suffolk County Local 852 January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2007 TABLE OFCONTENTS SECTION AGENCY SHOP FEE AMENDMENTS BEREAVEMENT LEAVE CIVIL SERVICE PROTECTION COMPENSATORY TIME CSEA RIGHTS DEFINITIONS DISABILITY INSURANCE DUES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND EMPLOYEE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING EMPLOYEE LEAVE REQUESTS EMPLOYEE TRAINING GOOD FAITH AGREEMENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE HAZMAT DUTIES HEALTH INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT HOLIDAYS HOURS OF WORK INJURIES SUSTAINED 1N THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT JURY DUTY LAYOFFS LEAVE OF ABSENCE LEGAL SERVICES LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL LICENSES LONGEVITY MANAGEMENT RIGHTS MILEAGE ALLOWANCE NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE NO STRIKE PLEDGE OVERTIME PAYROLL CHECKS PERSONAL LEAVE 3 37 16 7 22 36 6 5O 26 24 49 47 45 4 35 51 23 48 20 34 11 15 9 18 10 39 33 30 2 32 5 38 29 44 21 12-15-05 PAGE 2 24 7 3 11 23 3 27 16 15 27 26 26 2 22 27 12 27 9 21 5 7 4 8 5 25 20 19 1 20 3 25 18 26 11 PERSONNEL RECORDS PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS RECALL RECOGNITION RETIREMENT BENEFITS SALARIES SENIORITY SEVERABILITY SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL SICK LEAVE TERM OF AGREEMENT TERMINATION BENEFITS TIME CLOCKS UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE UNIFORMS VACATIONS WAIVER-ZIPPER 12 43 28 ! 25 27 8 42 31 19 52 40 46 17 13 14 41 12-15-05 5 26 18 1 16 17 4 26 20 8 27 25 26 7 6 6 25 12-15-05 THIS AGREEMENT wade thin 24a day of January, 2006, between the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, having its principal office at 53095 Main Road, Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereinafter called the TOWN and the C.S.E.A. Inc., Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Southoid Unit 8785, a membership corpomtina of the State of New York, with offices located at 143 Wash'mgm Avenue, Albany, New York, hereinafter called WHEREAS, CSEA has heretofore been duly recognized as the employee organization to represent all persons holding n po~ition by appointment or employment in the Town except ,lect,d offi~als of the Town, the Town Attorney, Assistant Town Attorney, Assistant Superintendent of Highways, secretary to the Town Supervisor, secretary to the Town Attorney', comptroller of the Town, appointees, volunteers, interns, police officers of the police department of the Town, and all positions designated as managerial and/or confidential by PERB in Case No. E-2359, hereinafter referred to as "en,4ai~' for the ~ of negotiating ~o}lem4vety with tbe Town in a d~t~rmination of the terms and conditions of employment and to enter into written agreements with respect thereto. SEC. 1. RECOGNITION 1.1 The Town does hereby recognize C.S.E.A. Inc., Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Southold Unit 8785 as the exclusive employee organ'~ation to represent the employees and extends to the CSEA the following rights: a. To represent the employees in negotiatiom and in the settlement of grievances; b. To membership dues deduction, upon presentation of dues deduction authorization cards signed by individual employees; and c. To unchallenged representation status until seven months prior to the expiration date of this A~t, as per the Taylor Law. SEC. 2. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 2. I Not cormm-y or inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, the Town reserves the right to determine the standards of service to be offered by its various dapartments; lo set standards of selection for employment; to direct its employees; to regulate work schedules; to take diseiplina~ action; to abolish positions; to maintain the efficiency of govemmemal operations; to determine the methods, means and personnel by which 12-15-05 municipal operations are to be conducted; to determine the content of job classifications subject to Civil Service Commission approval; to take all actions necessary to carry out its mission in emergencies; and tlhe technology of performing its works. SEC. 3 AGENCY SHOP FEE 3.1 The CSEA shall have the following security: a. Every employee who is a member of the CSEA shall remain a member of the CSEA in good standing for the term of this Agreement or pay to the CSEA a service fee as hereinafter set forth. b. Every employee hired during the term of this Agreement shall, no later than the first pay day after the date of such hiring, either: 1. Become a member of the CSEA and remain a member in good standing for the term of this Agreement; or 2. Pay the CSEA service fee hereinafter set forth. c. The CSEA service fee referred to herein is a fee equal to the biweekly dues of the CSEA, to be paid to the CSEA by the employees who do not become members of the CSEA. Such amount shall be deducted from the employee's bi-weekly pay check, or shall be paid directly to the CSEA on each bi-weekly pay day. d. The Town assumes no liability or responsibility for the disposition of the agency fee funds collected for it for the CSEA after the same are transmitted to the CSEA pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Nor does the Town assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for tlhe acts or omissions of the CSEA in the administration of its affairs regarding the agency fee, against all of such the CSEA does hereby hold the Town harmless. SEC. 4. GOOD FAITH AGREEMENT 4.1 The parties agree that they will each conduct grievance hearings and contract negotiations in good faith, exchange viewpoints, make proposals and counter-proposals, make available to each other all relevant records, data and information in the possession of the other to the end that mutual understanding and agreement may be reached with respect to the terms and conditi:ons of employment and the administration of grievances of the employees. 12-15-05 SEC. 5. NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE 5.1 The CSEA negotiating committee shall consist of no more than five employees who are negotiating on Town time. No more than five negotiation sessions will be held during the normal work day without the consent of both parties. SEC. 6. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply: 6.1 "Full-time employee" rneans those employees who regularly work twelve months per year, five days per week and not less then seven hours per day. 6.2 "Part-time employee" raeans those employees who regularly work less than twelve months per year, or who work less than a five day week, or who work less than a seven hour day. SEC. 7. CIVIL SERVICE PROTECTION 7.1 Employees appointed fi:om a valid Civil Service list shall be granted the protection afforded to them by the applicable provision of Article 5 of the Civil Service Law. 7.2 Full-time employees in the non-competitive class who shall have rendered twelve (12) months of continuous ser¥ice shall be granted the protection of the applicable provisions of Article 5 of the Civil Service Law. 7.3 Employees shall have the right to be represented by persons of their choice, including representatives of CSEA, in all proceedings relative to grievances, disciplinary proceedings and the terms and conditions of employment. 7.4 Notice of all positions of employment to be filled within the bargaining unit shall be posted on available bulletin boards and all eligible employees shall be given adequate opportunity to make application thereof. 7.5 Prior to creating a new position covered by the recognition clause and rate for same, the Town shall notify the Association President in writing. The Association and Town will confer within 15 days to discuss the new title. If no agreement is reached, the new position may go into effect at the expiration of the 15 days. 3 12-15-05 SEC. 8. SENIORITY 8.1 Seniority shall be determined on the basis of continuous employment in the service of the Town and each department of the Town shall establish and maintain a seniority list of the full-time employees in such department. Unless otherwise provided by law, seniority for full-time employees shall include full credit for each year of full-time employment in the service oft:he Town, and ½ year credit for each year of any part-time service with the Town. This provision shall not be construed to require credit for part- time service for purposes of leave time accruals or longevity. 8.2. Unless otherwise provided by law, and subject to the provisions of Sec. 9 (LAY OFFS), in cases of promotion, transfer from one position to another, filling new or vacant positions, or the assignment of employees to overtime work on a rotating basis, the Town agrees to accomplish the same on the basis of seniority within job classifications within each department, provided that the employee, in the opinion of the department head, is competent by reason of ability, training, experience and fitness to properly perform the duties of such position. SEC. 9. LAYOFFS 9.1 During the terms of this; Agreement, the Town shall not lay off employees hired prior to December 31, 1980, unless there is reasonable cause therefor. 9.2 In the event that it is necessary to lay-off full-time employees, the Town agrees that the same will be accomplished on the basis of seniority within job classifications within each department (i.e., employees with the least seniority will be first laid-off). Any part-time employees in the job classification within the department shall be laid-off first, in inverse order of seniority. 9.3 When it is necessary to employ additional employees, such positions shall be offered first to former qualified employees of the department in question, who have been laid off as provided in the preceding section. Notice of such employment shall be sent to each such employee by registered mail directed to the employee's last known address advising of same. 9.4 In the event of lay-offs, the Town shall make every reasonable effort to notify in writing both the CSEA Unit President and the employee affected at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff. 4 12-15-05 SEC. 10. LEGAL SERVICES 10.1 The Town shall provide legal services to an employee against whom an action or proceeding has been commenced involving any matter occurring within the scope of employment as an officer or employee of the Town. SEC. 11. INJURIES SUSTAINED IN THE COURSE OF EMPLOYMENT 11.1 Employees who sustain physical injuries in the course of their employment with the Town may, in the discretion of the Town Board, continue to receive full salary during the period of incapacity or until eligible for a disability pension, or death, whichever shall first occur. If an employee receives salary during such period of incapacity, any sums received by such employees under the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Law for lost earnings as a result of such injury shall be paid by such employees to the Town. Any absence of an employee by reason of such injuries shall not be deducted from any sick leave to which such employee may be entitled. Effective June 21, 2005, the last sentence of contract section 11.1 shall be revised to read, ~The employee may utilize his/her unused accrued sick time, compensatory time, personal time and vacation time, in that order, during absences from work for which the Town does not agree to continue to pay the employee's full salary. Nothing contained herein shall in any way be deemed to restrict the Town's right to separate employees pursuant to the provisions of Civil Service Law Sections 71-73. All pending grievances relating to the denial of the use of the above leaves under Section l 1.1 are hereby withdrawn with prejudice, and in exchange the affected employees shall be permitted to avail themselves of the terms G~f this paragraph notwithstanding its effective date, if their written election to do so is submitted to the Accounting Office within 30 calendar days of June 21, 2005. Likewise, all employees on a workers' compensation leave as of June 21, 2005 shall be permitted to avail themselves of the terms of this paragraph notwithstanding its effective date, if their written election to do so is submitted to the Accounting Office within 30 calendar days of Jun,: 21, 2005." SEC. 12. PERSONNEL RECORDS 12.1 Any employee, not more than twice yearly, shall be entitled to examine his/her official personnel file upon making request therefor to the person having custody of said records. 12.2 Upon request, any employee shall be furnished with a copy of any material in his/her personnel file. 12-15-05 12.3 Only one employee official personnel file shall be maintained which shall contain all material with respect to such employee. 12.4 No material derogatory to any employee, his or her conduct, character or service shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless he or she has been given the opportunity to examine the same and affix his/her signature thereon, which signature shall not be deemed to indicate that the ernployee in any way consents to or agrees with the contents thereof. The employee may place in such personnel file a written answer to any derogatory material in said files within 10 working days after receiving notification of the proposed inclusion of the material in the file. SEC. 13. UNIFORMS 13.1 Uniforms supplied to Public Safety Dispatchers will be cleaned at Town expense, by the Town selected cleaning service. SEC. 14. VACATIONS 14.1 All full-time employees shall be entitled to vacation time in accordance with the following schedule: LENGTH OF SERVICE VACATION CREDIT After 6 months Start of 2nd year through the 3rd year Start of 4th year through the 6t~ year Start of 7th year through the 9® year Start of l0th year through the 11th year Start of 12th year through the 14th year Start of 15th year through the 19th year Start of 20th year though the 22"d year Start of 23rd year and thereafter 3days 10 days 12 days 15 days 18 days 20 days 23 days 25 days 30 days 14.2 Advanced payment for earned vacation shall be paid to such employee prior to commencement of such vacation provided that the employee gives written notice of the time of the commencement thereof to the Supervisor at least three (3) weeks prior thereto. 14.3 The head of each department shall approve the vacation schedules for the employees in the respective delpartments. 6 12-15-05 14.4 Not more than twelve (12) days of unused vacation time may be carried over into the succeeding year. 14.5 Subject to the prior approval of the department head, vacation may be taken in increments of one (1) day at a time, so long as it does not interfere with the day to day operation of services to the Town. 14.6 No time shall be accrued during leaves of absence and/or suspensions from work exceeding 30 calendar days. 14.7 If the Town cancels a previously approved vacation, or any part thereof, it will pay the employee for any such time that cannot be rescheduled that year. SEC. 15. JURY DUTY 15.1 Employees who are required to serve on jury duty shall receive full salary during the period of such service, subject to their payment to the Town of all amounts received for such duty, exclusive of expenses of travel and meals, and shall receive full excusal for the day of such jury duty, regardless of shift. SEC. 16. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 16.1 Full-time employees shall be entitled to 4'four days) leave of absence with pay for the purpose of arranging and attending the funeral of the spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, parent-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law of such employee. A full-time employee shall be granted one working day with pay to attend the funeral on the employee's working day of the employee's grandparents, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, half-brothers or half-sisters, or other relatives living in the household of the employee unless additional time is authorized by the Supervisor. The leave of absence for funeral purposes shall be in addition to any other leave of absence to which such employee is entitled under any other provision of this Agreement. The Town Supervisor shall also have the sole, nongrievable discretion to grant bereavement leave for the loss of other persons. SEC. 17. UNAUTHORIZED ABSENCE 17.1 An employee who shall be absent without authorization therefor, for which no satisfactory explanation is given, shall not be compensated for such period of absence, and if such absence shall continue for ten (10) continuous working days, such 7 12-15-05 unauthorized absence shall be deemed to constitute just cause for dismissal in accordance with applicable rules of the Suffolk County Civil Service Rules and Regulations. SEC. 18. LEAVE OF ABSENCE 18.1 Upon request, full-time employees may be granted a child care leave of absence not exceeding twvo (2) years without pay by reason of the birth to or adoption ora child by the employee. Such employee, upon the expiration of such per/od of leave of absence, shall be restored to same or comparable position of employment, if the same is available. Part-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for these reasons, at the discretion of the Town Board. 18.2 Upon request, full-time employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay not exceeding one (1) year for reasons of personal health or that of their immediate family, provided, however, that the necessity therefor is certified in writing to the Town Board by a physician. SEC. 19. SICK LEAVE 19.1 Upon completion of one year of service, full-time employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave with pay. Full-time employees with less than one year of service shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave with pay for each month of service. Part-time employees who work at least five days in each week shall be entitled to one (1) day sick leave with pay for each month after the first month of work. Effective July 1, 1999, part-time employees shall accrue one (1) hour of sick leave for each twenty (20) hours actually worked. Not more than 1/3 of this accrued time may be utilized annually, pursuant to the procedures contained in contract Section 21 and applicable department practices, if any, as though it were personal leave. 19.2 Full-time employees hired after October 15, 1996 shall be entitled to twelve (12) days sick leave during their first year of employment, thirteen (13) days during their second year of employment, fourteen (14) days during their third year of employment and fifteen (15) days sick leave thereafter. 19.3 Unused sick leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 280 days. 19.4 An employee who shall become sick while on vacation may have such period of illness charged against any unused sick leave, provided that a physician certifies to such illness and the duration thereof' in writing and the vacation period of such employee shall be extended accordingly. 12-15-05 19.5 An employee who becomes sick while at work, who is required to leave work, will be charged for one-half day of sick leave if he/she worked at least 50% of the normal work day, otherwise he/she will be charged for a full day of sick leave. 19.6 Employees who are required to attend a doctor's appointment during normal working hours, and cannot reschedule said appointment after working hours shall have said sick leave time deducted 'in the same manner as in Section 19.5. Effective June 21, 2005, absences of less than one-half day shall be charged as actual hours of work missed, up to 10 hours per year. 19.7 A department head may request a written physician's certificate in all cases where an employee is absent by reason of illness for more than three consecutive work days. In addition, a department head may, in consultation with the CSEA President, also require a physician's statement if the department head has reason to believe that an employee is abusing his/her sick leave privileges by, for example, exhibiting a pattern of absences on the first or last days of the employee's regularly scheduled workweek, the days immediately before or after a holiday or vacation period, or due to use of sick leave in excess of the unit average for the past three full calendar years. A person who is at or exceeding the average shall be notified in advance that a doctor's note will be necessary for future absences. 19.8 Upon retirement, a full-time employee shall be entitled to payment for the first 40 days of accumulated unused sick leave. For days accumulated over 40, additional payment will be made at the rate of one day for each 3 accumulated ov'er 40. In no event shall the grand total payment exceed 120 days. 19.9 No time shall be accrued during leaves of absence and/or suspension from work exceeding 30 calendar days. SEC. 20. HOLIDAYS 20.1 Full-time employees sh~,ll be entitled to the following holidays off with pay, to wit: · the first day of January, known as New Year's Day · the third Monday of January, known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day · the third Monday in February, known as (President's Day) Washington's Birthday · the last Monday in May, known as Memorial Day I2-15-05 · the fourth day of July, known as Independence Day · the first Monday in September, known as Labor Day · the second Monday in October, known as Columbus Day · the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, known as Election Day · the eleventh day of November, known as Veteran's Day · the fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day · the day after' Thanksgiving Day, except for employees assigned to the Landfill, who shall receive a floating holiday to be scheduled as though it were a personal day · the twenty-fifth day of December, knows as Christmas Day · the eve of Thanksgiving Day, lA day · the eve of C]hristmas Day, ½ day · the eve of New Year's Day, ½ day 20.2 Where a federally observed holiday differs from the foregoing list of holidays, the federal holiday will be observed instead of the day listed in the foregoing. 20.2a Holidays for Public SalTety Dispatchers and Bay Constables shall be observed on the day of the actual holiday. 20.3 In the event that any of the above specified holidays occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday, and if any of the above specified holidays occurs on a Sunday, lhe succeeding Monday shall be observed as a holiday. 20.4 In the event, however, that it may be deemed necessary by the head of a department that certain employees are required to be on duty on such days, such employees so requested to work on the above named holidays agree to do so and shall be compensated therefor in accordance with Section 29.2 hereof. 20.5 Unless on vacation or an approved compensatory time, holiday, personal or sick day, employee must work his/her last regularly scheduled day before and the first following the holiday in order to receive holiday pay or compensatory time off. 20.6 Employees shall have the option of receiving pay rather than time off for not more than 3(effective January 1, 2006 all) holidays per calendar year, provided written notice is provided to the Accounting Department, on a form prepared by the Town after notice to the CSEA, by not later than December 31 of that year. Employees continue to have the right to carry over unused holidays into the next calendar year, per existing practices. I0 12-15-05 SEC. 21. PERSONAL LEAVE 21.1 Full-time employees shall be entitled to four days personal leave of absence with pay in each calendar year for personal business reasons (personal leave days) and new employees shall receive one clay of personal leave of absence per quarter during the first calendar year of their employment, provided that the time for taking such leave be subject to prior approval by the department head. Personal leave shall also be prorated quarterly for employees during their last year of employment. SEC. 22. COMPENSATORY TIME 22.1 Whenever, under any provision hereof, an employee is entitled to compensatory time off, the stone shall be taken at such time and for such duration as shall be mutually agreed to by the employee and the department head of the department in which he/she is employed. (a) Effective June 21, 2005, employees may continue to accrue compensatory time but must reduce that time to not more than 120 hours as of December 31, 2005. Except where otherwise agreed to in writing by the Department Head, the employee must request the use: and/or payment of 50% of his/her compensatory time that exceeds 120 hours by September 1, 2005, and must make at least one request for the use of compensatory time every two months. Any denial of a request to use compensatory time will be automatically revi. ewed by the Town Supervisor or designee and a written response issued to the employee within 14 calendar days for the Supervisor or designee's receipt of the denial. If, as the result of a decision to deny the use of his/her compensatory time as requested, the employee still has more than 120 hours of compensatory time as of December 31, 2005, then the Town will pay for that excess time, provided that the employee has made a good faith effort to request, schedule and use this time as contemplated by this Agreement. (b) Effective January 1, 2006, employees in safety sensitive positions may accrue up to but no more than 300 hours of compensatory time, and employees in non- safety sensitive positions may accrue up to but no more than 200 hours of compensatory time, at any time during the year, but must reduce that time to not more than 120 hours as of December 31, 2006. Except where otherwise agreed to in writing by the Department Head, the employee must request the use and/or payment of 50% of his/her compensatory time that exceeds 120 hours by September 1, 2006, and must make at least one request for the use of compensatory time every two months. Any denial of a request to use compensatory time will be automatically reviewed by the Town Supervisor or designee 11 12-15-05 and a written response issued to the employee within 14 calendar days from the Supervisor or designee's receilpt of the denial. If, as the result ora decision to deny the use of compensatory time as requested, the employee still has more than 120 hours of compensatory time as of Dece:mber 31, 2006, then the Town will pay for that excess time, provided that the employee has made a good faith effort to request, schedule and use this time as contemplated by this Agreement. (c) Effective January 1, 2007, employees in safety sensitive positions may accrue up to but no more than 240 hours of compensatory time, and employees in non- safety sensitive positions may accrue up to but no more than 160 hours of compensatory time as of December 31, 2007 and succeeding December 3 l's. Except where other~vise agreed to in ~vriting by the Department Head, the employee must request the use and/or payment of 50% of his/her compensatory time that exceeds 120 hours by September 1, 2007 and succeeding September 1 's, and must make at least one request for the use of compensatory time every two ]months. Any denial of a request to use compensatory time will be automatically reviewed by the Town Supervisor or designee and a written response issued to the employee within 14 calendar days from the Supervisor or designee's receipt of the denial. If, as the result ora decision to deny the use of compensatory time as requested, the employee still has more than ! 20 hours of compensatory time as of Dece:mber 31, 2007 and succeeding December 3 l's, then the Town will pay for that excess time, provided that the employee has made a good faith effort to request, schedule and use this time as contemplated by this Agreement. (d) Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as in any way restricting the Town's right to take any actions required by the provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, and the cases and regulations interpreting it, subject to the Town's duty to bargain, if any, with the C SEA regarding those actions. 22.2 All Town employees asked to report or remain on duty during a weather emergency when normal Town services are suspended will receive compensatory time at the straight time rate for all hours actually worked during their normal shift. 22.3 Straight-time compensatory time will be granted to Public Safety Dispatchers and Bay Constables who actually work on Easter Sunday. Effective June 21, 2005, this paragraph shall be deleted. SEC. 23. HEALTH INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION 23.1 There shall be a six (6) month waiting eligibility period for inclusion into the 12 12-15-05 Town of Southold Employees Health Benefit Plan from the employee's date of hire. 23.2 The Town shall continue to pay its 100% premium contribution towards the cost of medical and hospitalization benefits in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth in the Town of Southold Employees Health Benefit Plan "Description Booklet" dated May 1989, except as to the identity of the administrator and, except that those enrolled in the Plan are required to pay a $10co-payment for each and every office visit to a participating provider and for each and every visit to a lab or clinic for all diagnostic testing. Additionally, there shall be a $9 co-payment for every generic drag prescription so received up to a maximum of two hundred dollars ($200) per year at which time co- payment will revert to ($2 co-payment for every genetic drug prescription filled. Effective July 1, 2005, the Town's medical plan benefit package shall fully and completely mirror the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan as it existed as of January 1, 2004. Effective January 1, 2006, the Town's medical plan benefit package shall fully and completely mirror the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan as it existed as of January 1, 2005, until a successor or different agreement is reached. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Section 23.2, effective July 1, 2005, the prescription co-pays for medications for which there is no generic brand equivalent shall be equal to one-half the difference between the co-pay required as of April 29, 2005 by the Town's self-insured medical plan and the then current amount required by the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan.. Effective January 1, 2006, the prescription co-pays for medications for which there is no generic brand equivalent shall be equal to one-half the difference between the co-pay required as of January 1, 2005 and January 1, 2006 by the Empire Core Plus Enhancements Plan until a successor or different agreement is reached. Effective June 21, 2005;, the Joint Labor-Management Committee shall have jurisdiction over and continue the parties' discussions about health insurance and fringe benefit cost-containment measures. Criteria and other matters that are not terms and conditions of employment shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of this committee. The committee's discussions and results are subject to bilateral agreement, but not to the contractual grievance and arbitration or PERB's impasse or fact finding procedures. 23.3 The hospitalization program may be subject to grievances only with respect to the application of the terms of the hospitalization program to individual claim and not with respect to the terms of the plan itself. 23.4 Employees will be eligible for individual coverage, but not family coverage, if they are eligible for coverage under another Town employee's Town health insurance plan. 13 12-15-05 The employee may reinstate family coverage in the event of an emergency causing the loss of the other person's Town health insurance, consistent with the roles and regulations of the Town's health insurance plan and applicable laws and regulations. 23.5 Health Insurance Declination Bonus. Employees may opt out of the Town's health insurance program in whole or in part for a full year by completing the appropriate form furnished by the Town. An employee opting out of the Town's health insurance program in whole or in part shall be paid 50% of the premium savings, provided the employee maintains the employee's waiver (remains out) for a full year. Payments shall be subject to all usual payroll deductions and shall be made on or about December 15 of each year. Employees electing to waive coverage must do so by filing their forms no later than November 30th in any year, with the provisions of this section taking effect on the next January 1st. Once a waiw:r form has been filed with the Town, the waiver shall continue to be in effect from year to year thereafter until the employee elects to reenroll and the employee shall be entitled to the applicable payment for waiver for each full year his or her waiver is in effect. ]Employees shall continue to be notified if the application to decline insurance is incomplete or insufficient. It is understood that once an employee has waived coverage for a particular year, the employee may not reinstate coverage for that year except in the event of an emergency causing the loss of insurance through another source and consistent with the rules and regulations of the Town's flexible spending plan and applicable laws and regulations. Emergency shall include loss of employment or termination of insurance for, a spouse whose employer had provided the alternative insurance. Emergency shall not include the change of any such alternative insurance from a noncontributory to a contributory plan, or the voluntary declination of the spouse of insurance offered by the spouse's employer. Reinstatement of coverage for the succeeding year may be made by notifying the Town in writing no later than November 30th to be effective the succeeding fiscal year. This deadline shall not apply to emergency reinstatement of insurance as provided for in the above paragraph, but the reinstatement shall be subject to whatever requirements or deadlines are imposed by the Town's program. If reinstatement occurs during a waived year due to emergency, the employee will repay, prorata, any amount already forwarded to the employee in return for the waiver, by payroll deduction. 23.6 Flexible Spendin~ Plan. An Internal Revenue Code {3 125 flexible spending plan related to the health insurance declination only has been implemented by the Town. It is understood that, before the plan is utilized by a particular unit member, the member shall first agree in writing to indemnify and save the Town harmless against any and all claims 14 12-15-05 and/or liabilities, including attorneys' fees, that may arise out of or be reason of action taken or not taken by the Towna for the purpose of complying with this Section. SEC. 24. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND 24.1 The benefits provided by the 1996-1998 Agreement shall be continued (the CSEA Employment Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan) 24.2 The Town will make payments to the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund for the benefit of full-time employees. Effective July 1, 2003, the Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan, not to exceed $1,148.84 per full-time employee per year. Effective July 1, 2004, the Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan, not to exceed $1,212.12 per full-time employee per year. Effective July 1, 2005, the Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan, not to exceed $1,226.88 per full-time employee per year. Effective July 1, 2006, the Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan, not to exceed $1,320.96 per full-time employee per year. Effective July 1, 2007, the Town shall pay 100% of the premiums for the benefits provided by the former CSEA Benefit Fund Package 7 Plan, not to exceed $1,486.92 per full-time employee per year. Such payments shall be made in advance on a bimonthly basis. The amount of each payment shall be based on the number of full time employees shown on the last payroll preceding such payment. An adjustment shall be made at the end of each bimonthly period in increase payments (on a daily basis) for employees added to the payroll during the two month period subsequent to the payment date to decrease payments (on a daily basis) for employees who have been removed from the payroll during the two month period subsequent to the payment date. 24.3 The Town will make payments to the fund in the amount of whatever charge is made against each employee b,y the fund. The difference between this amount and the cost of the fund shall be deducted for the employee's pay check. 24.4 CSEA represents that the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund is a legally constituted entity; that such entity may legally receive funds paid to it by the Town for the benefit of the employees of the Town; and that the employees of the Town are eligible to participate in the benefits provided by such entity. CSEA also represents that it will obtain and 15 12-15-05 provide to the Town such assurance from the Trustees of said Benefit Fund as will satisfy the representations set forth in the preceding paragraph hereof. 24.5 It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the Town assumes no liability or responsibility for the disposition of the funds paid by it to the CSEA Benefit Fund after the same are paid to such fund pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Nor does the Town assume any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the acts or omissions o£the CSEA Benefit Fund in the administration of its affairs, against all of which the CSEA does hereby hold the Town harmless. SEC. 25. RETIREMENT BENEFITS 25.1 Subject to the applicable provisions of law, the Town shall provide to Tier 1 and 2 employees a noncontributory ':Improved Career Retirement Plan" in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 75-I of the Retirement and Social Security Law and to pay the entire cost thereof to the New York State Employees Retirement System. 25.2 Subject to the applicable provisions of the law, the Town shall provide to Tier 3 and Tier 4 employees a retirement plan in accordance with the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law. 25.3 Unused sick leave will be applied as additional service credit upon retirement of an employee in accordance with lhe subject to the provisions of Section 41J of the Retirement and Social Security Law. SEC. 26. DUES 26.1 Dues deduction shall be made uniformly and consistently by the Town on each payroll period and promptly paid over to the Treasurer of CSEA. 26.2 The Town shall continue to make deductions from the salary of each employee who has authorized the same in writing until authorized in writing by such employee to discontinue, change, or amend such deductions. 26.3 Any employee authorization to discontinue dues deductions shall be in duplicate signed by such employee and submitted to the Supervisor, who shall promptly mail one copy thereof to the Treasurer of CSEA. 26.4 The Town shall assume, no liability or responsibility for the disposition of dues deductions after the same are paid over to the Treasurer of C.S.E.A. 16 12-i5-05 SEC. 27. SALARIES 27.1 For all full-time employees hired on or before June 8, 1999: Effective January 1, 2005, all part-time and full time employees on or off step shall receive a 10% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. Effective January 1, 2006, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.5% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. Effective January 1, 2007, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.75% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. 27.2 For all full-time employees hired after June 8, 1999: Eligible employees shall be entitled to step movement on January 1 provided they were employed by the Town before July 1 of the preceding calendar year. Effective January 1, 2005, all part-time and full time employees on or off step shall receive a 10% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. Effective January 1, 2006, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.5% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. Effective January 1, 2007, all part-time and full-time employees on or off step shall receive a 3.75% increase, and part-time clerks working in the Tax Receiver's office shall receive an additional $1.00 per hour increase. 27.3 An employee who is promoted shall be placed on the step in the new position which will enable said employee to have an increase equal to at least five (5) percent of the employees rate before promotion. In no event shall any increase exceed Step 5 of the new position. 17 12-15-05 27.4 The Town shall prepare a salary schedule of employees as provided herein and the same shall be annexed hereto. 27.5 Employees assigned to work as "Acting Foreman" for more than three (3) consecutive days shall be paid foreman's pay. 27.6 All leave credits except personal leave shall become effective the first pay period in the month of the employee's anniversary date. 27.7 When promoted, or when granted an extended leave of absence when not on the top step when leave commences, the employee shall be placed on the section 27.2 salary schedule. 27.8 If a new agreement is not reached on or before January 1, 2008, all movement on the salary schedule or on longevity steps shall be frozen at the level in effect on December 31, 2007 until a successor or different agreement is reached. SEC. 28. RECALL 28.1 Employees who are required to report to work due to floods, storms or other emergency shall be deemed for all purposes to have commenced work when notified to report for work. When possible, in such events, such employees will be given a period of 45 minutes within which to report to work. 28.2 Such employees, when required to work, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours compensation at their regular salary scale. SEC. 29. OVERTIME 29.1 Employees who shall be required to work in excess of eight (8) hours in any one day shall be compensated therefor at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) time the normal rate of salary or wages, or at the option of the employee shall be given compensatory time off at the same rate subject to law. The provisions of this paragraph shall not, however, apply to work performed on any holiday set forth in this Agreement. 29.2 Full-time employees who shall be required to work during the hours between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM (7:00 AM mid 3:30 PM in the Highway Department and Department of Public Works) on any holiday set forth in this Agreement shall receive compensation thereof at the regular rate of salary or wages in addition to receiving the regular salary or wages for such holiday and shall also be given compensatory time off with pay equal to 18 12-15-05 the time worked on any such holiday. If any such employee is required to work on any such holiday between 4:00 PM and 7:30 AM (3:30 PM and 7:00 AM in the Highway Department and Department of Public Works), the employee shall be compensated for hours worked at double the rate of salary or wages. 29.3 On or about the 10th of each month, the department head of every department of the Town shall post in a conspicuous place within the department a list containing the names and the number of hours of overtime worked by each employee of the department during the preceding month. SEC. 30. LONGEVITY 30.1 Full-time employees shall receive additional non-cumulative compensation (applied to the straight-time base rate of pay) based upon length of service in the Town as follows: a. Employees with at least ten years but fewer than fifteen (15) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 5%. b. Employees with at least fifteen (15) years but fewer than twenty (20) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 6%. 19 12-15-05 c. Employees with twenty (20) years but fewer than twenty-five (25) years of service shall receive a salary increase of 7%. d. Employees with twenty five (25) years of service or more shall receive a salary increase of 8%. e. Additional compensation as provided in this section shall commence on the first day of the month in which an employee becomes eligible therefor. SEC. 31. SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL 31.1 A shift differential of $1,100 per year shall be granted to each Public Safety Dispatcher who works three shifts around the clock on a regularly scheduled basis. 31.2 A shift differential of $1300 per year shall be granted to each Public Safety Dispatcher who works two rotating shifts on a regularly scheduled basis. 31.3 The above shift differentials shall apply as well to any custodian working the night shift. If more than one (1) custodian rotates onto the night shift the shift differential will be prorated between those employees. A shift differential of $300 per year shall be granted to each custodian working the rotating night shift. 31.4 A shift differential of $ 300 per year shall be granted to each full-time Bay Constable. SEC. 32. MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 32.1 Employees who shall be required to use their private automobile in the performance of official Town business shall be compensated therefor at a rate to be set by the Town Board upon the presentation of a voucher therefor to the Town Board. SEC. 33. LICENSES 33.1 Employees required to ihave a Suffolk County Electrician's License for employment with the Town shall have the fee paid by the Town up to $100 per year. 33.2 The Town shall reimburse the cost of the CDL license fee and, effective January 1, 2006, renewal fee, to any employee whose job duties require the possession of a valid CDL. The request for reimbursement must be submitted, with proof of payment, within 30 days of licensing. 20 12-15-05 SEC. 34. HOURS OF WORK The normal work week of all fhll-time employees shall be as follows: 34.1 Clerical employees shall work seven (7) hours per day with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of thirty-five (35) hours per week. The Town has the option to regularly schedule clerical employees between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on any day Monday to Friday but without an increase in weekly hours. Employee qualifications, being equal, the choice of hours shall be given on a seniority basis. Five days notice shall be given for such change in the regular schedule. 34.2 Building Inspectors shall work seven hours per day (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) with one hour for lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of thirty-five hours per week. 34.3 Highway Department and Public Works employees shall work eight hours per day (7:00 AM to 3:30 PM) with one-half hour lunch, five days per week (Monday through Friday) for a total of forty horn's per week. 34.4 Public Safety Dispatchers shall work eight hour rotating shifts with one-half hour for lunch, for a total of thirty-seven and one-half hours per week. Upon request by the Town, the parties shall meet to continue their negotiations over the Town's proposal to implement fixed tours of duty. 34.5 Full-time Human Resources Department employees may work one of the following shifts now utilized: 5:30 AM to 1:00 PM, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, or 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, based upon the needs of that department. Effective as soon as the Town implements time clocks in the Department, the work day shall be increased by ()ne hour to 8 hours per day including the current one hour for lunch, with the additional time to be scheduled by the Department contiguous to the starting and/or ending times of the existing shifts. 34.6 Employees assigned to 'work the Collection Center shall work ten hours per day, 6:45 AM to 5:15 PM, four days per week (with one-half hour for lunch), for a total of forty hours per week. Collection Center employees hired after July 1, 1996 may be scheduled to work a five (5) day workweek at the discretion of supervision. Any employee required to eat lunch on the site shall be given a paid lunch period. 21 12-15-05 34.7 Bay Constables and Maintenance employees in Building and Grounds shall work eight hours per day with one-half hour for lunch, for a total of forty hours per week. 34.8 Part-time employees shall be required to work at such times and on such schedules as their services may be required by the head of the department in which employed, provided that such schedules shall conform to the roles of the Suffolk County Civil Service Commission, and do not infringe upon the work schedules of the full-time employees. 34.9 The Town may close the Collection Center if it so elects in order to meet its operational objectives. SEC. 35. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 35.1 "GRIEVANCE" means any dispute between the employee and the Town with respect only to the meaning or interpretation of a specific provision of this Agreement. It shall not include disciplinary proceedings or any other matters that are reviewable under administrative procedures established by laws or the roles of the Suffolk County Civil Commission. 35.2 All grievances of employees involving the interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the following procedure: Step 1. Within ten days after an employee knows or should have known of an occurrence which allegedly violates the contract with respect to that employee, the employee may submit a grievance in writing to his/her immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor shall issue a written reply to said grievance within ten days of its receipt. The failure of the Town at Step 1 to respond within the contractually prescribed timelines shall permit the employee to proceed to Step 2. Step 2. If the employee is not satisfied with said reply, within ten days of receipt of the reply, the employee may appeal the decision to the Grievance Board made up of 2 designees of the Supervisor, one of whom shall normally be the department head, and the CSEA Unit President or his/her designated representative. The failure of the Town at Step 2 to respond ~vithin the contractually prescribed timelines shall permit the CSEA to proceed to Step 3. The failure of the employee to appeal within the contractually prescribed timelines shall result in the dismissal of the grievance. The Grievance Board shall consider such grievance within twenty (20) working days after receipt of said grievance and shall issue a written reply within ten (10) working days after said meeting to the grievant, CSEA President and Town Attorney. 22 12-15-05 Step 3. If the CSEA is not satisfied with the Step 2 answer, it may, within 30 working days, notify the Town Clerk in writing that it is requesting a hearing before an independent advisory arbitrator selected pursuant to the rules of the New York State Public Employment Relations Board, whose advisory recommendation(s) shall be forwarded to the Town Board and CSEA Unit President within twenty (20) working days following the Step 3 hearing. The failure of the CSEA to comply with and appeal within the contractually proscribed procedures and time lines shall result in the CSEA's written consent to the Town's application for. a stay of arbitration and/or dismissal of the grievance. The cost for said arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. Step 4. The Town Board shall consider the said recommendation(s) of the advisory arbitrator at the next scheduled Board meeting and shall make a final and binding decision within thirty (30) days following said meeting and communicate said decision in writing to the CSEA Unit President. SEC. 36. CSEA RIGHTS 36.1 There shall be a Labor/Management Committee composed of six (6) members, three of whom shall be selected by the CSEA, the Superintendent of Highways, and two (2) non-bargaining unit Town employees selected by the Town Board. Such Committee will meet upon the written request of either party for the purpose of discussing working conditions and such other matters as affect the Town and its employees. The Committee will meet within twenty (20) days of receipt of written request by either party. Any decision made by this committee shall not be binding upon either party until ratified or approved by the CSEA Unit and the Town Board. This Committee ;vill be established as of January 1 st of each year and each party will submit names of its members to the other party. The joint-labor-management committee shall have jurisdiction over and continue the parties' discussions about the impact of the deletion of Section 28.3 (Recall Staffing) from the contract. Criteria and other matters that are not terms and conditions of employment shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of this committee. The committee's discussions and results are subject to bilateral agreement, but not to the contractual grievance and arbitration or PERB's impasse or fact finding procedures. 36.2 It is contemplated by the parties hereto that, notwithstanding the starting wages set forth in Salary Schedules hereof, it may be necessary from time to time, to employ persons at a starting wage above the amount set forth in such Schedules. In such event, it is agreed by the parties hereto that a Committee to consist of five members shall be established to authorize such employment. Such committee shall consist of the 23 12-15-05 department head of the department in which such person is to be employed; two members to be selected by the CSEA; and two members to be selected by the Town Board. 36.3 The Town agrees to provide a bulletin board at a convenient location for the posting of notices relative to the business and affairs of the CSEA. 36.4 The officers and members of the CSEA shall have the right to use Town buildings, when available, for meetings of its members and committees, provided that such use does not interfere with the use thereof by the Town for regular Town business. 36.5 Officers of the CSEA slhall, when possible, be given priority over other employees in the scheduling of vacation time. 36.6 Officers and authorized representatives of the CSEA shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay to attend CSEA conferences and authorized meetings, provided that no more than two employees of the Town, nor more than one employee from each department of the Town, shall be absent at the same time, and further provided that the total numbers of days of absence of all employees for such purposes shall not exceed 17 days in any calendar year. 36.7 Employees who shall be assigned to the duties of resolving employee disputes and grievances arising during the work day shall be authorized time off with pay not to exceed one-half hour with respect to each such incident. 36.8 The Town shall establish an e-mail account on the Town's server for the purpose of the CSEA President or designee sending or receiving external e-mail regarding official CSEA business only. All related costs shall be incurred by the CSEA. The CSEA agrees to indemnify and save the Town harmless against any and all claims and/or liabilities, including attorneys' fees, that may arise out of or be reason of action taken or not taken by the CSEA pursuant to the use of the e-mail account. SEC. 37. AMENDMENTS 37.1 Any changes or amendments to this Agreement shall not become effective unless the same are in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 24 12-15-05 SEC 38. NO STRIKE PLEDGE 38.1 The CSEA does hereby affirm that it does not assert the right to strike against any government nor to assist or participate in such strike, or to impose any obligation to conduct, assist or participate in such a strike. SEC. 39. LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL 39.1 IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT REQUIRING LEGISLATIVE ACTION TO PERMIT ITS IMPLEMENTATION BY AMENDMENT OF LAW OR PROVIDING THE ADDITIONAL FUND THEREFOR, SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE LEGISLATIVE BODY HAS GIVEN APPROVAL. 39.2 It is agreed by and bemfeen the parties that any provision of this Agreement requiring approval by federal authorities shall not become effective until such approval has been granted. SEC. 40. TERMINATION BENEFITS 40. l In the event that the employment of any employee is terminated by reason of retirement, resignation or other cause, all benefits provided herein shall be prorated up to the date of such termination. 40.2 In the event of death alii time and leave accrued by employees shall be paid to the legal estate, or, subject to applicable laws, wr/tten designee, less any time owed to the Town, as if said employee would have received such remuneration upon retirement, resignation or other cause, all benefits herein shall be prorated up to the date of death. SEC. 41. WAIVER-ZIPPER 41.1 The Town and the CSEA, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly agree that the ofiher shall not be obligated to negotiate collectively with respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement. It is hereby agreed that salaries and benefits already agreed upon cannot be modified or amended except by mutual agreement. This shall not be construed to apply to negotiations for future collectively negotiated agreements bet~veen the parties. 25 12-15-05 SEC. 42. SEVERABILITY 42.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if one or more of the provisions of this contract is found to be illegal, all other provisions are to remain in full force and effect. SEC. 43. PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS 43.1 The relief Dispatcher is to be the least senior full-time dispatcher, unless a more senior Dispatcher volunteers for said relief assignment. 43.2 Public Safety Dispatchers shall not be required to perform matron duties. 43.3 The Town has the discretion to deny a switch of tour of duty. Each switch of tour of duty must be approved in writing prior to the actual switch. The dates/tours of each switch must be specified at the time of the request. SEC. 44. PAYROLL CHECKS 44.1 Payroll checks are to be: delivered to employees in sealed envelopes. SEC. 45. EMPLOYEE TRAINING 45.1 Insofar as practicable, employee seniority shall be considered by supervision when training opportunities become available. SEC. 46 TIME CLOCKS 46.1 The Town shall have the unfettered right to install time clocks to be utilized by all employees. 46.2 The Town and the CSEA agree that any problems which may arise pertaining to the use of the time clocks shall, be dealt with in the Labor-Management Committee forum. SEC. 47. EMPLOYEE LEAVE REQUESTS 47.1 Employee requests to utilize leave entitlements shall be responded to by their immediate supervision within five (5) calendar days, or prior to the date of the requested leave, whichever is sooner. 26 12-15-05 SEC. 48. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 48.1 Except in emergency situations, employees shall be given at least forty-eight (48) hours notice of the cancellation of special volunteer work assignments that would alter their existing work schedules. 48.2 The in-Towrdout-of-Town status of Highway employees shall only be revealed on time-offrequest slips between November 15 and April 15 of any given year. This recall information shall in no way be used as a basis for approving or denying such time. 48.3 During an emergency call-out, the Highway Superintendent shall not unreasonably withhold his/her consent to the employees' use of the Town Recreation Center during designated rest periods. SEC. 49. EMPLOYEE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING 49.1 Department of Transportation regulations with regard to drug and alcohol testing of employees utilizing municipal vehicles and equipment will be implemented and enforced. Effective January 31, 2006, all employees shall be subject to random drug and alcohol testing pursuant to the same rules and regulations in effect for CDL holders. SEC. 50. DISABILITY INSURANCE 50.1 The Town shall participate in the New York State Disability Insurance Plan, subject to the Plan's Rules and Regulations. SEC. 51. HAZMAT DUTIES 51.1 If the CSEA has reason to believe that the Town is not in compliance with PESH requirements regarding HazMat staffing, it shall so notify the Supervisor's Office immediately, providing time, date, situation and any other detail necessary for the Town to investigate the claim. SEC. 52. TERM OF AGREEMENT 52.1 Except where otherwise., provided, this Agreement and all of the terms and conditions hereof shall become effective on January 1, 2003, and shall continue in full force through December 31, 2007. 27 12-15-05 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this __ day of January, 2006. TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Southold Town Supervisor C.S.E.A. 1NC. LOCAL t00 AFSCME AFL-CIO, SOUTHOLD UNIT 8785 Thomas M. Skabry President #75685 28 Appendix A Salary Structure January 1,2003 Title Laborer Scale Operator Driver/Messenger AEC HEO CEO Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Mechanic III Auto Mechanic I & II Auto Mechanic III Auto Mechanic IV Crew Labor Leader Town Maintenance Crew Leader Assistant Cook Administrative Assistant Adult Day Care Supervisor Cook Custodial Worker I Custodial Worker II Custodial Worker tll Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Building Inspector Senior Building Inspector Principal Building Inspector Chief Building Inspector Building Permits Coordinator Building Permits Examiner Ordinance Inspector Assessment Assistant Senior Assessment Assistant Assessment Clerk Clerk Clerk (Spanish Speaking) Senior Clerk Principal Clerk Clerk-Typist Senior Clerk-Typist Stenographer Justice Court Clerk Senior Justice Court Clerk Justice Court Cashier Account Clerk Senior Account Clerk Principal Account Clerk Entry Level I 2 26,714.90 29,214.90 30,214.90 ¢1:'~,~ ' :., ..~ Appendix A January 1,2003 Page 1 of 2 18.2027 18.2027 18.2027 19.6775 20.1222 20.6723 19.1742 20.8362 19.1742 20.8362 21.9598 21.9598 21.9598 29,374.80 39,235.35 34,038.02 31,350.41 35,187.71 36,692.10 38,341.71 38,900~82 45,057.00 45,568.35 47,998.46 50,431.05 57,001.93 39,235.35 41,111.52 45,568.35 39,235.35 40,942.11 32,107.68 30,409.56 30,909.56 32,472.29 31,564.90 32,107.68 33,458.07 33,835.18 33,835.18 35,426.94 30,409.56 36,426.45 39,017.66 41,896.52 18.7060 18.7060 18.7060 19.6775 20.1222 20.6723 19.7360 20.8362 19.7360 20.8362 21.9598 21.9598 21.9598 30,776.20 40,159.56 35,608.68 32,907.45 36,101.27 37,651.34 39,348.91 39,696.47 45,810.20 46,506.39 48,936.36 51,368.56 57,448.24 40,159.56 41,955.75 46,506.39 40,159.56 41,912.53 32,515.40 30,818.96 31,318.96 32,915.06 32,564.90 32,515.40 33,886.17 34,242.88 34,242.88 35,855.02 30,818.96 36,834.10 39,425.38 42,816.20 19.9187 19.9187 19.9187 20.3986 20.8433 21.3934 21.0072 21.5573 21.0072 21.5573 22.6809 22.6809 22.6809 33,823.20 42,583.77 38,789.29 36,073.57 38,514.79 40,110.54 41,856.07 41,933.20 48,101.41 48,909.87 51,338.85 53,771.46 59,469.50 42,583.77 44,158.88 48,909.87 42,583.77 44,382.95 34,581.99 32,883.87 33,383.87 35,026.01 35,064.90 34,581.99 35,981.09 36,309.49 36,309.49 37,984.96 32,883.87 38,900.75 41,491.96 45,235.47 Account Clerk Typist Senior Account Clerk Typist Data Control Supervisor Data Entry Operator Data Processing Equipment Operator Director of Code Enforcement Director of Program Evaluation Executive Assistant Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) Secretary Home Health Aide Mini Bus Driver Neighborhood Aide Personnel Assistant Planner Trainee Planner Senior Planner Principal Planner Senior Environmental Planner Public Safety Dispatcher Public Safety Dispatcher II Public Safety Dispatcher I1~ Records Management Assistant Recreation Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Secretarial Assistant Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager Senior Citizen Program Supervisor Senior Citizen Site Manager Senior Citizen Program Director Engineering Inspector Solid Waste Coordinator Senior Citizen Aide II Site Plan Reviewer Technical Coordinator II Town Investigator Head Clerk Appendix A Salary Structure January 1,2003 45,900.00 48,400.00 49,400.00 38,197.77 40,107.65 44,465.38 31,200.00 45,727.58 50,100.00 57,073.50 57,073.50 38,721.47 38,721.47 25,222.44 21,822.44 35,355.25 37~992.77 35,535.75 37,702.78 44,856.06 54,287.56 50,750.00 36,400.97 38,831.94 40,518.54 33,613.06 22,532.83 42,374.22 41,896.52 23,985.57 35,355.25 49,494.82 51,919.56 48,723.77 55,522.33 27,538.02 37,702.78 60,227.58 44,920.87 39,235.35 38,625.81 40,557.10 45,378.65 32,200.00 46,119.56 51,482.82 58,149.36 58,149.36 39,124.93 39,124.93 25,822.44 22,222.44 37,004.02 38,420.81 35,989.41 38,188.74 45,281.11 54,712.61 51,750.00 38,858.39 41,290.05 43,099.56 34,041.17 22,895.43 43,318.74 42,816.20 24,471.54 37,004.02 50,455.20 52,927.96 49,679.15 56,566.07 29,108.68 38,188.74 61,227.58 46,175.13 40,159.56 40,775.79 42,814.57 47,756.72 34,700.00 48,164.42 54,344.11 60,683.81 60,683.81 41,186.34 41,186.34 27,922.44 24,122.44 40,268.61 40,515.79 37,944.40 40,176.12 47,206.12 56,637.62 54,250.00 42,815.79 45,248.14 47,180.55 36,171.09 24,758.46 45,713.88 45,225.47 26,458.88 40,268.61 52,878.53 55,452.46 52,097.47 59,069.65 32,289.29 40,176.12 63,727.58 48,909.86 42,583.77 Appendix A January 1,2003 Page 2 of 2 Appendix B Salary Structure January 1,2004 Title Laborer Scale Operator DdvedMessenger AEC HEO CEO Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Mechanic Ill Auto Mechanic I & II Auto Mechanic III Auto Mechanic IV Crew Labor Leader Town Maintenance Crew Leader Assistant Cook Administrative Assistant Adult Day Care Supervisor Cook Custodial Worker I Custodial Worker II Custodial Worker II1 Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Building Inspector Senior Building Inspector Principal Building Inspector Chief Building Inspector Building Permits Coordinator Building Permits Examiner Ordinance Inspector Assessment Assistant Senior Assessment Assistant Assessment Clerk Clerk Clerk (Spanish Speaking) Senior Clerk Principal Clerk Clerk-Typist Senior Clerk-Typist Stenographer Justice Court Clerk Senior Justice Court Clerk Justice Court Cashier Account Clerk Senior Account Clerk Principal Account Clerk Entry Level I 2 26,714.90 29,214.90 30,214.90 Appendix B January 1,2004 Page 1 of 2 18.2027 18.2027 18.2027 19.6775 20.1222 20.6723 19.1742 20.8362 19.1742 20.8362 21.9598 21.9598 21.9598 29,374.80 39,235.35 34,038.02 31,350.41 35,187.71 36,692.10 38,341.71 38,900.82 45,057.00 45,568.35 47,998.46 50,431.05 57,001.93 39,235.35 41,111.52 45,568.35 39,235.35 40,942.11 32,107.68 30,409.56 30,909.56 32,472.29 31,564.90 32,107.68 33,458.07 33,835.18 33,835.18 35,426.94 30,409.56 36,426.45 39,017.66 41,896.52 18.7060 18.7060 18.7060 19.6775 20.1222 20.6723 19.7360 20.8362 19.7360 20.8362 21.9598 21.9598 21.9598 30,776.20 40,159.56 35,608.68 32,907.45 36,101.27 37,651.34 39,348.91 39,696.47 45,810.20 46,506.39 48,936.36 51,368.56 57,448.24 40,159.56 41,955.75 46,506.39 40,159.56 41,912.53 32,515.40 30,818.96 31,318.96 32,915.06 32,564.90 32,515.40 33,886.17 34,242.88 34,242.88 35,855.02 30,818.96 36,834.10 39,425.38 42,816.20 19.9187 19.9187 19.9187 20.3986 20.8433 21.3934 21.0072 21.5573 21.0072 21.5573 22.6809 22.6809 22.6809 33,823.20 42,583.77 38,789.29 36,073.57 38,514.79 40,110.54 41,856.07 41,933.20 48,101.41 48,909.87 51,338.85 53,771.46 59,469.50 42,583.77 44,158.88 48,909.87 42,583.77 44,382.96 34,581.99 32,883.87 33,383.87 35,026.01 35,064.90 34,581.99 35,981.09 36,309.49 36,309.49 37,984.96 32,883.87 38,900.75 41,491.96 45,235.47 Account Clerk Typist Senior Account Clerk Typist Data Control Supervisor Data Entry Operator Data Processing Equipment Operator Director of Code Enforcement Director of Program Evaluation Executive Assistant Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) Secretary Home Health Aide Mini Bus Driver Neighborhood Aide Personnel Assistant Planner Trainee Planner Senior Planner Principal Planner Senior Environmental Planner Public Safety Dispatcher Public Safety Dispatcher II Public Safety Dispatcher Ill Records Management Assistant Recreation Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Secretarial Assistant Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager Senior Citizen Program Supervisor Senior Citizen Site Manager Senior Citizen Program Director Engineering Inspector Solid Waste Coordinator Senior Citizen Aide II Site Plan Reviewer Technical Coordinator II Town Investigator Head Clerk Appendix B Salary Structure January 1,2004 45,900.00 48,400.00 49,400.00 38,197.77 40,107.65 44,465.38 31,200.00 45,727.58 50,100.00 57,073.50 57,073.50 38,721.47 38,721.47 25,222.44 21,822.44 35,355.25 37,992.77 35,535.75 37,702.78 44,856.06 54,287.56 50,750.00 36,400.97 38,831.94 40,518.54 33,613.06 22,532.83 42,374.22 41,896.52 23,985.57 35,355.25 49,494.82 51,919.56 48,723.77 55,522.33 27,538.02 37,702.78 60,227.58 44,920.87 39,235.35 38,625.81 40,557.10 45,378.65 32,200.00 46,119.56 51,482.82 58,149.36 58,149.36 39,124.93 39,124.93 25,822.44 22,222.44 37,004.02 38,420.81 35,989.41 38,188.74 45,281.11 54,712.61 51,750.00 38,858.39 41,290.05 43,099.66 34,041.17 22,895.43 43,318.74 42,816.20 24,471.54 37,004.02 50,455.20 52,927.96 49,679.15 56,566.07 29,108.68 38,188.74 61,227.58 46,175.13 40,159.56 40,775.79 42,814.57 47,756.72 34,700.00 48,164.42 54,344.11 60,683.81 60,683.81 41,186.34 41,186.34 27,922.44 24,122.44 40,268.61 40,515.79 37,944.40 40,176.12 47,206.12 56,637.62 54,250.00 42,815.79 45,248.14 47,180.55 36,171.09 24,758.46 45,713.88 45,225.47 26,458.88 40,268.61 52,878.53 55,452.46 52,097.47 59,069.65 32,289.29 40,176.12 63,727.58 48,909.86 42,583.77 Appendix B January 1, 2004 Page 2 of 2 Title Laborer Scale Operator Driver/Messenger AEO HEO CEO Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Mechanic III Auto Mechanic III Auto Mechanic IV Crew Labor Leader Administrative Assistant Cook Custodial Worker I Custodial Worker II Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Building Inspector Building Permits Examiner Senior Assessment Assistant Assessment Clerk Clerk (Spanish Speaking) Clerk-Typist Senior Clerk-Typist Senior Justice Court Clerk Senior Account Clerk Director of Code Enforcement Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) Secretary Home Health Aide Mini Bus Driver Principal Planner Public Safety Dispatcher Recreation Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Secretarial Assistant Engineering Inspector Technical Coordinator II Head Clerk Appendix C Salary Structure January 1,2005 Entry Level 1_ 2 43,158.89 46,086.17 44,175.52 47,097.82 21.9106 21.9106 21.9106 22.4384 22.9277 23.5328 23.1079 23.7130 23.7130 24.9490 24.9490 46,842.15 39,680.93 42,366.27 44,121.59 46,126.52 52,911.55 63,800.86 48,574.77 48,821.25 38,040.19 36,722.26 38,040.19 39,579.20 41,783.46 45,641.16 59,778.52 45,304.98 45,304.98 30,714.68 26,534.68 62,301.38 47,097.37 27,234.31 50,285.26 49,748.02 57,307.22 70,100.34 46,842.16 Appendix C January 1,2005 Page 1 of 1 Title Laborer Scale Operator Driver/Messenger AEC HEO CEO Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Mechanic III Auto Mechanic III Auto Mechanic IV Crew Labor Leader Administrative Assistant Cook Custodial Worker I Custodial Worker II Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Building Inspector Building Permits Examiner Senior Assessment Assistant Assessment Clerk Clerk (Spanish Speaking) Clerk-Typist Senior Clerk-Typist Senior Justice Court Clerk Senior Account Clerk Director of Code Enforcement Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) Secretary Home Health Aide Mini Bus Driver Principal Planner Public Safety Dispatcher Recreation Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Secretarial Assistant Engineering Inspector Technical Coordinator II Head Clerk Appendix D Salary Structure January 1,2006 Entry Level I 2_ 3 45,721.66 48,746.24 22.6774 22.6774 22.6774 23.2238- 23.7301 - 24.3564- 23.9167 24.5430 - 24.5430 - 25.8222" 25.8222 48,481.62 41,069.76 43,849.09 45,665.85 47,740.96 54,763.46 55,683.88 50,274.88 50,529.99 39,371.59 38,007.54 39,371.59 40,964.47 43,245.88 47,238.60 61,870.77 46,890.65 46,890.65 31,789.70 27,463.40 64,481.93 48,745.78 28,187.51 52,045.25 51,489.20 59,312.97 72,553.85 48,481.62 Appendix D January 1,2006 Page 1 of 1 Title Laborer Scale Operator Driver/Messenger AEO HEO CEO Maintenance Mechanic Il Maintenance Mechanic III Auto Mechanic III Auto Mechanic IV Crew Labor Leader Adminis[rative Assistant Cook Custodial Worker I Custodial Worker II Bay Constable Senior Bay Constable Building Inspector Building Permits Examiner Senior Assessment Assistant Assessment Clerk Clerk (Spanish Speaking) Clerk-Typist Senior Clerk-Typist Senior Justice Court Clerk Senior Account Clerk Director of Code Enforcement Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) Secretary Home Health Aide Mini Bus Driver Principal Planner Public Safety Dispatcher Recreation Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor Secretarial Assistant Engineering Inspector Technical Coordinator II Head Clerk Appendix E Salary Structure January 1,2007 Entry Level 1_ 2 3 4 23.5278 23.5278 23.5278 24.0947 24.6200 25.2698 24.8136 25.4633 25.4633 26.7905 26.7905 50,299.68 42,609.88 45,493.43 47,378.32 49,531.23 56,817.09 57,772.03 52,160.19 52,424.87 40,848.03 39,432.82 40,848.03 42,500.63 44,867.60 49,010.05 64,190.92 48,649.05 48,649.05 32,981.81 28,493.28 66,900.00 50,573.74 29,244.54 53,996.94 53,420.04 61,537.20 75,274.62 50,299.68 Appendix E January 1,2007 Page 1 of 1 Appendix F Salary Structure January 1,2003 Title Entry Level I 2 _3 4 5_ Laborer 14.65'78 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 Scale Operator 14.65'78 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 DrivedMessenger 14.65'78 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 AEO 16.8216 18.0216 18.5016 19.1499 19.6299 20.8310 HEO 17.20'73 18.4073 18.8873 19.5356 20.0156 21.2167 CEO 17.7000 18.9000 19.3800 20.0283 20.5083 21.7094 Maintenance Mechanic Il 15.4077 16.6077 17.0877 17.7360 18.2160 19.4171 Maintenance Mechanic III 17.86,37 19.0607 19.5407 20.1890 20.6690 21.8701 Auto Mechanic I & II 15.40}'7 16.6077 17.0877 17.7360 18.2160 19.4171 Auto Mechanic III 17.86,07 19.0607 19.5407 20.1890 20.6690 21.8701 Auto Mechanic IV 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1745 21.6545 22.8556 Crew Labor Leader 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1745 21.6545 22.8556 Town Maintenance Crew Leader 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1745 21.6545 22.8556 Assistant Cook 22,983.80 25,483.80 26,483.80 27,833.80 28,833.80 31,333.80 Administrative Assistant 31,865.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Adult Day Care Supervisor 27,802.16 30,302.16 31,302.16 32,652.16 33,652.16 36,152.16 Cook 26,142.63 28,642.63 29,642.63 30,992.63 31,992.63 34,492.63 Custodial Worker I 28,352.26 30,852.26 31,852.26 33,202.26 34,202.26 36,702.26 Custodial Worker II 29,602:.38 32,102.38 33,102.38 34,452.38 35,452.38 37,952.38 Custodial Worker III 30,915,.00 33,415.00 34~415.00 35,765.00 36,765.00 39,265.00 Bay Constable 30,644.40 33,144.40 34,144.40 35,494.40 36,494.40 38,994.40 Senior Bay Constable 36,069.01 38,569.01 39,569.01 40,919.01 41,919.01 44,419.01 Building Inspector 37,465.02 39,965.02 40,965.02 42,315.02 43,315.02 45,815.02 Senior Building Inspector 39,608.98 42,108.98 43,108.98 44,458.98 45,458.98 47,958.98 Principal Building Inspector 41,657'.52 44,157.52 45,157.52 46,507.52 47,507.52 50,007.52 Chief Building Inspector 49,500.42 52,000.42 53,000.42 54,350.42 55,350.42 57,850.42 Building Permits Coordinator 31,86,";.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Building Permits Examiner 33,806.52 36,308.52 37,308.52 38,658.52 39,658.52 42,158.62 Ordinance Inspector 37,465.02 39,965.02 40,965.02 42,315.02 43,315.02 45,815.02 Assessment Assistant 31,865.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Senior Assessment Assistant 33,291.43 35,791.43 36,791.43 38,141.43 39,141.43 41,641.43 Assessment Clerk 26,008.42 28,508.42 29,508.42 30,858.42 31,858.42 34,358.42 Clerk 24,508.64 27,008.64 28,008.64 29,358.64 30,358.64 32,858.64 Clerk (Spanish Speaking) 25,008.64 27,508.64 28,508.64 29,858.64 30,858.64 33,358.64 Senior Clerk 25,566.57 28,066.57 29,066.57 30,416.57 31,416.57 33~916.57 Principal Clerk 26,714.90 29,214.90 30,214.90 31,564.90 32,564.90 35,064.90 Clerk-Typist 26,008.42 28,508.42 29,508.42 30,858.42 31,858.42 34,358.42 Senior Clerk-Typist 27,1411.34 29,641.34 30,641.34 31,991.34 32,991.34 35,491.34 Stenographer 27,534.14 30,034.14 31,034.14 32,384.14 33,384.14 35,884.14 Justice Court Clerk 27,534.14 30,034.14 31,034.14 32,384.14 33,384.14 35,884.14 Senior Justice Court Clerk 28,820.85 31,445.85 32,495.85 33,903.35 34,953.35 37,538.35 Justice Court Cashier 24,506.64 27,008.64 28,008.64 29,358.64 30,358.64 32,858.64 Account Clerk 29,82;L70 32,322.70 33,322.70 34,672.70 35,672.70 38,172.70 Senior Account Clerk 32,111.28 34,611.28 35,611.28 36,961.28 37,961.28 40,461.28 Principal Account Clerk 34,222.88 36,722.88 37,722.88 39,072.88 40,072.88 42,572.88 Appendix F January 1, 2003 Page 1 of 2 Appendix F Salary Structure January 1, 2003 Account Clerk Typist 31,268.84 Senior Account Clerk Typist 32,832.28 Data Control Supervisor 36,534.88 Data Entry Operator 26,350.00 Data Processing Equipment Operator 39,822.70 Director of Code Enforcement 40,633.29 Director of Program Evaluation 47,272.56 Executive Assistant 47,272.56 Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) 31,857.00 Secretary 31,857.00 Home Health Aide 21,176.98 Mini Bus Driver 18,176.98 Neighborhood Aide 23,250.00 Personnel Assistant 31,146.34 Planner Trainee 29,428.66 Planner 31,285.46 Senior Planner 37,711.76 Principal Planner 47,143.26 Senior Environmental Planner 45,900.00 Public Safety Dispatcher 26,652.63 Public Safety Dispatcher II 28,801.05 Public Safety Dispatcher Ill 30,073.60 Records Management Assistant 27,218.84 Recreation Program Coordinator 18,212.43 Recreation Supervisor 34,645.91 Secretarial Assistant 34,222.88 Assr. Senior Citizen Site Manager 19,170.67 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor 23,250.00 Senior Citizen Site Manager 41,245.71 Senior Citizen Program Director 43,263.00 Engineering Inspector 40,221.95 Solid Waste Coordinator 45,961.67 Senior Citizen Aide II 22,302.16 Site Plan Reviewer 31,285.46 Technical Coordinator II 55,377.58 Town Investigator 36,100.42 Environmental Technician 45,900.00 Food Service Worker 20,384.00 Groundskeeper II 17.4406 Head Clerk 31,865.64 Sanitation Site Crew Leader 22.45:20 Driver/TCO/School Crossing Guard 14.65'78 Senior Site Plan Reviewer 39,338.27 Special Projects Coordinator 45,900.00 33,893.84 34,943.84 36,356.34 37,406.34 40,011.34 35,588.53 36,691.03 38,174.15 39,276.65 42,011.90 39,034.88 40,034.88 41,384.88 42,384.88 44,884.88 28,850.00 29,850.00 31,200.00 32,200.00 34,700.00 42,322.70 43,322.70 44,672.70 45,672.70 48,172.70 43,133.29 44,133.29 45,483.29 46,483.29 48,983.29 49,772.56 50,772.56 52,122.56 53,122.56 55,622.56 49,772.56 50,772.56 52,122.56 53,122.56 55,622.56 34,357.00 35,357.00 36,707.00 37,707.00 40,207.00 34,357.00 35,357.00 36,707.00 37,707.00 40,207.00 23,676.98 24,676.98 26,026.98 27,026.98 29,526.98 20,676.98 21,676.98 23,026.98 24,026.98 26,526.98 25,750.00 26,750.00 28,100.00 29,100.00 31,600.00 33,646.34 34,646.34 35,996.34 36,996.34 39,496.34 31,928.66 32,928.66 34,278~66 35,278.66 37,778.66 33,785.46 34,785.46 36,135.46 37,135.46 39,635.46 40,211.76 41,211.76 42,561.76 43,561.76 46,061.76 49,643.26 50,643.26 51,993.26 52,993.26 55,493.26 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 29,152.63 30,152.63 31,502.63 32,502.63 35,002.63 31,301.05 32,301.05 33,651.05 34,651.05 37,151.05 32,573.60 33,573.60 34,923.60 35,923.60 38,423.60 29,843.84 30,893.84 32,301.34 33,351.34 35,936.34 20,712.43 21,712.43 23,062.43 24,062.43 26,562.43 37,145.91 38,145.91 39,495.91 40,495.91 42,995.91 36,722.88 37,722.88 39,072.88 40,072.88 42,572.88 21,670.67 22,670.67 24,020.67 25,020.67 27,520.67 25,750.00 26,750.00 28,100.00 29,100.00 31,600.00 43,745.71 44,745.71 46,095.71 47,095.71 49,595.71 45,763.00 46,763.00 48,113.00 49,113.00 51,613.00 42,721.95 43,721.95 45,071.95 46,071.95 48,571.95 48,461.67 49,461.67 50,811.67 51,811.67 54,311.67 24,802.16 25,802.16 27,152.16 28,152.16 30,652.16 33,785.46 34,785.46 36,135.46 37,135.46 39,635.46 57,877.58 58,877.58 60,227.58 61,227.58 63,727.58 38,600.42 39,600.42 40,950.42 41,950.42 44,450.42 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 22,884.00 23,884.00 25,234.00 26,234.00 28,734.00 18.6406 19.1206 19.7689 20.2489 21.4500 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 23.6520 24.1320 24.7803 25.2603 26.4614 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 41,838.27 42,838.27 44,188.27 45,188.27 47,688.27 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 Appendix F January 1, 2003 Page 2 of 2 Appendix G ~;alary Structure January 1, 2004 Title Entry Level I 2 _3 4 _5 Laborer 14.657'8 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 Scale Operator 14.657'8 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 DrivedMessenger 14.657'8 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 AEO 16.8216 18.0216 18.5016 19.1499 19.6299 20.8310 HEO 17.207'3 18.4073 18.8873 19.5356 20.0156 21.2167 CEO 17.7000 18.9000 19.3800 20.0283 20.5083 21.7094 Maintenance Mechanic II 15.4077 16.6077 17.0877 17.7360 18.2160 19.4171 Maintenance Mechanic 111 17.8607 19.0607 19.5407 20.1890 20.6690 21.8701 Auto Mechanic I & II 15.4077 16.6077 17.0877 17.7360 18.2160 19.4171 Auto Mechanic III 17.8607 19.0607 19.5407 20.1890 20.6690 21.8701 Auto Mechanic IV 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1746 21.6545 22.8556 Crew Labor Leader 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1745 21.6545 22.8556 Town Maintenance Crew Leader 18.8462 20.0462 20.5262 21.1745 21.6545 22.8556 Assistant Cook 22,98380 25,483.80 26,483.80 27,833.80 28,833.80 31,333.80 Administrative Assistant 31,86564 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Adult Day Care Supervisor 27,80216 30,302.16 31,302.16 32,652.16 33,652.16 36,152.16 Cook 26,14263 28,642.63 29,642.63 30,992.63 31,992.63 34,492.63 Custodial Worker I 28,35226 30,852.26 31,852.26 33,202.26 34,202.26 36,702.26 Custodial Worker II 29,60238 32,102.38 33,102.38 34,452.38 35,452.38 37,952.38 Custodial Worker III 30,91500 33,415.00 34,415.00 35,765.00 36,765.00 39,265.00 Bay Constable 30,644.40 33,144.40 34,144.40 35,494.40 36,494.40 38,994.40 Senior Bay Constable 36,069.01 38,569.01 39,569.01 40,919.01 41,919.01 44,419.01 Building Inspector 37,465.02 39,965.02 40,965.02 42,315.02 43,315.02 45,815.02 Senior Building Inspector 39,608.98 42,108.98 43,108.98 44,458.98 45,458.98 47,958.98 Principal Building Inspector 41,657.52 44,157.62 46,157.52 46,507.52 47,507.52 50,007.52 Chief Building Inspector 49,500.42 52,000.42 53,000.42 54,350.42 55,350.42 57,850.42 Building Permits Coordinator 31,865.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Building Permits Examiner 33,808.52 36,308.52 37,308.52 38,658.52 39,658.52 42,158.52 Ordinance Inspector 37,465.02 39,965.02 40,965.02 42,315.02 43,315.02 45,815.02 Assessment Assistant 31,865.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Senior Assessment Assistant 33,291.43 35,791.43 36,791.43 38,141.43 39,141.43 41,641.43 Assessment Clerk 26,008.42 28,508.42 29,508.42 30,858.42 31,858.42 34,358.42 Clerk 24,508.64 27,008.64 28,008.64 29,358.64 30,358.64 32,858.64 Clerk (Spanish Speaking) 25,008.64 27,508.64 28,508.64 29,858.64 30,858.64 33,358.64 Senior Clerk 25,566.57 28,066.67 29,066.57 30,416.57 31,416.57 33,916.57 Principal Clerk 26,714.90 29,214.90 30,214.90 31,564.90 32,564.90 35,064.90 Clerk-Typist 26,008.42 28,508.42 29,508.42 30,858.42 31,858.42 34,358.42 Senior Clerk-Typist 27,141.34 29,641.34 30,641.34 31,991.34 32,991.34 35,491.34 Stenographer 27,534.14 30,034.14 31,034.14 32,384.14 33,384.14 35,884.14 Justice Court Clerk 27,534.14 30,034.14 31,034.14 32,384.14 33,384.14 35,884.14 Senior Justice Court Clerk 28,820.85 31,445.85 32,495.85 33,903.35 34,953.35 37,538.35 Justice Court Cashier 24,508.64 27,008.64 28,008.64 29,358.64 30,358.64 32,858.64 Account Clerk 29,822.70 32,322.70 33,322.70 34,672.70 35,672.70 38,172.70 Senior Account Clerk 32,111.28 34,611.28 35,611.28 36,961.28 37,961.28 40,461.28 Principal Account Clerk 34,222.88 36,722.88 37,722.88 39,072.88 40,072.88 42,572.88 Appendix G January 1, 2004 Page 1 of 2 Appendix G Salary Structure January 1,2004 Account Clerk Typist 31,268.84 33,893.84 34,943.84 36,356.34 37,406.34 40,011.34 Senior Account Clerk Typist 32,832.28 35,588.53 36,691.03 38,174.15 39,276.65 42,011.90 Data Control Supervisor 36,534.88 39,034.88 40,034.88 41,384.88 42,384.88 44,884.88 Data Entry Operator 26,350.00 28,850.00 29,850.00 31,200.00 32,200.00 34,700.00 Data Processing Equipment Operator 39,822.70 42,322.70 43,322.70 44,672.70 45,672.70 48,172.70 Director of Code Enforcement 40,633.29 43,133.29 44,133.29 45,483.29 46,483.29 48,983.29 Director of Program Evaluation 47,272.56 49,772.56 50,772.56 52,122.56 53,122.56 55,622.56 Executive Assistant 47,272.56 49,772.56 50,772.56 52,122.56 53,122.56 55,622.56 Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) 31,85700 34,357.00 35,357.00 36,707.00 37,707.00 40,207.00 Secretary 31,85700 34,357.00 35,357.00 36,707.00 37,707.00 40,207.00 Home Health Aide 21,17698 23,676.96 24,676.98 26,026.98 27,026.98 29,526.98 Mini Bus Driver 18,17698 20,676.98 21,676.98 23,026.98 24,026.98 26,526.98 Neighborhood Aide 23,250.00 25,750.00 26,750.00 28,100.00 29,100.00 31,600.00 Personnel Assistant 31,146.34 33,646.34 34,646.34 35,996.34 36,996.34 39,496.34 Planner Trainee 29,428.66 31,928.66 32,928.66 34,278.66 35,278.66 37,778.66 Planner 31,285.46 33,785.46 34,785.46 36,135.46 37,135.46 39,635.46 Senior Planner 37,711.76 40,211.76 41,211.76 42,561.76 43,561.76 46,061.76 Principal Planner 47,143.26 49,643.26 50,643.26 51,993.26 52,993.26 55,493.26 Senior Environmental Planner 45,900.00 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 Public Safety Dispatcher 26,652.63 29,152.63 30,152.63 31,502.63 32,502.63 35,002.63 Public Safety Dispatcher II 28,801.05 31,301.05 32,301.05 33,651.05 34,651.05 37,151.05 Public Safety Dispatcher III 30,073.60 32,573.60 33,573.60 34,923.60 35,923.60 38,423.60 Records Management Assistant 27,218.84 29,843.84 30,893.84 32,301.34 33,351.34 35,936.34 Recreation Program Coordinator 18,212.43 20,712.43 21,712.43 23,062.43 24,062.43 26,562.43 Recreation Supervisor 34,645.91 37,145.91 38,145.91 39,495.91 40,495.91 42,995.91 Secretarial Assistant 34,222.88 36,722.88 37,722.88 39,072.88 40,072.88 42,572.88 Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager 19,170.67 21,670.67 22,670.67 24,020.67 25,020.67 27,520.67 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor 23,250.00 25,750.00 26,750.00 28,100.00 29,100.00 31,600.00 Senior Citizen Site Manager 41,245.71 43,745.71 44,745.71 46,095.71 47,095.71 49,595.71 Senior Citizen Program Director 43,263.00 45,763.00 46,763.00 48,113.00 49,113.00 51,613.00 Engineering Inspector 40,221.95 42,721.95 43,721.95 45,071.95 46,071.95 48,571.95 Solid Waste Coordinator 45,961.67 48,461.67 49,461.67 50,811.67 51,811.67 54,311.67 Senior Citizen Aide II 22,302.16 24,802.16 25,802.16 27,152.16 28,152.16 30,652.16 Site Plan Reviewer 31,285.46 33,785.46 34,785.46 36,135.46 37,135.46 39,635.46 Technical Coordinator Il 55,377.58 57,877.58 58,877.58 60,227.58 61,227.58 63,727.58 Town Investigator 36,100.42 38,600.42 39,600.42 40,950.42 41,950.42 44,450.42 Environmental Technician 45,900.00 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 Food Service Worker 20,384.00 22,884.00 23,884.00 25,234.00 26,234.00 28,734.00 Groundskeeper II 17.4406 18.6406 19.1206 19.7689 20.2489 21.4500 Head Clerk 31,865.64 34,365.64 35,365.64 36,715.64 37,715.64 40,215.64 Sanitation Site Crew Leader 22.45:20 23.6520 24.1320 24.7803 25.2603 26.4614 Driver/TCO/School Crossing Guard 14.6578 15.8578 16.3378 16.9861 17.4661 18.6672 Senior Site Plan Reviewer 39,338.27 41,838.27 42,838.27 44,188.27 45,188.27 47,688.27 Special Projects Coordinator 45,900.00 48,400.00 49,400.00 50,750.00 51,750.00 54,250.00 Appendix G January 1,2004 Page 2 of 2 Appendix H Salary Structure January 1,2005 Title Entry Level I 2 3 4 5 Laborer 16.1236 17.4436 17.9716 18.6847 19.2127 20.5339 Scale Operator 16.1236 17.4436 17.9716 18.6847 19.2127 20.5339 Driver/Messenger 16.1236 17.4436 17.9716 18.6847 19.2127 20.5339 AEO 18.5038 19.8238 20.3518 21.0649 21.5929 22.9141 HEO 18.9280 20.2480 20.7760 21.4891 22.0171 23.3383 CEO 19.4700 20.7900 21.3180 22.0312 22.5592 23.8804 Maintenance Mechanic Il 16.9484 18.2684 18.7964 19.5096 20.0376 21.3588 Maintenance Mechanic III 19.6468 20.9668 21.4948 22.2079 22.7359 24.0571 Auto Mechanic I & II 16.9484 18.2684 18.7964 19.5096 20.0376 21.3588 Auto Mechanic III 19.6468 20.9668 21.4948 22.2079 22.7359 24.0571 Auto Mechanic IV 20.7308 22.0508 22.5788 23.2920 23.8200 25.1412 Crew Labor Leader 20.7308 22.0508 22.5788 23.2920 23.8200 25.1412 Town Maintenance Crew Leader 20.7308 22.0508 22.5788 23.2920 23.8200 25.1412 Assistant Cook 25,282.18 28,032.18 29,132.18 30,617.18 31,717.18 34,467.18 Administrative Assistant 35,052.20 37,802.20 38,902.20 40,387.20 41,487.20 44,237.20 Adult Day Care Supervisor 30,582.38 33,332.38 34,432.38 35,917.38 37,017.38 39,767.38 Cook 28,756.89 31,506.89 32,606.89 34,091.89 35,191.89 37,941.89 Custodial Worker I 31,187.48 33,937.48 35,037.48 36,522.48 37,622.48 40,372.48 Custodial Worker II 32,562.62 35,312.62 36,412.62 37,897.62 38,997.62 41,747.62 Custodial Worker Ill 34,006.50 36,756.50 37,856.50 39,341.50 40,441.50 43,191.50 Bay Constable 33,708.84 36,458.84 37,558.84 39,043.84 40,143.84 42,893.84 Senior Bay Constable 39,675.91 42,425.91 43,525.91 45,010.91 46,110.91 48,860.91 Building Inspector 41,211.52 43,961.52 45,061.52 46,546.52 47,646.52 50,396.52 Senior Building Inspector 43,569.88 46,319.88 47,419.88 48,904.88 50,004.88 52,754.88 Principal Building Inspector 45,823.27 48,573.27 49,673.27 51,158.27 52,258.27 55,008.27 Building Permits Coordinator 35,052.20 37,802.20 38,902.20 40,387.20 41,487.20 44,237.20 Building Permits Examiner 37,189.37 39,939.37 41,039.37 42,524.37 43,624.37 46,374.37 Ordinance Inspector 41,211.52 43,961.52 45,061.52 46,546.52 47,646.52 50,396.52 Assessment Assistant 35,052.21 37,802.21 38,902.21 40,387.21 41,487.21 44,237.21 Senior Assessment Assistant 36,620.57 39,370.57 40,470.57 41,955.57 43,055.57 45,805.57 Assessment Clerk 28,60926 31,359.26 32,459.26 33,944.26 35,044.26 37,794.26 Clerk 26,959.51 29,709.51 30,809.51 32,294.51 33,394.51 36,144.51 Clerk (Spanish Speaking) 27,50950 30,259.50 31,359.50 32,844.50 33,944.50 36,694.50 Senior Clerk 28,12323 30,873.23 31,973.23 33,458.23 34,558.23 37,308.23 Principal Clerk 29,38639 32,136.39 33,236.39 34,721.39 35,821.39 38,571.39 Clerk-Typist 28,60926 31,359.26 32,459.26 33,944.26 35,044.26 37,794.26 Senior Clerk-Typist 29,85547 32,605.47 33,705.47 35,190.47 36,290.47 39,040.47 Stenographer 30,28755 33,037.55 34,137.55 35,622.55 36,722.55 39,472.55 Justice Court Clerk 30,28755 33,037.55 34,137.55 35,622.55 36,722.55 39,472.55 Senior Justice Court Clerk 31,70294 34,590.44 35,745.44 37,293.69 38,448.69 41,292.19 Justice Court Cashier 26,95950 29,709.50 30,809.50 32,294.50 33,394.50 36,144.50 Account Clerk 32,80498 35,554.98 36,654.98 38,139.98 39,239.98 41,989.98 Senior Account Clerk 35,32241 38,072.41 39,172.41 40,657.41 41,757.41 44,507.41 Account Clerk Typist 34,39572 37,283.22 38,438.22 39,991.97 41,146.97 44,012.47 Data Control Supervisor 40,188.36 42,938.36 44,038.36 45,523.36 46,623.36 49,373.36 Appendix H January 1, 2005 Page 1 of 2 Appendix H Salary Structure January 1, 2005 Data Entry Operator 28,985.00 31,735.00 32,835.00 34,320.00 35,420.00 38,170.00 Data Processing Equipment Operator 43,804.97 46,554.97 47,654.97 49,139.97 50,239.97 52,989.97 Director of Code Enforcement 44,696.62 47,446.62 48,546.62 50,031.62 51,131.62 53,881.62 Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) 35,042.70 37,792.70 38,892.70 40,377.70 41,477.70 44,227.70 Secretary 35,042.70 37,792.70 38,892.70 40,377.70 41,477.70 44,227.70 Home Health Aide 23,294.68 26,044.68 27,144.68 28,629.68 29,729.68 32,479.68 Mini Bus Driver 19,994.68 22,744.68 23,844.68 25,329.68 26,429.68 29,179.68 Neighborhood Aide 25,575.00 28,325.00 29,425.00 30,910.00 32,010.00 34,760.00 Planner Trainee 32,37153 35,121.53 36,221.53 37,706.53 38,806.53 41,556.53 Planner 34,41401 37,164.01 38,264.01 39,749.01 40,849.01 43,599.01 Senior Planner 41,48294 44,232.94 45,332.94 46,817.94 47,917.94 50,667.94 Principal Planner 51,857.59 54,607.59 55,707.59 57,192.59 58,292.59 61,042.59 Senior Environmental Planner 50,490.00 53,240.00 54,340.00 55,825.00 56,925.00 59,675.00 Public Safety Dispatcher 29,317.89 32,067.89 33,167.89 34,652.89 35,752.89 38,502.89 Public Safety Dispatcher II 31,681.15 34,431.15 35,531.15 37,016.15 38,116.15 40,866.15 Public Safety Dispatcher II1 33,080.96 35,830.96 36,930.96 38,415.96 39,515.96 42,265.96 Records Management Assistant 29,940.72 32,828.22 33,983.22 35,531.47 36,686.47 39,529.97 Recreation Program Coordinator 20,033.67 22,783.67 23,883.67 25,368.67 26,468.67 29,218.67 Recreation Supervisor 38,110.50 40,860.50 41,960.50 43,445.50 44,545.50 47,295.50 Secretarial Assistant 37,645.17 40,395.17 41,495.17 42,980.17 44,080.17 46,830.17 Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager 21,087.74 23,837.74 24,937.74 26,422.74 27,522.74 30,272.74 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor 25,575.00 28,325.00 29,425.00 30,910.00 32,010.00 34,760.00 Senior Citizen Site Manager 45,370.28 48,120.28 49,220.28 50,705.28 51,805.28 54,555.28 Senior Citizen Program Director 47,589.30 50,339.30 51,439.30 52,924.30 54,024.30 56,774.30 Engineering Inspector 44,244.14 46,994.14 48,094.14 49,579.14 50,679.14 53,429.14 Senior Citizen Aide I1 24,532.38 27,282.38 28,382.38 29,867.38 30,967.38 33,717.38 Site Plan Reviewer 34,414.01 37,164.01 38,264.01 39,749.01 40,849.01 43,599.01 Technical Coordinator II 60,915.34 63,665.34 64,765.34 66,250.34 67,350.34 70,100.34 Town Investigator 39,710.46 42,460.46 43,560.46 45,045.46 46,145.46 48,895.46 Environmental Technician 50,490.00 53,240.00 54,340.00 55,825.00 56,925.00 59,675.00 Food Service Worker 22,422.40 25,172.40 26,272.40 27,757.40 28,857.40 31,607.40 Groundskeeper II 19.1847 20.5047 21.0327 21.7458 22.2738 23.5950 Head Clerk 35,052.20 37,802.20 38,902.20 40,387.20 41,487.20 44,237.20 Sanitation Site Crew Leader 24.6972 26.0172 26.5452 27.2583 27.7863 29.1075 Driver/TCO/School Crossing Guard 16.1236 17.4436 17.9716 18.6847 19.2127 20.5339 Senior Site Plan Reviewer 43,2721.10 46,022.10 47,122.10 48,607.10 49,707.10 52,457.10 Special Projects Coordinator 50,490.00 53,240.00 54,340.00 55,825.00 56,925.00 59,675.00 Appendix H January 1, 2005 Page 2 of 2 Appendix I Salary Structure January 1, 2006 Title Entry Level 1_ 2 3 4_ _5 Laborer 16.68'79 18.0541 18.6006 19.3387 19.8852 21.2526 Scale Operator 16.68'79 18.0541 18.6006 19,3387 19.8852 21.2526 Driver/Messenger 16.68'79 18.0541 18.6006 19.3387 19.8852 21.2526 AEO 19.1514 20.5176 21.0641 21.8022 22.3487 23.7161 ' HEO 19.5905 20.9567 21.5032 22.2412 22.7877 24.1552 CEO 20.1515 21.5177 22.0642 22.8022 23.3487 24.7162 ' Maintenance Mechanic II 17.5416 18.9078 19.4543 20.1924 20.7389 22.1063 Maintenance Mechanic Ill 20.3344 21.7006 22.2471 22.9852 23.5317 24.8991 - Auto Mechanic I & II 17.5416 18.9078 19.4543 20.1924 20.7389 22.1063 Auto Mechanic III 20.3344 21.7006 22.2471 22.9852 23.5317 24.8991 ' Auto Mechanic IV 21.4564 22.8226 23.3691 24.1072 24.6537 26.0211" Crew Labor Leader 21.4564 22.8226 23.3691 24.1072 24.6537 26.0211 - Town Maintenance Crew Leader 21.4564 22.8226 23.3691 24.1072 24.6537 26.0211 Assistant Cook 26,167.06 29,013.31 30,151.81 31,688.78 32,827.28 35,673.53 Administrative Assistant 36,279.03 39,125.28 40,263.78 41,800.76 42,939.26 45,785.51 Adult Day Care Supervisor 31,652.76 34,499.01 35,637.51 37,174.48 38,312.98 41,159.23 Cook 29,763.38 32,609.63 33,748.13 35,285.11 36,423.61 39,269.86 Custodial Worker I 32,279.05 35,125.30 36,263.80 37,800.77 38,939.27 41,785.52 Custodial Worker II 33,702.31 36,548.56 37,687.06 39,224.03 40,362.53 43,208.78 Custodial Worker Ill 35,196.73 38,042.98 39,181.48 40,718.45 41,856.95 44,703.20 Bay Constable 34,888.65 37,734.90 38,873.40 40,410.38 41,548.88 44,395.13,- Senior Bay Constable 41,064.57 43,910.82 45,049.32 46,586.29 47,724.79 50,571.04 '~ Building Inspector 42,653.93 45,500.18 46,638.68 48,175.65 49,314.15 52,160.40 Senior Building Inspector 45,094.83 47,941.08 49,079.58 50,616.55 51,755.05 54,601.30 Principal Building Inspector 47,427.08 50,273.33 51,411.83 52,948.81 54,087.31 56,933.56 Building Permits Coordinator 36,279.03 39,125.28 40,263.78 41,800.76 42,939.26 45,785.51 Building Permits Examiner 38,491.00 41,337.25 42,475.75 44,012.73 45,151.23 47,997.48 Ordinance Inspector 42,653.93 45,500.18 46,638.68 48,175.65 49,314.15 52,160.40 Assessment Assistant 36,279.04 39,125.29 40,263.79 41,800.76 42,939.26 45,785.51 Senior Assessment Assistant 37,902.29 40,748.54 41,887.04 43,424.01 44,562.51 47,408.76 Assessment Clerk 29,610.58 32,456.83 33,595.33 35,132.31 36,270.81 39,117.06 Clerk 27,903.09 30,749.34 31,887.84 33,424.81 34,563.31 37,409.56 Clerk (Spanish Speaking) 28,472.34 31,318.59 32,457.09 33,994.06 35,132.56 37,978.81 Senior Clerk 29,107.54 31,953.79 33,092.29 34,629.26 35,767.76 38,614.01 Principal Clerk 30,414.91 33,261.16 34,399.66 35,936.64 37,075.14 39,921.39 Clerk-Typist 29,610.58 32,456.83 33,595.33 35,132.31 36,270.81 39,117.06 Senior Clerk-Typist 30,900.42 33,746.67 34,885.17 36,422.14 37,560.64 40,406.89 Stenographer 81,347.62 34,193.87 35,332.37 36,869.34 38,007.84 40,854.09 Justice Court Clerk 31,347.62 34,193.87 35,332.37 36,869.34 38,007.84 40,854.09 Senior Justice Court Clerk 32,812.54 35,801.10 36,996.53 38,598.96 39,794.39 42,737.41 Justice Court Cashier 27,903.09 30,749.34 31,887.84 33,424.81 34,563.31 37,409.56 Account Clerk 33,953.15 36,799.40 37,937.90 39,474.87 40,613.37 43,459.62 Senior Account Clerk 36,558.69 39,404.94 40,543.44 42,080.42 43,218.92 46,065.17 Account Clerk Typist 35,599.57 38,588.14 39,783.56 41,391.69 42,587.12 45,552.91 Data Control Supervisor 41,594.96 44,441.21 45,579.71 47,116.68 48,255.18 51,101.43 Appendix I January 1,2006 Page I of 2 Appendix I Salary Structure January 1,2006 Data Entry Operator 29,999.48 Data Processing Equipment Operator 45,338.14 Director of Code Enforcement 46,261.00 Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) 36,269.19 Secretary 36,269.19 Home Health Aide 24,109.99 Mini Bus Driver 20,694.49 Neighborhood Aide 26,470.13 Planner Trainee 33,504.53 Planner 35,618.50 Senior Planner 42,934.84 Principal Planner 53,672.60 Senior Environmental Planner 52,257.15 Public Safety Dispatcher 30,344.02 Public Safety Dispatcher II 32,789.99 Public Safety Dispatcher II1 34,238.79 Records Management Assistant 30,988.65 Recreation Program Coordinator 20,734.85 Recreation Supervisor 39,444.37 Secretarial Assistant 38,962.75 Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager 21,825.81 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor 26,470.13 Senior Citizen Site Manager 46,958.24 Senior Citizen Program Director 49,264.93 Engineering Inspector 45,792.69 Senior Citizen Aide II 25,391.01 Site Plan Reviewer 35,618.50 Technical Coordinator II 63,047.37 Town Investigator 41,100.33 Environmental Technician 52,257.15 Food Service Worker 23,207.18 Groundskeeper II 19.8561 Head Clerk 36,279.03 Sanitation Site Crew Leader 25.5616 Driver/TCO/School Crossing Guard 16.68'79 Senior Site Plan Reviewer 44,786.62 Special Projects Coordinator 52,257.15 32,845.73 33,984.23 35,521.20 36,659.70 39,505.95 48,184.39 49,322.89 50,859.87 51,998.37 54,844.62 49,107.25 50,245.75 51,782.73 52,921.23 55,767.48 39,115.44 40,253.94 41,790.92 42,929.42 45,775.67 39,115.44 40,253.94 41,790.92 42,929.42 45,775.67 26,956.24 28,094.74 29,631.72 30,770.22 33,616.47 23,640.74 24,679.24 26,216.22 27,354.72 30,200.97 · 29,316.38 30,454.88 31,991.85 33,130.35 35,976.60 36,350.78 37,489.28 39,026.25 40,164.75 43,011.00 38,464.75 39,603.25 41,140.22 42,278.72 45,124.97 45,781.09 46,919.59 48,456.56 49,595.06 52,441.31 56,518.85 57,657.35 59,194.33 60,332.83 63,179.08'¢ 55,103.40 56,241.90 57,778.88 68,917.38 61,763.63 33,190.27 34,328.77 35,865.74 37,004.24 39,850.49 X 35,636.24 36,774.74 38,311.72 39,450.22 42,296.47 x 37,085.04 38,223.54 39,760.52 40,899.02 43,745.27 ~ 33,977.21 35,172.64 36,775.08 37,970.50 40,913.52 23,581.10 24,719.60 26,256.58 27,395.08 30,241.334 42,290.62 43,429.12 44,966.10 46,104.60 48,950.85 41,809.00 42,947.50 44,484.47 45,622.97 48,469.22 24,672.06 25,810.56 27,347.53 28,486.03 31,332.28 29,316.38 30,454.88 31,991.85 33,130.35 35,976.60 49,804.49 50,942.99 52,479.97 53,618.47 56,464.72 52,101.18 53,239.68 54,776.65 55,915.15 68,761.40 48,638.94 49,777.44 51,314.41 52,452.91 55,299.16 28,237.26 29,375.76 30,912.74 32,051.24 34,897.49 38,464.75 39,603.25 41,140.22 42,278.72 45,124.97 65,893.62 67,032.12 68,569.10 69,707.60 72,553.85 43,946.58 45,085.08 46,622.05 47,760.55 50,606.80 55,103.40 56,241.90 57,778.88 58,917.38 61,763.63 26,053.43 27,191.93 28,728.91 29,867.41 32,713.66 21.2223 21.7688 22.6069 23.0534 24.4208 39,125.28 40,263.78 41,800.76 42,939.26 45,785.51 26.9278 27.4743 28.2124 28.7589 30.1263 18.0541 18.6006 19.3387 19.8852 21.2526 47,632.87 48,771.37 50,308.35 51,446.85 54,293.10 55,103.40 56,241.90 57,778.88 58,917.38 61,763.63 Appendix I January 1,2006 Page 2 of 2 Appendix J Salary Structure January 1, 2007 Title Entry Level I 2 _3 4 5_ Laborer 17.3137 18.7312 19.2981 20.0639 20.6309 22.0496 Scale Operator 17.3137 18.7312 19.2981 20.0639 20.6309 22.0496 DrivedMessenger 17.3137 18.7312 19.2981 20.0639 20.6309 22.0496 AEO 19.8696 21.2870 21.8540 22.6198 23.1868 24.6055 HEO 20.3251 21.7426 22.3096 23.0753 23.6423 25.0610 CEO 20.9072 22.3246 22.8916 23.6573 24.2243 25.6430 Maintenance Mechanic il 18.1994 19.6169 20.1838 20.9496 21.5166 22.9353 Maintenance Mechanic III 21.0970 22.5144 23.0814 23.8471 24.4141 25.8328 Auto Mechanic I & II 18.1994 19.6169 20.1838 20.9496 21.5166 22.9353 Auto Mechanic III 21.0970 22.5144 23.0814 23.8471 24.4141 25.8328 Auto Mechanic IV 22.2610 23.6785 24.2454 25.0112 25.5782 26.9969 Crew Labor Leader 22.2610 23.6785 24.2454 25.0112 25.5782 26.9969 Town Maintenance Crew Leader 22.2610 23.6785 24.2454 25.0112 25.5782 26.9969 Assistant Cook 27,148.32 30,101.31 31,282.50 32,877.11 34,058.30 37,011.29 Administrative Assistant 37,639.49 40,592.48 41,773.67 43,368.28 44,549.48 47,502.46 Adult Day Care Supervisor 32,839.74 35,792.72 36,973.92 38,568.53 39,749.72 42,702.71 Cook 30,879.51 33,832.50 35,013.69 36,608.30 37,789.49 40,742.48 Custodial Worker I 33,489.51 36,442.49 37,623.69 39,218.30 40,399.49 43,352.48 Custodial Worker II 34,966.15 37,919.13 39,100.32 40,694.94 41,876.13 44,829.11 Custodial Worker III 36,516.60 39,469.59 40,650.78 42,245.39 43,426.59 46,379.57 Bay Constable 36,196.97 39,149.96 40,331.15 41,925.76 43,106.96 46,059.94 Senior Bay Constable 42,604..49 45,557.48 46,738.67 48,333.28 49,514.47 52,467.46 Building Inspector 44,253.45 47,206.43 48,387.63 49,982.24 51,163.43 54,116.42 Senior Building Inspector 46,785.88 49,738.87 50,920.06 52,514.67 53,695.87 56,648.85 Principal Building Inspector 49,205.60 52,158.58 53,339.77 54,934.39 56,115.58 59,068.56 Building Permits Coordinator 37,639.49 40,592.48 41,773.67 43,368.28 44,549.48 47,502.46 Building Permits Examiner 39,934~.41 42,887.40 44,068.59 45,663.20 46,844.40 49,797.38 Ordinance inspector 44,253.45 47,206.43 48,387.63 49,982.24 51,163.43 54,116.42 Assessment Assistant 37,639.50 40,592.48 41,773.68 43,368.29 44,549.48 47,502.47 Senior Assessment Assistant 39,323.62 42,276.61 43,457.80 45,052.41 46,233.61 49,186.59 Assessment Clerk 30,720.98 33,673.97 34,855.16 36,449.77 37,630.97 40,583.95 Clerk 28,949.46 31,902.44 33,083.63 34,678.24 35,859.44 38,812.42 Clerk (Spanish Speaking) 29,540.05 32,493.03 33,674.23 35,268.84 36,450.03 39,403.02 Senior Clerk 30,199.07 33,152.06 34,333.25 35,927.86 37,109.06 40,062.04 Principal Clerk 31,555.47 34,508.46 35,689.65 37,284.26 38,465.46 41,418.44 Clerk-Typist 30,720.98 33,673.97 34,855.16 36,449.77 37,630.97 40,583.95 Senior Clerk-Typist 32,059.18 35,012.17 36,193.36 37,787.97 38,969.16 41,922.15 Stenographer 32,523.15 35,476.14 36,657.33 38,251.94 39,433.14 42,386.12 Justice Court Clerk 32,523.15 35,476.14 36,657.33 38,251.94 39,433.14 42,386.12 Senior Justice Court Clerk 34,043.01 37,143.64 38,383.89 40,046.43 41,286.68 44,340.06 Justice Court Cashier 28,949.45 31,902.44 33,083.63 34,678.24 35,859.44 38,812.42 Account Clerk 35,226.39 38,179.38 39,360.57 40,955.18 42,136.38 45,089.36 Senior Account Clerk 37,92(.).64 40,882.63 42,063.82 43,658.43 44,839.63 47,792.61 Account Clerk Typist 36,934.56 40,035.19 41,275.45 42,943.88 44,184.14 47,261.14 Data Control Supervisor 43,154.77 46,107.75 47,288.95 48,883~56 50,064.75 53,017.74 Appendix J January 1, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Appendix J Salary Structure January 1, 2007 Data Entry Operator 31,124.46 34,077.44 Data Processing Equipment Operator 47,038.32 49,991.31 Director of Code Enforcement 47,995.79 50,948.77 Exempt Secretary (to ZBA) 37,629.29 40,582.27 Secretary 37,629.29 40,582.27 Home Health Aide 25,014.12 27,967.10 Mini Bus Driver 21,470.54 24,423.52 Neighborhood Aide 27,462.75 30,415.74 Planner Trainee 34,76095 37,713.93 Planner 36,95419 39,907.17 Senior Planner 44,54490 47,497.88 Principal Planner 55,685.32 58,638.31 Senior Environmental Planner 54,216.79 57,169.78 Public Safety Dispatcher 31,481.92 34,434.90 Public Safety Dispatcher II 34,019.62 36,972.60 Public Safety Dispatcher III 35,522.75 38,475.73 Records Management Assistant 32,150.72 35,251.36 Recreation Program Coordinator 21,512.41 24,465.39 Recreation Supervisor 40,923.53 43,876.52 Secretarial Assistant 40,423.85 43,376.84 Asst. Senior Citizen Site Manager 22,644.28 25,597.26 Senior Citizen Program Supervisor 27,462.75 30,415.74 Senior Citizen Site Manager 48,719.17 51,672.16 Senior Citizen Program Director 51,101.99 54,054.97 Engineering Inspector 47,509.91 50,462.90 Senior Citizen Aide II 26,343.18 29,296.16 Site Plan Reviewer 36,954.19 39,907.17 Technical Coordinator II 65,411.65 68,364.64 Town Investigator 42,641.59 45,594.57 Environmental Technician 54,216.79 57,169.78 Food Service Worker 24,077.45 27,030.44 Groundskeeper II 20.6007 22.0182 Head Clerk 37,639.49 40,592.48 Sanitation Site Crew Leader 26.5202 27.9376 Driver/l'CO/School Crossing Guard 17.3137 18.7311 Senior Site Plan Reviewer 46,466.12 49,419.10 Special Projects Coordinator 54,216.79 57,169.78 35,258.63 51,172.50 52,129.97 41,763.47 41,763.47 29,148.29 25,604.71 31,596.93 38,895.13 41,088.37 48,679.07 59,819.50 58,350.97 35,616.10 38,153.80 39,656.93 36,491.61 25,646.59 45,057.71 44,558.03 26,778.45 31,596.93 52,853.35 55,236.16 51,644.09 30,477.35 41,088.37 69,545.83 46,775.77 58,350.97 28,211.63 22.5851 41,773.67 28.5046 19.2981 50,600.30 58,350.97 36,853.25 52,767.11 53,724.58 43,358.08 43,358.08 30,742.91 27,199.32 33,191.54 40,489.74 42,682.98 50,273.69 61,414.11 59,945.58 37,210.71 39,748.41 41,251.54 38,154.14 27,241.20 46,652.32 46,152.64 28,373.O7 33,191.54 54,447.96 56,830.77 53,238.70 32,071.97 42,682.98 71,140.44 48,370.38 59,945.58 29,806.24 23.3509 43,368.28 29.2703 20.0639 52,194.91 59,945.58 38,034.44 53,948.31 54,905.77 44,539.27 44,539.27 31,924.10 28,380.52 34,372.74 41,670.93 43,864.17 51,454.88 62,595.31 61,126.78 38,391.90 40,929.60 42,432.73 39,394.39 28,422.39 47,833.52 47,333.84 29,554.26 34,372.74 55,629.16 58,011.97 54,419.90 33,253.16 43,864.17 72,321.63 49,551.57 61,126.78 30,987.44 23.9179 44,549.48 29.8373 20.6308 53,376.10 61,126.78 40,987.42 56,901.29 57,858.76 47,492.26 47,492.26 34,877.08 31,333.50 37,325.72 44,623.92 46,817.16 54,407.86 65,548.29 64,079.76 41,344.89 43,882.59 45,385.72 42,447.78 31,375.37 50,786.50 50,286.82 32,507.24 37,325.72 58,582.14 60,964.95 57,372.88 36,206.14 46,817.16 75,274.62 52,504.56 64,079.76 33,940.42 25.3366 47,502.46 31.2560 22,0496 56,329.09 64,079.76 Appendix J January 1,2007 Page 2 of 2 ELIZABETH NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK PO Box 1179 Southo1d, NY 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER southo1dtown.northfork. net FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RESOLUTION # 2006-310 Meeting: 03/28/06 04:30 PM Resolution ID: 1704 Department: Town Clerk Category: Contracts, Lease & Agreements THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-310 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 28,2006: RESOL VED that the Town Board ofthe Town of Southold hereby ratifies the aereement between the Town of Southold and the CSEA dated March 28. 2006, which was ratified by the CSEA on March 16, 2006. ~a2;k.r~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN SCOTT A. RUSSELL TOWN ATTORNEY Supervisor patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Southold, New York 11971-0959 kieran.corcoran@town.southold.ny.us LORI HULSE MONTEFUSCO Telephone (631) 765-1939 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Facsimile (631) 765-6639 lori. montefusco@town.southold.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Town Attorney Date: April 4, 2006 Subject: Agreement Between CSEA and the Town For your records, attached please find an original Agreement dated March 28,2006, between the CSEA and the Town of Southold in connection with the Public Safety Dispatchers. Also attached is a copy of the resolution authorizing the Supervisor to sign this Agreement. If you have any questions regarding this document, please do not hesitate to call me. PAF/lk Enclosure cc: Members of the Town Board (w/o enel.) Mr. Thomas Skabry, CSEA Union President (w/encJ. - original) Richard Zuckerman, Esq. (w/encJ.)(via facsimile) . .'\ /,' ~. " ~ AGREEMENT made this t<6 day of March 2006, by and between the Town of Southold and the CSEA, Inc., Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Southold Unit 8785. 1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provision or practice to the contrary, effective January 1,2006, step "entry" for Public Safety Dispatcher I, Public Safety Dispatcher II and Public Safety Dispatcher III salary schedules in Appendix D of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be revised as follows: Appendix D, 2006 Title Entry 1 2 3 4 5 PSDI $40,344.02 $42,724.37 $45,104.72 $47,485.07 $49.865.42 $52,245.78 PSD II 42,790.00 45,17035 47,550,70 49,931.05 52,311.40 54,691.76 PSD III 44,238,80 46,619.15 48,999.50 51,379.85 53,760.20 56,140.56 In addition, effective January 1, 2006, Appendix E will be updated to reflect these changes to Appendix D. 2. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provision or practice to the contrary, effective January 1, 2006, the salary schedules in Appendix I for Public Safety Dispatcher I, Public Safety Dispatcher II and Public Safety III shall be revised to be the same as those in Appendix D in the parties' amended Collective Bargaining Agreement, and these schedules shall be deleted from Appendix I.. In addition, effective January 1, 2006, Appendix J will be updated to reflect these changes to Appendix I. 3. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provision or practice to the contrary, effective January 1,2006, all steps (with the exception of step 5) for the Bay Constable and Senior Bay Constable salary schedules in Appendix D shall be revised to be the same as Jhose in Appendix I of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement, and these schedules shall be deleted from Appendix D. . . ,"-. - Effective January 1,2006, step 5 for the Bay Constable and Senior Bay Constable salary schedules in Appendix I shall be revised to be the same as those in step 5 of Appendix D of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement, and Step 5 of these schedules shall be deleted from Appendix L 4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provision or practice to the contrary, effective January 1, 2006, all steps for the Automotive Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator, Construction Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic Ill, Auto Mechanic III, Auto Mechanic IV, Crew Labor Leader, Town Maintenance Crew Leader, and Mini-Bus Driver salary schedules in Appendices D and E of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be revised to be the same as those in Appendices I and J of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement, and these salary schedules shall be deleted from Appendices D and E. 5. Notwithstanding any inconsistent contract provision or practice to the contrary, effective for all grievances filed on or after the complete ratification and approval of this Agreement, Section 35 "GRIEV ANCE PROCEDURE" shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION 35. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 35.1 "GRIEV ANCE" means any dispute between the employee and/or group of employees, and the Town, with respect only to the meaning or interpretation of a specific provision of this Agreement. It shall not include disciplinary proceedings or any other matters that are reviewable under administrative procedures established by the laws or the rules of the Suffolk County Civil Service Commission. 35.2 All grievances of employees involving the interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the following procedure: . "- Step lea). Within 10 working days after an employee knows or should have known of an occurrence which allegedly violates the contract with respect to that employee, the employee may submit6 a grievance in writing to hislher immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor shall issue a written reply to said grievallce within 10 working days of its receipt. The failure of the Town at Step 1 to respond within the contractually prescribed timelines shall permit the employee to proceed to Step 2. Step 1 (b). Within 15 working days after the CSEA President knows or should have known of an occurrence which allegedly violates the contract with respect to a similarly affected group of employees, the CSEA President may submit a grievance in writing to the employees' Department Head, or to the Town Supervisor's office if the similarly affected group of employees are from more than one Town Department. The Department Head or Town Supervisor or designee shall issue a written reply to said grievance within 15 working days of its receipt. The failure of the Town to respond within the contractually prescribed timelines shall permit the CSEA to proceed to Step 2. Step 2. If the employee and/or CSEA President in the event of a group grievance is not satisfied with said reply, within 10 working days of receipt of the reply, the employee may appeal the decision to the Grievance Board, made up of two designees of the Supervisor, one of whom shall normally be the Department Head, and two members from the cSEA, who shall normally be the President and hislher designated representative. The Grievance Board shall meet to either: (a) consider the grievance within 20 working days of its receipt, in which case the Grievance Board shall issue a written reply of its decision within 20 working days after the meeting to the grievant, CSEA President and the Town Attorney; or (b) if there is more than one grievance before the Grievance Board and they concern similar issues and facts, the Board by majority approval shall notify the . / , grievant(s) of its decision to hear the grievances as a single consolidated grievance limited to those currently before it. Once consolidated, the grievances shall remain consolidated for all further purposes until the grievance is finally resolved. The Grievance Board's decision shall be made in writing and indicate the names of the grievant(s) to be included into the consolidated grievance within 20 working days of its receipt, with copies sent to the grievants, the cSEA President and the Town Attorney. The Grievance Board shall then meet within 10 working days to consider the grievance. The Grievance Board shall issue a written decision within 20 working days of the meeting. In both situations, the failure of the Town at Step. 2 to respond within the contractually prescribed timelines shall permit the cSEA to proceed to Step 3, and the failure ofthe employee(s) to appeal within the contractually prescribed timelines shall result in the dismissal of the grievance(s). Step 3. rfthe CSEA is not satisfied with the Step 2 answer, the CSEA grievant may, within 30 working days, notify the Town Clerk in writing that it is requesting a hearing before an independent advisory arbitrator selected pursl,lant to the rules of the New York State Public Employment Relations Board, whose advisory recommendation(s) shall be forwarded to the Town Board and the CSEA Unit President within 20 working days following the Step 3 hearing. The arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any recommendation(s) which would require the commission of an act prohibited by law or is in contradiction of or adds to, subtracts from or otherwise modifies any of the terms of this Agreement. The failure of the CSEA to comply with and appeal within the contractually prescribed procedures and timelines shall result in the CSEA's written consent to the Town's application for a stay of arbitration and/or dismissal of the grievance. The cost for said arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. .. ~. 6. Effective upon the complete ratification and approval of this Agreement, Section 21.1 ., (Personal Leave) shall be amended by changing four to five days. Revise references to prorating days to reflect two days credited on January I, one on March I, one on June 1 and one on September 1. . 7. The parties' Agreement, as amended by their stipulation of settlement for 1/1/2003- 12/31/2007 contract, shall remain unchanged in all other respects. 8. The Town agrees to submit to the CSEA within 30 working days of the complete ratification and approval of this Agreement a copy of the revised pages 11, 22 and 23, and Appendices D, E, I and H of the parties' Collective Bargaining Agreement reflecting the changes explicitly set forth in this Agreement. 9. This Agreement represents the totality of the parties' obligation, if any, to negotiate over their decision, and/or impact of their decision, to modify the salaries and salary schedules and grievance procedure as set forth herein. There are no agreements, oral or othelWise. 10. This Agreement is subject to the ratification by the CSEA membership within 30 working days of the signing into this Agreement and ratification and approval by the Town Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting following notification ofthe CSEA membership's ratification. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CSEA, INC., LOCAL 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, SOUTHOLD UNIT 8785. By: ,vL&/~ Scott A. Russell, Supervisor