HomeMy WebLinkAboutHRC Re-bid on Food ELIZA.BETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK F~EGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 76§-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JANUARY 4, 2000: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects any and all the bids received on December 2, 1999 for supplying food for the 2000 Calendar Year to the $outhold Town Human Resource Center; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized and directed to re-advertise for bids for supplying food for the 2000 calendar year to the Southold Town Human Resource Center. Southold Town Clerk January 4. 2000 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK ]~EGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 2000 Robert D. Hamilton, President Rob's Food Service Post Office Box 1067 Cutchogue. New York 11935 Dear Mr. Hamilton: The $outhold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 18, 2000 accepted a portion of all bids received on January 20, 2000 for Food for the Nutrition Program of the $outhold Town Human Resource Center for the 2000 calendar year. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed. Also enclosed is your certified check no. 581t323 in the amount of $100.00 which you submitted with your bid. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk o~o[. OF ~ ,SOu'£ttOT~D ~ CI'.RR~- t SENDER: [] CompJete items 1 aqd/or 2 for additional services. Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b [] Pdnt your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. D Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does net permit D Write 'Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the adicle number [] The Return Race,pt wrll show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered 3. Article Addressed to: Robert D. Hamilton Rob;s Food Service PO Box 1067 ~' Cutchogue, NY 11935 6. S gnature (Addressee orAgent) PS Form 3811, December 1994 I also wish to receive the follow- mg services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery 4a. Article Number Z 088 q76 910 4b. Service Type [] Registered I~ertified [] Express Mail [] insured [] RetumReceiptforMerchandise DCOD 7. Date t Delivery 8. Addre~see's Address (Only if requested and fee ~s paid) 102595 99 B-0223 Domestic Return Receipt SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Z 088 476 910 US Postal Service Receipt for Cerlified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. D._o not use for In ernational Mail (See reverse) S~l~..l~_ob~rt .D.. H.~milton uu =, rooo ~ervlce Street & Number PO Box 1067 Post Office, State, & ZiP Code Cutchogue, NY 11935 Poslage $ .33 CerlJfiod Fee 1.40 1.25 2.98 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 2000 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Dean Blalkie, Food Consultant J. Kings Food Service 700 Furrows Road Holtsville, New York 117q2 Dear Mr. Blaikie: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 18, 2000 accepted a portion of all bids received on January 20, 2000 for Food for the Nutrition Program of the Southold Town Human Resource Center for the 2000 calendar year. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed. Also enclosed is your certified check no. 590399 in the amount of $100.00 which you submitted with your bid. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk PAY TO THE ~ One Hundred Dollars'and Zero Ce~t~ Southold Toun Clerk . ..MEMO OFFICIAL CHECK 11=OSqO=,Ctq"" m-=OB&hOSh~,~m-= &h OOOOOi, qll= 'SENDER: 3. Adicle Addressed to: Dean Blaikie J. Kings Food Servic~ 700 Furrows Road 5~eived By: (Print Name) ~. Signature (A~ rosso~orA~onO ,~ PS Form ~8~ 1, December ~994 I also wish to receive the follow- ing services (for an extra tee): 1. [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery ~- 4a. Article Number Z 088 ~i76 971 4b. Service Type [] Registered ~] Certified ~ Express Mail [] Insured [] ReturnReceiptforMerchandise []COD 7. Date of De 'very · 8. AddresSee'sAdness (Onlyilrequeste an fee is paid) 102595-99-B-0223 Domestic Return Receipt SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Z 088 476 971 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No ~nsurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Senuo Dean Blaikie J/ Kinq,~ F~.'I ~¢rvic¢ S~re~l~u"~L~ r rows Read Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Holtsville. NY 117a,2 Po~tage $ .33 Cer~ed Fee ... I . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 18, 2000 John G. Smith, Salesman Landmark Food Corp. Post Office Box 2001 Holtsville, New York 117~2-0901 Dear Mr. Smith The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on February 18, 2000 accepted a portion of all bids received on January 20, 2000 for Food for the Nutrition Program of the Southold Town Human Resource Center for the 2000 calendar year. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed. Also enclosed is your certified check no. 115883 in the amount of $100.00 which you submitted with your bid. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk SENDER: 3. Arbcle Addressed to: John G. Smith Landmark Food Corp. PO Box 2001 :oltsville, NY 117~2-090~ PS Form 3811, December 1994 I also wish to receive the follow- ing services (for an extra fee): 1. [] Addressee's Address ..~ 2, [] Restricted Delivery 4a. Article Number Z 088 a,76 972 4b. Service Type [] Registered [~[Certified cc [] Express Mail ~i~-.ed .c: [] Return Receipt lor March 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressee s Address t reque and c fee is paid) SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Z 066 qTf= US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. _Pa not use for International Mail (See reverse) 5entlo [ohnC,- Smith La nd'n~a ~'k -Foo~' C or p. Street & Number PO Box 2001 Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Holtsville, NY Postage Certified Fee 11742-0901 .33 1.40 Spatial Delivery Fee : Date,&Addms~e~sAddress 1.25 2.98 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax ~631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON FEBRUARY 15, 2000: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bids of Rob's Food Service to supply food under group "H" of the bid package, J. Kings Food Service to supply food under group "A", "B", "C", "D", "F", 'T', "J", "L', "M"; and Landmark Foods to supply food under group "E", "G", "K" during the 2000 calendar year to the Nutrition Program of the Southold Town Human Resources Center, all in accordance with bid specifications and the approval of the Town Attorney. ~ Southold Town Clerk February 15. 2000 $10.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE FOOD ITEMS FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER FOR YEAR 2000 Bid Opening: Thursday, January 20, 2000 10:00 A.M. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Landmark Food Corp., 865 Waveriy Ave., Holtsville, NY Attn: John Smith J. Kings Food Service, 700 Furrows Rd., Holtsville, NY Attn: Steven Kass Rob's Food Service 117~2 117~2 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RE-BID ON FOOD FOR 2000 CALENDAR YEAR FOR HUMAN RESOURCES BID OPENING: 10:00 A.M.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20. 2000 THREE (3) BIDS WERE RECEIVED: Rob's Food Service PO Box 1067 Cutchogue, NY 11935 As Attached various totals J. Kings Food Service 700 Furrows Road Holtsville, NY 117Lt2 Landmark Food Corp· 865 Waverly AVenue Holtsville, NY 11742 ROB'S FQOD SERVICE GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (^11 #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3. White Potatoes, Whole 4. White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed 8. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 1 3. Spinach 14. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases I Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Price $._L cs TOTAL $ Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 14. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 15. Peaches, Sliced in LightSyrup 16. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 17. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 18. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 19. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix 22. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 124. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 3 Cases 1 Jar Price TOTALS Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Case Price TOTAL $ P~ge q GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10 lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 32. Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38, Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41. Unsalted Crackers, 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 4 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 4 Bags 2 Boxes 2 Bags 4 Boxes 2 Boxes 4 Bags 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases TOTAL Price GROUP E - BREAD 42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 19 Slice Loaf 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases $ q.~r~ case TOTAL $_ Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxe~/case 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case 50. PAM Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case 51. Imitation Vanilla, 1 qt. bottle 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 54. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 55. Sugar, Granulated, 25 lb. bag 56. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-I lb boxes/case 57. Salt, Table,- Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case 58. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-I gal. containers/case 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing, 250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity Case/6 Mo. Case /2 Case Cases Each Case /2 Case Case Quart Quart Case/6 Mo. Bags Bags Case Case Case/6 Mo. Cases/6 Mo. Case/6 Mo. Case/6 Mo. /2 Case Case Price Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 1 Case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case 1/2 Case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 1 Case 67. Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Garlic, Powder I lb. can Onion Powder, 1 lb. can Pepper, White, 1 lb. can Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can Chives, 1 lb. can Clove, Powder, I lb. can Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can Bay Leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag Basil, 1 lb. can Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle Pancake Syrup, 4-I gal. bottle/case Molasses, 1 gallon Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case 3 Cases 2 Cans 2 Cans 1 Can 1 Can 3 Cans I Can Can Can Can Bag 2 Cans 2 Quarts Case/6 Mo. Gallon 1/2 Container I Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. Price $ ,~,~) cs $ _~I_~_c a n $__~can can $ ~,7~ can $ ..~ can $ ~(~can $ ~ bag I, 1 , Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPP , CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can 87. Lemon Pepper, I lb. can 1 Can 88. Paprika, 1 lb. can 1 Can 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag I Bag 91. Ham Base 1 Case/6 mo. 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. TOTAL Price $~can $ %~ can cs $ ~l~cs GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 93. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ GROUP N - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Apple I Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case Each 2 Cases TOTAL $ , LlOcs , .q cs Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. Sea Leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 101. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 103. Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case 1,04. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case 106. Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case 108. Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 1110. IQF Breaded Flounder 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 115. Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case 118. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 122. Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 3 Cases Case 4 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 8 Cases 16 Cases 10 Boxes 8 Cases 6 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 5 Cases 4 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases Price $_~cs $_~.Z~cs , $ ~) cs $ , I7,1Ocs GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) 123. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 125. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 1;!6. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 127. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb, box/case 128. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 12:9. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 13'1. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 139. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases · 3 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 9 Cases 6 Cases 8 Cases 3 Cases 8 Cases 9 Cases 9 Cases 8 Cases TOTALS Price ~l,q~ cs $ Iq,lOcs ~ J~,~O cs ~ ~/I,~ cs Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE 140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case 142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 143. Celery, Pascal, California 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 149. Watermelon, 2/case 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N' Rasin, 5 lb. Tortellini, ,5 lb. Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case I Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Cases 5 Cases 5 Cases 8 Cases 8 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case I Case TOTAL $ Price ~cs $ !~cs $ ~'~cs $ ~,~'~ cs ~age 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 152, Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 154. Butter, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 155, Margerine, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 156. Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 1:58. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 1:59. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs I Case 1 Case 2 Bags 1 Tub TOTAL $ Price Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case 171. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 174. Bottom Round Flat 175. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 177. Italian Sausage, Sweet 178. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef Page 13 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 8 Cases 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds TOTAL $ 6 Pieces 8 Pieces 6 Cases 8 Pieces TOTAL $ Price GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases Price TOTAL $ Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - 1 case monthly KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly~0CJ(~ MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly ' CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly'~C[~ COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases monthly MINI DANISH - 2 cases monthly CROISANTS ~ 2 cases monthly~O'~' SHEET CAKES - 4 monthly ~, DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - 3 cases monthly HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthlyOr)~ BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthlyr~O~Ol~' FLOUNDER DELRAY - 70 cases monthly CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly~,~k~'~ TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly ~,~ CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthly CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 can monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - 1 can monthly CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly~,~(~ CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly~t,C[~' CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly ~_~ SEVIROLE FOOD. RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly~b--~ Page 15 Submitted by: Signature Print Name Title ~oc~ ~ ~v', Business Name NOTE: All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, :~OOQ through December 31, 2000 items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 1 6 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by ~he bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion ~vit~ any other~ vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type des~:ribed in the invitation for bids, 'and the contents of this bid have not been comrrunicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belial, f, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an ~mployee or ;~gent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the ofl~cial opening of the bid. (Corporate Title) (If any)__ ~E~id on YEAR 2000 FOOD. J. KINGS FOOD SER VI('E PROFESSIONALS, lNG. JAN 2 0 700 Furrows Road, Holtsville, New York I 1742 516/289-8401 ~'J. KINGS FOOD SERVICE BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10;00 A.M.. Thursday, January 20, 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT GROUP C - BEVERAGES GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS GROUP E - BREAD GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES GROUP G - SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE GROUP K - DAIRY GROUP L- FRESH MEAT GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT GROUP N - ICE CREAM ,ADDITIONS TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - See Attached Schedule - Page 8 Page 8 Page 9-10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 1 3 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3.White Potatoes, Whole White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces ~ ~(~ 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed 8. Tomato Paste 9,. Spaghetti Sauce lC. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 13. Spinach 14. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 1 Case 3 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 5 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case TOTAL $ FG~o/o ~'~,,'u (c e Price $/¥. 3oJs Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 14. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 15. Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup 16. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 17. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 18. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 19. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix 22. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 24. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 6 Cases $,R(.~ cs 2 Cases $ ~<~.(~.~cs 6 Cases $ ,~l.~'O cs 2 Cases $ 6 Cases $ ~,7~cs 2 Cases $,~O cs 6 Cases $ ~I-C~cs 6 Cases $ ~.~. ~)0 cs 6 Cases 6 Cases $ ~2 3,,~cs 3 Cases $ ~ -O~Jcs 1 Jar -~'~c $ TOTAL $ Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 27. Coffee, ~ oz. pouches/case Decaffinated Coffee, ~:r--~..5 oz. pouches/case Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 1 Case $ ~Z~3cs 2 Cases $ /~,~cs 1 Case $ ~//~cS TOTAL Page GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain,,,~,a~lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 1~ ..... lb. Bags/Case 32. Beans, White, !2-2.--S-lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice j /~2~'~- 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41. Unsalted Crackers, 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity Cases Bags Case Case Bags Boxes Bags Boxes Boxes Bags Case Cases Cases TOTAL $ Price bag-~_~''~ bag /~Obag //~Obox box GROUP E - BREAD ,42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 19 Slice Loaf ~3. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases TOTAL $ $ /~./'~- loaf $ /3~ ~Ocase Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES. CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 1 Case/6 Mo. 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 1 Case 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 1/2 Case $/-~- ~dcs 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case >'c~ 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case 2 Cases Each I Case $/,?,- 3 ~cs 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case ~ ~'L L 50. JaA-M'Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case~ 51. Imitation Vanilla, 1 qt. bottle 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Quart 1 Quart $/g.?~cs $/q' ?~cs $ $ ~.f6 .qt 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 1 Case/6 Mo. ./Ocs 54. 55. 56. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag Sugar, Granulated,,,2r-~b. bag ~'~ I~J>A-~ Sugar, Confectioners, 24-I lb boxes/case 2 Bags 2 Bags 1 Case bag ~bagA~O/~ 57. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case 1 Case 58. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 1 Case/6 Mo. 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing,~individual packets/case 4 Cases/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1/2 Case 1 Case Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 68. Garlic, Powder, 1 lb. can $9. Onion Powder, 1 lb. can 70. Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can 73. Clove, Powder, 1 lb. can 74. Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can 75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 77. Bay Leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag 78. Basil, 1 lb. can 79. Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 82. Crisco Lard,,,L~'lb. container _5 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1/2 Case I Case 3 Cases 2 Cans 2 Cans 1 Can 1 Can 3 Cans 1 Can 1 Can I Can 1 Can 1 Bag 2 Cans 2 Quarts 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Gallon 1/2 Container 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. Price cs ~0 can $ ~ can $ ~,Z~/can $ ~ .~ can $ ~/~ can $ ~./~ can Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIE ONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ -)~76 can 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ ~.~o can 88. Paprika, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ ~.~can 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ ~5'~ cs 91. Ham Base 1 Case/6 mo. $ 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. $ ~,~.~'cs TOTAL $ ~" GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 913. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case $ //~cs 1 Case $ 2(~.~S TOTAL $ ~ ? ~ ~ GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case /'~' - ,~. 7Y/~5' 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Aoe-'~e 1 Case Each Apple 2 Cases TOTAL $ q 7. >"Ocs $ $~.7;-cs °° Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. Sea Leg Supreme, 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 101. Orange Juice Concentrate · ~-~2 gallon containers/case 5 lb. box, 6 per case 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 103. Pound Cake Marble,~l~/41b. case 104. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case 106. Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case Frozen Ham Hocks,~lb./case 108. 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 110. IQF Breaded Flounder ~-/~J~,~---~ ~ 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 115. Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case 118. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 122. It~j~i~ Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 8 Cases 16 Cases 10 Boxes 8 Cases 6 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 5 Cases 4 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases Price $ /5'7.06 cs .3'C cs cs 2 7.60 cs-30 S GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) 123,. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 125. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 126. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 127. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 128. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 129. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 138. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 139. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 9 Cases 6 Cases 8 Cases 3 Cases 8 Cases 9 Cases 9 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price /5 Ocs Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE Estimated Monthly Quantity -~'140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 1 Case ~-'141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case 1 Case ¥142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 1/2 Case 4 '143. Celery, Pascal, California ?O~T- 1 Case ~'144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 1 Bag ~,,,,~'145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 2 Bags ~146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 3 Cases ~-147. Cantaloups, 18/case 5 Cases /~-~148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 5 Cases ~1149. Watermelon, 2/case 8 Cases ~(~1150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 8 Tubs ~1151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. 1 Case Co,e ,10/3; Carrot N' Rasin, 5 lb. Tortellini, 5 lb. Macaroni, ,.5,~15./~ /~'~' Health, 5 lb. Potato, ~'fl~. Case Case Case Case Case Case TOTAL $ Price //;'c cs ~5'o cs fi". 3""~ ba9 ~. Z~ bag ~//.~2 cs $ ~.~ tub Page 11 ~fOO tO /~ Estimated P~,,~5 ~Mr~¢r~ o/~ ~zQ~' Monthly (3 (~ /~&/do Quantity 152. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case 2 Cases 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 2 Cases 1 Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs I Case 1 Case 2 Bags 1 Tub TOTAL $ 154. Butter, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 155. Margerine, Blocl~,~'-I lb. blocks/case 156. Country ~r-o~k,,~.Jl~l lb. boxes ~O-//~ of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 159. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese,/~lb. bag ' 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated,,~lb. tub Price $ cs $ cs $ ~&O tub $ ~)~t ub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 1'70. Fork Chops, 40 per case ./ 1'71. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 1'74. Bottom Round Flat 1'75. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 1'77. Italian Sausage, Sweet Y78. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied Estimated Monthly 1/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 8 Cases 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds i~/I-Jf'f) d/U Cue~ //~/00 _.~ GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT',~//,~'~:~S I711~-~"['"' (~':Z.~I)/~ /6 Pieces 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 1171. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece 8 Pieces 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 6 Cases 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef 8 Pieces TOTAL $ Price $ , '7/'lb $ ,/',,~7 lb Page 13 GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186,. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ I( 5 Price $ /D/~cs cs Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - I case monthly -~C'O£ . COOK,E DOUGH -2 tubs month,y KARPS GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly~-~/,~ DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly~"~'/~.~ [~ I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly ~ ~, COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases month y ~7/~]~¢ MINI DANISH - 2 cases monthly~f~/~,~7~.~' CROISANTS - 2 cases monthly~'- SHEET CAKES - ~ monthly -o~- - .~c~5~c::4~,¢ DIABETIC PUDDING MIX -[/~v~/~o~ cases monthly ~'. ~-~/~ ~ HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly ~ BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly ~ ~2c~,._~Q~~ ~ C,~S ~ FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly~ CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly ~ ~' COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly~/~/,~' TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly ~'/~,7,~-A.~ CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthlyff CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 can monthly~G(~,,~,~ CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - I can monthly~/~ CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthlyff~_ ~,~_ CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly~ CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly SEVIROLE rOOD RAVIOLI~:~ C oo/~,~ C~c~K~g> ~/~:q e I~A~zi'3 ' Page 15 Exception to the specifications 25. 84/2 oz coffee $27.05 case 26. 42/2 oz decafcoffee $19.00 case 30. 5 lb bread crumb plain 2.50 bag 31. 24/1 lb split peas 8.50 case 32. 10 lb white bean $6.85 case 39. wild rice pure (not a blend} $43.95 case 50. J. Kings food release spray 12/15 oz $14.75 case 55. 50 lb sugar $18.35 case 64. 200 count tartar sauce $11.50 82. 24/1# lard $15.00 84. a. salt shaker 48 count $8.95 b. pepper shaker 48 count $21,95 85. sweet & low packets 2/1250 count $14.95 89. flavored bread crumbs 5 lb $2.95 90. japanese bread crumbs 25 lb bag $18.95 92. Better n eggs brand eggbeaters 12/quart $32.25 case 96. diet gelatin 18/2.75 $55.00 case 101 orange juice concentrate 12/32 oz $27.25 108. frozen ham hocks 30 lb $27.60 case 115. broccoli chopped 12/2.5 lb $15.90 124. chopped spinach 12/3 lb $15.75 148. honeydew 8 count market prices subject to change weekly 149. watermelon each market prices subject to weekly change 161,162. Grated cheese 5 lb $2.40 lb 164. quartered chicken 60 count .71 each 170. pork chops 36/6 oz $2.15 lb 47. brownie mix 6/5 lb $38.50 yellow cake mix 6/5 lb devils food cake mix 6/5 lb $47.50 63. 200 count italian dressing 12 gram $4.45 case 200 count french dressing 12 gram $4.55 case ***Deliveries will be subject to meeting J. kings delivery schedule and to minimum dollar amounts per shipment. J. KINGS FOODSERVICE 700 FURROWS ROAD HOLTSVILLE, NY 11742 PHONE# 516-289-8401 Submitted by: Signature Print Name Title ~$ine~$ N~me NOTE: Please provide nutrient contents of juice and fruit drinks with bid proposal. All j~Jices: no sugar added and no preservatives. All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, 200~ through December 31, 2008 items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container [can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall:be listed on a separate Sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, 'and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Corporate Title) [if any) Bid on YEAR 2000 FOOD LANDMA,R.K FOOD CORPO~ BID PROPOSAL Soutl~lr~ Tovm fqer~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M.. Thursday, January 20. 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT GROUP C - BEVERAGES GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS GROUP E - BREAD GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES GROUP G - SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS ~ROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE ~OUP K - DAIRY ~JP L - FRESH MEAT ~ M - PREPARED MEAT I - ICE CREAM '~ TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 See Attached Schedule - Page 11 See Attached Schedule - Page 12 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 See Attached Schedule - Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3. White Potatoes, Whole 4. White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed 8. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 13. Spinach 14, Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 1 Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Price TOTAL $ Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup Diet Sliced Pears in Juice ~ Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice t~ Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice Mandarin Oranges in Juice Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon Tropical Fruit Mix ~OL ~ Apricot Halves Purple Plums (~- Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 3 Cases 1 Jar Price q.qOcs , qOcs ,4 .qOcs $ ~ 2'~Ocs TOTAL Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case t,~iT~ 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 'T~LE~ 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity i ~"'~/aO~-' L~/~"{~'l~' l Case 2 Cases 1 Case Price z/ 0cs TOTAL Page GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10' lb. Bag 31, Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 32, Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 243' lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37, Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 40, Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41, Unsalted Crackers, ~/Case ~'0~) Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 4 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 4 Bags 2 Boxes 2 Bags 4 Boxes 2 Boxes 4 Bags 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases TOTAL $ Price GROUP E - BREAD 42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 19 Slice Loaf 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, I oz., 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases $ ~/0 ~lJIoaf $ ~'~ ~case TOTAL Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Estimated Monthly Quantity 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 1 Case/6 Mo. 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 1 Case 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 1/2 Case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case 2 Cases Each 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case ~1[L~rD 1 Case 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case 1/2 Case 50. PAM Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case 1 Case 51. Imitation Vanilla, -1--er~. bottle i~,LL~ 1 Quart 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 1 Quart 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 1 Case/6 Mo. 54. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 2 Bags 55. Sugar, Granulated, ~ lb. bag ~01~ 2 Bags 56. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-1 lb boxes/case 1 Case 57. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case - '/ 1 Case 58. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 1 Case/6 Mo. 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, ~ individual packets/case .~OO~1-' 63. Salad Dressing, ~ individual packets/case ,~0o~' 1 Case 4 Cases/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1/2 Case Price $ ?, O cs Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) 64. Tartar Sauce, ZS'0 individual packets/case 65. Mustard, 2-5e individual packets/case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 67. Cranberry Sauce, ~ individual packets/case Garlic, Powder, 1 lb. can Onion Powder, 1 lb. can Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 68. 69. 70. 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can I.'~ o~. 73. Clove, Powder, I lb. can 74. Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can 75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 77. Bay Leaves, whole, I lb. bag 78. Basil, 1 lb. can ~1~. 79. Gravy Bouquet, I qt. bottle 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 82. Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container ~'0tL~- 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case ~tz~e 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 1 Case $ ~',~l,~"cs 1/2 Case $ 1 Case $i/'/ '~OCS 3 Cases $ I~-,~0 cs 2 Cans $ ~/.~'~ can 2 Cans $ '~ ~'~ can 1 Can $~.~/? can 1 Can $ ~.~c~ can 3 Cans $ ~Z/~ can 1 Can $ I~.~0 can 1 Can $ ~,~'{~ can 1 Can $ Z/.~ can 1 Can $ c~.c~'can 1 Bag $ I~.tJ'~ bag 2 Cans $ ~.0~) can 2 Quarts $ ~.~'r~lt. 1 Case/6 Mo. $ ~1.~70 cs 1 Gallon $ ~',~)gal 1/2 Container $ 1 Case/6 Mo. $ iq'~'~) cs 1 Case/6 Mo.~'kc~ $ 10,~o cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPP , 136. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can '~ 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 88. Paprika, I lb. can 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, ~1~' lb. /bag 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, H~lb./bag !)1. Ham Base 92. Egg Beaters '~,~.~k~ ~'l'~\~g'~- CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (~ntinued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Can 1 Can 1 Can 1 Bag 1 Bag 1 Case/6 mo. 1 Case/6 mo. TOTAL $ Price - $ ~',LJD can $ 3,~ can GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 93. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS. FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case~['~'° 1 Case 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case --'"-'~o 1/2 Case 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 2 Cases Each 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#1~/-cans/cas~: Lem~on,[ Blueberry,]Peak, h, Cherry~ ~D~I Case Each Apple 2 Cases TOTAL $ Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS Estimated Monthly Quantity 99. Sea Leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case 1 Case 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 2 Cases 101. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case 3 Cases 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 1 Case 103. Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case 4 Cases 104. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 6 Cases 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case J~'/i~2-~ 2 Cases Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case (~/~l~ 2 Cases 106. Tator 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case ~l~01~rar~t~x C~2 Cases 108. Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 1 Case 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 8 Cases 110. IQF Breaded Flounder ~'¢~/~q~l~' 16 Cases 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box ~/~/~( ~'c~lc 10 Boxes 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case ~'~$H~ ~0~0b~ 8 Cases 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case ~L~/~tTN /./OC~L, 6 Cases 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 4 Cases / , 115. Brocco,i C.ts. 12-2 ,b. box/case 4 Cases 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 4 Cases / ,A 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case i'~/~'~~ (3~i~ 4 Cases 118. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 4 Cases 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 5 Cases 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags (~ ~/ 4 Cases 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case ~-/~' g/ ~ 3 Cases 122. Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags 4 Cases Price Page 9 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) Cauliflower Florets, Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 12-2 lb. box/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1113. 4 Cases 1114. 3 Cases 1115. 3 Cases 1116. 4 Cases 1]:7. 1 Case I]:8. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case I~ 2.~o ~0~ 4 Cases 129. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 4 Cases / , 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case i~/~t'~ /~)l~ 4 Cases 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 2 Cases 132. Chicken Cordon Royal ~OL.~ (~ 9 Cases 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case ~l~kk~ 6 Cases 134. Chicken Grills ~y~ ~0~~ 8 Cases 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 3 Cases 136. Italian Meat Balls 0~~0 ~ ~ff~l~ 8 Cases 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese '~0~ 9 Cases 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) pl~L~ 9 Cases 1,,9. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces 8 Cases TOTAL Price I II .lff cs ,39. cs Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE Estimated Monthly Quantity 140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case I Case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case 1 Case 142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 1/2 Case 143. Celery, Pascal, California 1 Case 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 1 Bag 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 2 Bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 3 Cases 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 5 Cases 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 5 Cases 149. Watermelon, 2/case ~ ~{~ ~-(kt~-~(~ ~ 8 Cases 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 8 Tubs 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N' Rasin, 5 lb. / Tortellini, ~5 lb. ~ ~l~b(~ ~i~)Cr~ Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ Price , Iqa Ocs , l / cs i z~ Obag '~ ..~"~ bag Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 2 Cases Butter, Block, 36-I lb. blocks/casel~ld~-~ ~T 1 Case Margerine, Block, ,~"-1 lb. blocks/case ~0J& 1 Case Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 2 Cases 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 1 Tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 2 Tubs 159. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced ~./! Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case ~/~ 1 Case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 1 Case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 5'~ ~ar¢~:,:O 2 Bags 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub ¢~-~¢0%1~z~ I Tub TOTAL $ Price $ iO,qO ~s $ jO .~bcs tub tub $ I I.-~& bag $ f~,~-3 tub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case Estimated Monthly Quantity S~L~'~I/2 Case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian j~?l~[~o 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 420 Pounds 90 Pounds 90 Pounds 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks j)L,~ 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case C~w~f~ O~t ~'~'~ LAmb 171. Beef Strips J)L~( 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied ~'~'~' (~oic~ 173. Pit Hams ~.x~L,~,,~ _ 174. Bottom Round Flat ~ 175. Corned Beef ~)~:~r 176. Beef Brisket i~ CK,~ ~"J~-~ 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 8 Cases 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 177. Italian Sausage, Sweet 178. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied 100 Pounds 100 Pounds TOTAL $ GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 6 Pieces 8 Pieces 6 Cases 8 Pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece ~p~-~ 182. Diced Chicken Pieces ~/~L/~ ~)/~ 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef '~ES~' r~l~i~'tJ~ TOTAL $ Price $ j,~/'/ lb Page 13 GROUP N - ICE CREAM 1134. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - I case monthly ~'~\'~1 <~3~'~d~ ~z~L ~kA'~¢~°x~L KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL ~ILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly ~ ~,~ - DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly ~[~[~ [~'~'Qr, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER-- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly COUNTRY CROCK P.C.IS - 6 cases monthly ~,~, DAMS. - ~ ~a~.~ mo~,hW S'O~ i ~'~-~ CROISANTS SHEET CAKES - ~t monthly DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - -2 cases monthly cases monthW ~ HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly ~/~'/'~.~ 0-~ BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly <u$1%~'~, FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly ~&~(~ CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly ~ll0 COLLARD GREENS-Frozen- S cases monthly ~e~,~. TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - S cases monthly ~V~ CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly ~b CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthly CU~ ~0~ CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 c~n monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - 1 can monthly ~. I CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly c...EO C~E*~ O~ CE~E~ SOU~ - ~ c~se. mon~,y SEVlROLE FOOD RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly Page 15 Submitted by: Signature Print Name Title Business Name NOTE: All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis f~r "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, 20~0 through December 31, 2000 items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall .be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 16 LEGAL NOTICE NO~ICKTO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that s~ded bids are sousht and requested for the pur- chase of all FOOD ITEMS for the Southold Towu Htmma Resource Center for Cdeudar Year 20eO. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold. Town Hall, $3095 Main Road, ~outho!d, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-re- fundable fee. All bids must be sub- mitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifi- cations will be listed on a separate sheet bearing the dcsi§nation "Exception to the Spccifications'~ and attached to the bid form. The sealed bids~ together with a Non-Collusive Bid Ccrtificate~ and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town HaIL 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:~ a.m., Tlmrsday~ January ~ 3~0 at which time they will he opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the r~ht to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of $outhold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Food for 2000", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax. federal, state, or local, from which the Town of $outhold is exempt. Dated: January 4, 2000 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1167-1TJ13 STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: CN0~Uj/._O.j~_N TY OF.~U FFO~I~) {-'- LJ,~I[~'~,~ of Ma~ituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Ma~ituck, in the Town of Southold, Coun~ of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly p~blished in said Newspaper once each week for~ weeks succes- sively, commencing on the [~ day ~ ~ipal Clerk Sworn to before me this dayof ~ ~ Jb~ ~' / / ~ :~(:~R*PUBLIC ~'f: c)~ NEW YORK '~ ~//' ~ ~ NO,~lBR47326~3 ~, ~/~ ~gUA~I~'~FOLK COUN~ ~ - ~',qMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 31 ~C LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIODERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of all FOOD ITEMS for the Southold Town Human Resource Center for Calendar Year 2000. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications will be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Food for 2000", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: January 4, 2000. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JANUARY 13, 2000. AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 11th day of January 20~0 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. RE-BID on FOOD FOR 2000 CALENDAR YEAR FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER. BID OPENING: 10:00 A.M., THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 2000. Sworn to before me this 11thday of January , 200~. Notary Pubtic EliZabeth A~/ Neville Southold Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTI~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 11, 2000 Robert D. Hamilton Rob's Food Service, Inc. Post Office Box 1067 Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Hamilton: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on January ~, 2000 rejected all the bids received on December 2, 1999 for supplying food for the 2000 calendar year for the Southold Town Human Resource Center. The specifications have been revised by the Town Attorney. The new bid opening date will be at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000. I have enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice to Bidders and the new specifications. There is no charge as you have already paid for previous specifications. I look forward to receiving your bid on January 20, 2000. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOV~N CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 11, 2000 Mr. Steven Kass J. Kings Food Service 700 Furrows Road Holtsville, New York 117~2 Dear Mr. Kass: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on January ~, 2000 rejected all the bids received on December 2, 1999 for supplying food for the 2000 calendar year for the Southold Town Human Resource Center. The specifications have been revised by the Town Attorney. The new bid opening date will be at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000. I have enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice to Bidders and the new specifications. There is no charge as you have already paid for previous specifications. I look forward to receiving your bid on January 20, 2000. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTB.~R OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1600 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 11, 2000 Attention: John Smith Landmark Food Corporation 865 Waverly Avenue Holtsville, New York 117u~2 Dear Mr. Smith: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on January 4, 2000 rejected all the bids received on December 2, 1999 for supplying food for the 2000 calendar year for the Southold Town Human Resource Center. The specifications have been revised by the Town Attorney. The new bid opening date will be at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000. I have enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice to Bidders and the new specifications. There is no charge as you have already paid for previous specifications. I look forward to receiving your bid on January 20, 2000. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, Southold Town Clerk Enclosures BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M.. Thursday, January 20, 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - GROUP B - GROUP C - GROUP D - GROUP E - GROUP F - GROUP G - GROUP H - GROUP I- CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED FRUIT BEVERAGES CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS BREAD BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS FROZEN ITEMS GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE GROUP K - DAIRY GROUP L - FRESH MEAT GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT GROUP N -ICE CREAM ADDITIONS TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 See Attached Schedule - Page 11 See Attached Schedule - Page 12 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 See Attached Schedule - Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 13. White Potatoes, Whole 4. White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed ~3. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 1',2. Mixed Pepper Strips 1 3. Spinach 14. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 1 Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 14. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 15. Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup 16. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 17. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 18. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 19. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix 22. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 24. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 3 Cases 1 Jar Price $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs TOTAL Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity I Case 2 Cases 1 Case Price $ $ $ cs cs cs TOTAL $ Page q GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10 lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 32. Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41. Unsalted Crackers, 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 4 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 4 Bags 2 Boxes 2 Bags 4 Boxes 2 Boxes 4 Bags 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS bag CS CS bag box bag box box bag cS CS CS GROUP E - BREAD 42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 19 Slice Loaf 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases TOTAL $ $ loaf case Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case ~,8. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case ~,9. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case 150. PAM Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case !51. Imitation Vanilla, 1 qt. bottle 152. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 33. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 154. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 155. Sugar, Granulated, 25 lb. bag 156. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-1 lb boxes/case !57. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case $8. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing, 250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case $ cs 1/2 Case $ cs 2 Cases Each $ cs 1 Case $ cs 1/2 Case $ cs 1 Case $ cs 1 Quart $ qt 1 Quart $ qt 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 2 Bags $ bag 2 Bags $ bag 1 Case $ cs 1 Case $ cs · 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 4 Cases/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1/2 Case $ cs 1 Case $ CS Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 67. Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 68. Garlic, Powder, 1 lb. can 69. Onion Powder, 1 lb. can 70. Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can 73. Clove, Powder, 1 lb. can 74. Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can 75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 77. Bay Leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag 78. Basil, 1 lb. can 79. Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 82. Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case Price $ cs $ cs $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 2 Cans $ can 2 Cans $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 3 Cans $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Bag $ bag 2 Cans $ can 2 Quarts $ qt. 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Gallon $ gal 1/2 Container $ ct 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ '88. Paprika, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 91. Ham Base I Case/6 mo. $ 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. $ TOTAL $ Price ' can can can cs cs cs cs GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES !)3. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case I Case TOTAL $ $ $ CS CS GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, !t5. 96. 97. 98. FILLINGS boxes/case Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Apple 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case Each 2 Cases TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. Sea leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 101. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 103. Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case 104. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case 106. Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case 108. Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 110. IQF Breaded Flounder 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 115. Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case 118. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 122. Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases Price $ cs $ cs $ CS $ cs $ cs 8 Cases $ cs 16 Cases $ cs 10 Boxes $ cs 8 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 5 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 1 Case $ cs GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (~ontinued) 123. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 1215. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 126. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 127. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 1213. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 12!3. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 13'1. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 13!). Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 4 Cases $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs I Case $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 9 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 8 Cases $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 8 Cases $ cs 9 Cases $ cs 9 Cases $ cs 8 Cases $ cs TOTAL $ Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE 140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case 142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 143. Celery, Pascal, California 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 149. Watermelon, 2/case 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N' P, asin, 5 lb. Tortellini, $ lb. Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. Estimated Monthly Quantity I Case 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Cases 5 Cases 5 Cases 8 Cases 8 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case I Case TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS C$ bag CS CS tub CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 152. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 154. Butter, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 155. Margerine, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 156. Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 159. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 2 Cases I Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 2 Bag's 1 Tub TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ cs CS CS CS CS tub tub Cs bag tub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case 171. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 174. Bottom Round Flat 175. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 177. Italian Sausage, Sweet 178. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef Page 13 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds Price $ lb $ lb $ lb 6 Pieces $ lb 8 Pieces $ lb 6 Cases $ lb 8 Pieces $ lb TOTAL $ 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 8 Cases $ cs 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb TOTAL $ GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price CS CS CS CS Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - 1 case monthly KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases monthly MINI DANISH CROISANTS SHEET CAKES - 4 monthly DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly 3 cases monthly BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly CHIC PEAS ~ 2 cases monthly CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - I case monthly CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - I can monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - I can monthly CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly SEVIROLE FOOD RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly Page 15 Submitted by: NOTE: Signature Print Name Title Business Name All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, ;Zl~aO through December 31, ;ZI)I)I) items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 1 6 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM BETTY NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY MARY C. WILSON, ESQ., ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY' JANUARY 10, 2000 REVISED FOOD BID PACKAGE FOR HUMAN RESOURCES Please make the indicated changes to the food bid package and please prepare and advertise as soon as possible. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER 10:00 a~, YrJ~day, In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened on NO~I~IBY2{ 10, 1999 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. J~ic~ be submitted for individual ;t,~,,,~ and will be awarded on an individual item basis'. GROUP A CANNED VEGETABLES See Attached Schedule - Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT See Attached Schedule - Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES See Attached Schedule - Page 4 GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS See Attached Schedule - Page 5 GROUP E - BREAD See Attached Schedule - Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 GROUP G - SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES See Attached Schedule - Page 8 GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS See Attached Schedule - Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE See Attached Schedule - Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY See Attached Schedule - Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT See Attached Schedule - Page 13 GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT GROUP N - ICE CREAM See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 , ADDITIONS TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3. White Potatoes, Whole q. White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed IE~. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 1 3. Spinach 14. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 1 Case 3 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 5 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 113. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 114. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 115. Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup 116. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 117. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 118. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 119. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix ;!2. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 24. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 6 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 1 Jar $ cs Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case 28.'x~ive Gallon Jxuice Concentra~es - Diet and .R~ul.ar, cont~,ning at least ~0% real fruit, witl~Lutomatic ~ice Dispense~and ReSignation Uni~ DiVOrce I~d Tea Orange Punch Estimated Month l y Quantity Price 1 Case $ 2 Cases $ I Case $ Ca/e 1 Case $ CS CS CS Page 4 GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10 lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 32. Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41. Unsalted Crackers, 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 4 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 4 Bags 2 Boxes 2 Bags 4 Boxes 2 Boxes 4 Bags 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases Price $ $ $ $ CS bag CS CS bag box bag box box bag CS CS CS GROUP E - BREAD 42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 19 Slice Loaf 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases $ $ loaf case Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, 13rownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case !50. PAM Spray, 12~17 oz. cans/case 51. Imitation Vanilla, 1 qt. bottle 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 54. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 55. Sugar, Granulated, 25 lb. bag 56. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-1 lb boxes/case 57. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case 58. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing, 250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Quart 1 Quart 1 Case/6 Mo. 2 Bags 2 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case/6 Mo. 4 Cases/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1/2 Case 1 Case Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS C$ qt qt CS bag bag CS CS CS CS Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 67. Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 68. Garlic, Powder, 1 lb. can 69. Onion Powder, 1 lb. can 70. Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can 73. Clove, Powder, 1 lb. can 74. Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can 75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 77. Bay Leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag 78. Basil, 1 lb. can 79. Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 82. Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case Price $ cs $ cs $ cs 3 Cases $ cs 2 Cans $ can 2 Cans $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 3 Cans $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can 1 Can $ can I Can $ can 1 Bag $ bag 2 Cans $ can 2 Quarts $ .qt. 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Gallon $ gal 1/2 Container $ ct 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs 1 Case/6 Mo. $ cs Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 88. Paprika, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 91. Ham Base I Case/6 mo. $ 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. $ Price can can can cs cs cs cs GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 93. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case I Case $ $ CS CS GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS. FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Apple 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case Each 2 Cases $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. I08, 109. 110. 111 112. 11:3. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. llg. 120. 121. 122. Sea Leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case Diced Potatoes, bags/case Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case IQF Breaded Flounder IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 8 Cases 16 Cases 10 Boxes 8 Cases 6 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 5 Cases 4 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) 123. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 125. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 126. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 12'7. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 128. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 12~). Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 139. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 9 Cases 6 Cases 8 Cases 3 Cases 8 Cases 9 Cases 9 Cases 8 Cases Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS C$ CS CS Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE '140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case '142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case '143. Celery, Pascal, California 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 149. Watermelon, 2/case 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N' Rasin, 5 lb. Tortellini, 5 lb. Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Cases 5 Cases 5 Cases 8 Cases 8 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case Price $ $ $ S $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ CS CS C$ C$ bag bag CS CS CS CS tub CS CS CS C$ CS CS Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 15,2. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 154. Butter, Block, 36-I lb. blocks/case 155. Margerine, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 156. Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 159. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 2 Bags 1 Tub Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS tub tub CS CS bag tub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case 171. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 174. Bottom Round Flat 175. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 1~77. Italian Sausage, Sweet ~78. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied ~79. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef Estimated Monthly Quantity 1/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds Price $ lb $ lb $ lb 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ ib 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 8 Cases $ cs 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 6 Pieces $ lb 8 Pieces $ lb 6 Cases $ lb 8 Pieces $ lb Page 13 GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases Price C$ CS CS cs Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - 1 case monthly KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P,C.'S - 2 cases monthly MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases monthly MINI DANISH - 2 cases monthly CROISANTS - 2 cases monthly SHEET CAKES - 4 monthly DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - 3 cases monthly HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthly CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 can monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - 1 can monthly CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly SEVlROLE FOOD RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly Page 15 Submitted by: Signature Print Name Title Business Name NOTE: Plca£e provide n,~trient rnntent~ of jui~.~--~-n-cf'"f'F-uit drinks -wlth-!otd-proposal. juice~: no sugar add6d and no preservatives.. All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to ha a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for ' equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, 200~ through December. 31, 2000 items to ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 1 6 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: SUPERVISOR COCHRAN & TOWN BOARD MEMBERS. TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN CLERK BETTY NEVILLE 2000 FOOD BID SPECIFICATIONS JANUARY 5. 2000 ATTACHED IS COPY OF FOOD BID SPECIFICATIONS TOWN OF RIVERHEAD. GIVEN TO ME BY REPRESENTATIVE OF LANDMARK FOODS. USED BY THE JOHN SMITH. ITIZM NO. 1 2 Bid for Meat and Poult~ Bid #99-8-2, TBR #9-679 CVA Meats V# 10416, Landmark V# 28616 DESCRIPTION* UNIT P~MOIJ'NTcvA LANDMARK CASE 32.80 BACON, FRESH, SLICED - 25-1 LB PKG/CASE BEEF, FRESH, BOTTOM ROUND, USDA CHOICE, STRAPOFF-TIBD, CRYO-VAC LB ~- 1.66 3 BEEF, FRESH, CHOPPED, CRYO-VAC - 5 LB PKG PKG 12.94 4 CHICKEN, CUTLETS, FRESH - 5 LB/PKG PKG 21.60 5 CHICKEN, CUTLETS, HOLLY FARMS ~0944 - 40/CASE CASE 30.28 6 CHICKEN, NUGGETS - 10 LB/PKG PKG 18.90 7 CHICKEN, WHOLE, FRESH CUT 1/4'S, SEPARATE PARTS LB 0.84 8 CHICKEN, WINGS, FROZEN - 10 LB/PKG PKG 21.80 9 HAM, BAKED, USGS DELI HAM LB 1.11 10 HAM, FRESH, SKINNED & BONELESS, TRIMMED & TIED, // CRYO-VAC / LB 1.39 11 HAM, OPEN PIT ~Lb LB 2.09 12 HOT DOGS, ALL BEEF, SABRETT - 8/PKG, 24 1 LB PKGS/CASE CASE 59.00 13 LAMB, LEG OF, BONELESS, FRESH, AMERICAN, 'rLED & TRIMMED LB 2.49 14 MEATBALLS, ITALIAN 1 OZ. - 10 LB/CASE CASE 16.90 15 MEATBALLS, SWEDISH, NO GRAVY 1 OZ. - 10 LB/CASE CASE 16.90 16 PEPPER STEAK, FRESH, BEEF TOP ROUND, USDA CHOICE, ~ SLICED - 5 LB/PKG PKG 22.00 17 PORK, CHOPS, FRESH, 1/2" CENTER CUT LB 2.19 18 PORK, LOIN ROAST, FRESH, BONED & TIED LB 2.09 19 PORK, PA'FI~IES, 4 OZ., BREADED, COOED - 40/CASE CASE 37.60 20 PORK, PAT'I'IES, RIB-B-QUE, COOKED - 60 3.2OZ/CASE CASE 44.70 21 PORK, SHOULDER BUI-fS, FRESH, SLICED (PORK STEAKS) LB 1.49 22 PORK, SPARE RIBS, FRESH, SLICED LB 1.59 23 SALISBURY STEAK, 4 OZ., NO GRAVY - 40/CASE CASE 23.80 24 SAUSAGE, PA'I-I'II~ - 12 LB/CASE CASE 22.10 25 SAUSAGE, ITALIAN - UNITS - 5 LB/PKG . PKG 14.90 26 SAUSAGE, POLISH, FARMLAND - 5 LB/PKG / PKG 17.40 27 SIRLOIN PAl-try_., 4 OZ. / LB 1.34 28 STEAK, FLANK, FRESH, USDA CHOICE - 3/PKG ~0 I.~ LB 2.80 29 STEW BEEF, I~RESH, USDA CHOICE, LEAN - 5 LB/PKG LB 1.74 30 TURKEY, BREAST, PERDUE, 3 STAR LB 2.29 31 TURKEY, FRESH' GROUND - 5 LB/PKG PKG 15.40 32 VEAL PA'FI'lES, BREADED, 4 OZ. - 40/CASE CASE 12.40 ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 FOOD BID BID #99-9-2, TBR #99-678 Lanrl~,~k Food Corp. V# 28616 DESCRIPTION "cHEFMATE" SWEE'I~& SOUR APPLE JUICE, 60Z APPLES, FRESH(MAC) APPLES, SLICED, CANNED APRICOT HALVES BANANAS, FRESH (40 LB.) BASE, BEEF, LUDA BASE, CHICKEN, LUDA BASIL BAY LEAF BEANS, FRENCH CUT, #10 CAN BEANS FRENCH CUT, FROZEN BEANS GARBANZO BEANS ITALIAN, FROZEN (2-1/2 LB. PKG.) BEANS LIMA, FROZEN (25 OZ/PKG.) BEANS STRING, REG. CUT, FROZ. 2.5 LB. PKG. BEANS WAXED, FROZEN {3 LB. PKGS.) BEEF STEW BEETS, SLICED BISCUITS, OVEN READY BREAD CRUMBS, ITALIAN BROCCOLI SPEARS, FROZEN (3 LB. PKG.) BROCCOLI, CHOPPED, FROZEN 2.5 LB. PKGS. BRUSSELS SPROUTS, FROZEN 2.5 LB. PKGS. BUTTER PATTIES (IND) BUTTER SOLIDS (1 LB) CABBAGE (24 CT) CABBAGE, RED CAJUN SPICE CAKE MIX, DEVILS FOOD CAKE MIX, MODERN MAID, YELLOW (5 LB. BOX) CAKE, BROWNIE, SHEET, FROZEN CAKE, CARROT, SHEET, FROZEN CAKE, CRUMB, SHEET, FROZEN CAKE, POUND (1 LB. EACH) CAKE, RASPBERRY, SHEET, FROZEN CANTALOUPE CARROTS, DICED, FROZEN (2.5 LB. PKG.) 39 CARROTS, FRESH 40 CAULIFLOWER, FROZEN, (2 LB. PKGS.) 41 CELERY, FRESH 42 CEREAL, BRAN FLAKES (IND.) 43 CEREAL, CORN FLAKES {IND.) 44 CEREAL, CREAM OF WHEAT 45 CEREAL, OATMEAL 46 CEREAL, RAISIN BRAN {IND) KELLOGG'S UNIT [ PRIC~ 35.80 15.60  CF 15.20 25.60 32.25 CASE 18.60 14.50 14.50 24 OZ. 13.25 lOOZ. \\,\o 6/10 18.~ 18.40 /CS 15.30 16.20 /12/CS 24.20 12PK/CS 14.60 12/CS 19.80 LB. 49.90 6/10 15.30 120/CS 11.40 6/5 LB. 18.60 12/CS 20.80 12/CS 16.90 '12/CS 18.30 47CT~ 17 LB 0.00 3~)~ CS 0.00 ,/o LB/CS 14.20 6/10 26.45 14 OZ 11.54 26.90 25.40 39.60 39.80 39.60 14.20 41.70 18.30 10.60 2.67 19.30 5.46 19.30 19.30 21.80 21.80 19.45 6/CS 3/84 OZ 3/84 OZ 3/? CUT 12/CS ,/24 cut . 8/cs '~' 12/CS ./6/1LB I 12/C8 96 CT 96 CT 12/28 OZ. 12/48 OZ 96 CT PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 FOOD BID BID #99-9-2, TBR//99-678 Lawtlm=~k Food Corp. V# 28616 CEREAL, TOASTED OATS (IND.) ,~6 CT CHEESE, AMERICAN LOAF (5 LB.) ~1 ~ .L~). · . ' LB TUB 47 48 49 CHEESE, COTTAGE 50 CHEESE, MOZZARELLA (5 LB.) LB. 51 CHEESE, PARMESAN, IMPORTED 5 LB. TUB 52 CHEESE, PARMESEAN, PC 200 CT 53 CHEESE, RICOTTA 3 LB. 54 CHERRIES I GAL. 55 CHICKEN STEAK 56 CHICKEN TENDERS 57 CHILI (50 OZ.) 12/CS 58 CHILl POWDER 16 OZ. 59 CINNAMON 14 OZ. 60 COFFEE (1 LB. PKGS.) 22/CS 61 COFFEE, DECAF {1 LB. PKGS.) 22/CS 62 COFFEE, SANKA, {IND)(5 PKGS./100) C~ C~t 63 COL D OREENS, FROZEN (3 m PKaS.) 'I /Cs 64 COOKIE, OREO, 4-PACK 65 CORN, FROZEN 24/CS 66 CORN, WHOLE KERNEL 6/10 67 CORNED BEEF BRISKET-COOKED/RAW LB. 68 CRACKERS, PREMIUM UNSALTED SE/5~00-2 PK. 69 CRANBERRY COCKTAIL, 46 OZ CRANBERRY SAUCE, OCEAN SPRAY (JELLIED) \ [/'~/10 70 71 CRANBERRY SAUCE, PC 72 CUCUMBERS 5 LB. 73 DANISH, ASSTD. FROZEN, WRAPPED 74 DRESSING, CAESAR, CREAMY (GAL. JARS) 75 DRESSING, COLESLAW (GAL. JARS) 76 DRESSING, ITALIAN {4 GAL. JARS) 77 DRESSING, ITALIAN CREAMY (GAL. JARS) 78 DRESSING, ITALIAN, PC 79 EGG PRODUCT, FROZEN (5 LB. CONTAINERS) 80 EGGS, LARGE 81 FILLING, BLUEBERRY 82 FISH CAKES 83 FISH IN A MINUTE 84 FISH, FLOUNDER, PRECOOKED, BREADED 85 FISH, SEA GRILL, PLAIN, FROZEN (4 OZ.) 86 FISH, TUNA, LARGE CAN (66-1/2 OZ.) 87 FLOUR 88 FRENCH FRIES, FROZEN, OVENCOOKED {5 LB.) 89 FRENCH TOAST 90 FRUIT COCKTAIL 91 FRUIT SALAD MEDLEY 92 FRUIT SALAD, TROPICAL 93 GARLIC POWDER 24 CT. 4/cs 4~cs CASE 4/cs 6/CS 15 DZ./CS 6/10 360/CS 10 LB./CS 4o/cs 6/cs 25 LB. BAG 6/C~E 96//128 61/10 ~/1 GAL. 18 OZ. 19.30 5.90 2.19 18.20 21.95 3.86 14.22 24.60 31.80 44.60 5.92 5.10 76.40 82.20 46.10 24.20 25.50 17.10 15.35 1.49 12.80 23.50 35.40 12.85 3.20 12.00 37.15 29.33 24.60 25.43 8.15 26.44 12.75 53.90 64.80 24.20 31.70 0.00 34.60 10.35 14.65 18.48 31.00 36.25 33.55 5.30 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 FOOD BID BID #99-9-2, TBR #99-678 Lantim.vk Food Corp. V# 28616 1~. BAG ~, ,~'%/QT/cs ~ 12/CS 94 GRAHAM CRACKER CRUMBS (10 LB. BAG) 95 GRAVY MASTER 96 GRAVY, BEEF, CAMPBELL'S (51 OZ. CANS) 97 GRAVY, CHICKEN, CAMPBELL'S {51 OZ. CANS) 98 GRAVY, TURKEY (LEGAUT) 99 HASH, CORNED BEEF 100 HOT CHOCOLATE, NESTLES {50 ENV. BOX) 101 ICED TEA MIX, NESTEA 102 Jell-O, CITRUS 103 JELL-O, RED 24 OZ. 104 %fELLY GRAPE (4 LB.) 105 JELLY GRAPE {INDIVIDUAL){ASST. 7.59) 106 JELLY GRAPE 4 LB. 107 JELLY GRAPE, PC 108 JUICE APPLE {46 OZ.) 109 JUICE APPLE (46 OZ.) 110 JUICE, CRANBERRY (6 OZ.) 111 JUICE, GRAPE {46 OZ.) 112 JUICE, GRAPE (6 OZ) 113 JUICE, GRAPEFRUIT {46 OZ) i 14 JUl'CE, GRAPEFRUIT {6 OZ) 115 JUICE, ORANGE {46 OZ) 116 JUICE, ORANGE -FROZEN {40Z) 117 JUICE, PINEAPPLE DOLE (46 OZ) 118 JUICE, TOMATO, SACRAMENTO (46 OZ) 119 KETCHUP, HEINZ 120 KETCHUP, HEINZ {IND) 121 KIDNEY BEANS {6 LB. CANS) 122 LASAGNA ROLL UPS 123 LASAGNA, VEGETABLE, STOUFFERS 124 LEMON JUICE 125 LEMONADE MIX, PINK 126 LEMONS, FRESH 127 LETTUCE, ICEBERG 128 MANICOTTI, CELENTANO 129 MAYONNAISE, {IND.) NUGGET 130 MAYONNAISE, HELLMANN'S 131 MILK, EVAPORATED 132 MUFFIN MIX, BLUEBERRY (5 LB. PKGS.) 133 MUFFIN MIX,.CORN {5 LB. PKGS.)MM DELUXE 134 MUSHROOMS, CANNED 135 MUSTARD, GULDEN'S 136 MUSTARD, GULDEN'S (IND.) 137 NUTMEG 138 OLIVES, GREEN {125 CT) 139 ONION POWDER 140 ONIONS, PEARL, CANNED 12/CS 12/#5 6/lO 6 BX/CS 24/16 OZ. 12/cs 12/CS 6/cs 200/CS 6/cs 12/CS 12/CS 48/CS 12/CS 48/cs 12/CS 48/cs 12/CS 48/CS 12/CS 12/CS 611o 1000/CS 6/cs 60/CS 4/96 12 QT./cs 12/24 OZ 140/CT 24/CS 80/2,40Z. 200CT/CS CS/4 GAL CS/48 TALL 6/cs 6/cs 611o CASE/4 GAL 500 CS 16 OZ. 1 GAL. 19 OZ. 6/10 16.60 69.90 21.30 23.78 26.80 51.46 31.40 19.60 21.45 21.45 19.55 7.80 19.55 7.80 13.85 14.60 18.45 19.70 18.60 15.40 13.20 17.90 9.90 16.30 12.80 19.85 19.76 14.60 34.70 49.62 16.20 16.80 24.30 19.40 18.20 8.80 35.60 36.50 31.50 30.35 36.60 24.60 11.40 9.70 10.35 4.60 0.00 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 FOOD BID BID #99-9-9, TBR #99-678 Landmark Food Corp. V# 28616 \ ,' i o/cs ' 141 ONIONS, PEARL, FROZEN 142 ONIONS, SPANISH, FRESH 143 ORANGES, FRESH 144 ORANGES, MANDARIN (93-1/2 OZ. CANS) 145 OREGANO 146 PANCAKE, DOWNYFLAKE 147 PAPRIKA 148 PARSLEY, FLAKES 149 PARSLEY, FRESH 150 PASTA, CHOW MEIN NOODLES 151 PASTA, EGG NOODLES 152 PASTA, ELBOW MACARONI 153 PASTA, LASAGNE 154 PASTA, ROTINI 155 PASTA, SHELLS, MEDIUM 156 PASTA, SPAGHETrl 157 PASTA, TRI-COLOR MACARONI 158 PASTA, ZITI 159 PEACHES, FRESH LARGE, 39 LBS. 160 PEACHES, SLICED 161 PEANUT BUTTER, SKIPPY {5 LB.) 162 PEAR HALVES 163 PEAS, FROZEN {2.5 LB. PKG.) 164 PEAS, SNAP, FROZEN {2 LB. BAG) 165 PEPPER STRIPS 166 PEPPER, BLACK 167 PEPPERS, FRESH GREEN 168 PHILLY QUICK STEAKS 169 PICKLE, DILL CHIPS B & G {1 GAL. JARS) 170 PICKLES, DILL 171 PIE SHELLS, FROZEN 10" 172 PIE, PUMPKIN 173 PIES, MRS. SMITH, APPLE 10" 174 PINEAPPLE CHUNKS 175 PINEAPPLE SLICED 176 PLUMS, WHOLE PURPLE 177 POPCORN, VENDING 178 PORK & BEANS 179 POT PIE, BEEF 180 POT PIE, CHICKEN 181 POTATO CHIPS (VENDING) 182 POTATOES, DICED 183 POTATOES, FRESH, IDAHO 184 POTATOES, HASH BROWN PATTY 185 POTATOES, INSTANT 186 POTATOES, REDS 187 POTATO SALAD 96/cs. 16 OZ. 8 OZ. ~10 LLB. TUB B. BOX 20 LB. BOX 10 LB. BOX 20 LB. BOX 20 LB. BOX 20 LB. BOX 10 LB. BOX 20 LB. BOX CS 6/10 S 16 OZ. 25 LBS. 4/CS 4 GAL/CS 20/CS 6/CS 6/lo 6/10 6/10 6/10 24/7 OZ. 24/7 OZ. 60CT 6/10 100 CT 120/CS 6/10 10 LB 22.60 4.45 15.23 28.64 9.97 14.23 5.41 6.87 2.66 27.90 9.45 12.30 10.20 13.45 13.45 13.45 12.40 13.45 0.00 25.80 37.42 29.40 18.47 28.06 22.41 6.23 16.70 37.85 13.70 13.70 17.87 19.60 19.60 25.70 25.80 33.60 16.50 13.80 18.20 18.20 16.50 13.80 15.90 14.60 25.50 16.20 6.90 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 FOOD BID Food Co , v# 286 . / 188 POTATOES, SLICED ~ 6/10 189 POTATOES, SWEET, YAMS 6/:}0 190 POTATOES, WHOLE 70-80 CT 6/10 191 PRETZEL, VENDING 192 PUDDING, BANANA 6/10 193 PUDDING, BUTTERSCOTCH 6/10 194 PUDDING, CHOCOLATE 6/10 195 PUDDING, LEMON 6/10 196 PUDDING, TAPIOCA 6/10 197 PUDDING, VANILLA . 6/1,0~ 198 PUNCH, FRUIT (46 OZ. CANS) 199 RAISINS ~30 LBS. 200 RAVIOLI, CANNED 6/10 201 RAVIOLI, CHEESE, FROZEN 300/CT 202 RELISH 4 GAL./CS 203 RELISH (INDIVIDUAL) ~ . 2,~'CS 204 RICE PILAF ~,~ 6/36 OZ. 205 RICE, UNCLE BEN'S 25 LB. BAG 206 RICE, WILD (36 OZ. PKG.) 6/CS 207 RINSE 5 GAL PAIL 208 ROLLS, HOT DOG (12 PKGS.) 12/CS 209 ROLLS, DINNER 144/CS 210 ROLLS, HAMBURGER 10 PK/CS 211 SALAD, THREE BEAN 6/10 212 SALT 24/26 OZ. 213 SALT, SEASONED 2 LB. 214 SAUCE, APPLE 66/,~ 215 SAUCE, BBQ (4 GAL. JARS)OPEN PIT 216 SAUCE, CHEESE, CAMPBELL'S ~' 12/#5 217 SAUCE, SOY (1 GAL.) 6/CS 218 SAUCE, SPAGHETTI 6/10 219 SAUCE, TOMATO 6/10 220 SAUCE, WORCESTERSHIRE(1 GAL.) 4/CS 221 SAUERKRAUT 6/10 222 SCROD, NEW ENGLAND STYLE {10 LB. PKG.) 6/CS 223 SEA LEG SUPREME 5 LB./BOX 224 SEA NUGGETS, OVEN READY 10 LB/CS 225 SHELLS, STUFFED, MEDIUM 96 CT. 226 SOUP BASE, CREAMED, KNORR 6/2 LB 227 SOUP, BEEF BARLEY, CAMPBELL'S-LG. 51 OZ. 12/CS 228 SOUP, BEEF NOODLE, CAMPBELL'S-SM. 7.25 OZ. 24/CS 229 SOUP, CHICKEN & RICE, CAMPBELL'S-SM. 7.25 OZ. 24/CS 230 SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE, CAMPBELL'S-LG 51 OZ. 12//C,8 231 SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE, CAMPBELL'S-SM. 7.25 ~Z. ,~4'/CS 232 SOUP, MANHATTAN CLAM, CAMPBELL'S-LG 51 OZ~"12/CS 233 SOUP, CREAM/CELERY, CAMPBELL'S~LG 51 OZ. 12/CS 234 SOUP, CREAM/MUSHROOM, CAMPBELL'S-LG 51 OZ. 12/CS PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 13.60 19.36 13.60 16.50 20.3O 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.30 20.30 15.65 38.60 28.90 12.40 16.65 9.35 22.40 16.60 27.90 67.70 16.10 15.60 16.10 .24.55 11.30 6.75 15.35 34.22 39.80 10.44 19.80 15.74 14.32 14.60 44.70 14.74 26.20 23.00 52.24 39.65 14.88 14.88 29.90 14.88 38.60 31.20 31.65 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 FOOD BID BID #99-9-2, TBR #99-678 Landmark Food Corp. V# 28616 SOUP, SPLIT PEA, CAMPBELL'S-LG 51 OZ. 12/CS / SOUR CREAM S,,.LB~O NT SOY SAUCE (1 GAL. JAR) 6f~CS6"' S S UASH, YELLOW, SLICED, FROZEN 13 LB. PKG.I 12/CS STRAWBERRIES, SLICED, FROZEN (6.5 OZ.) 6/CS STUFFING, UNCLE BEN'S (1 LB. BAGS) 6/CS SUGAR, 5 LB. PKG. 8/5 LB/CS SUGAR, BROWN I LB. PKG. 24/CS SUGAR, IND. 2000/CT SUN CUP PUNCH 72/4/(~Z. SUN CUP APPLE 72,~'4 OZ. SUNCUP PINE/ORANGE ~ ~2/4OZ. L cASE SWEET & LOW (2 PKG./2000) SYRUP, MAPLE, IND. PKG. LOG CABIN BRAND 100/CS 250 SYRUP, PANCAKE {1 GAL) 4/CS. 251 TARTAR SAUCE, PC 252 TEA, DECAF (IND.) PKG./100 5/CS 253 TEA, LIPTON 10/100 254 THYME 28 OZ. 255 TOMATO PASTE 6/10 256 TOMATO PUREE 6/10 257 TOMATOES, BEEFSTEAK LB. 258 TOMATOES, CHERRY l12~FI' 259 TOMATOES, CRUSHED ~6~ / I0 260 TOMATOES, WHOLE 10 261 TURNIPS, FROZEN (2.5 LB. PKG.) 12/CS 262 VANILLA FLAVORING (IMITATION) 1 QT. 263 VEGETABLE OIL (GAL. JARS) 6/CS 264 VEGETABLE, ITALIAN BLEND, FROZEN (2 LB. BAG) 12/CS 265 VEGETABLE, NORMANDY BLEND,FROZ.(2LB. BAG) 12/CS 266 VEGETABLE, SCANDINAVIAN BLEND,FROZ.(2 LBS.) 12/CS 267 VINEGAR, WHITE (1 GAL.) 4/CS 268 WAFFLE, DOWNYFLAKE 96/CS 269 WATERMELON, WHOLE X-LARGE 12/CS 270 WHIPPED CREAM, EVERFRESH (15 OZ.) 12/CS 271 WHIPPED TOPPING, EVERY READY 12 QT/CS 272 WORSTERSHIRE SAUCE 273 YOGURT, ALL LOW FAT, FLAVORS 12/8 OZ. 274 ZITI, BAKED, 516 FROZEN 5 LB./BX 275 ZUCCHINI & TOMATOES 6/10 276 ZUCCHINI, SLICED, FROZEN {3 LB. PKG.) 12/CS. 30.90 5.90 5.35 23.40 22.80 39.25 25.95 19.45 16.50 9.35 9.72 9.72 9.90 14.40 9.74 13.22 8.75 22.04 29.80 21.44 27.30 26.95 0.88 15.60 15.25 16.40 11.90 6.81 24.45 18.55 19.30 19.15 5.50 17.60 7.80 26.35 27.60 14.32 5.90 9.30 28.55 17.28 PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 1999 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19, 1999 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER [{ECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORM-&TION OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-6145 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELD ON JANUARY ~.. 2000: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby rejects any and all the bids received on December 2. 1999 for supplying food for the 2000 Calendar Year to the Southold Town Human Resource Center; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized and directed to re-advertise for bids for supplying food for the 2000 calendar year to the Southold Town Human Resource Center. Southold Town Clerk January ~.. 2000 BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M,. Thursday, January 20, 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT GROUP C - BEVERAGES GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS GROUP E - BREAD GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES GROUP G - SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE GROUP K - DAIRY GROUP L - FRESH MEAT GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT GROUP N - ICE CREAM ADDITIONS TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 See Attached Schedule - Page 11 See Attached Schedule - Page 12 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 See Attached Schedule - Page 15 BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M.. Thursday, January 20. 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, Ceneral Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - GROUP B - GROUP C - GROUP D - GROUP E - GROUP F - GROUP G - GROUP H - GROUP I - GROUP J - GROUP K - GROUP L- GROUP M - GROUP N - ADDITIONS CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED FRUIT BEVERAGES CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS BREAD BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS FROZEN ITEMS FRESH PRODUCE DAIRY FRESH MEAT PREPARED MEAT ICE CREAM TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - Page S See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 See Attached Schedule - Page 11 See Attached Schedule - Page 12 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 See Attached Schedule - Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3. White Potatoes, Whole White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed 8. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 13. Spinach 14. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 1 Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Case TOTAL Price CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 14. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 15. Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup 16. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 17. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 18. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 19. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix 22. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 24. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 3 Cases 1 Jar Price $ $ $ cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs TOTAL $ Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Case $ $ $ Price CS CS CS Page GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Case Price CS CS CS TOTAL $ Page GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages/Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10 lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case :32. Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case :33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 134. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 6-#10 Cans/Case 41. Unsalted Crackers, 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 4 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 4 Bags 2 Boxes 2 Bags 4 Boxes 2 Boxes 4 Bags 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS bag CS CS bag box bag box box bag CS CS CS GROUP E - BREAD L~2. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 19 Slice Loaf 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves 2 Cases TOTAL $_ loaf case Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases q5. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases ~16. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case 50. PAM Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case 51. Imitation Vanilla, 1 qt. bottle 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 54. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 55. Sugar, Granulated, 25 lb. bag 56. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-1 lb boxes/case 5'7. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 5!~. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 6:.~. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing, 250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Quart 1 Quart 1 Case/6 Mo. 2 Bags 2 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case/6 Mo. 4 Cases/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1/2 Case 1 Case $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price CS CS C$ CS CS C$ qt qt bag CS CS C$ CS CS C$ Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 1 Case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case 1/2 Case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 1 Case 67. Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 3 Cases 68. Garlic, Powder, 1 lb. can 2 Cans 69. Onion Powder, 1 lb. can 2 Cans 70. Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 1 Can 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can 3 Cans ?3. Clove, Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can '74. Poultry Seasoning, I lb. can 1 Can '75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can '76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can '77. Bay leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag 1 Bag '78. Basil, 1 lb. can 2 Cans 179. Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle 2 Quarts 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 1 Case/6 Mo. 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 1 Gallon 82. Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container 1/2 Container 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case 1 Case/6 Mo. 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 1 Case/6 Mo. 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case 1 Case/6 Mo. Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS can can can can can can can can can carl qt. §al ct CS CS CS Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 1 Can 88. Paprika, I lb. can I Can 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag 91. Ham Base 1 Case/6 mo. 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. TOTAL $ Price * $. can $ can $ can $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs GROUP G - SOUP. SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 93. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 94. Chicken Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ $ CS $ cs GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Apple 1 Case $ cs 1/2 Case $ cs 2 Cases Each $ cs 1 Case Each $ cs 2 Cases $ cs TOTAL $ Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. Sea Leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 101. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 103. Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case 104. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case 106. Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case 108. Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 110. IQF Breaded Flounder 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 115. Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case 118,. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 122,, Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 8 Cases 16 Cases 10 Boxes 8 Cases 6 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 5 Cases 4 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS C$ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) 123. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 125. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 126. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 127. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 128. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 129. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 139. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 9 Cases 6 Cases 8 Cases 3 Cases 8 Cases 9 Cases 9 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price $ $ CS cs CS cs CS cs CS c$ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS cs cs Page I 0 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE 140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case ~42. Carrots, I lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 143. Celery, Pascal, California 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 149. Watermelon, 2/case 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N~ Rasin, 5 lb. Tortellini, 5 lb. Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Cases 5 Cases 5 Cases 8 Cases 8 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ CS CS CS cs bag CS CS CS CS cs CS cs CS Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 152. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz,/case 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 154. Butter, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 155. Margerine, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 156. Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 159. Cheese I-oaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 2 Bags I Tub TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS tub tub CS CS bag tub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166, Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1, 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167, Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168, Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case 171. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 174. Bottom Round Flat 175. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 177. Italian Sausage, Sweet 178. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180. Ham, Boiled, approx. 10 lb. pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, Precooked approx. 10 lb. piece 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef Page 13 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 8 Cases 90 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds 100 Pounds TOTAL $ 6 Pieces 8 Pieces 6 Cases 8 Pieces TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ lb lb lb lb lb lb lb CS lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb lb GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 18'7. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ c$ c$ CS CS Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - 1 case monthly KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly DOT OYSTERETTES o 6 cases monthly I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, 3 Cases Monthly COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases monthly MINI DANISH CROISANTS SHEET CAKES - 4 monthly DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly 3 cases monthly BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthly CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 can monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS o 1 can monthly CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly SEVIROLE FOOD RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly Page 15 Submitted by: NOTE: Signature Print Name Title Business Name All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, ;ZI)~O through December 31, 2l)l)l) items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 1 6 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of all FOOD ITEMS for the Southold Town Human Resource Center for Calendar Year 2000. Specifications may be Obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee. All bids must be submitted on the bid form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications will be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Food for 2000", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, exempt. Dated: January tt, 2000. state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JANUARY 13. 2000, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 11th day of January she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board~ Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. RE-BID on FOOD FOR 2000 CALENDAR YEAR FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER. BID OPENING: 10:00 A.M., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2000. Sworn to before me this 11thday of January , 200E. N ot~ar~y Public Eli~'abeth A~/ Neville Southold Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of all FOOD ITEMS for the Southold Town Human Resource Center for Calendar Year 2000. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, upon payment of a $10.00 non-refundable fee. All bids must be submitted on the bid' form provided. Any and all exceptions to the specifications will be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to the bid form. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate, and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $100.00, will be received by the Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, January 20, 2000 at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informalities in any bld should It be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on Food for 2000", and submitted to the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local, from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: January ~, 2000. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ON JANUARY 13, 2000, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Dodge Reports STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 11th day of January 20~0 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board~ Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. RE-BID on FOOD FOR 2000 CALENDAR YEAR FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER. BID OPENING: 10:00 A.M.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 2000. Sworn to before me this 11th day of January , 200~. NotCa ry Public ~ EliZabeth A/Neville Southold Town Clerk BID PROPOSAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CALENDAR YEAR 2000 FOOD FOR HUMAN RESOURCE CENTER In compliance with the advertisement for bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M.. Thursday, January 20, 2000 and subject to all conditions thereof, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish and deliver the supplies itemized in this proposal in accordance with the Notice to Bidders, General Information, Conditions and Specifications contained herein for the following prices. All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. Mattituck, New York. Bids will be awarded on a per group basis to the lowest responsible bidder. Bids may only be submitted for set prices for the contract term. Market price bids or variable bids will not be accepted. GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT GROUP C - BEVERAGES GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA & MISCELLANEOUS GROUP E - BREAD GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS & SPICES GROUP G - SOUPS, SOUP BASES & SAUCES GROUP H - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE GROUP K - DAIRY GROUP L - FRESH MEAT GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT GROUP N - ICE CREAM ADDITIONS TO BID LIST See Attached Schedule - Page 2 See Attached Schedule - Page 3 See Attached Schedule - Page 4 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 5 See Attached Schedule - Page 6-8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 8 See Attached Schedule - Page 9-10 See Attached Schedule - Page 11 See Attached Schedule - Page 12 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 13 See Attached Schedule - Page 14 See Attached Schedule - Page 15 GROUP A - CANNED VEGETABLES (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 1. Beets, Sliced, Grade B 2. Sauerkraut, Grade B, Shredded NYS Pack 3. White Potatoes, Whole 4. White Potatoes, Diced 5. Sweet Potatoes, Cut Pieces 6. Baked Beans, in Tomato Sauce 7. Tomatoes, Crushed 8. Tomato Paste 9. Spaghetti Sauce 10. Tomatoes, Stewed 11. Mushroom Pieces & Stems 12. Mixed Pepper Strips 1 3. Spinach lq. Ketchup #10 cans Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases I Case 3 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case 5 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 1 Case Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS cs CS cs CS CS CS cs CS CS CS CS CS TOTAL $ Page 2 GROUP B - CANNED FRUIT (All #10 Cans (6 per case) unless otherwise specified. 13. Pears, Halves in Light Syrup 14. Diet Sliced Pears in Juice 15. Peaches, Sliced in Light Syrup 16. Diet Sliced Peaches in Juice 17. Fruit Cocktail, in Light Syrup 18. Diet Fruit Cocktail in Juice 19. Mandarin Oranges in Juice 20. Citrus Fruit Salad, 1 Gallon 21. Tropical Fruit Mix 22. Apricot Halves 23. Purple Plums 24. Cherries, plain Estimated Monthly Quantity 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 2 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 6 Cases 3 Cases 1 Jar Price $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS TOTAL $ Page 3 GROUP C - BEVERAGES 25. Coffee, 96-1.5 oz. pouches/case 26. Decaffinated Coffee, 96-2.5 oz. pouches/case 27. Tea, 100 teabags/box 10 boxes/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Case $ $ $ Price CS CS CS TOTAL Page GROUP D - CEREALS, PASTA, MISCELLANEOUS 29. Assorted Cereal, 96 Individual Packages / Case 30. Bread Crumbs, Plain, 10 lb. Bag 31. Peas, Split, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 32. Beans, White, 12-2.5 lb. Bags/Case 33. Noodles, Wide Egg, 10 lb. Bag 34. Lasagna, 20 lb. Box 35. Ziti, 20 lb. Box 36. Spaghetti, Long, 20 lb. Box 37. Macaroni, Elbow (Heavy Wall), 20 lb. Box 38. Rice, Converted, Uncle Ben's or Carolina, 25 lb. Bag 39. Wild Rice 40. Mashed Potato Mix, 41. Unsalted Crackers, 6-#10 Cans/Case 300/Case Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 2 Cases $ cs 4 Bags $ bag 1 Case $ cs 1 Case $ cs 4 Bags $ bag 2 Boxes $ box 2 Bags $ bag 4 Boxes $ box 2 Boxes $ box 4 Bags I Case 4 Cases 6 Cases TOTAL $ $ bag $ cs $ cs $ cs GROUP E - BREAD 42. Bread, Sliced Whole Wheat, 43. Biscuits, Buttermilk, 1 oz., 19 Slice Loaf 10 doz. per case 300 Loaves $ loaf 2 Cases $ case TOTAL $ Page 5 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES 44. Oatmeal, Quick Oats 12-2 lb. containers/cases 45. Biscuit Mix, 6-5 lb. bags/cases 46. Pancake, Redi-Mix (add milk or water only), 6-5 lb. boxes/case 47. Cake Mix, White, Yellow, Chocolate, Coffee, Brownie & Spice, 6-5 lb. boxes/case 48. Cornstarch, 24-1 lb. boxes/case 49. Sugar, Brown 24-1 lb. boxes/case 50. PAM Spray, 12-17 oz. cans/case 51. Imitation Vanilla, 1-qt. bottle 52. Egg Shade Yellow, 1 qt. bottle 53. Lemon Juice, Real Lemon or equal 12-1 qt. bottles/case 54. Flour, All Purpose, 25 lb. bag 55. Sugar, Granulated, 25 lb. bag 56. Sugar, Confectioners, 24-1 lb boxes/case 57. Salt, Table, Iodized, 24-1 lb. containers/case 58. Relish, Sweet Pickle, 4-1 gal. containers/case 59. Mayonnaise, Hellman's only brand, 4-1 gal. containers/case 60. Peanut Butter, 6-64 oz. containers/case 61. Jelly, 6-64 oz. containers/case 62. Ketchup, 250 individual packets/case 63. Salad Dressing, 250 individual packets/case Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Quart 1 Quart 1 Case/6 Mo. 2 Bags 2 Bags 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case/6 Mo. 4 Cases/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1 Case/6 Mo. 1/2 Case 1 Case $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price CS CS CS CS CS CS CS .qt qt CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 6 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity 64. Tartar Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 1 Case 65. Mustard, 250 individual packets/case 1/2 Case 66. Ketchup, 6-#10 cans/case 1 Case 67. Cranberry Sauce, 250 individual packets/case 3 Cases 68. Garlic, Powder, I lb. can 2 Cans 69. Onion Powder, 1 lb. can 2 Cans 70. Pepper, White, 1 lb. can 1 Can 71. Pepper, Black, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can 72. Chives, 1 lb. can 3 Cans 73. Clove, Powder, 1 lb. can I Can 74. Poultry Seasoning, 1 lb. can 1 Can 75. Cinnamon, Pure Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can 76. Nutmeg, Ground, 1 lb. can 1 Can 77. Bay Leaves, whole, 1 lb. bag 1 Bag 78. Basil, 1 lb. can 2 Cans 79. Gravy Bouquet, 1 qt. bottle 2 Quarts 80. Pancake Syrup, 4-1 gal. bottle/case 1 Case/6 Mo. 81. Molasses, 1 gallon 1 Gallon 82. Crisco Lard, 25 lb. container 1/2 Container 83. Vegetable Oil, 6-1 gal./case 1 Case/6 Mo. 84. Plastic Salt & Pepper Shakers, 48/Case 1 Case/6 Mo. 85. Sweet-N-Low, 1,250 individual packets/case 1 Case/6 Mo. Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS can can can can can can can can can bag can .qt. CS ~al ct C$ CS Page 7 GROUP F - BAKING SUPPLIES, CONDIMENTS AND SPICES (continued) Estimated Monthly Quantity Price 86. Chili Powder, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 87. Lemon Pepper, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 88. Paprika, 1 lb. can 1 Can $ 89. Italian Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 90. Japanese Bread Crumbs, 10 lb./bag 1 Bag $ 91. Ham Base 1 Case/6 mo. $ 92. Egg Beaters 1 Case/6 mo. $ TOTAL $ can can can cs cs cs cs GROUP G - SOUP, SOUP BASES AND SAUCES 93. Beef Base, 6-16 oz. jars/case 9q. Chicken Base, 6-t6 oz. jars/case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ cs CS GROUP N - DESSERTS, GELATINS, FILLINGS 95. Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 96. Diet Gelatin Assortment, 12-1.5 lb. boxes/case 97. Pudding; 6-#10 cans/case: Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Banana, Butterscotch, Tapioca, Rice 98. Pie Fillings; 6-#10 cans/case: Lemon, Blueberry, Peach, Cherry Apple 1 Case 1/2 Case 2 Cases Each I Case Each 2 Cases TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ cs CS CS cs cs Page 8 GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS 99. Sea Leg Supreme, 5 lb. box, 6 per case 100. Strawberries, 6/6.5 lb. 101. Orange Juice Concentrate 4-1/2 gallon containers/case 102. Puff Pastry Sheet, 24 sheets/15 lb. case 103. Pound Cake Marble, 2/41b. case 104. Pies, Mrs. Smith's Apple 6-10" pies/case 105. Topping, Whipped, 24 packets/case 106. Tator Tots, 4-8 lb. bags/case 107. Diced Potatoes, bags/case 108. Frozen Ham Hocks, 10 lb./case 109. 944 Breaded Chicken Breast, 3 oz., 10 lbs./case 110. IQF Breaded Flounder 111. IQF Fish Cakes, 36 per box 112. IQF Tilapia Filet, 3 oz., 10 lb./case 113. Frozen 4 oz. Hamburgers, 48/case 114. Oriental Blend Vegetables, 12-2 lb. bags 115. Broccoli Cuts, 12-2 lb. box/case 116. California Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 117. Corn Kernels, 12-2 lb. box/case 118. Italian Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 119. Sliced Carrots, 12-2 lb. box/case 120. Normandy Blend, 12-2 lb. bags 121. Lima Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 122. Italian Green Beans, 12-2 lb. bags Page 9 Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 2 Cases Price CS CS 3 Cases $ cs 1 Case $ cs 4 Cases $ cs 6 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 2 Cases $ cs 1 Case $ cs 8 Cases 16 Cases 10 Boxes 8 Cases 6 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 5 Cases 4 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases $ CS $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs $ cs GROUP I - FROZEN ITEMS (continued) 123. Cauliflower Florets, 12-2 lb. box/case 124. Chopped Spinach, 12-2 lb. box/case 125. Frozen Kale, 12-2 lb. box/case 126. String Beans, 12-2 lb. box/case 127. Diced Onions, 12-2 lb. box/case 128. Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 129. Sugar Snap Peas, 12-2 lb. box/case 130. Mixed Vegetables, 12-2 lb. box/case 131. Diced Turnips, 12-2 lb. box/case 132. Chicken Cordon Royal 133. Rib B Que, 3.2 oz., 60/case 134. Chicken Grills 135. Salisbury Steak, 40/case 136. Italian Meat Balls 137. Chicken Stuffed w/Broccoli & Cheese 138. Boneless Pork Chop (Breaded) 139. Stuffed Shells, 5/24 ct. pieces Estimated Monthly Quantity 4 Cases 3 Cases 3 Cases 4 Cases 1 Case 4 Cases 4 Cases 4 Cases 2 Cases 9 Cases 6 Cases 8 Cases 3 Cases 8 Cases 9 Cases 9 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price CS cs CS CS CS CS CS CS C$ CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS Page 10 GROUP J - FRESH PRODUCE 140. Lettuce, Iceberg, 50 lb./case 141. Cabbage, Green, 40 lb./case 142. Carrots, 1 lb. Cello pkg., 50 lb./case 143. Celery, Pascal, California 144. Onions, Spanish, 50 lb. bags 145. Potatoes, all purpose, 50 lb. bags 146. Potatoes, Idaho Baking, 120/case 147. Cantaloups, 18/case 148. Honey Dew Melon, 18/case 149. Watermelon, 2/case 150. Freshly Cut Fruit Salad, 2 ga. tub 151. Salads (pre-made): Pasta & Vegetable, 5 lb. Cole Slaw, 5 lb. Carrot N' Rasin, 5 lb. Tortellini, 5 lb. Macaroni, 5 lb. Health, 5 lb. Potato, 5 lb. Estimated Monthly Quantity 1 Case 1 Case 1/2 Case 1 Case 1 Bag 2 Bags 3 Cases 5 Cases 5 Cases 8 Cases 8 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case I Case 1 Case 1 Case 1 Case TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS cs CS CS CS CS tub CS cs CS Page 11 GROUP K - DAIRY 152. Fresh Eggs, Large Grade A, 15 doz./case 153. Whipped Cream, 12-15 oz. aerosol cans/case 154. Butter, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 155. Margerine, Block, 36-1 lb. blocks/case 156. Country Crock, 24-1 lb. boxes of individual packages/case 157. Sour Cream, 5 lb. tub 158. Ricotta, 3 lb. tub 159. Cheese Loaf, Mozzarella, Unsliced Block, 3-10 lb. blocks/case 160. Cheese Loaf, American, Unsliced Block, 6-3 lb. blocks/case 161. Grated Cheese, 3 lb. bag 162. Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 8 lb. tub Estimated Monthly Quantity 2 Cases 2 Cases 1 Case 1 Case 2 Cases 1 Tub 2 Tubs 1 Case 1 Case 2 Bags 1 Tub TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CS CS CS CS CS tub tub CS CS bag tub Page 12 GROUP L - FRESH MEAT 163. Bacon, Sliced, US #1, 25 lb./case 164. Chicken, Quartered, 3 lb. 165. Sausage, Sweet Italian 166. Beef Stew, 3/4" cubes, 5 lb. bags, Round, Grade 1· 2, 3, fat content no more than 25% 167. Beef, Cross Rib, Uncooked, 15 lb. rolled and tied 168. Beef, Cubed Mini Steaks 169. Chopped Meat, 80/20 blend 170. Pork Chops, 40 per case 171. Beef Strips 172. Deli Top Round, Boned & Tied 173. Pit Hams 174. Bottom Round Flat 175. Corned Beef 176. Beef Brisket 177. Italian Sausage, Sweet 178. Fresh Ham, Boned & Tied 179. Leg of Lamb, Boned & Tied GROUP M - PREPARED MEAT 180, Ham, Boiled· approx. 10 lb. pieces 181. Turkey, Breast, Boneless, approx. 10 lb. piece 182. Diced Chicken Pieces 183. Pre-Cooked Roast Beef Precooked Page 13 Estimated Monthly Quantity I/2 Case 420 Pounds 90 Pounds Price $ lb $ lb $ lb 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 8 Cases $ cs 90 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb 100 Pounds $ lb TOTAL $ 6 Pieces 8 Pieces 6 Cases 8 Pieces TOTAL $ $ lb $ lb $ lb $ lb GROUP N - ICE CREAM 184. Regular, 24/4 oz. cups per case 185. Diet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 186. Sherbet, 24/4 oz. cups per case 187. Frozen Yogurt, 24/4 oz. cups per case Estimated Monthly Quantity 8 Cases 4 Cases 8 Cases 8 Cases TOTAL $ Price $ $ $ C$ C$ CS CS Page 14 ADDITIONS FOR NUTRITION BID LIST: CRISCO - 1 case monthly KARPS COOKIE DOUGH - 2 tubs monthly GENERAL MILLS CEREAL P.C.'S - 2 cases monthly MUFFIN MIX - 2 tubs monthly MANNICOTTI - 10 cases monthly DOT OYSTERETTES - 6 cases monthly I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER- 116 Blocks, COUNTRY CROCK P.C.'S - 6 cases monthly 3 Cases Monthly MINI DANISH CROISANTS SHEET CAKES - 4 monthly DIABETIC PUDDING MIX - HOKI FISH - 20 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly - 2 cases monthly 3 cases monthly BATTERED CODS - 20 cases monthly FLOUNDER DELRAY - 20 cases monthly CANNED SPINACH - 5 cases monthly COLLARD GREENS -Frozen - 5 cases monthly TURNIP GREENS - Frozen - 5 cases monthly CHIC PEAS - 2 cases monthly CLAM BASE SOUP MIX - 1 case monthly CANNED SLICED ALMONDS - 1 can monthly CANNED SLICED WALNUTS - 1 can monthly CANNED CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED CREAM OF CELERY SOUP - 2 cases monthly CANNED TOMATO SOUP - 2 cases monthly SEVIROLE FOOD RAVIOLI - 10 cases monthly Page 15 Submitted by: NOTE: Signature Print Name Title Business Name All pages requiring information and signatures must be completed in order to have a conforming bid. All manufacturers listed in specifications are entered to establish a basis for "or equal" pricing on bids. This award will run from January 1, 20a~ through December 31, 21~1~0 items to be ordered on a monthly basis. Where necessary, list brand name of item with unit price. Where applicable, all prices are to be unit prices, pieces, gallon, pound, container (can, bottle) for each. Units are to be shown by bidder next to bid price. Any and all exceptions to the specifications shall~be listed on a separate sheet bearing the designation "Exception to the Specifications", and attached to this bid form. Page 1 6