HomeMy WebLinkAboutWheel Loader (Pay Loader) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTt{AR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGI~ OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD HELl) ON JUNE 6, 2000: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby accepts the bid of Edward Ehrbar, Inc. in the amount of $262,00.00, less trades, net amount to be pald $191,000.00, for supplying the Solid Waste District with a new wheel loader, all subject to terms and conditions as outlined in the Town's bid specifications, and subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Eliza'beth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk June 6, 2000 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 2000 Patrick Ahern, Executive Vice-President Edward Ehrbar, Inc. 100 Secor Lane Pelham Manor, New York 10803 Dear Mr. Ahern: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on June 6, 2000 accepted the bid of Edward Ehrbar for the Wheel Loader. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed. Your $200.00 certified check will be returned to your upon delivery of the equipment. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: J. Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator ELIZABETH A, NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTHAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (63t) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 2000 CERTIFIEO MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Drew Robustelli, Vice President Jesco, Inc. 118 Saint Nicholas Avenue South Plainfield, New Jersey 07080 Dear Mr. Robustelli: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting held on June 6, 2000 accepted the bid of Edward Ehrbar for the Wheel Loader. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed. Your $200.00 certified check is enclosed. Thank you for submitting your bid. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosure cc: J. Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator JESC~O. INC. **Two Hundred Dollars gDTEHREoF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICIAL CHECK "'~007~"' ~:~O~O0~q ~=ROOD ~, ?gq ~ May 16, 2000 $200.00 SENDER: C3 Complete dems 1 and/or 2 for additiona~ se[vices, Complete items 3, 4a, a~d 4b [] Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. E] Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. D Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the a~licle number [] The Return Receipt will show Io whom the article was delivered and the date delivered I also wish to receive the follow- ing services (for an extra fee): 1 [] Addressee's Address 2. [] Restricted Delivery '~ 3. Arlicle Addressed to: 'Drew Robustelli, V.P. JESCO, Inc. !18 St. Nicholas Ave. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 5, Received By: (Print Name) PS Form 3811, December 1994 4a. Article Number Z 088 q76 988 4b. Service Type [] Registered [] Express Mail [] Return Recei ~Cedified •Insured []COD fee is paid) Address (Only if requested and 102595 99 8 0223 Domestic Return Receipt SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Z D66 q?[:, US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for Intemational Mail (S~e rev_~rse~ Sentto Urew KODUStelII, v. e' I FRI"'fl Inc Street & N~mber ' 118 St. Nicholas Lane Post Office, Slate, & ZiP Code South Plainfield, NJ 070~ Postage Certified Fee 1 Spedal Deliver/Fee ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRA~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 19, 2000 Attn: Paul Malvese Malvese Equipment Co. Inc. I Henrietta Street Hicksville. New York 11801 Dear Mr. Malvese: Enclosed herewith is the unopened bid submitted by your company for the new wheel loader. The bid opening was held at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, May 18, 2000. Your bid was received via FedEx at 11:10 A.M. and was therefore ineligible for consideration. We regret that we were unable to accept your bid and hope to have the opportunity to do business with you in the future. Eno. /Ijc Very truly yours, Southold Town C~erk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOt~VIATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID ON WHEEL LOADER BID OPENING: 10:00 AM~ THUSDAY~ MAY 18~ 2000 TWO (2) BIDS WERE RECEIVED: Edward Ehrbar, Inc. 100 Secor Ln. Pelham Manor, NY 10803 New Wheel Loader Trade-in 1995 John Deere Trade-in Attachment Total Trade-in $ Net Cost $262,000.00 $68,000.00 $ 3,000,00 $71,000.00 $191,000.00 JESCO, Inc. 118 St. Nicholas Ave. So. Plainfield, NJ 07080 New Wheel Loader $300,253.00 Trade-in 1995 John Deere $ 49,000.00 Trade-in Attachment $ 1,000.00 Total Trade-in $ 50,000.00 Net Cost $250,253.00 NOTE: A bid was received at 11:10 A.M. from MALVESE EQUIPMENT CO. INC. Because it was received after the bid opening it was not opened and will be returned unopened to the bidder. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model Four (It) Wheel Drive Articulated Front End Rubber Tired Wheel Loader, John Deer or equal for use by the Solid Waste District. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $200.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 2000, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on New Wheelloader", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. .The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ONE NEW ARTICULATED WHEEL LOADER (The Southold Town Solid Waste DisUict seeks bids for one new, articulated fron~ end wheel loader, that ghnll meet the following specifications, or their demonstrated equivalent) Item This specification is meant to describe a new 2000 model year four wheel drive articulated front end rubber tired wheel loader, such as a John Deere 744 H or equal The loader must be equipped with a general purpose bucket having a minimum bucket capacity of 5.~ cubic yards (heaped) and be equipped with special independeatiy hydraulically-operoted logging clamps and be adapted/protected for use in a landfill application. NOTE: ANY DEVIATIONS FROM 'I'H~ SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED H~REIN MUST BE LISTED SEPARATELY AND CLEARLY IN A SECTION OF THE BID ENTrI'LED "DEVIATIONS FROM VgHEEL LOADER SPECIFICATIONS'. !~, IN 'IHE OPINION OF THE BIDDER, ANY DEVIATION HAS THE EF~'ECT OF EXCEEDING 'tHE TOWN SPEct~'ICATION, THE BH)DER SHALL SO STATE. FAlLURE OF A BIDDER TO CLEARLY DESIGNATE DEVIATIONS FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATION WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMISSION. BASIC FEATURES Mu~ be same make as the loader being offered. Must be a w~ sleeve engine with dual ho~--power, turbooharged, and afi.erceoled, and meet North American EPA and CARB non-road diesel engine regulations, which took effect on January 1, 1996. Additiomfl Engine Requirements: Power and Size: · C-earl: 240SAEnethp(179kVO, 263SAEgrosshp(196kV~2000rpm- · Gears2-4: 260SAEncthp(194kW),283grosshp(211kVO@2000rpm. · Cylinders: 6 · Displacement: 766 cu. incites (12.5 L) · Maximum net torque: Gear l (45% torque rise): 9431b.-fl (1280 Nm) ~ l,500 rpm. Gears 2-1 (35% torque rise): 943 lb.-fi. (1280 Nm) ~ 1,500 rpm. Lubrication: Pressure system with full-flow spin-on filter and cooler, STARTER SHALL BE EQUB~PED TO BRING OIL PRESSURE UP TO NORMAL SE'FI'lNG BEFORE ANY ENGINE STARTING REVOLUTIONS ARE MADE. Fuel Con.9~mption (typical): 4.0 to I0.0 gal/lg (15 to 38 L/hr) Cooliag fan: Blower type Electrical system: 24 volt with 55-amp altemater Batteries (two 12 volt): 950 CCA; z~erve capacity: 200 mln Air cleaner: dani safety element dry type; resUiction indicator for service. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5ll 1/00 P. 2 Transmission Shall be a single stage, single phase torque converter with free-wheeling stator, it shall be a countershaft type with full power shffi, providing not less than 4 forward gears and 3 reverse gears. Smooth shifts shall be provided by a computer con~'olled elee~onic shffi with individual electronic control over each clutch pack, a single twist-grip shift lever with a quick-shffi button on the hydraulic lover. Auto-shffi feature shall be seleetable to shill between gears 1-4 or 2-4. Iransmission with auto-shif~ Travel speeds when equipped with 26.5 - 25 tires shah be as follows: Gear 1: 4.6 mph (7.4 kin/h) 4.6 mph (7.4 km/h) Gear 2: 8.6 mph (13.9 kin/h) 8.6 mph (13.9 km/h) Gear 3: 13.1 mph (21.2 kin/h) 13.1 mph (21.2 kin/h) Gear 4: 24.5 mph (39.5 km/h) Axles and Final Drives Final drives shall be heavy-duty planetary type, mounted inboard (i.e., in each axle housing), using full floating bronze sleeve type beatings. Differentials shall be conventional front and rear. Front axle must be fixed; rear must oscillate not less than 13°. Axle shaft seals must be protected with lrash guards to prevent foreign material inlmsion~ Brakes Service brakes must be inboard (i.e., located in differential housings), hydraulically operated wet- disc type, and serf-adjusting. Must be free of asbestos material. Brake lines must also be internal, i.e., mounted inside of differential housing. External brake lines, even ff protected with guarding, will not be accepted. Parking brake shall be automatically spring-applied, hydraulically released, wet-dise brake mounted on transmission output shall. Hydraulic System and Steering Hydraulics The hydraulic pumps ghall coasist of two variable-displaeement, load-sensing piston pumps; closed-center systen~ Pumps shall provide a maximum flow of 104 gpm (393 L/rain) ~ 1,000 psi (6900 kPa) and 2,250 rpm. The main relief valve sliall be set for a maximum ~ of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). System shall have a three-spool control valve which will feed the steering ci_~uit, loader circuit, and bucket attachment circuit (logging clamps). Control of first two ~'oaits shall be with single lever, a second lever to be used to control thc clamps. Controls shall also be equipped with a lockout feature. Hydraulic cycle times shall be as follows: raising bucket, 6.6 seconds; Dumping, 1.5 seconds; lowering bucket, 3.0 seconds (either floating or powering down). Total cycle time, 11.1 seconds. The hydraulic system shall provide a maximum lift capacity of 47,450 lbs. (21,520 kg) at ground level, and 25,665 lbs. (11,640 kg) at maximum bucket height. Steering The loader shall have fully hydraulic, power steering. The relief valve shall be set for a maximum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). The loader's affiliation angle ghall be 40 degrees in each direction (for a total 80-degree arc). The tinning radius, measured to the eenterline of ~e outside tire, shah be 20 ft. 2 inches (6.14 m). TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 3 Tires Tires shall be size 26.5-25 with a 20 PR L5 tread (this is the exLra thick ~'ead to minimize punctures). Requested brand is the General LD 250. Guarding The payloader shall be equipped with the following guarding: · Front drive sha~ guard protection to prevent damage from wire, nylon, string, etc. wrapping around the sha~. · Front light guards; · Suction fans to pressurize engine compartment reducing the amount of debris drawn through the machine openings; · Perforated engine enclosures; · Extended bumper to provide added protection for the rear of the machine when operating in tight quarters; · I~/DRAULICALLY ACTUATED FRONT AND REAR BOTFOM GUARDS. · Transmission side guards. Bucket Shall be a stockpiling/general purpose bucket with a bolt on cutting edge. Bucket capacity shall be not less lhan 5.25 cubic yard capacity heaped SAE, and not less lhan 4.5 cubic yard capacity struck SAE. Addilional minim~m~ bucket spcefflcatious are as follows: · Width: 119.7 in (3040 mm) · Breakout forco, SAE J732C: 42,150 lbs. (19,115 kg) · Tipping Icad, straight 37,905 (17,190 kg) · Tippingload, 35-degrce, fulltungSAE: 33,0901bs. (15,010 kg) · Tipping load, 45-degrce, full turn, SAE: 31,910 lbs. (14,475 kg) · Rench, 45-deg~edump, 7-R(2.13m)cloamnco: 74.4 incbes (1890 mm) · Reach, 45-degree dump, full height: 50.0 inches (1270 mm) · Dump Clearance, 45-degree dump, full height: 119.8 inches (3042 mm) · Overall length: 28 R. 2 inches (8586 mm) · Loader clearance circle, bucket in can3' position: 44 R. 9 inches (13,650 mm) · Operating weight: 50,3001bs. (22,815kg) Logging Clamps The bucket must be equipped with independently hydraulically operated logging clamps, attached at the top of the bucket. These clamps must be curved, and must contact the entting edge when fully closed. Both clamps must be operated by individual hydraulic cylindexs, double acting, with lubricating fittings at all bearing points. Cylinders must have a bore and stroke of no less than 4.5" x 14',andaroddiameterofatleast2.5'. Clamparmsmustbemadeofhigh-~hcagthstcel, end each nhall be of one continuous piece of metal, from frame atlaching point to the bucket attaching pein[ Clamps shall be positioned so that the centers are 2 R. 0 inches from the side edges of the bucket. Width of clamps shall taper fi'om not less than I t~ 0 inches at the top to not less than 6 inche~ at the point where the clamp co~ the belt on cutting edge. TOWN OF Sou'rHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5111/00 P. 4 Cab The cab shall be attached to the rear frame of the machine. It shall be sound-suppressod, resiliantiy mounted to the wheel chassis. It shall be a ROPS type and shall include tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, windshield washer and wiper, dome lights, suspension seat, inside mounted rearview minors and outside rea~iew mirrors, one lockable entxy door on the left side only; it shall have a floor .real rear window washer and wiper, outside mounted fire extiaguisher, air conditioner, and heater. Cab must have radio mountings for two-way communication and computer monitored critical machine systems shall be readily viewed from the operator's location. The cab shall also be equipped with the following instrumentation: · Head light beam pilot · Speedometer · Fuel gauge · Turn signals · Diagnostic fault code messages for batte~ voltage, brake pressure, coolant level, engine air filter, engine oil pressu~, fasten seat belt, hydraulic oil filter, hydraulic oil tcmperatu~, park brake engagement, transmission filter reCaiction, torque converter lemperatum gauge. Lights The loader shall be equipped with'the following lights: · Two front halogen work lights with high and low beams. · Two front halogen work lights on cab · Two front and two rear turn sJ~m~ls · Stop, mil, and backup lights Service Capacities Shall be as follows: · Fuel tank: 114 gallons (432 L) · Cooling system: 45 qt. (43 L) · Cmakcaso: 40 qt. (38 L) · Transmission: 30 qt. (28 L) · Differential (each axle): 49 qt (46 L) · Hydraulic reservoir: 38 gallons (144 L) · Parking break: 0.53 qt. (0.5 L) Overall Dimensions Shall be as follows: · Height to top of cab and canopy: · Height to top of exhaust: · Ground clearance: · Length from centerline to front axle: · Wheelbase: · Height to hinge pin, fully raised: · Maximum dig,~ng depth: ii ft 7 in 0520 mm) I0 R 2 in 0100 mm) 18.3 in (465 mm) 5 ft 7 in (1700 mm) 11 ft 2 in (3400 mm) 14ft I in (4281 mm) 3.6 in (92 mm) 28 fl 2 in (8586 mm) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER $ll 1/00 P. 5 ACCESSORIES 1) Back-up alarm. 2) Electric Horn 3) 24-volt to 12-volt, 10 amp voltage converter 4) Radiator guard must be hinged and lockable 5) Vandalism protection 6) Counterweight 7) Two sets of all manuals 8) Anti-freeze protection to -30° F 9) 1,000 hour factory prescribed maintenance program to be performed at Town site with all parts and supplies famished at 250-hour intervals. WARRANTY Shall be full machine (i.e., all paxts and labor) for first six months, with'an adddional 54-month parts and labor on the powertrain (i.e., engine and Wansmission/differenfial). Powertrain coverage shall be for a total of 60 months or 10,000 hours, whichever occurs first. Transportation of machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's place of businoss, for warranty purposes, during the first six months of ownership shall be at the sole hardship and expense of the bidder. Ia such cases, should the machine be away from the Town's possession in excess of 10 calendar days, bidder also agrees to provide a suitable replacement machine to the Town again at the sole hardship and cost of the bidder, such replacement machine to be made available not latex than the 11t~ calendar day that the Town is not in possession of the machine bid, and kept available for the Town's use until such time as the bid machine is back in the Town' s possession. Transportation of the machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's phco of business, for warranty purposos, after SLX months of ownership is the responsibility of the Town, with the exception that ff the bid machine must leave Long Island (i.e., the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, the bidder agrees to pay for Wansportation and permitting expenses required as a result of moving the machine off Long Island (i.e., outside the area encompassed by the co. ntie~ of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, with the Town being respans~le only for Wansportation and permitting expenses to and from the Nassau County-New York City (i.e., the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn) line. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECWICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS * THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR THE WHEEL LOADER PRESENTED. · 'The vendor shall have a full service facility, which shall be capable of performing all possible types of repair "on promises". The vendor repair technicians shall have manufacturer sponsored ~aining for ropairing the model of equipment bid. ' · The vendor shall be able to provide a wide range of field service capabilities. · The vendor shall nmimain at its authorized Long Inland facility, all iaventoty of parts for the machine offered sufficient for the timely completion of basic repairs (as recommended by the manufacturer). · The vendor nhall be capable of providing aay equipment or vehicle necessa~ to transport the machine to and from a seveice facility. In the event of accident diuing any such transportation, the vendor ntmll assume all msponalbility, including any and all damage to the equipment · Prior to being selected, the vendor may be roquirod to furnish prcof of insurance policies sufficient to cover the costs of repair or replacement of the machine if the machine is dan~god or destroyed while in the vendor's possession. · Ail extended warranties must be manufacturor warranties, NOT vendor/distributorship warranties. FAX (9 I 4) 738-6847 100 SECOR LANE PELHAM MANOR, N,Y. 10803 May 17, 2000 Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY Bid Title: Opening: One (1) New 2000 Model, Four (4) Wheel Drive, Articulated, Front End, Rubber Tired, Wheel Loader, John Deere or Equal for use by the Solid Waste District Thursday, May 18, 2000 @ 10:00 AM Dear MS. Neville: In accordance with your request for bid, we are pleased to provide the following proposal: One (1) new Komatsu Model WA450-3MC Wheel Loader equipped to standard as shown in the enclosed literature and including the following: KM SA6D125E-2 - 260 FwHP - Turbocharged, w/674 cu. in. Displacement Aftercooler Dual Stage, Dry Type Air Cleaner Ether Starting Aid Engine Pre-Lube Starting System Emission Certification In-Line Core, Flow Through Radiator Blower Type Fan Vented Side Covers 24 Volt Electrical System w/7.5 kW Starter 50 Amp Alternator 2 x 12 Volt/170 Amp Hour Batteries Diesel Engine Town of Southold May 17, 2000 Southold, NY Page 2 Four (4) Speed (Fwd. & Rev.) Countershaft Transmission w/Auto-Shift Dual Control Levers Single Phase, Single Stage Torque Converter Outboard Mounted Final Drives Torque Proportioning Differentials Front & Rear Hinged Drive Line Guards w/Electric Winch & Remote Control For Rear Guard Outboard Mounted, Four (4) Wheel, Wet Disc, Service Brakes Brake Line Guard Extensions Adj. Free, Wet Disc Parking Brake Inside Transmission Case 26.5-25, 20PR (L5) General Tires ROPS Cab - Dual Entry w/Sound Suppression Floor Mat Air Conditioner-Heater-Pressurizer-Defroster Hot/Cold Box Front & Rear Wipers & Washers Reclining Suspension Seat Arm Rests Retractable Seat Belt Sun Visor Dome Light Int. & Ext. Mirrors - "Z" Bar Loader Linkage w/Automatic Boom Kickout & Bucket Positioner - Two (2) Stage Hydraulic System w/Four (4) Gear Type Pumps (Including Pilot Pump) Hydraulic Oil Cooler 11.3 sec. Loader Cycle Time - Three (3) Spool Hydraulic Valve w/Piping & Controls - JRB 5.5 cu. yd. Grapple Bucket w/Bolt-on Cutting Edge - Standard & Additional Rear Counterweights - Work Lights: 2 Front Chassis Mount w/High-Low Beams Guards 2 Front Inside Cab Mount 2 Rear Chassis Mount - Turn Signals w/Hazard Switch - Stop, Tail & Back-up Lights - Add'l. Counterweight - Full Front & Partial Rear Fenders Town of Southold Southold, NY May 17, Page 3 2000 - Vandal Protection Travel Alarm - Warranty: Six (6) Month/i,500 Hour Full Machine Fifty-four (54) Month Additional Powertrain to Machine Total Sixty (60) Months/10,000 Hours Price: F.O.B. Southold, NY : $ 259,000.00 No applicable Federal, State or local taxes are included in the price quoted. Descriptive literature is enclosed for your review. Thank you for the opportunity to quote on your equipment requirements. PA/ps Encl. Very truly yours, EDWARD EHRBAR, INC. Patrick Ahern Exec. Vice President Wheel Eoader Bid Price Page The Bid Price for Wheel Loader shall be shown a~ follows: Pdc~ for One (1) new 2000 model year Wheel Loader Less Value of Trades: 1. One (I) 1995 Iohn Dcere 744E Wheel Loader 2. One (I) 3 Cubic Y'~rd Attachment Total Value of Trades: Net Cost of Wheel Loader to Town of Soulhold $68,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $262,000..00 $ 71,000.00 $191,000.00 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, -and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) ~1~~ (Corporate Title) (if any) Executive Vice President Bid on WHEEL LOADER JESCO, INC Devations from the Town of Southhold specifications for One Articulated Wheel Loader: The logging clamp arms will be a boxed design not a continuous piece of metal. 118 SAINT NICHOLAS AVENUE ° SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NJ 07080 PHONE: (908)753-8080 "FAX: (908)753-8200 7347976 SO'JTHOLD TOWN DSW PAGE Wheel Loader Bid Price Pa~e The Bid Price for Wheel ~o~der shall be shown as follows: Price tot One (1) new 2000 model year Wheel Loader l~ss Value of Tradea: I. One (I) 1995 John Deere 744E Whe~l Lomde~ 2. One (]) 3 C,,bic Y~rd Attachment Total Value of Trndes: Net Cost or'Wheel Loader to Town or' Southold 4 I ooo,oo ~'.' es/ll/28eo.,,., 12:19 6312448691_ JEE;CO INC PAGE 89 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been strived at by the bidder independently end has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materlsls, supplies or equipment of the type described in the Invitation for bids, 'and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge end belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or Its surety, prior to tho official opening of the bid. (Signed) any bond furnished herewith R6BUSTELLI ..... (Corpeeate Title) (if any) VICE PRESID..ENT Bid on WHEEL LOApER JOHN DEERE "SECURE WARRANTY" FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, UTILITY AND FORESTRY PRODUCTS Tl~is Pumh~-se· Order applies to machines with: · 6 Months SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage (Products 100 HP and Above). · 12 Months SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage (Products Under 100 HP). 6 Montha SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage + 18 Months Powertraln Coverage (Skidders and Wheeled Feller Bunchers first rented or sold after 14 December 1999). 'rne "SECURE Warranty" is part of the SECURE protection package available from John Deers Construction Equipment Company ("John Deers") to pumhasers of new John Deers products: · SECURE Warranty is John Deere's standard new equipment warranty, which provides ~he coverage described on this page at no additional charge to the purchaser. · SECURE Extended is a separate repair contract made available by John Deers for pumhasers who wish to complement their SECURE Warranty coverage with additional, purchased coverage. Complete SECURE Extended details including coverage options and limitations, are set forth in the Application for SECURE Extended Repair Coverage, which is available from authorized J~hn Deers dealers. A. SECURE WARRANTY. GENERAL PROVISIONS Under the below-deschbed "SECURE Warranty" coverage John Caere wilt repair or rep ace, at ts opt on, any pars {except those specified below) of a new John Caere product that, as delivered to the odginal retail pumhaser, are defective in material or workmanship. Performance of this warranty will be free of charge for parts and labor, except as o{he~vise stated below. SECURE Warranty coverage applies only to purchases from John Deere and authorized John Deem dealers and, except as otherwise provided in the next sentence, is extended only to the original retail purchaser of the product. Remaining SECURE Warranty coverage applicable to a used John Oeere product istransferredtoasubsequentpurchaseroltheproductonl/if 1 the subsequent purchaser requests warranty ransfer from an authorized John Oeere dna er be ore the product's SECURE Warranty coverage expires, and 2, John Deere's written confirmation of the transfer is received by the subsequent purchaser. For purposes of this warranty, a prcduct that has been rented, used for demonstration purposes for 150 or more hours, or otherwise used prior to its original retail purchase has been "used" for the total duration of such use. Warranty statements required by [aw covering engine emissions-related parts and components are found on a separate wdften warranty certificate provided to the customer at the time of purchase. B. WHAT IS COVERED BY SECURE WARRANTY 1. SECURE Warranty Full Machine: All parts of a new ,John Caereproduct {except those noted in Sections D and E below) are covered by SECURE Warranty for the applicable Full Machine coverage peded set out above. Coverage begins on the date of delivery of the product to the odginal retail purchaser. 2. SECURE Warranty Powertraln for Skldders and Wheeled Feller Bunchers first rented or sold after 14 December 1999: Certain powertrain components of these products are covered by warranty for a total of 24 months or 4,000 hours of machine operation no hour limitation for the first six (6) monhs), whchever occurs first. This power:rain warranty commences and runs concurrently with SECURE Warranty Full Machine coverage, and applies to the tallowing items: Engine Items Covered in Powerlrain: Rocker arm cover and gasket, cylinder head and gasket, oil pan and gasket in ection pump and gasket, njecben nozzle, wa er pump and gasket, thermostats, engine block, ring gear and flywheel timing gear cover, front and rear engine seals, turbocharger and gaskets, manifolds and gaskets, front damper, engine oil cooler and aftercooler, flywbee[ housing and gasket electronic en~gine speed control system and hydraulic actuator and all pans futly enclosedwithin the above systems Engine Items Not Covered: Oil liller tube, engine filters and gaskets, fuel lines, fuel transfer pump and gasket, air cleaners and associated parts, pressure / temperature sensors and sending units, engine mounts and supports, all pulleys and belts, starter, alternator, engine speed control wire harnesses, linkage and cables, radiator and hoses, engine oil lines, water pip!ag, muffler and associated parts, fuel tank and associated parts, engine w~rmg, co~d weather starting aids, fan and fan drives, Transmission / Differential Items Covered Itl Powertraln: Electronic and / or hydraulic control valves, pump and valve controller, clutch housing (except dry clutch disk), torque converter, reverser with control valve, splitter drive, ~ransfer ddve, drive shaft with universal joints, hyd~'ostatic transmission pump and / or motor assemblies (including control w~Ne, pump, brakes and their control valves, swing motor and brake swingge earbox and bear- ings, rotary manifold, control valves for propel and swing ~unctions only not dig unc ons), ax e(s) and differential(s), final ddve and axles, wet steering clutches, wet steering brakes and wet service and wet parkin3g brakes, mechanical fronl wheel drive difterential / axle assembly with its d-dye shaft with universal joint and control, hydraulic front wheel ddve axle and wheel drive assembly ( nc ud ng he drive pump and motor, alectronic conlrol and solenoid control vane and divider vane), fronl wheel drive sensors (not wire harness). Park brake pinion shaft, beadng, and bearing quill are covered on motor graders only, Transmission / Differential Items Not Covered: Shift control linkage, levers and pedals, switches and wiring, control reds pressure / temperature sensors and send ng units, external oil lines, ~ler tubes, filters and filter screens, accumulator and related relief valves, oil cooler, dry clutch disk, disconnect levers and handles, all outboard (or outer) axle shaft seals (including those on MFWD) that sustain extemal damage, undercarriage components, wheels, tie rod, d~ steering clutches, dry semice and dry park brakes,nyh drostatic elevator dnves, differential lock valve and associated parts, hydraulic hoses and lines, brake valve, b~ke accumulator, extemal brake lines, brake swi ches and sensors, brake pump, brake pedal, and brake linkage. C. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY Section A above, shall be the purchaser s~s exclusive remedy for any ~:~fect in the product. However, ft after repeated attempts such repair or replacement falls to remedy shatl be a rotund Of the amount paid for the pmduof (in excllange for a In no event will the dealer, John Deere or any company affitiated with John Deem be tiable for any incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or other commercial loss. Correcticn of defects in the manner provided above shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of John Caere to the purchaser or any other person, whether based upon contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. This limitation does not apply to ctaims for personal injury. D. ITEMS COVERED SEPARATELY SECURE Warranty does not apply to batteries, radios, tires, or fuel in ection nozzles and pumps, or o Cummins Engines insta ed n 550LC and 750 Exca- vators, which are covered by separate written warranties. E. ITEMS NOT COVERED John Caere is not responsible for the following: 1. Premiums charged for overtime tabor requested by the purchaser. 2. Transporting the product to and from the place where service is performed, or service calls made by the repairing dealer {except as otherwise provided in Section H below). 3. Used products (except as otherwise provided in Section A above). Depreciation or damage caused by normal wear, lack of reasonable and proper maintenance, failure ts fallow operating instructions, misuse, lack of ;,roper protection dudng storage, vandalism, the elements, or collision or other accident. 5. I~ormal maintenance and replacement of maintenance and wear items, such as fillers, oil, coolants and conditioners, blades and cutting edge parts. belts, dry brakes and dry clutch linings, and bulbs. 6 Any defect in a non-covered component, or damage to or lailure of a covered component caused by a defect in a non-covered component. 7. For warranty repairs made in the field, any charges (such as dealer travel time, mileage or extra labor) that would not have been incurred had the product been repaired at the dealer's ptsce el business, F. UNAPPROVED SERVICE OR MODIFICATION John Deere is relieved of its obligations under SECURE Warranty if: 1. Service (other than normal maintenance and replacement of service items) is performed by someone other than an authorized John Deere dealer; or 2 The product is modilied or altered in ways not approved by John Deere. G. PARTS REPLACED UNDER SECURE WARRANTY Only new or remanutactured parts or components, furnished or approved by John Deere, will be used if John Deere elects to repair the product. If any such part or component is defective in material or workmanship when installed in the product, John Caere will repair or replace, as it elects, such defective pan or component, provided the defect is reported to an authorized John Caere dealer within 90 days (12 months or 1500 hours, whichever occurs first, for remanu- factured components) after installatidn or before expiration of the applicable SECURE Warranty coverage, whichever is later. H. OBTAINING SECURE WARRANTY SERVICE To obtain SECURE Warranty service, the purchaser must request SECURE Warranty service from a John Deere dealer authorized to sell the product to be serviced. When making such a request, the purchaser mustpresent evidem;e of the product's delivery date, make the product available at the dealer's place of business, and inform the dealer in what way the purchaser believes the product to be defective. SECURE Warranty repairs can be made in the field if the purchaser and servi- cing dealer so desire. However, John Deere will not be responsible for any charges (such as dealer travel time, mileage or extra labor) that would not have been incurred had the product been repaired al the dealer's place of business. I. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OR OTHER REPRESENTATION Where permitted by law, neither John Caere nor any company affillated with it makes any warranties, representations or promises, express or implied, as to the quality, performance, or freedom Item defect of its products, other than those set forth on this paage e, and NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS IS MADE. J. NO DEALER WARRANTY The selling dealer makes no warranty of his own on any item covered by this warranty, and makes no warranty on other items unless he delivers to the A. ~CURE EX"TENDED - GENERAL PROVISIONS, During tt~ selected coverage period John Deare Construction Equipment Company (John Deere limited Constructio~ Equipment Division, In Canada) ('John Deera') will repay or replace, at its option, covered components (either fecto~y-installod com- ponants or genuine John Deere replecemants installed by an authorized John D~era dealer) of the product idanlifiod o~ the face of Ihis document that are defective in material or workmanship, subject to the te~rns and conditions set fadh on both sides of this document. Such repair or replacement will be free of charge for parts and lapel, except as otherwise stated below. Under either the 'Full Machine' er 'Powe~'aln' coverage option, the Secure Extended coverage period begins when the product's corresponding Secure Warranty coverage ends. and continues (unless terminated under Section E. below) until the expiration selected on the face of this document. The coverage period ends affer the specified number of months or when the machine's hourmeter reaches the specified hour limitation, whichever occurs first. Secure Extended coverage is available only through authorized John Oeera construction equipment dealers for John Deere construction products, end may be purchased at eny time before the product's Secure Warrenty cover- age expires. Secure Extended coverage is not effective unless and until (1) a propedy completed application for coverage is submitted to John Deera, (2) the coverage charge is paid. and (3) the appficent receives written confirmation of Secure Extended coverage from John Deem. Once Secure Extended repair coverage becomes effective, John Deere's obligations thereunder extend only to the applicant identified on the face of this document, unless remaining coverage is transferred to a subsequent purchaser of the product in accordance with Section H below. B. OWNERRESPONSISIUTIES. Affer the product's Secure Wan'enty Fulr Machine end Powertrain coverages expire, the owner (lessee. for leased products) will be responsible for the lirst $200 of repair cost for each repair event covered by Secure Extended, except for covered repairs to the product's engine or po,~w~ain. The owner (lessee, for leased products), at his or her ow~ expense, must maintain the product in accordance with the product's Operator's Manual and. upon request, pr(~vide adequate records verifying maintenance, C. WHAT IS COVERED BY SECURE EXTENDED. Not e~ry product component is covered by Secure Extended repair coverage. Tno~! components that are covered are listed be~ow. If a pa~icutsr component is not listed below, it is not covered by Secure Extended. 1, Full Machine Coverage: Covers all Powertrain Coverage items (see Sub- section 2, below) end the following: ENGINE - Oil filler tube, fuel lines, fuel transfer pump and gasket, pres- sure/temperature sensors and sending units, engine mounts and supports, pulleys, engine speed controls and linkage, radiator and hoses, engine oil lines, water piplng, fue~ tank and associated parts, and fan and fan drives. TRANSMISSiON/DIFFERENTIAL - Shif~ control linkage, levers and pedals, control rods, sending units, sensors, external oil lines, filler tubes, filter screens, acoumulatoE and related relief valves, oil cooler, disconnect levers and han- dles. and differential lock valve and associated parts STEERING - Steering pump, steering valves and cylinders, axles, spindles and supports, tie rod and tie rod ends, steering linkage, secondary steering system components, crossover relief valve, and priority valve. HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS - Hydraulic pumps and motors and related controI valves, hydraulic cylinders, saddle locking pin cylinder, cylinder pack- ing kits, control and load holding valves, hydraulic hoses and lines and fittings, hydraulic reservoir, and hydraulic oil cooler. ELECTRICAL - Starter slarter drive, starter solenoid, alternator, voltage reg- ulator, wiring harnesses, instruments, gauges, indicators, sensors, switches, and wiper motors. BRAKES - Brake pump, brake valve, brake accumulator, unloading valve, and pressure reducing valve. FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING - Compressor, clutch, pulley, condenser, dryer, evaporator, accumulator, expansion valve, temperature control pro- grammer, hoses and lines, seals and gaskets, and heater hose. OTHER - Main frame, track frames, engine frame, loader boom, backhoe boom. dippers[ick and linkages, bucket linkages, scarifier and ripper linkages, scraper bowl, draft frame and sliding floor, elevator drive and gearbox, skidder arch. skidder boom and grapple, forklift mast and frame, motor grader circle and circle drive gearbox. 2. Powertraln Coverage ENGINE - Rocker arm cover and gasket, cylinder head and gasket, oil pan and gasket, injection pump and gasket, injection nozzles, water pump end ~raSket, thermostats, engine brock, ring gear and flywheel, timing gear cover, grit and rear engine seals, turbocharger end gaskets, manifolds and gaskets, front damper, engine oil cooler and aftercoolar, flywheel housing end gasket. electronic engine speed control system and hydraulic actuator and all pads fully enclosed within the above systems. TRANSMISSION/DIFFERENTIAL; Eksctronic end/or hydraulic co~ltro~ valves. pump end vak~ controller, altach ho~alng [except d~J clutch disk), torque con- ~ propal en~ swthg functions ~nly (no~ aig k~ctions), a.,de(s) end dlfferantial(s), final drive and axles, wet steering clutches, wet steering brake~ and wet service and wet park brakes, mechanical front wheel drive differential/axle assembly with its drive shaft with universal ioint ~ncl m-mtrnl hvHr~Hli~ fret wheel drive axle end wheet drive assembly (including the driv~ pump ar motor, electronic control and solenoid centre{ valve and divider valve), fro wheel drive sensors (not wire hemese). Park brake pinion shaft, bear;ng, a~ bearing quill are covered on motor graders only, · · 3. Powerbaln plue Hydraulics Coverage Same as C.2. - *PowertmJn Coverage' above; plus 'HYDRAULIC COMP~ NENTS' from C.1. above. 4. Engine Only Coverage Same as *ENGINE' from C.2. * 'Powertrain Coverage' above. · D. ITEMS NOT COVERED. John Deere is not respensible for the following: 1, Premiums charged for overtime labor requested by the owner (o*- ~esse~ 2, Transp(~ling Ihe product ~ end from the place whera ser~Ce is or service caits made by the repairing dealer. 3. DepreciatioA or damage caused by normal wear. lack of reasonable a~ proper maintenence, failure to follow operating instructions, misuse. of proper protection during storage, vandalism, the elements, or coitisk or other accident. 4. Normal maintenance and replacement of ma/ntenence and wear itsrr such as filters, oil, hydraulic fluid, lubricents. COolants end conditioner undercarriage, lubricated joints (including pins end bushings), blad~ and cutting edge parts, belts, dry brakes, d~y clutch linings, and bulb, 5. Any defect in a non-covered component, or damage to or failure of covered component caused by a defect in a non-covered component 6. Travel time and mileage for SECURE Extended Warranty repairs in the fie~d. E. TERMINATION OF SECURE EX'rENDED COVERAGE. John Deem relieved of its obligations under Secure Extended if: 1. Service (other than normal maintenance end replacement of service item is pedormed by someone other than en authorized John Deere dealer; e 2.The product is altered or modified in ways no[ approved by John Deem;, 3. The product's hourmeter has been rendered inoperative or otherwis tampered wi[h; or 4. The product is removed from the United States or Canada; or Use is made gl the product within an application group (commemi~ forestry, government, or severe duty) other than the group designated the application lot Secure Extended coverage for the product. F. LIMITATIONS OF JOHN DEERE'S LIABILITY. John Deere's liabtii~y for ar repair event shall no[ exceed the actual cash value of the product if repaire¢ Jqhn Deere's cumulative [iabiJity over the coverage period shall not excee the amount paid by the owner lot the product (or, for leased products, th total of all lease paymenls called ior under the lease), excluding any tran.~ portation charges, license fees. taxes, and insurance premiums. In no event will John Deere be liable for any incidental or consequenlJal damage (including without limitation loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or othe commercial 1ess) thai may be sustained due to a defect in the product or t~ breach of pedormance of John Dsere's obligations under Secure Extended, G, OBTAINING SECURE EXTENDED SERVICE· To obtain service covered Secure Extended, the owner (or lessee) must request Secure Extended servi¢ from a John Deere dealer authorized to sell [he product to be serviced. Whe making such a request, the owner (or lessee) must present his or her App cation for Secure Extended Repair Coverage and Johp Deere's written col firma~ion of coverage (transferees under Section H, below, must present Jo~' Deere's written confirmation of coverage transfer), make the product availab at the dealer's place of business, and inform the dealer in what way the produ is believed to be defective. Secure Extended repairs can be made in the field if the pumheser an servicing dealer so desire. However, John Deere will nol be responsible f¢ any additional cost incurred as a result of the decision to repair a machine i the field H. TRANSFER OF UNUSED COVERAGE UPON RESALE. Remaining Secur Extended coverage applicable ~o a used John Deere product is transterre to a subsequent purchaser of the product only if: The subsequent purchase is made before the product's Secure Extende coverage expires: 2. The product is determined by John Deere to be i~ sa~sfac~y cc~di~ ~lowin! en ir~pection perforated by an au~-~:xized Jchn Deem dealer, in accorda~c with John Deere's instnJctic~s, at the subsequenf purchaser's expense; 3. John Deere's whtte~ confirmation of the transfer is received by the subsequer purchaser: end ~,. Either (a) the use made of the product by the subsequent purchaser falh within the same application group (commercial, forestry, government, o severe duty) designated on the product's original Application for Secur~ Extended Repair Coverage or b) the subsequent purchaser pays th( -amount specified by John Deere for conversion of th~ remain ng coverag( to a different application group. NO IMPUED WARRANTY. Where permitted by law. JOHN DEERE CON STRUCTION PRODUCTS CARRY NO IMPUED WARRANTY O~ MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS. J...DEALER CANNOT ~/ARY TERMS OF COVERAGE. All terms, of Johr Deera's Secure Extended Repair Coverage are s~; forth on this document prorntse on behalf of John Deem, or t? modify the terms or .ttm/taflo~ Certilicat~on 2224 CERTIFICATE OF E~.~..II~_ ~FORMATION REPORT ;:~ · .... < ~ ..~ :~ ~,:= · 'k~'/. · -I/ · ~ S~le Tre.urer ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BID ON WHEEL LOADER BID OPENING: 10:00 AM~ THUSDAY~ MAY 18~ 2000 TWO (2) BIDS WERE RECEIVED: Edward Ehrbar, Inc. 100 Secor Ln. Pelham Manor, NY 10803 New Wheel Loader Trade-in 1995 John Deere Trade-in Attachment Total Trade-in $ Net Cost $262,000.00 $68,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $71,000.00 $191,000.00 JESCO, Inc. 118 St. Nicholas Ave. So. Plainfield, NJ 07080 New Wheel Loader $300,253.00 Trade-in 1995 Jotm Deere $ 49,000.00 Trade-in Attachment $ 1,000.00 Total Trade-in $ 50,000.00 Net Cost $250,253.00 NOTE: A bid was received at 1~ 1:10 A.M. from MALVESE EQUIPMENT CO. INC. Because it was received after the bid opening it was not opened and will be returned unopened to the bidder. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model Four (1~) Wheel Drive Articulated Front End Rubber Tired Wheel Loader, John Deer or equal for use by the Solid Waste District. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $200.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 2000, at which time the' will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on New Wheelloader", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. .The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ONE NEW ARTICULATED WHEEL LOADER (The Southold Town Solid Waste District seeks bids for one new, articulated front cad wheel loader, that shall meet the following specifications, or theft demonsWated equivalent) Item This specification is meant to describe a new 2000 model year four wheel drive articulated front end rubber tired wheel loader, such as a John Deere 744 H or equal The loader must be equipped with a general purpose bucket having a minimum bucket capacity of 5.25 cubic yards (heaped) and be equipped with special independently hydraulically-operated logging clamps and be adapted/protected for use in a landfill application. NOTE: ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN MUST BE LISTED SEPARATELY AND CLEARLY IN A SECTION OF THE BID ENTITLED "DEVIATIONS FROM WHEEL LOADER SPECIFICATIONS". IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE BIDDER, ANY DEVIATION HAS THE EFFECT OF EXCEEDING THE TOWN SPECIFICATION, rlHE BIDDER SHALL SO STATE. FAILURE OF A BIDDER TO CLEARLY DESIGNATE DEVIATIONS FROM 'rile TOWN SPECIFICATION WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMISSION. BASIC FEATURES Must be same make as the loader being offered. Must be a wet sleeve engine with dual horsepower, turbocharged, and al~ercooled, and meet North American EPA and CARB non-mad diesel engine regulations, which took effect on January 1, 1996. Additional Engine RequirementS: Power and Size: · Gearl: 240 SAE net hp (179 kW), 263 SAE gross hp (196 kW) ~ 2000 tpm · Cears24: 260 SAE net hp (194 kW), 283 gross hp (211kW) ~ 2000 rpm · Cylinders: 6 · Displacement: 766 ca. Inches (12.5 L) · Maximum net torque: Gear l (45% torque risc): 9431b.-fl (1280 Nm) ~ l,500 rpm. Gears 2-1 (35% torque rise): 943 lb.-i~ (1280 Nm) ~ 1,500 rpm. Lubrication: Pressure system with full-flow spin-on filter and cooler, STARTER SHALL BE EQUIPPED TO BRING OIL PRESSURE UP TO NORMAL SETTING BEFORE ANY ENGINE STARTING REVOLUTIONS ARE MADE. Fuel Consumption (typical): 4.0 to 10.0 gal/hr (15 to 38 L/hr) Cooling fan: Blower type Electrical system: 24 volt with 55-amp alternator Bat~riea (two 12 volt): 950 CCA; reae~ve capacity: 200 rain. Air cleaner: dual safety element dxy type; restriction Indicator for service. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 2 Transmission Shall be a single stage, single phase torque converter with free-wheeling slator, it shall be a cotmtershatt type with full power shift, providing not less than 4 forward gears and 3 reverse gears. Smooth shills shall be provided by a computer controUed elec~onic shift with individual electronic control over each clutch pack, a single twist-grip shift lever with a quick-shift button on the hydraulic lever. Auto-shift feature shall be seleetable to shift between gears 14 or 24. transmission with auto-shift. Travel speeds when equipped with 26.5 - 25 tires shall be as follows: Gear 1: 4.6 mph (7.4 kin/h) 4.6 mph (7.4 kin/h) Gear 2: 8.6 mph (13.9 khan) 8.6 mph (13.9 kin/h) Gear 3: 13.1 mph (21.2 kmJh) 13.1 mph (21.2 km/h) Gear 4: 24.5 mph (39.5 kin/h) Axles and I~nal Drives Final drives shall be heavy-duty planela~ type, mounted inboard (i.e., in each axle housing), using full floating bronze sleeve type beatings. Differentials shall be conventional front and ~ar. Front axle must be fixed; rear must oscillate not less than 13°. Axle shall seals must be protected with trash guards to pm'vent foreign material intrusion. Brakes Sendce brakes must be inboard (i.e., located in differential housings), hydraulically operated wet- disc type, and serf-adjusting. Must be flee of asbestos material. Brake lines must also be iutemal, i.e., mounted inside of differential housing. External brake lines, even ffprotected with guarding, will not be accepted. Parking brake shall be automatically spring-applied, hydraulically released, wet-disc brake mounted on Wansmissioa output shaft. Hydraulic System and Steering Hydraulics The hydraulic pumps shall consist of two variable-displacement, load-sensing piston pumps; closed-center system. Pumps shall provide a maximum flow of 104 gpm (393 L/rain) ~ 1,000 psi (6900 kPa) and 2,250 rpm. The main relief valve shall be set for a maxflnum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). System shall have a three-spcol control valve which will feed the steering circuit, loader circuit, and bucket attaclunant cimuit (logging clamps). Control of first two circuits shall be with single lever, a second lever to be used to control the clumps. Conltols shall also be equipped with a lockout feature. Hydraulic cycle times shall be as follows: raising bucket, 6.6 seconds; Dumping, 1.5 seconds; lowering buckeL 3.0 seconds (either floating or powering down). Total cycle lime, 11.1 seconds. The hydraulic system shall provide a maximum lift capacity of 47,450 lbs. (21,520 kg) at ground level, and 25,665 lbs. (11, 640 kg) at maximum bucket height. Steering The loader shall have fully hydraulic, power stecring. The relief valve shall be set for a maximum pressure ot'3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). Thc loader's articulation angle shall be 40 degrees in each direction (for a total 80-degree arc). The tunfing mdias, measured to the cunterline of thc outside tire, shull be 20 tt. 2 inches (6.14 m). TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 3 Tires Tires shall be size 26.5-25 with a 20 PR L5 head (this is the exlxa thick tread to minimize punctures). Requested brand is the General LD 250. Guarding The payloader shall be equipped with the following guarding: · From drive shaft guard protection to prevent damage from wire, nylon, string, etc. wrapping around the slml~. · Axle seal guards; Fromlight guards; * Suction fans to pressurize engine compartment reducing the amount of debris drawn through the machine opemgs; Perforated engine enclosures; Extended bumper to provide added pro~'tiun for the rear of the machine when operating in tight quarters; · ItYI)RAULICALL¥ ACTUATED FRONT AND REAR BOTTOM GUARDS. · Transmission side guards. Bucket Shall be a stockpiling/general purpose bucket with a bolt on cutting edge. Bucket capacity shall be not less than 5.25 cubic yard capacity heaped SAE, and not less than 4.5 cubic yard capacity struck SAE. Additional minimum bucket specifications are as follows: · Width: 119.7 in (3040 mm) · Breakout force, SAE J732C: 42,150 lbs. (19,115 kg) · Tipping load, straight: 37,905 (17,190 kg) · Tipping load, 35-dngree, full turn, SAE: 33,090 lbs. (15,010 kg) · Tipping load, 45-degree, full turn, SAE: 31,910 lbs. (14,475 kg) · Reach, 45-degree dump, 7-fi (2.13 m) clearance: 74.4 inches (1890 mm) · Roach, 45-degree dump, full height: 50.0 inches (1270 mm) · Dump Clearance, 45-degree dump, full height: 119.8 inches (3042 mm) · Overall lengflr 28 fl. 2 inches (8586 mm) · Loadereiearancecirele, bucket in carry position: 44fl. 9 inches (13,650 mm) · Operating weight: 50,300 lbs. (22,815 kg) Logging Clamps The bucket must be equipped with independently hydraulically operated logging clamps, attached at the top of the bucket. These clamps must be curved, and must conlact the cutting edge when fully closed. Both clamps must be operated by individual hydraulic cylinders, double acting, with lnbricating fittings at all bearing points. Cylinders must have a bore and stroke of no less than 4.5" x 14", and a rod diameter of at least 2.5". Clamp arms must be made of high-strength steel, and each shall be of one continuous piece of metal, from frame attaching point to the bucket attaching point. Clamps shall be positioned so that the centers are 2 fi. 0 inches from the side edges of the bucket. Width of clamps shall taper ~om not less than 1 fl 0 inches at the top to not less than 6 inches at the point where the clamp contacts the bolt on cutting edge. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 4 Cab The cab nhall be attached to the rear frame of the machine. It shall be sound-suppressed, resiliently mounted to the wheel chassis. It shall be a ROPS type and shall include tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, windshield washer and wiper, dome lights, suspension seal inside mounted rearview mirrors and outside reandew mirrors, one lockable entry door on the left side only; it shall have a floor . mat, rear window washer and wiper, outside mounted fire extinguisher, air conditioner, and heater. Cab must have radio mountings for two-way communication and computer monitored critical machine systems shall be readily viewed from the operator's location. The cab shall also be equipped with the following instrumentation: · Head hght beam pilot · Speedometer Fuel gauge ,, Turn signals Diagnostic fault code messages for battery voltage, brake pressure, coolant level, engine air filter, engine oil pressure, fasten seat belt, hydraulic oil filter, hydraulic oil temperature, parle brake engagemenL transmission filter restriction, torque converter temperatu~ gauge. Lights The loader shall be equipped with'the following lights: · Two front halogen work lights with high and low beams, · Two front halogen work lights on cab · Two front and two rear turn si~tmals · Stop, tail, and backup lights Service Capacities Shall be as follows: · Fuel tank: 114 gallons (432 L) · Cooling system: 45 qt. (43 L) · Crankcase: 40 qt. (38 L) · Transmission: 30 qt. (28 L) · Differential (each axle): 49 qt. (46 L) · Hydraulic reservoir: 38 gallons (144 L) · Paddng break: 0.53 qt. (0,5 L) OveraBDimensions Shall be as follows: · Height to top of cab and canopy: · Height to top of exhanst: · Ground clearance: · Length from cenlerline to front axle: · Wheelbase: · Height to hinge pin, fully raised: · Overall length: 11 ft 7 in (3520 nun) 10 ft 2 in (3100 mm) 18.3 in (465 mm) 5 fl 7 in (1700 mm) 11 ft 2in (3400 mm) 14 fi 1 in (4281 mm) 3.6 in (92 mm) 28 ft 2 in (8586 mm) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 5 ACCESSORIES 1) Back-up alarm. 2) Electric Horn 3) 24-volt to 12-volt, 10 amp voltage converte* 4) Radiator guard must be hinged and lockable 5) Vandalism protection 6) Coun~rweight 7) Two sets of all manuals 8) Anti-freeze protection to -30° F 9) 1,000 hour factory prescribed maintenance program to be performed at Town site with all parts and supplies fitmished at 250-hour intervals. WARRANTY Shall be full machine (i.e., all parts and labor) for fn'st six months, with an additional 54-month parts and labor on the powerlrain (i.e., engine and Wansmisslon/ditferential). Powertrain coverage shall be for a total of 60 months or 10,000 hours, whichever occurs first. T~rtafion of machine for sendeing to and from the successful bidder's place of business, for wananty purposes, during the first six months of ownership shall be at the sole hardship and expense of the bidder. In such cases, should the machine be away from the Town's possession in excess of 10 calendar days, bidder also agrees to provide a suitable replacement machine to the Town ogain al the sole hardship and cost of the bidder, such replacement machine to be made available not later than the 11t~ calendar day that the Town is not in possession of the machine bid, and kept available for the Town's use until such lime as the bid machine is back in the Town's possession. Transportation of the machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's place of business, for wawanty purposes, after six months of ownership is the responsibility of the Town, with the exception that if the bid machine must leave Long Island (i.e., the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for t~pair, the bidder agrees to pay for transportation and permitting expenses intuited as a result of moving the machine off Long Island (i.e., outside the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, with the Town be'rog responsible only for transportation and permitting expenses to and from the Nassau County-New York City (i.e., the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn) line. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/1 l/D0 P. 6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS · THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR THE WHEEL LOADER PRESENTED. · 'The vendor shall have a full semce facility, which shall be capable of perforating all possible types of repair "on premises". The vendor repair technicians shall have manufacturer sponsored training for repairing the model of equipment bid. · The vendor shall be able to provide a wide range of field service capabilities. · The vendor nhall maintain at its authorized Long Island facility, an inventory of pa~s for the machine offered sufficient for the timely completion of basic repairs (as recommended by the manufactm~). · The vendor nhall be capable of providing any equipment or vehicle necossm3, to transport the machine to and from a service facility. In the event of accident during any such transportation, the vendor shall assume all responsibility, including any and all damage to the equipment · Prior to being selected, the vendor may be rextuixed to furnish proof of insuranco policies sufficient to cover the costs of repair or replacement of the machine ff the machine is damaged or destroyed while in the vendor's possession. · All extended warranties must be manufacturer warranties, NOT vendor/distributorship warranties. 100 SECOR LANE PELHAM MANOR, N.Y. 10803 May 17, 2000 Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY Bid Title: Opening: Dear Ms. Neville: One (1) New 2000 Model, Four (4) Wheel Drive, Articulated, Front End, Rubber Tired, Wheel Loader, John Deere or Equal for use by the Solid Waste District Thursday, May 18, 2000 @ 10:00 AM In accordance with your request for bid, provide the following proposal: One (1) new Komatsu Model WA450-3MC Wheel standard as shown in the enclosed literature following: KM SA6D125E-2 - 260 FwHP - Turbocharged, w/674 cu. in.. Displacement Aftercooler Dual Stage, Dry Type Air Cleaner Ether Starting Aid Engine Pre-Lube Starting System Emission Certification In-Line Core, Flow Through Radiator Blower Type Fan Vented Side Covers 24 Volt Electrical System w/7.5 kW Starter 50 Amp Alternator 2 x 12 Volt/170 Amp Hour Batteries we are pleased to Loader equipped to and including the Diesel Engine Town of Southold May 17, 2000 Southold, NY Page 2 Four (4) Speed (Fwd. & Rev.) Countershaft Transmission w/Auto-Shift Dual Control Levers Single Phase, Single Stage Torque Converter Outboard Mounted Final Drives Torque Proportioning Differentials Front & Rear Hlnged Drive Line Guards w/Electric Winch & Remote Control For Rear Guard Outboard Mounted, Four (4) Wheel, Wet Disc, Service Brakes Brake Line Guard Extensions Adj. Free, Wet Disc Parking Brake Inside Transmission Case 26.5-25, 20PR (L5) General Tires ROPS Cab - Dual Entry w/Sound Suppression Floor Mat Air Conditioner-Heater-Pressurizer-Defroster Hot/Cold Box Front & Rear Wipers & Washers Reclining Suspension Seat Arm Rests Retractable Seat Belt Sun Visor Dome Light Int. & Ext. Mirrors "Z" Bar Loader Linkage w/Automatic Boom Kickout & Bucket Positioner Two (2) Stage Hydraulic System w/Four (4) Gear Type Pumps (Including Pilot Pump) Hydraulic Oil Cooler 11.3 sec. Loader Cycle Time Three (3) Spool Hydraulic Valve w/Piping & Controls JRB 5.5 cu. yd. Grapple Bucket w/Bolt-on Cutting Edge Standard & Additional Rear Counterweights Work Lights: 2 Front Chassis Mount w/High-Low Beams Guards 2 Front Inside Cab Mount 2 Rear Chassis Mount Turn Signals w/Hazard Switch Stop, Tail & Back-up Lights Add'l. Counterweight Full Front & Partial Rear Fenders Town of Southold May 17, 2000 Southold, NY Page 3 - Vandal Protection - Travel Alarm - Warranty: Six (6) Month/i,500 Hour Full Machine Fifty-four (54) Month Additional Powertrain to Machine Total Sixty (60) Months/10,000 Hours Price: F.O.B. Southold, NY $ 259,000.00 No applicable Federal, State or local taxes are included in the price quoted. Descriptive literature is enclosed for your review. Thank you for the opportunity to quote on your equipment requirements. PA/ps Encl. Very truly yours, EDWARD EHRBAR, INC. Patrick Ahern Exec. Vice President Wheel loader Bid Price Page The Bid P6ce for Wheel Loader shall be shown a~ follows: P~ce for One (1) new 2000 model year Wheel Loa~le~ Less Value of Trades: 1. One (I) 1995 .lohn Deem 744E Wheel Loader 2. One (I) 3 Cubic Yard Attachment Total Value of Trades: Net Cost of Wheel Loader to Town of $outhold $68,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $262,000.00 $ 71,000.00 $191,000.00 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) ~J~ ~~ (Corporate Title) (if any) Executive Vice President Bid on WHEEL LOADER 12:19 6312448691 JESCO INC PAGE LEGA. L NOTICE ~NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, In accordance with the provl$Jone Section 103 of tho General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are saught and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model FOUr (1~) ~ Drive Articulat~cl Front End Rubber Tired Wheel Loader, John Deer or equal for um by the Solid Waste District. Specifications m~y be obf~linod at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, ~$095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The seated bids, together with · Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified ch~;k in the amount of $200.00, will ba received by tho Town Clark, at the Southold Town Hall, $3095 IV~lln Road, $outhold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thurlcl~y, M~y 18, 2000, at which time they will bo opened and read aloud in public. Tho Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the rlght to reject any and all blds and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the bast Interest of the Town of $outhold to do so. All bids n~.lst be signed and sealed In envelopes plainly marked "Bid New Wheellc~der", and submitted to the Offlca of the Town Clerk. The price shall not include shy tax, federal, state, or' local from which the Towr of Southold la exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 25, 1~99, AND FORWARD ONE (1] AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE. TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ONE NEW ARTICULATED WHEEL LOADER This ~edP, ca~e b meo~ to deocrib~ · new 2000 model yetr four wised drive tniculiml (~om end rubber tired wbed Josd~r, micb u I John Doe~ 'N~ H or equal. TM ioder ma~ t~ equipped with a gmeml purpose bucket baviuE, ~ ~ ~p~lt~ of ~.2S ~bic ~,m~ NOT~: ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE SPECIFICATIONS cONTAIIqED ll~R~IN MUST BE LISTED SEIPARATELY AND CLEARLy IN A SFA.-iiON OF THE BID ENTITLBD #DEVIATIONS FROM WB~I~L LOADF. R SPECIFICATIONS", IF, IN T~E OPINION OF 'l~ BIDDEIt, ANY DI~VIkTION HAS ~1~ ~FpA~ OF EXCEEDING THE TOWN SI~CIFICATION, THE BIDDER SIlAI~ SO STATE' I~AILUR~ O!r A BIDDER TO CLEARLY DESIGNATE DEVIATIONS FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATION WILL RESULT IN DLqLQUAI-IFICATION OF TH~ BID SUBMLSSZON. BASIC FFATURES Must be ssme mnl~ ns the loedcr being offend. Mus~ be n wei d~-ve engine wl~ dmtl horJep~ver, ~ ~ al~erc~oled, and meet Noflh American EPA and CARB non-roM diesel ~.~ resulMious, whichlook eff~ct on lanmry 1, 1996. LubficxtJa~ Pr~ure system with full-flow spin-on fl~r and moor. STARTER SHALL BE EQUII~F,D TO BRING OIL PRESSURE UP TO NORMAL SETI~qG BF2~O~ ANY ENGII~ STARTING REVOLUTIONS ARE MADE, ~ Consump~m (iypic~l): 4.0 m 10.0 fsi/hr (1S lo 35 I/hr) TOWN OF SOUTtIOLD S~CATiOIq~ FOR Ol~r8 I~W WI-~L LOADBR 51! U00 P. 2 Shall be a single sU~, sinsic L'~-- ~ Iotque ~avefler with.~-w~{ m~ it ~ ~ a ~n ~ a~. Travel I~ when ~quii~ with 26.5 - 25 ~ dmall be as ~llow{: CJm~r t: 4.6 uq~ (7.4 km~h) 4.6 n~oh ("/.4 kin/h) C~2: 8.6 n~Q~ (t 3.9 km,~.) 8.6 n~ph 03.9 knob) Oe~3: i3.1 mph (2L2 {mY{0 13.l mph (21,2 {un/h) G~ar 4: 24,5 ~ (39.5 kin/h) · ile IIR{~ be.flxod; ~ {{~{{t o6~ ~ Lc# thnn 13 . AxI~ Shaft ~tls t~ be prot~t~'~ ~ i.e., mounted inside of di~o~uUal I{~stn~ Ext~i~ bru~ lines, even ff protected wRh {~ v/i{i uot be ic~, Parkm8 {xak~ slmU be aulomatio~{y sprins,q)piied, hydtmdic~ rcicam~d, H~drmdlc gv~ and Stem4m* The hydraulic pmn{xs ~ 0Q~ist of twu vli~tble-displac~meut, I(x~l-asnsm{ p~ ~; c~r ~m. ~ ~ ~ a ~ flow of 1~ ~ 093 ~in) ~ l,~ Mi (6~~. ~ ~~ ~mfora~~3~ (22,~ ~). ~~l~l~l~ w~~~ M~ a I~ f~. Hydraulic ~y~k~ times shall bcm follows: raising bud~t, 6.6 __~__~; I)mupm~ 1.5 ~e~unds; towedn8 b,xtet, 3.0 seeo~ (cUh~ floattn~ or powe.~m{ dowu). Tutu] cycle time. 11.1 T~ Ilyd*t~ s~/st~m shall provide a IDa.v.~n ~ ~ty of 47,450 1~. (2 !.520 k~) at ground level, and 2~,66S ~, s~m,~ ~li~e~iou (for a total ~O.depue ate). The turning radiu~ ummm~d to tl~ c~nm-line of the outside tim, Ihal{ be 2o fl. 2 inches (6,14 m). ·OWN 0F SOUTHOLD SP~CWICATION~q POP, ONI~ NEW ~ LOADEI~ Tires ~imll be si~ 26.5-25 w/th a 20 PR L5 tread (rEis is the exam thick txead to minimize · ~ bumper to l~m~de added iame~i~m for ~he re~ of ~1~ maddne wlm~ operating in Buck~ not 1~ tk~n $,2~ cUbiC ymd ca~y I~ [SAl~ and not le~ than 4,$ m9~i¢ yaxd ~r*~'~ty Mruck SA~, A~Ut~3ml ~ ~ ~oms a~e n* follows; 85/11/2800 imiB 63124~859i JEGCO iNC PAGE 85 TOWN OF SOU'ITIOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHF.,EL LO ADF..R $/11/00 P. *t machine systems Shall be readily viewed f~om thc operator's location. * 'fXvo I~oat ~:d two t~e~r turn si~ls · l:)~mtbl (a~h ~de): · Hydraulic rUe~oir: · ~brcak: Shall be ss roflows: 40 qt. OSL) 30qt.(iSL) 49qC (46L) 0.53 qt (O,S L) · Overall _t~_.~ Il fl7 in (3520 mm) lO I~ 2 in (3100 rmV) 18.3 in (465 mm) 5 t~? m(l?OOmm) 11 a2 ~(3~) 14 a I ~ (4281 ~) 3.6 ~ (92 ~) 1~5/11./2888 12~!9 631~448B91 JE$CO IHC PAGE 85 TOWN OP SOUTIIOLD SPECI~CATIONS FOB. ONH I~W WHEBL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 5 WAB~ ~tm and labor on dm powemain (i.e., eu~ne and Ummmissim/diffmm~d). shall be for a total of ~o mm~tl~ or 10,00O hours, which-yin occurs TOWN OF SOUT~K3LD SPECI~ICkTtONS POR ONE N~W w~m, LOADER 5111/00 P, 6 ADDITIONAL I~;QUIR~MENTS JESCO, INC Devations from the Town of Southhold specifications for One Articulated Wheel Loader: Bucket The logging clamp arms will be a boxed design not a continuous piece of metal. 118 SAINT NICHOLAS AVENUE · SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NJ 07080 PHONE: (908)753-8080 · FAX: (908)753-8200 11:39 ?347976 SOL~THOLD TOWH DS/~ PAGE Loader Bid Pr~c~ Pn~e The ]Bid Pri~ for Wheel Lo~Io~ shall be shown as follows: Price t'o~ One (!) new 2000 model year Wh~ Loader I~ss Va~ue of Trades: I. One(l) 1995 Joh~ Deete 2. One (1) 3 Cubic Yard Att~hment Total V~due of Trades: Ne~ Cost of Wheel Loader to Tow~ 4 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently snd has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, tupplie; or equipment of the type described in the Invitation for bids, 'and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder'or its surety~ any bond furnished herewith (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) VICE PRESIDENT Bid em WHEEL LOADER JOHN DEERE "SECURE WARR~'Y" FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION, UTI~Y AND FORESTRY PRODUCTS This Purchase Order applies to machines with: ~' ~ 6 Months SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage (Products 100 HP and Above). 12 Months SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage (Products Under 100 HP). · 6 Months SECURE Warranty Full Machine Coverage + 18 Months Powertraln Coverage (Skidders and Wheeled Feller Bunchers first rented or sold after 14 December 1999). The "SECURE Warranty" is part of the SECURE pmtecfion package available from John Deere Constt~ction Equipment Company ("John Deers") to pumhasers of new John Deem prcducts: · SECURE Warranty is John Deem's standard new equipment warranty, which provides the coverage described on this page at no additional charge to the purchaser. · SECURE Extended is a separate repair contract made available by John Deem for purchasers who wish to complement their SECURE Warranty coverage with additional, purchased coverage. Complete SECURE Extended details, including coverage options and limitations, are set forth in the Application mr SE:CURE Extended Repair Coverage, which is available from authorized John Deere dealers. A. SECURE WARRANTY - GENERAL PROVISIONS Under the below-described "SECURE Warranty" coverage, John Deere will repair or replace, at its option, any parts (except those specified below) of a new John ~)eere product that, as delivered to the original retail purchaser, are defective in material or workmanship. Performance of this warranty will be free of charge for parts and labor, except as otherwise stated below. SECURE Warranty coverage applies only to purchases from John Deere and authorized John Deere dealers and, except as otherwise provided in the next sentence, is extended only to the original retail purchaser of the product. Remaining SECURE Warranty coverage applicable to a used John Deere product is transferred to a subsequent purchaser of the product only if 1 the subsequent purchaser requests warranty transfer from an autbodzed John Deere dealer before the product's SECURE Warranty coverage expires, and 2 John Deere's written contirmation of the transfer is received by the subsequent purchaser. For purposes of this warranty, a product that has been rented, used for demonstration purposes for 150 or more hours, or otherwise used pdor to its original retail purchase has been "used" for the total duration of such use. Warranty statements required by taw covering engine omissions-relatad parts and components are found on a separate written warranty certificate provided to the customer at the time of purchase. B. WHAT IS COVERED BY SECURE WARRANTY 1. SECURE Warranty Fug Machine: Ail parts of a new John Deere product (except those noted in Sections D and E below) are covered by SECURE Warranty for the applicable Furl Machine coverage period set out above, Coverage begins on the date of delivery of the product to the original retail g. SECURE Warranty Powertrain for Skidders and Wheeled Feller Bunchers first rented or sold after 14 December 1999: Certain powertrain of 24 months or 4,000 hours of machine operation (no hour limitation for the first six (6) mo~ths), whichever occurs first. This powertrain Warranty Furl Machine coverage, and applies to the following items: cylinder head and gasket, oil pan and gasket, injection pump and gasket, turbochar'ger and gaskets, manifolds and gaskets, front damper, engine oil control system and hydraulic actuator and all parts fully enclosed within the Engine Items Not Covered: Oil filler tube, engine filters and gaskets, tuel wiring, cold weather starting aids, fan and tan drives. Transmission ! Differential Items Covered in Powertraln: Electronic and (except dry clutch disk), torque converier, reverser with control valve, splitter drive, transfer drive, drive shaft with universal joints, hydrostatic transmission pump and / or motor assemblies (including control valve), pump, brakes ings, rotary manifold, control valves for propel and swing functions only (no~ dig functions), ax/ets) and differential(s), tinal drive and axles, wet steering mechanicaJ trent wheel drive ditferential/ axle assembly with its drive shaft with universal joint and control, hydraulic lront wheel drive axle and wheel drive assembly (including the drive pump and motor, electronic control and solenoid control valve and divider valve), front wheel ddve sensors (not wire harness). Park brake pinion shaft, bearing, and bearing quill are covered Transmission / Differential Items Not Covered: Shift control linkage, screens, accumulatcr and related relief valves, oil cooler, dry clutch disk. ttisconnect levers and handles, a~l outboard (or Outer) axie shaft seals (including those on MI~ND) that sustain extamal damage, underCarriage components, wheels, tie rod, dry steering clutches, dry service and dry park brakes, h~¥drostatic etavator dnves, differential lock valve and associatad parts, hydraulic hoses and lines, brake valve, brake accumulator, external brake lines, brake switches and sensors, brake pump, brake pedal, and brake linkage, C. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY The repair or replacement of covered parts that are defective, as provided in Section A above, shall be the purchaser's exclusive renledy for any defect in the product. However, if after repeated attempts such repair or replacement taila to correct the performance problem caused b)y the defect, the purchaser's sole remedy shall be a refund of the amount paidfor the product in exchange for a return of the product), excluding any transportation charges, license fees, t;[xes, and insurance premiums, and less a reasonable allowance for use of the product phor to its return, In no event will the dealer. John Deere or any company affiliated with John Deere bo liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or other commercial loss. Correction of defects in the manner provided above shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of John Deere to the purchaser or any other person, whether based upon contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. This limitation does not apply to claims for personal injury. D. ITEMS COVERED SEPARATELY SECURE Warranty does not apply to batteries, radios, tires, or fuel injection nozzles and pumps, or to Cummins Engines installed in 550LC and 750 Exca- vators, which are covered by separate written warranties. E. ITEMS NOT COVERED John Deere is not responsible for the following: 1. Premiums charged for overtime labor requested by the purchaser. 2, Transporting the product to and from the place where service is performed, or service calls made by the repairing dealer (except as otherwise provided in Section H below). 3. Used products (except as otherwise provided in Section A above). 4 Depreciation or damage caused by normal wear, lack of reasonable and proper maintenance, failure to follow operating ir~structions, misuse, lack of proper protection during storage, vandalism, the elements, or collision or other accident. 5 Normal maintenance and replacement of maintenance and wear items, such as filters, oil, coolants and conditioners, blades and cutting edge parts, belts, dry brakes and dry clutch linings, and bulbs. 6 Any defect in a non-covered component, or damage to or failure of a covered component caused by a defect in a non-covered component, 7, For warranty repairs made in the field, any charges {such as dealer travel time. mileage or extra labor) thai would not have been incurred had the product been repaired at the dealer's place of business. F. UNAPPROVED SERVICE OR MODIFICATION John Deere is relieved of its obligations under SECURE Warranty if: 1. Service (other than normal maintenance and replacement el service items) is performed by someone other than an authorized John Deere dealer; or 2 The product is modified or altered in ways not approved by John Deem. G. PARTS REPLACED UNDER SECURE WARRANTY Only new or remanufactured parts or components, furnished or approved by John Deere, will be used if John Oeere elects to repair the product, If any such part or component is defective in matebal or workmanship when installed in the product. John Deere will repair or replace, as it elects, such defective part or component, provided the defect is reported to an authorized John Deere dealer within 90 days (12 months or 1500 b0urs, whichever occurs first, for remanuo factured components) after installation or before expiration of the applicable SECURE Warranty coverage, whichever is later H. OBTAINING SECURE WARRANTY SERVICE To obtain SECURE Warranty service, the purchaser must request SECURE Warranty service from a John Oeere dealer authorized to sell the product to be serviced When making such a request, the purchaser must present evidence of the product's delivery date, make the product available at the dealer's place of business, and inform the dealer in what way the purchaser believes the product to be defective. SECURE Warranty repairs can be made in the tie~tt if the purchaser and servi- cing dealer so desire. However, John Deere will not be responsible for any charges (such as dealer travel time. mileage or extra labor that would not have been incurred had the product been repaired at the dealer's place of business. I. NO IMPMED WARRANTY OR OTHER REPRESENTATION Where permitted by law neither John Deere nor any company affiliated with it makes any warranties, representations or promises, express or implied, as to the quality, pertormence, or freedom from detect of its products, other than those set forth on this paage e, and NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS IS MADE. J. NO DEALER WARRANTY The selling dealer makes no warranty of his own on any item covered by this warranty, and makes no warranty on other items unless he delivers to the purchaser a separa e written warranty certificate specifically warranting the item. The dealer has no authority to make any representation or promise on behalf of John Deere, or to modify the terms or limitations of this warranty in any way. EFFECTIVE 01 JANUARY 2000 A. SECURE'ExTENDED - GENERAL PROVlf~S.~ During the selected. ~:overage period, John Oeere Construction Equll~ll~t Company {John Deere .Limited Construction Equipment Division. in Canada) ('John Deere') will repair or replace, at its option, covered components (either factory-installad com- ponents or genuine John Deere replacements installed by an authorized John Oeere dealer) of the product identified on the face of this document that are defective in material or ,,~orkmanship, subject to the terms and conditions set forth on both sides of this document. Such repair or replacement will be free of charge for parts and labor, except as otberc~ise stated below. Under either the 'Full Machine' or 'powartrain* coverage option, the Secure Extended coverage period begins when the product's corresponding Secure Warranty coverage ends. and continues (unless terminated under Section E, below) until the expiration selected on the face of this document. The coverage period ends after the specified number of months o¢ when the machine's hourmeter reaches the specified hour limitation, whichever occurs first. Secure Extended coverage is available only through authorized John Deere construction equipment dealers for John Deere construction products, and may be purchased at any time befoPe the product's Secure Warranty cover- age expires. Secure Extended coverage is not effective unless end until (1) a propedy completed application for coverage is submitted to John Deere, (gl the coverage charge is paid, and (3) the applicant receives written confirmation of Secure Extended coverage from John Deere. Once Secure Extended repair coverage becomes effective. John Deere's obligations thereunder extend only to the applicant identified on the face of this document, unless remaining coverage is transferred to a subsequent purchaser of the product in accordance with Section H below. B. OWNER RESPONSJBIUllES. After the product's Secure Warranty Full Machine and Powertrain coverages expire, the owner (]assee, for leased products) will be responsible for the §rs~ $200 of repair cost for each repair event covered by Secure Extended, except for covered repairs to the product's engine o¢ powertrain. The owner (lessee, for leased products), at his or her own expense, must maintain the product in accordance with the product's Operator's Mancel and, upon request, provide adequate records verifying maintenance. C. WHAT IS COVERED BY SECURE EXTENDED. Not every product component is covered by Secure Extended repair coverage. Tnose components that are covered are tisted below It a particular component is not listed below, it is not covered by Secure Extended, 1. Full Machine Coverage: Covers ail Powertrain Coverage items (see Sub- section 2, below) and the folrowing: ENGINE - Oil tiller tube, fuel lines, fuel transfer bump and gasket, pres- sure/temperature sensors and sending units, engine mounts and supports, pulleys, engine speed controls and linkage, radiator and hoses, engine lines, wafer piping, fuel tank and associated parts, and fan and fan drives. TRANSMISSION/DIFFERENTIAL - Shift con(roi linkage, levers and pedals, control rods, sending unks. sensors, external oil lines, filler tubes, filter screens, accumulator and rela~ed relief valves, oil cooler, disconnect levers and han- dles, end differential lock valve and associatad parts STEERING - Steering pump, steering valves and cylinders, axles, spindles and supports, tie rod and tie rod ends, steedng linkage, secondary steering system components, crossover relief valve, and priority valve HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS - Hydraulic pumps and motors and related control valves, hydraulic cylinders, saddle locking pin cylinder, cylinder pack- ing kits, control and Iced holding valves, hydraulic hoses and lines and fittings, hydraulic reservoir, and hydraulic oil cooler. ELECTRICAL - Starter. starter drive, starter solenoid, alternator, voltage reg- ulator, wiring harnesses, instruments, gauges, indicators, sensors, switches, and wiper motors BRAKES - Brake pump, brake valve, brake accumulator, unloading valve, and pressure reducing valve FACTORY AiR CONDITIONING - Compressor, clutch, pulley, condenser, dryer, evaporator, accumulator, expansion valve, temperature control pro- grammer, hoses and lines, seals and gaskets, and heater hose. OTHER - Main frame, track frames, engine frame, loader boom, backhoe boom, dipperstick and linkages, bucket linkages, scariflar and ripper linkages, scraper bowl, draft frame and sliding floor, elevator drive and gearbox, skidder arch, skidder boom and grapple, forklift mast and frame, motor grader circle and circle drive gearbox. 2. Powertraln Coverage ENGINE - Rocker arm cover and gasket, cylinder head and gasket, oil pan and gasket, injection pump and gasket, injection nozzles, water pump and gasket, thermostats, engine block, ring gear and flywheel, timing gear cover. front and rear engine seals, turbochargar and gaskets, manifolds and gaskets. front damper, engine oil cooler and afferccoler, flywheel housing and gasket, electronic engine speed control system and hydraulic actuator and all parts fully enclosed within the above systems. TRANSMISSION/DIFFERENTIAL: Elect/chic and/or hydraulic control valves, pump and va[va controller, clutch housing (except dry clutch disk), torque con- verter, reverser wffh control valve, splitter drive, transfer drive, drive shaft with 'universal joints, hydrostatic ~'ansmissicn pump and/or motor assemblies (including con~rol valve), propel motor, pump, brakes and their control valves, swing motor and brake, swing gearbox and bearings, excavator rotary manifold, ¢onffol roves for propel and swing functions only (not dig functions), axle{s) and differential(s), final drive and axles, wet steering clutches, wet steering brakes and wet service and wet bark brakes, mechanical front wheel drive differential/axle assembly with its drive shaf~ with universal iotht and controt, hydraulic front wheel drive axla~wheal drive assembly (including the dr~ pump anc motor, electronic '~trcl and solenoid conl~ol valve and divider valve), ftor wheel drive sensors (not wire h~nees). Park brake pinion shaft, bearing, an( bearing quill are covered on motor graders only. - 3. Powerffain plum Hydraullc~ Coverage Same as C.2. - "Powertrain Coverage" above; plus "HYDRAULIC COMPO NENTS' f~om C.1. above. 4. Engine Only Coverage Same as 'ENGINE' from C.2. - "Powertrain Coverage' above. D. ITEMS NOT COVERED. John Deere is not responsible for the following: 1. Premiums charged for overtime labor requested by the owner (or lessee) 2. Transporting the product to and from the place where service is ped~ or service ce~ls made by the repairing dealer. Depreciafloh or damage caused by normal wear. lack of reas~3nabla an~. proper maintenance, failure to follow operating instructions, misuse, lac. of proper protection during storage, vandalism, the elements, or COflisior or other accident. 4. Normal maintenance and replacement of maintenance and wear items such as filters, oil. hydraulic fluid, lubricants. COOlants and conditioners undercarriage, lubricated joints (including pins and bushings), blade and cutting edge parts, belts, dry brakes, dry clutch linings, and bulbs 5. Any defect in a non-covered component, or damage to or failure of covered component caused by a defect in a non-covered component 6. Travel time and mileage for SECURE Extended Warranty repairs in the field. E. TERMINATION OF SECURE EXTENDED COVERAGE. John Deere i relieved of its obligations under Secure Extended if: 1. Service (other than normal maintenance and replacement of service items is pedormed by someone other than an authorized John Deere dealer; or 2T~e product is aftered or modified in ways not approved by Joho Deere; o 3. The product's hourmeter has been rendered inoperative or otherwise tampered with; or 4.The product is removed from the United States or Canada; or 5. Use is made of the product withi0 an application group (commerci~ forestry, government, or severe duty) other than the group designated the application fur Secure Extended coverage for the product, F. LIMITATIONS OF JOHN DEERE'S LIABILITY. John Deere's liability for an repair event shall not exceed the actual cash value of the product if repalrec John Deere's cumulative liability over the coverage period shall not excee the amount paid by the owner for the product (or, for leased products, th, total of all lease payments called for under the lease), excluding any frans portation charges, license fees, taxes, and insurance premiums. in no event will John Deere be liable for any incidental or consequential damage (including without limitation loss of profits, rental of substitute equipment or othe commercial loss) that may be sustained due to a defect in the product or th breach of performance of John Deere's obligations under Secure Extended G. OBTAINING SECURE EXTENDED SERVICE. To obtain service covered b Secure Extended, the owner (or lessee) must request Secure Extended servic from a John Deere dealer authorized to sell the product to be serviced. Who making such a request, the owner (or lessee) must presen~ his or her App cation for Secure Extended Repair Coverage and Joh¢ Deere's wrihen co~ firmation of coverage (transferees under Section H, below, must present Job Oeere's written confirmation of coverage transfer), make the product evailab a~ [he dealer's place of business, and inform the dealer in what way the produ: is believed to be delective Secure Extended repairs can be made in the field if the purchaser ar': servicing dealer so desire. However, John Deere will not be responsible fc any additional cos~ incurred as a result of the decision to repair a mechir~e Ir the field. H. TRANSFER OF UNUSED COVERAGE UPON RESALE. Remaining Secur Extended coverage applicable to a used John Deere product is transferre to a subsequent purchaser of the product only if: 1, The subsequent purchase is made before the product's Secure Extende 2, The product is determined by John Oeere to be ~n salisfaotory condi~2~ followin,( an inspection perfocr'c'~.d by an authodzod John Deere deaJeb in accordanc~ purchaser; and 4. Either (e the use made cf he product by the subsequent purchaser falL~ severe duty) designated on the product's original Application for Secure Extended Repair Coverage, or (bi he subsequent purchaser pays th( to a different application group, I. NO IMPLIED WARRANTY. Where permitted by law, JOHN DEERE CON STRUCT~ON PROBUCTS CARRY NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS. J, DEALER CANNOT VARY TERMS OF COVERAGE. All terms of Johr John Deera dealers have no authority to make any repreasntation o; promise on behalf of John Deem, or tq modify the terms or limitations ct Secure Extended in any way. Slate Treasurer 5/11 BID ON FOUR WHEEL DRIVE WHEEL LOADER BID OPENING DATE: 10:00 A.M., THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2000 1. Jescon, inc., 118 Nicholas Avenue, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, 908-8080, 800-241- 707 Fax 908-753-7853. Vince Porpora 914-393-3848 5/11 2. Edward Ehrbar Inc., 100 Se¢or Ln., Pelham Manor, NY 10803 Attn: James P. Hogan 914-738-5100 Fax: 914-738-6847 5/11 3. Malvese Equipment Co., Inc. 1 Henrietta Street, Hicksville, NY 11802 516- 681-7600 Fax 938-8962 Paul Wolkiewicz 5/16 4. H.O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc. 660 Union Ave., Holtsville, N.Y. 11742 Paul Donohue 654-4459 Fax 758-8000 5/16 5. TRIUS, Inc. Paul Mitchell 458 Johnson Ave., Bohemia 11716 244-8600 fax - 244-8861 10. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF V~ITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-61115 Telephone (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: Attn: Vince Porpora, JESCO, INC. FROM: Linda Cooper DATE: 5/11/00 516 765-61a,5(Fax Number) Number of Pages (including cover): 2 If total transmittal is not received, please call ($16)765-1800. COMMENTS: Please add this to the bid spec for WHEEL LOADER for Southold Town Solid Waste District. Note: Thanks for letting Jim Bunchuck at the Disposal Area know the page was missing. I~EGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions o£ Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model Four (4) Wl~el Drive Articulated irro~ Eod ~red Wheel Lood~ Jolm Dmm~ or equal for use by t~ ~ District. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid C~rtificate and bank draft or ~ettified check la ~ of $200.00. will be received by the Town Clerk, at the So~aotd Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold. New York, until 1~ A.M., Thmmlay, May 18. 2000. at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the fight lo reject any ami all bids ami waive any and all informali- ty in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids mu~,' be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly mar~ ".l~ld on Nmv ~e~laadel.,,. and submitte~ to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southotd is exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OFTHE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 1316-1TMv! 1 STATE OF NEWYORK) )SS: COUNTY OF SUFF, QLK) ~C_jt~ ~-, (~/~/~[i',~ of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of NewYork, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for [ weeks ~,uccessiveiy, commencing on the I { ~ day of ~ C"'¥ 20 {J Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~77~'~ day of ~(~ 20 O0 Ma~ 08 CO O~:S~p TIMES?REVIEI~ MEWSPBPERS 0~/O~ 'O0 ~0N 1¢:07 ~tX $I~ ~1~ SOUT~0LD 1~31~83~87 p. ! Suffolk Times ~001 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P,O. Bo~ 1179 So~thold, New York 11971 F~x (~31) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 76S~1800 OFFICE OF THE TOW1W CLER~K. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: SUFFOLK TIMES NEWSPAPER BETTY NEVILLE s/~/oo LE_GAL NOTICE TO~BII~DER.~s If total transmittal is not received, please call 516 765-1800. fax 516 765-61q5 TWO {2) LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS (1) WALKING & JOGGING TRACK (2) WHEEL LOADER PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING CONFIRMING RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE. THANK YOU. -By Date THANK YOU, 08/05 '00 MON 14:08 FAX 516 765 6145 SOUTHOLD CLERK ~001 *** TX REPORT TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIME USAGE T PGS, SENT RESULT 1358 2983287 Suffolk Times 08/05 14:07 01'08 3 OK ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTP. Ai~ OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS NLA-NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF IAIFOP~W_4.TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095iV~ain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York l1971 F~.g(631) 765-6145 Telephone(6$1) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWNCLERK TOWN OFSOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: SUFFOLK TIMES NEWSPAPER BETTY NEVILLE 518100 LEGAL NOTICE TO~.BIDDERS If total transmittal is not received, please call 516 765-1800. fax 516 765-61q5 TWO (2) LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS (1) WALKING & JOGGING TRACK (2) WHEEL LOADER PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING CONFIRUING RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE. THANK YOU. Received By Date ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK R~GISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: FROM: DATE: RE: SUFFOLK TIMES NEWSPAPER BETTY NEVILLE 5/8/00 LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS If total transmittal is not received, please call 516 765-1800. fax 516 76S-610.5 TWO (2} LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS (1) WALKING S JOGGING TRACK (2) WHEEL LOADER PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING CONFIRMING RECEIPT OF TIlE ABOVE. THANK YOU. Received By Date THANK YOU. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model Four (1~) Wheel Drive Articulated Front End Rubber Tirol Wheel Loader. John Deer or equal for use by the Solid Waste District. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $200.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 2000, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on New Wheelloader", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 25. 1999, AND FORWARD ONE (1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, P.O. BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Superintendent of Highways Dodge Reports Browns Letters Burrelle's Information Ser~,ices Construction Town Clerk's Bulletin Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the ~th day of May 201~0 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board~ Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road~ Southold, New York. Legal Notice -Notice to Bidders - New 2000 WheelLoader (Payloader) for Solid Waste District - Bid OPening at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 2000. C-4izabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this Rth day of May , 2OOE. ~z,~ ~_ (~ 'Pu~'~:2x~bllc' -I NotarY/ ' Nota~ Public, State of N~w Yolk No. 4~22563, Suffolk CeunW _ T~m ~ires D~ember 31, JAMES BUNCHUCK SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR P.O. Box 962 Cutchogue, New York 11935-0962 Tel: (631) 734-7685 Fax: (631) 734-7976 SOUTHOLD TOWN SOLID WASTE DISTRICT May 5, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Betty Neville FROM: (~m Bunchuck SUBJECT: Payloader Specifications Attached you will find the specifications for the new payloader the Board has authorized you to adveff~se for. Also attached is a copy ora legal notice for an earlier bid for a Yard Waste Shredder (I could not find one for a payloader). The notice requires a $10 non- refundable fee for those specs. It hardly seems worth it, but I'll leave it up to you to request a fee. I'm not really sure what costs it's supposed to cover. Let me know if you have any questions. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ONE NEW ARTICULATED WHEEL LOADER (The Southold Town Solid Waste District seeks bids for one new, articulal~l front end wheel loader, that shall meet the following specifications, or theft demonslratcd equivalent) This specification is meant to describe a new 2000 model year four wheel drive articulated front end robber tired wheel loader, such as a John Deere 744 H or equaL The loader must be equipped with a general purpose bucket having a minimum bucket capacity of 5.25 cubic yards (heaped) and be equipped with special independently hydraulically-operated logging clamps and be adapted/proteeted for use in a landfdl application. NOTE: ANY DEVIATIONS FROM THE SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN MUST BE LISTED SEPARATELY AND CLEARLY IN A SECTION OF THE B1D ENTITLED "DEVIATIONS FROM WHEEL LOADER SPECIFICATIONS". IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE BIDDER, ANY DEVIATION HAS THE EFFECT OF EXCEEDING THE TOWN SPECIFICATION, THE BIDDER SHALL SO STATE. FAH,URE OF A BIDDER TO CLEARLY DESIGNATE DEVIATIONS FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATION WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMISSION. BASIC FEATURES Engine Must be same make as thc loader being offered. Must be a wet sleeve engine with dual horsepower, tmbooharged, and afiercoolad, and meet North American EPA and CARB non-road diesel engine regulations, which took effect on Janum-y 1, 1996. Adff~tioual Engine RequirementS: Power and Size: · Gearl: 240 SAE net hp (179 kW), 263 SAE gross hp (196 kW) ~ 2000 rpm. · Gears24: 260 SAE nct hp (194 kW), 283 gross hp (211kW) ~ 2000 rpm · Cylinders: 6 · Displacement: 766 cu. Inches (12.5 L) · Maximum net torque: Gearl(45%torquerise):9431bMl(1280Nm)~l,500rpm. Gears 2-1 (35% torque rise): 943 lb.-fi (1280 Nm) ~ 1,500 rpm. Lubrication: Pressure system with full-flow spin-on filter and cooler; STARTER SHALL BE EQUIPPED TO BRING OIL PRESSURE UP TO NORMAL SETrlNG BEFORE ANY ENGINE STARTING REVOLUTIONS ARE MADE. Fuel Consumption (typical): 4.0 to 10.0 gal/hr (15 to 38 L/hr Cooling fan: Blower type Electrical system: 24 volt with 55-amp alternator Batteries (two 12 volt): 950 CCA; reserve capacity: 200 mm. Air cleaner: dual safety element dry type; reslriction indicator for service. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 2 Transmission Shall be a single stage, single phase torque converter with. free-wheeling stator; it shall be a countershaft type with full power shffi, providing not less than 4 forward gears and 3 reverse gears. Smooth shifts shall be provided by a computer controlled electronic shift with individual electronic control over each clutch pack, a single twist-grip shift lever with a qnick-slfifl button on the hydraulic lever. Auto-shift feature shall be selectable to shift between gears 14 or 2-4. transmission with auto-shift. Travel speeds when equipped with 26.5 - 25 tires shall be as follows: Forward Reverse Gear 1: 4.6 mph (7.4 kin/h) 4.6 mph (7.4 km/h) Gear 2: 8.6 mph (13.9 km/h) 8.6 mph (13.9 kra/h) Gear 3: 13.1 mph (21.2 km/h) 13.1 mph (21.2 km/h) Goar 4: 24.5 mph (39.5 km/h) Axles and Final Drives Final &ives shall be heavy-duty planeta~ type, mounted inboard (i.e., in each axle housing), using full floating bronze sleeve type beatings. Differentials shall be conventional frout and rear. Frout axle must be fixed; rear must oscillate not less than 13°. Axle shaft seals must be protected with trash guards to prevent foreign material intrusion. Brakes Service brakes must be inboard (i.e., located in differential housings), hydraulically operated wet- disc type, and self-adjusting. Must be free of asbestus material. Brake lines must also be internal, i.e., mounted inside of differential housing. External brake lines, even ff protected with guarding, will not be accepted. Parking brake shall be automatically spring-applied, hydraulically released, wet-disc brake mounted on transmission output shaft. Hydraulic System and Stee~ing Hydraulics The hydraulic pumps shall consist of two vatiable-displacement, load-sensing piston pumps; closed-center system. Pumps shall provide a maximum flow of 104 gpm (393 L/rain) @ 1,000 psi (6900 kPa) and 2,250 rpm. The main relief valve shall be set for a maximum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). Sys~m shall have a three-spool coutrol valve which will feed the steering circuit, loader circuit, and bucket attachment circuit (logging clamps). Coatrol of first two circuits shall be with single lever, a second lever to be used to control the clamps. Controls shall also be equipped with a lockout feature. Hydraulic cycle times shall be as follows: raising bucket, 6.6 seconds; Dumping, 1.5 seconds; Ioweringbucket, 3.0 seconds (either floatingor powering down). Total cycle time, 11.1 seconds. The hydraulic system shall provide a mardmum lift capacity of 47,450 lbs. (21,520 kg) at ground level, and 25,665 lbs. (11,640 kg) at maximum bucket height. Steermg Thc loader shall have fully hydraulic, power steering. The relief valve shall be set for a mum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 Id?a). The loader's articulation angle shall be 40 degrees in each direction (for a total 80-degree arc). The turning radius, measured to the ceuterline of the outside tire. shall be 20 ff 2 inches (6.14 m). TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/1)0 P. 3 Tires Tires shall be size 26.5-25 with a 20 PR L5 tread (this is the exira thick tread to minimize punctures). Requested brand is the General LD 250. Gu~rdlng The payloader shall be equipped with the following guarding: · From drive shat~ guard protection to prevent damage from wire, nylon, string, etc. wrapping around the shaft. · Axle seal guards; * From light guards; Suction fans to pressurize engine compartment reducing the amount of debris drawn through the machine openings; · Perforated engine enclosures; · Extended bumper to provide added protection for the rear of the machine when operating in tight quarters; · HYDRAULICALLY ACTIJATED FRONT AND REAR BOTTOM GUARDS. · Transmissinn side guards. Bucket Shall be a stockpiling/general purpose bucket with a bolt on cutting edge. Bucket capacity shall be not less than 5.25 cubic yard capacity heaped SAE, ami not less than 4.5 cubic yard capacity struck SAE. Additional minimum bucket specifications are as follows: · Width: 119.7 in (3040 mm) · Breakout foree, SAE J732C: 42,150 lbs. (19,115 kg) · Tipping load, straight: 37,905 (17,190 kg) · Tipping load, 35-degree, full turn, SAE: 33,090 lbs. (15,010 kg) · Tipping load, 45-degree, full turn, SAE: 31,910 lbs. (14,475 kg) · Reach, 45-degree dump, 7-1~ (2.13 m) clearance: 74.4 inches (1890 mm) · Reach, 45-degree dump, full height: 50.0 inches (1270 mm) · Dump Clearance, 45-degree dump, full height: 119.8 inches (3042 mm) · Overall length: 28 fl. 2 inches (8586 nun) · Loader clearanee circle, bucket in eaay position: 44fl. 9 inches (13,650 mm) · Operating weight: 50,300 lbs. (22,815 kg) Logging Clamps The bucket must be equipped with independently hydraulically operated logging clamps, attached at the top of the bucket. These clamps must be curved, and must contac! the cutting edge when fully closed. Both clamps must be operated by individual hydraulic cylinders, double acting, with lubricating fittings at all bearing points. Cylinders must have a bom and stroke of no less than 4.5" x 14", and a rod diameter of at least 2.5". Clamp arms must be made of high-strength steel, and each shall be of one continuous piece of metal, from flame attaching point to the bucket attaching point. Clamps shall be positioned so that the centers are 2 ft. 0 inches from the side edges of the bucket. Width of clamps shall taper from not less than 1 ft 0 inches at the top to not less than 6 inches at the point where the clamp contacts the bolt on cutting edge. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 4 Cab The cab shall be attached to the rear frame of the machine. It shall be sound-suppressed, resiliently mounted to the wheel chassis. It shall be a ROPS type and shall include tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, windshield washer and wiper, dome lights, suspension seat, inside mounted rearview mirrors and outside rearview mirrors, one lockable enUy door on the left side only; it shall have a floor mat, rear window washer and wiper, outside mounted fire exfingnlsher, air conditioner, and heater. Cab must have radio mountings for two-way communication and computer monitored critical machine systems shall be readily viewed from the operator's location. The cab shall also be equipped with the following instrumentation: Head light beam pilot · Speedometer · Fuel gauge · Turn sj~tmals Diagnostic fault code messages for battery voltage, brake pressure, coolant level, engine air filter, engine oil pressure, fasten seat belt, hydraulic oil filter, hydraulic oil temperature, park brake engageraem, transmission filter restriction, torque converter temperature gauge. I~iahts Thc loader shall be equipped with thc following lights: Two front halogen work lights with high and low beams. · Two front halogen work lights on cab · Two front and two rear mm signals · Stop, tail, and backup lights Service Capacities Shall be as follows: · Fuel tank: 114 gallons (432 L) · Cooling system: 45 qt. (43 L) · Crankcase: 40 qt. (38 L) · Transmission: 30 qt. (28 L) · Differential (each axle): 49 qt. (46 L) · Hydraulic reservoir: 38 gallons (144 L) · Parking break: 0.53 qt. (0.5 L) Overall Dimensions Shall be as follows: · Height to top of cab and canopy: · Height to top of exhaust: · Ground clearanee: · Length from centefline to front axle: · Wheelbase: · Height to hinge pm, fully raised: · Maximum digging depth: · Overall length: 11 fl 7 in (3520 mm) 10 fi 2 in (3100 rain) 18.3 in (465 mm) 5 t~ 7 in (1700 mm) 11 tl 2 in (3400 mm) 14fl 1 ui(4281 mm) 3,6 in (92 mm) 28 fi 2 in (8586 mm) TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 5 ACCESSORIES 1) Back-up alarm. 2) Electric Horn 3) 24-volt to 12-volt, 10 amp voltage converter 4) Radiator guard must be hinged and lockable 5) Vandalism protection 6) Counterweight 7) Two sets of all manuals 8) Anti-freeze protection to -30° F 9) 1,000 hour factory preserib~l mamtenanee program to be performed at Town site with all parts and supplies furnished at 250-hour intervals. WARRANTY Shall be full machine (i.e., all parts and labor) for first six months, with an additional 54-month parts and labor on the powerlraln (i.e., engine and lmnsunssion/differential). Powertrain coverage shall be for a total of 60 months or 10,000 hours, whichever occurs first. Transportation of machine for se:~vicing to and from the suceessfifl bidder's place ofbnsiness, for warranty purposes, dunng the first six months of ownership shall be at the sole hardship and expense of the bidder. In such cases, should the machine be away from the Town's possession in excess of 10 calendar days, bidder also agrees to provide a suitable replacement machine to the Town again at the sole hardship and cost of the bidder, such replacement machine to be made available not later than the 11th calendar day that the Town is not in possession of the machine bid, and kept available for the Town's use until such time as the bid machine is back in the Town's possession. Transportation of the machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's place of bnsiness, for warranty purposes, after six months of ownership is the responsibility of the Town, with the exception that if the bid machine must leave Long Island (i.e., the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, the bidder agrees to pay for transportation and permitting expenses required as a result of moving the machine offLong Island (i.e., outside the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, with the Town being responsible only for Wansporlation and permitting expenses to and from the Nassau County-New York City (i.e., the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn) line. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS · THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR THE WHEEL LOADER PRESENTED. · The vendor shall have a full service facility, which shall be capable of performing all possible types of repair "on premises". The vendor repair technicians shall have manufacturer sponsored training for repairing the model of equipment bid. · The vendor shall be able to provide a wide range of field service capabilities. · The vendor shall maintain at tis authorized Long Island facility, an inventory of parts for the machine offered sufficient for the timely completion of basic m~afl's (as recommemled by the manufacturer). · The vendor shall be capable of providing any equipment or vehicle necessary to transport the machine to and from a service facility. In the event of accident during any such transportation, the vendor shall assume all responsibility, including any and all damage to the equipment. · Prior to being selected, the vendor may be required to finnish proof of insurance policies sufficient to cover the costs of repair or replacement of the machine if the machine is damaged or destroyed while in the vendor's possession. · All extended warranties must be manufacturer warranties, NOT vendor/dislxibutorship warranties. NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on WHEEL LOADER Wheel Loader Bid Price Page The Bid Price for Wheel Loader shall be shown a~ follows: Price for One (1) new 2000 model year Wheel Loader Less Value of Trades: 1, One (I) 1995 John Deere 744E Wheel Loader 2. One (I) 3 Cubic Y~rd Attachment Total Value of Trades: Net Cost of Wheel Loader to Town of Southold TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR: ONE NEW ARTICULATED WHEEL LOADER (Thc Soulhold Town Solid Waste District seeks bids for one new, articulated front end wheel loader, that ~hall meet the following specifications, or their demons/rated equivalent) Item This specificaton is meant to describe a new 2000 model year four wheel drive articulated front end robber tired wheel loader, such as a John Deere 744 H or equal. The loader mnst be equipped with a general purpose bucket having a minimum bucket capacity of 5.25 cubic yards (heaped) and be equipped with special independently hydraulically-operated logging damps and be adapted/proteeted for use in a landf'dl application. NOTE: ANY DEVIATIONS FROM TItE SPECIFICATIONS CONTAINED HEREIN MUST BE LISTED SEPARATELY AND CLEARLY IN A SECTION OF THE BID ENTITLED "DEVIATIONS FROM WHEEL LOADER SPECIFICATIONS". IF, IN THE OPINION OF THE BIDDER, ANY DEVIATION HAS THE EFYECT OF EXCEEDING THE TOWN SPECI~'ICATION, THE BIDDER SHAI.I. SO STATE, FAILURE OF A BIDDER TO CLEARLY DESIGNATE DEVIATIONS FROM THE TOWN SPEcifICATION WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF THE BID SUBMISSION. BASIC FEATURES Must be same make as the loader being offered. Must be a w~t sleeve engine with dual ho~power, turbochargcd, and aflerenoled, and meet North American EPA and CARB non-road diesel engine regulations, which took effect on January 1, 1996. Additional En~ne Requirements: Power and Size: · Ct.~l: 240 SAE net hp (179 kW), 263 SAE gxoss hp (196 kW) ~ 2000 rpm · Gears2-4: 260 SAE net hp (194 kW), 283 gross hp (211kW) ~ 2000 rpm · Cylinders: 6 · Displacement: 766 cu. Inches (12.5 L) · Maximum net torque: Genrl(45%torquerise):9431b.-fl(1280Nm)~l,500rpm. Gears 2-1 (35% torque rise): 943 lb.-fl (1280 Nm) ~ 1,500 rpm. Lubrication: Pressure system with full-flow spin-on filter and cooler, STARTER SHALL BE EQUIPPED TO BRING OIL PRESSURE UP TO NORMAL SETrlNG BEFORE ANY ENGINE STARTING REVOLUTIONS ARE MADE. Fuel Consumption (typical): 4.0 to 10.0 gal/hr (15 to 38 I_far) Cooling fan: Blower type Electrical system: 24 volt with 55-amp alternator Batteries (two 12 volt): 950 CCA; reservo capacity: 200 min. Air cleaner: dual safety element dry type; restriction indicator for service. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 2 Transmission Shall be a single stage, single phase torque converter with free-wheeling stator, it shall be a countershaft type with full power shift, providing not less than 4 forward gears and 3 reverse gears. Smooth shifts shall be provided by a computer controlled electroulc shift with individual electronic control over each clutch pack, a single twist-grip shill lever with a quick-shill button on the hydraulic lever. Auto-shift feature shall be selectable to shill between gears 14 or 2-4. transmission with auto-shift. Travel speeds when equipped with 26.5 - 25 tires shall be as follows: Forward Reverse Gear 1: 4,6 mph (7.4 kin/h) 4.6 mph (7.4 kin/h) Gear 2: 8.6 mph (13.9 lan/h) 8.6 mph (13.9 kin/h) Goar 3: 13.1 mph (21.2 lan/h) 13.1 mph (21.2 kin/h) Gear 4: 24.5 mph (39.5 kin/h) Axles and Final Drives Final drives shall be heavy-duty planetary type, mounted inboard (i.e., in each axle housing), using full floating bronze sleeve type bearings. Differentials shall be conventional front and rear. Front axle must be fixed; rear must oscillate not less than 13'. Axle shaft seals must be protected with trash guards to prevent foreign material intrusion. Brakes Service brakes must be inboard (i.e., located in differential housings), hydraulically operated wet- disc type, and serf-adjusting. Must be flee of asbestos material. Brake lines must also be internal, i.e., mounted inside of differential housing. External brake lines, even ifproteeted with guarding, will not be accepted. Parking brake shall be automatically spring-applied, hydraulically released, wet-disc brake mounted on tran~aission output shaft. Hydraulic System and Steerine The hydraulic pumps shall consist of two variable-displacemem, load-sansmg piston pumps; closed-center system. Pumps shall provide a maximum flow of 104 gpm (393 L/min) ~ 1,000 psi (6900 kPa) and 2,250 spin. The main relief valve shall be set for a maximum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). System shall have a three-spool control valve which will feed the steering circuit loader circuit, and bucket attachment circuit (logging clamps). Control of first two circuits shall be with single lever, a second lever to be used to control the clamps. Conltols shall also be equipped with a lookout feature. Hydraulic cycle times shall be as follows: raising bucket, 6,6 seconds; Dumping, 1.5 seconds; lowering bucket, 3.0 seconds (either floating or powering down). Total cycle time, i I. 1 seconds. The hydraulic system shall provide a maximum litt capacity of 47,450 lbs. (21,520 kg) at ground level, and 25,665 lbs. (11,640 kg) at maximum bucket height. Steering The loader shall have fully hydraulic, power steering. The relief valve shall be set for a maximum pressure of 3,200 psi (22,000 kPa). The loader's articulation angle nlmll be 40 degrees in each direution (for a total 80-degree arc). Tbe tumiag radius, meesured to theeenterline oftheoulside tire, shall be 20 t~. 2 inches (6.14 m). TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 3 Tires Tires shall be size 26.5-25 with a 20 PR L5 tread (this is the extra thick lxead to minimize punctures). Requested brand is the General LD 250. Guarding The payloader shall be equipped with the following guarding: · Front drive shaft guard protection to prevent damage from wire, nylon, string, etc. wrapping around the shaft. · Front light guards; Su~ion fans to pressurize engine compartment reducing the amount of debris drawn through the machine openings; · Perforated engine enciusures; · Extended bumper to provide added protection for the rear of thc machine when operating in tight quartets; · HYDRAULICALLY ACTUATED FRONT AND REAR BOIl'OM GUARDS. · Transmission side guards. Bucket Shall be a stockpiling/general purpose bucket with a bolt on cutting edge. Bucket capacity shall be not less than 5.25 cubic yard capacity heaped SAE, and not less than 4.5 cubic yard capacity struck SAE. Additional minimum bucket specifieatious are as follows: · Width: 119.7 in (3040 mm) · Breakout force, SAE J732C: 42,150 lbs. (19,115 kg) · Tipping load, straight: 37,905 (17,190 kg) · Tipping load, 35-degree, full turn, SAE: 33,090 lbs. (15,010 kg) · Tipping load, 45-degree, full turn, SAE: 31,910 lbs. (14,475kg) · Reach, 45-dngreedump, 7-fl (2.13 m) clearance: 74.4 inches (1890 mm) · Reach, 45.<lngree dump, full height: 50.0 inches (1270 nun) · Dump Clearance, 45.<legrec dump, full height: 119.8 inches (3042 nun) · Overall length: 28 fl. 2 inches (8586 nun) · Loader clearance circle, bucket in carry position: 44 fl. 9 inches ( 13,650 mm) · Oporatingweight: 50,3001bs. (22,815 kg) Logging Clamps The bucket must be equipped with independently hydraulically operated logging clamps, attached at the top of the bucket. These clamps must be curved, and must contact the cutting edge when fully closed. Both clamps must be operated by individual hydraulic cylinders, double acting, with lubricating fittings at all bearing points. Cylinders must have a bore and stroke of no less than 4.5" x 14",andareddiamcterofatleast2.5'. Clamp arms mast be made of high-strength steel, and each shall be of one continuous piece of metal, from frame attaching point to the bucket attaching point. Clamps shall be positioned so that the centers are 2 fi. 0 inches from the side edges of the bucket. Width of clamps shall taper from not less than 1 1~ 0 inches at the top to not less than 6 inches at the point where the clamp contacts the belt on cutting edge. TOWN OF SOIYII-IOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/1 l/D0 P. 4 Cab The cab shall be atlached to the rear frame of the machine. It shall be sound-suppressed, resiliently mounted to the wheel chassis. It shall be a ROPS type and shall include tinted glass, tilt steering wheel, windshield washer and wiper, dome lights, suspension seat, inside mounted reaxview mirrors and outside rea~ew mirrom, one lockable entry door on the leil side only; it shall have a floor . mat, rear window washer and wiper, outside mounted fire extinguisher, air conditioner, and heater. Cab must have radio mountings for two-way communication and computer monitored critical machine systems shall be readily viewed from the operator's location. The cab shall also be equipped with the following instrumentation: · Head light beam pilot · Speedometer · Fuel gauge · Turn si~nals · Diagnostic fault code messages for battery voltage, brake pressure, coolant level, engine air filler, engine oil pressure, fasten seat belt, hydraulic oil filler, hydraulic oil temperature, park brake engagement, transmission filter restriction, torque converter temperature gauge. Thc loader shall be equipped with the following lights: · Two front halogen work lights with high and low beams. · Two front halogen work lights on cab · Two front and two rear ntm signals · Stop, tail, and backup lights Service Capacities Shall be as follows: · Fuel tank: 114 gallons (432 L) · Cooling system: 45 qt. (43 L) · Crankcase: 40 qt. (38 L) · Transmission: 30 qt. (28 L) · Differential (each axle): 49 qt. (46 L) · Hydraulic reservoir: 38 gallons (144 L) · Parking break: 0.53 qt. (0.5 L) Overall Dimensions Shall be as follows: · Height to top of cab and canopy: · Height to top of exhaust: · Ground clearance: · Length from centcfilnc to front axle: · Wheelbase: · Height to hinge pin, fully raised: · Maxirouro digging depth: · Overall length: 11 fl 7 in 0520 mm) 10 ft 2 in (3100 mm) 18.3 in (465 nun) 5 fl 7 in (1700 mm) 11 fl 2 in (3400 mm) 14 fl 1 in (4281 mm) 3.6 in (92 mm) 28 it 2 in (8586 mm) TOWN OF SOLrrHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 5/11/00 P. 5 ACCESSORIES 1) Back-up alarm. 2) Elec~ric Horn 3) 24-volt to 12-volt, 10 amp voltage converter 4) Radiator guard must be hinged and lockable 5) Vandalism protection 6) Counterweight 7) Two sets of all manuals 8) Anti-froze protection to -30° F 9) 1,000 hour facto~ prescribed maintenance program to be performed at Town site with all pans and supplies furnished at 250-bour intervals. WARRANTY Shall be full machine (i.e., all parts and labor) for first six months, with an additional 54-month parts and labor on the powertxaln (i.e., engine and transmission/differential). Powertram coverage shall be for a total of 60 months or 10,000 hours, whichever occurs lust. T ram'portatian of machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's place of business, for warranty purposes, during the first six months of ownership shall be at the sole hardship and expense of the bidder. In such cases, should the machine be away from the Town's possession in excess of 10 calendar days, bidder also agrees to provide a suitable replacement machine to the Town a~in at the sole hardship and cost of the bidder, such l~placemunt machine to be made available not later than the 11t~ calendar day that the Town is not in possession of the machine bid, and kept available for the Town's use until such time as the bid machine is back in the Town's poSSesSiOIL Trausponation of the machine for servicing to and from the successful bidder's place of business, for warranty purposes, after six months of ownership is the responsibility of the Town, with the exception that if the bid machine must leave Long Island (i.e., the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, the bidder agrees to pay for transportation and permilting expenses required as a result of moving the machine off Long Island (i.e., outside the area encompassed by the counties of Nassau and Suffolk) for repair, with the Town being responsible only for trampon~atiun and permithng expenses to and from the Nassau County-New York City (i.e., the boroughs of Qucens and Brooklyn) line. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ONE NEW WHEEL LOADER 511 l~D0 P. 6 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS · THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER MUST BE AN AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR THE WHEEL LOADER PRESENTED. · The vendor shall have a full service facility, which shall be capable of perforating all possible types of repair "on premises". The vendor repair technicians shall have manufacturer sponsored training for repairing the model of equipment bid. · The vendor shall be able to provide a wide range of field service capabilities. · The vendor shall maintain at its authorized Long Island facility, an inventory of parts for the machine offered sufficient for the timely completion of hasic repairs (as recommended by the manufacturer). · The vendor shall be capable of providing any equipment or vehicle necessmy to transpot~ the machine to and from a sendce facility. In the event of accident during any such transporlalion, the vendor shall assume all responsibility, including any and all damage to the equipment. · Prior to being sel~ted, the vendor may be requi~d to furuish proof uf inatLranec policies sufficient to cover the costs of repair or replacement of the machine if the machine is damaged or destroyed while hi the vendor's possession. · All emended wammfies must be manufacturer wananties, NOT vendor/dis~rihatorship warranties. NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, .and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder, nor, to its best knowledge and belief, by any of its employees or agents, to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. (Signed) (Corporate Title) (if any) Bid on WHEEL LOADER Wheel Loader Bid Price Page The Bid Price for Wheel Loader shall be shown as follows: Price for One (1) new 2000 model year Wheel Loatler Less Value of Trades: I. One (I) 1995 Johll D~'e 744E Wheel Loader 2. One (I) 3 Cubic Yard Attachment Total Value of Tradas: Net Cost of Wheel Loader to Town of Southold LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 of the General Municipal Law, that sealed bids are sought and requested for the purchase of one (1) New 200 Model Four (~,) Wheel Drive Articulated Front End Rubber Tired Wheel Loader, John Deer or equal for use by the Solid Waste District. Specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Southold, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. The sealed bids, together with a Non-Collusive Bid Certificate and bank draft or certified check in the amount of $200.00, will be received by the Town Clerk, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New' York, until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, May 18, 2000, at which time they will be opened and read aloud in public. The Town Board of the Town of Southold reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all informality in any bid should it be deemed in the best interest of the Town of Southold to do so. All bids must be signed and sealed in envelopes plainly marked "Bid on New Wheelloader", and submitted to the Office of the Town Clerk. The bid price shall not include any tax, federal, state, or local from which the Town of Southold is exempt. Dated: May 5, 2000. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK 8~/11/~000 11~38 73~7976 $OUT~OLD TOW~ P~E 81 Wheel Loader Bid Price Page The Bid Price for Wheel Loader shall be shown as follows: Price for One (1) new 2000 model yem' Wheel Loader Less Value of Tradas; 1, One ( 1 ) 1995 John Deere 744E Wheel Loader 2. One (I) 3 Cubic Yard Attachment Total V~lue of Trades: Net Cost of Wheel Loader to Town of Southold