HomeMy WebLinkAboutWortis, Ethel Eday of May, 1959, lxJtween ~ -H~~QR_E~STATE 145 E. 74th St. New york, N.Y. ~exe~nafter called the party of the f~rst part and THE TOWN OF SOft. OLD, a munieipal ccwpowatio~ of the State of New York, hereinafter called the party of the second pert, WZTN~SSETH~ the party of the first part is the cMner of certain tract o£ land situate, lying and being in the [~Town o£ southold, County of Suffolk and b~cate of New York, ~le£1y bounded and described as follows, N-ETHEL E. WORTIS E-ETHEL E. WORTIS S-RICHMOND CREEK W-ETHEL E. WORTIS the party of the second ~ proposes to conduct oporatLonf in RZCHM(]e~D CREEK :Ln the vicinity of the above defsor%bed ~re~tses, NOW, T~m~OR~, IT I8 A(3R~, that the party of the first part gives and grants unto the l~rty o£ the second part the right, license and privilege to enter ul~n that l~rtion of on the map attached hereto and made a part hereof and deo4g- hated 'EXhibit A" for the following pttrpose8, tO witJ To deposit spoil mater4al on said land together with the and to enter upc~ said l~nd with such dredging, filling and ', ~ -~ said IT IS ,rUti~R A~REED, that the party of the first part gives and grants unto the party of the second part the right license and privilege to lay pipelines over and upo~ the shore o£ the preuttaes o£ the party o£ the £4~st part ~Jac~t to RI~ ~ f~ 2he ~ose of ~t~g ~t~al ~ to h~e reu~le access to n~d ~e ~Kallat~on, ~ ~d r~ o[ ~e It ~s ~st~ly ~st~ ~at ~e tKn '~ty o~ ~e se~d ~ ~ffK u~ hKe~, ~all nd il ~ten~ to ~clude ~e o~c~s, aq~to ~d ~l~es o~ b~ u~ ~e ~es h~eto ~d ~e~ he~s, executes, ~%s~at~s ~d aaa~e. ~ WI~BSS ~OF, ~e ~t~ of ~ [~ p~t has h~e~to s~ his h~ nd ~ ~e day ~d ~e ~en. LeSo STATE OF New YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK day o£ May, on this per sonnally came 1959, before me the known and known ~o me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and to me acknowledged that he executed the same. 145 ~. 74th St. N-ETHEL E. WORTIS E-ETHEL E. WORTIS S-RICHMOND CREEK W-ETHEL E. WORTI$ ~ ~ tho oeeond pert