HomeMy WebLinkAbout1-Misc Easements August 31, 1965. Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, L.I.,N.Y. Gentlemen; On December 1, 1964 the Town Trustees wrote you with reference to the various major dredging projects in the creeks of Southold Town, requesting that detailed plans of these projects be submitted to them for consideration an~ approval prior to any such project being undertaken. A similar request was made to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. The Town Trustees are making a second request that the plans for dredging and/or filling of Town owned lands under water be submitted in detail to the Board of Town Trustees for consid- eration and approval before any requests are made to the County of Suffolk for such work to be performed. It is the understanding of the Town Trustees that such proposed work in town waters is specifically entrusted to their Jurisdiction, and that their approval is legally necessary before the Town Board can lawfully proceed with the proposed projects. Very truly yours, '-~'i' .... ~.,"~,., ~-~. ", ~"-.~-'~ -, ~ Marion A. Regent, Secretary Southold Town Trustees December 1, 1964 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, L.I. ,N.Y~ Gentlemen; With reference to the various major dredging projects in the creeksof Southold Town, the Southold Town Trustees, having jurisdiction over these lands under water, request thut detailed plans o£ :nese projects be submitted to them for consider- ation and approval prior to any such project being undertaken. A similar request is being made to the Suffolk County Department of Public Works. By Order of the Southold Town Trustees, Marion A. Regent, Secretary December l, 1964 Lester M. Albertson, Supervisor 16 South Street Greenport, L.I., N.Y. Dear Mr. Albertson; The Southold Town Trustees at their meeting on November 30, 1964, considered the request of the Mattituck Park District that they be given the opportunity to purchase at a nominal fee those lands owned by the TOWn of §outhold Board of Town Trustees hounded as follows~ East by Mattituck Park District; south by County Highway Route 27! west by Westphalia Road and North by Mattituck Creek. The Board voted to grant this request with Mr. MeNulty abstaining as he' is a member of the Mattituck park District. We respectfully request that the Town Attorney prepare the necessary papers to effect such a transfer of this property to the Mattituck Park District. By Order of the Southold Town Trustees Marion A. Regent, Secretary December 1, 1964 Mr. H. F. Blshop Comtssloner of Public Works Yaphank, L.I. New York Dear Mr. Btshop~ With reference to the various proposed major dredging projects in the creeks of Southold TOWn, the Southold Town Trustees, having jurisdiction oyez' ~A~a laz, ds und~=r water, request that detailed plans of these projects be submitted 2o them for consider- ation and approval prior to any such project being undertaken. A similar request is being made to the Southold Town Board. By Order of the $outhold Town Trustees Marion A. Regent, Secretary AGREEMENT THTS AGREF~IS~V£ made the day of May, 1959, between New ~fork, N.Y. here/halter callecl the party of tl~ first part and THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation of the State of New york, hereinafter called the party of the second part, WIT~ESSETH ~ W~E.~AS, the party of the first part is the owner of all that certaLn tract of 1aha situate, ly/-ng and being in the ,Tc~n of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, briefly bounded and described as follows~ N-ETHEL E. WORTIS E-ETHEL E. WORTIS S-RICHMOND CREEK W-ETHEL E. WORTIS WHEREAS, the party of the second part proposes to conduct above described remises, NOW, THEREFOI~E, IT IS AGREED, that the party o£ the £irst part gives and grants unto the party of the second ~art the right, license and ~rlvllege to enter upon that portion of the above described premises as is shown and marked in red On the map attached hereto and m~de a part hereof and desig- nated 'Exhibit A# for the following purposes, to wit: ~-. To deposit spoil matarial on said land together w~th the =ight to erect clikes, lay, ~aintain and remove p~pelines, and to enter upon said land with such dredging, filling and ~rading machinery and equipment as ks necessary to accon~lish said purposes. IT IS FUROR AC~REED, that the party of the f/rst part g~ves and grantm u~to the party of the second part the right 1/~ense and privilege to lay pipelines over and upon the shore o£ the pre~Lses o~ the party o£ the £irst part adjacent, to RICHMOND CREEK for the purpose o~ transport~nq dredge material and to have reasonable access to said pipelines for the installation, use and removal of the same. It is dist~nctly understoo~ that the term "party of the second part" whenever used here~n, shall and is ~ntended to include the officers, agents and en~loyees of the County of Suffolk engaged in said dredging operations. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and the/r he,rs, executors, administrators and assigns. This agreement shall expire on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of t/~ first pert has hereunto set hie hand and seal the day and year first above written. L.Se STATE OF NeW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK day of May, On this per sonnally came 1959, before me the subscriber ~ tom~ known and known ~o me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrmnent and to me acknowledged that he executed the same. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made the day of June, 1959. between hereinafter called the party of the f/rst part and the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereinafter called the party of the second part. WITNESSETH~ W~.RF.~S, the party of the f~rst part is the ow~er of all of that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying alld being in the Toga of So~thold, Cotmty of Suffolk and State of N~w Yor~, briefly bounded and desc~ibed as follows: ~HER~, the party of the second part ~roposes to conduct dredging operations in Corey Creek in the vicinity of the above described l~re~ises, NOW. THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED, that the party of the first part gives and grants unto the party of the second part, the license, right and privilege to enter upon that ~ortio-n of the above described premises as is shown in red on the map attached hereto and forming a part hereofe for the following perposes, to wit= To deposit spoil material on sa~d lan~ together with the right to erect dikes, lay. maintain and remove pipelines and to enter upon said lands with such dredging, filling and gradihg machinery and e_quipment as is accessory to accomplish .. sa!~ purposes.. It is distinctly understood that "the party of the second part" whenever used herein shall and is intended to include the officers, agents and employeee of ~he County of Suffolk engaged in sai~ ~tre~ging operations. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of an~- the hin~ing upon the parties hereto an~ their heirse executors, adminis~rators a,~ assigns. This agreement shall exglre on IN WITNESS WHER~OP, the p~ty of the first part has here%%nto set his hana anO s~al the day and year first above wr itten. LoSo STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUr~'OLK) On this day of June, 1959, before me per sonally came to me personally known and ~own 'co me to be the ~ame perso~ described in and who execute~ the with~ instrument an~ acknowledged ~a to me that he executed the same. ~otary Public ',, h~e~t~ caZle~ ~e p~y of ~e f~st ~t, ~ ~ ~{ ~ ~ S~O~, a ~ic~ ~a~i~n of ~e state of New York, he=einafter calle~ the party of the second part, WI~SSETH: WHEREAS, the party o~ the first part Is the owner of a11 that~ certain lot, piece or parcel of 1ara%, situate lying and being in the Tow~ of Southold, County of ~uffolk an~ State of l~ew York briefly ~eeribe~ as follows: WHEREAS, the party of the second part proposes to c~nduct NOW, THEREFOR=, IT IS AG.RE~D, that the ~mr:y of the first right, llc~se and privilege to enter upon the prnm~ses hereinbefore described for the follc~Nlng purposem: To lay pi.pel~ over and upon said premttmes for the purpose of transporting dredge materi~l and to have reaSo--h~e uucesu to sn~ ~ipoline and premmses for the ln~tallation USe and removal of said ~lpeline~. The parties ~eroto mutually agree that the p~ty o£ tile first part will hol~. the 9~ty o~ ~he s~con~ ~rt h~mless ~. ~co~itionally rele~= t~e ~ty o~ ~e secon~ ~y li~l!ty ~ts~ver for ~y cla~ for d~ges ~ or ~y cause of action wha~s~, ~t~lng out of ~ ~g to ~e u~ of ~ald pre~s~ by ~e p~t~f of the ~econd the se~n~ p~%" when~ u~ here~, shall ~clud~ agars, repre~ntattves ~d ~ployees of ~o C~nty of ~ffolk. ~s ~re~nt ~11 ~e to ~e ~nefit of binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, administrators, successors and ~sslgns. Thiz agreement shall exloire on LN WIT~ES~ WtLEREO~, the party of the firut p~rt has h~e~to set his h~d ~d ~eal ~e ~ay ~ ~ f~st ~e STATg OF NU;'~ YORi~) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CI~ thi~_ dzy of , 1959, befcxe me ~sonal!y cnT.~} ~o ~ kn~, ~d ~=~ to ~ to be '~e ~dividual d~s~i~d ~ ~d ~no ~ecu~e~ t~ forgoing ~a~t ~d to ~ ac].a.~ledged ~a~ h~ e;:e~ted the ~a. /4¸ d~y of · 1959, heraknafter ealle~ the party of the first part, and TOWN OF SO~HOLD, a municipal carporatioe% of the State of mew Yoxk, hexeinaftor calle~ the ~ty o~ the se¢on~ part, WIT~ESSETHs ~HEB__~3%~, th~ ~y of the first part As the ~ of an~ berg i~ the Town of ~outhold, COunty of Suffolk ~, tho ~ty of the SeCOX~ =onduc~ Bridging o~a~s ~n C~ay ~. ~ORE~ ~ ZS AGR~D~ tha~ ~e ~ty of ~e f~ D~t gives ~d ~tm ~to ~e ~ty of right, li~ ~ ~ivll~e to en~ T~ lay pipelines over amd upon said premises fox the p=~e of ~xaas~ting ~edge matexial an~ to have reasonable access to satxl pipelines and premises fox the use an~ ren~mv~ of ~aid pipeline~. lam pl~X~8 ~ ~ u~ ~ ~ f~ THI:3 ~ND~ ma~e WITNES~KTH~ lying ~ bei~ ixl the Town o~ Southol~, County of Suffo~]~ ae~ State o£ Ney Y~'k h~e~Xy ~~ ~ foll~l~ co~duct 4redg~uq operatic~a$ Xn c~ Creek ~W, THEReFOrE, IT IS A~&EF~, that the l~u~ty of and removmX 0£ said pipelines. ~e ~ of ~~t~g ~e u~t~ial ~ ~o have T~IS I~DSNTU,%E, ;~e ~.e ___.__ day of . right, 1959, PI?E L £