HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/24/1956 ~,IINUTES
Mat tituck Hearing
July 24, 1956
The first public hearing on the proposed ~outhold Town Zoning
0rdi~ance was called to order by the Chairman of the boning Commission
John ~ickham, at ~ P.M. in the Mattituck High School, with the read-
ing of the publi*~d Notice of Hearing, as printed in the L.I.
Traveler of July ~, 1956.
About sixty persons attended the hearing. The Chairman spoke
briefly concerning the intentions of the Commission as regards
zoning, the appointment and duties of the Commission, the fact that
expenses to date were $?60.38, not including maps, printing o~
Ordinance and other incidentals relating to the public hearings~
and he introduced the members of the Commission present, Mr. Gillisple,
Mr. Reeve, and Rd. Va~ Duzer, as well as ~r. Van Tuyl, map-maker,
and ~. }~ddeman, consultant. He t~en asked the persons at the
hearing to do two things: to first give name and address when
speaking, m~zx~hm~, and to submit all suggestions and objections
in writing, following the hearing~
The following persons spoke to the hearing:
George F. Fisher, New Suffolk, re labor camps.
Robert Seh, ~attituck, re make-up of Board of Appeals.
Edwar~ Wirsing, Mattituck, re Sec. 1006. T~inks minlm~m ~Tigure
of 20 feet too low, suggested A00~ 56 feet.
George Tiebel, Mattituck, re Sec. 12 under Definitions. (Hotel).
Gertrude Koop, Mattituck, re possibility of building in the
future on 50' lot already held.
Mrs. John Kpop, Mattituck, re same as Gertrude Koop.
Charles Frazee, ~attituck, re property under continuous ownership
in Industrial "C" w~ich fronts 200' on street.
The ~hairman called a ten-minute recess in order to allow persons to
look at the maps.
When the hearing reconvened, the C~irman discussed the town Trailer
Camp ordinance at some length, and Supervisor Klipp also talked to
this point. There was some feeling that camps operated privately
were not taken care of either by the ~own Ordinance or the Zoning
Others spoke as follows:
~. Hobe~t Se~, Mattituck, wanted business area more limited.
~s. Elliott Goldsmith, ~ttituck, wanted clarification of the
Sec. 004 regarding Boy and Girl Scout c~ps.
C~rles Frazee, ~ttituck, spoke to Sec. 604 also.
Me Chairman introduced ~. Muddeman again and ~. Mudde~n congratu-
lated the Com~isslon on its work and the Town Board on its foresi~t.
The hearing adjourned at ~6 P.M.